Homemade beet kvass. Beet kvass: benefits, application, recipes. Beet kvass at home: step-by-step recipe

Beets are usually used for preparing first and second courses. But few people know that this vegetable can also become the basis of a drink. You can make beet kvass at home with your own hands.

The qualitative composition of the drink under discussion turned out to be truly unique. In addition to numerous vitamins and minerals, it also contains fermentation products that saturate the body with beneficial bacteria, which remove toxins from it and restore the gastrointestinal microflora.

The drink contains an abundance of vitamins. For example, group B. Of the minerals in its composition, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, and iron can be found.

With such a rich composition of kvass, its calorie content was minimal. Depending on the recipe, the figure varies slightly, but on average it is 47 kcal per 100 ml of drink.

It is very important that beet kvass does not lose the beneficial properties of the vegetable during preparation and processing.

Benefits of the drink for the human body

Before preparing the drink under discussion, you should familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties of beet kvass.

There are quite a lot of them:

  • This unique drink saturates the human body with all the vitamins, minerals and other essential substances necessary for its normal functioning. It is important to drink it during cold epidemics and just in the off-season.
  • The drink gives a person a feeling of harmony and peace. It eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. It is important to use it after suffering stress.
  • Kvass helps fight a variety of ailments. For example, with gastrointestinal problems, disorders of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Its regular use prevents/stops the development of dangerous cancers and is important for cleansing the body.

How to make beet kvass at home

There are several successful options for preparing the drink under discussion. Among them are yeast, yeast-free, bread-based, with black sweet raisins and other additives.

Yeast-free beet kvass

Prepare the following products:

  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • boiled water – 2 l;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • dried slice of bread (preferably rye) – 1 pc.


  1. Peel the vegetable and chop it finely.
  2. Place the beet pieces into a glass container. Fill with cooled water.
  3. Immediately add all the sweet sand and crumbled crust.
  4. Cover the neck of the jar with clean gauze. Leave for 70 hours.

Pass the finished drink through a sieve. Distribute into bottles.

With bread crusts


  • beets – 2 pcs.;
  • bread crusts – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 5 dessert spoons;
  • filtered water – 4 l.


  1. Peel the vegetables. Grind into fine chips. Place in a large container made of glass or plastic (a volume of 5 liters will be sufficient).
  2. Sprinkle sugar on top and crumble the crusts of bread.
  3. Fill everything with water.
  4. Move the container to a warm place, where you leave it for 3 – 4 days. If mold begins to appear on the surface of the liquid during the process, it must be removed immediately with a wooden spatula.

Strain the resulting drink thoroughly, distribute into bottles and leave cool.

With lemon juice and raisins


  • ripe beets – 3 pcs.;
  • raisins – 2 large handfuls (approximately 20 – 25 pcs.);
  • sugar – 4 dessert spoons;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • filtered water – 5 l.

To prepare beet kvass correctly, you need:

  1. Pour the water into a large container, then bring it to a boil and leave on the stove for 5 - 6 minutes. Cool.
  2. Peel the root vegetables and finely chop them. Place the slices on a dry baking sheet and place in the oven for 7 - 8 minutes. This is necessary to slightly dry the beets.
  3. Place the root crop in water. Add washed and dried raisins.
  4. Close the container with a lid with holes. Wrap the selected dishes in a warm blanket on top. Leave for 72 hours.

Pour the resulting drink into glass bottles. Keep it cold before taking the sample.

Beet kvass with yeast and honey


  • ripe sweet beets - half a kilo;
  • natural bee honey – 4 dessert spoons;
  • pressed yeast – 12 g;
  • stale dark bread - 2 crusts;
  • purified water – 3 l.


  1. Peel the root vegetables. Rub them coarsely and dry them in the oven.
  2. Move the vegetable shavings into a saucepan and pour in boiled hot liquid (but not boiling water!) so that the product is completely immersed in it.
  3. Boil root vegetables until softened. Strain the mass.
  4. Place soft beets in a suitable sized jar. Pour in the rest of the liquid.
  5. Add natural honey, crumbled crusts and yeast.
  6. Cover the container with clean gauze. Move to a warm place.
  7. Let the drink ferment for 20 - 25 hours.

Store finished kvass in cool bottles.

Fermentation according to Bolotov


  • ripe beets - 2 kilos;
  • sour cream – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 6 dec. spoon;
  • whey – 2 l.


