Lottery numbers for cancer in November. Pisces zodiac sign lottery forecast

For Scorpio, 2017 will begin with a global cleansing of the ranks. In your life in the past year, noticeable events probably occurred that influenced your attitude towards friends and relatives, which, among other things, led to a certain distance between you and your former acquaintances. You, of course, know better, but the stars say that you have excluded some people from your social circle indiscriminately and will regret it.

What awaits Scorpios in 2017 in relationships with people? Photo from the site:

It often happens in your life that, having started a new romance or started climbing the career ladder, you no longer consider people from your previous social circle as equals. New interests, ambitions and luck carry you far into the sky, and somewhere below, under your feet, there remain those who have walked hand in hand with you for many years. Previously, this only brought sadness to your former friends, but you quickly moved forward, calling their frustration “little things in life” and “costs” of the modern rhythm of life. As the horoscope for 2017 says, next year Scorpio will feel in the place of those whom he left behind. Those new acquaintances - the company of a new guy, your husband's friends, new colleagues who so warmly sheltered you when you were still a new person for them - will quietly disappear, leaving you alone with real everyday life. And Scorpio, as you know, alone cannot experience either joy or sorrow. Don't be scared or upset. This, of course, is not a criticism or a verdict, but just a warning and advice: don’t lose sight of your good old friends, you will really need them next year. And that's why.

In the new places where you find yourself by fate, tough competition awaits you. This, of course, is what gives you oxygen and lights up your blood. Realizing your ambitions - isn’t this what every Scorpio dreams of? However, as the horoscope warns, Scorpio 2017 in the new year will face competitors whose personal qualities, hardening and ambitions far exceed his abilities. Obstacles of irresistible force will make the always rational Scorpio depressed. But it was not there. Resourceful in character and creative in speech, Scorpio will find a way to return to old friends, former comrades and find support in the rear of those with whom he so easily refused to communicate. And those, as they say, will understand and forgive.
Remember: be it a promotion up the career ladder, resolution of critical situations with a loved one or his family, issues of health and emotional state - you can solve all this in 2017 only with the help of people from your past social circle. So don’t wait for the thunder to strike, set a date for tea, make excuses that there wasn’t enough time for meetings due to family reasons and, of course, don’t forget to wish everyone in your phone book a Happy New Year! Better yet, send them a small but meaningful message. For example, a ticket for one of 8 lotteries that take part in a drawing of more than 1 billion rubles.

Scorpios, believe in your dream and win 1 billion rubles for the New Year 2017!

Yes, yes, you heard right. On New Year's Day there will be a drawing of more than 1 billion rubles. You can become a participant by purchasing tickets for the New Year's draws of any of the 8 lotteries: "", "", "", "", "", as well as our new product - "".
You can watch the billion drawing on December 31, at 20:00, live on the NTV channel, and also the next day - January 1, at 12:00.
Please note that tickets for the New Year's editions are already on sale. You can purchase them right now on the website, as well as at lottery kiosks in your city, Russian Post offices, Euroset, Megafon and Svyaznoy communication stores.

Astrologers advise new acquaintances and close friends not to trust and avoid heart-to-heart conversations with those you have known for a week or two.

Mission, goals and ways to achieve them

Scorpios will have good luck in 2017. Photo from the site:

According to the horoscope for 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will be waiting for Scorpios. The main thing is to figure out where to put your energy, inspiration and intelligence. Let us clarify that we are not just talking about the necessary activity and not about current tasks, projects, work or interests. It will be necessary to occupy yourself with something fundamentally new: get a higher education, if you don’t have one, or a second one, if you already have some kind of diploma in your hands. Learn a foreign language, become a volunteer in a project to help children, the elderly, or even an animal shelter. Start participating in charity. The stars say that you need to think about developing spirituality and helping your neighbors. You can even call it cleansing karma, the essence will not change: for 2017, the Fire Rooster has prepared for you a mission to become needed by someone. Family members and friends do not count; you must choose someone who you can help for free and who, most likely, will not even dare to ask for support. The main thing is that if you take on such obligations and responsibilities, follow through. Remember, everything that you start in the year of the Red Rooster must be completed. If this is a long-term project, the results of which can only be assessed in a few years, great, just don’t abandon its implementation halfway through next year.

If you want to radically change your life - start a family, get a divorce, change your place of residence, even moving abroad, buy a new home or car, become a parent - the stars recommend starting such important changes in life in the middle of the year, starting in May-June. It is during these months that your mind will be as clear, positive and creative as possible, and your performance and physical strength will be at their maximum. Just one clarification: you should not completely devote this magical period to work. Here the planets place more emphasis on personal life and, again, on self-development. Although, of course, if you decide to change your job, profession, or go for a promotion, you can be more diligent here. And at your previous job, most likely, at the very beginning of 2017 you will reach what is called your ceiling - both as a professional and as an employee with a chance of a salary increase. In this case, shift your attention to your loved ones: pay attention to your family, partner, children, invest your strength in them, and not in work.

Career and finance

If we continue the topic of career, then, as the horoscope for 2017 predicts, the Scorpio woman will look for herself outside the office walls and will do the right thing: she will find recognition and more income precisely outside the stuffy open space. It may be advisable to bet on your personal life, because the Fire Rooster is one of the few signs that favors the creation of strong relationships, marriages of love “for centuries” and the birth of brilliant and (pah-pah-pah, so as not to jinx it) strong and healthy children.

Description: Scorpios' career will go uphill in 2017. Photo from

And what has the horoscope for 2017 prepared for the Scorpio man? If at the very beginning of the year you achieve a transfer to a new position, to another department, get yourself a promising project, or simply change your job, then expect a qualitative change in your life. It is quite possible that the blues and routine are only a consequence of the fact that you have grown out of the tasks and goals offered to you. Don’t live by inertia, because if Scorpio has nowhere to spend his energy, and boring work extinguishes any impulses in you, then this zodiac sign begins to wind up and bring itself to an end. Let oxygen into your life, choose a new path and turn on the green light on your path. As we have already said, the Red Rooster will support everyone who vigorously starts any new business or strongly wants such changes.

In summer and autumn you can even open your own business. Fortunately, by exploring the Internet, you will find a lot of offers, be it the purchase of a ready-made business or the purchase of a franchise in one of the areas of mass market trade. Even if you have never had leadership experience or you have always preferred to consider yourself an intellectual elite, abstracting from the “businessmen,” the Red Fire Rooster will break these stereotypes. The idea to start a business will come by itself against the backdrop of running out of adrenaline and waning interest in office everyday life. And the offer to become a legal entity will come as a response to your idea. Note that you simply will have no reason to refuse: everything will be fine with money throughout the year; There are always a lot of people around whom you can turn to for advice; plus you definitely won’t face bankruptcy next year. The Fire Rooster guarantees you a high standard of living. It is quite possible that some Scorpio representatives will reach the level of their first million financially. In what currency, we do not specifically specify, so as not to frighten off your bird of luck and not to jinx it.

By the way, growing income will be very useful, because you are planning large purchases and investments for 2017. Therefore, it cannot be said that your bank account will significantly increase. Expenses will be approximately equal to income, but this year will be very successful for significant acquisitions. This could be an apartment, a car, a dacha, and significant financial assistance to someone close is also possible. Do not refuse reasoned requests for help, you will definitely not be disappointed, because the Fire Rooster has entrusted this social task to you, and therefore will generously reward you for its implementation. In addition, your loved ones will be immensely grateful to you for your help and will support you in the future.

Family and loved ones

In 2017, we advise Scorpios to pay more attention to family members. Photo from website:

In relationships with family members, do not allow a situation where relatives call you with angry claims that you ignored the tenth invitation to a family dinner. Act preventively: in order not to hear criticism directed at you next month, this month you yourself will visit your relatives with a gift and a food package for an evening feast. Don’t wait until they interrogate you on the topic “what’s going on in your personal life, when will we have grandchildren, what’s going on with work.” Call and inquire about your parents' health, and at the same time tell them what they are interested in, without giving away their main secrets. By showing the initiative to communicate with your family, you will remove most of the questions, complaints, criticism, grievances, worries and misunderstandings on their part.

