Who brushes the teeth of a crocodile in nature. Is it true that there are birds that clean the teeth of crocodiles? Thought #7. The beast is not as scary as it is painted

Production designers The roles were voiced Composer Animators Operator Sound engineer Studio A country



9 min. 20 sec.

Premiere IMDb Animator.ru


In Africa, among palm trees and exotic animals, lived a crocodile. Other animals were afraid of him, because in addition to the fact that he had huge teeth that he never brushed, he also had a harmful and evil disposition. One day he began to be tormented by a strong toothache. But none of the animals wanted to help him; moreover, they began to laugh at him. However, there was one small bird named Tari, who helped the crocodile and cleaned his teeth with her beak. The crocodile had a lot of debris in its teeth, which the bird successfully threw out and then removed the diseased tooth. The Tari bird agreed to periodically brush the crocodile's teeth. After this, the crocodile became kinder, thanked the bird and became friends with the other animals.

Everyone sang a song joyfully:

C'mon, don't touch anyone today,
Let no one be scratched by the claw,
The tooth does not bite, the horn does not butt,
And why? Who can guess?
Yes, because he himself is a crocodile
I thanked the good bird.


Director Gennady Sokolsky
Screenwriter Boris Zakhoder
Production designers Ada Nikolskaya, Vladimir Zuikov
Cartoonists Sergey Dezhkin, Yuri Butyrin, Yuri Kuzyurin, Alexey Bukin, Violetta Kolesnikova, Viktor Likhachev
Operator Mikhail Druyan
Composer Sandor Kallos
Sound engineer Vladimir Kutuzov
The roles were voiced Maria Vinogradova - Heron; sings for the parrot,
Zinaida Naryshkina - Monkey,
Agar Vlasova - Crocodile,
Lidiya Kataeva - Tari bird,
Leonid Bronevoy - text from the author.
Editor Lyubov Georgieva
Editor Tatiana Paporova
Director Lyubov Butyrina

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  • Zakhoder Boris. Tari bird. - M.: All-Union Bureau of Cinematography Propaganda, 1978. - 20 p. - (Film-fairy tale).. Cartoon book.



  • "Tari Bird" (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • on "Animator.ru"

An excerpt characterizing the Tari Bird

[Death is salutary and death is calm;
ABOUT! against suffering there is no other refuge.]
Julie said it was lovely.
“II y a quelque chose de si ravissant dans le sourire de la melancolie, [There is something infinitely charming in the smile of melancholy," she said to Boris word for word, copying this passage from the book.
– C"est un rayon de lumiere dans l"ombre, une nuance entre la douleur et le desespoir, qui montre la consolation possible. [This is a ray of light in the shadows, a shade between sadness and despair, which indicates the possibility of consolation.] - To this Boris wrote her poetry:
"Aliment de poison d"une ame trop sensible,
"Toi, sans qui le bonheur me serait impossible,
"Tendre melancolie, ah, viens me consoler,
“Viens calmer les tourments de ma sombre retraite
"Et mele une douceur secrete
"A ces pleurs, que je sens couler."
[Poisonous food for an overly sensitive soul,
You, without whom happiness would be impossible for me,
Tender melancholy, oh, come and comfort me,
Come, soothe the torment of my dark solitude
And add secret sweetness
To these tears that I feel flowing.]
Julie played Boris the saddest nocturnes on the harp. Boris read aloud to her Poor Lisa and more than once interrupted his reading from the excitement that took his breath away. Meeting in a large society, Julie and Boris looked at each other as the only indifferent people in the world who understood each other.
Anna Mikhailovna, who often went to the Karagins, making up her mother’s party, meanwhile made correct inquiries about what was given for Julie (both Penza estates and Nizhny Novgorod forests were given). Anna Mikhailovna, with devotion to the will of Providence and tenderness, looked at the refined sadness that connected her son with the rich Julie.
“Toujours charmante et melancolique, cette chere Julieie,” she said to her daughter. - Boris says that he rests his soul in your house. “He has suffered so many disappointments and is so sensitive,” she told her mother.
- Oh, my friend, how attached I am to Julie Lately“,” she told her son, “I can’t describe it to you!” And who can not love her? This is such an unearthly creature! Ah, Boris, Boris! “She fell silent for a minute. “And how I feel sorry for her maman,” she continued, “today she showed me reports and letters from Penza (they have a huge estate) and she is poor, all alone: ​​she is so deceived!
Boris smiled slightly as he listened to his mother. He meekly laughed at her simple-minded cunning, but listened and sometimes asked her carefully about the Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates.
Julie had long been expecting a proposal from her melancholic admirer and was ready to accept it; but some secret feeling of disgust for her, for her passionate desire to get married, for her unnaturalness, and a feeling of horror at renouncing the possibility of true love still stopped Boris. His vacation was already over. He spent whole days and every single day with the Karagins, and every day, reasoning with himself, Boris told himself that he would propose tomorrow. But in the presence of Julie, looking at her red face and chin, almost always covered with powder, at her moist eyes and at the expression of her face, which always expressed a readiness to immediately move from melancholy to the unnatural delight of marital happiness, Boris could not utter a decisive word: despite the fact that for a long time in his imagination he considered himself the owner of Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates and distributed the use of income from them. Julie saw Boris's indecisiveness and sometimes the thought occurred to her that she was disgusting to him; but immediately the woman’s self-delusion came to her as a consolation, and she told herself that he was shy only out of love. Her melancholy, however, began to turn into irritability, and not long before Boris left, she undertook a decisive plan. At the same time that Boris’s vacation was ending, Anatol Kuragin appeared in Moscow and, of course, in the Karagins’ living room, and Julie, unexpectedly leaving her melancholy, became very cheerful and attentive to Kuragin.
“Mon cher,” Anna Mikhailovna said to her son, “je sais de bonne source que le Prince Basile envoie son fils a Moscou pour lui faire epouser Julieie.” [My dear, I know from reliable sources that Prince Vasily sends his son to Moscow in order to marry him to Julie.] I love Julie so much that I would feel sorry for her. What do you think, my friend? - said Anna Mikhailovna.

