Condylomas contact. Which doctor should I contact for genital warts? Diagnosis of papillomavirus infection

Anal condylomas are a common viral disease. Many are carriers of the human papillomavirus without realizing it due to the lack of a clinical picture. But once you fall under the unfavorable influence of provoking factors, the virus becomes more active and trouble is guaranteed. What are anal condylomas? Where do they come from? And most importantly, how to protect yourself and fight them?

What are condylomas

Perianal condylomas are a subtype that appear on the anus, mainly around it or inside the rectum. Their appearance is provoked by HPV - the abbreviated name for the human papillomavirus. The virus easily enters the body through mucous membranes and skin. Being in the cells of the epidermis, the virus disrupts their natural functioning and growth. Genital warts in the anus are neoplasms on the skin that are the result of the action of a virus.

Condylomas have an elongated shape and a stalk on which they rest. There are single growths, but more often there are multiple condylomas - peculiar colonies. Neglecting to see a doctor can result in the spread of condylomas to other organs or the degeneration of neoplasms into malignant ones.


Anal condylomatosis occurs due to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). To date, several hundred strains of HPV are already known. Some of them provoke the appearance of condylomas in and around the anus. Moreover, infection with the virus often occurs through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Those with a strong immune system have a good potential to fight HPV, so they can be carriers of it all their lives without experiencing any discomfort. At the same time, weakening of the immune defense leads to activation of the virus. Therefore, the high-risk group includes HIV-infected people.

Provoking factors

The appearance of perianal condyloma can be provoked by many factors that are directly or indirectly related to a weakened immune system:

  • frequent stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • hormonal disorders.

Route of transmission and conditions of infection

The main route of transmission of perianal condylomas is during sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. To reduce the likelihood of infection, experts recommend using barrier protection and having a regular partner. Condylomas in the anus are likely to appear in both men and women who practice anal sex, since the rectal mucosa is easily injured, which increases the possibility of transmission of infection.

Another way of transmitting the virus is visiting swimming pools, public baths and saunas. It is very important to use personal hygiene products and towels to reduce the risk of infection.

The virus is also transmitted from an infected mother to her child during childbirth.

Course of the disease

Anal condylomatosis is characterized by a latent (hidden) course. The incubation period ranges from two weeks to several years. And only under the influence of provoking factors does the disease enter the active stage. As long as perianal condylomas are single or relatively small in size, they are practically imperceptible. But as skin tumors grow, they begin to close the anus, which leads to great inconvenience. Condylomas can also be located around the anus.

The following clinical symptoms are characteristic of anal condylomatosis:

  • bloody discharge in the stool;
  • painful bowel movements;
  • traces of blood on underwear;
  • burning and itching in the anus;
  • foreign body sensation;
  • pain when sitting and while walking;
  • bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you find condylomas in the perianal area, do not delay seeing a doctor. Diagnosis and treatment of this disease are carried out by proctologists and dermatovenerologists.

Differential diagnosis

The doctor determines perianal condylomas visually if they are located around the anus, or by palpation if they are located inside the anus. In most cases this is not enough. Then the doctor prescribes sigmoidoscopy, during which a special device is inserted into the patient’s rectum - a sigmoidoscope, which allows the specialist to see the situation from the inside.

During the examination, a biopsy is performed (a piece of tissue is plucked off) to determine oncology. The patient may also be offered additional tests if other diseases are suspected. In this case, you will need to donate blood for HIV infection, hepatitis, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

It is important to undergo a full examination so as not to confuse condylomatosis, for example, with genital herpes. Only in this case will the treatment be effective.

Treatment options

Pointed perianal condylomas have been known to medicine for a long time. Both folk remedies and medications will help cure condylomas. If the situation has become more complicated, modern clinics offer different removal methods.

Surgical excision

In cases where condylomas have become a large formation in the anus, they are removed by surgical excision. The procedure is painful, so it is performed under local anesthesia. It heals for about a month. If the results of a histological examination of the removed lesion confirm the presence of oncology, the operation is repeated to cover a larger area. After removal this way, a scar remains.


