Treatment of endometriosis with current. Treatment of endometriosis with physiotherapy: benefits and harms. When are physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed?

Progressive techniques make it possible to avoid radical intervention even with serious diseases. Physiotherapy for endometriosis is gaining popularity. This method of influencing a woman’s body is characterized by a small number of side effects and good treatment results. Therefore, doctors are increasingly resorting to this method to restore health to their patients.

Endometriosis affects a large number of the female population, so the problem of combating it is quite acute. Every third person experiences this disease, regardless of age and sexual activity. Drug therapy does not always bring results, and some patients are afraid of it. Physiotherapy comes to their aid.

Current physiotherapeutic techniques

Physiotherapy for endometriosis is usually used as an auxiliary part of therapy. It is used simultaneously with the correction of a woman’s hormonal levels. This allows you to reduce the dosage of medications, which has a positive effect on the patient’s condition and helps to avoid side effects. After surgery, physical procedures speed up recovery, minimize the risks of complications and relieve pain.

Physiotherapy is a solution if there are contraindications to hormonal treatment. It helps to curb the development of pathology in young girls, for whom surgical intervention is associated with great risks.

But the procedures are most effective when they have a complex effect on the body, including other techniques.

Several types of procedures are performed as physiotherapeutic treatment:

  • Magnetotherapy - allows you to relieve painful manifestations, improve blood circulation, increase the effect of drugs on the body when administered, relieve swelling and signs of inflammation.
  • Electrophoresis - the effect of current on the body allows you to increase the degree of absorption of medicinal substances and increase the area of ​​their influence, as well as relieve nervous tension in the patient.
  • Balneotherapy - includes radon and iodine-bromine baths, which relieve pain, lower blood pressure, relieve inflammation, and also have a positive effect on the condition of the thyroid gland.

  • Laser therapy and UV irradiation are prescribed only after surgical treatment to speed up healing and prevent possible complications in the form of secondary infection.
  • Hydrotherapy - used as an additional remedy in the form of baths with pine needles, which have a calming effect and also relax muscles, relieve spasms and soreness.
  • Climatotherapy is treatment in midland resorts with a climate close to the place of residence (sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory). In this case, standard physiotherapeutic procedures are not performed; the entire effect is achieved through fresh air, a relaxing atmosphere and a change in activity from work to leisure.

The most effective methods are electrophoresis, balneotherapy and magnetic wave treatment. Before carrying out the procedures, you should familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.


Treatment using this method includes several options. They are associated with the nature of the magnetic field, which happens:

  • variable;
  • permanent;
  • pulsating;
  • running;
  • pulsed.

This method of influencing tissue does not involve heat, and also does not stimulate estrogen production. But at the same time, magnetic therapy for endometriosis relieves inflammation and pain, reduces blood clotting, triggers metabolic processes, and improves vascular function.

Human tissues are good at transmitting waves created by a magnet. This ensures their deep penetration with an effect on organs of any localization.

In the postoperative period, the device is used locally (only on the pelvic area) or general magnetic therapy is prescribed (affects the entire body, has a sedative effect).

When using a pulsed field, the work of the central nervous system and autonomic ganglia is stabilized, and the blood supply to tissues is stimulated. All this has a positive effect on the patient’s condition.


The procedure is carried out using a device that generates pulsed currents at a low frequency. Electrophoresis for endometriosis provides several effects at once:

  • relieves pain;
  • calms and removes internal tension;
  • enhances the effect of administered medications.

The action of the current does not trigger the production of estrogen, which is a positive phenomenon in the treatment of endometritis. By enhancing the effect of the incoming substances, the dosage required to create the desired therapeutic concentration is reduced. At the same time, the active components are retained in the body, from where they enter the blood every day.

The accumulation of the drug in the uterine area allows you to more effectively influence the problem and eliminate it. This feature is especially important in the chronic course of the disease. But electrophoresis has a number of contraindications:

  • presence of housing and communal services;
  • stones in the urinary system;
  • oncological diseases of any nature.

Therapy is prescribed on days 5-7 of the cycle, since a later onset can provoke increased pain, as well as the appearance of bloody discharge outside of menstruation. This occurs especially often when using combined oral contraceptives.

