Summary of a mathematics lesson in the middle group on the topic: "Looking for a surprise." Nod part of the day lesson plan on the surrounding world (middle group) on the topic Lesson summary in the middle part of the day

Talk to your child about the day.

Do you know what makes up a day?

From night and day. No wonder they say: “Day and night - a day away.” There are 24 hours in a day. During this time, planet Earth makes one full revolution around its axis.

Do you know what a globe is and what it looks like?

This is a model of the globe. The globe can rotate around an axis passing through its center, just as the Earth rotates around its invisible axis.

On that part of our planet that is not illuminated by the sun's rays, night reigns, and on the illuminated part of the Earth, bright day shines. The earth rotates continuously, so day and night follow each other.

Several centuries ago, people's lives proceeded at a more measured and slower pace. After all, there were no cars, no airplanes, no electric trains, no telephone communications, no radio, no television. People traveled from city to city on horseback for several days, weeks or months, depending on the distance.

People did not need special accuracy when determining time in everyday life. Therefore, the time of day was determined approximately - morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Peasants knew the time by the ringing of church bells or by the position of the sun.

Important tasks usually began in the morning. No wonder the proverb says: “The morning is wiser than the evening.”

Listen to the poem "What is a day?"

Remember, son, remember, daughter,
A day is day and night.

The day is bright and the sun is shining,
Children playing in the yard:
Then they take off on a swing,
They're circling on carousels.

The sky turned pink -
The sun is setting
The gloom of the garden fell on the shoulders -
So it's evening.

Following the first star
The month will be young.
The sun has set behind the river,
Night has come, everything has become dark.

And in beds until the morning
The child falls asleep.

Remember, son, remember, daughter,
A day is day and night.

Is it possible to divide the day into four parts?

Of course you can! Let's talk about the four parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening and night.

In the morning the sun rises, the sky becomes bright, the clouds turn pink, birds wake up and chirp, the corollas of flowers open.
To visualize this picture, listen to the poem “Morning Rays”,

The first ray fell on the bird,
For a small titmouse.
She woke up: “Shadow-shadow-shadow,
Oh, what a wonderful day!"

The second beam fell on the bunny,
He suddenly raised his eyebrows,
He galloped onto the lawn
Behind the dewy grass.

The third ray of dawn, playing,
Woke up the chickens and geese.
He penetrated through the crack of the barn -
It immediately became brighter!

On the perch, above
The cockerel woke up.
HE sang: "Ku-ka-re-ku"
He picked up the scarlet comb.

The fourth ray raised the bees.
He told them: “The flower has bloomed!”

The fifth ray penetrated me,
Lighted up my bed
Ran up the wall
And he whispered: “It’s time to get up.”

Let's remember what we do in the morning?

We wake up, wash and brush our teeth, do exercises, and have breakfast.
After breakfast, adults rush to work, older children rush to school, and kids go to kindergarten or play at home, and then go for a walk.
The sun rises higher, shines brighter, the day begins
The day is filled with study and work. In the middle of the day everyone sits down to have lunch. After lunch, the kids rest, and then go for a walk, play or study again.
Gradually the sun sinks lower and lower, and everything around is softly enveloped in a silvery-gray twilight. Evening is coming. The moon appears in the sky and the stars light up.

What do we do in the evenings?

We get together with the whole family for dinner and evening tea, share news, talk about what happened during the day. Someone is reading a book or watching TV. In a word, in the evening everyone relaxes after a hard day, and then goes to bed.
Evening is replaced by night - the time of day intended for sleep.

Listen to a lullaby.

The stars have become clearer
Go to sleep, son, quickly.

Maybe you'll dream
Bright feather of the firebird
Or a scarlet flower.
Go to sleep quickly, son!
The moon is shining in the dark sky,
Like a seven-flowered flower.
The star choir sings: "Bye-bye!"
Sleep, son, sleep!

In winter, the nights are long and the days are short. In summer, on the contrary, there are fewer dark hours at night than light hours during the day. And only on the days of the equinox - September 23 and March 21 - days and nights are equal.

Listen to the poem "There is as much light as there is darkness!"

The red maiden is coming
It's not water he carries in buckets.

She smiles herself:
There is light and darkness in her buckets.

We looked into the buckets:
So much light, so much darkness!