Removal of anal warts is carried out using the electrocoagulation method. The method consists of burning out condylomas using an electric knife - high-frequency current. Warts die and disappear after a while. It is not recommended to remove dead tissue on your own. The biomaterial is sent for histological examination. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Using a laser

A widespread way to get rid of annoying growths is to use a laser. Well suited for removing large condylomas. The advantage of this method is its local impact. The beam is directed only to the wart tissue, without affecting healthy areas. The condyloma burns and disappears.

If one procedure was not enough, it is repeated, but not earlier than two weeks later.

Laser removal is painful and is therefore performed under local anesthesia.

Radio wave destruction

Treatment of anal warts using radio waves is justified by its sterility, bloodlessness and painlessness. The radio waves are directed only at the wart, healthy areas are not affected.


The method of cryotherapy or cryodestruction is used to remove perianal warts using liquid nitrogen at a low temperature. Frozen condyloma dies and disappears. Again, it is not recommended to remove dead tissue yourself.

Since the procedure uses fast and intense cooling, there is no need for anesthesia.

Chemical destruction

How to get rid of condylomas during pregnancy? By chemical destruction method. The procedure is carried out using trichloroacetic or nitric acid, which burns out the pathological growth.

Drug therapy

If the situation is not advanced, the growths are single and small, perianal condylomas can be treated with medications.

  1. Drug therapy is aimed primarily at combating the virus. This group includes products based on interferon, since it has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect: “Viferon”, “Novirin”, “Genferon” suppositories.
  2. Next, the use of drugs aimed at strengthening the immune system is prescribed so that the body can protect itself and fight the virus: “Immunal”, “Licopid”.
  3. Vitamin complexes are required for recovery.
  4. It is recommended to purchase an antiviral ointment, gel or spray, since relapses are quite possible in the future: “Epigen-intim”, “Condilin”.

We must not forget: in order to really help yourself and not harm, pharmacological drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.


The centuries-old experience of our ancestors offers their own treatment methods, distinguished by the fact that they are accessible and harmless.

  1. Decoctions and infusions of herbs such as calendula, coltsfoot, and fenugreek will boost immunity when used regularly. And ginger will not only strengthen the body’s defenses, but also serve as a cancer prevention.
  2. Iodine has proven itself well as an antiseptic. It is applied to the growths themselves, although if iodine gets on healthy skin, but not mucous membranes, it will not cause harm.
  3. Can celandine be used to treat condylomatosis? The answer is yes. But it is better to apply it directly to the growths themselves, without affecting healthy tissue. They also make lotions from potato and plantain juice.

Possible complications

During the rehabilitation period, personal hygiene is especially important.

Pain may be present for about two weeks after surgery until complete healing is complete, especially during bowel movements.

However, after the skin tumors have been safely removed, it is too early to breathe a sigh of relief. It is impossible to completely remove the virus from the body. Under the influence of provoking factors, condylomas in the anus may appear again. Sometimes these formations develop into squamous cell carcinoma.

Preventive measures

To avoid relapses of the disease, some preventive measures are needed that can change your usual lifestyle, but will definitely have a positive effect on your health.

  1. If you feel discomfort in the anus, you should immediately contact a proctologist who will check for the presence of condylomas.
  2. See your doctor regularly after surgery.
  3. Have an orderly sex life with one person, since with a constant change of sexual partners, the risk of infection is very high.
  4. Use barrier methods of contraception.
  5. Maintain personal hygiene and do not use other people’s things and underwear.
  6. A healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular: proper nutrition, physical activity and daily routine will strengthen the immune system.
  7. Find joy in life despite many stressful situations.


In 2006, the first vaccine against human papillomavirus was registered in the United States. Similar vaccines have been tested and used in European countries. Today, two of them are officially registered in Russia: Gardasil and Cervarix. Adolescents are immunized before sexual activity to prevent the disease, as well as during exacerbation of infections caused by HPV.