The most favorable months for Scorpio: May, June, July, October. In September and November you can take risks. In February, promising romantic acquaintances await you. And December will become a truly memorable event against the backdrop of the previous and next few years. For some Scorpios, in the last month of the year everything will happen, as in classic American films: intrigue, difficulties, expectations and persistent movement towards the goal will suddenly provide a lightning-fast happy ending. You should expect your bonuses immediately from wherever you were a member - from work, from your partner, children and family.

Preview photo from the site:

The last month of autumn for many becomes a period of depression, decreased mood and immunity.

But in the middle of the month, many of you will be deceived and someone else’s selfish interference will occur, so listen to the forecasts of the lottery horoscope, play only on recommended days, on proven resources. Check all incoming messages, offers, phone calls.

In recent days, many have become victims of online scammers, succumbing to dubious messages about winnings from random and unverified sources - be careful, you cannot win without participating in lotteries.

At the end of the month, you can safely update programs and buy new equipment.

Don’t be discouraged, don’t become depressed – look for joy in everything in life, and the lottery is one of the sources of this joy.

A high level of enthusiasm and personal activity will be an important characteristic of Aries in November 2017. They will be torn apart by a burning desire for change in their environment and situation.

Here you should be patient; many of your relatives and friends are unlikely to like your initiative, and you will have to carry out the planned transformations without their help. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because a job well done is something you did yourself.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Aries in the last autumn month should obey one rule - do not waste your time on trifles!

It is more important to choose a single goal and concentrate your energy on it, without being distracted by extraneous things. Be patient, your desire to get everything instantly will most likely work against you. If you receive an offer to work overtime on weekends, do not be outraged, but be grateful for the chance to quickly complete current projects. Do not give in to laziness, otherwise, as the horoscope for November shows, you will not see good luck. Remember that reality is shaped by our dreams. The more detailed you think through your plan, the sooner and more clearly the picture will appear in reality.

Regarding financial circumstances in November for Aries, the most important rule should be thoughtful spending of money. Unexpectedly, you may receive a large sum, perhaps it will be a lottery win, someone's gift, a bonus, a bonus - do not rush to spend the money. In the coming month, you will urgently need money for important payments - taxes, bills, or you will urgently need to repay a debt or buy a gift for the holiday.

Personal relationships, health

Personal circumstances will not be easy for Aries in November 2017. It is likely that trouble awaits you - a quarrel with a loved one, deception or intrigue. It is worth showing some caution and not talking about sensitive topics with your loved one, and not rushing into heated confessions. Let your thoughts and deeds be imbued with spirituality; in such a mood it is good to plan a future together.

For those who entered into a relationship not so long ago and value them, it is worth taking care of them. A breakup can occur due to any rash act, everything is so fragile and unsteady now. Don't give your partner any reason to think that you are thinking about someone else. If he feels like an unimportant part of your life, he may try to start a new relationship with someone else.

A scenario is quite likely for lonely representatives of the sign - they will want to enter the same river twice and return to their former love.

A weakened immune system will become the cause of colds for many Aries; especially take care of your ears.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 8, 13, 14, 24; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21.

Betting numbers – 19, 29, 35, 49, 51 and 2

In November, the most comfortable place for Taurus will be the familiar home environment, and the stars recommend sitting down by their favorite hearth more often.

During this period, representatives of the sign are very selective in their contacts, and their social circle will be limited only to trusted friends and close people. Taurus will suffer from excessive suspicion and there will be practically no access to outsiders into their world. Focus on your inner state, think about your immediate and more distant plans for the future.

Try not to react to negativity.

When concluding transactions and agreements, be careful and careful. And if you can’t cope with your ambitions, direct them to improve your financial condition.

Career, finance

In your professional sphere, do not rush things in the last month of autumn, let things take their course. Grandiose transformations at this time are simply inappropriate, but no one forbids planning them.

November is a good time to engage in advanced training and self-education. Perhaps the management will like your desire to improve your professional level, and your training will be paid for, share this idea with your superiors, maybe, if there is no money, they will change your schedule to a more convenient one.

Mental work will not only bring you pleasure, but will also lead to good material results. The most important thing is don’t be lazy, don’t get distracted by little things, and there will always be a way to solve the problem.

The financial situation will allow Taurus to satisfy all reasonable desires. You may be able to earn a good income from regular lottery bets. Only when going to the store, stick to the list compiled by you and your loved ones.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Taurus in November, long-awaited peace and joy is coming. There will be practically no disagreements, grievances will disappear, and the mutual desire to be together will increase.

In the comfort of your home, you will feel and understand what the person close to you is striving for. Follow his lead, pamper your loved one, he deserves it.

Single Taurus people should finally stop pretending to be shy and doubting their abilities. You will still attract the attention of the person you are interested in, just forget about conventions and pacify your inner concerns and fears. What will help bring you closer to a potential partner? Joint activities related to events or creativity.

To be healthy in November, Taurus should not overuse physical activity. Pay special attention to your vision, you can even consult an ophthalmologist.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 9, 12, 16, 26, 29; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 7, 11, 19, 20, 24.

Betting numbers – 13, 41, 64, 65, 67 and 8

In November, Geminis will by no means be good boys, they will be irritated by everything, they will want others to give them more attention, in addition, representatives of the sign will allow themselves an unacceptable tone in conversations.

The November horoscope warns and advises Gemini to keep their tempers, be as tactful as possible, otherwise you will have to waste time making excuses. At this time, manifestations of selfishness are unacceptable, you should give joy to others, then you yourself will enjoy harmony and warmth.

Career, finance

Setting themselves up for success in their professional activities, Gemini will be able to create a prosperous atmosphere, and they will not be bothered by people who want to unsettle them. Do not react too emotionally, maintain a reasonable view of your surroundings, and all misunderstandings will be resolved in the best possible way, which will have a good effect on your work and on the people whose fate you care about. It is likely that you will be promoted up the career ladder, even if you already occupy a high position.

Those representatives of the sign who need additional income should be active in early November. There is a high probability of meeting a reliable employer who will be your support for a long period. Just don’t rush to leave your main place of work, otherwise you may suffer greatly financially.

Gemini's money affairs in November can be either good or bad. It all depends on whether they will be able to restrain their impulsive nature, and whether they will not get involved in a risky adventure without thinking through their actions in advance. This also applies to the lottery game, control your gambling, play thoughtfully.

Personal relationships, health

In November, married Geminis will have to overcome temptation, because one of their new acquaintances is not averse to entering into a risky romantic relationship with you. It will not be easy to maintain a cool head during this period, but you will be able to turn the situation around. Don't be tormented by regrets about missed opportunities. It’s better to devote your time to a close and faithful person and don’t look for new problems out of the blue.

Free Geminis should be careful with new acquaintances; know that you will not be able to start a serious relationship during this period. The spark that flares up between you will not turn into an even flame, so if you want peace of mind, do not give in.

At the end of autumn, the health of Gemini can only be threatened by alcohol and overeating. It would be good to reduce the level of consumption of tonic drinks and coffee. You are already quite tense and active; stimulants are of no use.

Favorable days are 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 18, 28; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 11, 16, 19, 20, 25.

Betting numbers – 13, 17, 27, 53, 64 and 4

For Cancers, November will be a time of seclusion; at least, they will want to be within their own walls more than going out in public, attending events and friendly gatherings. Many of those around them will even decide that Cancers are very unfriendly.

The stars advise you to remain calm in this situation, even despite everyday adversities, and difficulties will be overcome.

If you are confused and sad, then, regardless of conventions, do what you feel passionate about. You can draw, walk, sing, dance, watch your favorite TV shows or movies. There is no need to restrain emotions and freedom of thought. Don't be put off by the idea of ​​being funny or sentimental.