An older preschooler should understand the question: “What time of day?” You can associate the time of day with your daily routine: we wake up in the morning, play during the day, watch TV in the evening, and sleep at night. Ask your child to make four sentences with the words: morning, afternoon, evening, night. Invite him to list the names of the time of day in reverse order: night, evening, day, morning.

Questions and tasks:

  1. How many hours are there in a day?
  2. What two parts can a day be divided into?
  3. What four parts can a day be divided into?
  4. What time of day is the lightest?
  5. What time of day is the darkest?
  6. Talk about morning, afternoon, evening, night.
  7. What time of day comes after night? And what follows in the morning?
  8. What time of day do we have breakfast, lunch, dinner?
  9. What do you drink in the morning: tea, milk, cocoa? When does your mom or dad come home from work?
  10. Which time of day do you think passes very quickly, and which time seems long: morning, afternoon, evening or night?
  11. Say the opposite: morning-..; day - ..;
  12. What is an equinox?

Svetlana Dubasova
Summary of GCD in mathematics in the middle group “Parts of the day”


Continue to introduce children to parts of the day: morning, day, evening, night, their signs, sequence;


Teach to identify parts of the day based on signs of human activity;

Develop logic, imaginative thinking, attention;

Cultivate the ability and desire to respond.

Vocabulary work: activate the words morning, day, evening, night.

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, speech development.

Demo material: Pictures « Parts of the day» .

Progress of the lesson:

Children and their teacher go to the window and tell them what they see outside and what the weather is like. (clear and blue sky; the sun is shining in the sky; it’s light outside).

Guys, guess when it is It happens:

Dawn rises over the river

A rooster is crowing in the yard.

Kittens wash themselves

The guys are waking up.



When the night ends, morning comes. The sun is rising. And everything around wakes up: trees, flowers, insects, and animals.

What do you do in the morning? (I wake up, get up, wash my face, go to kindergarten, do exercises, have breakfast).

The sun is high in the sky

It's a long way from sunset

The mouse drags the grains into the hole.

Baby learns the alphabet.


After morning comes day. The sun is already high. Children in kindergarten play, walk, have lunch.

The teacher shows a picture "day"

What do you do during the day? (Children's answers).

The red sun has set.

The squirrel hides in a hollow.

Dryoma comes to visit us,

He takes the story with him.


Evening comes when the day ends and it begins to get dark outside. The sun is hiding. And the kids are returning from kindergarten.

What do you do in the evening? (I return home from kindergarten, walk, watch TV, get ready for bed).

The teacher shows a picture "evening"

The stars are shining in the sky.

The birds are sleeping and the fish are sleeping.

Flowers sleep in the garden beds,

Well, we are in our beds.


When does this happen? (children answer at night)

That's right, at night. After evening comes night. It's dark at night. The sun is replaced by the moon. What do you do at night? (sleeping).

Let's count how much we have parts per day? (morning-1, day-2,

evening - 3, night - 4).

How many parts per day? (four).

Guys, we're going to play a game. "Finish the sentence".

Didactic game

We have breakfast in the morning and dinner (In the evening).

We sleep at night and do exercises (in the morning).

During the day we have lunch and breakfast (in the morning).

The sun shines during the day and the moon (at night).

We have dinner in the evening and have lunch (in the afternoon).

Now I invite you to play the game "Name parts of the day»

Didactic game

The teacher names any part of the day, children continue to name in the correct sequence. Example: In a day; D.: - evening, night, morning;

At night; D.: - morning, afternoon, evening.

Well done boys.


Let's call everything in order again parts of the day. How long parts are divided daily? Name what comes after night, day, evening?

Publications on the topic:

Lesson in the senior group “Parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night” Lesson in the senior group. Parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night. Objectives: - expand ideas about the parts of the day, their characteristic features.

Purpose of the game: to train children in the ability to distinguish between parts of the day, to increase knowledge about different parts of the day, to develop imagination, to create an image.

Summary of a lesson on research activities during walks “Parts of the Day” Ecological activity for older children. Topic: Parts of the day. Goals of the teacher’s activities: To introduce the parts of the day and their signs;

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the second junior group “Parts of the day” Summary of GCD for FEMP in the second junior group. Topic: "Parts of the day" Integration of educational areas: - cognitive development - socially.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the younger group “Parts of the Day” State budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Moscow, kindergarten for supervision and health care No. 754 "Sun" Date:.