Not all women, and even men, attach importance to small growths that appear in delicate places. Although it is better to seek help in a timely manner. The human papillomavirus is quite common; it often “sleeps” and is detected at certain moments. Condyloma is a manifestation of the virus on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs.


Genital warts are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). How can you get infected with it? There are several ways, and the likelihood of infection is quite high for everyone. Let us list the main reasons due to which this pathology can occur in the body:

  • Infection most often occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse. Even if a condom was used, a woman is more likely to become infected if she comes into contact with mucous membranes and skin affected by condylomas.
  • Infection can also occur through the use of other people's personal hygiene and household items. Women who visit saunas, baths, swimming pools and do not maintain their own hygiene are more often predisposed to this.
  • When using strong medications or under stress, condylomas can also appear. A photo of this disease confirms that the degree can vary, up to the appearance of a group of growths that form crusts.
  • Any failure of the immune system or an unbalanced diet can awaken the virus.
  • Very often, condylomas manifest themselves during the postpartum period and even during pregnancy. When the body works in an enhanced mode, it is rebuilt. The hormonal balance is disrupted, the woman’s genitals become very vulnerable, and the virus, like many other infections, does not keep itself waiting.


Intimate condyloma genitalia often affects the mucous membranes of the genitals. Both women and men are equally susceptible to infection. Many people do not even suspect what the manifestations of the disease look like until they encounter the problem themselves. Condylomas in men (photos in the medical literature demonstrate numerous variations of this disease) quickly grow on the penis, affecting the foreskin, glans, frenulum, and less often the scrotum. Condylomas grow in the groin and rectum. At first these are skin growths that are pale gray or flesh-colored. Dimensions can be from 2 mm to a centimeter or more. Over time, these warts cover an increasingly larger area and cause a lot of problems. In women, such growths appear on the labia, in the vagina, on the clitoris and even on the cervix. In the latter case, a woman may not even be aware of their existence until a gynecologist discovers them during an examination.

The papillomavirus enters the human body through open lesions on the skin and mucous membranes - scratches and wounds.

There are no specific symptoms for condylomatosis. For many, genital warts not only interfere with normal sexual activity, but are also a significant and depressing cosmetic defect. It is for this reason that most victims try to quickly contact specialists, get diagnosed and begin proper treatment.

Condylomas in women and men. Diagnostics

When examining a patient, the attending doctor can easily identify condylomatosis. Genital warts (the photo demonstrates this) are difficult to confuse with other sores. To accurately confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will send you for tests confirming that the cause of the disease was the human papillomavirus (HPV). Modern medicine makes an accurate PCR analysis - an epithelial scraping is taken from the mucous membranes, in which particles of the virus may be present. If condylomatosis is confirmed, one of the treatment options is prescribed.

Removal of condylomas

Today, genital warts are successfully removed, but the procedure is more of a cosmetic operation; it cannot be done for free. Condyloma is a growth on the skin, mucous membrane, which can be removed in one of several ways. During a consultation with a doctor, the patient will be able to choose which method of removal is preferable. We present several options (briefly):

  • Cryodestruction. The growths are removed using liquid nitrogen. When frozen, the protein cells in the wart die, which leads to the condyloma falling off. A small wound appears in its place, and it heals very quickly. Cryodestruction is a relatively inexpensive, painless, safe and very effective treatment method. With its help, the symptoms of HPV on the skin are easily and quickly removed.
  • Electrocoagulation. Using an electric current, the condylomas are cauterized. This method has been known in medicine for a long time and has been successfully practiced. It has its downside - scars may appear, the patient experiences discomfort and pain during the procedure.
  • Laser. Removal of papillomas using laser. A relatively new, very effective method of treating condylomatosis. The condyloma is destroyed under the influence of laser beams, a scab forms in place, which disappears after a while, the skin remains absolutely clean, without scars.
  • Radio wave method. A very effective and at the same time painless method. The cost of the procedure is quite high, so not everyone can afford this type.

