Master of Architecture. How to get an architect's education abroad. Technical University of Munich, Germany

Modern campus.

Unified State Exam "excellent".

Wide range of specializations.

Learning without boundaries.


RUDN University is not only study.

World elite. Graduates Faculty of Agriculture successfully work in more than 90 countries around the world. Specialists educated at RUDN University find themselves in all areas of modern agribusiness: they cooperate with Russian and foreign universities, banking and credit organizations, processing enterprises and open their own businesses.

Achievements of RUDN University inagronomy:

The time has come for a new vision of the agro-industrial complex, and the Faculty of Agriculture of RUDN University is doing everything possible to ensure that our graduates feel in demand in modern society. The advantages of our faculty are a combination of professional knowledge and in-depth training in foreign languages. Knowledge foreign languages gives our students the opportunity to do internships abroad, as well as occupy leading positions in large international agro-industrial holdings (Syngenta, BASF). For senior students there is the opportunity to undergo internships in the largest companies in the world, including Gazprom.

Tuition fees for a master's degree:

The cost of annual tuition fees for citizens of the Russian Federation enrolling to study at RUDN University (concluding training agreements) in the 2015/2016 academic year (form of study - full-time);

The cost of annual tuition fees for citizens of CIS countries enrolling to study at RUDN University (concluding training agreements) in the 2015/2016 academic year (form of study - full-time);

The cost of annual tuition fees for applicants to study at RUDN University (concluding training contracts) in the 2015/2016 academic year (form of study - part-time (evening), part-time);

Direction of master's training: Agronomy

This direction is intended for graduates of Russian and foreign universities with bachelor’s or specialist degrees, including those who have not previously studied in the field of “Agronomy”, and is aimed at obtaining systematic knowledge in the field of agronomy and developing strong skills in solving practical problems in a global competitive environment.

Students continue an in-depth study of basic fundamental economic disciplines for two years, but much attention is paid to their preparation in a specific area of ​​agronomy and management knowledge, as well as applied skills. Therefore, during the training period, students study both theoretical and applied professional disciplines. The training ends with passing state exams and defending a master's thesis.

Advantages and specifics of RUDN agronomic master's programs:

Half a century of impeccable reputation. RUDN University is an elite university. It trains highly qualified specialists at the level of world standards. That is why students from more than 150 countries study at our university.

One university - two diplomas. Each RUDN student has the opportunity, in addition to their main specialty, to obtain the qualification of a translator in the field of professional communication. As a result, all graduates are fluent in one or two (or three) foreign languages.

Modern campus. The RUDN University campus is the winner of the “Most Landscaped University Territory” award. It includes 13 dormitories, a university sports complex, the only international cultural center in Russia “Interclub”, national cafes for every taste, and modern consumer services. Educational and residential buildings are within walking distance of each other.

Unified State Exam "excellent". Towards the surrender of the One state exam prepared by faculty teachers working at the Agrobiological School for applicants.

Wide range of specializations. At the bachelor's level, students receive a basic natural science education, and at the master's level they choose a specialized program, for example, in the field of economics and management. The faculty runs two master's programs in foreign languages.

High-tech training. The training is interactive and high-tech. Classes are held using multifunctional equipment: crop production is studied at the micro level, veterinary anatomy is studied in surgical rooms, landscape design designed in 3D models.

Learning without boundaries. Graduates of the Agrarian Faculty of RUDN University receive not only a diploma state standard, but also Diploma Supplement is an international document on higher education, which opens up new horizons for career growth.

Internships. Students of the Faculty of Agriculture of RUDN apply their acquired knowledge, practical skills and abilities during professional internships. They undergo internships in agricultural holdings, large companies and leading veterinary clinics.

RUDN University is not only study. Students of the Faculty of Agriculture of RUDN University actively spend their free time. Sports fans practice on indoor fields in the winter, and in a large stadium in the summer, singers and dancers perform at the best venues in Russia all year round, and KVN players try their hand at one of the many University teams.

One of the greatest arts mastered by mankind. It is architects who create an artificial spatial environment in which people can live and work. It is impossible to downplay the importance of architecture for modern world and history, which is why progressive young architects strive to receive the best possible education.

At the same time, a master's degree is one of the most important steps towards obtaining a professional architectural education.

