Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle 1 day. Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle, between periods, what is it? Tactics for women when brown discharge appears in the middle of the cycle

Even small ones bloody issues that appear in a woman from the vagina between periods indicate that it is necessary to be vigilant and, with the help of a doctor, be sure to understand how dangerous it is and for what reason these symptoms appeared. Brownish brown discharge and mucous discharge streaked with blood, which appear, for example, on the 15th day of the cycle, should also alert you. If these are acyclic manifestations, the development of diseases can be suspected.

According to statistics, slight bleeding or bleeding in girls and women between menstruation appear in approximately 80% of cases. 20% of women note that such discharge is not spotting, but abundant, and it can appear unexpectedly, or the woman notices that after sexual intercourse she has gone.

It is especially important to pay attention to any discharge during. Why women in this position bleed should be found out immediately, regardless of whether there is pain in the lower abdomen or not. You should consult a doctor immediately, as blood or dark discharge in women may indicate a miscarriage.

The causes of intermenstrual bleeding will be discussed below.

Monthly cycle

To suspect that bleeding or spotting are pathological phenomena, a woman must clearly know what her cycle should be like. Of course, every experienced representative of the fair sex knows how many days between menstruation is the norm for her. How many days there should be between menstruation is an individual concept. Some people have a cycle of 30-35 days, for others a cycle of 24 days is normal. However, the average cycle is 28 days. Although from month to month it can fluctuate and be 24-27 days.

How is a cycle counted? It begins on the first day of menstruation and ends with the beginning of the next menstruation. Therefore, if a mature woman experiences something similar to her period after 2 weeks, starts again a week later, or her period comes for the second time in a month, the reasons for this will be determined by a doctor, who should be contacted immediately. But if a young girl has her period for the second time in a month, this may indicate the formation of a cycle. In such a situation, if your period comes 2 times a month, this is normal. Girls often write about such manifestations on every thematic forum.

However, if the onset of menstruation is several days ahead of schedule, or the interval between periods is several days longer, you should not sound the alarm and take any steps ahead of time. This may happen due to stress , too intense training, fatigue, climate change, etc. Sometimes the reasons why your period started 10 days earlier are also associated with such phenomena. It happens that the lower abdomen hurts for some time, but menstruation does not begin - a similar phenomenon can also be associated with overexertion or stress.

Such symptoms may indicate illness in the following cases:

  • bloody or brown discharge appears in the middle of the monthly cycle (for example, on the 16th day of the cycle or the 12th day of the cycle, depending on its duration), while the woman does not take hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • with discharge, the lower abdomen hurts, there is dryness, burning, itching in the vagina, the temperature rises, pain is felt during sexual intercourse;
  • at or if a woman has had no periods for a year now;
  • in case of constant discharge after sex.

Bloody and brown discharge – when is this normal?

Brown and sometimes even black discharge is the result of drops of blood mixed into it. “Normal” dark discharge may appear in a healthy person in the following cases:

  • if dark-colored drops appear a few days before your period, this indicates that your period will begin soon;
  • several days after menstruation ends, and how many days such discharge should normally last is an individual question for each woman;
  • in the middle of the monthly cycle this is possible when taking oral contraceptives;
  • after violent sexual intercourse, provided that the woman was not sufficiently aroused, and due to insufficient lubrication, the vaginal mucosa was damaged;
  • after the first, as well as several subsequent sexual contacts, when the girl is just beginning to have a sexual life.

Bleeding mid-cycle

When determining the causes of bleeding in the middle of the cycle, it should be borne in mind that they can be different. First of all, pinkish or pink discharge, as well as brown discharge in the middle of the cycle are possible if a woman experiences ovulation . Whether ovulation can occur earlier or later depends on the individual physiology of the woman, but it occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle.

If the bleeding in the middle of the cycle is very scanty and spotting, then, in the absence of illness, this may be normal.

In this case, the pink or brown spot will go away on its own and no treatment is required.

It is not so rare for women to notice that they have spotting during ovulation or just a drop of dark-colored spotting. Naturally, ovulation with blood discharge frightens women, making them think that certain negative changes are occurring in the body. But such manifestations during ovulation may actually be normal, since the walls rupture during the release of the egg follicle . Accordingly, microvessels rupture, as a result of which blood discharge appears during ovulation. When answering the question of how many days such spotting can appear during ovulation, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the body. If the vessels of the fair sex are very thin, then this condition can continue for several days after ovulation has occurred. As a rule, the daub in this case is brown. Sometimes after ovulation the stomach feels tight, like before menstruation, which is also a normal sensation. As a rule, ovulation occurs on days 10–17 of the cycle.

A woman should not worry that such manifestations will become an obstacle to conception - even if such discharge appears, she will be able to get pregnant. But if this happens more than once, but three or more cycles in a row, one can suspect progesterone deficiency . In this case, it is important to visit a gynecologist.

Experts divide any red, brown, dark discharge that appears between periods into two groups: bleeding uterine And intermenstrual .

Uterine bleeding can occur at any age and indicate the following diseases:

  • fibroma ;
  • adnexal tumors ;
  • uterine cancer or ;
  • adenomyosis interior;

All of these diseases are very serious and it is important to identify them promptly and provide immediate treatment. That is why the causes of bleeding in the middle of the cycle must be identified and the disease must be properly treated immediately.

If blood appears regularly in the middle of the menstrual cycle after sexual intercourse, erosion is likely. You may also suspect that it is cervical cancer. If at the same time the lower abdomen is pulled in the middle of the cycle, inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus is likely.

Intermenstrual bloody discharge is associated with other reasons. So, they can be triggered by taking hormonal contraception, and blood or brown discharge may appear when taking pills or using a hormonal patch or ring. Dark brown discharge or spotting of a different color is considered normal in the first three months of taking such contraceptives. This is possible when taking and other means. If a woman has drunk and continues to take medications, etc., such manifestations in the first months can be considered normal. This can also happen after discontinuation of such contraception.