  • Chemical destruction. This method is based on the use of chemicals (acids), with which the condyloma is burned out. Typically, such drugs are prepared according to doctor's prescriptions in a pharmacy. The products must be used very carefully. Improper use can cause harm and leave burns on healthy skin and mucous membranes.

Spray "Epigen Intim"

Many patients remove condylomas using the drug Epigen Intim. The manufacturer of the product is the transnational company Invar, whose main specialization is the production of dermatological and gynecological drugs. The spray is available in cans with a volume of 15 or 60 ml. For ease of spraying, the can is equipped with a dispenser. Intravaginal use is possible - the kit includes a special nozzle for this purpose.

The main active component of Epigen spray is glycyrrhizic acid, this substance is extracted from licorice root, it has a powerful antiviral effect.

In addition, the product perfectly relieves itching and inflammation, stimulates the immune system to protect itself from pathogens on its own. Glycyrrhizic acid destroys the DNA chains of papillomavirus cells and prevents their further reproduction.

The remarkable difference between this drug and other similar ones is that the acid does not cause burns on the skin; the spray can be sprayed on the mucous membranes and skin without any fear. The substance has a very gentle effect, but at the same time destroys cells of HPV, herpes and other pathogens.

Spray application

Condyloma is a genital wart, which Epigen Intim spray will help get rid of. For treatment, you must use one of the following regimens recommended by the doctor:

  • The normal course of the disease requires treatment of the entire surface of the genital organs affected by condylomas. Cover the entire problem area with two sprays and leave until completely dry. Use three times a day until complete healing.
  • If genital warts are damaged or bleeding, Epigen Intim is used for 10 days or more (until cure) 5 times a day. The drug is sprayed onto the skin and mucous membranes from a distance of 10-15 centimeters.
  • The latent course of the disease requires spraying the drug over the entire area. The external genitalia are treated three times a day for a month.
  • After HPV activity subsides, treatment with Epigen Intim spray is necessary for another ten days, three times a day.

For the purpose of prophylaxis, to prevent the appearance of condylomas in the presence of provoking factors, it is recommended to use this drug. What are these factors? Past illnesses that weaken the immune system, exacerbation of pathologies, hypothermia, stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep. The standard regimen is used - three times a day. It is advisable to use the spray before and after sexual intercourse for a certain period after getting rid of condylomas. The product must be applied to the external and internal genital organs. Those areas that were prone to condylomas should be given special attention. It is advisable to spray the intimate spray on the skin around the anus.

Laser therapy

The best method for removing condylomas is laser treatment. This innovative approach received the most positive feedback. The procedure for removing condylomas with a laser is as follows.

The doctor acts on the neoplasms with a beam of light; due to the evaporation of the cells, the structure is destroyed and the genital warts die. The concentration of the beam falls on the blood microvessels that feed the condylomas. After removing condylomas, crusts (scabs) remain, which soon fall off, and after a week there are no traces left on the skin. The laser acts very accurately, healthy areas are not injured at all. The advantages of laser therapy include:

  • Bloodlessness.
  • Fast recovery period.
  • Painless.
  • Elimination of self-infection.
  • Low relapse rate.
  • High sterility.
  • There is no damage to surrounding tissues.

As a rule, after using a laser there are practically no scars or scars left. The procedure time for the average course of the disease takes from 10 to 30 minutes. Sometimes 2-3 sessions are required.

Condylomas, photos of which are presented in the article, can be easily removed using a laser. After the procedure, some discomfort and itching may occur. This confirms the healing of the crusts. Compared to other methods, the recovery period is much shorter. After the intervention, the patient must follow the recommendations so that the recovery period ends faster:

  • You cannot visit the solarium.
  • Heavy lifting is not recommended.
  • Impeccable personal hygiene.
  • Sometimes a ban on sexual intercourse.