The course of electrophoresis must be repeated every 2-4 months.

In this regard, patients with chronic, long-term endometriosis buy devices for home use. This allows the procedure to be carried out in comfortable conditions with the frequency prescribed by the attending physician.


Balneotherapy includes iodine-bromine and radon baths for endometriosis. The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Otherwise, an exacerbation of the underlying disease with the development of subsequent complications is possible. Therefore, physiotherapeutic measures should be carried out and supervised by specialists.

Baths with a radon content of 40-200 nCi/l are suitable as a cure for endometriosis.

At the same time, microenemas and vaginal douching with the same solution are used. This method is especially effective for the retrocervical type of disease.

Radon acts on the patient’s nervous system, providing a calming, analgesic and inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. This makes it easier to bear the symptoms of the disease. Baths act on the endocrine organs, regulating the concentration of gonadotropins and steroids, and also normalize estrogen levels and increase the amount of progesterone. The procedure prevents the formation of adhesions, relieving chronic inflammation, and also improves blood circulation, which prevents the occurrence of complications of endometriosis.

The effect of radon balneotherapy lasts longer than after other methods of physical treatment.

The course of procedures is repeated no more than once every six months. This allows you to make longer intervals between taking medications, which reduces the load on the liver and the body as a whole.

Iodine-bromine baths are prepared using iodine from 10 mg/l + bromine from 25 mg/l. This water is also administered through vaginal douching. It relieves inflammation, calms the nervous system, and also normalizes blood pressure and thyroid function. The method helps reduce the concentration of estrogen in the blood without the use of hormonal drugs. It is also effective as a way to relieve pain. The duration of the effect reaches 4 months or longer.

Indications and contraindications for physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic procedures are not prescribed to all patients. They have clear indications:

  • Endometriosis in the initial stage, associated with a pause in taking hormonal drugs (electrophoresis + balneotherapy).
  • Adolescence, no history of childbirth (electrophoresis + pine baths).
  • The impossibility of treatment with hormones or the presence of contraindications to them due to concomitant pathologies (electrophoresis, radon baths).
  • The presence of chronic pain syndrome in the pelvic region (electrophoresis, balneotherapy, including the use of radon).
  • The period after surgery as a preventive measure for adhesions (laser therapy, UV irradiation, magnetic field treatment).
  • The presence of adhesions and constant pain in the pelvic area (hydrotherapy, climate treatment, baths of various types).

Despite the large number of indications and the relative safety of the method, physiotherapy is not always used. In some cases, its use is impossible. These include:

  • the presence of cysts in the ovary;
  • indications for surgery;
  • late stages of endometriosis;
  • the patient’s use of psychotropic substances in connection with the disease.

Treatment of endometriosis with physiotherapeutic methods brings good results only if properly prescribed. Therefore, it should be carried out only after a doctor’s conclusion about the necessity and safety of this method of exposure. If the procedures are chosen correctly, it is often possible to transfer the patient from hormonal drugs to physical therapy only. This significantly improves the general condition of a woman’s body.

What are the contraindications for endometriosis? As many people know, endometriosis is a gynecological disease, which is expressed by excessive growth of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus). Due to the fact that the disease has not yet been thoroughly studied, experts have not established any special contraindications for such a diagnosis.

Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to the following restrictions, which are not permissible for various inflammations in the body. With all this, you should know that a lot depends on the patient herself. For example, if a patient discovers that she experiences abdominal pain during light exercise, this should be the first call to go to the hospital. It is also necessary to be wary if, during a light meal, a woman feels a dull pain in the abdomen. In this case, you definitely need to keep a diary and write in it all your actions regarding nutrition and subsequent symptoms. Based on the observations received, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis more correctly and quickly.

What are the signs of endometriosis?

It should be noted that the symptoms of this disease are directly related to the menstrual cycle. Most often, pain is observed during menstruation and disappears after the end of the cycle. If the disease is already in an advanced stage, the pain may also be chronic.