But if a woman does not take it and her period has not yet arrived, then she may notice that she is smearing blood or brown mucus is secreted due to the following reasons:

  • Taking medications that may affect your menstrual cycle. For example, this could be the use of additives containing.
  • Use of drugs intended for emergency contraception. This is possible after Gynepristone , drug Escapelle and etc.
  • Pink or light brown discharge is possible if you have intrauterine device .
  • Impaired function of the thyroid gland and, as a result, decreased levels of hormones of this gland.
  • Inflammatory process of the vagina in diseases that are sexually transmitted, in sexually transmitted infections.
  • The presence of hormonal disorders - progesterone deficiency , .
  • Injuries to the genital organs.
  • Recent procedures performed by a gynecologist.
  • Very strong stress, shock.
  • Heavy physical activity, too active sports.
  • Abrupt climate change.

In any case, about why your breasts bleed and hurt in the middle of your cycle, you need to ask a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests.

It should also be remembered that if women who are sexually active develop spotting, bleeding, but not menstruation, one can suspect STD . The latter is especially likely if an unprotected act took place.

In this case, vaginal smear is accompanied by itching, pain, and a burning sensation during urination.

Women who do not use protection or have had unprotected intercourse are likely to become pregnant. If your stomach feels tight, and scarlet discharge or mucus with blood streaks appears, you may suspect or . When this condition develops, the stomach hurts severely.

But if spotting appears a week before your period or 2, 3, 4 days before your expected period, the reasons may be due to the fact that the woman is pregnant. Therefore, if a few days before menstruation or on the days when menstruation was supposed to occur, light blood or brown spotting appeared before menstruation, and then there was a delay, pregnancy can be suspected.

Brown discharge a week before your period or in the middle of your cycle can also be associated with serious physical exertion or stress.

The reasons why it smears before menstruation and pulls the stomach may be associated with a very active and regular sex life. As a result, microcracks appear, from which blood is released.

But in any case, the reasons for the spotting within a week or whether such manifestations can be associated with the disease must be determined by the gynecologist.

If a woman bleeds after intercourse and experiences pain after intimacy, one may suspect that one of the diseases listed below is developing. Even if the discharge is odorless and painless, this does not mean that everything is fine with health.

Of course, this can happen when taking birth control pills, but there is still a possibility of the following ailments:

  • cervical erosion ;
  • cervical cancer ;
  • vaginal tumors .

If several days have passed after constant bleeding appears after sex, and your stomach, back, lower back, or perineum aches or hurts, you need to consult a doctor. This sign may indicate damage to the ovaries or cysts. Also, strange discharge may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

Those who have had unprotected intercourse after their menstrual cycle should also be careful. Although pregnancy is most likely during the days of ovulation, which occurs around day 14 of the cycle, conception is possible at any time.

Therefore, if a brown spot appears on the 18th, 19th, 20th day of the cycle, it is quite possible that the woman became pregnant.

Discharge before menstruation

5-6 days before menstruation, due to hormonal changes in the body, a woman may notice that the nature of what is released from the vagina is a little unusual. Leucorrhoea may be cloudy and creamy. They are no longer pale transparent, but white or yellowish, sometimes abundant and watery, but more often viscous and thick.

After taking a smear in the days before menstruation, an increased number of gram-negative rods and epithelial cells is determined.

A variant of the norm can also be ichorous discharge - ichor appears several days before menstruation, while the woman is not bothered by other unpleasant symptoms.

However, if the white discharge is abundant and prolonged, with an unpleasant odor, sometimes darkish, gray, and the woman is bothered by itching and a burning sensation, we may be talking about.

Many women are interested in how normal dark brown discharge is before menstruation, which for many appears a day, and sometimes even 2-3 days before menstruation. Pinkish or dark discharge before menstruation is absolutely normal, provided that spotting of this color appears on the eve of menstruation. Since menstruation is a consequence of the death of the egg, its release occurs gradually. And if such discharge occurs for no more than one day before menstruation, we are not talking about pathology.

Therefore, you need to know: if you have brown discharge before your period, what it means depends on how long this phenomenon lasts. If it starts about a week before your period, you may suspect that a reproductive system disorder is developing. Therefore, you must definitely visit a doctor.

It should be noted that if instead of menstruation a brown or burgundy smear appears, pregnancy may be suspected. It is known that among the many symptoms that allow one to suspect an interesting situation, there is also a sign of pregnancy - light brown discharge. Sometimes a woman notes that such smears lasted 1 day and ended.

However, to be sure that a woman is expecting a child, an examination with a doctor or a test showing two stripes will help.

Spotting before menstruation begins due to the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance ;
  • climate change;
  • stress or severe shock;
  • use of hormonal contraception or termination of use;
  • uterine polyps .

Normally, black, light brown discharge after menstruation or spotting pink discharge may continue for several days. If you have brown discharge after your period, what this means depends on the duration of this phenomenon. It is normal to have dark brown discharge for three days after the red bloody discharge has ended. When a smear of this color appears, a natural cleansing of the uterus occurs.

But if this phenomenon lasts longer than three days, the reasons why there is bleeding after menstruation should be determined by a doctor whose specialization is gynecology.

The answer to the question of why it bleeds after menstruation or what is the reason for the bleeding after a week can be answered after examination and research. But if it smears brown for a long time or you start bleeding a week after your period, you can suspect uterine fibroids , endometriosis and other diseases. Therefore, if your period has passed, but there is still spotting, and the same repeated manifestations occur in the next cycle, it is worth getting examined.

Any discharge that appears after menstruation has completely ended should also be a concern. If on the 11th day or 10 days after menstruation, spotting appears again, or at first it is beige, then dark, and then blood, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Discharge before and after childbirth

Brown or pink discharge appears a few days before, when another hormonal change occurs in the body. The cervix gradually prepares to open, and the plug is gradually pushed out. As a rule, it comes out gradually, so the daub can appear a day or two before birth, and earlier - 12-13 days. But if blood appears a few days before the expected birth, you should consult a doctor immediately, as this may be evidence of pathologies.

After childbirth, when the placenta is released, blood continues to be released for several weeks. Such secretions are called lochia . Gradually, they become darker from bloody, and their number decreases. In the second week they are yellowish-brown, orange, then they gradually lighten. But even a month after giving birth, the problems can continue. But if the number of lochia has increased significantly, or they continue 2 months after birth, you need to tell your doctor about it.

Diagnosis of menstrual cycle disorders

To get rid of problems, you need to determine the cause of their manifestation. If the interval between menstruation has decreased significantly, and this happens again and again, you need to contact a specialist and get a diagnosis. You cannot take pills for bleeding on your own until the cause of this phenomenon has been established. During the diagnostic process, the doctor takes the following measures:

  • studies anamnesis, asking about sexual life, features of the monthly cycle, hereditary diseases, etc.;
  • examines the cervix using speculum, conducts and colposcopy of the cervix;
  • prescribes examination of a smear taken from the vagina;
  • prescribes ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Refers for a general blood test and studies of hormone levels.

