The cat won't let you touch his stomach. Why do cats expose their owners to their stomachs? Abscesses of internal organs

Cats cannot complain about their health themselves, so their health is in your hands. You must closely monitor your animal, and at the first sign of discomfort, changes appearance or behavior to check if the cat is sick.

Any deviation from normal behavior is a cause for concern.

If in its normal state your cat behaves independently, but suddenly seeks your company and does not leave a single step from you or, conversely, does not leave its place all day, then try to find out what happened. Don't think that a cat's purring is a sign of health. Purring can sometimes indicate pain or illness. Unexpected aggression in an always calm and docile cat can be caused by pain, fever, concussion, infection, head injury, convulsions, or a diabetic crisis, which requires medical intervention.

Signs of a Healthy Cat

A few words about what a healthy animal looks like. A healthy cat has an excellent appetite, smooth and shiny fur, a cold and moist nose (during sleep it can be dry and warm), mucous membranes are pink and moderately moist. Signs of an animal's health are also vigor and mobility. Temperature, pulse and respiration rate are important criteria for assessing health status.

Signs of the onset of the disease

At disease The cat's behavior changes. She becomes lethargic, lies down more than usual, looks sad, tries to hide in a quiet darkened place, responds reluctantly to calls or, on the contrary, is overly excited, constantly moves around the apartment, meows pitifully or shows aggression. Movements may become awkward and coordination may be impaired. Signs of the onset of the disease also include rapid fatigue, loss of appetite, perhaps the cat does not eat anything, insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness.

Normal temperature is from 38 to 39 degrees (in small kittens - up to 39.6 degrees, and in sphinxes - up to 41.5).

A rise in temperature above 40 may indicate the onset of the disease. But we should also not forget that the animal’s body temperature rises during excitement and fear, after physical exertion, as well as in hot weather, during poisoning, after electric shock or due to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Remember, or better yet, write down your cat's normal resting body temperature.

The pulse reflects the frequency and rhythm of the heartbeat, as well as the force of the heart muscle impulses.

At rest, the heart rate of a healthy cat ranges from 110 to 150 beats per minute.

In large cats and animals leading more calm image life, heartbeat slow. The pulse increases when the temperature rises, during inflammatory processes, physical activity, overexcitation, fear and hot weather. In kittens and cats of small breeds, the pulse rate can reach 200 beats per minute; in cats, the pulse is lower than in cats.
Count and record your cat's resting heart rate - this will help you determine in the future whether its rate has changed in a given situation. It is enough to calculate the number of shocks in 15 seconds, and then multiply the resulting value by 4.

It is convenient to determine the cat's breathing rate by movements chest, abdominal wall or wings of the nose.

Normally, it ranges from 20 to 30 respiratory movements per minute.

Kittens and young animals, which have a more active metabolism than adults, breathe more quickly than adult cats, and females breathe more quickly than males. In addition, pregnant or lactating cats breathe at a higher rate than normal. Respiration rate is also influenced by size and genetic factors: small cats breathe more often than large cats, which is explained more high level metabolism and, accordingly, increased heat loss. Changes in your cat's breathing rate can be caused by fear, pain, shock, or respiratory illness. It should also be taken into account that breathing becomes more frequent in hot weather, during physical activity, and when the cat is excited. The breathing of a healthy animal after exercise is restored within a few minutes. Difficulty breathing can be caused by heatstroke or, in rare cases, a lack of calcium in the blood during lactation in females. An animal may suffocate due to heart failure or inflammation genitourinary system, as well as when swallowing a foreign object.

The coat becomes ruffled, dull, and there may be increased shedding, changes in color (yellowness) or skin elasticity.
A sick cat has discharge (purulent, mucous, etc.) from the nose, eyes, mouth and other organs. Colorless discharge may indicate anemia, yellowish discharge may indicate liver damage, bloody discharge may indicate serious infection or poisoning, and bluish discharge may indicate heart failure or disturbances in the circulatory system.

The nasal mucosa (nostril) is dry, constantly warm (a sign of elevated temperature), cracked skin, mucopurulent discharge from the nostrils, the formation of dry crusts, a whitened lobe (a sign of anemia) - sure signs of a cat’s illness.

A sick cat may experience various discharges from the eyes (transparent, purulent, mucous, etc.), squinting and lacrimation may reflect pain in the eye; in a number of diseases, yellowness of the mucous membrane and inflammation of the eyelids are observed. In case of conjunctivitis, poisoning and some other cases, the eyes are sometimes half-closed by the third eyelid.

As for the oral cavity, the disease may cause increased salivation, bad breath, and gums and tongue covered with plaque or ulcers. The mucous membranes of the mouth and eyelids are pale, bluish or icteric.

Signs of Digestive Problems

Digestion may also be affected. Activity gastrointestinal tract changed: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, painful bowel movements, and accumulation of gases in the intestines are noted. IN feces and foreign objects appear (wool, worms, etc.). Drops of blood in the stool (normally brown) also indicate serious internal pathology, usually bleeding in the large intestine. ABOUT stomach bleeding, or bleeding in the anterior intestine, is indicated by tarry stool of a dark, almost black color. Clarified feces are a sign of liver disease (lack of bile, etc.). Foamy feces are an indicator of a bacterial infection.

Signs of problems with the genitourinary system

From the genitourinary system, the following abnormalities may be observed: increased urination, urinary incontinence, lack of urination, pain during bowel movements Bladder, change in color (normal urine is yellow) and amount of urine, unpleasant odor, mucopurulent discharge from the genitals, hunched back, stiff gait, pain in the lumbar region. A sweetish smell from the mouth may also indicate that your cat has kidney problems. Diseases that make it difficult to urinate and pass food can be a tumor, prostate hypertrophy, hemorrhoids, cystitis, and urolithiasis.