Clinical signs

Here are the most basic clinical manifestations of endometriosis:

  • Bloody discharge during and after the cycle. This symptom is usually characteristic of endometriosis in the uterine area.
  • Constant pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Unpleasant and even painful sensations during bowel movements.
  • Presence of blood in the stool.
  • Severe pain during ovulation.
  • Severe blood loss, anemia.
  • Frequent headaches, bad mood, insomnia, nervousness.
  • Sometimes a woman may hear a terrible diagnosis - infertility, which, as a rule, appears due to an advanced stage of the disease.

On what basis is the patient diagnosed?

To make a diagnosis you need:

  1. Anamnesis;
  2. The woman's own complaint;
  3. Some clinical manifestations;
  4. Colposcopy;
  5. Screening;
  6. Ultrasound of the pelvis.

Contraindications for inflammatory processes of the uterus

Although hormone therapy is one of the most powerful treatments available today, it should not be used for endometriosis. This is due to the fact that experts have identified many cases of allergic reactions among patients. It is also not recommended to use medications for certain chronic ailments (diabetes, digestive problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system, disorders of the genitourinary system). Surgery is an alternative for advanced stages and drug intolerance.

Rules to follow if some kind of chronic inflammation has been identified:

  • You cannot use hormonal medications.
  • You should not eat foods that contain GMOs. During treatment, you need to consume only the “right” food, rich in all kinds of vitamins.
  • You should not go to the pool at least during the treatment period, as chlorinated water can negatively affect the microflora of the vagina and uterus.
  • You should not take hot baths and saunas; in other words, you should not overheat the pelvic area.

If you have endometriosis, it is extremely dangerous to take mud baths, use heat in the lower body area, and herbal treatment is allowed after consulting your doctor.

These are not all the contraindications that are worth paying attention to; quite recently, medical scientists have found that solariums and direct sunlight have a detrimental effect on the sick body.

Treatment of inflammatory processes of the uterus

There are several methods to eliminate this pathology.

Low frequency current pulses

Not many people know that pulsed current has a sedative and analgesic effect. For example, electrophoresis using iodine allows it to be administered in small dosages. In this case, this substance can remain in the skin for up to three weeks, and then gradually enters the plasma. If this method is used correctly, iodine should accumulate in the pelvic area over time, which is of great importance for chronic types of disease. Iodine itself stimulates the entire regeneration process. In addition, under the influence of iodine, hormonal levels and the balance of the pituitary gland are normalized. However, you should know that current cannot be used if the patient has gallstone disease.

Therapy is prescribed, as a rule, on the fifth day of menstruation against the background of COCs. The period of such influence on the body is more than four months.

An excellent way to fight against inflammatory processes of the uterus. It also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and stimulating effects. Magnetic therapy is aimed at eliminating tissue swelling and pain; the highest magnetic permeability ensures the passage of magnetic fields to any tissue depth, which is quite important for complex surgical interventions. Magnetotherapy normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and also improves blood circulation.

This technique is often used during the postoperative period.

As a rule, it first causes a spasm of the capillaries (short-term), and then expands the capillaries of the veins and speeds up the wound healing process. Laser therapy also has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, reduces tissue swelling, and activates metabolism in the area of ​​the inflammatory process. If combined with laser and Magnetotherapy, the therapeutic effect is much better. But doctors recommend using this method only after the early postoperative period.

There are practically no contraindications for this treatment; before use, the doctor, as a rule, conducts various studies to identify side effects.

In common parlance, this means taking iodine-bromine baths, and the doctor can simultaneously use vaginal microenemas with radon water along with this technique. The clinical effect of such baths is pain relief, inhibition of inflammatory processes, normalization of hemodynamics in the pelvic area. This treatment, according to many doctors, is the most effective, and the course of therapy is approximately 4 months. In addition, iodine-bromine waters have virtually no side effects, there are no contraindications, they are used even for hyperestrogenism.

Lack of proper and timely treatment of endometriosis can lead to serious consequences:

  • Development of infertility (in 30-40% of patients);
  • Increased risk of premature birth and miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • Formation of posthemorrhagic anemia;
  • The need for amputation of the appendages and uterus in advanced forms of pathology;
  • Development of adhesive processes;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Complete loss of reproductive function.
Depending on the severity and nature of the disease, the severity of clinical manifestations, the age and health of the patient, treatment of endometriosis can be carried out conservatively, surgically or in a combined way.