If there are indications, the specialist performs a diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, after which a histological examination of endometrial tissue is performed.


Thus, the first action of a woman who experiences strange acyclic bleeding should be to contact a specialist and carry out the tests prescribed by him.

It is important to analyze what you subsequently need to tell the doctor: how many days the cycle was before and how long it lasts now, how many times bleeding or spotting has recurred recently, etc.

It is important to ask yourself other questions: “How long have I been taking hormonal contraception and do I take the pills regularly? Am I pregnant? The answers to these questions, as well as further research, are very important to establish a diagnosis.

In any case, if the signs are unclear, it is better for representatives of both sexes to consult a doctor.

After all, even men have “periods” when they feel those subjective sensations that a woman experiences during PMS.

With the onset of adolescence, vaginal discharge is not uncommon for any woman. This is normal if it accompanies physiological processes in various phases of the cycle. The nature of leucorrhoea and its volume directly depends on hormonal balance, internal causes and the development of various pathologies.

Brown discharge that appears in the middle of the cycle is also no exception, so you should understand whether it’s worth worrying about or whether it’s natural.

All physiological processes in a woman’s body occur with clear frequency and consistency. The menstrual cycle is divided into several main phases and lasts on average 28 days, but sometimes these indicators can shift upward depending on individual characteristics.

The beginning of the cycle is considered to be the first days of menstruation, which is characterized by the rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, which is subsequently excreted from the body along with blood. This cleansing is necessary so that the subsequently fertilized egg can attach unhindered.

The next phase begins simultaneously with the previous one and continues over the next 2 weeks. During this time, a new egg is formed in the ovaries. And also during this period, a new layer of the endometrium is renewed.

The culmination of the menstrual cycle is ovulation, which lasts no more than 3 days and occurs in the middle of the entire process. At this time, under the influence of hormones, the egg matures, which is a sign of its readiness for fertilization. Sometimes the rupture of the follicle is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood, which, when interacting with oxygen, gives a brown tint.

After ovulation, the final stage of the menstrual cycle begins, the duration of which is 11-16 days. It is characterized by the active release of hormones, which is a kind of preparation of the body for pregnancy. It is during this phase that PMS syndrome occurs, which indicates the beginning of a new menstrual cycle.

Brown discharge and its types

Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle is divided into certain types, differing in shade saturation:

Uterine bleeding

The term uterine bleeding refers to vaginal discharge, which differs from menstruation in its longer duration, regularity and abundance.

The main signs of this pathology are:

  • the duration of discharge is 7 days or more, as a result of which the woman experiences a loss of strength, anemia, nausea, and headache;
  • presence of dark clots;
  • bleeding also appears in the middle of the cycle;
  • accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and aching pain in the lower back;
  • During menstruation, pads must be changed every hour;
  • discharge appears after sexual intercourse.

The main cause of uterine bleeding is hormonal imbalance, as a result of which the production of hormones necessary for ovulation of the egg is disrupted.

Therefore, the physiological rejection of the endometrium is accompanied by copious discharge of blood. This pathological phenomenon increases the risk of developing diseases of the appendages and uterus, and also contributes to the appearance of mastopathy and malignant tumors in the mammary glands.

Additional provoking causes of uterine bleeding are:

  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • mechanical damage to the uterus;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • severe stress and deep depression;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • use of contraceptives (in particular IUDs);
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • complications during gestation and childbirth.

Natural discharge and its causes

Brown discharge in the middle of your cycle is not always a serious cause for concern. In some cases, a spotting, light-brown secretion that does not have an unpleasant odor is considered normal.

The main causes of natural physiological secretions are:

  • ovulation;
  • attachment of the egg to the uterus after maturation;
  • miscarriage of the fetus in the early stages;
  • puberty of girls;
  • premenopause;
  • use of contraceptives;
  • physical exercise;
  • postpartum period.


The process of maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle is sometimes accompanied in the woman’s body by characteristic scanty blood discharge, which, when interacting with oxygen, oxidizes and turns brown. This is a kind of signal from the body that the woman is ready to conceive a child.

Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle during ovulation, not accompanied by pain or unpleasant odor, is considered normal.


The appearance of scanty brown leucorrhoea in the first trimester of pregnancy may occur during the period when menstruation would normally occur. This is a sign of hormonal changes in the body due to a lack of progesterone. After the placenta is formed, the hormone level returns to normal and the discharge stops.

But in any case, if there is brown secretion during pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor. Since with a significant lack of progesterone, the risk of miscarriage increases, which can be signaled by such discharge during this period.

Juvenile bleeding

This type of discharge is observed in teenage girls aged 12-18 years in case of menstrual irregularities. Most often, this pathology is observed within 2-3 years after the onset of menstruation. One of the reasons for discharge is a lack of vitamins during the winter-spring period of the year.

In addition, the following factors can provoke secretion of this type:

  • mental injuries;
  • physical and psychological stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • unbalanced diet.

Uterine bleeding in a teenage girl is a symptom of reproductive failure and is often a sign of hemorrhagic syndrome. In this regard, when leucorrhoea appears, it is necessary to undergo examination by a gynecologist and carry out timely treatment, which will help normalize the menstrual cycle.


When using contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, secretion may occur as a characteristic primary reaction of the body to hormonal drugs. It is acceptable to have brown leucorrhoea for the first 3 months after starting to take the medication.

But if the secretion continues in the future, then it is recommended to consult a specialist to change contraceptives.

Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle is most often observed when using an intrauterine device.

Postpartum period and lactation

After childbirth, a woman also faces a difficult period, as the body readjusts to its previous state. This is due to the fact that hormonal balance is restored and menstruation begins.

The appearance of a brown shade of secretion during breastfeeding, especially after the first pregnancy, is the norm, but the discharge is not accompanied by pain in the abdominal area. In addition, they must have a meager character and resemble daubs.

Otherwise, this pathology, accompanied by elevated body temperature and cramping pain, indicates an acute inflammatory process in the reproductive organs or the development of a tumor. Therefore, you should immediately call an ambulance for further hospitalization of the woman.


