It's better to be an honest person who swears. Is swearing good or bad? Obscene language in our lives

What is obscene language in a public place? Which people swear, and which people speak swear words? Why do people generally swear and use obscene language in certain situations?

And the most curious thing is that almost everyone knows obscene language, but why does society consider those who swear to be ill-mannered, cynical and immoral people?

How can a representative of the authorities, in order to fine you for swearing, prove that it was an obscene expression? Will he repeat it, write it, draw it?

You will find out all this today on the website website

Why do people swear

Many, even the most educated and cultured people, sometimes I don’t mind using a strong word - swearing.
People swear in almost every culture, use swear words in almost every language, this can be especially pronounced among people in creative professions.

“It’s better to be a good person who swears than a quiet, well-mannered creature.”
/Faina Ranevskaya/

For the most part, people swear because they are in a stressful situation (or perceive it that way). It is under stress that a person’s level of intelligence drops (i.e., verbal-logical thinking and the basic vocabulary seem to close), he becomes more psychologically vulnerable and therefore psychological defenses are automatically launched.

Foul language in stress, on emotions, will protect the psyche... sometimes it works as an auxiliary mechanism in some working professions (plumber, cattleman, shoemaker...), where, as it seems to a person, one cannot do without swearing...

People can swear at themselves, other people, animals, natural phenomena, inanimate objects - personifying them and showing their emotional, often negative, attitude towards them. In this case, there is an emotional outburst of negative energy, which is not stored in the psyche, and therefore does not harm the person.

It turns out that sometimes speaking obscenely is actually useful?! But in society there is a time and place for everything - these are general moral rules.

For example, releasing gas from the stomach is also useful, and burping air from the stomach, and blowing your nose, and urinating... - all this is harmful to keep in yourself, just like negative emotions.

However, even a mechanic, a shepherd or a creative person will probably restrain himself, say, at the table..., in front of children, women... bosses... in front of those who are an authority for them (unless, of course, they are drunk)...

As it is said in the Great Book of Wisdom - the Bible - about foul language:

10. From the same mouth comes blessing and curse: this, my brethren, must not be so.
11. Does sweet and bitter water flow from the same hole in the spring?
(James 3:10,11)

Think about it. Do you drink and urinate through the same hole?

Who speaks and who swears

Some people swear, while others speak swear words...what's the difference?

It’s all very simple: if a person swears only in stressful situations, he is simply showing his emotional and psychological weakness (immaturity or immaturity)… which is also not very good…

If a person constantly, even without stress, uses obscene language, this may indicate not only his lack of culture, disrespect for himself and others, but may also be a sign of a personal, psychological or neurotic disorder.

Coprolalia - the urge to use swear words

There is such a painful attraction - Coprolalia (copro - FAL; lalia - SPEECH), it is observed in people with schizophrenic disorder or Tourette's syndrome (nervous vocal tics) ... with some other diseases ...

With this disorder, a person can automatically swear - he has an unconscious craving for this... Also, with this disease, deep personality degradation can be observed, especially in women.

In addition to coprolalia, there are similar personality disorders: Copropraxia (the urge to gesture obscenely) and Coprography (the urge to write swear words and draw obscene language).

Why are the organs of the reproductive system and processes used when using obscene language?

For some reason, it is the human reproductive (genital) organs, men and women, and the processes of procreation that are used in obscene language?!

Why not, say, send someone to another organ, like “Fuck you on your knee”? Or to the question “Where” - answer - “On the head” (almost a rhyme)... etc...?

The whole point is that people have been hammered into their heads for years (maybe centuries) that intimate organs and the process of obtaining sexual pleasure are something dirty, shameful and shameful... (even in Old Testament- In the Bible - the penis is called - “Pudendum”)

And since they often swear with the aim of insulting, humiliating someone or something, at a moment of stress, when the normal vocabulary is closed (or it does not exist due to development and education), then they use what seems (is considered) the most shameful... (like humiliate your opponent more)…

The mistake here is that by humiliating and insulting another, the foul-mouthed person subconsciously believes that he is elevating himself. But this is self-deception - first of all, he humiliates himself...

How to stop swearing

If you notice that you often use obscene language, then it’s time to stop swearing.

The point is not the swearing itself, but the fact that if you use swearing, you may have some personal, psychological, neurotic, or even psychiatric problems...

If this is just a habit, then after several conscious repetitions of normal speech, in similar situations, you will relearn and speak normally.

If these are deeper problems, for example, the very attitude towards stress and a strategy for resolving a conflict situation programmed in the subconscious, then you can stop swearing with the help of psychotraining or psychotherapy.

She has long shocked humanity with her caustic phrases that hit the nail on the head. An amazing sense of humor and a dose of self-irony made Faina Ranevskaya super popular in her statements. At first glance, this is just humor, but through its prism every now and then a note of sadness, sadness and loneliness slips through. But, despite this, the great artist had the most important advantage - talent and unquenchable optimism.