To avoid these complications, a woman should undergo regular gynecological examinations and, if the first alarming symptoms occur, consult a doctor (painful sexual intercourse, menstrual irregularities, pain during urination or defecation, painful menstruation, inability to conceive a child).

Cervical endometriosis: treatment methods

The choice of tactics and treatment regimen for endometriosis is made by a doctor after preliminary consultation and a series of hardware and laboratory tests. In this case, the specialist takes into account the following factors:

  • Woman's age;
  • Foci of localization and spread of the pathological process;
  • Prospects for further pregnancy;
  • Clinical picture of the pathology;
  • The nature and severity of the identified deviations;
  • State of the immune system;
  • Presence of concomitant diseases.

Depending on the indications, treatment of uterine endometriosis in women can be carried out using the following methods:

  • Therapeutic (conservative, medicinal);
  • Organ-preserving surgical procedures (laparotomy, laparoscopy), which involve the removal of endometriotic growths with subsequent preservation of organs;
  • Radical surgical with removal of the ovaries and uterus;
  • Combined (combination of conservative and surgical methods).

The goals and objectives of treatment are aimed at alleviating the clinical manifestations of endometriosis, increasing fertility (the chances of pregnancy), improving the patient’s quality of life, stopping the development of the disease and preventing its exacerbation.

Drug treatment of endometriosis in women

Treatment of uterine endometriosis with medications is prescribed for mild symptoms of the pathology, in the initial stages of endometriotic growths and if it is necessary to restore fertility. The main emphasis is on hormonal treatment of endometriosis, which includes the prescription of progestogens, antigonadotropins, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and other hormonal drugs.

As an addition to the main therapy, the following medications are used to combat severe symptoms of the disease:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Analgesics, antispasmodics (pain-relieving effect);
  • Sedatives (neutralization of neurological manifestations);
  • Vitamin complexes (correction of antioxidant system deficiency);
  • Immunomodulators (restoration of impaired immunity);
  • Iron supplements (elimination of complications of chronic anemia).

The drugs and their dosage are determined by the doctor in each case individually after assessing the general condition and clinical picture of the pathology.

Surgical treatment of endometriosis in women

When treatment with conservative methods does not bring the desired results, surgical intervention is indicated. The type of operation (radical or organ-preserving intervention) is determined depending on the degree and form of endometriosis.

Surgical treatment is prescribed in the following situations:

  • Combination of internal endometriosis with hyperplasia;
  • The presence of cystic formations on the ovaries more than 5 cm;
  • Failure of hormonal treatment for 6-8 months;
  • Combination of a diffuse or nodular form of pathology with hyperplasia;
  • Endometriosis of the navel or scar after surgery;
  • Suppuration in the appendages;
  • The presence of adhesions in the uterine cavity;
  • Concomitant somatic diseases;
  • Combination of endometriosis with other defects of the reproductive system.

After identifying possible contraindications to surgery and assessing the severity of the pathological process, the doctor selects the most optimal method of performing surgery. The main methods of surgical treatment include:

  • Thermocoagulation - cauterization of foci of inflammation;
  • Electrocoagulation - excision of endometriotic growths with electric instruments;
  • Laser coagulation - destruction of pathological tissues by melting;
  • Presacral neurotomy - removal of the presacral nerves;
  • Laparoscopy - excision of altered endometrial tissue.

The development of complications after surgery depends on the location and stage of the inflammatory foci, as well as the practice and professionalism of the doctor. Correct and timely postoperative treatment will help avoid relapses and achieve full recovery.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of uterine endometriosis

Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures is one of the important aspects of the fight against uterine endometriosis. Physiotherapy has a wide range of positive properties, which makes treatment painless and comfortable. It does not apply to independent treatment methods, but is part of a treatment complex, enhancing the effect of other therapeutic methods.

Most often, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed as an additional treatment to hormone therapy in the initial stages of the disease. Alternating hormonal medications with physical therapy can reduce the burden of medications on the body. Physiotherapy is also indicated after surgery to reduce pain, eliminate inflammation and prevent the formation of adhesions.

Physiotherapy is widely used in diagnosing endometriosis in young girls. Surgical treatment in such cases is rarely prescribed, and physical procedures can delay the operation and normalize the patient’s condition. This method of therapeutic intervention is also used for intolerance to hormonal drugs.