Other signs

Breathing becomes frequent or, conversely, rare and cautious (if painful), wheezing, wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath appear. Shortness of breath in a cat may be caused by increased physical activity, asthma, inflammation or emphysema of the lungs, which, in turn, are a consequence of poisoning. Difficulty breathing is observed with pleurisy, heart failure, anemia, and worms. In older cats, a sign of heart failure may be a cough.

Lymphatic system. Increased sizes lymph nodes, as a rule, indicate the presence inflammatory process. Most often involved in this process submandibular lymph nodes, so you should learn to find and feel them.

Increased thirst may be associated with colds, diabetes, dropsy, renal failure, or kidney disease, and if physical weakness and smell from the mouth are added to it, then this most likely indicates uremia.


Vomiting develops in response to poisonous herbs entering the stomach and in general during poisoning, when helminthic infestation, travel in transport. Vomiting and increasing physical weakness in combination with constipation indicate intestinal obstruction and the presence of a foreign body in the intestine.

Yellowness of the mucous membranes can be a sign of hepatitis, poisoning, leptospirosis.

Increased salivation occurs when the tongue and oral cavity are damaged, when a foreign body enters the esophagus, during heat and sunstroke, during poisoning and some liver diseases. It may also be a symptom of such terrible disease like madness.

But these signs of diseases, as a rule, do not appear all at the same time: usually one symptom is most pronounced, and the rest accompany it (in one or another combination). The improvement in the cat’s well-being and recovery can be judged after the disappearance of all painful manifestations characteristic of a particular disease.

The posture of a cat can tell you a lot. A healthy animal rests or sleeps in a relaxed position, with its torso straightened and limbs stretched out. A sick cat takes a forced position that helps reduce pain or any other discomfort. In particular, with heart disease, a cat stands with its forelimbs spread wide apart - this makes breathing easier; The cat holds the injured limb suspended; at urolithiasis Possible intermittent claudication on the hind legs on the left or right, according to a diseased kidney, etc.

Veterinarian on rabies prevention: how to recognize rabies, what to do and where to go

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Based on materials from, Josie F. Turner, 2018

If you have a cat living with you, you have certainly noticed that it sometimes exhibits rather strange behavior. Occasionally the cat lies on its back, exposing its belly. What is even stranger is that when you try to pet her, she can attack your hand, biting and making movements with her paws that resemble those of a rabbit. This is especially confusing for dog owners, as dogs generally love to be petted in this way.

However, this feature of cat behavior (like many others) cannot be considered strange just because we do not understand it. Although cats may not like having their bellies touched, they have their reasons for adopting this position. This article attempts to explain this mysterious aspect of feline body language.

To understand the reasons, you need to understand what makes cats take this or that pose. The key to understanding is the fact that animals communicate differently than we do. People also use body language when communicating, but to a much lesser extent than animals. Animals actively communicate their mood, emotions and perception of the environment through their postures and movements. This is especially surprising considering the rich possibilities of using voice capabilities for this. The partners for whom the signals are sent can be hunting victims, other cats, and even people.

Typically, when a cat lies on its back, showing its belly, it means that it is in a relaxed, calm state and feels good. Cats can only take this position when they feel safe, and only those people or animals with whom a trusting relationship has already been established are nearby. Since the position is vulnerable, it is assumed that there are no enemies nearby who can take advantage of it. If a cat lies on its back near you, it thereby demonstrates its complete trust. This means that her connection with her owner is quite strong, and your presence creates a feeling of security.

What causes confusion in understanding the meaning of this position is that it simultaneously transmits several signals. When a cat shows her belly, it is almost certainly a friendly gesture, it implies that she wants to be played with or expects some other response. In this case, the pose serves to provide positive stimulation. However, it hardly means that the cat will tolerate touching its belly. Most cats do not like to be touched in the belly area as it makes them feel vulnerable. Although there are exceptions, The usual reaction to trying to pet the belly is scratching, biting and pawing..

After some time, the cat may roll over onto its paws and begin to stretch. This is a natural behavior that signifies pleasure and a state of relaxation - some individuals react in a similar way to, for example, the smell of catnip. Any powerful stimulant of feelings of satisfaction can lead to such behavior.

Why don't cats like to have their bellies stroked?

There are many myths associated with cats and their behavior. One of them is the complete independence of cats. Many people are surprised that they can have any feelings for their owners. Those who share their home with a cat are well aware of how strong an attachment they can experience.

Just because a cat doesn't like being kissed, hugged, or touched on certain parts of the body doesn't mean they don't like being petted at all. Most animals enjoy being petted, even if they don't tolerate them for very long. Cats are much smaller than humans; touching certain places gives them negative sensations - uncertainty, stress and fear. These feelings may even initiate an instinctive defensive response using claws and teeth.

Actively defending a cat lying on its back with its belly exposed is not treasonous behavior. This doesn't necessarily mean she's afraid or aggressive - it's just natural cat behavior. By opening their bellies, cats are not trying to trick people into attacking them. Moreover, they always show some signs of discomfort and displeasure before they begin to act defensively. They flatten their ears, tense their bodies, and sometimes bristle, trying to signal that they don’t like what’s happening. When communicating with our friends, we should try to understand their messages. Although a defensive reaction may mean that the cat is offended, she will soon forget about it. But if you continue to “molest” them, you will develop a lasting reaction to them, which can affect future relationships, assigning you to the role of an antagonist in the eyes of the cat.