We have collected her best quotes 16+. That was a woman!

1) It’s better to be a good person who “swears” than a quiet, well-mannered creature.

2) My God, how old I am - I still remember decent people!

3) I go to the theater like I go to a garbage chute: - falsehood, cruelty, hypocrisy, not a single honest word, not a single honest eye! Careerism, meanness, greedy old women!

4) It’s very hard to be a genius among boogers.

5) A woman, in order to succeed in life, must have two qualities. She must be smart enough to please stupid men, and stupid enough to please smart men.

6) We are all a little bit of a horse.

7) It has always been unclear to me - people are ashamed of poverty and not ashamed of wealth.

8) Faina Georgievna, how are you? - Do you know, my dear, what shit is? So it’s like jam compared to my life.

9) It has always been a mystery to me how great actors could play with artists from whom there was nothing to catch, not even a runny nose. How can I explain it, mediocrity: no one will come to you, because there is nothing to take from you. Is my shallow thought clear?

10) I feel, but not well.

Few people know that Faina Georgievna took the pseudonym “Ranevskaya” from the work of A.P. Chekhov “ The Cherry Orchard"- using the name of the landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya.

11) You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want, but only naked and standing in front of a mirror.

12) Talent is self-doubt and painful dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s shortcomings, which I have never encountered in mediocrity.

13) Just now I looked at the photo for a long time - the dog’s eyes are surprisingly human. I love them, they are smart and kind, but people make them evil.

14) When Faina Georgievna was asked which women, in her opinion, are prone to greater fidelity - brunettes or blondes, she answered without hesitation: “Grey hair!”

15) Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, immoral, or leads to obesity.

16) If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

17) Sometimes it seems to me that I am still living only because I really want to live. Over the course of 53 years, I developed the habit of living in the world. My heart works sluggishly and constantly tries to stop serving me, but I order it: “Fight, damned one, and don’t you dare stop.”

18) Loneliness is a state that you have no one to tell about.

19) Explaining to someone why the condom was white, Ranevskaya said: “Because White color makes you look fat."

20) All my life I have been terribly afraid of stupid people. Especially women. You never know how to talk to them without sinking to their level.

21) The pearls that I will wear in the first act must be real,” demands the capricious young actress. “Everything will be real,” Ranevskaya reassures her. - That's it: pearls in the first act, and poison in the last.

22) Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.

23) Horseradish, based on the opinions of others, ensures a calm and happy life.

24) I haven’t read anything for a long time. I re-read everything by Pushkin, Pushkin, Pushkin. I even dreamed that he came in and said: “I’m so tired of you, you old fool!”

25) My life is terribly sad. And you want me to stick a lilac bush in my ass and do a striptease in front of you.

26) If a woman tells a man that he is the smartest, it means that she understands that she will not find another such fool.

27) Beautiful people shit too.

28) Do you know what it is to act in films? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and they take you on a tour there.

29) When I start writing memoirs, beyond the phrase: “I was born in the family of a poor oil industrialist...”, I can’t do anything.

30) Think and say whatever you want about me. Where have you seen a cat that was interested in what mice had to say about it?

31) Health is when you have pain in a different place every day.

32) Once Ranevskaya was asked: Why beautiful women enjoy greater success than smart people? - This is obvious, because there are very few blind men, and stupid ones are a dime a dozen.

33) Sclerosis cannot be cured, but you can forget about it.

34) Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods.

35) My God, how life has slipped by, and I have never even heard nightingales sing.

36) If a person has done you harm, give him some candy. He is evil to you, you are candy to him. And so on until this creature develops diabetes.

37) Are you sick, Faina Georgievna? - No, I just look like that.

38) Women smarter than men. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

39) My wealth is obviously that I don’t need it.

40) How is your life, Faina Georgievna? “I told you last year that it’s shit.” But then it was marzipan.

41) All my life I swam in the toilet butterfly style.

42) The main thing is to live a living life, and not rummage through the nooks and crannies of memory.

43) I have lived with many theaters, but never enjoyed it.

44) You should give something that is pitiful!

45) Money gets in the way both when it is not there and when it is there. My wealth is obviously that I don't need it.

46) If I often looked into Gioconda’s eyes, I would go crazy: she knows everything about me, but I know nothing about her.

47) Even behind the most beautiful peacock tail hides the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen.

48) I often think that people who seek and strive for fame do not understand that in the so-called “fame” lies the same loneliness that any cleaning lady in the theater does not know. This comes from the fact that a person who is famous is considered happy, satisfied, but in reality the opposite is true. The spectator's love carries with it some kind of cruelty... Once after a performance, when I was forced to play “at the request of the public” as very sick, I once and for all hated “my fame.”

