Poppy for duodenal ulcer. Is it possible to eat chocolate and cocoa if you have a peptic ulcer? An example of me during an exacerbation of the disease and at the recovery stage

The diet of a person with peptic ulcer disease is divided into several categories. One of them contains sweets. Their use for ulcers is limited because they contain quickly digestible carbohydrates.

Reason for banning sweets

High-calorie foods do not provide value to the body during ulcers, due to the high percentage of refined sugar.

With the current pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, sweets are not allowed for several reasons:

  • When you eat “pure” sweets, the necessary vitamins are lost. This happens when the mucous membrane does not allow beneficial minerals to be fully absorbed. The general condition worsens, vitamin disorders occur;
  • When eating chocolate with a stomach ulcer, a person experiences IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Even simple sweets can provoke vomiting, heartburn, painful spasms (epigastric area);
  • Lying down for a long time and eating sugary foods lead to obesity. Jelly sweets do not add fat, and if a person is wondering whether marshmallows are ok, then it is better to consult a specialist. The doctor will adjust the list of permitted products.

Sweets for ulcer pathology are included in the list of prohibited drugs. They are difficult to digest, help secrete gastric juice, and cause pain. They contain dyes and preservatives that have a detrimental effect on the soft tissues of the intestines.

Do's and Don'ts

Still, if you have a stomach ulcer, you can eat chocolate, but only 50 grams. It must be natural, black, without additives. Even if the disease is in remission, milk chocolate is prohibited.

  • Is it possible to use honey for an ulcer?
  • recipes for ulcers

When there is a lull, it is permissible to enjoy caramel. Sweets containing fillers in the form of liqueurs, fruit slices and nuts are prohibited. Many ulcer sufferers love popsicles, but they are not always acceptable.

Is it possible to have ice cream for an ulcer? Everyone who has encountered problems in the gastrointestinal tract knows about this. This delicacy is prohibited! You should absolutely not eat hot or cold food. With a sharp change in temperature, the mucous membrane becomes irritated and the condition worsens. If you consume even a piece of the frozen treat, the entire treatment will go down the drain.

What to do with confectionery

Marshmallows do not contain fat, so they go down quickly without adding calories. In addition, sweetness tends to bring health benefits:

  • Marshmallow contains agar, pectin, and gelatin. These components have an antiviral effect, discharge the intestines, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin eliminates salts and removes toxins from the body.
  • Agar in sweets normalizes the stomach, fills the gastrointestinal tract with necessary substances and vitamins. Marshmallows with gelatin in the list of ingredients are used carefully. This delicacy has a lot of calories.
  • If a person loves this delicacy, he should buy white or milk marshmallows (according to color). You can use black, but then the remission must be stable and long-lasting.

What is allowed in moderation

Specialists, together with nutritionists, allow you to add some goodies to your diet. The permitted list of sweets is indicated:

  • pudding (low sugar);
  • light-colored marshmallows;
  • jelly from unsweetened fruits;
  • caramel;
  • jam (with low acidity);
  • marmalade (carefully);
  • honey products;
  • fruit puree.

Honey can be diluted in water at room temperature, this will increase acid production. If diluted with warm water, there will be more benefits. Honey product is often recommended for gastritis and ulcers due to its healing properties.

How to eat with an ulcer

By strictly following the principles of nutrition for ulcers, you can restore your diet as adequately as possible and prevent complications of the disease:

  • the patient must consume a daily calorie intake of at least 3000 in 24 hours. The menu is clear, sweets are in limited quantities;
  • You should eat often, but in small portions. The interval between consumption of products is a maximum of 3 hours;
  • dinner should “fit in two palms.” This is approximately 7-8 tablespoons;
  • Don't eat fried foods. And also prohibited are delicacies baked to a “golden” crust;
  • hot and cold are prohibited. Such dishes inhibit the formation of enzymes and do not allow the gastric mucosa to recover;
  • Initially, you need to know about foods that cause bloating. It is recommended to exclude them;
  • salt will also have to be limited;
  • liquid is drunk in any quantity, if there are no problems with the kidneys. Soda and alcohol are prohibited for any illness;
  • You can eat dairy. But not everything is recommended here either. To be clarified by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the body;
  • dishes are served stewed, steamed, boiled.

Each person has their own “marks” in the body. Some people definitely need a diet, but for others it is safe to go off it and eat as usual. The zigzag principle applies here. The patient is freed from proper nutrition for a short time, then switches back to it. This method trains the gastrointestinal tract, but is suitable for the recovery stage.

There are no uniform standards, so all products, including sweets, should be discussed with your doctor. Age, preferences, allergies, body weight, and existing pathologies are taken into account. But also when eating sweets, you need to know how long it takes for this or that yummy to be digested.

There is absolutely no way without sweets; the body sometimes needs endorphins that come from sweets. If you really want chocolate, then it is advisable to eat a slice of dark, bitter chocolate. The remaining tiles come with fillers that worsen the current condition.

Is it possible to eat cookies if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer?

The main component of the treatment of stomach ulcers is therapeutic dietary nutrition. This menu includes only healthy light foods that do not overload the stomach or irritate it.

But despite the prevalence of this disease, many patients are still interested in the question: “Is it possible to eat sweets without harm to your body?” Well, let's look at this issue.