Hormonal imbalance in the body is the main cause of brown discharge. Therefore, the onset of menopause is also characterized by the presence of secretion, which is associated with a reduction in hormone production. All these changes lead to thinning of the vaginal lining and therefore any microcracks can provoke the appearance of light brown leucorrhoea.

If they are not accompanied by itching, burning and an unpleasant odor, then there is no particular cause for alarm. Otherwise, the discharge may signal the development of infection or inflammation, so it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist.


Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle after active sports, physical or psychological stress, according to experts, is not considered the norm. Often the appearance of secretion is caused by chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs, coagulopathy or endometriosis.

Therefore, the regular appearance of brownish leucorrhoea after exercise should be a reason to consult a doctor to identify the main cause of the pathology and prescribe adequate treatment.

Causes of pathological discharge

Brown discharge at the beginning, middle or end of the cycle in some cases is a symptom of concomitant diseases in the body.

In this case, pathological leucorrhoea can be recognized by the presence of the following signs:

  • impurities in the form of blood clots and fragments of the uterine mucosa;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • pus;
  • intense discharge;
  • the color changes over time to a bright red hue;
  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen;
  • general malaise of the body.

The most common diseases that are characterized by the appearance of brown discharge:

  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies;
  • cervical erosion;
  • malignant tumors;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • oncology;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • ectopic pregnancy.


Regular brown discharge in the middle of the cycle, characterized by a darker shade, is the main symptom of the development of endometriosis. With this disease, the cells of the lining of the uterus actively divide and extend far beyond the organ. But at the same time, they still react to the established hormonal cycle and therefore provoke the formation of the endometrium in a new place.

In this regard, regular bleeding occurs, accompanied by inflammation of adjacent tissues. If left untreated, endometriosis can cause infertility.


The development of the disease is caused by a mutation of cells in the muscles of the uterus. As a result, a benign neoplasm is formed, which, with further growth, injures the blood vessels and mucous membrane of the organ. The peculiarity of fibroids is that they do not grow into further tissues.

Small growths can develop asymptomatically, without causing any discomfort to the woman. Large specimens often cause brown secretion to appear in the middle of the cycle. Therefore, it is important to control their growth and further development, since sometimes they provoke uterine bleeding, which can only be stopped with surgery.

Cervical erosion

Brown discharge with this pathology occurs not only in the middle of the cycle. As the disease develops, characteristic ulcers appear on the mucous membrane directly near the cervix. The danger of the disease is that it can provoke the development of cancer.

The disease can be detected by blood secretion after each sexual intercourse or after a medical examination, that is, when there is direct contact with the cervix. The final diagnosis is determined by a specialist after additional examination using a colposcope.

Infectious diseases (venereal)

The appearance of brown discharge in a woman who is sexually active, ignoring the rules of contraception, should be an alarming signal that she should be examined by a specialist.

If the secretion is accompanied by the smell of rotten fish and there is a general malaise of the body, then most likely this is a sign of a sexually transmitted disease (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis). Therefore, it is recommended to undergo an examination and a prescribed course of treatment to avoid irreversible consequences. Sometimes the cause of discharge is genital herpes and papillomavirus.

Inflammatory diseases

When pathological secretion is accompanied by a general malaise of the whole body, as well as aching pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, and at the same time the body temperature rises noticeably, then most likely the cause of its occurrence is inflammation of the genital organs, bladder or rectum.

To prevent the disease from subsequently becoming chronic, you should contact an experienced specialist and undergo a course of therapy.


Malignant formations in the genital organs can appear as one of the complications of menopause. Therefore, uterine cancer is often diagnosed in women over 48-50 years of age. With this disease, brown leucorrhoea is scanty and more like a daub. But over time, they may manifest themselves as uterine bleeding.

The sooner the pathology is diagnosed, the higher the chances of recovery, so if discharge appears, you should undergo a full examination.

Tumor of the appendages and ovaries

One of the symptoms of a tumor in the ovaries and appendages is brown discharge. This pathology negatively affects the overall functioning of organs.

The disease can be recognized by additional signs:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • elevated temperature.

The danger of a tumor is that, if left untreated, it can develop into a malignant form or rupture. Removal of a cyst can only be done surgically, so if suspicious symptoms are detected, you should visit a medical facility.

Hormonal disorders

All processes related to the menstrual cycle are closely related to the hormonal background of a woman. An imbalance of hormones leads to dysfunction of the reproductive organs, which is expressed in the appearance of brown secretion instead of the usual menstruation. The danger of hormonal imbalance is that if it is prolonged, irreversible processes can develop in the body.

It is impossible to restore hormone levels on your own, since it is necessary to accurately determine which hormone is missing and in what quantity. Only an experienced specialist can fix the problem.

Ectopic pregnancy

Dark brown secretion indicates that the egg has implanted in the fallopian tubes or cervix. An ectopic pregnancy can also be recognized by severe pain in the lower abdomen.
In this case, the woman requires urgent surgery, since this pathological condition is life-threatening.

Discharge after intercourse

The cause of brown vaginal discharge immediately after sexual intercourse may be the following factors:

  • mechanical organ injury;
  • cervical erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • tumors of various properties.

If left untreated, each of these pathologies can cause serious harm to a woman’s health. Therefore, the regular occurrence of leucorrhoea after sex should alert you and prompt you to conduct a full examination.

Discharge before menstruation

The appearance of brown mucus mixed with oxidized blood 3 days before menstruation, which subsequently becomes completely bloody, may be a sign of pathology of the reproductive organs. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and confirm or refute the dangerous diagnosis.

The main reasons for the appearance of leucorrhoea before menstruation:

After menstruation

At the end of menstruation, blood secretion begins to lighten and acquires a light brown tint, and subsequently becomes completely transparent. This is a natural process and therefore should not cause any alarm.

But if brown discharge after the end of menstruation continues for more than 5 days and at the same time has a putrid odor, then this is the main symptom presence of the following types of bacteria in the vagina:

As a result, these pathogens contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the genital organs, and in the absence of therapy, the disease becomes chronic.

Discharge before and after childbirth

The presence of brown leucorrhoea before birth is a sure sign that the baby will soon be born. But it should be understood that scanty discharge is considered normal and therefore should not be confused with blood stains, which indicate a danger to the health of the mother and baby.

