Treatment of Frunze cats. Metro Frunzenskaya - call a veterinarian to your home, 24-hour veterinary assistance. How much does it cost to call a veterinarian to your home in the Frunzenskaya metro area

Our veterinary clinic Frunzenskaya Embankment provides services for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in pets. Professional veterinarians with extensive practical experience can cope with almost any task.

The Frunzenskaya Embankment veterinary clinic is equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, which allows for high-quality research to establish and confirm the diagnosis.

Our laboratory conducts:

  • general biochemical tests of blood and urine of animals;
  • determination of hormone levels;
  • culture with testing for sensitivity of microflora to various drugs;
  • and much more.
  • At the Frunzenskaya Embankment veterinary clinic there is an X-ray room, ultrasound examinations and ECG. This allows us to provide high-quality veterinary care to animals in a variety of cases - from injuries to obstetrics.

    The cost of a number of services is lower than in most veterinary clinics in Moscow. We also guarantee the reliability of the research, the accuracy of the diagnosis and the high-quality selection of appropriate treatment in each case.

    Vet clinic Frunzenskaya Embankment is open 24 hours a day, we also provide services to help animals at home.

    Calling a veterinarian to your home

    A qualified specialist can solve many problems related to animal health at home, which eliminates the need to transport the animal to a veterinary clinic and eliminates waiting in line.

    You can carry out the entire range of preventive treatments at home. The veterinarian will deliver the vaccine in accordance with temperature regime, will carry out scheduled deworming and microchipping.

    Castration and sterilization procedures, obstetrics, examination and collection of biomaterial for laboratory research are also carried out at home.

    In severe conditions of the animal, when it will be difficult for the pet to endure a trip to the veterinary clinic, calling a veterinarian at home becomes the only way out. First of all, this applies to serious injuries, poisoning and dangerous infectious diseases.

    In some cases, a trip to the veterinary clinic cannot be avoided. X-ray examinations or laparoscopy require massive equipment. Most therapeutic operations, IV placement, catheterization can be performed at home Bladder, professional teeth cleaning and much more.

    Examining the animal in its usual home environment significantly increases the reliability of the data, since any transportation is a serious stress for the pet, leading to the release of adrenaline, increased breathing and heart rate, growth blood pressure, distortion of pain reactions, etc.

    Like most veterinary clinics in Moscow, we provide euthanasia services for pets. Euthanasia of hopelessly ill animals is carried out quickly and painlessly, both at home and in a veterinary clinic. Before making a decision about euthanasia, it is strongly recommended to consult with a veterinarian, since even with most incurable diseases, there are ways to alleviate the animal’s condition and prolong its comfortable existence.

Our service carries out 24-hour veterinarian home visits to your pet to provide emergency veterinary care of any complexity.

Traveling in transport new environment is stressful for most even healthy animals. If an animal is sick or injured, then calling a doctor at home is the most comfortable, safest and effective method help him. At home, the pet is in a familiar environment, calm, which will undoubtedly allow the veterinarian to do his job more effectively.

What services do we provide?

We provide a full range of veterinary care - you can familiarize yourself with the main services in detail:

    Taking samples from animals ( cats, dogs, rodents, reptiles)

    Vaccination, complex vaccinations for animals ( cats, dogs)

    Assisting births in animals ( for cats, for dogs)

    Castration of animals ( cats, dogs, rodents)

    Sterilization of animals ( cats, dogs)

  • Ultrasound (for cats, for dogs)
  • Euthanasia of animals humanely ( cats, dogs, rodents, reptiles)

    Brushing teeth for animals cats, dogs)

    Removal of dead animal bodies + Cremation (, dogs, rodents, birds, reptiles)

Modern portable medical equipment allows our veterinarians to even perform operations at home. In particularly severe cases, we will deliver your pet to the hospital as comfortably as possible. Call!

How much does it cost to call a veterinarian to your home in the Frunzenskaya metro area?

Today, providing veterinary care to a pet at home is available to every owner - it’s inexpensive.

Why choose us?

  • Professional veterinary clinic
  • The clinic staff includes over 60 highly qualified veterinarians with special education.

  • Clinic with many years of experience
  • Our veterinary service has been operating for 12 years and includes 7 large clinics in Moscow.

  • Providing quality services
  • We have professional medical equipment at our disposal to provide veterinary services of any complexity.

An experienced veterinarian will come to you!

Our employees have over 10 years of experience. In addition, they constantly work to improve their professional skills by taking part in ongoing veterinary congresses, seminars, and lectures.

What clients say

thanks for qualified assistance. The dog's uterus became inflamed and bloody discharge was found. The therapist who examined the dog referred him for an ultrasound of the uterus and almost immediately for surgery; at the same time, blood tests and an x-ray of the lungs were done. The dog remained in the hospital for a day. The next day they took the pet, there are no complaints about the work of the clinic or hospital.

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from 300 rub.

If something bad happened to your pet - he caught an infection or needed surgery - best option, it is impossible to think of placing him in a hospital for cats. Only under the supervision of qualified veterinarians Your

the pet will be able to quickly recover and undergo a rehabilitation course. In our veterinary clinic, animals will be provided with the most comfortable conditions and effective treatment.

Hospitals for cats are selected according to the level of service

Don’t worry about your pet if you put him in an infectious diseases hospital for cats in our clinic - we guarantee him constant attention and the highest quality service. Your pet will receive everything it needs for a speedy recovery and recovery - from proper nutrition to better medicines. Our specialists will be able to quickly get him back on his feet even after the most complex surgical intervention.

Today, when many people are looking for a good hospital for cats in Moscow, they turn to us. And this is understandable, because the experience, equipment and reputation of our veterinary clinic speak for themselves! Our hospital for cats with infectious diseases the most inexpensive in Moscow!

The hospital uses both individual cells and complex boxes.

The cost of a daily hospital stay is 500 rubles.