The feasibility, quantity and duration of physiotherapy procedures are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the stage, location and nature of endometriotic growths.

What physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed for endometriosis

Physiotherapy for uterine endometriosis may include the following procedures:

  • Electrophoresis. The use of low-frequency current has a calming effect, relieves pain, and allows the active substances of medications to accumulate and distribute them throughout the body. Electrical treatment is contraindicated in cases of suspected cancer pathology and gallstones or kidney stones.
  • Magnetotherapy. Magnet treatment for endometriosis is aimed at stimulating the nutrition of cellular structures and blood vessels, normalizing blood circulation, reducing spasms and pain, as well as eliminating inflammation and swelling of tissues.
  • Balneotherapy. This treatment method consists of taking iodine-bromine and radon baths. By influencing the peripheral and central parts of the nervous system, radon eliminates pain. Iodine-bromine baths help lower blood pressure, normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, neutralize the inflammatory process and have a calming effect. Since heat exposure is contraindicated for endometriosis, it is important to monitor the temperature when taking baths (no more than 36-37 degrees).
  • Laser and ultraviolet radiation. This method of physiotherapy is used after surgery, affecting the wound area. Carrying out such procedures is aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms, activating the production of leukocytes, rapid wound healing, eliminating swelling and inflammation of tissues, as well as normalizing blood microcirculation. To achieve double therapeutic effects, laser treatment can be combined with magnetotherapy.
  • Hydrotherapy. This method of physiotherapy involves the treatment of endometriosis with bischofite and pine baths. They act on skin receptors, causing chemical, mechanical and thermal irritations, as well as reflex changes in blood vessels. Thanks to this, a woman can relax, get rid of spasms and pain.

Treatment of endometriosis is a complex and lengthy process. Like any disease, it is easier to prevent than to treat. Avoiding unwanted pregnancies, abortions, sexual intercourse during menstruation and psycho-emotional stress, as well as controlling body weight and timely treatment of gynecological diseases will help avoid the development of endometriosis. Regular gynecological examination and consultation with a doctor when the first pathological signs occur will help to detect the disease in the early stages and undergo effective treatment without surgical intervention.

Attention! This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors!

Number of reads: 504 Date of publication: 09/20/2017

Such a common gynecological problem as endometriosis requires an integrated approach to treatment. For this purpose, medications and surgery are used.

Physiotherapy for endometriosis is an addition to both methods to consolidate the results and speed up recovery. It is also used to prolong remission in the chronic course of the disease and helps smooth out the severity of the side effects of hormonal drugs.

Current Usage

Low-frequency currents help relieve pain and calm a woman’s nervous system. They do not promote the production of estrogen, which can worsen the course of the disease.

Pulsed currents for electrophoresis are also helpful in the general treatment of endometriosis. With their help, it is possible to accumulate the drug directly in the area of ​​its action with maximum efficiency with minimal entry into other organs. Often used for chronic pathology.

The use of currents is contraindicated if stones are detected in the kidneys or liver, or if a tumor is suspected.

Application of radon baths

The use of radon baths allows you to obtain the following results:

  • The hormonal balance is normalized by restoring the functioning of the central nervous system (pituitary gland and hypothalamus), which as a result has a positive effect on the functioning of the ovaries;
  • The inflammatory process is relieved and an antiallergic effect is produced;
  • Pain relief occurs at the level of the brain and spinal cord;
  • Normalization of blood clotting and reduction of chronic blood loss, prevention of anemia.

Radon baths for endometriosis are taken every other day, each procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. The course usually consists of 10-14 such baths. A woman needs to undergo one or two courses of such therapy per year. At the same time, irrigation with radon water is carried out, and sometimes therapeutic microenemas are prescribed.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy helps solve the following problems:

  • Stimulate the restoration of normal tissues;
  • Increase the effect of drug therapy;
  • Accelerate healing and relieve swelling after surgery;
  • Reduce pain syndrome.

The combination of magnetic therapy for endometriosis and laser treatment allows you to get results faster and penetrate deeper into the damaged area. This therapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Oncopathology and benign neoplasms;
  • Acute purulent process;
  • Severe forms of diabetes and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Heart and kidney failure.