Laser removal is usually combined with drug therapy to block the pathogen that is in the body.

Radio wave surgery

The radio wave non-invasive method is considered very effective. Condyloma is a growth that causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. Radio waves come to help in treating this problem.

The doctor will first numb the area where the intervention will take place. For this purpose, a spray or cream with anesthesia is used.

The essence of the method is the effect of high-frequency radio streams on condyloma. As a result, the pathological tissues themselves begin to emit heat, which has a detrimental effect on the growths. The procedure uses a special technique. During the process, the skin does not overheat, but the temperature becomes high to such an extent that all microbes die. The procedure takes 10-30 minutes.

After the procedure, patients recover very quickly and there are no complications. Radio waves make it possible to process even large areas. The following advantages of the procedure can be noted:

  • Healthy tissues are practically not injured, the risk is minimized.
  • Defects in the form of infiltration, scars, and edema are completely excluded.
  • Bloodlessness.
  • Painless.
  • There is no contact with skin.
  • Further development and spread of the virus is completely excluded.

Despite all the positive aspects, there are also contraindications: the procedure is prohibited if the patient has an implanted device (for example, a pacemaker) or any metal structures.


According to statistics, condylomas are most common in women. Photos of warts look very unsightly; they bring many aesthetic problems. The method of cryodestruction (exposure to liquid nitrogen) has become very popular. The essence is the effect of cold on condyloma. The procedure uses liquid nitrogen (temperature -196 degrees). The doctor treats the growths with a moistened applicator, freezing them. The condyloma dies and falls off. The wound heals within 10 days. There is only one contraindication - allergy to cold. Positive points:

  • After the procedure there are no defects on the skin.
  • Painless.
  • No contraindications (except for an allergic reaction to cold).

The disadvantage of this method is that the condyloma may return, which means you will have to be treated again. It happens that the recovery period lasts up to six months. Large areas cannot be treated with nitrogen. If immunity is low, it must be restored before the procedure.

Why do you need to remove condylomas?

If condylomas appear on the body, treatment is simply necessary. At first glance, it seems that warts do not cause much harm; they do not hurt, are not damaged, and do not itch. In fact, they cause enormous harm to the body. The immune system tries to cope on its own, and this causes damage to it. Against the background of pathology, women may experience an unpleasant odor with discharge. The mental and emotional state suffers.

For women, condylomatosis is most dangerous, as it can provoke the development of a malignant tumor. Men have this possibility, but it is much less common. It is better to remove condylomas when there are only 1-2 of them, to prevent them from developing into colonies. A large number of condylomas pose a real threat to the patient’s life. Many patients are afraid of the genital wart removal procedure itself, citing painful sensations. Everyone feels pain differently because everyone's pain threshold is different. In each individual case, this issue is discussed with the doctor; the patient can make his own choice of anesthesia.

Before choosing a method, you must visit a doctor, for women - a gynecologist, for men - a urologist. The doctor will order tests and recommend the most appropriate method. Some methods are cheaper, some are more expensive, they differ in pain, healing periods, and recovery. The final word, of course, will be with the patient himself. The main thing in this matter is to achieve the desired result: to be cured and healthy.

Human skin and mucous membranes are among the most vulnerable places for viruses and microorganisms. They often suffer from the appearance of various neoplasms, the most common of which are papillomas and condylomas. Sometimes formations dangerous to human health are caused by varieties of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which changes the nature of tissue growth and development. Papillomas are new growths that are soft to the touch, flesh-colored or pink. Condylomas are papillary growths in the mucous membranes and skin of a person, often accompanied by pain and inflammation.

  • Infection with the virus through sexual contact
  • Infection through domestic means (through contact with an infected person and his personal belongings)
  • Transmission of the virus to a newborn during childbirth

At the same time, the risk of infection with the human papillomavirus increases with reduced immunity.
In addition to aesthetic discomfort, papillomas and condylomas can pose a serious threat to human health: as a result of the accumulation of the HPV virus in papillomas and condylomas, a change in the genome of epithelial cell tissue can occur, which will lead to its uncontrolled division and proliferation of the problem area of ​​the skin, as well as complications, including oncology. Therefore, removal of papillomas is strongly recommended, and removal of condylomas is mandatory.