Are any sweets acceptable for an ulcer?

It is very rare to meet a person who does not like sweet treats, so many patients with ulcers have to suffer, because strict restrictions have been introduced on the consumption of sweets. It is especially difficult for those who like to enjoy caramels and chocolate.

But such a strict ban on sweets was introduced by doctors for a reason, because most confectionery products contain a lot of refined sugar, which does not have any nutritional value for the human body.

To at least somehow “sweeten” your diet, you can try yourself in the role of a pastry chef and use your imagination in the kitchen, experimenting with permitted products (see table).

Cereals and cereals Vegetables Fruits Milk products Meat, fish, eggs Sauces and dressings Sweets
Slimy porridges, bread, cereals, biscuits, Fresh, steamed, stewed, boiled vegetables that do not cause excessive gas formation Any seasonal fruits and berries with low acid content, as well as diluted juices Fat-free or low-fat foods, hard cheeses, yoghurts Lean white poultry without skin, lean sea fish, eggs Light low-fat mayonnaise, homemade mild sauces, honey, sour jam Marshmallows, sorbet, rice crispies, frozen fruit juice

Today on the Internet you can find many recipes that will appeal to any person, even those who do not suffer from such a disease, for example:

  • Cottage cheese casserole with carrots.
  • Curd puddings with fruits.
  • Semolina casseroles, etc.

What treats will not harm an ulcer?

Sugar in its pure form, oddly enough, is not a forbidden food, but its combination with fatty foods can play a cruel joke. Eating such products can cause pain, belching and heartburn. That is why the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing sweets is their fat content.

Within reason, doctors allow the consumption of the following sweet dishes and products:

  • Sweet puddings.
  • Kisley.
  • Marshmallow.
  • Taffy and caramel.
  • Jams (you need to be careful here, because fruits contain a lot of acids, and they lead to an increased release of hydrochloric acid).
  • Honey.
  • Marmalades and jelly.
  • Fruit purees and mousses.

Cookies and other baked goods

Various pastries and jams are allowed to be consumed only when:

  • The disease has lost ground and is in remission.
  • The sweets will be slightly sweet, not cloying or sour.
  • No food additives or flavorings will be added to baked goods.

Oatmeal cookies are considered the most suitable option, because oatmeal is used to prepare it, which contains a lot of useful substances that can strengthen the immune system.

As we have already said, if you have an ulcer, you should monitor the temperature of the foods you eat, avoiding excessively hot or cold foods. A very sudden change in temperature will cause irreparable damage to the mucous membrane, which is why people with ulcers should not eat ice cream.

Oatmeal and oatmeal cookies

All sweets, in particular cookies, are very high-calorie foods with minimal content of beneficial microorganisms. As doctors convince, patients should understand that all sweets are fatty, and therefore excluded from the diet. At the same time, cookies are the most suitable delicacy, which contains practically no fat. But it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that if you add flavorings and other additives to cookies, unfortunately, they will also become forbidden. As a rule, various additives can rarely be found in oatmeal cookies, so cookies can be consumed with stomach ulcers without any fear. This delicious dish can be a full-fledged afternoon snack, or just a snack between main meals.

The availability and usefulness of oatmeal cookies lies in the fact that oatmeal contains many vitamins and other substances that can strengthen the body. It is also worth highlighting another feature of oatmeal cookies. Due to the large amount of B vitamins, eating cookies has a positive effect on the skin, stimulating the production of new tissues, and coats the mucous surfaces inside the stomach.

Oatmeal will have the same properties. When boiling it, the mucus that is released will become an additional barrier. After the walls of the stomach have recovered a little, porridge can be cooked not in water, but using milk. In conclusion, I would like to summarize: if you follow a healthy diet, do not get into stressful situations and recover from Helicobacter pylori, any symptoms and ulcerative manifestations will disappear from your life, once and for all.

But, before choosing such a treatment method on your own, you need to go to an appointment with a therapist or gastroenterologist, who will help you create the right menu, prescribe the necessary medication, and also advise you about your condition.


Follow a healthy diet for a sick stomach

Pain in the stomach or intestines indicates that there is a problem in the digestive tract.

And often the cause of the disease is poor nutrition, because it is the gastrointestinal tract that takes the full blow from an eaten hamburger or a portion of fried meat with salt, poured on top with beer.

Why does my stomach hurt and do I need a diet?

Pain in the gastrointestinal tract can be caused by many reasons. The first of these is food. The stomach needs up to 4 hours to digest food. Food passes through the stomach and intestines in an average of 12 hours. Do you remember what you ate over the last half day? If your stomach hurts, but the past few days have been spent on a hectic holiday with friends or yesterday you stayed with relatives who cooked a lot, then the pain can be triggered by food that is harmful to the stomach mucosa, which caused unpleasant consequences.

Other causes of abdominal pain are not so pleasant. Burning pain indicates gastritis. Pain in the form of contractions hints at colic. Heaviness? This means that gases have accumulated. Terrible and excruciating pain means an ulcer, in which case you need to urgently call an ambulance. Stitching pain leads to diseases of the duodenum. Pain immediately after eating – ulcer or pancreatitis. A reaction to fatty or acidic foods indicates a malfunction of the pancreas or an incorrect concentration of acid in the stomach.