Educational area: cognitive development integration with educational area: physical education, speech development. Purpose: to consolidate.

Summary of the lesson on FEMP “Wider, narrower. Parts of the day: morning-evening" Goal: to develop children’s ability to compare objects in width, using application and overlay techniques, to reflect the comparison results in speech.

Summary of the lesson on understanding the surrounding world “Parts of the day”, second junior group Municipal autonomous educational institution “Progymnasium No. 119” (Lesson notes on understanding the surrounding world) second.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development “Parts of the day” in the senior group. Objectives: to introduce the parts of the day and their signs; clarify that a day consists of hours and minutes; note the activity of a person at one time or another.

HerTopic: “Parts of the day.”

Program content:

To form in children an idea of ​​the parts of the day, their characteristic features, sequence (morning-day-evening-night). Seek answers to the questions: “What do you do in the morning?”, “What do you do during the day?”, “What do you do in the evening?”, “What do you do at night?” Fix the names of the parts of the day in the children's active dictionary. Learn to navigate in time. Cultivate interest and desire to engage, replenish and activate children’s vocabulary.

Developmental environment:

A circle divided into 4 parts, on each part of the circle there is a picture depicting the time of day: morning, afternoon, evening, night; pictures depicting different actions of people at different times of the day.

Connections with other activities and activities.

Reading poems about the time of day, finger games, board game “All about time.” Observing the changing time of day during the day, looking at pictures depicting various actions of people at different times of the day.

Methodicaltechniques :

Observations, looking at pictures, cards, finger games, didactic games, conversation, reading a work of art.

Progress of the lesson.

1. The teacher shows the children a circle and asks:

When does the sun rise? (In the morning).

When do the birds sing? (In the morning).

What can you do in the morning? (do exercises, wash, have breakfast, go to school, kindergarten, work).

And when the sun is high in the sky? (Shows another picture).

(This happens during the day).

What can you do during the day? (Walk, play, go to the store, have lunch).

When it gets dark, does it become twilight? When does the sun set? (In the evening).

What can you do in the evening? (Watch TV, read, play, do homework, have dinner).

When does the moon appear in the sky? When does the moon appear? When do the stars appear? (At night). What can you do at night? (Sleep).

Then the teacher shows the children pictures depicting different actions of people at different times of the day. Children guess: when this happens, at what time of day.

2. Finger game training “Morning”.

Morning has come, the sun has risen.

Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors!

Get up, highway, get up, pointer,

Get up, little one, get up, little orphan!

Get up, little Mitroshka!

Hello palm! Everyone stretched and woke up.

The teacher, together with the children, recalls the name of the fingers and explains why they are called that.

Thumb- the largest on the hand. Pointing- points to everything . Average- is located in the middle. Nameless- he has no name. Little finger - the smallest, the smallest.

What could be minuscule? (ant, snowflakes, droplet, bug, button) (children offer their own options).

3. Educator. Guys, we're going to play a game. "Finish the sentence."(didactic andgra)

We have breakfast in the morning and dinner... (in the evening).

We sleep at night, and do exercises... (In the morning).

During the day we have lunch and breakfast... (In the morning).

The sun shines during the day, and the moon ... (at night).

We have dinner in the evening, and have lunch... (in the afternoon).

The teacher praises the children who are most active in the game.

Educator. Now, guys, I will read a poem to you, and you must answer what time of day we are talking about.

I invite the children to listen to the poem.

Good morning - the birds began to sing.

Good people, get out of bed.

All the darkness hides in the corners,

The sun rises and goes about its business!

(A. Kondratieva).

What part of the day is this poem about? (Morning).

What parts of the day are there still? (Day, evening, night).

Educator. The guys go through parts of the day one after another, in order, which are never disturbed.

Invite the children to arrange the pictures in order of the parts of the day.

4. Summarize the lesson.

Educator. Children, what did we do in class today?

The children talked, talked about the time of day, played a game, looked at pictures about the time of day.

Educator. Today, you guys are just great! They studied well and answered questions correctly. Our lesson has come to an end.

Ask the children themselves whether they liked today’s lesson.

Topic: “Treats for dolls”


To develop children's imaginative ideas and the ability to choose the content of an image. Learn to sculpt a selected object using previously learned techniques. Continue to develop the ability to work accurately. To cultivate the desire to do something for others, to develop the ability to combine the results of one’s activities with the work of peers.

