Acne treatment forever: tests, medications, therapy. How to get rid of acne on the face: all the ways How to get rid of severe acne

Acne can occur at any age for various reasons. Most often, this is a regular occurrence, so you should take this problem seriously. There are several methods for getting rid of acne and their consequences. To understand how to treat acne on the face, you need to consider each specific case in more detail. The opinion of specialists on this issue is also necessary.

Before you begin treatment for facial acne, you should understand the origin of the disease. There are many factors that affect the condition of the skin. Let's look at the main causes of acne:

  • hormonal changes or disruptions associated with changes in the body during adolescence, as well as during pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and various pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • deviations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to metabolic disorders;
  • eating large amounts of sweet and fatty foods, as well as frequent drinking of alcoholic and carbonated drinks. The presence of harmful or toxic substances in the blood leads to skin rashes;
  • genetic predisposition. If there are relatives in the family with this problem, there is a possibility of inheriting it;
  • disorders in the endocrine system. The appearance of acne is the main symptom of this pathology;
  • insufficient or improper skin hygiene. It consists of neglecting regular cleansing and care of the epidermis;
  • low-quality decorative cosmetics that clog pores. Such products may contain heavy metals and other harmful chemical components that have a negative effect on the body;
  • excessive exposure to the sun provokes increased activity of the sebaceous glands, producing excessive amounts of sebum;
  • poor immunity unable to resist infections;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet;
  • Stressful and depressive states inhibit the overall activity of the body and its protective functions.

The causes and treatment of acne are determined by a dermatologist after undergoing an examination (photo below).

Treatment of acne on the face: drugs

Getting rid of acne is a labor-intensive process and practically cannot be done without the use of special medications. Since inflammation occurs against the background of infection, tablets and external agents are aimed at eliminating it. These include antibacterial and natural medicines.


For acne on the face, they are prescribed in severe cases when others do not give the desired result. Despite the high effectiveness of antibacterial drugs, such therapy can provoke a disruption of the intestinal microflora. Therefore, they must be taken with caution; an acne treatment regimen drawn up by a doctor is required.

These medications are available for local use (gels, ointments, creams) and internal effects on the source of infection.

Antibiotics for external use:

Erythromycin– an ointment characterized by a wide spectrum of action, affects the synthesis of proteins of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby preventing their reproduction.

  • resolves pus inside pimples, reduces inflammation and redness, positive dynamics are observed on the fifth day;
  • has a long-lasting effect; after completing the course, acne does not appear on the face for a long time;
  • approved for use by people who have an allergic reaction to penicillin;
  • Contraindications include age under ten years, liver and kidney pathologies.

Skinoren– produced as a gel or cream with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, softening effects.

  • Intended as a remedy for acne, increased pigmentation, seborrheic dermatitis, ;
  • the active substance (azelaic acid) enters the deep layers of the dermis, providing healing properties;
  • if you follow a long course, the effectiveness of the gel and ointment will be at the same level, and the result will last a long time;
  • Not recommended for people with hypersensitive skin prone to irritation.

Differin- a gel that ensures proper metabolism in the skin, protects the epidermis from external negative influences.

  • copes with minor acne, can overcome severe acne only in combination with other drugs;
  • affects the production of sebum, reduces oiliness. Thanks to this effect, the pores become free, the number of inflammations is reduced;
  • during therapy with this drug, it is not advisable to stay in the open sun for a long time and use products containing drying components (, alcohol, etc.);
  • prohibited if you are allergic to the components of the medicine; apply with caution for seborrhea and dermatitis.

Antibiotics for internal use:

Josamycin– a drug that can prevent protein synthesis in bacterial organisms, thereby destroying their activity.

  • fights almost all pathogens that cause acne;
  • take two tablets a day for a month. To maintain the result, continue to take one tablet for another eight weeks;
  • It is better not to combine this medicine simultaneously with contraceptives, as it may reduce the effect of the latter;
  • approved for use in children over 14 years of age, not recommended if there are chronic liver problems and during breastfeeding.

Azithromycin– a medicine aimed at destroying a large number of harmful microorganisms that cause inflammation and acne.

  • prescribed for many infectious diseases, capable of destroying most pathogens;
  • an effective remedy for facial acne, erysipelas, dermatitis;
  • A convenient course of treatment is three days. Take one tablet a day;
  • It is prohibited for people suffering from serious kidney damage, children under twelve years of age and nursing women.

– an antibiotic that stops the spread of bacteria by disrupting their synthesis.

