Consolidation is important. The meaning of the word consolidation in Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. a concept denoting the process of unification in law, accounting, computer science and economics, as well as the period of market stability before the emergence of a new trend

lat. con – with, together, solidare - strengthen) - 1. a hypothetical process of assimilation and stable retention in memory of some new behavior model. It is believed to include: a) changes in the ease with which neurotransmitters act on neighboring neurons; b) changes in the amount of certain neurotransmitters in a certain neural pathway or c) an increase in the number of synaptic connections between neurons; 2. the process of strengthening memory traces, that is, transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory. The consolidation period lasts about 1 hour after new information is first committed to memory. The consolidation process is different high degree vulnerability to various influences on the brain and on psychological processes that involve memory for recent information; 3. strengthening, strengthening, uniting something; unification, consolidation individuals, groups, organizations to achieve a common goal.


consolidation) - 1. A condition of the lungs in which the alveoli in them are filled with fluid secreted by inflamed tissue (for example, with pneumonia). The diagnosis is made on the basis of a dull sound during percussion, bronchial breathing (see Breathing sounds), as well as the distribution of shadows on the radiograph chest. 2. The stage of healing of a broken bone after the formation of a callus, when it turns into a whole bone due to osteoblasts.


from late lat. consolidatio, consolido – strengthen) – strengthening, strengthening something; association, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations for achievements of some kind. common goals. In conditions of conflict, combat is one of the principles of achieving victory over an opponent.


A hypothetical process that is hypothesized to occur after a behavior has been learned. This process involves sustained neuropsychological changes that ensure relatively permanent maintenance of the learned behavior pattern. In its broadest sense, this may include any change in neuropsychological process relevant to the behavior. What exactly are the operations in nervous system responsible for consolidation is not known, but several mechanisms are thought to be involved, including (a) changes in the ease with which neurotransmitters act on neighboring neurons, (b) changes in the amount of certain neurotransmitters in a particular neural pathway, or (c) an increase number of synaptic connections between neurons. Some authors also use the term as a kind of neurological metaphor to refer to the transition from short-term to long-term memory.


consolidation, plural no, w. (book, special). Action according to verb. consolidate and consolidate. Debt consolidation. Consolidation of government obligations. Consolidation of all party forces.

Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ushakov. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CONSOLIDATION is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CONSOLIDATION in the One-Volume Large Legal Dictionary:
    (lat. consolidatio) 1) one of the types of systematization of legislation. the goal of the project is to eliminate the multiplicity of normative acts, their unification and creation in ...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Dictionary of Financial Terms:
    transformation of a short-term loan into a long-term one. stabilization of the exchange rate after a corresponding increase or decrease. compilation of financial balances of branches of a joint stock company in ...
    DEBT - extending the duration of a debt, loan by turning the debt into a longer-term or perpetual, combining several debts (loans) into ...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    SHARES - in shareholder law - an operation of a joint-stock company, as a result of which two or more outstanding shares of the company are converted into one...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (Latin consolidatio - strengthening, merging) - 1) a form of systematization in which several legal acts regulating one and the same thing are combined ...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Late Latin consolidatio from consolido - strengthen), strengthening, strengthening something; unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common...
  • CONSOLIDATION in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB.
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    - conversion of current government debts into long-term ones. Sometimes, using this word in a broader sense, it means unification or...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Late Latin consolidatio, from consolido - strengthen), strengthening, strengthening something, unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to achieve some common...
    [Latin consolidatio] 1) strengthening, strengthening; 2) a credit operation that converts current (short-term) government debts into permanent...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    and, pl. no, w. 1. Strengthening, strengthening, uniting something K. democratic forces. 2. fin. The operation to convert short-term government loans...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    CONSOLIDATION (Late Latin consolidatio, from consolido - I strengthen), consolidation, strengthening of something; unification, consolidation of departments. individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen activities, struggle...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? converting current government debts into long-term ones. Sometimes, when using this word in a broader sense, they mean the unification or merging of several...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation, …
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • CONSOLIDATION in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (lat. consolidatio con with, together + solidare to compact, strengthen, merge) 1) strengthening, strengthening, uniting something, for example, uniting, uniting individual ...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [lat. consolidatio 1. consolidation, consolidation, consolidation of something, for example, unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals; ...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: unification, strengthening Ant: separation, disintegration, ...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    consolidation, unification, unity, strengthening, strengthening, ...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. Same as:...
  • CONSOLIDATION in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    consolidation, ...
  • CONSOLIDATION in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:

Rallying, strengthening, uniting individuals, organizations, states to strengthen the struggle for common goals or strengthen power.

View value Consolidation in other dictionaries

Consolidation- consolidation, plural no, w. (book, special). Action according to verb. consolidate and consolidate. debt. government obligations. all party forces.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Consolidation J.— 1. Same as: consolidation.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Consolidation- (from Latin consolidatio - to compact, strengthen, merge) - a) socio-political - the process of unification, strengthening the unity and cohesion of social and political forces......
Political dictionary

Consolidation Political- - strengthening, strengthening something, uniting individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals.
Political dictionary

Consolidation- -And; and. to Consolidate and Consolidate. K. nations. K. loans, liabilities.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Consolidation — - 1.
using profits gained from trading speculative stocks by investing
capital into more reliable
stock; 2.
replacing the national currency......
Economic dictionary

Consolidation (restructuring) of Public Debt— - transformation of short-term and medium-term government debt into long-term, i.e. transfer of upcoming payments to the distant future
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Shares- - in shareholder law -
operation of a joint stock company, as a result of which two or more outstanding shares of the company are converted into one new share of the same
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Shares - Reverse Split— The procedure for reducing the number of outstanding shares by increasing the par value
stock. Wherein
the value of all the company's shares outstanding.......
Economic dictionary

Debt Consolidation- extension
debt, loan by converting them into longer-term or perpetual,
combining several debts (loans) into a single........
Economic dictionary

Debt Consolidation— a mutual agreement with creditors to postpone the repayment of debt with the conversion of several obligations into one, for a period that satisfies the borrower.
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Debts (loans) — -
consolidation of several debts (loans) into one more
long-term with
change in loan
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Loans- extension
actions of previously issued loans (short-term and medium-term) and their transformation into long-term or perpetual. This is done by adding......
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Liabilities— CONSOLIDATION OF BILLS. Loan to pay off overdue bills
Economic dictionary

- a merger of two companies, as a result of which both cease to exist as legal entities and a new company is created.
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Securities- - decrease in the total number of shares in
release in relation to the current one in accordance with a given coefficient with a simultaneous proportional increase
Economic dictionary

Full Consolidation— See Consolidated Financial Statements.
Economic dictionary

Consolidation— An increase in the nominal price of a company's shares as a result of replacing a certain number of shares of a lower par value with one of a higher par value. For example,........
Economic dictionary

Full Consolidation (full Consolidation; Consolidation of the Balance Sheets of the Group Companies)— A method of accounting that allows a parent company to show in its balance sheet accounts the assets and liabilities of its affiliates at full market value......
Economic dictionary

Consolidation— (lat. consolidatio) - 1) one of the types of systematization of legislation. The goal of K. is the elimination of the multiplicity of normative acts, their unification and creation in the structure of legislation........
Legal dictionary

Consolidation (of shares)— - conversion of two or more shares of any issue into one share of the same category (type). K. is carried out when the par value of the company's shares turns out to be........
Legal dictionary

Consolidation of Shares- - according to the shareholder law of the Russian Federation, an operation of a joint-stock company, as a result of which two or more outstanding shares of the company are converted into one new share of the same category......
Legal dictionary

Debt Consolidation— - extending the duration of a debt, a loan by converting the debt into a longer-term or perpetual, merging several debts (loans) into a single one......
Legal dictionary

Bone Consolidation- (lat. consolidatio strengthening, compaction: con- + solidus dense, strong, whole) the process of fusion of damaged bone with the restoration of its integrity, during which resorption occurs........
Big medical dictionary