Career, finance

There will be a temporary pause in the professional activities of Rakov in November; it is not advisable to start or continue any new projects now. Don't get upset or complain about the situation. The key word here is “temporarily”. It will be possible to implement all your ideas after some time. For now, you need to work calmly, bring current affairs to readiness, and establish contacts with people or organizations that will later support you. You need to set real goals for yourself and not let down those who hope for your help.

You will receive tangible results in your professional field towards the end of November. Don’t even try to brag about your achievements to your colleagues; be more modest so as not to gain ill-wishers.

Most representatives of the sign will have a stable financial situation in November. The funds that will be available will be enough to buy the necessary things, and there will be no entertainment left. If the question arises whether to spend a certain amount or save some money for the future, feel free to spend as much as you can. By the way, you will be able to compensate for the costs in a very short time. Bonuses, gifts, lottery winnings or profitable additional work are possible.

Personal relationships, health

A strong desire to love and the need for reciprocal feelings will torment Cancers in November 2017. Unfortunately, your dreams will not be fully realized. You are advised to restrain excessive selfishness and not pursue only your own interests while completely ignoring your partner’s needs. In such a situation, conflict is inevitable. Don't panic, just wait until the controversial period passes. Just watch events unfold and don't plan anything for the future.

If you are looking for a new partner for a romantic relationship, dating sites or specialized agencies will not help you - their offers will not suit you. Look around - in your environment you will definitely find a person who treats you with sympathy.

In terms of health, beware of colds, take care of your ears and throat, they are especially vulnerable.

Favorable days are 3, 4, 10, 12, 19, 21; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 9, 11, 19, 25, 28.

Betting numbers – 9, 20, 27, 36, 48 and 16

The horoscope for November 2017 advises Leos to pacify their temper, otherwise they will not be able to restrain their emotions, which will push them to actions for which even after a while they will be unbearably ashamed.

If you are burdened with difficult experiences, tell your older relatives about your problems. Their understanding, sensitivity, and good advice will help correct the situation.

Don’t start a heart-to-heart conversation with people you don’t know well, because everything you tell can be turned against you by unscrupulous individuals.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Leos will have to restrain themselves all the time. The mood in November will not be conducive to excessive diplomacy.

If possible, try to delegate all important negotiations to a more balanced colleague. By the way, among the employees there will be a person with whom it will be easy for you to come into balance, who will help make up for all your mistakes. At the end of the month there will be some decline in work. Many Leos will find it very difficult to give their best. Don’t scold yourself, don’t try to do something you’re not capable of right now, otherwise you’ll simply waste your last energy and ultimately achieve nothing. Put off time-consuming tasks for later, and for now, plunge into routine tasks, boring, annoying, but simple.

The money issue will become extremely acute for Leo representatives in November. The desire to work for money will leave them; they won’t care at all. Even the lottery game will not be interesting to you during this period. However, you will work for the sake of your loved ones.

As soon as such sentiments go away and the attitude towards work changes, the financial situation will improve.

Personal relationships, health

Leo's personal life in November will be complicated due to their touchiness and whims, due to their inability to reason sensibly in tense moments. Pull yourself together, don't look like a wolf at everyone around you. Don't forget that your loved one has to observe your sad mood and take your comments and complaints to heart. No matter how unbearable it may be for you, you should not end even a difficult relationship. Make an attempt to come to an understanding with your partner. You have the right to give up on everything, but after a short time you will regret the mistake you made.

The end of the month will bring some changes and important conversations will take place.

In terms of health, Leos should be wary of hypothermia, crowded places, and violations of hygiene rules. Mild diseases can develop into chronic ones; contact specialists in time.

Favorable days are 4, 5, 8, 9, 18, 23; Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 3, 10, 12, 20, 28, 30.

Betting numbers – 4, 11, 28, 44, 69 and 9

Virgos will be very upset to learn that in November those around them will begin to pay less attention to them, or even not notice them at all.

There is no need to worry, it is better to prudently switch to current problems; you will be overwhelmed with work in the last month.

You need to behave in such a way that your loved ones do not find anything to blame you for. If a controversial situation arises, you should not throw accusations left and right, it is better to understand the true reasons for what is happening. In November, you may be involved in financial adventures; be careful, do not borrow any funds. If it's time to relax, choose active leisure.

Career, finance

Virgos may be hampered in their professional activities by unplanned circumstances, so it will most likely not be possible to realize everything planned. Don't despair, don't offend others, and don't get angry at yourself. Gather your will and make a ride to benefit from what is happening. Work without stress, systematically and calmly. Rest whenever you feel tired. If serious problems arise, feel free to ask your colleagues for help. Such a routine in the workplace will give you the opportunity to save internal resources, have time to do a lot and achieve impressive results.

If the work schedule or working conditions do not suit you, do not hesitate to discuss the problem with management, it is likely that everything will work out. Do not be overly assertive; briefly and logically present your vision of the controversial issue.

In the financial sphere of life there is a risk associated with monetary transactions, carefully consider your decisions to avoid disappointments. If you decide to change something in the lottery game, you should not take radical steps.

Personal relationships, health

Important family matters will be the subject of discussion for those Virgo representatives who are married. There may be a need to redistribute household responsibilities. When solving this difficult problem, think about how not to offend anyone. There is a possibility that your loved one will decide to engage in self-improvement and ask you to help him get rid of his shortcomings. He really needs your care and patience; be correct and methodically suggest, explain, guide, criticize and praise. Your joint efforts will give a good result, your partner will overcome serious difficulties without showing weakness or aggression. The health of Virgos will depend on their mood. The main thing for you is to overcome attacks of depression and negative emotions.

Favorable days are 6, 10, 12, 21, 22, 26; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 4, 13, 14, 24, 30.

Betting numbers – 10, 22, 32, 46, 69 and 23

The November horoscope promises Libra a decisive push for change. It doesn’t matter what it will be, renovation, remodeling or rearrangement of furniture.

All these events will become possible thanks to luck in material affairs, and, who knows, maybe because of winning the lottery.

In November, an unstable relationship with a loved one is likely. To maintain stability, you need to adapt to the situation and change if necessary. The chance of finding mutual understanding is very high. To successfully build a career, you need to remember about agreements and compromises, then you will be able to avoid creating a conflict when communicating with your superiors.

Career, finance

A rather unfavorable situation may arise for Libra in November in their professional sphere. Work discussions can turn into ordinary skirmishes, and, moreover, quite emotional ones. Try not to get drawn into quarrels, so wisely build a complex of psychological defense. Be calm, patient and don't neglect reasonable compromises.

In November, you will have to check all incoming information; fraud is possible. Don’t manipulate the facts yourself either; you need to be extremely careful during this period. Try to think positively, because everything that does not work out today will work out in the near future.

The excellent financial situation of Libra in November will be ensured by profitable money transactions, investments and winnings.

Personal relationships, health

Libra's personal life in November will be accompanied by tense relationships with a permanent partner. In response to your partner’s desire to clarify some issues, you will begin to wag and avoid direct answers, which will provoke dissatisfaction with your partner. Although conversations with him will be difficult, but they are necessary, do not try to avoid them. Controversial issues should be clarified for your own benefit. This is much more important than living in an atmosphere of total mistrust. If, in your opinion, the relationship has outlived its usefulness, then you don’t need to jump straight away, so that belated regret does not come later. Try to remain friends as a last resort.

In November, free Libras will find joy in shopping, communicating with friends, attending social events, exhibitions, and presentations. All these actions will become a source of new feelings.

The well-being of weather-dependent Libra in November will be affected by weather changes. Take action - hot foot baths and contrast showers, herbal infusions and strong tea will relieve you of weakness and headaches.

Favorable days are 1, 8, 9, 13 14, 24, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 6, 15, 17, 25, 26.

