Computer pulse diagnostics of the body: reviews. Pulse diagnostics: how to diagnose dangerous diseases by pulse Determining health status by pulse

In Tibetan medicine, the pulse is considered a kind of “messenger” that is capable of transmitting certain information to the outside world about what is happening inside the body. Pulse diagnosis is certainly one of the most outstanding forms of diagnosis. However, this method of diagnosis is always used in combination with other diagnostic procedures, although it takes precedence over them.

Pulse measurement in Tibetan medicine differs from the approach taken in China and Ayurvedic medicine. The main difference lies in the position of the fingers when measuring the pulse, as well as in the diagnosis itself. This method of diagnosis allows the skilled Tibetan physician to extract accurate “information” about each individual. Moreover, these data are no less important than the results of scientific research.

Tibetan doctors resort to measuring the pulse primarily to assess the function/dysfunction of the relevant organs and/or their energy balance. With the help of special methods of measuring the pulse, you can get an idea of ​​​​emotional factors, the presence of mental illnesses caused by the so-called “invisible” forces, the basic vital force (“pulse of the basis of life,” La pulse on the ulnar artery) and much more. In addition, Tibetan doctors use three pulses of death - the pulse of demons, the so-called “pulse of enlightenment”, the family pulse and several specific methods of measuring the pulse, usually united under the name “seven amazing pulses”.

True, it can be assumed that not all Tibetan doctors fully master the skill of measuring these types of pulses. That is why in practice these methods are rarely used. However, the diagnosis by pulse, performed by an outstanding Tibetan doctor, almost borders on clairvoyance - probably, similar abilities necessarily coexist with a doctor who has dedicated his life to compassion for all living beings and managed to achieve a state of highest enlightenment.

Here is the story of a patient who turned to the methods of orthodox medicine and received a sad verdict that he had no more than six months to live. Fortunately, this man decided to consult a famous Tibetan physician-healer. During the pulse diagnosis procedure, the doctor asked the patient a question about his trip to Tibet and about the stone that he brought from the trip as a “souvenir”. The patient didn't even mention it! Among other recommendations of the Tibetan healer was the advice to take the stone back to where it was taken from. It is clear that the man's illness was largely caused by the action of "invisible" forces. With the help of the ritual of returning the “souvenir”, pronouncing the appropriate ritual formulas and other things, it was possible to calm these forces again. This man is alive and well to this day.

Using the so-called “family pulse” (also called the “representative pulse”), a qualified doctor is able to diagnose a patient who is absent in the room based on the pulse of his relative. The relative whose pulse is measured must be healthy - this is a prerequisite for this diagnostic method. In addition, there are techniques for measuring heart rate that are used solely to predict the future.

As mentioned, these diagnostic methods are not generally accepted practices during every medical consultation. All these examples are given only to demonstrate the unique capabilities of Tibetan diagnostics in comparison with Western laboratory diagnostics, based solely on instrument readings. In addition, the advantage of pulse diagnosis is that it is available at any time and anywhere, so to speak, “always at hand.” This type of diagnosis must be based on precise theoretical knowledge and extensive practical experience.

In this section, attention is paid mainly to the study of the characteristics of the three basic constitutional pulses - Lung (wind), Tripa (bile), Peken (mucus). With practice, patience and honing of sensory perception, any person will learn to feel these types of pulse to some extent and classify themselves as corresponding to the corresponding type of constitution and/or determine the excess of a certain bodily energy. However, mastering pulse diagnosis to perfection is only possible under the guidance of an experienced Tibetan doctor.

How can you find out about the state of the body by pulse? What is this diagnostic method based on?

One of the methodological areas of Eastern medicine is pulse diagnostics: this is one of the 4 fundamental methods of Eastern medicine, which include interviewing the patient, listening, examining and determining the pulse by touch. Pulse examination is the final, but extremely important stage of examining the patient. In order to describe this method, you would need to write a book of 300 pages. This method can be briefly described as follows.