However, cats are quite capable of creating strong bonds with their owners. There are many situations when they happily accept affection from people. Just because they don't act like dogs, you can't conclude that cats don't like or trust people. They simply express their feelings and emotions in their own way. By understanding your pet's signals, you can easily understand when your cat is showing affection.

How to pet a cat correctly?

In general, cats like to be petted in the following places:

  • Head;
  • Chin;
  • Neck from the back;
  • Back;

If you pet your cat in these areas, she will often rub her head against your hand to express pleasure. Of course, not all cats are the same. Some people, although they are few in number, may even enjoy having their belly rubbed. It is important to take into account your cat's tastes and preferences - this helps strengthen the relationship.

To determine the places your cat likes to be stroked, start with the following. Iron slowly, carefully, without making sudden movements. Providing a calm environment and respecting personal boundaries will be gratefully received by your pet. In fact, respect is the key to establishing healthy relationships with our loved ones, regardless of their species.

Petting a cat may seem easy, but it is important for children and people who rarely interact with these animals to know the dos and don'ts. If you pet your cat where she doesn't like it, or if you pet it too hard or hastily, your cat may bite or scratch you. It is recommended to do only what the cat likes: ask the animal for permission to touch the fur, and allow the cat to control your communication. There are a few areas where you can't go wrong - usually the cat really enjoys being petted in the areas where the animal's scent glands are located. The spreading of the scent makes the space familiar to the cat, which creates a pleasant sensation. If you know where you can and cannot touch your cat, both you and the animal will enjoy the process.


Let your cat come to you

    First, let your cat sniff you so that she stops being afraid. Reach out your hand or finger and let your cat touch your nose.

  • If the cat does not show interest in the hand or simply looks at it incredulously, it is better not to pet the animal. Try doing the same at another time when your cat's mood changes.
  • If your cat sniffs your hand, meows, and begins to rub its face or body against you, it is most likely ready for petting. Open your palm and lightly touch the animal.

Wait until the cat begins to rest its head on you. If a cat rubs its head, it means it wants attention. If you're busy, at least pet her a couple of times so she knows you're not ignoring her.

Pet your cat once if it jumps onto your lap and lies down. Pay attention to whether the cat is spinning on its knees. If so, she may be looking for a more comfortable place and wants to lie down because the human body gives off heat. If she is lying quietly, you can gently stroke her back or in the places discussed below.

Pet your cat while she is lying on her side. Cats love to be petted in this position. Run your hand along the side that faces up. If a cat meows or purrs, it means she is feeling good.

  • Do not touch the cat's belly (this will be discussed in more detail in the third part of this article, step 3).
  • Listen to the sounds (rumbling). With the help of purring, a cat communicates its readiness to communicate with a person and that it wants attention. If the cat pushes you with its head, hips or curls at your legs, it means that it wants you to pet it right now. Sometimes a cat wants one touch as a greeting rather than a long hug.

    • The volume of the purr indicates how pleased the cat is with your actions. The louder the rumbling, the more to the cat I like what's happening. A weak rumbling indicates that the cat is happy, and a strong rumbling indicates that the animal is very happy. If your cat purrs very loudly, this may indicate excessive joy, which sometimes turns into irritation, so be careful.
  • Look for signs that your cat doesn't want to be petted anymore. Sometimes even pleasant strokes and touches can cause irritation, especially if they are repeated often. If you don't notice this irritation in time, your cat may bite your hand lightly or scratch it. However, most often before you bite, the cat makes it clear several times that she does not need to be petted anymore. Pay attention to the following signs, and if you notice them, stop stroking:

    Pet your cat between or behind the ears. Use your fingertips to press lightly on your head. There are also scent glands at the base of the ears. If a cat pushes its head, it is marking you as its territory.

    Stroke your cat's whiskers. If your cat enjoys this type of touch, she will turn her whiskers forward to encourage you to continue petting her.

    Gently run your hand over your cheek. Once your cat is used to your touch, run your middle finger along the whiskers (above the mouth) and along the cheek, and stroke the head with your thumb. That's it, the cat is now yours!

    Stroke the cat from head to tail. Run your hand over your head, then from the crown to the tail. Do this several times. Knead the cat's neck muscles with light massaging movements. Apply gentle pressure to your neck and make several slow movements. You should only stroke your cat in one direction (from head to tail), as many cats do not like to be stroked against the grain.

    Know what not to do

      Stroke the cat from head to tail, but not vice versa. Some cats don't like being stroked against the grain.

      Don't pat the cat. Some cats like it and some don't, so if you don't spend a lot of time with the animal, don't risk it or your cat might scratch or bite you.

    1. Don't touch your stomach. When the cat is relaxed, it can turn onto its back with its belly up. Don't take this as a request for a belly rub, because most cats don't like it very much. This is because in nature, cats must be cautious and protect themselves from predators (unlike dogs, who are more confident and allow belly rubs). The abdomen is a vulnerable area where vital energy is concentrated important organs, which is why many cats instinctively extend their claws and bare their teeth if someone touches their belly.

      • Some cats enjoy this, but see it as an invitation to fight using claws and teeth, or an invitation to rough play. The cat will grab your hand with its claws, bite it, or scratch it with its back or front paws. This should not always be considered an attack - cats often play like this.
      • If the cat grabs you with its paws, freeze and let it release you. If necessary, open the cat's paws with your other hand. Sometimes the claws get stuck and deep scratches remain on the body, even if the cat doesn't want it. Cats use their claws to grab and hold objects, so when a cat grabs you with its paws, it means it wants you to stop. If you stop, the cat will stop digging its claws into you.
    2. Paws should be touched with caution. Don't play with the cat's paws unless you know the cat very well and that she likes to have her paws touched. First, pet your cat to help her relax, and then ask her permission to pet her paws by touching each paw with a finger.