Self-diagnosis and self-medication are dangerous not only due to the harm that can be caused to oneself in the process, but also by lost time. Today there is pain, tomorrow there is an ulcer.

If the pain is severe or prolonged, you should immediately consult a doctor.

But sometimes the pain is not severe enough to see a doctor, or there is simply no such option. What to do in such cases? You can try a general diet for a sick stomach, which will be discussed below.


A menu for a sick stomach has several general goals: to reduce the load on the stomach as much as possible, not to provoke an increase/decrease in acidity, and not to increase bile production. This can be achieved by eating “gentle” foods:

  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • boiled vegetables in the form of puree - carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, beets, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • yesterday's bread, even better - crackers;
  • steamed omelette;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable broth soups, cereal soups;
  • lean boiled meat, preferably minced into minced meat (cutlets);
  • fish, similar to meat;
  • semolina, boiled rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

For pain symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract, these products will intensify the symptoms, and alcohol can even cause a serious illness if it does not already exist. List of dangerous foods that, if eaten, can cause new problems:

  • any pastries or baked goods;
  • hot seasonings (although you should avoid all types), salt in large quantities;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • sauces;
  • canned meat or vegetable products;
  • coffee, strong tea, kvass, soda;
  • fatty broths, animal fats in general;
  • sour berries, vegetables and fruits;
  • in general, everything is sour or sweet;
  • vegetables that are difficult to digest (cabbage, onions, radishes);
  • fried and smoked food;
  • alcohol in any shape or form.

No one will be pleased to go to a holiday with a sick stomach, and leave it in an ambulance with an open ulcer.

Of course, it can be very difficult to give up your favorite chocolate bar in the middle of the workday or a good piece of meat in the evening, but “healthy” food can also be very tasty - it’s just that few people dare to apply it in their life.

What liquids can you drink?

The stomach has its own acidity level, and liquids should not disturb it. You can drink regular distilled or carbon filtered water, mineral water without gases and weak tea.

You can’t drink everything else: coffee irritates the mucous membranes, milk contains heavy protein, kefir has a lot of bacteria, juices change acidity, and so on.

How to create the right menu? What to cook?

Creating a menu is very simple - you need to combine foods and liquids from the permitted list and avoid foods from the prohibited list. For example, the daily menu might look like this:

  • Morning – mashed potatoes with water, soft-boiled egg. You can add a pinch of salt to the puree. A cup of tea.
  • Between breakfast and lunch - crackers, again with tea.
  • Lunch – soup with cereal, yesterday’s bread, chicken cutlets.
  • Between lunch and dinner you can have a snack with semolina or an omelet.
  • For dinner - pasta with fish. Nobody canceled the evening mug of tea.

If you change the products, but leave the idea, you can dream up a menu for the whole week. Porridge instead of mashed potatoes in the morning, something light in the afternoon, for lunch there is nothing stopping you from cooking fish or rabbit meat (if finances allow), until dinner you can stretch out on breadcrumbs (which will become your constant companions during your illness), a light dinner of soup, eggs or pasta will end the day. The main thing here is to show imagination and experiment. A sick stomach is never a joy, but you can also benefit from such a situation - now is a good time to reconsider your eating habits. In addition, such a diet may be a good diet for weight loss.

Some dietary features

All products that make up the menu must be fresh and clean. Before using a product, you should ask yourself the question several times: “Is this product really going to harm me?” If it does no harm, you can proceed to cooking it. It is better not to eat raw vegetables; they should be boiled. Ideally, all ingredients should be ground or passed through a meat grinder - this reduces the load on the stomach during digestion.

It is strictly forbidden to overeat. Often there is a slight feeling of hunger - the body, accustomed to abundant nutrition, requires more. This is worth fighting; mild hunger is better than heaviness in the stomach and nausea. In addition, reducing food in your diet will help you lose some excess weight - an unexpected pleasant bonus in treating a sore stomach.

How to cook and eat?

The magic of therapeutic nutrition lies not only in the correct selection of products, but also in their correct use. Here are some important rules:

  • You need to eat food at the same time every day so that your stomach gets used to the daily routine.
  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • The food temperature should be between 15 and 70 degrees. Of course, you don’t need to run around with a thermometer - it’s enough to agree that food and liquid should be “warm”.
  • Food must be chopped. The smaller the better. Preferably - on a grater or in a meat grinder, but teeth also do a good job of the task. You need to chew food thoroughly and thoroughly, as if the health of the entire gastrointestinal tract depends on it (and it does).

About nutrition for various diseases

The doctor wrote an illegible diagnosis on the card, another doctor I knew deciphered these scribbles: pancreatitis/ulcer/high acidity. What to do next? After all, the further development or treatment of the disease depends on nutrition.

For heartburn

Heartburn occurs due to reflux.

What is reflux?

Reflux is a process in which the contents of the stomach (mostly stomach acid) are thrown back into the esophagus.

The reasons may be:

  • hiatal hernia;
  • excess weight;
  • alcohol, cigarettes;
  • high acidity of consumed foods;
  • severe chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes;
  • pregnancy.

Heartburn does not provoke (what you can eat):

  • sweet fruits;
  • lean types of meat;
  • cooked vegetables;
  • grain and cereal products - bread, oatmeal, rice, bran;
  • table mineral water.