Before prescribing the removal of papilloma or condylomas, the attending dermatovenerologist needs to establish an accurate diagnosis. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed an examination to detect the HPV virus using the so-called PCR method, known in the medical community as the polymerase chain reaction method. This is a relatively innovative and fairly accurate method of molecular diagnosis of a wide range of infectious diseases by identifying parts of their DNA in samples of mucous secretions from areas such as the genitals (smear), cardiovascular system (blood test), oral cavity (saliva), etc. d. This analysis allows you to assess the level of spread of the virus, as well as determine its type.

Removal methods

After diagnosing papilloma or condyloma, the attending dermatovenerologist prescribes their removal. In parallel with this, the patient is prescribed drug treatment designed to suppress the virus and put it into a latent state. It must be taken into account that the human papillomavirus cannot be completely cured, it can only be controlled with the help of certain immunostimulating therapies.

Direct removal of tumors can take place according to the following scenarios:

  1. Laser removal. As a result of this procedure, the problem area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane is cauterized. The operation is performed with local anesthesia or without it at all. Complete tissue healing occurs no more than 4 weeks after the procedure.
  2. Cryodestruction. The essence of the method is contained in its very name: using liquid nitrogen, the doctor freezes the tumor and then removes the growth. The advantages of this method are that the procedure takes place without pain and leaves virtually no traces. However, removal of papillomas or condylomas is not possible in every case.
  3. Excision method (surgical removal). This method is used in cases where the tumor has reached a significant size and removal by other methods is ineffective or impossible. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. After excision of the papilloma or condyloma, sutures are placed on the operated area of ​​skin, which are removed after 7 days from the date of surgery.

It must be remembered that the method of removing papillomas or condylomas should be chosen exclusively by the attending physician, depending on each specific case.

Despite the relative insignificance of these neoplasms in the early stages, in the long term they pose a serious danger to human health, so it is necessary to immediately consult a dermatovenerologist as soon as signs of papillomas and condylomas appear.

Condyloma (or genital warts) is one of the types of external manifestations of the human papillomavirus (HPV). A condyloma is a small skin growth that is either flesh-colored or slightly darker than the skin. This skin formation is attached to the body through a pedicle in which the feeding vessel is located. 8 out of 10 people are infected with this virus, but condylomas on the genitals occur when the concentration of the virus in the blood increases and the person’s immune system is weakened. In a person with a strong immune system, condylomas do not grow. There are more than a hundred different types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Genital warts are caused by HPV types 6 and 11. Infection occurs from an infected person through any surfaces (cutlery, toiletries, etc.). HPV is freely transmitted through water, so infection is possible when visiting a swimming pool.

Condylomas on the genitals are the most traumatic and dangerous for the body. HPV manifests itself differently in men and women.

Condylomas on the genital organs in women

In women, genital warts most often occur on the labia, vaginal walls and cervix. A rash and concentration of condylomas around the anus are also possible.

Condylomas on the labia and vaginal mucosa may not cause any sensation, but can sometimes cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. If there is no protection during sexual intercourse, the partner will be infected with HPV, although the virus is also transmitted through the skin, and using a condom will not give you a complete guarantee against HPV transmission. Condylomas are caused by the human papillomavirus of low carcinogenicity. Therefore, they are not so dangerous to a woman’s health. Cervical dysplasia and oncology are caused by HPV subtypes of high carcinogenicity, which include types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35. However, it is impossible to independently distinguish papilloma with a carcinogenic risk from condyloma. This can only be done with a histological examination or blood test in a specialized clinic. Therefore, removal of condylomas on the genital organs of women must be accompanied by a histological analysis of the removed tissue.