      • If your cat doesn't object, gently stroke the paw with your finger in the direction of the hair growth (from the wrist to the toes). If the cat withdraws its paw, hisses, flattens its ears, or decides to leave, stop trying.
      • Many cats do not allow their paws to be touched, but they can be trained to do things like nail trimming if they are trained regularly using treats as rewards.
    • When children pet a cat, they should be closely supervised. They can easily anger the animal, leading to bites and scratches. Cats that are friendly to adults do not always treat children in the same way. Make sure children do not put their face too close to the cat.
    • If your cat bites or scratches you, wash the wound thoroughly with antibacterial soap and use an antiseptic. Then ask for medical care. Deep wounds require examination by a doctor due to the high likelihood of infection.
    • Do not pet your cat if you have allergies.
    • If the cat seems aggressive, do not approach it as it may bite and scratch severely.

    Everyone knows that cats are very capricious. We all love to pet them, but few people know how to properly pet a cat so that you and your pet can enjoy it. There is even a certain technique for this. By following it, you will understand how to properly stroke so that the cat does not show aggression and dissatisfaction.

    There are many animals on earth, and there are none who do not love affection, because this feeling is inherent in everyone from birth, when mother washes or strokes. Animals from the cat family love affection like no other species. For cats, stroking is a manifestation of attention, care, and affection towards them.

    Stroking technique

    Experts who study animal behavior have repeatedly conducted experiments on how to pet a cat so that he likes it. As a result, we came to the conclusion that stroking should begin with an attempt to reach out and try to make several strokes on the head or torso. Based on the cat’s reaction, it will be noticeable whether the animal is currently predisposed to affection or not. If the cat moves away from your hand or tries to bite, then you should not anger him and stroke him against his will. If, on the contrary, the animal begins to rub against your hand, expose its head, back or stomach, then the cat is not against caresses.

    Ironing correctly

    The cat has favorite places (points) from touching which he receives the greatest pleasure. However, each person also has his own favorite places that bring maximum pleasure, which is noticeable when performing a massage.

    For a cat, stroking is a kind of massage that brings pleasure, calm and relaxation.

    Conventionally, a cat’s body can be divided into several zones:

    • head;
    • back of the head;
    • chest and neck;
    • back;
    • stomach


    Almost all cats don't mind having their heads stroked. But, try not to touch their ears with your hand. This is a special and very sensitive organ, the touch of which is not very pleasant for the cat. One of the places that brings maximum pleasure for almost all cats is top part bridge of the nose and forehead. Gently stroking your fingers in this place has a very beneficial effect on the cat. The thing is that this is the point at which in childhood, each kitten is licked by the mother, washing them. Apparently, these pleasant memories are embedded in every kitten on a subconscious level, therefore, when stroked in this place, they experience very pleasant feelings.

    Back of the head

    The back of the head and the areas behind the ears are also very sensitive for a cat. Once you pick up your pet, you can begin by gently stroking this area. Stroking the places behind the ears will allow anyone, even the most obstinate cat, to relax and enjoy it.

    Breast and neck

    These places also bring pleasure to the cat, since it is difficult for him to scratch them on his own, therefore, with the help of the owner domestic cat will never refuse. Start stroking it from the chin, gradually moving to the entire neck. If the cat is pleased, it will begin to stretch its neck upward, which is a sign to continue petting.


    Considering that cats are four-legged animals, when walking they experience the maximum load on the spine and back area. Back rubs bring cats maximum pleasure and relaxation. Relieves stress and fatigue after active movements, games. The entire back area, from the top of the neck to the hips, is an area of ​​maximum stress, so a light massage will benefit the cat.


    Another place that brings pleasure to cats is the stomach. You should only stroke his belly if the cat asks for it. Cats are animals that are very careful. Lying on their backs, they are very vulnerable, therefore, they do not always readily accept stroking in the abdominal area. Only when the cat feels that he is safe can he allow stroking in this place.

    If you have noticed, dogs can often lie down in front of a person to have their belly rubbed, while cats, on the contrary, will never lie down on their backs in front of a stranger. Stroking the belly is a special privilege that is available only to those people whom the cat knows well and will completely trust. Such people usually include members of the family in which the cat lives.

    Where not to iron

    We have listed the places where you should properly pet your cat. Let's figure out where you shouldn't iron.

    The cat also has places where stroking does not bring absolutely any pleasure, but puts the animal into tension, a state of stress and sometimes even aggression. There are reasons for this too

    Should not be ironed:

    • against the grain;
    • tail

    Against the grain

    If you decide to stroke your cat against the grain, this can not only cause him discomfort, but also cause aggression. If the cat is short-haired, then such stroking can cause him pain, therefore, the cat may scratch or bite. This is how his defensive reaction manifests itself.


    A cat's ears have many nerve endings. Not surprising, because a cat has a hearing range from 3 to 45 thousand Hz, while in humans it does not exceed 10 thousand Hz. Cats use their ears to guide them when choosing the direction of movement. In addition, this organ is very gentle and sensitive. Any touch to the ears causes discomfort in the cat.


    Touching the tail can push the cat to defend itself, so you should not touch or stroke the tail. For a cat, this organ serves as a steering wheel, for balancing, i.e. aligns the body when moving. In addition, this organ contains a large number of different nerve endings and the cat is very distrustful of those who try to touch its tail. From it you can determine emotional condition at a given moment in time. Unlike dogs, tail twitching from side to side indicates emotional stress and irritation of the animal. When a dog wags its tail, it is evidence of an expression of positive emotions.

    You can visually see how to properly pet a cat by watching the video.