High acidity in the stomach

The goal of a diet for high acidity is extremely simple - to reduce acidity. The following will help with this: dairy products, butter and vegetable oil, sweet fruits and juices, vegetables, tea, mineral water.

For people with this problem, you will have to eliminate from the diet:

  • millet, corn, legumes, marinades;
  • fermented and fermented products;
  • fatty broths from fish, meat, mushrooms;
  • the dishes themselves are made from fish, meat and mushrooms;
  • everything is sour;
  • coffee, soda, chocolate.

Low acidity

With low acidity, the diet for the patient is much more pleasant. The permitted list of products includes:

  • fermented milk dishes and drinks;
  • fried, stewed and baked meat and fish;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • low-fat broths;
  • boiled or baked vegetables;
  • juices, cocoa, coffee, tea with lemon.

Pancreatitis and cholecystitis

These diseases require a complex diet aimed at caring for the liver and pancreas. To create the right menu, you need to consult your doctor.

Allowed to eat:

  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • unsweetened jelly or compote;
  • lean meat or fish, boiled and chopped;
  • porridge with milk.

Small indulgences: sometimes you can add greens, yolks, and baked fruits to your diet.

Preventing stomach problems

If the reader’s stomach does not suffer from vague pains or attacks of heartburn, this does not mean that you can eat anything and enjoy life. The joy may end very soon.

To keep your stomach in good shape, it is important to eat healthy or harmless foods and be sure to develop a nutritional culture. Healthy foods worth noting:

  • Foods high in fiber - vegetables, fruits, bran, grains - should be constantly included in the diet.
  • Vegetable oils can improve intestinal motility.
  • Fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on intestinal flora.
  • Seafood rich in iodine and microelements. The most accessible example is seaweed.
  • Foods rich in complex carbohydrates. Bread, porridge.
  • Various dietary dishes.

It would be a good idea to watch the following video

The intestines will begin to get sick even from moderate doses of simple carbohydrates (baked goods, sweets).

Nutrition culture and health care in general include:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • careful use of medications;
  • timely treatment of diseases;
  • fight against obesity (if you are overweight, losing weight is never harmful);
  • refusal to eat dry food;
  • established diet;
  • fractional frequent portions;
  • adequate temperature of food consumed.

The need for food does not disappear in a person throughout his life. From it we receive the energy we need for life and chemical elements for the normal functioning of the body. But some people forget that the stomach is not a “furnace” into which you can throw any kind of firewood and run about your business. It would be a good idea to watch your diet so as not to get sick from many complex diseases. And if the latter nevertheless attacked the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth creating an adequate diet and following it until recovery, because only good diet therapy can cure the stomach.

The diet for duodenal ulcers should be followed during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

This disease has recently become more common due to the pace of life, constant stress, poor lifestyle, and poor diet.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

Diet for exacerbation of ulcers

When treating ulcers, attention is paid to proper nutrition; no drugs will restore the affected areas unless you follow a strict diet.

Violation of the routine and neglect of proper nutrition lead to an exacerbation of the disease. The diet for exacerbation of a duodenal ulcer in the first 2-3 days includes the use of only approved foods that have undergone heat treatment, crushed into puree, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane and avoid tissue injury.

The diet for the first days of exacerbation of the disease includes poultry, lean veal, and fish. The meat is well cleaned of tendons, skin, fat, boiled by steam or in water, then minced in a meat grinder 2-3 times.

They do the same with fish. Ready meals should be in the form of a soufflé. For a balanced diet, the diet is varied with vegetable puree or ground lean porridge. Among dairy products, milk is welcome; it soothes the irritated lining of the intestines and neutralizes acid production.

On the 2nd or 3rd day, dried crustless bread and peeled fruits, crushed into a puree, are added to the menu for ulcers. After a week, following the diet becomes easier, and light low-fat broths can be added to the patient’s diet; all dairy products, meat and fish do not need to be crushed, but chewed thoroughly.

Treatment of peptic ulcer disease is effective if you follow a diet and proper nutrition.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers

A gastroenterologist can identify and make a diagnosis using anamnesis and gastroscopy performed on an outpatient basis.

The cause and causative agent of the disease is considered to be the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Treatment of ulcers is based on complex treatment:

  • A course of antibacterial therapy using antibiotics active against bacteria;
  • Drugs that neutralize the production of the main component of gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, which damages the mucous membrane and forms ulcers;
  • Preparations that protect and create a reducing film in the affected area;
  • A balanced, gentle diet, giving up bad habits.

The correct treatment regimen, adherence to the daily routine, and recommended nutrition are important for treatment and lead to complete recovery. Upon completion of the full course of therapy, after repeated examinations, the success of treatment is determined using repeated gastroscopy.

Drug treatment is carried out for 2 weeks.

Maintenance therapy is prescribed, and until complete recovery the patient is recommended to follow a diet and quit smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. The last resort in treating ulcers is surgery. Used in cases of long-term non-healing ulcers, complications, exacerbation of the disease.

The affected area of ​​the duodenum is surgically removed, blocking the nerve endings that help increase acidity. After radical treatment, the main factor for success is a specially selected diet, as with conservative treatment.