“Bird Tari”, 1976. Studio “Soyuzmultfilm”. What does this cartoon teach a successful child?

Soviet cartoons very often contain invaluable material for raising a successful child. The main thing is not just to look, but also to discuss what you see with your baby.

Most likely, you have already learned what the cartoons “Cockroach”, “How the Monkeys Had Lunch”, “Day of Luck” teach a successful child. Today we will add another video to the collection of the “New Rich from Childhood” project.

Cartoon for a successful child.
“Bird Tari”, 1976. Production: “Soyuzmultfilm”.

If suddenly the video does not open for you, try to find the cartoon yourself through any search engine. This cartoon can also be found in collections of Soviet cartoons.

What does the cartoon “Tari Bird” teach a successful child?
Thought #1. Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

These words were once said by the great commander Alexander Nevsky. And this idea can be seen very clearly in this cartoon.

At first, the crocodile was completely unfriendly towards others. “I never said a single kind word to anyone.” He offended everyone. I actually plucked the feathers from the poor bird's tail.

But when trouble came to the crocodile, his anger (=sword) almost killed him. No one wanted to help the hostile, albeit sick, crocodile.

Always be friendly!

Thought #2. Take responsibility for your own life only for yourself.

You must be responsible for yourself. You cannot change circumstances, seasons, wind direction, but you can change yourself.

Jim Dornan.

Why does the crocodile have toothache? “It’s my own fault! Never brushes his teeth!”

It's the same with every person's life. If something is wrong with you, do not blame anyone for your troubles and failures. Instead, recognize yourself and your actions as the cause of everything that happens to you. And then you can change your present. And - even the future, which you are still afraid to dream about.

Thought #3. Don’t look for excuses: “Why can’t I?” Ask yourself: “How can I?”

Remember! Losers are always looking for answers to the question: “WHY can’t I?” Winners ask, “HOW can I?”

Did you feel the difference?

The loser crocodile was initially not in the mood to solve the problem. Instead, he simply came up with an excuse: “How can I brush my teeth when my legs are so short?”

But if the crocodile had set himself the task of finding an answer to the winners’ question, he would have found at least one solution. Offer to have someone brush his teeth.

Thought #4. There are always opportunities! The main thing is to look for them, find them and use them.

It would seem that. Once at the crocodile short arms, which means he can’t reach his teeth. Therefore, the easiest way is to give up and do nothing.

However, there are always opportunities! And sometimes they even come themselves. (The Tari bird suggested to the crocodile: “If you want, I will brush your teeth every day.”) The main thing is not to miss them and use them! (“We agreed!” the crocodile rejoiced).

Thought #5. What you can’t do yourself, outsource.