Materialsand equipment:

Salt dough of different colors, a modeling board (for each child), Masha and Dasha dolls, a tray for placing treats fashioned by children, tea utensils.

Connections with other classes and activitiesyou.

Children's games in the play corner, role-playing game "Let's treat the dolls to tea."

Methodical techniques:

The use of playful and surprise moments, the organization of playful situations (at the beginning of the lesson, the dolls Masha and Dasha come to visit the children.

Examination of ready-made crafts (treats) made by the teacher, showing how to sculpt various types of cookies, sweets, and pies.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organsational moment.

Educator. Guys, someone is knocking on our door.

A car with guests appears. Let's say hello (children say hello and sit down).

2. Game motivation.

Educator. Guys, today the doll Masha and Dasha came to visit us. Today is the little doll Dasha's birthday. Let's treat the guests to tea. The children are setting the table. The teacher notes that pies and cakes and other treats are always baked for birthdays, let’s make some treats for the dolls too. Ask what treats you can make; listen to all the children’s suggestions, asking them what shape the named treats are and how they can be molded; complement their answers.

3. Examination of a sample - a pie.

Educator. But first, let's look at the cake I made. Look how beautiful my pie is! What shape is it? (round).

4. Demonstration and explanation of modeling techniques by the teacher. .

Educator. First, we take the white dough, divide it into two parts: Roll out a ball from the larger part, flatten it into a disk, this will be our first shortcake, then take the second piece, roll out the ball, flatten it into a disk, this will be the second shortcake, put it on top of each other and press. Then we begin to decorate the pie, for this we roll out a small piece of dough into a sausage, place it on the pie, press it, then make several sausages, also put them on the pie and decorate the pie.

Educator. Guys, who wants to show how you can make other treats?

5.Teacher let's we won't have much rest, we'll play game "Loaf".

On Dashin's name day we baked a loaf of bread.

This is the width, this is the size of the dinners.

This high, this low.

Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want.

You guys are good. And Elina is the best.

6. Independent work of children.

Children sit down and do their work. The teacher monitors their work. While completing the task, it is necessary to help children by reminding or partially explaining to them modeling techniques. Foster and encourage independence, control the sequence of work.

7.Analysis of the lesson.

At the end of modeling, children place all their work on the table.

Educator. Guys, what beautiful treats you made.

(the teacher addresses the doll Dasha) Dasha, do you like the children’s work?

Doll Dasha: Thanks, guys! I really enjoyed your treats!

Educator. Dasha, which pie do you like best?

Educator. Children, let's congratulate the doll Dasha on her birthday and sing the song “Guests have come to us.”

Educator. So guys, our lesson is over. What did we do in class? (made treats for dolls). Did you like our lesson? (Children's answers). Children, you did well today, you did a good job. Everyone had some beautiful treats!

Doll Dasha. I invite everyone to drink tea with treats.

Municipal educational institution "ZABUZANSKAYA SOSH"





Municipal educational institution "ZABUZANSKAYA SOSH"






Municipal educational institution "ZABUZANSKAYA SOSH"






Municipal educational institution "ZABUZANSKAYA SOSH"






Municipal educational institution "ZABUZANSKAYA SOSH"






Municipal educational institution "ZABUZANSKAYA SOSH"




Municipal educational institution "ZABUZANSKAYA SOSH"













Compiled by Metenova Zulfiya Uagapovna, teacher of preschool educational institution No. 12 in the village of Zabuzan, Krasnoyarsk region.

Age target: senior preschool age.

Implementation period: within a year.

Goal:Create a trail on the kindergarten site.

Organize joint work between the kindergarten team and parents to create a trail.

Prepare methodological support for work on the ecological trail.

– to form an active moral and environmental position in relation to nature.

Project participants: children and teachers, senior groups, parents.



Methods and forms of work

Period of execution

Creating a group of like-minded people.

Conversations with teachers, discussion at the teachers' council of the upcoming work, distribution of responsibilities. Parent meeting on the topic: “Conditions for the formation of environmental culture in preschool children.”

Last week of January.

Preparation of methodological support.

Selection and study of methodological and special literature on the organization of an ecological path. Conducting consultations “Choosing plantings for landscaping a site”, “How to plant a flowerbed-clock”, etc.


Introducing children to the project.