Important information about the disease in the video

Allowed foods

The diet for duodenal ulcer is compiled taking into account the permitted products:

  1. Vegetable soups in the form of puree.
  2. Pureed milk soups.
  3. Steamed chicken eggs in the form of an omelette.
  4. Soft-boiled chicken eggs, no more than 2 per week.
  5. Lean veal.
  6. Chicken meat without skin.
  7. Low-fat fish.
  8. All seasonal vegetables, except white cabbage.
  9. Non-sour fruits, crushed or baked.
  10. Cereals boiled in water or milk, pre-ground.
  11. Bread made from wholemeal flour, dried, no more than 300 grams per day.
  12. The juices are not sour.
  13. Among the drinks, rosehip decoction is welcome, as it improves digestion.
  14. Fats. Only butter and vegetable oil, no more than 25 grams per day.
  15. Dairy products. The basis of the diet for ulcers. All dairy products and milk are allowed, except fermented milk products with added preservatives. Homemade milk sauces are allowed.

Prohibited products for everyone

The list of prohibited foods for duodenal ulcers includes:

  • Fat meat. Pork, poultry skin, meat with a layer of lard.
  • Decoctions and broths from fatty meat.
  • Baking, black, white fresh bread.
  • Products containing fiber, especially not in grated form.
  • Spicy, salty, smoked food.
  • Fats in any form.
  • Fried foods.
  • Cold drinks, ice cream.
  • Chocolate, coffee drinks.
  • Conservation.
  • Alcoholic drinks, carbonated water.

Popular dishes and strict diet

Despite the strict regime, following a strict diet with many restrictions, the patient must receive fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Using permitted products and processing methods, you can prepare dishes that are no less tasty and healthy. There are many recipes for famous dishes for this disease.

Delicious, healthy dietary dishes include meat soufflé made from tender veal, vegetable puree soup with your favorite vegetables, sour cream dressing, lazy cottage cheese dumplings, a simple, satisfying, tasty dish.

Boiled fish can be combined with steamed vegetables; multi-colored slices of vegetables diversify the dish and add a pleasant taste to the fresh fish.

In order to improve the taste and saturate it with vitamins, it is necessary to add fruit to the ground porridge; if it is not sour porridge, pumpkin will be an excellent affordable, tasty addition. Baked sweet apples with cottage cheese and honey are good as a dessert. You can also bake pears this way.

From drinks, in addition to medicinal rosehip decoction, you can prepare jelly and compotes from non-acidic fruits.

Sample menu for the week

When drawing up a menu for the week, you need to take into account the general condition of the patient and this should be done by a specialist.

The main rule of the diet remains the same: rational, healthy, fractional meals. Portions should be small, at least 5 times a day.


  • Breakfast: 150 grams of slimy oatmeal with ground strawberries, a slice of bread with butter, rosehip decoction.
  • Second: apple baked with cottage cheese, jelly.
  • Lunch: Puree soup with zucchini and breadcrumbs. Steamed fish. Compote.
  • Afternoon snack: Chicken soufflé. Banana.
  • Dinner: Meatballs with mashed potatoes. Steamed boiled vegetables. A glass of milk.
  • Breakfast: grated buckwheat porridge, compote.
  • Second breakfast: applesauce and banana, 2 biscuits.
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes with pumpkin, steam cutlet. Chicken bouillon.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 marshmallow, glass of fruit juice.
  • Dinner: Steamed vegetables, 2 lean veal cutlets. Baked pear. Rose hip decoction.
  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, 30 grams of marshmallows, compote.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, banana.
  • Lunch: rice pudding 200 grams, 100 grams of steamed fish, rosehip broth.
  • Afternoon snack: meat soufflé, baked apple.
  • Dinner: vegetable puree, boiled chicken pieces without skin, jelly.
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with mashed banana, rosehip infusion.
  • Second breakfast: a slice of bread with low-fat cheese, tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, meat soufflé, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: baked apple, glass of still water.
  • Dinner: boiled fish with cream sauce and steamed vegetables, a glass of milk.
  • Breakfast: slimy oatmeal, banana, compote.
  • Second breakfast: biscuits, fruit jelly.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, mashed potatoes with steam cutlet, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: compote, a piece of dried biscuit.
  • Dinner: pumpkin puree, 2 pike perch cutlets. A glass of milk with honey.

    5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

Treatment of erosive processes in the stomach and duodenum consists not only of medications, but also involves strict correction of the diet. The main goal of proper nutrition is not to irritate the mucous membranes of injured organs, but to support and restore them. Diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers is an integral part of successful treatment of the disease and prevention of further relapses.

The goal of a diet for ulcers is not to irritate the walls of diseased organs

Principles of diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Patients suffering from pathologies of the digestive tract (ulcers, gastritis), during an exacerbation, must adhere to a strict diet No. 1. For remissions, you can use table 5 (more advanced menu).

Therapeutic nutrition for patients with ulcers consists of several important principles:

  1. Cooking. Products can be baked (without golden crust), boiled, or steamed. Forget about frying.
  2. Nutritional value. Despite many restrictions, the foods consumed must be selected so that the diet contains a sufficient amount of nutrients.
  3. Fractional meals. Increase the number of meals to 5-6 times a day, and reduce the portions so that they do not get used to 200-300 g.
  4. Minimum salt intake.
  5. Refusal of alcoholic beverages, as well as any liquids with gas.
  6. Drink more water. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

A diet for ulcers involves stimulating the enzyme system and promoting the restoration of injured tissue. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to eat food with a temperature below 17 and above 36 degrees. Only warm food cannot harm the irritated organ.