If the faucet in the house is broken and we cannot fix it, then we call a plumber. If we want our own portrait and cannot draw it ourselves, we go to the artist. To solve a problem, we use other people's strength, time and skill. Transferring things to someone else means outsourcing (delegating).

The crocodile could not cope with brushing his teeth himself, so he outsourced this function to the Tari bird.

Thought #6. The main rule of any successful transaction is: WIN-WIN.

All business laws correspond to the laws of nature!

We can say that the cartoon about the Tari bird is based on real events. IN wildlife really small birds brush the teeth of a crocodile.

The question arises. Why do they do this? Isn't the crocodile huge? The crocodile has teeth, right? He can easily swallow any small bird in one go!

And the secret is very simple!

The crocodile and the tari birds make a real successful deal. Each of them, cooperating with each other, solves their problem. Crocodile - removes stuck pieces of food so that teeth do not rot or hurt. And the Tari bird finds food for life. It is not profitable for a crocodile to offend small birds. If he eats just one crumb, the rest will stop trusting him. And no one will agree to help the huge crocodile solve his problem with brushing his teeth.

If you need to sell something, look for those who will benefit from buying your product. Find those who themselves feel the need for your product.

If you are selling plastic windows, look for clients in areas where there are old wooden windows. And don’t waste your time on those clients who don’t need your services. To conclude a successful transaction, each party must receive a win. Moreover, this gain must be equal. Otherwise, your buyer will go to a competitor who will offer greater benefits.

Thought #7. The beast is not as scary as it is painted.

All the animals were afraid of the crocodile because it was angry, big and toothy. But if they looked at the crocodile problem from the other side, they could easily overcome their fear.

Very often, subordinates are afraid of their managers, newbies in sales are afraid to call strangers, etc.

But in order for the manager to raise your salary himself, offer him to help solve the problem of the company that worries the manager now, which no one else can solve, the solution of which is not your responsibility. When both parties benefit, the likelihood of a successful transaction always increases significantly.

To get what you want from a person, offer him a solution to his own problem. And if your decision is strong, then he will agree to your terms even if at first glance, he would not even talk to you.

Thought #8. Even the most terrible person can turn out to be helpless.

In life, every second something happens. Nothing is permanent. Everything changes.

And if today you are “at the top”, tomorrow you may find yourself at the very “bottom”. If today you scare and intimidate someone, tomorrow these people will refuse to help you.

The crocodile scared and offended everyone. And in the end, when trouble happened to him, the frightened surrounding animals refused to help him.

Therefore, before you do anything, always think about the possible consequences.

Thought #9. You can't change the people around you, but you can change yourself and inspire others to do the same.

What happened before Tari the bird arrived?

The crocodile was vicious. All the animals around him rejoiced at the grief of others and refused to help the suffering patient. This could go on forever. And it would be impossible to change the attitude of the jungle inhabitants to each other.

The Tari bird turned out to be wise. She didn't lecture anyone. She didn't try to change anyone. She just took it and showed others her friendliness. This is what inspired the crocodile and all the other animals.

Never try to change anyone. Change yourself and inspire those around you to make these changes.

Thought #10. Always thank for your help!

“Thank you very, very much, kind bird Tari! - said the cured crocodile.

C'mon, don't touch anyone today,
Let no one be scratched by the claw,
The tooth does not bite, the horn does not butt,
And why? Who can guess?
Yes, because he himself is a crocodile
I thanked the good bird.

From this very day, the Tari bird has been friends with the crocodile. And they say that the crocodile’s character has become not so scary.

Remember! You are now the result of WHAT you did and WHO helped you in life.

Any great success comes from small daily victories. And very often someone helped us, contributed to achieving these victories. (In our case, the crocodile healed his teeth thanks to the Tari bird).

Never keep words of gratitude to yourself. Always thank others even for the smallest things.

The power of gratitude is very strong. Nothing in our life happens by chance. The Universe reacts to our radiations (thoughts, words and actions): what you emit is what you receive. The crocodile expressed words of gratitude for the first time, and you will receive a positive attitude from the surrounding animals. The crocodile smiled, and the animals gave their smiles in return. The crocodile gave a benefit (in the form of words of gratitude), and received another benefit (in the form of an offer from the Tari bird to brush his teeth every day).

Teach your child to give good to people around him from childhood!