The presence of abundant brown secretion immediately after childbirth is considered a natural process, as the body is cleansed.

With each subsequent day, the discharge will decrease, which is a natural phenomenon. A woman should be alerted to scanty discharge after childbirth, which indicates a pathological process in the reproductive organs, which does not allow the body to be completely cleansed.


Treatment for brown discharge should be started only after the root cause of its appearance has been identified. Therefore, any self-medication can lead to a worsening of a woman’s condition. Only an experienced specialist will be able to conduct a full examination and prescribe the appropriate course.

Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle can occur both due to natural etiological factors and due to pathological ones, so before starting treatment you should consult a specialized doctor.

Main methods of treatment:

  • correction of diet and lifestyle;
  • drug treatment;
  • chemotherapy course;
  • surgery;
  • lactobacilli therapy;
  • physiotherapy.


In the absence of diseases, simple rules of prevention will help reduce the likelihood of their occurrence:

  • alternate physical activity evenly with rest;
  • try to maintain peace of mind and not take stressful situations to heart;
  • do not exhaust the body with strict diets and lack of sleep;
  • do not forget about safety during sexual intercourse;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene.

When to call an ambulance

In some cases, when a brown tint of secretion appears, you cannot hesitate, as this can pose a serious danger to life.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • copious discharge of leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen that does not go away after taking painkillers;
  • high body temperature;
  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • uterine bleeding with clots.

Gynecologists warn that any manifestations of brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy should be a reason to consult a doctor, since in this situation this pathology requires immediate examination to identify the cause of its origin.

If brown vaginal discharge appears in the middle of the cycle, which lasts no more than 3 days and without much discomfort, you don’t have to worry, as this is an individual feature of ovulation.

In all other situations, you should undergo an examination in order to identify the real cause of secretion, since only timely therapy will help prevent possible complications.

Video: brown discharge

What does brown discharge indicate in the video:

Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle, watch the video:

Brown discharge during ovulation is considered normal. But there are also a number of pathological processes accompanied by such a symptom. To determine whether this is normal, you need to seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of this secretion.

Based on the qualitative characteristics of the discharge, a woman can judge the stage of the menstrual cycle. Determining the stage of the cycle is necessary to identify ovulation and the timing of conception. There are three main periods:

  • Time before ovulation;
  • Ovulation;
  • Postovulatory period.

Each stage is characterized by different discharge. After the cessation of menstruation, dryness is observed. It is associated with the complete cleansing of the uterus from contents. In this case, a special substance is activated – estrogen. The hormone causes the cervix to produce secretions. A woman notices a thick mucous discharge. During this period they are white in color. In some cases, the mucus is clear.

With an increase in the amount of hormone, cervical mucus changes its properties. It becomes more elastic. The structure of the discharge resembles egg white. At this stage, the woman’s body begins to produce lutein-stimulating hormone. It is necessary to open the follicle membrane. Under the shell is a mature egg that participates in the formation of the embryo. After ovulation, the quality of mucus depends on the occurrence or absence of pregnancy.

If during ovulation the cell is fertilized, the discharge becomes thick. The structure is curdled. For some women they disappear completely. This phenomenon occurs due to the closure of the cervical canal. If pregnancy does not occur, the mucus becomes liquid. Drops of liquid similar to water are observed. At this stage, progesterone begins to work in the body. Afterwards, the woman begins a new cycle.

Diseases accompanied by mucus

Brown discharge after ovulation indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body. The cause of this disease can be the following problems:

The brownish color of the mucus may appear due to poor-quality attachment of the embryo in the uterine cavity. In this case, a rupture of small capillaries occurs at the site of attachment. Blood enters the uterine cavity. The passage of fluid through the vagina is accompanied by mixing with cervical mucus. The discharge changes color. When ovulation occurs, brown discharge does not have the character of bleeding.

It is necessary to pay attention to the duration of such discharge. If the secretion is constantly dark in color and gradually intensifies, then a pregnancy test should be used. Such mucus may occur due to improper attachment of the egg. In this case, the woman is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy.

The cause of dark secretion can also be bacterial infection. Pathogenic microorganisms have a negative impact on the condition of the inner layer of the uterus. Bacteria feed on living cells of various tissues. Necrotic areas form at the site of their settlement. The deepening of the process into the tissue is accompanied by slight bleeding. The mixture of blood, cells and waste products of the microorganism is removed through the channel. A woman develops specific discharge that is dark in color.

Many sexually transmitted diseases are also accompanied by uncharacteristic secretions. With gonococcal infection, the patient experiences brown or greenish foamy discharge. They may have an unpleasant odor. If this symptom occurs, you should consult a gynecologist.

Cervical injury can occur during abortion or aggressive sexual contact. From the vessels, blood is discharged into the cervix and mixed with secretions. The discharge turns brown or yellow. In many cases, the bleeding stops on its own. No medical assistance is required.

A brown secretion also appears with erosive pathology of the cervix. Erosion is formed due to various pathologies that are accompanied by inflammation. Cells that are not typical for cervical tissue are formed in the damaged area. This fabric has no elasticity. With various interventions in the cervix, bleeding occurs. At the same time, the patient’s secretion changes color.

One of the dangerous causes of the disease is endometriosis. The presence of a disease can only be determined in a medical setting.

Ultrasound examination is necessary to determine the areas of the uterus affected by endometriosis. The disease is accompanied by negative changes in the female gonads. An unpleasant consequence of the disease is infertility. If a woman finds dark mucus coming from her vagina every day, she should visit a specialist to find out the cause of the problem.

When is such mucus considered normal?

Brown can also be considered the norm. A woman should know the conditions under which such a secret is not dangerous. You should pay attention to factors such as:

  • A small amount of mucus in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • No pain;
  • The secret has no smell;
  • The duration of discharge is 1–2 days.