Conducting a lesson “Take care of nature”, during which the teacher invites children to take part in creating an ecological path in the kindergarten area.



Methods and forms of work

Period of execution

Drawing up a map of the path.

Detailed survey of the territory, search for the most interesting objects (with the involvement of children), identification of objects that will be created in addition to the existing ones (flower beds, bird feeders, green pharmacy, etc.).

Technical support of work.

Preparation of seed and planting material inventory (with the involvement of parents).

Making signs indicating route points.

Choosing with the children and making the Master of the path (fairy-tale character).

Creation of additional objects of the ecological path (with the involvement of parents and children).

Making poultry canteen.

Weather site equipment.

Planting a flower bed-clock.

Planting individual plants (trees and shrubs).

Conducting a cleanup day together with parents.

Formation of the concept of time. Expand your understanding of the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night). Teach how to correctly use these terms in speech. Exercise children in counting to five. Strengthen the ability to lay out objects with your right hand from left to right. Continue to train children in establishing relationships “equally”, using overlapping techniques. Develop memory, attention, speech/Encourage children to care for loved ones.



GCD in mathematics in the middle group “Time. Parts of the day"

Program content:

Formation of the concept of time. Expand your understanding of the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night). Learn to use these terms correctly in speech.

Exercise children in counting to five. Strengthen the ability to lay out objects with your right hand from left to right. Continue to train children in establishing relationships “equally”, using overlapping techniques. Develop memory, attention, speech.

Encourage children to care for loved ones.


Demo material: Clock with pictures of parts of the day,

“stars” for the game, 5 hens and 5 chicks.

Handout: Two-page cards, bunnies and cabbage, 5 pieces for each child.

Progress of the lesson

Children from the locker room go to the group and sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle.

Educator: Today I will introduce you to a clock that tells you when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work. And there are also interesting pictures. This is not a simple clock, it shows parts of the day.

(clock ticking)

Arrow, arrow, spin,

Show yourself the time of day!

(The arrow stopped at part of the day - morning)

Educator: What is drawn here? (bunny wakes up)

What time of day is it?

The children say that the picture shows morning, the bunny is waking up.

Educator: Yes, the morning is depicted correctly, the bunny wakes up.

The teacher shows a toy cockerel or a picture
with his image and reads a nursery rhyme:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head.

Silk beard,

That you get up early

Don't you let the kids sleep?

“When do kids wake up?” - the teacher asks and shows a picture of a cockerel sitting on a fence against the backdrop of the rising sun.

The teacher draws attention to the four hens located at the top of the flannelograph: “Who else wakes up with the cockerel? How many chickens are there in total?

The teacher asks to count the chickens and places the same number of chickens at the bottom of the flannelgraph: “How many chickens? How many chickens? What can you say about the number of hens and chicks? Another hen woke up and ran to the four hens (she attaches another hen to the flannelgraph). Are there more hens than chicks?

The teacher counts the chickens and asks: “How many chickens? (Counts with the children.) How did you get five chickens? How many chickens? Five hens and four chicks - compare who has more. (Five hens are more than four chickens.) Four chickens and five hens - who is less. (Four chickens are less than five hens.) Which number is greater: five or four? Which number is smaller: four or five? What needs to be done so that there are equal numbers of hens and chicks: five each.”

The teacher clarifies how 5 chickens turned out. (Another chicken was added to the 4 chickens.) Then he restores the inequality and proposes to make equality by decreasing. (“How else can you make it so that there is an equal number of hens and chicks?”)

Good morning! The birds began to sing

Good people, get out of bed

All the darkness hides in the corners

Good people go about their business!

Educator: Tell me, what do people do in the morning?

Children say that when people get up in the morning, they wash themselves, make the bed, do exercises, and have breakfast.

(clock ticking)

Arrow, arrow, spin,

Show yourself the time of day!

Educator: What is drawn here, guys?

Children say that the picture shows a bunny enjoying the sun.

Educator: When does this happen?

Educator: Ding, ding, ding, it’s a beautiful day! Day is the brightest time of the day. It is at this time that people try to do serious and important things. What do we do during the day?

Children answer that during the day they play, draw, sing, read, walk, and study.

Educator: Let's play the game “Make no mistake.”

The teacher clarifies the names of the geometric shapes laid out on the flannelgraph (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and invites them to play.