  • The pulse is felt at the wrists - the centers of the pulmonary meridian are located here.
  • All blood coming from the internal organs enters the lungs, where it is enriched with oxygen, and carbon dioxide, on the contrary, is released. Blood entering the lungs from the internal organs carries information from these organs. Based on data on the strength, intensity of the pulse, as well as the position of the artery, a diagnosis is made in accordance with the ancient medical system. This method can be considered rational or irrational, but this is how the doctor receives information about the state of the internal organs.

If the characteristics of the pulse taken from the arteries associated with each of the internal ones correlate, then the body is healthy; if not, then some kind of disturbance is occurring in the body.

One of the secrets of the skill of a doctor who practices pulse diagnostics is his ability to throw out of his head all thoughts that may interfere with concentration. In other words, the doctor is required to master concentration techniques in order to remove information from the patient’s artery. If, during the initial examination, the doctor thinks about delicious food, beautiful cars, or someone with whom he has an appointment, he will not be able to concentrate on the process of receiving and understanding the information accordingly. This is a very complex discipline that requires painstaking work and a thorough approach. The task of mastering the technique of pulse diagnostics is not easy, but if you decide to master this art, then you will certainly learn.

About pulse diagnostics

Unfortunately, many of us are not fully aware of the importance of timely diagnosis of the body's functioning. One well-known medical practitioner, having studied the disappointing statistics of deaths over the past few years, said: “People are constantly in a hurry and have no time to take care of their health, while seventy-five percent of them certainly find time to die from their own chronic diseases.” It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of accurate and timely diagnosis. Accurate and timely diagnosis is the key to your health!

The list of diseases that develop instantly is negligible. A truly correct and reasonable way to preserve and increase health is to undergo timely diagnosis by highly qualified specialists.

Pulse diagnostics can detect almost any disturbance in the functioning of your body’s systems, and by correcting them, you can improve your health for a long time. According to most doctors, the main thing in treating a patient is timely and accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Diagnostic technique

Pulse diagnostics were discovered back in the 5th century BC. Only the pulsation of blood in the body has up to six hundred different shades and depends on many different factors. Therefore, pulse diagnostics makes it possible to diagnose a wide range of disorders and changes in the patient’s body condition. For example, thanks to the pulse diagnostic method, it is possible to determine quite accurately whether a married couple will have children and what gender they will be. Currently, there are very few doctors who have at least a superficial knowledge of the unique pulse diagnostic technique. In Western countries, doctors carry out diagnostics using special instruments to take pulse readings, which are calculated based on the contractions of the arteries that occur during the ejection of blood during heart systole. In turn, specialists in the field of traditional Chinese medicine measure pulse indicators at six to ten points on the patient’s body, and the measurement points for women and men are different.

Pulse diagnostics by Dr. Than Van Thai

The leading physician at Dr. Tai's clinic perfectly knows all the intricacies of pulse diagnostics. Without boasting or false modesty, we can state that in the practice of our clinic, the following situations quite often occur: an extremely skeptical patient comes to us for a pulse diagnosis; he does not believe a single word of what he has heard around him about Chinese pulse diagnostics.

However, after simply feeling the patient’s pulse, our chief doctor of the clinic tells him not only the diseases that the doubting patient knows about from doctors in the field of Western medicine, but also tells him detailed information about the patient’s state of health, the skeptic’s mood changes radically. Often, from the lips of patients who have experienced pulse diagnostics for the first time in our clinic, we are pleased to hear enthusiastic praise for our doctor and complaints that in other clinics doctors made confusing, contradictory diagnoses or even had difficulty identifying the disease.

We are pleased to invite you to your first appointment at our clinic, during which the chief physician of the clinic, Dr. Tai, will conduct a pulse diagnosis and advise you on possible treatment methods.


The clinic has introduced the following benefits for medical services:

  1. Orphans, disabled children (up to 16 years), participants of the Great Patriotic War and parents of those killed while serving in the Russian army are served free of charge.
  2. Discount for people with disabilities 50%.
  3. Pensioners - 20% discount.