  1. Thoroughly peel and rinse all vegetables, chop finely.
  2. Lightly heat the whey in a microwave oven or in a water bath. Mix it with sour cream.
  3. Add all the sugar to the mixture.
  4. Place the prepared pieces of root vegetables into a five-liter glass container.
  5. Pour the dairy mixture on top.
  6. Cover the neck of the container with a clean natural cloth or regular gauze. Leave in a warm room.
  7. After about a day, the mass will begin to ferment. This process will be accompanied by the appearance of foam.
  8. After another couple of days, mold will begin to form. It must be thoroughly cleaned in a timely manner.
  9. After about a week, the container with all its contents should be transferred to the cold. But at night it should be returned to a warm place every day.

Delicious beet kvass according to Bolotov will be ready in about 10 days. It is this method of preparing it that allows you to preserve all the beneficial bacteria in the drink.

Kvass according to any recipe has a very specific taste. After the first try, it may not seem very pleasant. But over time you manage to get used to it.

Drinking for health

Doctors primarily recommend consuming the discussed vegetable kvass for hypertensive patients. It contains minerals that are indispensable in the fight against high blood pressure. If you drink kvass regularly, you will be able to normalize your condition for a long time.

  • Even 1 glass of a properly prepared drink can instantly reduce high blood pressure.
  • Valuable substances from kvass also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. They are able to strengthen the walls of the latter, restore their elasticity, and also remove formed cholesterol plaques from their inner surface. It is enough to drink just a glass of this kvass daily for 3–4 weeks to improve blood flow, reduce cholesterol levels and carry out high-quality cleaning of blood vessels.
  • If a person has problems with the urinary system, a beetroot drink must appear regularly in his diet. Unique components from the composition prevent urinary tract infections and prevent the formation of stones.
  • This drink is also used to get rid of extra pounds. Just a few servings of kvass can speed up metabolic processes.

It is important to note the very high iron content in the drink. The amount of this element in it is ten times greater than, for example, apples.

Contraindications and possible harm

Before you start taking beet kvass, you need to carefully study both its benefits and harms.

So, there are the following contraindications to drinking the drink under discussion:

  • existing kidney stones;
  • ulcers of the stomach and other gastrointestinal tract organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • kidney failure and other serious liver damage.

In order for such kvass to bring exceptional benefits to the body, it is worth discussing the possibility of its use in each specific case with a specialist. The exact permitted dosage of the drink, which will not harm the patient, is also very important. It should be prescribed to children with special caution.

How to prepare kvass

2 l 500 ml

30 minutes

30 kcal

5/5 (1)

But our ancestors also knew about the benefits of this product and passed on its recipe from generation to generation. You can make cold borscht based on beet kvass or just drink it in good company.

Beet kvass: beneficial properties and contraindications

The main component in this kvass is, of course, beets. This is where all the benefits for the body lie.

  • Beetroot contains substances such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and many others.
  • This kvass lowers blood pressure, so it is used for hypertension.
  • In addition, beets cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, heal the blood and have a beneficial effect on the liver.
  • Beet kvass is also very useful for people with iron deficiency.

Freshly squeezed beet juice contains a lot of useful substances, but at the same time it is quite aggressive. Before use, it needs to brew for at least 2 hours. And kvass is much easier to perceive by our body. Firstly, it contains not only juice, but also water.

Secondly, it is infused for several days, which softens the effect of beet juice. I have experienced the benefits of beets myself. If you drink a glass of beet kvass, then after 20-25 minutes your blood pressure will decrease.

  • Beet kvass is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure; it can lower it even more.
  • It is also undesirable for people suffering from urolithiasis. Beetroot juice can cause stones to pass.
  • Do not drink beet kvass if you have kidney disease.
  • Also, beet juice is contraindicated for diabetes.

We must not forget that folk remedies should be used as disease prevention, and not the main treatment. If your health suddenly worsens, be sure to consult a doctor and do not try to treat yourself.

Beet kvass at home

Necessary dishes and kitchen utensils: three-liter jar, grater, spoon, knife, gauze.


How to choose ingredients

  • Beets should be chosen according to taste. If raw beets are sweet and juicy, then a dish made from them will be the same. Beets can be fresh or even salty. You can also make kvass from this, but it will still be less tasty. The color of beets depends on the variety. It is best to use dark burgundy root vegetables. Of course, the healthiest beets are those that grew on your site. But if you have to buy beets at the market, make sure they are whole and without damage.
  • You can buy rye crackers in the store, or you can dry the rye bread yourself.