  • eliminates rashes and inflammation in a short time, having a detrimental effect on anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms;
  • is able to get rid of infections that have arisen in different parts of the body;
  • treatment of acne on the face requires a twelve-week course;
  • should not be used by people with anemia, fungal diseases, or circulatory problems.

Most often, treatment of facial acne with antibiotics is recommended for patients whose rashes are chronic. These drugs can eliminate the exacerbation, but without proper care and compliance with preventive measures, the effect will be temporary.

Homeopathy treatment

Another common option for treating acne on the face is homeopathy therapy. It takes place in two stages. First, symptomatic signs are removed by taking low-concentrated medications. Then the specialist individually selects a medication that can activate the body’s defense systems and permanently overcome the troubling problem. These include:

Belladonna Plus– a medicine that affects the human central nervous system and also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

  • helps cope with red rashes on the cheekbones and cheeks, cure mild seborrhea;
  • combined with other drugs, therefore often prescribed in combination;
  • has no side effects, but during pregnancy and breastfeeding it is better to refrain from using it;
  • The recommended dosage is one drop of extract per 30 milliliters of liquid.

Pulsatilla– a homeopathic remedy based on the herb meadow lumbago.

  • gives an effect if the culprit of acne is the abuse of sweet and fatty foods;
  • stimulates the functioning of your own immune system;
  • in high concentrations causes allergies in the form of a rash or disruption of the digestive system;
  • Suitable for light-eyed and fair-haired girls with pale skin.

Silicea– silicic acid solution. Release form: tincture or granules.

  • copes well with inflammatory processes of various nature;
  • not only fights acne, but also removes post-acne;
  • for skin diseases, Silicea 30 is suitable;
  • prohibited if you have chronic kidney disease.

Sulfur – .

  • prescribed for extensive inflammation that is not amenable to other treatment methods;
  • can be taken not only during an exacerbation, but also for prevention;
  • high concentrations are dangerous, as they can cause allergies in the form of suppuration;
  • Gepar Sulfur 6 is recommended for resolving purulent pimples.

Homeopathy can be an independent way to remove acne on the face, or be part of a complex treatment. Many note the high effectiveness of this method, exceeding even the antibacterial effect.

Folk recipes

Another option for dealing with acne is folk remedy therapy. Properly prepared products can be as effective as salon cosmetics. A wide variety of recipes allows you to choose the most optimal one.

Treating facial acne at home has a number of advantages:

  • all components involved in the preparation are of natural origin, so the likelihood of allergic reactions or other unpleasant consequences from use is much less;
  • independent selection of ingredients guarantees a high-quality product;
  • no cosmetologist is required, all procedures are carried out independently without special equipment or devices;
  • This method is considered budget-friendly; the necessary components are sold in a grocery store or pharmacy. Medicinal herbs can be found in your own summer cottage or forest.

Let's present a few simple recipes that you can prepare yourself at home:

  1. Green tea lotion– recommended for oily skin affected by inflammatory lesions. Relieves redness and soothes.

A strong tea brew is prepared from high quality leaves. Let stand until completely cooled, then add lemon juice (in equal proportions). The resulting mixture is used to treat the affected areas three times a day.

  1. Aloe compress– effectively draws out internal acne, relieves pain and discomfort.

A medium-sized leaf is cleared of thorns and cut into thin slices. They are placed on nascent or already formed ulcers and fixed with adhesive tape. Leave it overnight, and in the morning remove any remaining blackheads with a cotton pad.

  1. Wormwood infusion– treats inflammation, improves the structure of the skin.

Two tablespoons of the crushed plant are poured into glasses of boiling water. Leave to infuse for three hours in a dark place. Treat the skin with it as often as possible (three times a day or more).

  1. Calendula solution– has a wound-healing effect, eliminates traces of rashes and age spots.

You can buy calendula tincture (on flowers) at the pharmacy. A teaspoon is mixed with a glass of water and a spoon of honey. A napkin or cloth is soaked in this solution and applied to the face for half an hour. Afterwards wash with clean water.

  1. – helps get rid of rashes in the T-zone, blackheads on the nose and chin.

The white is separated from the yolk and transferred to a separate bowl. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Beat the mixture with a mixer until a rich foam forms. Apply successively to the facial skin in three layers, waiting until the mask dries. Then rinse everything off thoroughly and apply a nourishing cream.

Rules for caring for problem skin

In addition to selecting a method and means to treat acne on the face, it is necessary to carry out certain hygiene measures.