My dear reader! Thank you for existing! Thank you for reading the article to the end! Thank you for giving feedback in comments. It is you and your reaction that help me find strength to develop the “New Rich from Childhood” project. I sincerely thank you for everything! ;)

P.S. My kids grow and develop next to me, because I have not been employed for a long time. How could I afford this? How did I learn to earn money while on maternity leave and quit my hired job at the end of it? How do I earn money now? And how can you create a similar source of income for yourself? See here and here.

Read more! And don't forget to APPLY! ;)

Marat and Danil Almashev in the section "HOW TO BECOME RICH?"

Video for the RICH child. Never, never, never give up!

An excellent source of income for the mother of a successful child! Earn money even while on maternity leave...

For more than one and a half thousand years (since the 5th century AD), there has been a legend that small Egyptian runner birds clean the teeth of crocodiles, since this is mutually beneficial for both of them: oral hygiene is ensured for the crocodile, and the birds eat leftover food between the crocodile’s teeth. Therefore, they say, the crocodile opens its mouth wide, patiently enduring the procedure, and the bird fearlessly feeds in the terrible mouth of the reptile.

"Crocodile's Friend"

But this is just a myth. There is still no documentary evidence that there is a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship between crocodiles and Egyptian runners in nature. In fact, the crocodile guard (this is another name for this bird) flies to the open mouth of the crocodile to feast on carrion flies. These insects, in turn, are attracted to the remains of rotting meat in the crocodile's mouth.

Deadly number: Egyptian runner in the mouth of a crocodile

Why does the crocodile keep its mouth open? Supposedly for cooling purposes.

Fragment from the Soviet cartoon "Bird Tari".
It retells in a fairy-tale form the legend of how a brave bird brushes a crocodile’s teeth.

And the crocodile does not need to brush its teeth at all. After all, these reptiles’ teeth change throughout their lives! Young crocodiles change teeth every month, while adults change teeth every few years. Only very old individuals stop growing new teeth. Despite its scary appearance, the crocodile's teeth are not suitable for chewing, so it swallows food in large pieces. Sometimes the tooth may break, but thanks to the ability of crocodile teeth to grow back, this is not a problem for the reptile: a new one will soon grow in place of the broken tooth.

I read on the Internet about a bird named Himantopus himantopus, which allegedly adapted to look for food in the teeth of formidable hippopotamuses and crocodiles. It’s absolutely true about the existence of stilt walkers, and he even looks very much like the cartoon bird Tari. But if it's true about crocodiles and hippos, then this must be interesting fact photo confirmation. But I didn’t find one. It is unlikely that stilts brush the teeth of crocodiles.
I remembered the Tari bird while watching the blackbird. The blackbird moved quickly along the narrow sidewalk groove and pulled compacted debris out of it. Behind the blackbird, the previously clean sidewalk remained noticeably sloppy. Drozd was so carried away that he didn’t pay attention to me at all and didn’t even hear me say hello to him.
- Hello! What are you doing? Why are you taking out all this garbage?
I wasn’t in much of a hurry, so I decided to wait and find out how this mess would end.
And this is how it ended.

What to do if there is stone and asphalt all around?
This is such a thrush. Pevun, by the way, is very diligent.

Birds-helpers of crocodiles in cartoons and nature: names, videos.

For small children who do not like to brush their teeth, it will be useful to watch a cartoon about a dirty crocodile and a brave bird. We will tell you what its name is and whether its analogue exists in nature in this article.

Which bird brushes the crocodile's teeth in the cartoon: name

  • The Soviet cartoon directed by Gennady Sokolsky was named after the tiny fearless bird Tari.
  • She was the only one in all of Africa who was not afraid to climb into the mouth of a harmful and evil crocodile. He had big teeth that he never brushed. This caused them to get sick. All the animals laughed at the reptile and did not want to help him. Only tiny Tari took on the painstaking and unsafe work. She freed the “scarecrow’s” mouth from debris and pulled out a troublesome tooth.

Tari bird brushes a crocodile's teeth: video

Who brushes a crocodile's teeth in the wild?

Video: Birds Cleaning Crocodile's Mouth

A bird helping a crocodile in nature: name, photo (Wikipedia)

Analogue of the Tari bird in nature
  • The subfamily of runners of the family Tirkushidae of the order Charadriiformes contains a bird called the crocodile watchman or Egyptian runner (in Latin, Pluvianus aegyptius).
  • According to a very ancient legend, this bird cleans the crocodile’s mouth from food debris and notifies them of a threat to life. The legend has not been documented. In fact, reptiles don't need to brush their teeth. Lying on the shore with their open mouths, they catch flies.

Video: Super predator: crocodile