We have compiled a list of the 5 best educational institutions world for a master's degree in architecture. Find out where it is worth studying various branches of architecture abroad to become a real specialist!

Program: Design (Architectural Design Management) MA

Duration: 1 year

Cost: £11,440 (693,809 RUB/year)

This program is designed for students who wish to obtain a general contemporary architectural education. Architectural and landscape design is taught here, as well as the use of modern methods of marketing and management in the field of architecture.

Covering wide range not only creative, but also commercial disciplines, the program prepares its graduates to build a successful career in the field of architecture and design, taking into account modern realities.

Program: Master of Architectural Design and Urbanism

Duration: 2 years

Cost: $45,610 (1,648,742 RUB/year)

The program is suitable for serious young architects wishing to further their education and gain new knowledge in the fields of classical architecture and traditional urban design.

The program includes a theoretical semester, during which students study architecture, urban design principles, general architectural history, and the history of Roman classical architecture, as well as a practical studio semester (can be taken in Rome) and a semester of individual design work.

Unitec Institute of Technology,New Zealand

Program: Master of Architecture

Duration: from 18 months

Cost: NZ$21,800 (RUB 667,071/year)

Students in this program deepen their knowledge and skills through study of modern architectural and design technologies, as well as practice in visually presenting their projects to an audience.

Honing their architectural skills, young professionals here learn to look at design and architecture in a new way and create unique projects in accordance with modern trends.

Delft University of Technology,Holland

Programme: MSc in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences - Architecture

Duration: 2 years

Cost: €12,650 (612,756 RUB/year)

The architecture program at Delft University of Technology covers a wide range of disciplines including: design and appearance built environment, high-quality residential urban development, architectural strategies and management, development of new building materials, etc.

Students in the program learn to create contemporary architectural designs from a scientific perspective and consideration of structure, form and function.

Universiti Sains Malaysia,Malaysia

Program: MSc Master of Science in Architecture

Duration: 1 year (2 semesters)

Cost: RM 10,600 (RUB 119,363/year)

This master's thesis training program involves specialization in a variety of disciplines, such as: architectural and interior design, theory and history of architecture, construction safety, building materials and technology, design and construction of high-rise buildings, pedagogy in the field of architecture, management, etc.

Classes involve intensive training theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a relatively short time (1 year). In addition, young architects here learn to work professionally in specialized computer programs (for example, CAD) and present their own projects to an audience.

Oleg Diomidovich Breslavtsev, professor, dean of the faculty of graduate and master's studies at Moscow Architectural Institute

It has been three years since the Moscow Architectural Institute abandoned its specialty and switched to a three-stage education system. Now bachelors, masters and candidates of architecture graduate from the walls of the university. New graduates proudly list their degree on their resumes. But many applicants (and not only applicants, to be honest) still do not understand which level today allows a graduate to feel like a full-fledged specialist and gives the right to be called an ARCHITECT. What is the essence of a master's degree? The professor brought clarity O.D. Breslavtsev, Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate and Master's Studies of the Moscow Architectural Institute in an interview with the press service of the Moscow Architectural Institute. Below I publish excerpts from this large material.

About the difference between MARCHI’s bachelor’s degree and specialist’s degree

...Some Western countries have adopted the so-called three-tier education system, which gradually migrated to Russian universities; today it exists, including at the Moscow Architectural Institute. The first step is bachelors, the preparation of which takes place within five years. This is the fundamental preparation to become an architect. A person with a bachelor's degree can also become an architect, and if judged by old standards, then this qualified architectural technician.
Previously, we graduated a specialist in six years, now we graduate the same specialist with approximately the same set of subjects in five years. After a bachelor's degree, people can enter the second stage, for a master's degree - another study plus two years.

About the essence of the master's degree

Theoretical meaning (of education - ed. Listok ) master's in that, in to a greater extent, available aiming at scientific or research work, which was lacking in specialist education. A real thesis, graduation, project work was done, and there was some kind of explanatory note with related sections.
Times are changing, there is more and more information, now new thoughts and new proposals are required. They cannot just be born like that; they need a theoretical basis, justification for a verbal model, a verbal program for what will eventually turn into a project. And for this, starting from the first year of a master’s degree (practically, from the sixth year of study), a person chooses a research direction, a topic for his work in a master’s program, studies it for two years and, based on this research, ultimately completes a diploma project. There may be two types, or even three. One type is theoretical master's thesis, and the other type is design, that is, the result of the diploma is an architectural project plus a rationale for its program.
The ability to combine research and the ability to draw appropriate conclusions from it is the essence of training in a master’s program. Thus, a master's degree is the second stage higher education. The third stage is postgraduate study.