Taking care of your facial skin consists of the following rules:

  • Do not use ordinary soap, which tightens the skin. This provokes the active work of the sebaceous glands, and more subcutaneous fat is released. There are special products for cleansing problem skin;
  • regularly use scrubs or peels. Such procedures renew the skin, remove blackheads;
  • To avoid infection when applying a cosmetic product with your hands, it is better to purchase a special brush;
  • You should wash with clean water, or better yet, with herbal decoctions. The towel must be individual and used only for the face;
  • After cleansing, do not rub the problem skin, just blot it;
  • It is not recommended to squeeze out mature pimples, as there is a high risk of bacteria getting into the wound and causing an unsightly scar in the future;
  • if the inflammation is very severe, it is better to periodically visit a beauty salon to correct this problem and be sure to consult a dermatologist.

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs due to disruption of the nervous and neuroendocrine regulation of the functions of the sebaceous glands. It appears as rashes on the face, upper chest or back. Currently, a variety of methods are used to treat this disease. The choice of a specific method depends on the cause of the malfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Causes of the disease

Initially, the main cause of acne was considered to be hormonal disorders (due to menstruation, puberty, hormonal imbalances). Acne is caused by hormones such as testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and dihydrotestosterone.

Currently, a number of other factors leading to the occurrence of the disease are identified:

  • Genetic predisposition of the body.
  • Overactivity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Acne mite (demodex), pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Accumulation of a large number of dead skin cells.
  • Skin lesions that are accompanied by inflammation.
  • Exposure to high doses of lithium, chlorine, iodine, bromine.
  • Use of anabolic steroids.
  • Blockage of the sebaceous gland duct.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome in women.

Cleanse your face properly. The main rule is to wash your face in the morning and evening. In the morning, the face needs to remove dead cells after overnight skin regeneration, in the evening - cleansing from dust, sebum, and toxins from smoky air. Use cosmetic cleansers that are suitable for your skin type. For a gentle evening cleanse, use Tamanu oil. This oil is recommended for the treatment of acne, as it has a high antibacterial effect. Rinse your face with cool water.

Use scrubs and masks against acne. Scrubs help remove the top layer of dead cells, and special masks help narrow pores, moisturize the skin, have an antibacterial effect, and regulate sebum secretion processes. These procedures make the skin velvety and smooth.

Follow a low-carbohydrate diet with a predominance of protein foods. When treating the disease, it is recommended to limit carbohydrate intake, as they lead to an increase in the synthesis of fatty acids. You should avoid various types of sweets, flour products (bread, pasta, bakery products), potatoes, meat, and mushrooms. Avoid fatty, hot, salty and spicy foods.

Other useful tips:

  • Try not to be nervous and avoid stressful situations. Stress does not directly affect the appearance of acne, but it provokes changes in hormonal levels, which can provoke or intensify the disease.
  • Limit your exposure to the sun, do not plan a vacation to countries with a humid climate. Ultraviolet rays disinfect the skin in small quantities, but their prolonged exposure worsens acne. High air humidity promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Do not resort to mechanical cleansing of your face on your own. Squeezing out pustules (purulent blisters) leads to the formation of new inflammation, the skin around the wound is disrupted, which contributes to blockage of adjacent pores and intensification of the disease. At home, you will not be able to ensure sterility during the process of removing pustules, which will lead to additional proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Mechanical cleaning is possible only in specialized salons.

Traditional methods of fighting acne

Let's consider folk methods that will help get rid of acne:

  • Garlic mask: pass a clove of garlic through a garlic press, apply the resulting paste to the pustules. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water.
  • Mask of soda and rye bran: mix a glass of ground rye bran with two teaspoons of soda. You make a lot of mask, so set aside a tablespoon of the mixture and put the rest in the refrigerator until next use. Dilute the remaining mixture with warm water and apply to your face for 15 minutes.
  • Lotion made from soda and sugar: dilute a spoonful of sugar and soda with warm boiled water. Rub the lotion on the affected areas. Rinse your face with water.
  • Potato mask: grate fresh potatoes and apply the paste to your face. Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Lemon juice and peanut butter mask: Mix a spoonful of lemon juice and oil in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to affected areas of skin.
  • Mustard and turmeric mask: mix 1 tablespoon of mustard, 2 tablespoons of turmeric, 3-4 drops of lemon juice and dilute a little with warm water. Apply directly to pustules. Rinse off with cool water.