Betting numbers – 7, 23, 29, 42, 56 and 21

In November, Scorpios should devote more time to implementing their own plans and to themselves. If you still don't have a pair, don't worry. While your partner is away, you have more opportunities to work on your projects. Continue to expand your horizons and educate yourself, November is a great time to learn a foreign language, go somewhere, at least on a business trip. During this period, you need to start strengthening your financial foundation. When communicating with others, dampen the desire for aggravation; you are wise enough to overcome aggression.

Career, finance

In your professional activities in November, make it a rule to work with soul and quality, but without overworking. Don't linger after work, take breaks. You will achieve success with the help of willpower, responsibility and quick mobilization in a difficult situation. Your efforts will be noticed and encouraged by management.

It is important to avoid any conflict situations; by making one enemy, you will set several more against you.

Scorpios should also be careful in terms of finances. Make a cash reserve, strengthen your financial foundation. Large operations should now be abandoned, including large-scale lottery games and extended bets; all investments during this period will not pay off.

Personal relationships, health

In November, family Scorpios need to give up even the idea of ​​having an affair on the side.

At this time, your partner may respond with destructive jealousy.

Those who have just entered into a relationship should not reinforce their declarations of love with rash actions that could offend their loved one. Don't boast about your abilities and achievements.

Lonely representatives of the sign will not be able to find new love this month. The unattainable ideal that you have pictured for yourself does not exist in reality. All new acquaintances will part with you very quickly.

In November, the greatest health risks for Scorpio can come from hypothermia and colds. Those who should should not avoid visiting the dentist.

Favorable days are 2, 3, 10, 12, 16, 25, 30; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 6, 9, 18, 27, 28.

Betting numbers – 2, 12, 14, 19, 27 and 8

The November horoscope warns Sagittarius that their desire to do everything their own way will not please the people around them.

You should be very careful and try to be objective about your behavior.

Sagittarius will most likely question the correctness of their chosen path and will be troubled by anxieties and fears.

In November, Sagittarius will have to work a lot, which may affect their well-being - try to monitor your health, and you may not be able to do without a preventive examination. But on the love front everything will be fine.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Sagittarius in November will be marked by vigorous activity; representatives of the sign will simply gush with new proposals.

It is still premature to voice your plans and actively promote them, even if the project is very promising. You will undoubtedly be able to bring your ideas to life, only a little later.

The main driving force during this period will be your ambition and a great desire to demonstrate your abilities.

When making promises, be sure to consider whether you will be able to cope with the tasks set. Without calculating your strengths, you risk getting into a very awkward situation. Assess what is happening soberly and have no illusions. It is necessary to set tasks of small complexity and think in advance about ways to implement them.

As for finances, in November gambling, speculation and lottery bets are contraindicated for Sagittarius.

Personal relationships, health

Sagittarius will have a strong desire for stability in November. They will avoid intrigue, quarrels and disputes in every possible way. We will think a lot about feelings and our role in the current relationship. Try to stick to positive thoughts, don’t regret the impossible, and don’t exaggerate the difficulties.

Your loved one will help you feel protected from the hardships of life.

For those who have recently entered into a relationship, it is useful to learn more about each other. To avoid disappointment, do not idealize your partner, observe and think.

Sagittarius' health in November may be affected by high stress; they need to rest more and put off unimportant matters. Colds are also a risk factor, take care of yourself.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 13, 140, 18, 28; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 7, 11, 20, 22, 30.

Betting numbers – 5, 8, 38, 60, 65 and 16

As the horoscope for November promises, during this period Capricorns, despite their distrust, can safely accept the help and support of their partners, as well as rely on their opinion.

It is worth listening if you are suddenly offered a new idea or project.

Tactfulness is your main weapon in November, which will save you money and time. You can safely join forces with like-minded people and colleagues.

If you are afraid that your relationship with a friend has reached a dead end, then don’t worry, it won’t come to quarrels.

Career, finance

In their professional activities in the last autumn month, Capricorns will have to restrain themselves in every possible way, not show excessive self-confidence, and not take on additional responsibility.

No one argues that initiative is good, but not this time, remember logic, and even better, listen to the advice of experienced people, it’s never too late to learn from the mistakes of others.

Carefully select allies, because you have the ability to determine the qualities of people literally at first sight. Evaluate the capabilities of your colleagues and your own objectively, and always try to act fairly.

In money matters, in November Capricorn can safely get involved in resolving their own financial issues. Now any operation with money will be very successful, including the lottery game.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Capricorn in November, situations will arise when they are torn by doubts. Suddenly it seems that a loved one has lost interest in you, but this is all your own speculation. Most likely, your significant other is immersed in work problems, but he really misses you and dreams of meeting you. Many representatives of the sign are unlikely to do without emotional nourishment; try not to drive yourself into a corner, otherwise you will simply break a lot of wood.

A varied vacation can be an outlet; the more options you choose, the more benefits you will bring to yourself.

In terms of health in November, Capricorn should pay attention to the thyroid gland and support it with a special diet, including foods containing iodine. Use dietary supplements with caution.

Colds are also a serious threat during this period, try not to get too cold.

Favorable days are 2, 9, 12, 20, 22; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4.5, 14, 18, 26, 28.

Betting numbers – 1, 16, 36,41, 58 and 1

The stars promise Aquarius a completely comfortable existence in November; the month will be quite productive.

First of all, representatives of the sign should get rid of excessive nervousness.

Many of Aquarius did not show themselves very well at the beginning of autumn, but at some point you need to pull yourself together and bring the situation under strict control.

If you have a disagreement with one of your friends and they are offended by you, then you need to look for ways of reconciliation, because you were wrong.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Aquarius begins to be active; the configuration of the celestial bodies provides them with the opportunity to successfully implement projects and conclude profitable deals that will turn out to be very profitable and profitable.

You should address priority issues; you may need not only intellectual but also monetary investments. If you work conscientiously, your hard work will be highly appreciated and will bring excellent results.

Aquarians should hardly expect stability in financial matters in November, but a good solution could be investing money in the development of a personal business, or in a profitable project. Such actions will help solve your financial problems and other pressing issues in the future. Playing the lottery will also go with varying degrees of success, now you should be more careful or join a lottery group.

Personal relationships, health

Dull autumn days will also negatively affect the mood of many Aquarius, who will feel that their relationship with a loved one is just as dull.

Instead of moping, discuss the most pressing issues together - and thereby you will eliminate many far-fetched problems.

The bird of happiness often strives to fly away, hold it tightly, let it go - it will not be easy to catch it. By your actions you either bind or push away your loved one.

Advice for family representatives of the sign: be especially gentle, affectionate and courteous with your significant other. If you maintain a positive attitude in both him and yourself, the family environment in your home will become unique - warm and trusting.

Don't miss the opportunity to give your other half gifts.

The biggest danger in November will be a viral infection for Aquarius. The solution to the problem is prevention; you should not visit crowded places, it is better to walk alone and take vitamins.

Favorable days are 2, 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 30; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 6, 7, 9, 14, 25, 28.

Betting numbers – 35, 41, 42, 44, 51 and 21

Pisces in November will adhere to a strange policy; they will want to enter into arguments with everyone around them, at work and at home. Overall, November will be a pretty good month.

Pisces will be able to cope well with problems - you just need to plan things, be organized and control your emotions - this is the most important thing.

You can benefit greatly from listening to the advice of your friends.

Career, finance

The main mistake Pisces representatives will make in their professional activities in November will be rash actions.

One wrong step can lead to the loss of everything that has been built over many days and months.

You should not encourage those who are trying to control you, and you yourself should refrain from giving advice when others do not need it.

The middle of the month is not the best time to make important decisions; at this time you are not diplomatic and tactful enough. You risk finishing what you started dramatically, quickly and with great losses.

Avoid intrigues in the team; someone will try to misinform or deceive you. Stay away and your conscience will be clear.

The financial situation of Pisces in November will also be uncertain.