Table “List of useful and harmful foods for gastric and duodenal ulcers”

Grocery list
Allowed food What to give up
Turkey, chicken, beef, rabbit. Lenten fishFatty meat and fish. Smoking
Soft-boiled eggs, steam omeletCanned food, marinades, spices, seasonings
Secondary meat broths, lean soups with cerealsSpicy seasonings and sauces (mustard, ketchup, vinegar sauces)
Day old wheat breadFresh flour buns, baked goods with yeast
Low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, lean cheesesFatty dairy and fermented milk products, as well as those with a high acid content (kefir, ayran)
Potatoes, cabbage inflorescences, greens, celery, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beansRadishes, garlic, onions, cabbage (white), peppers, tomatoes, radishes
Baked pears, apples (use pureed and without peel). During periods of remission you can eat raspberries and cherriesSour berries and fruits - currants, lemon, orange, grapes, pineapple, apricots. Dried fruits and any types of nuts
Rosehip decoction, herbal infusions (sage, chamomile), compote of apples, pears, weak teaStrong coffee, tea, carbonated and alcoholic drinks
Cereals – rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina. PastaPorridge – corn, pearl barley,
Refined vegetable oils, butter (a little)Unrefined vegetable oil
Unsweetened cookies, crackers, sponge cake, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jam, honeyIce cream, chocolate, flour pastries, condensed milk
During the period of acute illness, it is better to take only grated, steamed food. It is important to minimize salt intake.

Diet for exacerbation of stomach ulcers

Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease requires strict adherence to a special diet. Food should envelop the injured organ membrane and help the wounds heal.

To do this, you need to adhere to the basic rules in food:

  • give preference to steam cooking;
  • consume all dishes in pureed form;
  • cook soups only with lean vegetable broths;
  • Take food in small portions, increasing the number of meals per day.

If you have a stomach ulcer, you need to steam your food.

In the first 4–7 days of an exacerbation, it is important to remain calm and strictly adhere to the diet, which at this time looks like this:

  1. At the beginning of the acute period, you need to eat a steamed omelet for breakfast and drink 150–200 ml of boiled warm milk. After 2 hours, you can use jelly from berries (non-acidic). For lunch - liquid rice puree, chicken soufflé and fruit jelly. The afternoon snack is weak herbal tea, and dinner is raspberry jelly, fish puree and oatmeal (grated).
  2. On days 3 and 4, you can add to the listed dishes 1-2 slices of yesterday’s wheat bread, fresh vegetables and fruits (non-acidic types), crushed to a pulp, and a little sour cream sauce.
  3. On the 5th day and the next week of the diet, you are allowed to eat cottage cheese with banana, milk jelly and soups with buckwheat, semolina, steamed cutlets from dietary meat, porridge with added butter (butter or lean).

It is important to remember that you should eat food that has been ground into a paste for another 2–3 weeks after an exacerbation of ulcerative processes. This will help the wounds heal faster.

Diet after surgery for perforated gastric ulcer

The fundamental factor in recovery after surgery for a perforated gastric ulcer is a special diet. It consists of minimal consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

At the beginning of the recovery period (the first 3 days) after surgery, doctors recommend fasting. The stomach needs to be given time to adapt to the new state. On the 4th day and for 1–2 days, you are allowed to drink a slightly sweetened rosehip decoction and berry jelly (in small quantities).

Soup with rice and rabbit is good for stomach ulcers

Boil rice and meat well (separately). Pass the rabbit through a meat grinder several times, and rice through a sieve. Mix everything, dilute with vegetable broth and boil for 3-5 minutes. Pour the liquid from the yolk, milk and butter into the prepared slightly warm soup.

Using a grater, grind the pumpkin to obtain 1 cup of raw material, add water and boil for 20–25 minutes. Drain the water, pour in 2 cups of milk, boil and add 1 cup of cereal. Boil for 5–7 minutes, sweeten (25 g of sugar) and add a little salt.

Oatmeal with pumpkin - a tasty and healthy dish

Boil 200 g of pulp without veins until tender and grind in a meat grinder. Mix the minced meat with rice (boiled) and mince again. Add a little salt to the mushy mass, beat in the egg white, mix and make small balls. The dish needs to be steamed for 15 minutes.

The meat for the meatballs needs to be turned in a meat grinder several times.

Boil 200 g of beets, cool under cold water, peel and chop on a grater (fine). Add 70 g of washed canned peas, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, mix.

Beet and pea salad is a simple and delicious dish

Dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of warm water. l. honey. You need to drink healthy liquid an hour before meals (breakfast and lunch) and 2.5–3 hours after dinner. The main thing is not to exceed the daily dose (4 tbsp).

Honey drink should be drunk an hour before meals

A large list of permitted products allows you to prepare tasty and healthy dishes that can be alternated.

A strict diet for ulcerative processes in the digestive tract is an important part of complex treatment. Eating right and strictly adhering to the basic principles of cooking helps not only to alleviate the patient’s general condition, but also to quickly restore damaged organs and achieve long-term remissions.