Pharmaceutical acne treatments

Pharmacy products that will help make acne disappear:

  • Antibiotics. Prescribed for severe disease.
  • Hormones and oral contraceptives (for women). Used in case of acne due to hormonal imbalances.
  • Salicylic acid – has antibacterial and antiseptic effects. Rub directly onto areas with acne, avoiding healthy skin. For convenience, use a cotton swab.
  • Benzoyl peroxide – has a disinfecting and keratolytic effect, helps destroy anaerobic microorganisms in pustules. Apply a thin layer to acne-affected skin areas.
  • Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory drug. Crush the tablet and add a little water. Apply the paste to the pustules. Don't wash it off.
  • Therapeutic ointments, creams, lotions, gels against acne. These products have an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, will help cope with the external manifestations of acne, reduce facial pores and reduce sebum production.

Laser therapy

Treatment of acne using laser therapy is a modern, painless and fast way to get rid of acne. The laser beam affects the skin from a distance. There is no direct contact with the skin, which ensures the absolute sterility of the method. Acne areas are exposed to short bursts of ultraviolet or infrared light. The laser is used to treat all types of acne at any stage. As a result of laser therapy, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, pores are narrowed, pore blockage and the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated, and the skin texture is smoothed.

Disruption of the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, which subsequently leads to acne, can be caused by a number of different diseases and changes in the body. You should not make such diagnoses yourself; a competent specialist will determine the extent of the disease, prescribe the necessary tests, visually assess the condition of the skin and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous hair follicles. When the sebaceous glands increase in size and produce excess sebum, the hair canal becomes blocked. A sebaceous plug is formed - an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply, then the inflammatory process begins. This is how pimples appear on the face (their synonyms are blackheads and acne).

Acne appears due to blockage of the sebaceous glands © iStock

Why does acne appear?

The occurrence of acne is a consequence of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. There may be several reasons.

Disturbances in the hormonal system

The main reason for increased sebum production is a high level of male sex hormones androgens, or increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them. These phenomena are observed at a young age and are considered natural until the age of 25.

It happens that acne does not go away in time or appears again when the hormonal levels should have returned to normal. 8 out of 10 modern women experience acne even after adolescence. Adult acne may reflect changes in the hormonal system.

Stress and psychological stress

Oily skin can react by actively producing sebum to chronic stress, which leads to inflammatory processes and rashes at any age.

Hereditary predisposition

One of the most important factors that cannot be adjusted. But if you know that you are genetically predisposed to hypersebony and acne, you have a good chance of controlling the situation and avoiding serious forms of the disease.

Nutritional Features

Sweet and starchy foods, consumption of milk and fast food make the sebaceous glands work more intensely, and a large amount of sebum sooner or later clogs the pores. The conclusion is obvious - those with oily skin need to watch their diet.

Acne symptoms

If before the onset of your “critical days” a pimple or two pops up, and the rest of the time your skin is clear, you do not have acne. The reason for a possible diagnosis is multiple blackheads (not only on the nose, but also on the forehead and cheeks), white comedones and pimples. The severity of acne (i.e. acne) depends on:

    number of rashes;

    the number of inflammatory elements and their depth;

    presence or absence of scars.

Stages of acne development

The severity of the disease depends on the number of inflammatory elements © iStock

As we remember, the process begins:

  1. 1

    with increased sebum production by enlarged sebaceous glands;

  2. 2

    disruption of the processes of exfoliation of horn cells.

Excess sebum provides food for bacteria living in the hair follicle, and they literally feast on their favorite treat. After a stormy “feast”, a fair amount of free fatty acids remains, provoking the formation of substances that increase the formation of sebum and inflammation.

Increased oil production, clogged pores, bacterial growth and inflammation all lead to acne.

Any comedon (aka acne) is a potential pimple. With a constant influx of sebum, bacteria begin to multiply inside the sebaceous plug, causing an inflammatory reaction in the hair follicle. The main task is to prevent the development of inflammation.

If the pimple has already popped up and a purulent head appears at the top of the red bump, this is not as bad as it might seem.

It is much worse if the inflammation fails to break through and continues to rage in the depths of the skin. In this case, we are dealing with deep acne, which may leave scars.

Types of acne

In the language of dermatologists, acne rashes are divided into two groups:



Open comedones

These are the most common black dots - sebaceous plugs that appear on the surface, which have changed their color as a result of the oxidation of melanin.

An open comedon is a non-inflammatory element; it is easy to get rid of such pimples with the help of home care with the support of salon cleaning.

Closed comedones

They are more dangerous because the sebaceous plug has no way out. They look like white subcutaneous bumps and can become inflamed and turn into pimples. Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze them out yourself.

Only a cosmetologist can remove closed comedones. All you can do is maintain good hygiene and prepare your skin for cleansing with a home treatment that encourages cell exfoliation.