Be careful and prudent - this is the best defense in complex money matters. This rule also applies to the lottery game - don’t get carried away.

Personal relationships, health

Pisces will be filled with discontent and resentment in November.

You yourself know how you know how and love to be offended and dramatize events.

If your loved one does not want to discuss problems with you, is indifferent to your hobbies, etc., and you hide your disappointment, move away, radiate coldness - this is the path to quarrels.

Do not aggravate the situation, think alone, analyze your behavior and the actions of your partner, and then talk in a cozy, calm atmosphere, ask your chosen one to state his position, share your doubts.

The best way out of confrontation is a hug from a loved one.

Stress and loss of strength threaten the health of Pisces in the last autumn month. Do not overstrain your nerves, otherwise a breakdown is inevitable, and as a result - decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, inflammatory processes, infections.

Favorable days are 6, 7, 10, 12, 21, 26; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 8, 15, 18, 19, 28.

Betting numbers – 3, 15, 19, 25, 44 and 23

Horoscope for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster for Libra. Photo from the site:

In 2017, everything will come together for Libra: the optimist Fire Rooster will bestow his attention, and the position of Jupiter and Venus will successfully build a combination, under which life will be one thing. Judge for yourself, for most of the year (until August inclusive) Libra will, as they say, roll around like cheese in butter. This is if we analyze it as a whole. And from autumn until deep winter, the financial situation will improve unimaginably - so much money will arrive that it will be just right to lend money and financially support bankrupt banks. To avoid falling into temptation, start helping someone. Of course, we are not talking about mass charity among Libras, because everyone has a different level of income in any case, but you can help relatives or transfer money to the account of one of the many hospitals with almost any income. Be sure to share your warmth with someone, support those in need, because this will not affect your personal well-being in any way.

In addition, if you believe the horoscope for 2017, Libra, with the proper investment of energy and time in themselves, but, more importantly, in maintaining relationships with people around them, will be able to ensure a comfortable life for themselves and will be lucky during the next few years of the Red Rooster years. This is the kind of credit of trust that will be given to this zodiac sign of the planet. But you still need to follow what we have already mentioned. Libra, who is naturally prone to narcissism, categorical judgments about others and “giving advice,” will not keep themselves in check this year and step on the throat of their own song, which tells how imperfect everyone around them is. And it should be, it’s still necessary! Only moderation and tolerance in relation to your environment will guarantee that the horoscope for 2017 for the Red Fire Rooster, Libra, promised you.

Self-realization and ambition, fame and recognition

So, let's take a closer look at what adventures await you in this or that area of ​​life. In terms of self-realization, Libra can be calm. It is in 2017 that you will be able to achieve a dream that you have long abandoned. As often happens, as a child, a Libra girl dreams of becoming an actress, cheerfully moves towards a seemingly clear goal, and suddenly, just before the finish line, when she needs to submit documents to the theater, she gives in to one kind of “Admissions Committee” sign. She leaves and tells everyone that she suddenly found another calling for herself - to get married and raise three children.

In 2017, Libra will be able to fulfill an old dream. Photo from the site:

This example, let us clarify, is abstract, but it well reflects a certain instability of Libra, or, more precisely, the habit of suddenly turning away from the chosen battle path and running into retreat, inventing mythical enemies and ill-wishers for themselves. So, as the horoscope for 2017 says, the Libra woman (in the past, that same girl of ours - a deserter from the theater) will still meet her stage. By the way, if someone has just such a situation with unfulfilled dreams of appearing on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, explore sites that offer casting as an extra on a TV show. will definitely smile at you, and who knows, maybe very soon you will smile at us from the television screen, acting as the host of a popular program. And there the theater is just a stone's throw away.

Continue to find new ways to discover yourself throughout the year. Try yourself in different areas, you have every chance to awaken your hidden talents and realize deferred dreams. At the same time, as the stars say, the older the representative of the Libra sign, the greater the change in life will be. And it may turn out that the good money that, as the horoscope promises, Libra 2017 will receive closer to late autumn, will be earned not through physical labor or sitting at routine tasks in a stuffy office, but with the help of your creative abilities and natural gifts.

However, it is also possible that you will get a promotion, which will subsequently bring not only a noticeable increase in your basic monthly income, but will also promise unplanned bonuses - bonuses or large material gifts. At work, by the way, it is important to maintain neutrality and not go deep into personal or friendly relationships. It’s better to strengthen your concentration directly within your competencies so that reporting always goes off without a hitch. Earn the status of a workaholic, and through your own efforts or the efforts of your subordinates you will achieve this - question ten. The main thing, as often happens, is to be the first at the right time in the right place. Namely, where promotions are handed out. That is, in the boss's office.

Perhaps, in terms of work and career, you have always been ready to take on the most difficult activities, supplementing them with part-time jobs. This year you can relax; starting in January, it will begin to pay tribute to you. So forget such concepts as “I’ll work at home” and “I’ll have to go out on the weekend.” By the way, there is also a high probability that one of the family members will take care of your financial well-being. So, perhaps, you can completely forget about work, schedules, dress codes, lunches limited to 45 minutes, and early rises from a warm bed in winter. Surely, you have already worked hard - let others (children, husband, brothers, etc.) show responsibility and take you under their wing. Don't worry: your loved ones' suggestion to quit your job won't have any hidden meaning. And you will not lose your powerful position in the eyes of your relatives. Well, remember that the Red Rooster in any case promises you that you will not lose anything in money, but will only gain in opportunities to express your “I”.

Romantic relationship

Personal life next year will be rich in new meetings and short-term acquaintances. But in the fall, starting from September, there is a high chance of meeting someone who will become your other half in the future. As the horoscope for 2017 says, a Libra man may suddenly begin searching for his first, second, or, in general, long-standing love. For fun, of course, this can be done, but do not return to the previous common orbit from which your new life partners separated you both. You have already been in the past, you should not pull previous candidates out of it. Well, if you really can’t bear it, social networks can help you. We found our old flame, looked at who had changed, “who they traded me for,” and switched to the next episode of their favorite TV series on the network.

What awaits Libra in 2017 romantically? Photo from the site:

In an already established family life, Libra will be calm and relaxed. You won’t even want to resort to traditional whims, manipulations and moralizing in order to get from your loved ones what you desperately need. In the year of the Fire Rooster, you will become closer to representatives of the younger generation: you will begin to better understand your children and will actively participate in the lives of your grandchildren. Well, those Libras who are just at the beginning of their family journey can expect replenishment. Yes, the stork can choose you, so the year of the Fire Rooster will leave not only money and emotions in your life, but also a new life. By the way, a real birth boom awaits us from astrologers and demographers. Well, children are the flowers of life, and there can never be too many of them. If you share these thoughts, then you can safely plan to have a child in your family; you are guaranteed full support in this matter. By the way, the stars also promise that babies born in the year of the Red Rooster will bathe in the rays of the gentle sun all their lives. Their assertive character, bright intellect and many talents guarantee them recognition in society in the future.

The most favorable months next year are February, early March and April, July, September, December.


Throughout the year you will need to be active and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. You will change your images and roles quite often, since all Libras are artistic by nature, so you must be versatile and always ready to change your image. No “for this I need to lose weight first” or “two weeks will definitely be enough for me to pump up my six-pack”!

We advise Libra to lead a healthy lifestyle in 2017. Photo from the site:

Your bird of luck may already be sitting on the other side of the window and is about to knock invitingly on it to present an invitation to the red carpet. And you are watching the TV with cake and cocoa. Remember, it’s better to start preparing for entry into high society from the very beginning of the year and solemnly receive the keys to your cherished dream, than to live by the logic of “when they call, then I’ll answer” and miss your unique chance just because you are out of shape or have nothing to do put on. By the way, almost all Libras are recommended to update their wardrobe as much as possible. Of course, you often look into store windows, but most likely, the last time you spent your precious time shopping was a very long time ago. So 2017 will be busy in business and romance. And most importantly, all changes will be in your favor!