Testing for the presence of HPV in the body in our clinic is part of the preparation for pregnancy and is done before conceiving a child. Tests are taken by both partners to exclude the possibility of infection during pregnancy. Antiviral treatment during pregnancy can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, but it is better not to risk taking a course of treatment before conceiving a child. Removal of genital warts during pregnancy should be done in the most gentle way: removal with a surgical laser. The laser beam eliminates direct contact with the mucous membrane during surgery and the occurrence of side effects. After removal of condylomas on the genitals, the likelihood of infection of the fetus with the virus during the passage of the birth canal is reduced.

Another common place for condylomas to occur is the skin around the anus. This place is often injured, so condylomas quickly spread through microtraumas of the skin. It is best to remove anal warts with a laser device in order to minimize trauma to sensitive areas of the skin.

Genital warts on the genitals in men

In men, genital warts most often occur on the edge of the frenulum of the penis. They can also appear, as in women, around the anus.

Condylomas on the penis usually do not cause discomfort, but they can cause pain during sexual intercourse. The main problem is their unaesthetic quality and the transmission of infection to a partner during sexual intercourse. They can range in size from a few millimeters to a centimeter. They are often located in groups, affecting adjacent areas of the skin.

Anal condylomas

Genital warts around the anus are also common in real life. Condylomas may appear in the anus, on its external and internal surfaces. Condylomas can cause both purely aesthetic discomfort and painful sensations during bowel movements. Microtraumas of the skin around the anus often occur, which helps to spread condylomas. The spread occurs very quickly, so we recommend that you consult a doctor immediately after detection and have the tumor removed. Laser surgery to remove condyloma will cause you minimal inconvenience.

Treatment of papillomatosis consists of two stages: removal of genital warts and subsequent treatment of the viral infection.

Recommended method of removing condylomas on the genitals is removal using a surgical laser. Laser removal of condylomas is considered one of the most gentle methods of surgery. Removal of condyloma is carried out using a laser beam, which coagulates the vessels and evaporates the affected tissue. The wound after removal of the condyloma disappears within 5 - 7 days, and after 10 days you can already have a full sexual life. The laser method is the main method of removing genital warts.

Treatment of human papillomavirus

After the operation, the removed tissue is sent for analysis to determine the type of virus, and based on the results, antiviral therapy is prescribed. The doctor prescribes medications to reduce the concentration of the papilloma virus in the blood and boost immunity. There is now a large selection of antiviral drugs that can effectively combat HPV. Simple removal of skin papillomas, unfortunately, does not completely rid the patient of the virus. Without undergoing comprehensive treatment, papillomatosis cannot be eradicated.

Where to remove and treat condylomas in Moscow?

To remove genital warts in Moscow, we suggest you use the services of our specialized center for the removal of warts at the Lama laser medicine clinic for the following reasons:

  1. Latest equipment: At our laser surgery center at Lama Clinic, we use only the latest surgical or cosmetic lasers. Operations are carried out in a modern operating room, which fully meets all approved standards.
  2. Experienced doctors: Our center has already existed for more than 15 years. During this time, we have already performed thousands of successful operations. Our dermatologist-surgeons have extensive practical experience in removing skin tumors.
  3. Removal of papillomas without pain: operations to remove papillomas are performed under local anesthesia, which is selected individually for each specific case.
  4. Complex treatment: We will analyze the removed tissue to determine the type of virus. After this, our doctors will prescribe you a course of treatment to reduce the concentration of HPV in the body, which will eliminate the likelihood of relapses.
  5. Transparency of work: Before removal, the attending physician will fully tell you how the operation will proceed and discuss the price with you. You can find prices for genital wart treatment in the price list.
  6. Save time: We value your time very much, so we will coordinate your appointment time with you in advance so that you do not have to wait. On average, surgery to remove condyloma takes from 20 to 30 minutes.

You can find prices for removal of genital warts in the Price List.

Removal of condylomas price (discounts):

Condyloma size