The teacher shows geometric shapes in different orders, and the children perform the corresponding movements: circle - jump, square - clap, triangle - squat, rectangle - walk in place.

Educator: While we were playing, it was lunch time! Our Bunny is also hungry. Together with him, the bunnies also became hungry.

Guys, come to the tables. Each of you has a card.

Place four bunnies on the top strip. We hold the card with our left hand, and with our right hand we count from left to right. How many bunnies will we have?

The children answer that there are only four bunnies.

Educator: How many bunnies do you have, Vova? What about you Katya? Nastya, how many bunnies do you have?

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

Educator: Let's take one head of cabbage and give it to the first bunny. Have you fed all the hares?

The children answer that not everyone! The rest of the bunnies were left without cabbage!

Educator: Guys, give each bunny a head of cabbage. Was there enough for each bunny? Did you offend anyone? Another little bunny came running. Five bunnies and four heads of cabbage - compare which is less (Four heads of cabbage are less than five bunnies) Which number is greater: five or four? Which number is smaller: four or five? Make sure there are equal numbers of bunnies and cabbage. How many bunnies and cabbages are there now?

The teacher explains to the children how to equalize objects and form the resulting numbers.

The children answer that now we have an equal amount of cabbage and bunnies. They move the cards away, leave the table and go to the clock.

(Physical minute)

Look quickly what time it is

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock!

Left once, right once

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock!

(clock ticking)

Arrow, arrow, spin,

Show yourself the time of day!

Educator: What is drawn here?

The children answer that the picture shows a bunny watching TV.

Educator: What time of day is it?

The children answer that it is evening.

The sun is setting behind the mountain,

The stars are lighting up

Dew falls on the grass,

The evening begins!

What do people do in the evening?

Children answer that in the evening people return home from work, have dinner, watch TV, straighten their beds and get ready for bed!

Educator: And who in the evening, before going to bed, sings a lullaby?

The children answer that in the evening before going to bed, parents sing a lullaby to their children so that they sleep soundly and have good dreams.

Evening - the sun is setting,

He calls everyone to calm down.

Wants to watch in silence

"GOOG night kids!"

Educator: Guys, let's sing a lullaby to our dolls.

To the audio recording, the children sing a lullaby to the dolls.

(clock ticking)

Arrow, arrow, spin,

Show yourself the time of day!

Educator: What is drawn here, guys? What time of day?

The children answer that the picture shows night.

Educator: Guys, what do you do at night?

Children say that they sleep at night.

Educator: That's right, at night children and adults rest because they worked, studied, took care of business - they were tired! And only the stars wink cheerfully at each other!

Game "Find yourself a match."

Night has come. It became dark. The stars lit up in the sky.

Children take one star at a time and begin to move to the music. Morning has come. It became light. At the end of the melody, they find a pair for themselves: a child with a star of the same color and form a gate, holding hands and standing behind each other. The game repeats itself.

Educator: So we got acquainted with all parts of the day. Let's name them.

Children, together with the teacher, name the parts of the day.

Morning afternoon Evening Night -

They ran away for a day,

So as not to regret a day

Every hour must be taken care of,

To have time to dance,

Play with friends

And of course help mom!

Tick-tock, tick-tock

We know the day like this!

Skripkina Galina Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU "D/garden No. 21"
Locality: Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: FEMP summary Parts of the day
Publication date: 14.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

“Lesson on FEMP in the middle group “Parts of the day.”

Program content:

Clarify the idea of ​​the parts of the day, connecting them with what they do

children morning, afternoon, evening, night;

Develop visual perception and visual memory, thinking, speech;

Learn to imitate actions;

Enrich your vocabulary with words that characterize temporary concepts;

Continue learning to distinguish colors;

Continue to develop the ability to navigate in space,

distinguish between left, right, bottom, top;

Continue teaching how to solve riddles;

Strengthen the ability to stick;

Cultivate neatness;

Continue to monitor children's posture.

Vocabulary work: purple, gray, alarm clock, breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Preliminary work: reading nursery rhymes about the cockerel, about the sun, guessing

riddles about the parts of the day, looking at an album and a poster on the topic: “Parts

days." Reading poems: L. Kvitko “Morning”, “Everyone is Sleeping” S. Kaputikan, “With

good morning" E. Blaginina, "Time to sleep" P. Voronko, I. Tokmakova "Where he sleeps

Conducting didactic games: “When does this happen?”, “What for what?”, “What

Teacher's work: compiling and writing notes, selected poems,

riddles, nursery rhymes, made a magic alarm clock, made patterns and circles

for children, selection of music.