Pulse diagnostics are carried out by Yuri Vladimirovich Vedov. Hereditary transmission of pulse diagnostics. Started diagnosing at the age of 18. Hears, sees and feels 80 human pulses.

“..When you listen to three pulses, you see the harmony of colors and radiations, if a person has them, sometimes they don’t.. -You see light music - the light sound of the pulse - music with beautiful shades”

Determination of purpose

Many people in today's rapidly changing world leave their profession, for which they studied, and perhaps worked for many years, and find themselves in something else that is completely different from their previous occupation. Sometimes it takes years to find yourself and your purpose.
It’s especially sad when a teenager loses years after entering an educational institution, studying there for several years, then working in his specialty, and ultimately realizing that this is not his calling.
It often happens that in an attempt to find your purpose, to understand what your inclinations are and what business in life will bring you the greatest satisfaction, a person spends a lot of time and money attending various trainings on finding a purpose.

Or you can take a shortcut, saving resources: Doctor Vedov has unique abilities and can only determine by a person’s pulse his hidden and obvious talents and the work that he needs to do at this moment in life and beyond.

This is especially true for children and adolescents. Doctor Vedov can give recommendations to the child and his parents on how the child can realize himself and express himself in society, in society, science, art or in another field.

Pulse diagnostics allows you to:

  • determine which hemisphere is more developed in a person, his way of thinking and establish the possibilities of improving perception abilities;
  • determine a person’s abilities and talents;
  • determine life path options.

You know that a person does not have one type of pulse, which we hear if we put our fingers on a pulsating vein, but many types. Some Chinese doctors can distinguish about 30 types of pulse, on the basis of which they draw conclusions about the health of certain human systems and organs.

Prevent - prevent illness using pulse diagnostics

Pulse diagnostics is a conductor of information about what is happening inside a person. The body constantly transmits signals about its condition. And even in the case when a person’s tests are good and the doctors unanimously say that everything is fine with him, but he does not feel as good as he would like, that is, when the disease is there, but does not manifest itself, pulse diagnostics reveals the presence of abnormalities, and at this stage it is easy to cope with the disease, much easier when the disease has already made itself felt.

There are 4 levels at which the disease can be determined:

  • at the first level, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, a person may not even be aware of its presence, it has not yet affected the organs and systems, and the body is easily restored by changing lifestyle.
  • at the second level, the disease penetrates deeper, a person may feel decreased tone, apathy, sometimes something in the body may ache, but, basically, there is still no reason to go to the clinic to be checked and most often the disease is not diagnosed by modern medicine. At this level, the body can also be easily restored by changing lifestyle and nutrition, and using herbal remedies.
  • at the third level, the disease already makes itself felt by disturbances in the functioning of organs, organic changes begin and the person turns to doctors. At this level, the disease is not easy to treat and requires a long time and proper medication intervention in addition to lifestyle and nutrition changes.
  • at the fourth level, the disease has already penetrated so deeply into the human body that it has destroyed tissues and organs. Often people reach this stage and only then turn to specialists. Treatment in this case is difficult and long, and often a decision is made about surgical intervention.

Using pulse diagnostics you can:

Diagnose the disease long before its manifestation, even at the first two levels, when it is quite easy to help a person.

Find out which organs and systems are weakened, and even when they may make themselves felt in the future;

After all, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Yu. V. Khmelevsky

Despite the solid equipment of modern medicine, it cannot surpass, today, the pulse diagnostic method used in traditional medicine. This is the highest diagnostic method that traditional medicine has achieved over the millennia-long history of its existence. By examining a patient’s pulse, a traditional medicine doctor can tell: what whether the patient has been ill throughout his life, what disease and in what phase he has today, and what awaits him in the future if the patient does not take care of his health. The pulse was used to determine the sex of the child and the time of death of the person, and much more. A doctor of traditional medicine spends many years mastering such diagnostics. But we will try to quickly teach you a simplified version of such diagnostics. You will not become a diagnostic expert, you will not learn to make a diagnosis, but you will learn to determine your temperament; whether you have a disease or are healthy; if your health worsens, in which part of the body the disease nests, if any; what organs are possibly “affected”. We will also teach expectant mothers how to determine the sex of their child.