    In conclusion, it should be said that stroking is as pleasant for an animal as it is for a person. The main thing is to do it right. Thus, the cat itself receives a charge of comfort and positive emotions and gives them to the person.

    “A man is only as cultured as he can understand a cat.”
    Bernard Show

    “God created ferocious lions, bloodthirsty by nature, and then a cat appeared - a lioness, but in miniature.”
    Heinrich Heine

    “God created the Cat so that man would have a tiger to pet.”
    Victor Hugo

    Do you love petting your cat?

    I'm sure most owners love doing this. Some people specifically get an animal so that they can grab it at any time, forcefully place it on their laps and “SHUMP” it thoroughly in all places.

    Now the second and more important question:does your cat like it when you pet it?

    Is she showing obvious signs of pleasure? Does he purr loudly, rub his head against your hand, squint his eyes contentedly, expose his back to you, “butt” his head, even roll his belly up, completely trusting you?

    Or, in response to your “caresses,” the cat hisses indignantly, breaks out, scratches or even bites, and then rather fights?

    Then the third, and most main question:Do you know how to properly stroke a cat and do you think about pleasing the animal and not yourself?

    In fact, it turns out that a huge number of people pet cats completely wrong, and as animal behaviorists say, this leads to serious misunderstandings between the owner and his cat.

    Sometimes the irritation and dissatisfaction accumulated in a cat leads to serious behavioral problems: the animal begins to scratch and bite the hands of any person who reaches out to it, sometimes it begins to shit in the wrong place or tear things and scratch furniture. Cats are known to be very vindictive.

    But if you learn more about the behavioral characteristics of cats, you can avoid many problems and receive great mutual pleasure and health benefits by regularly petting and caressing your pets.

    Scientists have proven that when a person pets a cat, his arterial pressure and stress relief.

    Most pets (unless they have mental disorders) love human affection and even often seek the owner’s attention and ask to pet them.

    However, each animal has its own preferences: for how long and in what place a person is allowed to pet it. These preferences develop gradually in a cat and depend on many factors:

    Animals came into my pride of 20 cats in different ways: some (Fleur, Fairy, Fiji) were picked up on the street; others (Caesar, Verona, Malibu, Alice, etc.) were rescued from unscrupulous owners; many (Jolly, Michelle, Charlie, Tootsie, Smalley, Adele, Julien, etc.) were born from my cats and were immediately raised in full respect and love in our “hammock of freaks.”

    As a result of 20 years of observing cats, I came to the conclusion that if you behave correctly and patiently, you can achieve full of love and trust in any cat.

    Below I want to give rules on how to properly pet cats, accumulated both from my long experience and summarized from various sources on the Internet.

      1. You can pet a cat only when she wants it and you should never

        impose your caresses, holding by force.
      2. Before you try to pet your cat, make sure she sees you approaching her. Do not approach a shy cat unnoticed, otherwise you will not be able to build a trusting relationship with it.
      3. Before petting your cat, take a closer look to see if it is irritated. whether she is lashing her tail from side to side and whether her ears are flattened. And if she begins to meow and growl threateningly, retreat immediately, show the animal that you respect his wishes. Observe and study the animal's body language - it can tell you a lot.
      4. Never try to pet a very frightened cat - you will not relieve, but will only sharply increase its stress. It is better to talk quietly and soothingly to the animal. let it “cool”, but then you can stroke it very gently and comfortingly.
      5. Never pet cats while they're eating and don't disturb them while they're sleeping or when they're in their litter box.
      6. Do not touch your cat if you have worn perfume or other scented cosmetics. or creams - cats cannot stand this.
      7. To understand whether an animal (especially an unfamiliar one) wants tactile contact,

        extend your finger to the cat's nose and let her sniff you and touch your hand
        to show that there is no aggression coming from you (your movements should always be smooth, calm and not abrupt). If the animal avoids your hand or does not react, do not insist or impose your affections.(like “who’s the boss here, I feed this parasite, and she shows off”).
      8. Many cats don't like prolonged caresses. They can purr quite contentedly and rub against you for 2-3 minutes, but if you overdo it with tenderness, the cat will begin to hiss and sometimes even bite and scratch. The fact is that cats generally dislike long and too frequent stroking - they perceive it as stress and aggression. A group of British animal behaviorists have shown that as a result of frequent and excessive touching, cats begin to produce stress hormones and quiet pets suffer the most. who stoically and against their will endure the obsessive advances of their selfish masters. Several cats. those living in a pack experience much less problems. On average, cats react negatively to stroking more often than positively.
      9. Do not hang over the cat, try to be on the same level with it and avoid looking into its eyes for a long time and directly., it’s better to stand a little to the side, or sit on a sofa or chair, relax and wait for the cat to come to you and sit next to you.
      10. Never stroke a cat against the grain, gently stroke her forehead, areas between the ears and eyes, chin and chest, behind the ears and the back of her head, back

      11. Avoid touching (unless the cat completely trusts you) the belly, paws and

        tail- this often infuriates them and they begin to wrap their paws around your hand, hold it with their claws and grab it with their teeth. If a cat takes your finger or hand in its teeth, never jerk it away sharply - the cat will instinctively grab onto the “prey” and you will receive ragged bites. Just relax your hand in the animal’s mouth, letting him know. that you trust him completely and are not afraid. After a few seconds the cat will let go of his hand. Through a series of studies, animal behaviorists have found out how cats react to touching different parts of the body. The subjects experienced the greatest negativity

        stroking the tail area.
      12. Cats who have trusted you completely for a long time love to turn their belly up and ask to scratch it, demonstrating complete trust and respect for you. Cats' stomachs are the most vulnerable spot, and they are genetically programmed to protect it. Necessarily

        fulfill the animal's request. In general, you can’t ignore cats’ signs of attention.
        , I know for sure from myself that when you’re running around and don’t have time, they get offended and sulk at you.
      13. AND Never shout or squeal sharply when communicating with a cat- you will sharply fall in her opinion of you :)
      14. Some cats (but not all!!!) love to have their pads massaged. hind legs(at the same time, they fan out their fingers in a very cool way).
      15. If the cat itself jumped onto your lap - rejoice!!! But don’t immediately rush to pet her. Scientists have proven that most often a cat just wants to lie relaxed on your warm lap, but as soon as you start petting it, it gets offended, jumps off and leaves.