Laser therapy allows you to reduce the dosage of hormonal medications taken and lengthen the breaks between courses of treatment.

Magnetic therapy and ozone therapy

Treatment using electromagnetic fields can relieve pain, improve blood supply to organs, relieve spasms, swelling and inflammation. Since microcirculation with this technique improves in all organs, including the central nervous system, this means that magnetic therapy has a general calming effect.

The use of ozone helps improve tissue trophism and microcirculation, as well as eliminate the impact of pathogenic microorganisms on the internal genital organs.

Ozone therapy is a means of accelerating the restoration of female sexual function and treating infertility, including after surgery.

There are several methods of using ozone, depending on the patient’s condition and the presence of other gynecological pathologies, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • Irrigation;
  • Rectal administration;
  • Intravenous administration;
  • Staging and wiping with tampons with ozonated oil.

Usually after the fifth session there is a significant improvement, pain goes away, other negative symptoms are eliminated, and the whole body is restored.

Ozone therapy is not indicated in the case of hyperthyroidism, bleeding, convulsive syndrome, thrombocytopenia.

Physiotherapy is a good aid when it comes to accelerating recovery from endometriosis or prolonging remission if the process is chronic. But their the appointment is made only by a specialist.

Physiotherapy is not an independent treatment for endometriosis. Its use simultaneously with a course of drug therapy can enhance the effect of treatment and prolong the period of remission. In addition, physical therapy can reduce the severity of the side effects of hormonal treatment, which is used to relieve endometriosis. Listed below are some of the procedures that are most commonly used in medical practice.

Pulse currents

Physiotherapy is not an independent method; it only effectively complements hormonal treatment

Various types of low-frequency pulse currents (diadynamic, rectangular, sinusoidal and others) partially relieve pain and have a calming effect. This type of physiotherapy does not stimulate the formation of estrogen, which makes its use relatively safe in patients with endometriosis.

Electrophoresis of drugs (for example, iodine) using pulsed currents promotes their accumulation and gradual release into the blood in small quantities. This is of particular importance in chronic processes. However, the procedure has contraindications:

  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • stones in the gall bladder and ducts;
  • suspicion of malignant neoplasms.


Human biological tissues have high magnetic permeability, which allows the magnetic field to penetrate to almost any depth. This type of physiotherapy does not have a thermal effect and does not stimulate estrogen production in endometriosis. Magnetic therapy has the following properties:

  1. Anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.
  2. Elimination of spasms and pain.
  3. Normalization of blood flow.
  4. Stimulation of trophism and nutrition of tissues and blood vessels.

When used systemically, it has a pronounced calming effect due to the normalization of blood flow in the central nervous system.

Magnetic therapy is often performed in the early postoperative period for endometriosis to speed up the body's recovery processes.


Radon and iodine-bromine baths are used to treat endometriosis. Key clinical action radon is its effect on the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system, making it possible to eliminate pain. Treatment with radon baths is carried out in conjunction with radon enemas and irrigation of the vagina and cervix with radon water.

Iodine-bromine water used for baths and vaginal irrigation. Due to their composition, such procedures help reduce blood pressure, normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, relieve inflammation and have a sedative effect. The water temperature during water procedures should not exceed 35-36 degrees, since thermal exposure is contraindicated for endometriosis.


Healing baths using extracts of coniferous trees or bischofite (a mineral containing magnesium salt) have an analgesic effect, have a positive effect on the nervous system and relieve muscle spasms.

Physiotherapy in gynecology

Laser therapy

Laser radiation is used in the early postoperative period. Its effect on the postoperative wound helps reduce swelling and normalize microcirculation, thereby accelerating recovery processes. In addition, laser radiation has a disinfectant and antibacterial effect.

The combined use of a laser with a magnetic field (magnetic laser therapy) increases the depth of its penetration and enhances the effectiveness of both techniques.

The use of physiotherapy for endometriosis allows you to increase the periods between courses of hormones and achieve persistent analgesic and sedative effects for several months after administration.


  1. Physiotherapy and balneology, ed. V.M. Bogolyubova, Moscow, 2008.
  2. Medical rehabilitation, ed. V.M. Bogolyubova, Moscow, 2010.