Beet kvass at home: step-by-step recipe

Video recipe

How to serve kvass

In summer, you can serve kvass with ice cubes or simply chilled. It is poured into mugs or glasses. In the old days, kvass was served with hot meat dishes. This advice is still relevant today; beet kvass goes well with meat.

You can also make okroshka from kvass. To do this, chop boiled eggs, pickles, green onions and parsley and pour cold kvass over these ingredients. Salt the okroshka to taste and serve. Products for okroshka can be varied; you can add boiled meat, radishes, etc.

  • Beet kvass can be prepared with sourdough. As a starter, use sauerkraut brine or whey obtained from kefir or sour milk.
  • Yeast, dry or pressed, is also used as a catalyst.
  • Kvass can be seasoned with ginger, cardamom, coriander or orange zest.
  • You can add raisins to this drink; they will make the taste of kvass richer.
  • Instead of sugar, honey is sometimes added to kvass.

  • Beetroot is a food product familiar to everyone, without which it is impossible to imagine Russian cuisine. But it was not always eaten. Initially, our ancestors grew this plant exclusively for medicinal purposes. This is not surprising, because the composition of the root vegetable is replete with substances valuable for human health. And one of the most useful medicinal products made from it is beet kvass, the benefits, harms and recipes for its preparation will be discussed further.

    The benefits and harms of beet kvass. Recipe

    chemical composition

    The miraculous properties of the drink are explained by its rich chemical composition. It boasts the presence of the entire subgroup of vitamins B, as well as a large amount of vitamins C and P. Its mineral composition includes calcium, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, chromium and many other valuable elements.

    A high percentage of fiber and low calorie content (45 kcal per 100 ml) makes the drink effective for weight loss. And in order to be cured of ailments with its help, you need to carefully study the beneficial properties and contraindications of beet kvass.

    Why the drink is useful:

    • Improves the body's metabolic processes and removes toxins from it.
    • Stabilizes the activity of the cardiovascular system by cleansing blood vessels and giving them elasticity, as well as increasing hemoglobin levels.
    • Normalizes digestive function, cleanses the intestines and relieves chronic constipation.
    • Calms the nervous system.
    • Helps cleanse and relieve liver inflammation.
    • Acts as a prevention of cancer.


    In addition to its beneficial properties, beet kvass has contraindications:

    • urolithiasis disease;
    • renal failure;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • colitis;
    • diarrhea;
    • gout.

    Diabetes mellitus may also be a contraindication to consuming kvass if you use sugar to prepare it. For diabetics, only unsweetened recipes for making beet kvass are suitable.

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also be careful. In this category, any innovations can cause an unpredictable reaction, and even healing, home-made beet kvass can have benefits and harm depending on the degree of susceptibility of the fetus (in pregnant women) or baby (in nursing) to this product. Therefore, before use, you should consult a gynecologist, and you should start taking it in minimal quantities.

    Preparing kvass correctly

    The benefits and harms of beet kvass depend on the recipe. There are a great variety of them, but it is believed that the traditional village recipe has the greatest healing power.

    How to make beet kvass at home:

    1. The bottom of a three-liter jar is covered with crusts of rye bread.
    2. The jar is filled halfway with finely chopped peeled beets.
    3. Scatter 3-4 cloves of garlic and another layer of bread on top.
    4. All this is poured with chilled boiled water with a pinch of salt.
    5. The neck of the jar is tied with gauze, and it is placed in a warm place for 5-7 days for fermentation.

    The resulting product is universal - it can be used in cooking, for example, to season borscht, and consumed as a tasty drink, diluted with water and added to taste with salt, sugar, sour cream or cream.

    We looked at the benefits and how to prepare beet kvass according to the classic recipe, but for use for medicinal purposes, in each specific case it is prepared in different ways.

    Recipe according to Bolotov: beet kvass without yeast

    A distinctive feature of Bolotov’s beet kvass is the use of dairy products in his recipe - whey and sour cream. They act as catalysts for the fermentation process, so you can avoid using yeast that is not the healthiest. In addition, as a result of the use of dairy products, lactic acid bacteria remain in the drink, which have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

    How to make beet kvass according to Bolotov:

    • Using a coarse grater, 1.5 kg of peeled beet is crushed.
    • 1 tsp dissolves in 0.5 l of whey. sour cream and 80 g granulated sugar.
    • The grated vegetable is poured into the resulting mixture and placed under gauze in a warm, dark place.
    • A sign that the fermentation process has begun will be the foam that appears after a day.
    • During the fermentation period, it is necessary to check the product for the appearance of mold; it usually has to be removed every 2 days.