The release of the egg from the follicle is accompanied by rupture of the wall. The gonads are surrounded on all sides by blood vessels. When a follicle ruptures, some of the vessels are damaged. Blood enters the uterus along with the egg. A woman discovers several dark drops on her underwear. Such discharge does not have an unpleasant odor. The woman does not experience discomfort or pain when the secretion appears. Normally, brown liquid can be observed for no more than two days. If the mucus is dark for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Dangerous symptoms

You should know the symptoms in which ovulation is accompanied by problems. Among them, brown discharge is also observed. If a woman’s mucus suddenly changes its properties, the volume of liquid increases, the cause may be bacterial infection. The development of the disease does not depend on the stage of the cycle. The disease can appear at any stage. Such infections can lead to dire consequences. The embryo dies or becomes implanted in the fallopian tube. Both situations lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

An inflammatory process in the uterus can also cause a change in the quality of the secretion. Dark liquid is released throughout the cycle. In this case, the patient experiences additional symptoms. A woman complains of soreness in the lower abdominal region and an unpleasant odor from the vagina. To determine the causes of inflammation, the patient must undergo a series of tests.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the volume and duration of brown discharge. This will help determine the quality of the pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by brown mucus throughout the entire cycle. The gradual development of the fetus leads to severe stretching of the tube. The risk of rupture increases. If the discharge intensifies, the woman needs urgent hospitalization.

These discharges may also indicate an incipient miscarriage. Placental abruption occurs. Bleeding occurs on the released tissue. Against the background of detachment, a woman experiences a change in hormonal levels. A decrease in progesterone is also accompanied by brown mucus. The body begins to rebuild for a new cycle. To prevent spontaneous interruption, you must seek medical help.

There is another danger of copious bloody mucus during ovulation. The cause of the problem is ovarian cancer. Oncology is accompanied by changes in cell structure. Atypical cells multiply quickly. A tumor forms on the ovary. During ovulation, part of the tumor ruptures. Blood and atypical tissue enter the uterine cavity. The wound does not heal. The patient experiences acute pain, accompanied by foamy, bright red discharge. Sometimes heavy bleeding occurs. Need help from an oncologist.

Preventive actions

The appearance of unusual brown discharge is a reason to contact a specialist. To determine the cause of such a secretion, it is necessary to undergo various types of examination. The gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound examination and tests for the woman. A vaginal smear and blood are taken for examination. The smear may reveal pathogenic microorganisms or dead tissue cells. The blood may contain large numbers of white blood cells or antibodies. Based on the examination results, the doctor draws up a complete clinical picture.

The quality and quantity of discharge differs on different days of the cycle. If the secretion suddenly changes its properties, you need to go to the clinic. The cause of brown discharge during ovulation can be a dangerous disease.

The health of a woman’s genital organs and reproductive system is directly reflected in vaginal discharge. Often political changes can be observed at any time of the cycle. Mid-cycle spotting occurs in approximately 80% of women during their lifetime. For many women, this becomes a reason for panic, especially if this happened for the first time.

Reasons: smears in the middle of the cycle

If spotting is detected in the middle of the cycle, you must seek help from a doctor; only a specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

There are a number of reasons that influence the appearance of spotting:

  1. Ovulation. The process of ovulation involves the release of a follicle during the period of egg maturation. Damage to blood vessels is characterized by the appearance of blood discharge. In this case, the woman does not experience pain or other discomfort. The color of the discharge should normally be light or dark brown.
  2. Conception. The process of attachment of a fertilized egg to the endometrium is also characterized by vascular damage. Bleeding may vary in severity and should last no more than two days. In a menstrual cycle in which implantation bleeding was noticed, menstruation will not occur. After conception, no spotting normally occurs.
  3. Tumor in the uterus. Most often this problem occurs in older women. However, a tumor can only be detected by ultrasound. The tumor can only be removed surgically. But surgery is prescribed if the tumor grows. Tumor growth is characterized by frequent bleeding. Uterine fibroids are a dangerous disease, however, under the supervision of a specialist, serious health consequences can be avoided.
  4. Endometriosis. Accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back. This disease can be detected after ultrasound and colposcopy. Bleeding occurs as a result of uncontrolled growth of tissue in the uterus.
  5. Cervical erosion. Bleeding occurs upon contact with the affected tissues of the cervix, which develops against the background of a failure in the production of hormones.

Long-term use of hormonal drugs, vaginal and oral contraceptives, as well as special vaginal rings can also cause spotting.

Brown spot in the middle of the cycle: causes and periods

In addition to pathological reasons, the appearance of spotting can be affected by menstrual irregularities. Most often, cycle disruptions occur in adolescence, when it is just being established. And also during menopause, after childbirth, and also during breastfeeding. Thus, black or beige discharge is observed in adolescents after the first menstruation, since during this period changes occur in the hormonal background, sharp jumps in hormones occur.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • The daubing doesn't stop;
  • I have a stomachache;
  • The temperature has risen.

At the same time, it is important to understand that it takes time to adjust the body to a new hormonal background, therefore, as a rule, such a daub in the middle of the cycle can last up to 6 months. It is considered normal, however, it is important to visit a specialist to exclude the development of pathology.

Symptoms of spotting on day 10

Asymptomatic spotting does not bother all women, so, as a rule, many do not seek help from a specialist. Often, when pathology becomes the cause of bleeding in the middle of the cycle, symptoms arise that significantly worsen the woman’s condition.

So the symptoms of pathology along with bleeding can be:

  • Pain in the abdominal area and radiating to the lower back;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • General weakness of the body.

Bleeding for more than two days and in large volumes is a reason for panic. Typically, heavy bleeding is a sign of uterine disease. It is impossible to identify the problem based on bleeding symptoms alone.

Discharge on the 10th day after conception is very dangerous and may indicate the onset of spontaneous miscarriage and endometrial detachment. The inflammatory process in the internal organs of a woman’s reproductive system can also provoke bleeding of varying degrees.

If discharge with blood appears 10 days after conception, then it is absolutely impossible to delay visiting a doctor, as a very dangerous condition may develop - an ectopic pregnancy. Early contact with a gynecologist will help preserve the fallopian tubes and a woman’s reproductive health.

What is the danger and what is it: mid-cycle daub

There are cases when it is simply necessary to seek help from a specialist after detecting brown discharge, since spotting is a clear sign of abnormalities. For example, bleeding after sex is the first sign of diseases of the reproductive system. However, if the spotting is not accompanied by additional symptoms, for example, an increase in body temperature, then discharge after sexual intercourse may indicate the approach of menstrual bleeding.

The strength of the discharge also matters. So, with an ectopic pregnancy, the discharge of blood can be very copious.

It is worth noting that this condition is extremely dangerous for women. Dark brown spotting is most often referred to as metrorrhagia and intermenstrual bleeding. This phenomenon is typical for women at any age and can appear as a symptom of pathology or be an individual feature of the body.