Consolidation- (Late Latin consolidatio - from consolido - strengthen), strengthening, strengthening something; unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the fight for common goals.
Big encyclopedic Dictionary

Consolidation— (consolidation) - 1. A condition of the lungs in which the alveoli in them are filled with fluid secreted by inflamed tissue (for example, in pneumonia). The diagnosis is made based on........
Psychological Encyclopedia

Consolidation- bones (lat. consolidatio strengthening, compaction; Con- + solidus dense, strong, whole) - the process of fusion of damaged bone with the restoration of its integrity, in which .......
Medical encyclopedia

Consolidation— 1. A condition of the lungs in which the alveoli in them fill with fluid secreted by inflamed tissue (for example, with pneumonia). The diagnosis is made on the basis of a blunted........
Medical dictionary

Consolidation- (from Latin consolida-tio - strengthening, connection) - English. consolidation; German Konsolidierung. Strengthening, consolidating, uniting various social networks. forces, groups, organizations to overcome the crisis........
Sociological Dictionary

Before we find out what consolidation is in Forex, let's understand the very concept of this word. The dictionary definition of a market is that consolidation is an area of ​​commercial activity within which goods and services are sold.

The dictionary definition is that consolidation is the bringing together of something to form a compact mass.

By combining these definitions from textbooks, we can conclude: market consolidation is a phenomenon where competition between sellers and consumers forces them to unite to create one compact mass.

What is consolidation? The nature of its occurrence in Forex

As for Forex consolidation, the definition here is also somewhat improved, but you already get the gist. So, traders define consolidation as follows... This is an area where prices remain limited within a fairly narrow value channel.

Today we will try to understand whether market consolidation is indeed an area in which even minor information that enters the market can lead to serious disagreement in value. We will also consider the nature of consolidation and learn how to use it.

But before that, let’s make a short conclusion that in Forex, consolidation is considered an area in which prices are in a compressed state or they are limited to a certain range.

In the Forex market, by its nature, consolidations cannot last too long. Over time, they begin to move into an unstable state. But in reality, the longer the Forex market lingers in consolidation, the more volatile (unstable) it ends up being.

Experts say market consolidations have their own cycles.

During their initial formation, Forex users are always indecisive regarding the value of a market instrument. It is at this time that the price always fluctuates. While this condition continues, traders continue to perceive the market asset as an unstable instrument until new information appears on the market. This will change their perception and help them decide where the value will go next.

What is consolidation and how to trade it?

How to track price consolidation in Forex?

First of all, you need to find a market that is arriving at the stage of consolidation. This will allow you to successfully trade when the breakout occurs. To look for consolidated markets, it is worth paying attention to markets where there is low volatility. There should also be a narrow price movement.

At the very least, you should try to look for a consolidation that has at least twenty price bars. To consider such markets, it is necessary to start from the possibility, which is based on determining the boundaries of the channel by maximum and minimum. Since markets can consolidate over many weeks or even months, several markets should be monitored at once.

It is advisable to do this while they are at the consolidation stage. In this case, you can avoid a long entry into the market. Typically, active traders use this technique to view the market and look for new trading opportunities.

So, if you are one of the day traders, then it is better for you to view the Forex intraday markets directly. There you can find a large number of charts to help spot consolidations.

How to Use Price Consolidation in Forex

Once a consolidation of at least twenty price bars has been identified, one should proceed to the next step. It lies in, as well as the grounds of the consolidation channel.

As a result, you will be able to determine the current boundaries of consolidation. After this you will need to place orders. First of all, take care of the order to enter a buying position. It should be one tick above the uppermost border. You should also place a sell entry order. Accordingly, it should be one tick below the consolidation boundary.

How to place orders correctly?

As soon as a trend breakout is expected, stop orders should be adjusted. They should be set in accordance with market activity. The initial stop order should be placed at opposite side consolidation channel. In this case, everything depends on the choice of the side of the trend reversal.