      16. It is very useful to play interactive games with your cat for 10-15 minutes, changing 2-3 toys in one session(a bow on a string, then you throw a ball, then a fishing rod and for dessert a little laser pointer). The cat moves around, releases the accumulated energy and negative emotions of the day, and then often seeks your caresses with pleasure and gratitude.
      17. Never pet a cat after you have punished it! She will regard this as a sign of encouragement and weakness on your part, and in the future she will manipulate you and repeat her outrages.
      18. With very nervous and excitable cats, be more patient and tactful..

        If there are other more trusting and affectionate animals in the family, then it is very useful to stroke them in her presence. so that she can see that other members of the pack love your caresses and trust you.
      19. In the case of a problem animal, it is very useful to remain at some distance from the bowl every time you feed it so that the cat remembers who is feeding it and begins to trust him.
      20. Some nervous and frightened cats have a syndrome hypersensitivity when they react sharply negatively to any touch. In this case, your caresses will not cause pleasure, but only pain. This syndrome is sometimes cured with special training.

      21. If a cat rubs against your legs, then this is by no means a call for stroking - it is simply marking you with its scent as “its territory.”

    I really hope that you will try to better understand your pet's preferences, and he will receive pleasure from your strokes rather than stress.

    At the same time, you will improve your mood and physical condition.

    Happy communication with these wonderful, capricious, mysterious and beautiful creatures - Cats!

    I also suggest you watch a wonderful video that offers a wonderful method on how to teach a cat to love being petted.

    The owner of two cats - Zeus (who adored it when his owner stroked him) and Phoebe (who at first did not tolerate any touch at all), gradually taught his touchy cat to love human caresses. He put tiny pieces in a plastic bag raw meat and Phoebe immediately climbed onto his lap.

    He treated the cat to a piece, and then gently and unobtrusively stroked it several times. He never stopped Phoebe, and she could jump to the ground at any moment.

    Gradually, the cat began to trust its owner and associate his caresses with something tasty and pleasant. Then she would jump onto his lap even just by hearing the rustling of a plastic bag.

    The last part of the video, when the owner strokes this touchy Phoebe, who first came to him without any meat and enjoys lying on his chest, is especially good :)

    And the second cat, fat Zeus, became jealous of Phoebe’s beloved owner and took her place :)


    One of my readers sent a great comment on another article of mine.

    But since it complements this article, I decided to duplicate it here:

    Not everyone knows that politeness in communication is pleasant even for a cat. I noticed that any cat, not necessarily offended, will be more willing to stroke itself if you first let it sniff your hand, especially if the cat sees you for the first time or after a certain break (for example, you came home from work). Of course, you don’t need to bring it too sharply so as not to scare the animal, but, as a rule, you shouldn’t deliberately slowly “sneak” up to it with your hand. It’s best to open your palm freely and turn it upward so that the cat can see that you have nothing dangerous in it, but you don’t need to make a “boat” out of it, as if you were giving it a tasty treat - you’re not doing that now - don’t knock it off The animal won’t understand the point, it may be offended and will do the right thing - it’s like promising a child candy and not giving it. Since you can see that there is nothing in your palm, it is usually enough for your cat to sniff the tips of your fingers. If it's a cat you know well, a couple of seconds is usually enough, as simple as saying hello. It will take a little longer if, for example, you brought in your hands some smell that is particularly interesting to her, most often from the street, or, perhaps, from the kitchen, where you picked up food. “Well, show me where you came from? What were you doing there without me? Have you eaten anything? 🙂And, of course, it will take longer if the cat sees you for the first time - here you need not only to say hello - to recognize your smell and introduced aromas, but also to get to know you - not just to identify, but to study your smell, and at the same time look at your behavior, make sure that you are safe, do not make sudden movements, do not try to grab her. After holding your hand like this for a few seconds, you can smoothly move it to stroke the cat on the head first, she herself will let you know if she is still interested, if she has not studied everything with the smells - simply by reaching out with her nose for your moving hand - well, give her more then a few seconds, then try stroking again. Compliance with such a simple “rule of good manners” allows you to establish contact and, if possible, win over the animal from the first minutes of communication.

    Note. This article uses photographic materials from open sources on the Internet, all rights belong to their authors. If you believe that the publication of any photograph violates your rights, please contact me using the form in the section, the photograph will be immediately deleted.

    How to properly pet a cat to make it happy

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    Cat fangs are very sharp and cause more pain than dog fangs. A harmless cat bite can result in inflammation and even infection. Therefore, it is urgent to stop the pet’s aggressive behavior.

    Causes of sudden animal aggression

    Sudden aggressive behavior by a cat should alarm you. Many owners do not even suspect that in most cases their behavior provokes a bite. It is important to know where is the best place to pet a kitten. There are those parts of the body that, when touched, infuriate the animal.