    After a week, the kvass should be placed in a cool room overnight, and again in a warm place in the morning. It is better to use a basement for these purposes, but if you don’t have one, a refrigerator will do.

    The entire process of making kvass in this way takes 10-15 days. The specified amount of products should yield about 3 liters of drink.

    How to take beet kvass for medicinal purposes according to Bolotov?

    For a healing effect, drink 50 ml (a third of a glass) in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 hour before lunch and dinner.

    The drink acts as an auxiliary treatment for high blood pressure, anemia, varicose veins and obesity.


    It is important to remember that when treating beet kvass at home, benefits and harm are equally likely if you do not follow the dosage of taking such a potent drug, and also do not consult with a specialist about whether you have any diseases, the course of which may be complicated by use vegetable.

    The use of beet kvass in the treatment of various diseases

    If you have no contraindications for the drink, the beneficial properties of beet kvass can cure many diseases. To do this, you need to learn how to take it correctly in certain cases.

    To cleanse the body

    3 medium-sized root vegetables, along with the skin, are cut into small pieces and placed in a three-liter jar, 2 tablespoons are added there. Sahara. The jar is filled with chilled boiled water to 2/3 of the volume and covered with film. Infuse for 2 days at room temperature with periodic stirring. On the third day, add 2 cups of seedless raisins and leave everything together for another week. Reception is carried out at 1 tbsp. 4 times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 3 months.

    For hypertension

    Kvass is prepared according to the classic recipe given above. When used for pressure relief, you can add lemon and dried apricots to the drink for additional effect. Consume warm up to 3 times a day, half a glass half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment – ​​2 months.

    For anemia

    Cut the beets into large pieces, fill a three-liter jar halfway with it, add 3 tbsp. honey and a pinch of salt, and pour warm boiled water. Infuse under gauze for 3 days, after which drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day. This drink promotes increased formation of red blood cells.

    During menopause

    Kvass is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. To relieve the symptoms of menopause, take ½ glass three times a day.

    To relieve post-traumatic syndrome due to head injury

    Kvass prepared according to the classic recipe is used for lotions. A piece of fabric is impregnated with it, which is used to wrap the patient’s head. Something warm is placed on top. The procedure is absolutely harmless and can be performed at any time. Additionally, you should drink soothing herbal teas from motherwort, valerian, mint, lemon balm or chamomile.

    Beet kvass for diabetes

    Beetroot juice without added sugar is an excellent way to normalize blood sugar levels. For diabetes, it is prepared using a simplified technology that does not require long infusion:

    • A three-liter jar holds 3 tbsp. grated beets, 3 tbsp. mashed blueberries, 1 tsp. honey, 2 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. sour cream with a high percentage of fat content.
    • Chilled boiled water is poured into the jar up to the hanger.
    • The mixture is infused for 2 hours.

    Drink half a glass before each main meal. You can also use it to make okroshka or beetroot soup.

    Elixir of Longevity: The Real Recipe

    Based on beet kvass, you can prepare the so-called miraculous elixir of longevity:

    1. In a jar with a capacity of 3 liters, pour 2 tbsp. dry or fresh celandine and 2 tbsp. finely chopped walnut leaves.
    2. 2 large washed beets along with the peel are passed through a meat grinder, and the resulting mass is also added to the jar.
    3. 2 handfuls of sprouted wheat grains are passed through a meat grinder and added to the rest of the ingredients.
    4. The jar is placed in the oven, heated to a temperature of 100 degrees, and simmers there until the smell of bread is felt.
    5. Then ½ cup of granulated sugar and 25 g of rye crusts are poured into it.
    6. Everything is filled with water, preferably artesian or spring water.
    7. Tied with gauze and placed in a warm place to ferment for a week.

    The elixir is consumed before each meal. Its healing effect lies in the ability to renew the blood, cleanse blood vessels and generally improve the functioning of the heart, as well as strengthening the immune system and saturating the body with vitamins, including the rare B12.

    A drink made from beets is a valuable heritage of our ancestors, who with its help could be cured of almost any ailment. But a modern person with a weakened body needs to try to balance the benefits and harms of beet kvass, the recipes for which differ significantly from each other and can have different effects in the presence of certain diseases. You can definitely expect an improvement in your health from drinking beetroot drink only after making sure that you have no contraindications, as well as with the correct dosage, and this is best done with the help of a consultation with your doctor.

    Often a person thinks about health only when the body begins to malfunction and requires mental intervention. Then we begin to look for ways to restore health with the help of folk remedies, and beet kvass, the recipe for which we will study, is exactly what we are looking for. This drink is not only a source of vitamins and nutrients for the body, but is also a remedy for many diseases.