Is it true that MARCHI accepts students with any diploma into the master's program?

Not only bachelors with a diploma from an architectural university can enter the MARCHI master's program, but, formally, everyone who has a bachelor's degree at all. This could be a doctor, a livestock specialist, a lawyer - anyone. This is an unusual model for us, which was born from the thoughts of people not closely related to the profession, but such a ministerial setting exists. In fact, a person who has graduated from high school and received a matriculation certificate can enter any university. In the same way, here, it is believed that a bachelor’s degree is general training, after which you can choose your specialty.
However, entrance exams for master's programs (there are three of them at Moscow Architectural Institute) are designed to test the level of preparation corresponding to the level of an architectural bachelor's degree. One of them - paperwork, an essay or essay on a given topic, where a person must demonstrate knowledge of the subject, containing those theoretical programs that he should have received in an architectural bachelor's degree. The second exam is already professional; short project, showing how a student can quickly respond to a given program, show skill, originality, in a word, all those requirements with which we evaluate our student projects. Well, the third one - creative works, so-called portfolio

...sometimes there is a question, as far as possible, let's say a veterinarian pass this exam? There are cases that a person, having some kind of training, inclinations, in parallel with his studies at a non-architectural university, somehow touched this profession. Sometimes someone can do it. Not to mention that sociology is very close to what an architect does in his programmatic research. Art critics, lawyers (in terms of, say, urban planning law)…

...while we still had a specialty (which ceased to be issued three years ago), the last graduating class of specialists could also enter the master’s program, but almost none of our ranks wanted to. Therefore, in that set there were quite a large number of people who graduated from non-architectural institutes or a non-resident architectural faculty or university. Some difference in preparation, which is familiar to us Markhishniks, was felt.

The latest graduation of bachelors showed that quite a large number of graduates want to continue their master's studies.

About the portfolio for admission to the master's program

It's theirs ( bachelor's applicants- approx. Listok ) architectural projects that they did somewhere, creative works showing the ability to draw, paint, and use a computer. If this is an architectural bachelor's degree, then course projects go there, plus the guys often participate in competitions, often win them, both architectural and creative... What is included in the content of an architect's training, including all kinds of creative handicrafts, the same sculpture, the same painting is everything that a person considers necessary to present. And this set, this portfolio notebook, is assessed along with the exams passed...

About the advantages of master's programs over bachelor's and specialty programs

Such advantages exist due to the fact that not so long ago, in addition to educational standard, for all professions invented professional standard , which sets out the conditions, rights, and needs for master’s and bachelor’s graduates. And it takes into account that (in terms of - ed. Listok ) a master's degree has slightly more opportunities for career and professional growth... Let's say that for an architect with a bachelor's degree to become the chief architect of a project, he needs to undergo at least five years of internship, while for a master's degree two or three are enough. Of course, everything is not as strict as in the army regulations, but nevertheless, these advantages are set out in the professional architect standard. That’s why there is such interest in enrolling in a master’s program.

...those who have an inclination and desire for scientific work receive (now - ed. Listok ) more opportunities for self-realization. Not so often people ( meaning with a specialist diploma - approx. Listok ) Those who completed graduate school in three years managed to complete their candidate's work. And if you add a two-year master’s degree to this, then The period for writing a PhD dissertation is no longer three years, but five years... However, doing science is positive for every master's student, regardless of his mentality... parallel with scientific work there is also the practical side - design - which we, architects, have the main part professional work. It is not lost, but is supported in every possible way so that it never decreases.

One more circumstance unlike the previous specialty: in the master's program there are great opportunities for independent work. More than 50% is allocated to independent work students. We try to structure the schedule so that there are at least two days in the school week for library, independent, or just research work, where there are no classroom lecture courses, where undergraduates work at home and then report. (A bachelor does not have such free days. A bachelor studies at a university full-time 6 days a week.) This is also preparation for project activities. After all, when a person with a diploma goes to work, his work is largely independent.