Red bumps, they are also pimples, but without pustules. They are often the result of inflammation of a closed comedone.


Classic pimples with a purulent head crowning them. It is the pustules that give us the thirst for violence and the desire to squeeze them out. It is known how an inept assault can end:

    at best, a stain will remain;

    at worst - worsening inflammation plus another new pimple nearby.


Insidious subcutaneous pimples, indicating a deep inflammatory process and a high risk of scarring. The appearance of multiple nodes indicates severe acne. There is no point in thinking about dealing with it on your own. Let's run to the doctor.


Acne cysts are painful subcutaneous inflammations that can merge with each other, forming large cavities. They characterize a severe form of acne and require long-term treatment.

Skin care rules for acne

Wash your face strictly twice a day © iStock

Proper care will help correct the manifestations of acne and prevent its further development.

    Main tips: wash your face twice a day using special products designed for problem skin; do not touch your face with your hands during the day and, of course, do not squeeze pimples.

    Proper cleansing

    Do not use alcohol-based products or wash your face with soap: disruption of the natural lipid barrier will cause a response in the form of increased sebum secretion. To help you - gels and lotions with acids and anti-inflammatory components.


    Avoid greasy creams; they can clog pores and make the rash worse. Look for the inscription “non-comedogenic” on the packaging; choose light gel-like textures.

Cosmetology procedures

For moderate and severe forms of acne, drug treatment and the use of external medications will be required to relieve the inflammatory process. When the disease passes the acute form, the doctor will prescribe procedures that will help cope with superficial rashes and clear the skin of acne. Despite the wide range of procedures indicated for acne, there are not many that are effective.

  1. 1

    An effective way to completely cleanse your face of comedones. It can be mechanical or ultrasonic.

  2. 2

    Chemical peeling

    With a well-designed regimen, a course of acid peels can literally transform the skin.

  3. 3

    There are different types, used to treat acne and post-acne due to its powerful renewing effect.

  4. 4


    Liquid nitrogen perfectly resolves stagnant post-acne spots, dries out pimples and stimulates the regeneration process.

Benefits of diet

When treating acne, the right diet is important © iStock

To understand how to get rid of acne, analyze your diet. Sugar and carbohydrate foods, as well as milk and trans fats, stimulate the sebaceous glands. If you are prone to rashes, the consumption of these products should be kept to a minimum.

Vegetables, nuts, protein and low-carbohydrate foods, olive oil, fatty fish - these are the components of an ideal diet that acne will not like very much.

Cosmetics and prevention

If you have a large amount of acne and blackheads, you cannot do without treatment prescribed by a doctor. But cosmetics for problem skin will help prevent new rashes, reduce their number and keep the situation under control.


Cleansing is the most important step in caring for problem skin. Want to know how to get rid of acne? Use products that cleanse the skin deeply, but without aggression. Foaming gels with acids, lotions with herbs, scrubs with charcoal, masks with clay are your best friends.

Gel, tonic, mask, scrub

Product name Action Ingredients
Micellar water Effaclar Ultra, La Roche-Posay Removes makeup, micro-pollution and excess sebum, mattifies, does not create a friction effect. micelles, glycerin
Alcohol-free toner for all skin types Equalizing Toner, Skinceuticals Removes impurities without disturbing the pH of the skin, has a sebum-regulating and soothing effect. extracts of witch hazel, thyme, cucumber, kiwi, aloe and chamomile
Gel for deep skin cleansing Normaderm, Vichy Visibly cleanses pores without tightening the skin, enriched with salicylic acid, which has an antibacterial effect. salicylic acid
Mask “Magic of clay. Cleansing and mattifying", L"Oréal Paris Cleanses pores, mattifies, fights imperfections. three types of clay: kaolin, gassoul, montmorillonite plus eucalyptus extract
Ultra-cleansing gel against acne and blackheads “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier Cleanses the skin surface from excess sebum and impurities. blueberry extract, vegetable charcoal, salicylic acid

Daily care

For skin with acne, banal moisturizing is not enough - it needs products that have exfoliating, sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effects, but do not dry out the skin.