Mastering the basic pulse technique requires attention and daily practice.


You should not check your pulse:

  1. Immediately after eating food, alcohol or medication.
  2. With an acute feeling of hunger.
  3. After hard physical work or intense mental work.
  4. After the massage.
  5. After bathing or sex.
  6. After being near the fire, in the sun or frost.
  7. Poor sleep.
  8. On critical days (in women).

Time for pulse diagnostics

Many years of practice have shown that the best time for pulse diagnostics is considered to be between 11-13 hours, i.e. between breakfast and lunch. At this time of day, the pulse is calmer and more stable.

Determination of radial pulse

The best place to feel the pulse is on the radial artery at a distance of the width of a thumb below the first fold of the skin of the wrist at the bone.

The radial pulse is checked with three fingers: index, middle and ring (see figure).

The pulse readings on the right and left wrists are not the same, so it is better to check the pulse on both hands.

To check your own pulse, hold your hand with your wrist slightly bent. Grasp the underside of your wrist tightly with your other hand. Place three fingers on your wrist, on the radial artery, in line with very little space between them. Apply gentle pressure just below the radius (metacarpal bone) and feel the pulse points. Each finger should clearly feel the pulse wave. Then release your finger pressure a little to feel the different movements of the pulse.

Determining your temperament by pulse

To determine innate temperament, i.e. those properties that you inherited from your parents, you can use the questionnaire given at the beginning of our book. But a person’s temperament does not remain the same throughout his life. It may change depending on age, during illness. The temperament that you have at a given day and hour, let's call it acquired (it can also coincide with innate), can be determined using a simple technique (applicable for practically healthy people). To do this, you need to measure your pulse as accurately as possible. The pulse should be measured in a calm state, at normal temperature and humidity, preferably in the morning, after taking natural needs and before breakfast.

The pulse can be measured in the following arteries: temporal (above the temples), carotid (along the inner edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, under the jaw), brachial (on the inner surface of the shoulder above the elbow), femoral (on the inner surface of the thigh at the junction of the leg and pelvis), popliteal. Usually the pulse is measured at the wrist, on the inside of the arm (at the radial artery), just above the base of the thumb.

If your pulse rate lies in the range of 76-83 beats per minute and the quality of the beat in the fingers when the artery moves, the type of pulse beat is very strong, active, regular, spasmodic, reminiscent of the movement of a jumping frog, then you are choleric.

If your pulse rate is in the range of 68-75 beats per minute, the type of pulse is very strong, active, regular, spasmodic, reminiscent of the movement of a jumping frog, then you are sanguine.

If your pulse is less than 67 beats per minute and the type of pulse beat is weak and regular (its movement resembles the movement of a swimming swan), then you are a phlegmatic person.

If the pulse rate is more than 83 beats per minute, the type of pulse is weak and irregular, wave-like, like the movement of a snake, then you are melancholic.

Determining health status by the number of pulse beats

Whether a person is healthy or sick can be determined by the number of pulse beats. In a healthy, ordinary person (who has not reached the highest spiritual perfection), for each respiratory cycle, including exhalation, pause and inhalation, there are from 4 to 6 pulse beats (an average of 5). If the pulse is less (for example, 3 beats) or more (7 beats), then this indicates a dysfunction of a certain organ and is an indication to see a doctor. A pulse from 3 to 1 indicates functional insufficiency of the organ (the lower the numbers, the more pronounced the insufficiency) and the appearance of cold illness (compensated by eating hot food and warming foods, see “Health Science”). Moreover, three strikes - average cold, two strikes - extreme cold and one strike - excessive cold or the pulse of death. A pulse from 7 to 10 indicates the functional activity of the organ (the higher the numbers, the greater the activity) and the appearance of fever (compensated by the intake of cooling products). Moreover, seven blows means medium heat, eight blows means high heat, nine blows means extreme heat, and ten blows means excessive heat or the pulse of death. Over the course of a hundred beats, the pulse of a healthy person should be even in all its parameters - strength, fullness, tension, resembling a string of even pearls. An irregular pulse indicates illness.