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May 27th, 2015 , 12:01 pm

Swearing and swearing exist in all languages ​​of the world, but Russian obscenities are a special phenomenon. Some people like it, others are disgusted by it. Moreover, the Russian intelligentsia often used swear words, starting with the great classics. So there is no need to talk about the marginality of Russian swearing. Let's figure it out: is Russian swearing rather good or rather bad?

1. Let's start with the fact that bigots who claim that they never swear are disingenuous. There are no people in nature who have never sworn. Many rightly consider swearing to be an integral and widely used part of the Russian language. The main thing is to know where and how to use it. The defenders of mate were not the last people: for example, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Bunin, Mayakovsky.

2. Swearing causes the greatest rejection if it is a curse directed at someone. That is, an insult. But it is already clear that any insult is bad. At the same time, swearing can act as interjections, as an element of emotionality, and as an attempt to relieve tension. By the way, matting has been proven to help increase the pain threshold. It’s not for nothing that when a person is in pain, he forgets about any decency and yells obscenities. Many people attribute this to the fact that Russian swearing goes back in its history to Slavic spells that helped relieve pain.

3. Among other things, mat is capable of reflecting states that cannot be expressed in other words. As Sergei Shnurov rightly noted, “piss...c” happens in life. This is not a fiasco, not a failure. This is exactly "piss...ts". There is no other way to define it. That is, swearing reflects all the subtleties and nuances of the state of mind.

4. There are areas of activity where swearing is simply necessary. For example, blue-collar professions. There, swearing reduces the speed of the team, and the work is done faster. No wonder there is a joke where a foreman explains to a worker what he must do in just a few words - all derivatives of the word starting with the letter "x". And he understands.

5. Returning to antiquity. Our ancestors believed that obscene structures help not only in relieving pain, but also in destroying evil spirits. It was believed that this was the one devilry very shy by nature.

6. Mat, in the end, reflects all the incredible richness of the Russian language. It is almost impossible to explain to a foreigner why “hu..vo” is bad and “” is good. And dictionaries of obscenities contain about 10,000 words that carry different meanings depending on the context of use. The same “f*cked up” can have both extremely positive and extremely negative meanings.

Thus, the bottom line. Using swear words is not bad. It is bad to use swearing inappropriately and in large quantities. Of course, if your speech consists entirely of swear words, nothing good. But you shouldn’t consider swearing something terribly wild.

P.s. By the way, there are rules on my blog - so read before you pour out your soul: "

I look with sadness at this photo and what is written next to it. With sadness because I understand how Russian society is degrading. Ranevskaya’s expressions simply become popular and every self-respecting Russian is simply in awe of her words. It makes me sad that it turns out that the person who swears in society is considered the best of the rest. I don’t know about you, but from childhood, my parents, school, and Komsomol instilled in me the idea that a person who is capable of swearing in society cannot possibly be good, simply because by doing so he simply expresses his disrespect for society.

I remember the end of the 60s, when I was called to serve in the Northern Fleet. On the ship there is a purely male team and it is clear that there could not have been any swearing there, but... I don’t remember officers in front of the sailors swearing for no reason. It happened sometimes, but it was rare. In general, the emergency sailors did not allow themselves to use strong expressions when talking with their elders. True, after continuing to serve on Baltic ships, the picture changed somewhat, but this was still in a male team. In civilian life, I also don’t remember that in a group, even at some kind of drinking party, if there was at least one woman there, there was a complete absence of strong expressions. If someone started, he was immediately reined in. I worked at a factory as an ordinary worker and I had to communicate in this environment with different people and in different ways, but, again, in any company, as a rule, if there were women there, there was no swearing. Ladies who allowed themselves such “indecency” were very rare and enjoyed residual respect from the stronger sex. Well, it was not customary for us to behave this way in companies.

But, one day, I was invited to a company where people from professions that were considered intelligent at that time predominated - doctors, artists, cultural workers. What was there! Solid expressions and swear words. They especially liked to repeat the word “ass”. Came there, left there, well, and so on. I, a person who could straighten a poker with obscenities, suddenly somehow became confused and felt completely uneasy. I was especially in a stupor after my neighbor, young and beautiful blonde with a friendly smile she asked me to move my ass a little further away so that she (a beautiful and charming blonde) could sit more comfortably.

I’m already over 60, but I’m still simply killed by things like Mrs. Lolita’s message to “X...” to a correspondent in front of a crowd of people and broadcast on television. And what is especially wonderful about this is the roar of the enthusiastic crowd and the ovation on this occasion. What about a journalist? Nothing. He smiled modestly, shrugged his shoulder and scratched himself behind his ear. They say everything is fine, guys. I understand that one of them is Lolita good man, and the correspondent is a quiet and well-mannered creature.