Examples of trading using Forex price consolidation

Below is a chart that illustrates consolidation in the Forex market. We are talking about Nortel shares, where the upper and lower lines are drawn directly along the boundaries of consolidation.

Please note that in this case, orders to enter Forex are located slightly above and below the current consolidation boundaries. Just like the price gradually contracts after consolidation ends.

This inevitably happens before a trend develops in the market. This happens quite often. After all, markets often shoot out of price consolidation like a compressed spring. When the market finally breaks out above the border of our channels, we need to enter the long side, which is one tick above the green border.

The initial one is one tick below the border. It gradually moved upward, which corresponded to the development of market activity.

Please note that by highlighting the consolidation boundaries with the lower and upper lines, you can avoid rapid reversals directly inside the consolidation channel. In this case, entering the market to capture significant movements is much more convenient.

Our conclusions

Finally, I would like to add that quite often one effective profit is all that is needed to make a profit on Forex. Consolidation is a clear confirmation of this. It doesn’t matter how experienced a trader you are and where you trade Forex with intraday or positional strategies. Consolidation is still worth considering. So, think about it, maybe it should be added to your work arsenal!

How to recognize consolidation or trend reversal?

1) Consolidation- (from Latin consolida-tio - strengthening, connection) - English. consolidation; German Konsolidierung. Strengthening, consolidating, uniting various social networks. forces, groups, organizations to overcome a crisis situation and achieve certain goals.

2) Consolidation- - in ethnography - a type of ethnic unification processes (see), in which several, usually related by origin, similar in language and culture, ethnic groups (or parts thereof) merge into larger communities, for example, tribal and territorial groups in a nationality, nationalities in a nation, etc., in the course of development between them social and economic. and cultural and everyday connections. Religious and racial differences between contacting groups can have an inhibitory effect on the development of cancer. The unification of merging ethnic groups within the borders of a state or autonomy in a multinational state has an accelerating effect on Kazakhstan. K. includes cases of inclusion into already relatively formed nationalities or nations of close formations that were in constant contact with them, as well as the internal cohesion of formed nationalities and nations due to the smoothing of dialects and cultural and everyday differences between ethnographic. groups, strengthening general ethnic. self-awareness. The development of such a system is due to the strengthening of social and economic and cultural connections between individual parts of the ethnic group, the spread of education in a single literary language, the development of means mass media(press, radio, etc.), the growth of professional culture, etc. Lit.: Kozlov V.I. Dynamics of the number of peoples M., 1969; Bromley S.V. Ethnicity and ethnography. M. 1972. Ethnic processes in modern world. M., 1987.


(from Latin consolida-tio - strengthening, connection) - English. consolidation; German Konsolidierung. Strengthening, consolidating, uniting various social networks. forces, groups, organizations to overcome a crisis situation and achieve certain goals.

In ethnography, a type of ethnic unification processes (see), in which several, usually related by origin, similar in language and culture, ethnic groups (or parts thereof) merge into larger communities, for example, tribal and territorial groups in a nationality , nationalities in nations, etc., in the course of development between them social and economic. and cultural and everyday connections. Religious and racial differences between contacting groups can have an inhibitory effect on the development of cancer. The unification of merging ethnic groups within the borders of a state or autonomy in a multinational state has an accelerating effect on Kazakhstan. K. includes cases of inclusion into already relatively formed nationalities or nations of close formations that were in constant contact with them, as well as the internal cohesion of formed nationalities and nations due to the smoothing of dialects and cultural and everyday differences between ethnographic. groups, strengthening general ethnic. self-awareness. The development of such a system is due to the strengthening of social and economic and cultural connections between individual parts of the ethnic group, the spread of education in a single literary language, the development of the media (press, radio, etc.), the growth of professional culture, etc. Lit.: Kozlov V.I. Dynamics of the number of peoples M., 1969; Bromley S.V. Ethnicity and ethnography. M. 1972. Ethnic processes in the modern world. M., 1987.

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