    What not to touch:

    1. 1. Belly. This is one of the most sensitive and vulnerable places. During petting, a cat may specifically turn around as if inviting you to stroke its belly. The pet shows how much it trusts the person. But during touch, instinctive protection occurs. He bites his teeth into his hand, he can connect hind legs to make it even more painful. It is impossible to punish in this situation. It was a natural reaction. And in best case scenario the cat simply will not understand human behavior, and at worst, will harbor a grudge.
    2. 2. Tail. The cat bites when petted in this area. This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings on the tail. Even a slight touch can cause pain to the animal.
    3. 3. Paws. Cat limbs are used for walking, protection, and hunting. Most often, animals react negatively when their hind legs are touched. There are genitals and a tail nearby, the pet begins to feel threatened and defenseless, which is why it immediately tries to bite.

    If the cat was not initially in the mood for contact, then such a negative reaction should not be surprising. In this way, she shows her unwillingness to communicate, her desire to be alone.

    Define Bad mood, in which it is better not to touch the pet, can be based on the following signs:

    • sharp, frequent movements of the tail from side to side;
    • enlarged pupils;
    • ears spread apart or pressed tightly to the head;
    • disapproving meow.

    If such changes in behavior are noticed, it is recommended to leave the pet alone for a while.

    What else can provoke unfriendly behavior:

    1. 1. The desire to keep everything under control. Cats are proud animals. And if they don’t want excessive attention, they will try to stop it in every possible way, even with the help of bites.
    2. 2. No trust in people. Kittens require human company until they are 2 months old. During this period, the attitude towards the surrounding world is formed, socialization occurs. If a cat grew up in a wild environment, then it will be worse at making contact and react negatively to human attention.

    The cat has never bitten, but suddenly began to behave inappropriately - it’s worth taking him to the veterinarian. Perhaps the change in behavior is caused by the following diseases:

    • cervical arthritis;
    • periodontitis;
    • infection, ear inflammation.

    In the presence of any of these diseases, the pain attack intensifies. Biting your pet is a way to stop unwanted touching.

    Why does a cat bite just like that?

    Cats never express their mood by biting for no reason. But such actions are dangerous for humans; the wounds left behind can fester and become inflamed. Sudden changes in a pet’s behavior occur due to:

    1. 1. Changing teeth. Just like people, kittens have baby teeth that fall out and are replaced with molars. This process is accompanied by itching and irritation. The kitten tries to get rid of them by biting. He needs special toys. This occurs in the 3rd or 4th month of life. It is important during this period to form the correct model of behavior so that the desire to bite does not become a habit.
    2. 2. Puberty. The attitude of adult cats who are ready to procreate is changing. They begin to bite, scratch, and do not obey. Determining whether a change in character is related to hormones is easy. The pet begins to make marks all over the house, meows loudly and unnaturally, and tries to spend all its time outdoors. There are only 2 ways to cope with the problem - find a cat or castrate.
    3. 3. Lack of claws. In domestic cats, the claws are completely retracted. veterinary clinic or partially trimmed at home. Losing your main means of defense is a big stress. The cat tries to fill its protective function with the help of its teeth. In addition, if the owner was involved in trimming the claws, the bites could be the revenge of an offended pet.
    4. 4. Attention deficit. Work, study, and leisure outside the owner's home make the cat feel lonely. Biting and scratching are a way to attract attention and make them play. You need to pay more attention to the animal, preferably play with it at least 10-15 times every day.
    5. 5. Lack of care. An uncleaned tray and lack of food can force your pet to use its fangs and claws. But this is a rare occurrence. Most often, if there is no care, he will go to the toilet past the tray, meow, and spoil things. Sometimes before biting in this case, the pet first licks and then tries to bite.

    There is no need to rush to punish. First you need to determine the cause of the strange behavior, and then choose a more correct method.

    What to do?

    It is not difficult to stop your pet from biting. The main thing is to show attention and patience. If aggressive behavior is explained by capriciousness or habit (at a small age it was allowed to bite arms and legs), then it is necessary to show firmness towards the animal. There are several types of punishments:

    1. 1. Act like a mother cat. Every time you try to bite, you need to grab the animal, press it to the floor and say in a loud, confident tone: “Don’t do that! You can’t! Stop it!”
    2. 2. Ignore. After you manage to free yourself from the cat’s unfriendly embrace, you need to go outside or into another room. For some time, do not react in any way to her actions.

    A stressed cat will also bite. But you can't punish her. It is necessary to reassure her, reassure her of safety, re-form and strengthen a trusting relationship. To do this, you need to take care of her, do not try to forcefully pick her up or stroke her, and play more often.

    How to stop a pet ready to attack:

    1. 1. Water. Fill a spray bottle with water and spray on the animal.
    2. 2. Bedspread. Throw a cloth over the angry pet. A confined, dark space will immediately change his reaction.
    3. 3. Noise. To scare and stop an attack of aggression, you need to clap your hands loudly or shake a bag of change.

    You can solve the problem with a mature cat as follows:

    • castrate;
    • find a cat for mating;
    • buy and give medications to reduce sexual arousal (Gestrenol, Fitex, Sex Barrier).

    Lack of education and attention most often changes a cat's relationship with its owner. To eliminate the psychological barrier, you need to encourage the animal and buy him toys.

    You should not make hasty decisions and immediately punish. Perhaps the pet’s negative behavior is associated with stress and illness. Therefore, the first thing to do is to find out the reason. Cats are sensitive, proud animals, so in order to establish contact, you will need to show a lot of patience and endurance.

    How and where to stroke a cat so that they like it: in what places, is it possible to stroke against the grain and why do they not allow you to stroke their belly, how to find an approach to an unfamiliar cat.

    Even those people who do not have pets have petted a cat at least once in their lives. And, most likely, they didn’t do it exactly the way she liked.