Cream, serum, fluid

Product name Action Ingredients
SERUM FOR SKIN WITH ACNE AND AGE CHANGES BLEMISH+AGE DEFENSE, SKINCEUTICALS Reduces greasiness, evens out skin texture, helps prevent rashes and the appearance of post-acne. acids: dioic, caprylic-salicylic, salicylic, glycolic, citric
Corrective care against imperfections “Normaderm 24 hours moisturizing”, Vichy Corrects and prevents imperfections, neutralizes oily shine, promotes the regeneration process. salicylic acid 1.5% + LHA, PhE-Resorcinol, Air Licium
CREAM-GEL EFFACLAR DUO (+), LA ROCHE-POSAY Inhibits the proliferation of bacteria, prevents and corrects post-acne marks. lipohydroxy- and salicylic acid, piroctone olamine, niacinamide
Fluid with herbs for problem skin Blue Herbal Moisturizer, Kiehl's Moisturizes and prevents inflammation. salicylic acid, cinnamon and ginger root extracts

Local agents

Products that are applied directly to pimples to stop and control inflammation are your ultimate secret weapon to clear up acne quickly.

SOS tools

Product name Action Ingredients
LOCAL APPLICATION GEL FOR PROBLEM SKIN BLUE HERBAL SPOT TREATMENT, KIEHL’S Helps reduce inflammatory elements, soothes the skin, stimulates cellular renewal. salicylic acid, cinnamon, ginger root, frankincense extracts
GEL NORMADERM HYALUSPOT, VICHY Creates the effect of an invisible patch that maintains a high concentration of components with antibacterial action. salicylic, hyaluronic, lipo-hydroxy acids
CORRECTIVE LOCAL ACTION EFFACLAR A. I., LA ROCHE-POSAY Reduces bacterial activity, exfoliates, contains components with a known anti-inflammatory effect. lipohydroxy acid, niacinamide, piroctone olamine, glycasil

Unwanted skin rashes, especially pimples and acne, spoil the appearance of the skin. Wellness procedures include several manipulations, which directly determine how to quickly get rid of acne on the face at home. Correctly selected methods and care products allow you to completely cure a skin disease in the shortest possible time.

What is acne

Acne or acne occurs due to malfunction of the sebaceous glands of the epidermis. Hair follicles begin to become inflamed and clogged, and sebum accumulates under the skin. Acne occurs regardless of age and skin type. Characteristic rashes appear on the skin in the form of small reddish pimples, which over time fill with pus.

Decreased immunity due to previous viral diseases can lead to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Poor nutrition, alcohol and tobacco abuse lead to serious changes in the layers of the dermis. Emotional instability or the presence of serious mental disorders increase the risk of acne. Stressful situations increase the number of papules.

Photo examples

The photo below clearly shows what acne looks like on the skin of the face.. In the early stages, the disease manifests itself in the form of small red dots, similar to the mark of an insect bite and randomly located on the dermis. The disease does not have a clear focus; papules can appear in the cheeks, chin, and nasolabial area.

During the period of acne maturation, their rapid growth is observed. The papule gradually increases in size. New acne appears in close proximity to previously discovered pimples. The photo shows that some pimples have a white-yellow tint in the center, which indicates the presence of pus in the acne cavity.

Acne in its advanced stage covers approximately 65-70% of the skin. The skin area around the eyes, the bridge of the nose and the supralabial triangle remain open.

Causes of acne on the face

Medicine determines two causes of acne on the skin of the face. To quickly remove pimples and blackheads on the face, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of the disease. Main factors of appearance:

  1. Endogenous
  2. Exogenous

Endogenous causes

They include a number of changes in the functionality of internal and external organs. Improper functioning of the endocrine system provokes the appearance of a rash on the skin. Violations include:

  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • Individual characteristics of the skin;
  • Emotional condition.

Acne due to hormonal surges most often occurs in adolescence. Involuntary release of male sex hormones in boys and girls accompanied by serious changes in the body.

Androgens provoke increased production of sebum.

In women of reproductive age, acne may appear before the start of the menstrual cycle. The disease appears once a month, pimples disappear on their own a few days after their appearance. Acne of hormonal etiology in women may occur after artificial termination of pregnancy, with polycystic ovary syndrome and adrenal dysfunction.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur due to improper nutrition. The appearance of acne directly depends on the amount of carbohydrates consumed in food. Lack of beneficial amino acids for the body disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pimples form in unusual places: on the bridge of the nose, in the corners of the mouth.

Timely detection of intestinal pathologies will make it possible to find out how and with what you can remove facial skin acne.

The risk of acne increases in patients with individual skin characteristics, including hyperkeratosis. With this disease, excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the dermis is observed. Hyperkeratosis occurs with a lack of retinol in the body or in case of mechanical injuries (constant friction).