With Venus in Scorpio's house of love, this spring month has a special erotic charge. Sensuality and a romantic attitude make you more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, and amorous opportunities appear more and more often. Fate may send lonely representatives of your sign a very unusual acquaintance.

Until April 20, 2017, Mars, ruler of the sign Scorpio, remains in your partner's house, further emphasizing the theme of relationships. Under the influence of this fiery planet, love becomes hot, so unforgettable events are expected. You feel a surge of energy, there is a desire to establish new contacts with people, to seduce and conquer. If you have been hesitant to take the first step in love, feel free to take the initiative to clarify the situation.

The New Moon on April 26, 2017 occurs in the Scorpio partnership sector, under its influence new, fresh trends will come into your personal life. The aspects of the new moon are positive, so the events that take place should be trusted.

Scorpio career and financial horoscope for April 2017

Efficiency this month is at its best. The sun passes through Scorpio's house of work, which means great success awaits those who do what they really like. Even love will contribute to progress at work and in career development. An additional job may appear that will provide additional income.

Venus in the creative fifth house of Scorpio emphasizes interest in aesthetics in the workplace and helps maintain harmony in relationships in the team. The month is well suited for presentations, exhibitions, promotion of services and goods.

On April 10, 2017, the period of retrograde (reverse) Mercury begins, which makes certain adjustments. In the subsequent period, the implementation of new projects is undesirable, since they are likely to develop with delays. However, you can work on what has already been started quite successfully.

April 2017 indicates the importance of cooperation. Working together with other people will bring very good results, but can also be a source of stress, especially in the first half of the month. There may be disagreements and conflicts with business partners or colleagues. The best solution is to find allies who will support you and with whom you will work fruitfully.

Financially, the month is quite controversial. There is a negative aspect of Saturn in Scorpio's house of money with Venus in your house of love, which hints at the possibility of monetary losses or unnecessary expenses due to love. On the other hand, the same Saturn has a harmonious relationship with the Sun and Uranus in the work sector, so expect decent material rewards for your work. The search for new sources of income may be crowned with success.


In April 2017, the Sun, Mercury and Venus pass through the health sector, urging you to pay more attention to your health. During this period, monitor your body signals, balance your diet and lifestyle.

Work overload will have a greater negative impact on you than usual, so proper rest is important. By choosing too fast a pace of life, you expose yourself to the risk of exhausting all your internal energy reserves. If you allow yourself at least short breaks, your body will thank you.

Don't be afraid to start something new in your personal relationships!

As astrologers say, the beginning of autumn will be a very ambiguous period, both in the spiritual and material aspects. Many of us will strive for transformation, innovation and dramatic change.

The lottery horoscope for September will be an excellent help for those who have difficulty playing and need advice. In September, charity issues will become very relevant for many. If you manage to win a large sum, do not hesitate to give part of the money to those in need.

The horoscope for September says that in the first days of autumn you should not neglect your health, strengthen your immune system, accumulate positive energy, and the month will delight you with new discoveries.

In September 2017, Aries will amaze others with their impatience, determination and self-confidence. The desire to get ahead of everyone, including yourself, will cause disapproval from others. Aries should be more careful, because their actions can only consume time, while at the same time the desired result may not come. Be prudent in your actions, then you will be able to maintain excellent relationships with others.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Aries in September can be described as quite prosperous. They will be annoyed by those colleagues who strive to work half-heartedly or not actively enough. September is not the best time to sort things out with management, colleagues, or subordinates. It is better to focus on organizing your current affairs. Try to create an atmosphere of creation around yourself.

As for the financial situation of Aries, the first autumn month will be a very stable period; expect increases in the form of bonuses or other payments. It is likely that this is due to your lottery activity. Therefore, you should not put off what you want, hurry up to place a bet - it has every chance of bringing success. Winnings in the lottery or casino are especially likely in mid-September, but, as the stars say, they will not be large.

Personal relationships, health

The expectation of understanding and attention will permeate all aspects of the personal life of representatives of the sign in September. Aries will suddenly begin to become touchy, sensitive, and demanding of their partner. There is no need to be particularly zealous in the desire to remake your other half. Take comfort in the knowledge that you set the tone in your inner circle, projecting your ideas and tastes. Pay attention to the period from September 3 to September 19 - this time is most suitable for making an important decision. Aries women should not be afraid to dramatically change the course of life; they can receive both trust and love as a reward.

It is important for men of the sign to support their children and spouse; they will need your care.

Your well-being at the beginning of autumn will be directly dependent on your workload at work. You should not self-medicate, but rather spend more time resting, do not ignore visits to the doctor, and go to bed on time.

Favorable days are 6, 7, 12, 18, 25, 30; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 11, 12, 17, 19, 23.

Betting numbers – 19, 25, 27, 28, 43 and 24

In September, Taurus will not be able to avoid solving numerous financial problems that have been hanging over him since the summer. For some of the representatives of the sign, inheritance issues will be successfully resolved. In general, all Taurus should prepare for a troublesome and hectic period. But they will manage to be on time everywhere, as they will approach financial and professional issues systematically and thoughtfully. Relatives will help you in solving many issues; only the education and upbringing of children will be on your shoulders.

Career, finance

The horoscope for September 2017 recommends that Taurus be focused on details, an efficient and punctual worker. Don’t change your plans or push deadlines, otherwise you won’t succeed in anything meaningful. It is quite possible that there will be changes at your job, a change in management or staff reductions. Women are advised to be more responsible and vigilant; through your fault, you may displease your superiors.

Financially, be careful; don’t spend money on things you don’t consider essential. Family needs, children and travel will require considerable funds in the near future. There may be expenses associated with elderly family members. But investing in profitable projects is strongly encouraged. You should play lotteries in September very carefully, do not get carried away with detailed and multi-draw bets.

Personal relationships, health

Single Taurus - do not return to old, outdated relationships, former lovers. Rarely does anyone manage to step into the same river twice. Behave openly with your chosen one, then you will avoid remorse and suspicion. Avoid ambition and selfishness, then you will have a sincere and warm relationship with your loved one.

Family Taurus will literally have to be torn between elderly family members and children. The month ahead will be full of events and emotions. Perhaps one of your loved ones will end up in the hospital, while others at the same time will need your care and your money.

Younger family members need a holiday - give it to them.

Unfortunately, your vacation will be limited only to a summer cottage or short trips out of town, and the lack of money will affect you.

In terms of health, it would be good to ignore numerous problems, sleep longer, take walks in the evenings, and eat according to a schedule. Both physical and intellectual work can negatively affect your well-being.

Favorable days are 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 4, 19,21, 27, 29.

Betting numbers – 13, 24, 29, 48, 58 and 11

In September 2017, Gemini will be forced to humble their pride and resort to compromise more often. Unfortunately, a lot of problems and troubles will fall on your head, but you will endure them steadfastly. Your health will be seriously threatened by blues and insomnia. Generously share your warmth and gifts with others. Those you love deserve it. You should not go towards your goal against the wishes of others. Balance your strengths and capabilities, then your activities will be beneficial.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Gemini will have to devote a lot of energy to current affairs. If you receive an offer to work overtime, do not refuse. Take responsibility for maintaining all kinds of documentation, think about what connections you can use, and with whom you can establish partnerships.

Career growth is most likely for women; they may even have to change jobs. It is important for men to formulate a goal, create a base and draw up an action plan.

The horoscope for September warns Gemini against careless handling of money; be more economical. The motto of the month is to save, not spend. You have already set aside some of the money; in September, continue to accumulate funds. Be patient, don't despair, work tirelessly. Do not hope that money will come to you in an easy way; in this sense, you should not count on lottery winnings during this period.

Personal relationships, health

In September, single Geminis will have to hear a declaration of love from the desired person whom they have long dreamed of. Many people have to make a choice between two chosen ones; give preference to those born under the sign of Fire. It is possible to meet someone who was once very dear to you. Women should not neglect the advice and warnings of their friends regarding their chosen ones, and men should not make empty promises.