Belarusian Tatiana Shimanskaya has no time: the student is in a hurry to finish a project for presentation at the Architectural Marathon in Cologne. Stress levels are off the charts. Before she had time to finish, a message arrived from her classmates: they decided to change the design of the joint exhibition. This means that there is another sleepless night ahead - the work will have to be redone.

The girl has been living in constant time pressure for a year now - since she entered the master's program "Design and Construction Strategies" at the Cologne University. However, she is glad that after five years of working at the Minsk Design Institute, she went back to study. “Here they provide a very wide range of knowledge, both from a creative and technical point of view. We study urban planning and spatial theories, architectural physics, analysis of real estate markets... So, despite my work experience, I constantly learn something new ", says Tatyana.

Master's degree is a prerequisite

The profession of an architect is very popular in Germany: 129 thousand specialists are members of the Federal Chamber of Architects. Of all European countries, the number of architects per thousand inhabitants is higher only in Italy.

By and large, it is possible to work in the field of architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and urban planning without a master's degree. But in order to officially be called an architect and sign project documentation, you cannot do without a master’s degree in Germany, emphasizes Christof Rose, press secretary of the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The fact is that such a right is granted only to those who are members of one of the 16 (by the number of federal states) professional associations. "In particular, to become a member of the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia, you need to study for at least eight semesters. Bachelor's programs usually last only six. Six semesters are not enough to study the full range of tasks facing architects," explains Rose.

By the way, architects from the CIS who received their education in their homeland can also become members of the association. Moreover, in these countries training usually lasts even longer than the eight semesters required in Germany. However, in this case, you will first need to go through the diploma recognition procedure.

Architects with good German

But let's return to the master's degree. Considering the popularity of the profession in Germany, it is not surprising that there are as many as 80 master's programs in architecture at universities in Berlin, Aachen, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Brandenburg, Kiel and many other cities.

According to Tatiana Shimanskaya, studying at a German university is structured completely differently than at the Belarusian university from which she graduated. “During the semester we study only five subjects, but in great depth,” says the girl. “In addition, if in Belarus we simply submitted projects and waited for grades, then every time we need to make a presentation of our work in front of the group and teachers.”

That is why the requirements for knowledge of the German language for applicants are high. In addition, many programs require knowledge of English, for example, if lectures at the university are given by invited architects from abroad. But there are practically no purely English-language programs. Among the rare exceptions are the International School of Architecture in Dessau, as well as the interdisciplinary master's program "City Agglomerations" in High school Frankfurt.

In addition to a certificate confirming your language proficiency level, for admission you also need to provide a portfolio with examples of your own work. Thus, a newly minted master's student in Dessau, Alena Zgorskaya, included in it projects for a water park and an office building, and at the same time, on her own initiative, photographs of them in finished form, so that selection committee could compare the original idea with the result.


However, the portfolio may also consist of student projects completed during undergraduate studies: many master’s programs can be entered without work experience. “Of course, you need to choose expressive projects. But you shouldn’t try to impress with quantity. The main thing is to select those that reflect your vision, your approach to architecture,” advises Katharina Beckmann, coordinator of the master's program in architecture at the Technical University of Berlin.

Supply exceeds demand

It remains to add a fly in the ointment to all that has been said: compared to other highly qualified specialists, architects in Germany earn little - on average 44,645 euros per year. In addition, given their huge number, supply sometimes exceeds demand: according to the Federal Statistical Office, the number of unemployed in this area is about five thousand people.

At the same time, according to Christophe Rose, over the past five years the situation on the labor market has stabilized somewhat. “Thanks to growing construction volumes, architectural firms are now doing well,” he points out.

But in order to definitely become a sought-after architect, it is better to take care of your own narrow specialization in advance. “Modernization and energy conversion of buildings, creation of a barrier-free environment, restoration and development of architectural monuments - all these are undoubtedly topics of the future,” Christophe Rose is convinced.

You can set accents while studying by selecting the right subjects. For example, in the master's program at the Berlin University technical university Required for all architecture students are design, sustainable planning and construction strategies, architectural theory, and typology of buildings and structures. Everyone can choose the rest of the disciplines from an impressive list of several dozen subjects for themselves.