Exogenous causes

Acne occurs under the influence of external factors that have a detrimental effect on the skin.. These include:

  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics. Poor-quality skin care products clog pores and prevent sebum from leaving the skin. It is necessary to refrain from purchasing cosmetics that contain lanolin, petroleum jelly, and squalene;
  • Climatic conditions. When it's hot, sweating increases. Acne appears on exposed areas of the skin, in the area of ​​the shoulders, neck and face;
  • Sun rays. An excess of ultraviolet radiation increases the production of sebum and provokes the appearance of acne;
  • Professional activity. People whose activities involve toxic substances are most susceptible to acne.

How to prepare your face for treatment

Before starting health procedures, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations to achieve maximum results. Step by step guide:

  1. Washing. It is not recommended to wash your face exclusively with water; you must use special gentle products. For these purposes, a foam cleanser selected according to your skin type is suitable.
  2. Cleansing. Cleaning procedures must be carried out using a scrub. The product should not contain large components, for example, apricot kernels.
  3. Final stage. At the last stage, you need to rinse your face with cool water. After rinsing, the skin must be wiped with lotion.

You cannot use soap to wash your face. It contains components that irritate the skin.

There are several simple methods that can help you get rid of acne.
. Here's how to quickly get rid of acne and pimples on your face at home:

  • Washing procedures;
  • Diets;
  • Scrubs;
  • Masks;
  • Ointments.

The choice of method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and skin. Nadezhda Kovalchuk


If you have acne, you need to wash your face at least 3 times a day.. Water for washing should not contain impurities, so it is advisable to use filters or water purifiers. The liquid is preferably cool or slightly warm.

The use of auxiliary care products is acceptable. Foams and gels for washing should not contain parabens. It is preferable to choose special gels for acne and blackheads.


A balanced diet and nutrition can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the production of sebum. Diets for acne involve the complete exclusion of certain foods that adversely affect the skin. These include:

  • Animal fats. The presence of mayonnaise, fatty meat, fatty cheeses, sausages, and fish caviar in the diet is unacceptable.
  • Simple carbohydrates. Elements harmful to the skin are found in baked goods, sugar, honey, sweet fruits, chocolate, and ice cream.
  • Beverages. Alcohol, strong coffee, and energy drinks must be excluded from the diet.
  • Fried foods.

The diet allows the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and lean fish.


Modern cosmetology includes a large number of scrubbing products. The use of scrubs is permissible in reasonable quantities. It is not recommended to carry out cleansing procedures more than 2-3 times a week. Popular cleaners:

  • Baziron Control.
  • BelitaMicroPeeling.
  • Gel scrub Propeller.

The choice of scrub should be based on the individual characteristics of the skin. A properly selected product can slow down the progression of the disease and reduce the number of acne. Scrubs with a uniform texture are preferred, preferably with a creamy texture.


Masks for acne should contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. These elements soothe the skin and prevent the development of underlying inflammatory processes. Antibacterial masks have protective properties. Anti-acne masks:

  • Shary Modeling mask against acne.
  • Mint anti-acne mask from Lalas.
  • Alginant mask for acne and acne AskinAc.

Application must be carried out in the dark, since it is during this time period that the accelerated formation of new papules is observed. Before use, it is necessary to carry out a number of additional procedures, in particular, cleansing the skin.


Medications for external use have a healing effect on the skin. Ointments against acne and pimples have wound-healing and regenerating properties, which speeds up recovery.

Before use, you must do an allergic reaction test. The leaflet for medicinal products contains detailed information on the composition, contraindications and possible side effects.

Treatment of facial skin after acne can be carried out using alternative medicine
. After acne, characteristic marks remain on the dermis, vaguely reminiscent of small scars, since the upper layer of the dermis is damaged.

Cleansing your face from acne spots and scars is done using available products. Popular recipes:

Potato mask

Boil 2-3 young potatoes until tender and cool. Grind the vegetable in a blender until pureed. Pour 10 ml of corn oil into the resulting mixture. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin (except for the area around the eyes) and leave for 25 minutes.

Remove excess with a damp cloth and wipe your face with tonic or milk.

Egg mask

A raw chicken egg needs to be broken and the whites separated from the yolks. Beat the egg white until foamy. Pour 5 ml of sunflower oil into the egg.

Apply the prepared mass to a cleansed face and leave the product until the protein forms a film. Once the film has formed, you need to gently remove it from your face so that nothing remains.

Tomato mask

A medium-sized ripe tomato must be rubbed through a sieve so that a paste forms. There is no need to squeeze the juice. It is recommended to add 5 grams to the puree. sifted wheat flour. Mix the ingredients until smooth.

Pour melted beeswax (10 ml) into the resulting mass.