Family representatives of the sign will face a series of minor everyday troubles and troubles with children. Pay your utilities on time, otherwise problems will arise.

In September, Gemini faces the danger of depression and nervous diseases. Insomnia, loss of appetite, lack of desire to see anyone - this is what you have to face. You may need professional help. Communicate more with positive-minded people. Try to look at life more optimistically.

Favorable days are 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 9, 17, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 4, 42, 45, 53, 55 and 25

The horoscope for September 2017 predicts Cancer will sum up what he managed to achieve in the summer. You shouldn’t make far-reaching plans, but you can invest money if a promising project comes along. All areas of Cancer's life will be quite prosperous, the balance of current life will be very to his taste, he is very nervous in the hustle and bustle.

Family Cancers should not overly encourage their children with pocket expenses; they should be rational in purchases, and restraint in relationships with people.

Keep in mind that you can only rely on yourself in all situations.

Lonely representatives of the sign can fall passionately and recklessly in love in September.

Career, finance

In their professional activities in September, Cancers will have to listen to both praise and censure from management. Be strict with yourself, because you know very well where you made mistakes and where you frankly played the fool. You will have to either strengthen your image or change your place of work. Such sudden changes will negatively affect the state of your wallet and overall emotional mood.

Women should think about where to invest their money so that a sound financial policy will ensure their future in the future. You should not invest in idle entertainment and useless purchases; the time is very inappropriate for them.

Cancer men will have to seek support from close people and beneficial partners. Those who now go into private business are guaranteed success.

Gambling, including lotteries, will be a great help and bring some much needed adrenaline into your life.

Personal relationships, health

Lonely Cancers should take a closer look at their surroundings; there is a chance to notice a reliable and loving person. In September, it is recommended to come down from the heights and give up inflated demands on love relationships. Don't chase the ideal, otherwise you will remain lonely. A very stormy romance awaits some representatives of the sign at the end of the month; you will receive a flurry of passions, impressions and emotions.

Family Cancers will be absorbed in troubles and worries, so they will have no time for friends and entertainment, especially in the second half of September.

Family quarrels can provoke depression and stress in Cancer, and as a result - decreased immunity, zero mood and lack of energy. Resort to breathing exercises, relaxing procedures and jogging; vitamins and a contrast shower for prevention will not hurt.

Favorable days are 3, 5, 10, 12, 18, 25, 30; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 9, 17, 23, 26, 29.

Betting numbers – 9, 16, 19, 22, 39 and 14

Virgo will have to solve the accumulated tangle of problems in September 2017 on its own. But if you give up, you won’t be able to cope even with the help of friends and relatives. Travel will be successful, both long business trips and short forays out of town. You have enough strength and finances for all this. But it will be more difficult to understand love relationships, although if you have real feelings for your chosen one, you will cope. It is important to keep everything under control, then September will be an excellent period. It is possible that your life is entering a new period, do not miss the chance to become a happy person.

Career, finance

The horoscope for September 2017 recommends not neglecting the most important professional matters. If problems arise, resolve them immediately. Money wisely invested during this period can make you a wealthy and successful person. Your financial situation will be very favorable due to bonuses, lucrative deals and rich experience. Money matters will be a little more difficult for women, but a rational approach and hard work will help increase deposits in your personal account. You can buy what you have long wanted - a fashion accessory or a phone. Men should not be afraid of risk - feel free to change your job if it does not suit you, and invest money in a joint business with friends.

Pleasant cash surprises await you, probably related to your lottery game.

Personal relationships, health

Relationship-free Virgos can meet the person of their dreams in September. If you have to make a choice in favor of an official or civil marriage, take it responsibly. Those who are ready to make drastic changes in their personal lives should not listen to the advice of strangers. Many Virgo women will have to choose between love and work, and men will often have to sort things out. Perhaps they would prefer to be alone.

Virgos who are married will enjoy a well-established life when the whole family is together and feeling good. Don’t forget about your elderly relatives and parents, take control of the studies of your high school children. And most importantly, confess your love for your significant other more often.

The onset of the cold season promises Virgos colds and illnesses, so hardening will not hurt. Introduce fruit juices and vitamins into your diet, and get a flu shot in a timely manner.

Favorable days are 6, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 9, 18, 23, 29, 30.

Betting numbers – 24, 38, 47, 49, 63 and 4

The horoscope for September 2017 recommends the Libra sign to listen to the heart more often than the mind. This will help you settle into a comfortable life with your chosen partner. If your career is not yet developing, try to increase your funds through a hobby, such as playing the lottery or making something to order.

You are filled with optimism and diligence. You yourself are surprised by your inexhaustible energy and tirelessness. During this period, it is very easy for you to find a way out of the most delicate situation, without even resorting to outside help. Perhaps you have to choose between two partners, here you don’t need any advisers, you will get your bearings correctly.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Libra will be very upset by the climate in the team, the reason will be gossip and showdowns. The mood will be lifted by a new project that the management will entrust to you; it promises a decent fee. The stars warn of problems that will creep up from unexpected quarters. The main thing is not to despair because of financial troubles and carefully check the documentation. September is not a month for laziness and thinking for Libra women, because the difficult financial situation must be urgently corrected. But men can enjoy shopping, traveling and other pleasures of life. But keep in mind, easy money, like winning the lottery, is easy to get away with. Invest some money, you will be glad for your foresight later.

Personal relationships, health

Libras who are not married will be disappointed and offended by their chosen one. You have to change internally yourself, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. Your loved one will be very dissatisfied with your preoccupation with work, so try to devote a little more time to romantic dates and spending time together.

Family Libras will desperately want privacy and freedom in September. It is unlikely that your household will like your decision to move away from them, but the decision will be yours. Many Libras will be moving or buying a home in the middle of the month to be closer to relatives.

To avoid complications, visit an ophthalmologist and dermatologist in September. Visiting the solarium and sunbathing are not recommended. Don't be nervous - and your health will not be a cause for concern. Don't sit too long at the computer and go to bed early.

Favorable days are 3, 6, 10, 15, 18, 22, 30; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 11, 17, 19, 24, 27.

Betting numbers – 13, 42, 46, 61, 62 and 26

You shouldn't hope that love will appear on your doorstep by itself. Without your initiative, nothing will happen, so take a closer look at your surroundings, the likelihood of finding your other half is very high. September is not a very good time to invest money, but a long or long-distance business trip is very possible.

During this period, the stars will give you both high rewards and disappointments. To avoid regrets, decide for yourself with whom it is beneficial for you to cooperate. In the first weeks of autumn, Scorpio will have to pay for past mistakes, both moral and financial.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, it is better for Scorpios to save their impulsiveness and temperament for personal relationships, and in the workplace it is better to be a quiet and inconspicuous employee. In this way, you will achieve the favor of colleagues with whom you will have to work side by side for a long time. Your professionalism will be an important reason why your boss will assign you an interesting project.

September is a very successful month financially. All your hopes will be fully justified, you will receive the amount you expected. But the money will come as a result of a part-time job, or will be given as a gift, but not as a result of a lottery win. There are many payments to be made - for bank loans, for debt repayment, and for paying off utility debts.

Personal relationships, health

A fateful meeting awaits Scorpio in September 2017. There is a possibility that a congenial person is already in the orbit of your friends; take a closer look at those around you. If this chance is missed, then you will not be able to start a family for a long time. It is best to make acquaintances in public places - gyms, events, parties, concerts.

Scorpios who are married are advised not to put off solving problems that arise. This is especially true when there are frequent conflicts over everyday issues. You need to show more tenderness to your children and spouse. You are too immersed in work, and this does not evoke positive feelings in your household. There is a risk that one of the Scorpios will decide to have a love affair, which could lead to family collapse.