And the duodenum, today we can definitely say that for the development of the disease, infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylory is necessary. Due to the special role of the duodenum in the digestive process, a special diet is required in such cases.

It is worth remembering that the food you eat daily can either help you fight the symptoms of peptic ulcers or worsen your condition. It all depends on what products are on the menu. In fact, most people can eat tasty and healthy food without experiencing any problems. To do this, you just need to create a balanced diet.

There are general concepts about nutrition for duodenal ulcers, and in each case the set of products must be determined individually. However, there are foods that cause deterioration in all patients without exception (fatty, fried, spicy, stimulating gas formation).

Key features of the diet

Fried and fatty foods are prohibited.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. This way you will avoid overeating, which will overload the diseased organ and increase symptoms.
  • Eat foods high in fiber (vegetables, fruits, whole grain baked goods).
  • Rest before and after meals, take breaks during meals. This is necessary so that the stomach and small intestines have time to cope with incoming portions of food.
  • Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. One of the principles of the diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is mechanical sparing of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Try to eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Eat foods low in fat.
  • Try to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Do not eat food that is too hot or too cold, as this will irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and increase pain.
  • Limit your intake of salt and seasonings.
  • Don't drink carbonated drinks.
  • Take vitamin complexes.


  1. alcohol;
  2. smoking;
  3. carbonated drinks.

Reduce your intake of the following foods:

  • coffee, strong tea;
  • tomatoes and all products made from them (juices, pastes, etc.);
  • chocolate.

It is not recommended to use if you have a duodenal ulcer.

Cereal products:

  • bread and baked goods made from premium flour with a high fat content (cookies, croissants, biscuits);
  • baked goods with nuts and/or dried fruits;
  • crackers with a lot of salt and fat.


  • any raw vegetables;
  • corn;
  • broccoli;
  • sauerkraut;
  • tomatoes and dishes made from them.
  • grapefruits;
  • oranges;
  • pineapples;
  • tangerines;
  • citrus juices.

Milk and dairy products:

  • high fat whole milk;
  • chocolate milk;
  • cream;
  • whole milk powder.

Meat, meat products, and seafood:

  • any marinated meat or meat products with a lot of seasoning;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • sardines, anchovies;
  • Fried fish;
  • grilled meat;
  • any fatty fish and meat.


  • chips;
  • french fries;
  • buttered popcorn;
  • pies;
  • cookie;
  • donuts;
  • candies.

It is recommended to use for duodenal ulcers

Oatmeal is allowed.

Grain products and cereals.

Any whole grain flour products:

  • porridge;
  • bread;
  • bakery;
  • cupcakes;
  • flakes;
  • Brown rice;
  • long-lasting cookies (type “Zoological”).


  • frozen;
  • canned.


  • fresh, seasonal, not causing you increased gas formation;
  • frozen;
  • canned;
  • fruit juices in small quantities, diluted.

and dairy products:

  • skim or low-fat milk and dairy products;
  • low fat cheese;
  • fat-free or low-fat yogurt.

Meat and meat products, fish and seafood, eggs:

  • lean meats (veal, turkey, rabbit);
  • chicken (without skin);
  • any low-fat fish;
  • eggs.


  • low-fat mayonnaise;
  • mild and low-fat homemade sauces;
  • jam.

Snacks and sweets:

  • marshmallows;
  • sherbet;
  • fruit ice;
  • puffed rice cookies.

If you follow a diet, avoid stress and undergo treatment for Helicobacter pylori, then the symptoms of duodenal ulcer will no longer bother you. But in any case, first consult a specialist. He will help you create a nutrition plan, prescribe treatment and monitor your health.

Symptoms, treatment, diet for exacerbation of peptic ulcer

During exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, patients are concerned about the following symptoms:

  • Acute pain associated with eating: early pain begins 45-60 minutes after eating, it intensifies within an hour, and when the food leaves the stomach, the pain subsides. Late pain is felt 2 hours after eating; there are also “hunger” pains and night pains.
  • Nausea, attacks of vomiting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Belching.
  • Appetite is often increased.
  • Constipation.

For treatment, patients are prescribed:

  • Inpatient or outpatient treatment.
  • Medicines that reduce acidity and block the secretion of gastric juice, painkillers, healing stimulants.
  • Diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers during exacerbation.

Prescribing dietary nutrition during an exacerbation of an ulcer helps to normalize digestion, reduce the secretion of gastric juice, protect the mucous membrane from destruction and provide the body with nutrients for recovery.

Diet in the first ten days of exacerbation - table No. 1a

Dietary nutrition in the first decade of exacerbation should be extremely gentle. Boiling and also steaming are allowed. All food is pureed, semi-liquid or pureed. Calorie content – ​​1800 kcal, salt 6 g, water 1.5 liters, servings of 300 g, fractional meals – 7 times.

The menu should only contain products that have little effect on the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. They have this property:

  • Rice, semolina, oatmeal soup with cream, butter or vegetable oil. Ground cereals or flakes are also used for dietary or baby food.
  • The meat is steamed in the form of a soufflé. You can cook it from beef or veal, chicken, rabbit, pork without fat.
  • The fish can be boiled, steamed, pureed, or in the form of a fish soufflé. Cod, navaga and pike, hake, icefish, and pike perch are used.
  • Milk can be 3% fat, fresh and non-acidic cottage cheese, cream. You can add condensed milk or cream to tea or porridge.
  • Porridge, pureed, liquid, made from rice or semolina, oatmeal and buckwheat, cereal, flour. You can add cream or milk to the porridge when cooking.
  • Steam omelette, soft-boiled eggs.
  • Alkaline mineral waters.
  • Recommended drinks include sweet juices, ripe fruit jelly, and weak tea with cream or milk.