    Fortunately, beet kvass is very easy to prepare, which is important for us, who are always in a hurry to live! We will look at several recipes and you can alternate them to choose the option that suits you.

    Before we give you the technology for making beet kvass at home, we want to encourage you by briefly telling you why it is so useful to drink not only in the summer, but at any time of the year. And then this drink will always be on your table!

    Beneficial properties of beet kvass

    The beneficial properties of beetroot drink are provided by medicinal substances found in the flesh and juice of beets. It is rich in valuable vitamins such as C, group vit. B and PP, as well as antioxidants, bioflavonoids, enzymes and mineral salts of iron, magnesium, calcium, etc. The beneficial substances in beets and their unique ratios give the following effects:

    • Beet kvass is an excellent, unique medicine for hypertension. One glass of beet kvass normalizes blood pressure in 20 minutes! This effect is ensured by the rubidium and cesium contained in the drink. These rare chemical elements, entering our blood, dilate blood vessels and normalize their rhythmic contractions.
    • Heals lymph, cleanses blood vessels, dissolves atherosclerotic plaques.
    • Useful for varicose veins.

    • Improves the functioning of the human cardiovascular system.
    • Beetroot drink gently cleanses the liver, kidneys and intestines. Removes toxins and slag deposits, eliminates constipation, fermentation in the intestines and dysbacteriosis.
    • Restores impaired metabolism, improves digestive processes.
    • Eliminates iron deficiency anemia.
    • Prevents the emergence of cancer cells and eliminates factors for their development.
    • Indicated as a general tonic.
    • An excellent remedy for insomnia.
    • Treats obesity of any stage.
    • Characterized by antibacterial and antiviral properties.
    • It has a mild diuretic effect, which allows you to drink it at any time of the day.
    • Improves the condition of skin, hair, nails. Beetroot drink is a true “elixir of youth”!

    Now, knowing what a wonderful drink we offer you, you will quickly master the simple technology and recipe for making beet kvass.

    It is difficult to find a simpler technology for preparing a valuable medicine than this. Let's consider several options - to suit any taste preferences.

    The simplest recipe for beet kvass


    • Several root vegetables of salad (dark burgundy) beets,
    • 3 liters of filtered boiled water.

    We start cooking by washing and peeling the root vegetables. Next, cut the beets into large strips or half rings - whichever is more convenient for you.

    We put the slices in a 3-liter jar, filling it to half the volume, and fill it with boiled water at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

    The fermentation mode for the contents of the jar is cool. Not the cold of the refrigerator, but just a cool place. The fermentation process begins quite quickly. You will see bubbles of carbon dioxide - the drink is ready!

    You can enjoy a glass or two! And replenish the amount of liquid poured with the next portion of boiled water. You can add until the specific color and smell begin to disappear. Then put in a new starter.

    Simple, right? But how good it is for health!

    Beet kvass - a recipe for those with a sweet tooth


    • Beetroot – 3 roots
    • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
    • Rye bread – 100 g
    • Purified, boiled water - how much will go into the jar


    1. Before making beet kvass, a couple of pieces of rye bread need to be dried in the oven - not “dairy”, but simply dried in order to destroy the yeast microorganisms in the bread. We prepare kvass without yeast.
    2. Cut the washed and peeled beets into large strips, pour them into a 3-liter jar, add a couple of rye bread croutons and fill with 2 liters of water. Pre-dissolve sugar in water (more than 1 tbsp, to taste).
    3. Cover with a clean linen napkin and leave in the kitchen for fermentation. We choose a place that is not sunny, otherwise the drink will quickly turn sour. We periodically skim off any foam that appears.
    4. The drink is considered ready when it becomes clear and the taste of raw beets disappears. As a rule, we need to wait 3 days for it to be ready.

    Strain the finished beet elixir, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator.

    Take as a medicine on an empty stomach, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

    Beet kvass is not only a healthy drink, it can serve as the basis for delicious okroshka, cold vegetable soup or borscht. This is a real treat in the summer heat!

    Contraindications to drinking beetroot drink

    • Inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines and duodenum.
    • Stomach ulcer
    • Increased acidity of gastric juice
    • Kidney and gallstones
    • Kidney failure
    • Gout
    • Individual intolerance

    The healing effect of beet kvass, the recipes of which we will be happy to use, will give us an impressive opportunity to improve the quality of our life - to become energetic and easy-going!