Kefir-honey mask

You need to take 100 ml. chilled kefir and mix it with 1 tablespoon of natural honey (liquid, either bee or flower). To stir thoroughly.

Aspirin lotion

Acne can be wiped with aspirin solution. To do this, you need to dissolve 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in warm water (250 ml). Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the skin. Leftover product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours.

Honey is the strongest natural allergen, so use should be done with caution.

The use of medications for acne is carried out with the permission of a specialist
. The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved with complex therapy. Simultaneous use of oral and external medications speeds up recovery. Popular medications:

  • Erythromycin. Medicine for oral administration. Antimicrobial tablets localize the source of spread. There are contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding. Taking more than two tablets per day is prohibited;
  • Metrogyh. The drug is for oral use, available in tablet form. Has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. Helps eliminate acne marks. Side effects may occur;
  • Azelik. Ointment for external use, belonging to the group of corticosteroids. Effectively eliminates acne scars. Has a wound-healing and regenerating effect;
  • Floresan. Application is carried out externally. The ointment is not hormonal, which significantly reduces the risk of side effects. Has an antimicrobial effect on acne and blackheads.

The use of all dosage forms must be carried out according to the instructions. It is not recommended to choose medications on your own.

There are several effective techniques that can temporarily remove pimples and blackheads. Under the influence of the drugs, the rashes on the skin become less noticeable, but the disease continues to progress. Effective methods:

  • Benzoyl peroxide. The medication has drying, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The course of treatment is 14 days; benzoyl should be applied no more than 2 times a day.
  • Toothpaste. The product cools the skin and kills harmful microorganisms. The period of application lasts 10 days, you need to apply 3 times a day.
  • Salicylic acid. The antiseptic must be applied directly to the acne. In case of significant damage, it is necessary to lubricate the entire face with the concentrate.

The above methods have a short-term effect; it is impossible to completely cure acne with their help.

How to even out facial skin texture after acne

Deep creases in the skin or marks left by acne look like scars. Traditional medicine recipes allow you to restore facial skin after acne as carefully as possible.

Curd and fruit mask

3 tbsp. spoons of fresh low-fat cottage cheese must be minced at least 2 times. Rub a handful of blackcurrants through a sieve. Also pass the aloe through a meat grinder and filter the resulting pulp. Mix juice, currant puree and ground cottage cheese until smooth.

Lemon and aloe mask

It is necessary to remove the skin from one side of 2-3 aloe leaves. The spines must first be cut off, and the leaves themselves must be cut into small pieces. Place the bars in a blender and grind until pureed. Cut the lemon into circles. Squeeze the juice from one mug into the aloe pulp. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with gauze and leave for 5-7 minutes.

To even out the dermis of the face after acne, masks should be applied in a thin layer. Products such as masks must be left on for 15 minutes.

How to remove scars and spots after acne on the face

To remove scars left on the facial skin after acne, it is recommended to use special cosmetics. Creams and ointments have a smoothing effect; under the influence of drugs, scars dissolve.

Scar ointments:

  • Stop Scar. A cosmetic cream approved for use on minor scars, including against acne marks. The composition is completely natural, herbal extracts do not provoke allergies.
  • Ointment Rescuer. Medicine for external use. Creamy texture is easily absorbed, the ointment resolves small scars.
  • Mederma. The dosage form can significantly reduce the width and depth of the scar. No contraindications or side effects were identified.

Popular Misconceptions

Constant stress provokes hormonal imbalance in the body, as a result of which the patient develops acne.

Advice given by inexperienced people can lead to incorrect acne treatment.. The most common myths:

  • Dirty skin is not considered an absolute cause of acne;
  • Regular sexual intercourse does not cure acne;
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight does not relieve acne from the skin;
  • Acne is not transmitted by contact.

To speed up the healing process and prevent the appearance of acne, you must follow a number of tips. Experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Drink enough liquid;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Quit alcohol and tobacco;
  • After 2 weeks there is an important event, but the acne does not go away. How to get rid of acne?

    It is necessary to use anti-acne medications comprehensively. It is best to combine tablets and ointments. Cosmetics against blackheads will help enhance the effect.

    Is it true that you can get rid of acne with honey?

    Honey is good for eliminating teenage acne. Before the procedure, the face must be cleaned of sebum, impurities and a thin layer of flower honey applied. The method is not suitable for people who have been diagnosed with allergies.

    Drug treatment allows you to quickly get rid of acne. Some traditional medicine recipes, as well as cosmetics used at home, slow down the course of the disease.