The coming cold carries the risk of serious complications from colds, so do not neglect strengthening your immune system. Health-improving jogging, exercises, and relaxing procedures are recommended. While you can, go for bike rides.

Favorable days are 5, 6, 10, 12, 18, 25; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 11, 14, 19, 24, 26, 29.

Betting numbers – 5, 14, 17, 33, 60 and 19

Sagittarius should listen to the recommendations of the horoscope for September 2017 - change their place of work and complete previously started work. Success will not leave you, but it will not come instantly and from a completely unexpected direction. Family Sagittarius should prepare for disputes, disagreements and disasters. If possible, go on a trip with your loved one or visit another city. The beginning of the month is the time when you should rest more and work less. Relaxing procedures will be useful to restore strength and energy.

Career, finance

Having rested properly, Sagittarius will begin to work actively and plan a lot of new things. It is quite possible to earn additional income. And even if the profit does not seem too high to you, this is just the beginning. Try to assess your strength realistically, pay attention to the little things. Many of the representatives of the star sign are promised a career take-off and salary increase, this is especially true for people with experience in one place. Other Sagittarius can safely change their place of work or field of activity, and take up advanced training. Stunning success in professional activity will temporarily knock Sagittarius out of their usual rut. But in reality, income will be much higher than expenses. By the way, don’t forget about your gambling hobby - significant winnings in the lottery are possible on a wave of luck.

Personal relationships, health

September 2017 is the best time to take care of yourself, so representatives of the sign need to take a good break from relationships and sort out their feelings. If you feel that the connection with your partner is becoming weaker, if there are more annoying moments than joyful ones, then perhaps your union has exhausted itself.

Family Sagittarians also need to sort out their problems, and in a calm home environment you will more easily find the answer. Therefore, do not get distracted by quarrels, avoid conflict situations. Now is the period for important steps and serious decisions.

A threat to Sagittarius's health can be posed by himself - bad habits, poor diet. September is very favorable for quitting smoking, and alcohol consumption should be reduced to a minimum. Don't sit too long at the computer or in front of the TV, go to bed early.

Favorable days are 5, 9, 10, 18, 25, 30; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 4, 11, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 1, 9, 38, 60, 69 and 4

An important warning for Capricorn: working without breaks for rest and lunch can lead to health problems. Moreover, ailments can be both physical and mental.

According to the horoscope forecast for September 2017, the month promises to be interesting, with trips, adventures, and meetings. Representatives of the sign will be very inquisitive, and this will lead them to achievements and victories. A fateful change is expected in your personal life. Capricorn will meet such an important person for himself, for whose sake he will decide to change his habits and views on relationships.

Career, finance

In their professional activities, Capricorn will face urgent and routine work. If you get down to business with enthusiasm, you can achieve success faster, unlike many of your colleagues. You may have to deal with the envy and malice of competitors, but Capricorn has no problem in being able to avoid all the sharp corners in communication. But at the slightest opportunity to go to another country, or to another city, do not neglect it, rest is very useful for you during this period.

Financial matters will not be a subject of special concern for Capricorn; everything will be resolved quickly and easily. If you play lotteries, then activity in early autumn will not bring any income. Men should not take risks in money matters; there is a danger of losing all their savings. No adventures, dubious affairs, unfamiliar projects. Large bets in casinos and lotteries, trading on the stock exchange is not recommended.

Personal relationships, health

Some lonely representatives of the Capricorn sign will have to experience unrequited love, which will soon turn into apathy and mild depression. Don’t be discouraged; not everything always corresponds to our desires. If you are unable to cope with the situation, advice from relatives will help you. It would be best to plunge into work or go somewhere for a while.

Family Capricorns should devote more time to loved ones and not skimp on actions, words and purchases. Gifts will help you find a path to the hearts of your household, especially if the family hearth has cooled down somewhat. At the beginning of autumn, misunderstanding may arise, but this is only your fault and reluctance to delve into everyday problems.

Fatigue and depression can become a serious problem for Capricorn's well-being in September. If you cannot overcome the disease on your own, you should contact an experienced specialist. Eliminate all stress, both physical and psychological.

Favorable days are 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 25; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 6, 16, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 1, 20, 25, 42, 54 and 2

The stars warn Aquarius - under no circumstances strive for leadership in love relationships. It is better to leave everything as it was, so as not to lose a loved one. Financially, representatives of the sign will have great luck; they may receive compensation or a big win in the lottery.

An unforgettable and bright month awaits you, which will bring amazing changes to your life - travel, communication and meetings with new interesting people, perhaps even something global like scientific research. Creative people will create masterpieces that will make them in demand and popular.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, the horoscope for September recommends carefully following the instructions and rules in the workplace. Otherwise, you risk running into conflict with management and losing your bonus. It’s a good idea to retrain or improve your skills. All paths are now open for you, you can safely pursue a career that will improve your financial situation. Everything needs to be strictly calculated and thought through so that the calculations are correct and the money received is not blown away by the wind.

Play lotteries - luck is favoring you during this period! This especially applies to Aquarius women; dubious deals and adventures are contraindicated for men; perhaps you will encounter a scammer and schemer on your way, be on the lookout.

Personal relationships, health

Openness and courage will be very useful for lonely Aquarius at the beginning of autumn. The one you like will be there for you if you take some steps. Leave tricks, love affairs and gossip in the past, don’t hide your feelings and desires, express them sincerely.

Family representatives of the sign should keep their mouths shut and not discuss personal nuances with strangers; even friends do not need to know about the details of your family everyday life.

Pay special attention to teenage children, especially if they study or live far from you. Do not allow unpleasant and intrusive people into your home.

In September, Aquarius must undergo a medical examination and blood tests; problems with the heart and blood vessels or decreased immunity are likely.

Follow your diet, be moderate with alcohol and smoking. Don't overwork yourself, beware of colds.

Favorable days are 3, 10, 12, 18, 20, 30; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 7, 17, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 6, 16, 17, 23, 26 and 25

The motto of the month for Pisces will be saving, not spending accumulated funds. The exception is issues related to your health or the well-being of loved ones; there is no point in clinging to money. To strengthen family relationships, you need to travel outside the city, into nature, and not shy away from raising your children. You need to dream less at the beginning of autumn, better think about the present, then success will await you in love and at work.

In September, Pisces will be visited by different moods that will affect the course of life and radically change it. Work hard, and don't have your head in the clouds and dreams. Do not isolate yourself in order to increase your reputation in the eyes of friends and colleagues.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Pisces should focus on eliminating shortcomings, and only then take on something new. Think about how to approach the problem rationally and systematically to avoid future mistakes. It is important for you not only to receive financial rewards for good work, but also to feel moral satisfaction. Minor conflicts and disagreements are possible at the beginning of the month with colleagues and management. Try to tune in to positive contact with your partners, then the desired result will be achieved.

You will be able to strengthen your financial situation if you do not neglect any opportunities to earn money, be it an additional part-time job or playing the lottery, betting, or in a casino.

Personal relationships, health

Pisces free from marriage ties should prepare for drastic changes in their personal lives. At the beginning of autumn, a fateful meeting awaits you with the person you dreamed of. Without hesitation, you will agree to any steps, including submitting an application to the registry office. Those Pisces who are already in a relationship will want some variety. The stars recommend that you add passion and excitement to your relationship so as not to scare away your partner.

Family representatives of the sign are not recommended to spend a long time in friendly companies, but to pay attention to their household members. Otherwise, discontent will result in quarrels; it is better to solve all everyday problems together with your significant other. Listen to advice from older relatives regarding financial matters. In September, real difficulties with money may arise.

Pay close attention to the minor manifestations and symptoms of ailments, and then your health will not be a cause for concern. Take advantage of the last fine days for walks, picnics, mushroom hunting, walk more, breathe fresh air.

Favorable days are 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 25; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 9, 17, 19, 25, 28.

Betting numbers – 6, 16, 20, 42, 69 and 13