All foods that irritate the stomach or intestines are excluded from the menu during exacerbation of peptic ulcer:

  • Broths from mushrooms, meat, poultry, fish.
  • All canned foods.
  • Fried and stewed fish or meat.
  • Pickles, smoked and marinated products.
  • Bread, flour products.
  • Carbonated drinks, packaged sour juices.
  • Alcohol.
  • Strong tea and coffee.
  • Vegetables.

Diet menu No. 1a for the day could be like this:

Breakfast at 7-30: semolina porridge with milk and butter, weak tea with cream.
Snack at 11 o'clock: baked and pureed apples.
Lunch at 13-30: oatmeal soup, pike perch soufflé, rosehip broth.
Afternoon snack at 16:30: milk jelly and pureed cottage cheese.
Dinner at 18-30: steamed omelette, dried apricot jelly.
Before bed at 21-00: milk.

To prepare a rosehip decoction, add two tablespoons of chopped berries to half a liter of boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes. Drink 100 ml of warm, strained decoction.

Dietary table No. 1b in the second decade of exacerbation

In the second decade, patients usually feel better, pain decreases, activity and diet expand. In addition to the foods that were allowed in the early days, you can include in the menu:

  • White crackers – 100 g.
  • Steamed dumplings, meatballs or steamed meatballs are prepared from minced meat or fish.
  • Pumpkin, potato, carrot and beet puree.

Diet menu No. 1b for the day:

Breakfast at 7-30: milk oatmeal with baked apple, rosehip infusion.
Snack at 10-30: pumpkin porridge with rice and cream, jelly made from a decoction of dried fruits.
Lunch at 13-30: potato soup with semolina and croutons, steamed rabbit cutlets.
Afternoon snack at 16-30: soft-boiled egg, zucchini soufflé, weak tea.
Dinner at 18-30: cod dumplings, mashed potatoes, diluted apple juice.
Before bed at 21-00: milk jelly.

Diet when the exacerbation subsides

The diet during the subsidence of the inflammatory process and in the scarring phase is more complete. Calorie content of diet No. 1 is 2900 kcal. The volume of water drunk is 1500 ml. The frequency of meals is recommended to be at least six. Before going to bed, drink milk or cream. Boiled products are first pureed, then you can eat boiled whole or sliced.

When the exacerbation subsides, you can use the following in therapeutic nutrition:

  • Dried white flour bread, dry sponge cake or biscuits.
  • Vegetarian soups with boiled cereals and vegetables. You can cook with bran decoction.
  • From low-fat minced meat or fish, meatballs, cutlets, and dumplings are steamed or baked without crust. Beef stroganoff is allowed from boiled meat; you can eat liver and tongue.
  • Cheese pancakes, soufflés, lazy dumplings and puddings are made from unleavened cottage cheese. Sour cream, milk, and cream are allowed.
  • Porridge can be prepared from all cereals, with the exception of millet and pearl barley. Cereals should be well boiled or viscous. They are used to make puddings, steamed cereal cutlets, and soufflés. Boiled pasta and vermicelli are allowed on the menu.
  • Mashed potatoes and stews are prepared from potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, and zucchini. You can use boiled young green peas and beets to a limited extent. You can eat 100 g of tomatoes per day. Carrot and beet juice are recommended.
  • Fruits are used boiled, baked, pureed. Compotes, jellies and mousses, and jelly are prepared with them. Fruits should be sweet and ripe, without peel.
  • Honey, jam and jam.
  • Sauces are prepared from milk, sour cream, and fruit. You can add vegetable oil or butter to dishes.

The following are excluded from the diet during the period of ulcer scarring:

  • Fresh, rye and bran bread and pastries.
  • Broths of fish, meat and mushrooms.
  • Fatty meat, brains, kidneys.
  • Duck and goose.
  • Cod liver, horse mackerel, fatty herring.
  • Any canned food, pickles and pickled vegetables.
  • Spicy and salty dishes.
  • Smoked and dried products.
  • Legumes.
  • Sauces - mayonnaise, ketchup, tomato, adjika, horseradish, mustard.
  • Vinegar and pepper.
  • Kale and kohlrabi, radish, radishes and daikon.
  • Spinach, arugula and sorrel.
  • Onions, garlic, mushrooms, cucumbers.
  • Ice cream.
  • Chocolate and cocoa.

Breakfast at 7-30: pureed buckwheat porridge with milk, butter, tea with milk.
Snack at 10:30: pureed cottage cheese with raspberry jelly, compote.
Lunch at 13-30: vermicelli soup with cauliflower and sour cream, chicken cutlets with rice porridge.
Afternoon snack at 16-30: soft-boiled egg, dried bread, Adyghe cheese, jelly.
Dinner at 18-30: steamed pike meatballs, mashed potatoes, rosehip broth.
Before bed at 21-00: a glass of milk and crackers.