The most common diseases that cause spotting:

  • Adnexal tumor;
  • Fibroma;
  • Malignant neoplasm in the uterus;
  • Sarcoma;
  • Cancer or erosion of the cervix;
  • Endometritis;
  • Not external adenomyosis.

These diseases are extremely dangerous and not only provoke changes in the cycle, but some can be fatal. In addition to dangerous diseases, bleeding can occur for other reasons that are less life-threatening, but can also lead to reproductive dysfunction and other unpleasant consequences.

Taking hormonal drugs has a side effect such as bleeding, however, in the first two cycles, this phenomenon is normal, but with long-term use of the drugs it should not occur. Taking estrogen is the most common cause of endometrial detachment in the uterus. Therefore, taking hormones without a doctor’s prescription is dangerous to health. Black spot requires treatment and occurs due to the oxidation and destruction of leucorrhoea. Therefore, any cancer is accompanied by spotting almost throughout the entire cycle.

Why it smears in the middle of the cycle: other reasons

Discharges are individual in nature, because they can be provoked not only by pathology. But, if the bleeding occurs suddenly and for reasons that the woman does not understand, a gynecologist will help to understand the reason.

What gynecologists most often find with bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle:

  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Mechanical damage to the tissues of the genital organs;
  • Contraception using a uterine device;
  • After gynecological procedures;
  • Self-medication;
  • Stressful situation for the body.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. There is a possibility that self-medication will cause infertility or that valuable time will be lost and the disease, which can be fatal, will be detected very late. Rare sexual intercourse can lead to hormonal imbalance, which in turn will provoke discharge. However, too frequent sexual intercourse causes mechanical damage to the vaginal walls; bloody smear is a sign of the appearance of microcracks.

What causes spotting in the middle of the cycle: reasons (video)

For the body, a stressful situation can be not only emotional, but also physical, for example, lifting weights. Gynecologists recommend not to panic when discharge appears in the second half of the cycle. If they are asymptomatic, pass quickly, are spotty and do not recur in the next cycle, then the cause is a physiological feature of the body that occurs once.

The brown tint gives vaginal mucus blood that has clotted. Therefore, such leucorrhoea is scanty bleeding. This should not happen during the intermenstrual period, except in rare situations. Today you will learn about all the pathological and physiological causes of brown discharge in the middle of the cycle.

What happens on days 12-16?

Depending on the length of the period from the beginning of one menstruation to the next, the middle occurs on different days. During this period, the most important event occurs - the release of a mature egg. She will live no more than 48 hours waiting for sperm. Not everything is always according to the rules; under the influence of various circumstances, ovulation occurs earlier or later, or it does not occur at all.

A clear sign of egg maturation is that the structure is similar to egg white. And sometimes you can notice ovulatory bleeding - a few drops of blood from the burst follicle pass to the cervical canal, where they mix with mucus. If it curdles, the discharge will turn brown, and if it doesn’t have time, it will turn pink. The shades are light because there are very few red blood cells.

Signs of normality:

  • It will be smeared for no more than 2-3 days;
  • There are no foreign odors;
  • On underwear or a pad, the stain is small, up to 2 cm in diameter;
  • In the genital area it does not itch, does not burn, does not sore.

Attention! Some women experience heavy brown discharge and pain on the day of ovulation, similar to menstruation. This is an individual feature of the body.

Brown spot from birth control pills

Bloody spotting occurs when taking hormonal drugs. There is also a disruption in the menstrual cycle. Even black clots of mucus are normal after some medications. But the situation stabilizes in the 3rd month of use, otherwise the remedy is not suitable, you need to choose another one.

Intrauterine devices

It doesn’t matter whether the IUD contains hormones or not, it is a foreign object that keeps the uterus in constant tension and provokes myometrial contractions. As a result, scanty contact bleeding occurs after sex, and at any other time for no apparent reason.

Can brown discharge be a sign of pregnancy?

Indeed, after conception, implantation of the embryo occurs approximately a week or more later. The implantation of a multicellular blastocyst is accompanied by bleeding similar to ovulation. A few drops that give the discharge a brownish tint.

But if menstruation has passed, and ovulation is just about to occur, then, purely theoretically, pregnancy is excluded. But it's not that simple. As with the shift in ovulation, pseudomenstruation also occurs at 1-2 months of pregnancy. This is endometrial detachment due to a lack of progesterone. If we assume that conception occurred in the last cycle, then it is a stretch to say that implantation bleeding during ovulation is real. Although unlikely.

Clinical picture

There are many types of dark discharge. Some signs suggest the reason for their appearance in the middle of the cycle. This applies not only to the characteristics of the secretion, but also to the accompanying symptoms.

Light brown discharge

Light staining of vaginal mucus with blood occurs in physiological and non-hazardous situations - implantation and ovulation bleeding, taking hormonal medications. Although when using oral contraceptives, any type of spotting from beige to black is possible.

It is worth noting that such a secret is very meager, does not have an unpleasant odor and does not have any inclusions - lumps, pieces, clots.

Dark brown discharge

This symptom is accompanied by hormonal disorders associated with the functioning of the ovaries. At the same time, there is a lack of ovulation in the middle of the cycle and a change in the duration of menstruation. A similar situation arises when using combined hormonal drugs that artificially suppress the maturation of eggs. are abundant, clots may be present, and often occur in the middle of the cycle or instead of menstruation.

With erosion, dark brown fluid also comes out after sex or other exposure, but it is watery and scanty. As a rule, a woman learns about its appearance by a small spot on a pad or underwear.

Scanty discharge in the middle of the cycle

Slight daubing of dark shades occurs in inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system:

  • Colpitis in the vagina;
  • Endometritis in the uterus;
  • Salpingitis in pipes;
  • Oophoritis in the ovary;
  • Adnexitis in the appendages.

With reduced immunity, dangerous microbes during sexually transmitted infections or opportunistic inhabitants of the vagina cause inflammation. It is in the middle of the cycle that a woman is most susceptible to such processes for a number of reasons related to ensuring conception:

  1. There is no plug in the cervix, it is slightly expanded to facilitate the passage of sperm.
  2. The secretions become alkaline, and it is the acidic environment that inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbes.
  3. Immunity is slightly reduced so that its cells do not attack sperm.