    It is best to stroke the cat in those places where he has concentrated scent glands. When a person touches these areas of fur, the skin underneath secretes a secretion that remains on the hands. In this way, the cat marks its owner, which makes him happier and more confident.

    Best places

    All cats are different, but they have one thing in common - they love when they scratching the muzzle in different places, are indifferent to having their back stroked and do not like having their belly touched.

    Most cats like to be scratched under the chin, especially where the jaw connects to the skull.

    They also enjoy being petted on the sides of the muzzle and, preferably, with both hands at the same time.

    There are cats who love it when they cheeks massaged and a triangle between them and the nose (but very gently).

    Some cats love being petted at the base of the ears, where the odorous glands are also located.

    There are animals that love to be touched bottom of tail.

    To determine, what exactly the cat likes, wait until the cat comes to you, take it on your lap, run your hand from head to tail. If in the process she turns to you and pokes her head under your arm, then this is a clear signal that you need to pay more attention to the face rather than the body. Look at which part of her muzzle she touched you - side, forehead, cheeks, or threw her head back, exposing her neck. This is where you need to concentrate this time. If you iron the wrong thing, what is required of you, and what you want, the cat will simply jump off your lap and go looking for more understanding hands.

    Pay attention and on the cat’s tail - the stronger and sharper she waves it, the less happy she is with you. Try scratching her in another part of her muzzle, or better yet, stop and if she wants to leave, don’t hold her. If she suddenly stopped purring and turned to look at you or changed the position of her ears, then this is a signal that you started doing something wrong or she was tired of it.

    Like any massage, ironing a cat in the end gets boring and she leaves. However, if she lingers on your lap, and, especially, if she also purrs at the same time, then this means that you did everything right. Don't worry if, after purring, she tried to bite you and then left - this is a normal reaction to excessive stimulation.

    Is it possible to pet cats against the grain?

    Some veterinarians advise brushing cats against the grain to better remove loose hairs. However, the animals definitely don't like it because it's easy for them. unpleasant.

    Small children love to stroke cats against the grain and perform other actions that are unpleasant for them “for the sake of experiment.” Therefore, never leave your cat alone with a visiting child, and explain to your children the rules of behavior around animals.

    Also never suddenly don't block the cat's view, because she will perceive it as a threat, get scared and run away.

    Should you touch your stomach?

    The situation is considered completely normal when a cat won't let you pet your belly. An animal, even if it feels absolutely safe at home, never forgets that it can become someone’s prey. By turning over on its stomach, it protects its vital organs, which are not protected from below. And if a cat bites you when you try to stroke his beautiful soft tummy, this does not mean at all that he does not trust you - it’s just that the instinct is stronger.

    How to find an approach to someone else's cat

    If you come to visit, and the cat living there has never seen you, do not rush to pick it up, stroke it and throw it in the air. Don't touch her, let her smell you herself. Although most cats show interest in a new person who appears on their doorstep, only a few are not opposed to him immediately starting to stroke and cuddle them.

    Very interesting!

    Cats have always lived next to humans and have always been useful to them. These days, thanks to the Internet, cats are incredibly popular.

    Many people believe that a cat is a wayward animal and does not know how to show its love for a person. Some people consider them indifferent and uncaring.

    But those who have a cat at home know well that these animals, just like dogs, are capable of demonstrating their love. Although the manifestation of their love is expressed more complex shapes, and therefore not immediately noticeable.

    1. When a cat tramples you with its paws, it's more than just a massage.

    This gesture is a memory of the first days of life. With this gentle movement, the kitten massages the mother's breast to release precious milk. Sometimes these movements can be so vigorous that they are uncomfortable, but you should feel flattered.

    2. A gift is always a gift, no matter how strange it may look

    Those who have a cat know that sometimes unusual gifts can be found on the carpet, on the pillow - in general, anywhere. Sometimes it can be terrible. For example, if a lizard or a small bird is brought to your pillow. But a gift is always a gift, remember that!

    3. If a cat presses its head against yours, it emphasizes that you belong to it.

    If you look at lions in their natural environment, you will notice that members of a pride often rub each other's foreheads and cheeks. The thing is that cats’ glands are scattered virtually throughout the body, and rubbing is a way to “mark” relatives with their smell, which strengthens the bond in the pride.

    4. If your cat looks at you and sometimes narrows her eyes, consider that she kissed you.

    A cat's gaze is equivalent to a kiss. If a cat looks at you and squints, it means she is expressing her love and calmness.

    5. If a cat shows its belly, this is not just pampering. This is how the animal expresses its trust

    A cat is a very cautious and suspicious animal. Lying down and showing your most vulnerable place (for example, your stomach) is not only an invitation to play. By exposing the most sensitive parts of its body, a cat shows that it trusts you.

    6. Tail movements can say a lot

    The tail is the main element in feline communication. If it is rolled up, the animal is calm and at ease.

    7. The cat bites you because it loves you. This is how she expresses her love and trust

    Cats' skin is very strong. Therefore, when they bite each other during play, they do not cause any injury. If your cat bites you, it means that she treats you as an equal and wants to play.

    8. If a cat rubs against its legs, it is marking its territory. In this case - you

    The cat rubs against your legs when you come home. The animal compares your body with the smell and says “This is my person!”

    9. Purrs and closed eyes convey well-being and gratitude.

    Purring is the most famous way to express gratitude. This is the same sign of attention as trampling. Purring is the first sound a kitten makes. Not being able to drink milk and meow at the same time, the baby seems to be telling his mother “I’m eating, everything is fine.”

    10. If a cat follows you on your heels, it is expressing its love.

    Some cats behave like dogs. They follow their owner everywhere. But if your cat doesn't do this, don't think she doesn't love you. She probably has a very independent character.