Equipment and materials for the lesson: real alarm clock, toy -

cockerel, flat alarm clock templates for children, large black circles,

gray, blue and purple colors for the teacher, for children mugs

smaller sizes of the same colors on plates, oilcloths, rag napkins,

brushes, stands, cups with glue, stereo system.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Good morning, guys! I am very glad to see you all! Let's smile friend

to a friend. Tell me, do you like going to kindergarten?

(Children's answers)

Why do you like it here?

(Children's answers)

Who wakes you up in the morning?

(Children's answers)

Do your parents wake up on their own or does someone help them too?

(Children's answers)

The teacher shows the children an alarm clock and demonstrates its operation.

Why do you think the watch was given such a name?

(Children's answers)

Who else wakes people up in the morning?

(Children's answers)

Moreover, the cockerel wakes up, and let’s remember the nursery rhyme about the cockerel:

Cockerel, cockerel

Golden comb

Butter head

Silk beard!

Don't you let the kids sleep?

Does anyone have a rooster at home? (No!)

Where do roosters live? (In the village)

The teacher shows the children a toy rooster and asks them to pretend

how the rooster crows, how importantly he walks and flaps his wings.

Well done! And now the guys will read us riddles about the parts of the day.

Children read riddles:

The sun is rising bright

The cockerel sings in the garden

Our children are waking up

They are going to kindergarten.

Sun in the sky

Shines brightly

We're going for a walk

Let's sing songs happily!

The sun is radiant

The village behind the houses

We came from a walk

It's time for dinner!

Stars are shining in the sky

The trickles in the river say

The moon is looking through our window

He tells our children to sleep.

Okay, we guessed all the parts of the day. And so we will continue. You woke up in the morning.

What do you do next? Just don't talk, just show it.

Children show actions: “brushing teeth”, “washing”, “getting dressed”, and

the teacher guesses.

After that, you go outside and go to kindergarten.

Remember, is it light or dark at this time? (children's answers)

What time of year is it now? (Spring)

That's right, spring! And in the morning it’s already light outside.

What do you do when you come to kindergarten? (children's answers)

What is the food in the morning called? (Breakfast)

What is the name of food in the morning? (Breakfast)

After playing, you go for a morning walk. It's already quite light outside.

The sun has woken up and is shining brightly. The day is coming. And now you come back with

walks to kindergarten. What are you doing? (children's answers). Yes, sit down again

What is the name of the food during the day? (Dinner)

After lunch - a quiet hour or, in other words, a daytime nap. You woke up,

you had lunch, played and your parents came to pick you up.

You go outside and go home or take a walk. And the sun sets behind

Houses. It's coming... (evening). You could say it's getting dark. You're at home with the whole family

sit down to eat. What do you call food in the evening? (Dinner).

So the sun has gone to bed, and the stars are shining in the sky and the moon is shining.

The day is over. Mom reads you a bedtime story and you go to bed.

The night is coming). What happens after the night (morning, day)? (children's answers)

The teacher invites children to the tables and reminds them about posture. Everyone has it

child - a set of circles and an alarm clock. The teacher has 4 large circles

sizes of different colors: black, gray, blue, purple.

How do you think we can use a circle to represent the night? (Black)

Early morning? (Grey)

Middle of the day? (Blue)

Evening? (Purple)

To reinforce this, the teacher suggests making a magic alarm clock.

Guys! Let's make a magic alarm clock that will help us

mark parts of the day.

On the left we will glue a gray circle - this is the time of day - morning.

At the top there is a blue circle - this is part of the day - day.

Glue a purple circle to the right - this is part of the day - evening.

Below we will glue a black circle - this is the time of day - night.

The children get to work, calm music is turned on. During

sticking the circles, the teacher reminds about careful handling

glue. Remove excess glue with a napkin.

That's it! And now, for our magic alarm clock to work,

let's get it going. Leave the table and repeat after me.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

And then like this,

And then like this,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Place the alarm clock arrow on the gray circle, now is part of the day -

morning. This concludes our work. You all did a great job: read

nursery rhyme about a cockerel, guessed riddles, named the parts of the day, designated them

in different colors, we made a magic alarm clock.