Such diseases manifest themselves as unpleasantly smelling, watery or mucous in nature. And only sometimes blood from damaged tissues is mixed with them. More often this occurs with endometritis, since the inflammatory process is localized in the blood-filled endometrium. The combination of brown spotting and greenish discharge produces dirty-brown shades.

Chlamydia is often the cause of infection of the reproductive system. The characteristic discharge is called glassy - if you stretch it between your fingers, you can appreciate the shiny transparent structure. When blood is added, a viscous leucorrhoea appears, like snot, with a musty odor.

Attention! Scanty bloody smear also occurs with polycystic ovary syndrome, a disease that develops against the background of hormonal disorders and leads to infertility.

Copious brown mucus

Dark discharge of 3 ml or more per day occurs in the middle of the cycle in hormone-dependent conditions and tumors. The most common cause is endometriosis, which begins with hyperplasia. With an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, the endometrium grows very quickly, and during menstruation it does not completely exfoliate. Then, large clots come out into the pipes, into the abdominal cavity, and even penetrate the intestines and bladder. There they behave as endometrium should - they menstruate on menstruation days.

Hyperplasia, like endometriosis, is characterized by involuntary rejection of the intrauterine layer at any time of the cycle, as well as prolonged menstruation with brownish discharge in the last day and similar profuse leucorrhoea in the middle of the cycle.

With fibroids, bleeding also occurs on the date of expected ovulation. Malignant tumors do not depend on the period, so the appearance of brown discharge occurs on different days of the cycle. In addition, it is oncology, unlike endometriosis and fibroids, that is characterized by copious, watery gray or greenish discharge that smells like rotten meat. Sometimes blood appears in the form of brown clots, lumps or pieces of dead tissue.

Periodic red-brown discharge not only in the middle of the cycle

Slight ichorous daub occurs under different circumstances:

  1. Contact symptoms, when their appearance is associated with exposure, for example, during sex, characterize cervical erosion or dysplasia, as well as cervical polyps. You may notice bloody streaks in the clear mucus. The conditions are not emergency, but they require treatment, since polyps are a potential cancerous tumor, and hyperplasia is the initial stage of oncology.
  2. Increasing bleeding, if the brown daub gradually turns into scarlet copious discharge. This happens during an ectopic pregnancy, when the growing fetus ruptures the fallopian tube. Simultaneously with the bleeding, abdominal pain on one side also increases.

When the discharge is accompanied by a pulling sensation

This combination of symptoms occurs in certain pathologies:

  • Endometriosis - spasms;
  • Inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages - pulls the lower back, sensations are localized on one side or in the lower abdomen;
  • Tubal pregnancy - increasing severe pain.

Carefully! Pain is a sign of obvious health problems, except for menstrual cramps, which are explained by contractions of the myometrium.

Combination of brown spotting with itching

If the area of ​​the external genitalia and vagina itches against the background of bloody discharge, then the disease is of an infectious nature. This is how colpitis and bacterial vaginosis manifest themselves. Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea are distinguished by bubbles in the mucus, chlamydia by a glassy substance, thrush by a cheesy consistency, and bacterial vaginosis by green discharge with the smell of herring.

Inflammatory processes can also be accompanied by itching, but more moderate. This is only the effect of the leakage of pathological secretions.

Brown mucus with an unpleasant odor

Foreign aromas impart infection. With STIs, it is sharply repulsive, bacterial vaginosis has a fishy flair, and thrush is sour. There are onion, garlic, egg and other variants of nasty odors.

The stench of rotten meat is felt from discharge during oncological processes in the uterus and cervix, but already at the stage when the affected tissues begin to decompose.

Brown clots

Dark-colored pieces appear in the mucus with endometriosis, endometritis and hyperplasia. This is not due to the presence of blood, but to fragments of the intrauterine layer.

Dark red discharge

If in the middle of the cycle a bloody, closer to brown substance appears, then this is a sign of benign or malignant formations. This is how polyps, cysts, fibroids and uterine cancer manifest themselves.

Black discharge

This symptom only means that the blood was inside the uterus for a long time before it got out. This may be due to a sedentary lifestyle, adhesions in the cervical canal after infections or operations, as well as structural abnormalities of a woman’s internal organs.

Black discharge may occur when taking birth control pills. This is indicated in the instructions for the drug.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

Having discovered unhealthy discharge, a woman goes to forums and looks for similar stories in reviews. Of course, there is nothing wrong with studying health-related issues. It’s bad if after this she diagnoses herself and buys hormonal drugs or antibiotics. The wrong choice of medications disrupts the balance in the body and causes the growth of tumors, endometriosis and infertility, as well as obesity and deterioration of the skin and hair.

Brown vaginal discharge in a healthy woman

If pathologies are excluded, the following circumstances may be involved in the appearance of coagulated blood in the mucus in the middle of the cycle:

  • Ovulation;
  • Conception;
  • The onset of menopause;
  • Stress;
  • Activity - jumping, lifting weights, aggressive or prolonged sex;
  • Injuries to the abdomen and pelvic area;
  • Adolescence;
  • Weight loss, weight gain, extreme diets.

When to see a doctor if you have brownish discharge?

Gynecologists strongly recommend that even with a single case of bloody spotting in the middle of the cycle and on any other days outside of menstruation, you should see a doctor. The severity of the pathology is not directly related to the intensity of the symptoms. Sometimes life-threatening conditions are signaled by only a couple of drops of blood in the discharge.

Obvious signs of pathologies that require medical attention and treatment:

  • Dark brown, scarlet and dirty shade of vaginal mucus;
  • Uncharacteristic odor;
  • Burning and itching;
  • Swelling and redness of the genital organs;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Copious amount;
  • Presence of clots or pieces;
  • Weakness and general deterioration of health.

What diagnostics are needed for brown discharge?

Depending on the situation, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests. As a rule, standard procedures are sufficient:

  • Colposcopy;
  • Smear;
  • Ultrasound of the reproductive system;
  • Hormone level analysis;
  • Additionally - bacterial culture, PCR, biopsy plus cytology.

Interesting fact! The cause of brown spotting can even be a tumor in the brain that disrupts the endocrine balance.


The middle of the cycle is a period of surge in various hormones, which is why many diseases worsen. Gynecologists believe that blood outside of menstruation is a potential danger. It’s better to quickly check why the discharge has turned brown. Today, even uterine cancer can be neutralized if detected quickly.