Normal heart rate for different age categories:

Determining the location of the disease by pulse

If your health has worsened and you don’t know what’s happening to you, where the source of your troubles lies, do a pulse diagnosis for yourself. Before diagnosing, follow all the recommendations above.

At the beginning of the pulse diagnosis, clasp your left wrist with your right hand, as shown in the figure. Follow all the recommendations described above. Let us remind you that the pad of each finger should clearly feel the pulse wave. Determine which of the three fingers the strong pulsation is felt under, and remember this. Then grab your right wrist with your left hand and determine which finger feels the strongest pulsation. In this case, a strong pulsation can be felt only under one finger on one of the hands.

Finger position Left hand Right hand
Superficial pulse Deep pulse Deep pulse Superficial pulse
Index In men
Small intestine Heart Lungs Colon
Among women
Colon Lungs Heart Small intestine
Average Stomach Spleen Liver Gallbladder
Nameless Genitals Kidney (left) Kidney (right) Bladder

This information is already enough to determine the area of ​​the body where the cause of your discomfort may lie.

If strong pulsation is detected on the left wrist, then the lesion should be looked for on the left half of the body, and if the pulsation is stronger on the right wrist, then the lesion should be looked for in the right half of the body.

If strong pulsation is detected under the pad of the index finger (left or right), then the upper part of the body is affected, including the head, heart, and lungs. If there is a strong pulsation under the pads of the middle fingers - diseases of the stomach, liver and other diseases of the middle part of the body and according to the pulses under the pads of the ring fingers - diseases of the kidneys and lower back, i.e. diseases of the lower body.

If you feel a strong pulsation under the index finger on your left hand, then damage to the heart or small intestine is possible, and if on your right hand, then to the lungs or large intestine. This is true for men, but vice versa for women (see table). If there is strong pulsation under the middle finger of the left hand, the spleen or stomach is affected, and if on the right hand, then the liver or gall bladder. If there is a strong pulsation under the ring finger of the left hand, then damage to the left kidney or genitals is possible. If on the right hand, then the right kidney or bladder.

We are practically very close to the goal, but in order to accurately indicate the affected organ, certain experience and skills are required.

Try to learn to distinguish the strength of pulsations when touched superficially (superficial pulse) and when pressing strongly with the upper edges of your fingers (deep pulse).

If you feel a strong pulsation when you touch it superficially (superficial pulse) with the index finger of your right wrist, then the problem is in the large intestine. If in the same position with strong pressure (with the upper edge of the finger) a deep pulse is strong, then there is a blockage in the lungs.

A strong pulsation under the middle finger on the right wrist may indicate a condition of the gallbladder (with superficial touch, i.e. superficial pulse) and liver (with strong pressure, i.e. deep pulse).

Strong pulsation under the ring finger located on the right wrist may indicate a condition of the bladder (with superficial touch) and the right kidney (with strong pressure).

A strong pulsation under the index finger on the left wrist may indicate the condition of the small intestine (with a superficial touch) and the heart (with strong pressure).

A strong pulsation under the middle finger on the left wrist may indicate a condition in the stomach (with superficial touch) and spleen (with strong pressure).

Strong pulsation under the ring finger located on the left wrist may indicate the condition of the genitals (with a superficial touch) and the left kidney (with strong pressure).

Let's give some more recommendations that may help you. In case of heat diseases, according to Tibetan traditional medicine, the following organs are affected: heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, and in case of cold diseases, the small and large intestines, stomach, gall bladder, bladder, ovaries or testicles. So, for example, you feel a strong pulsation on your right hand, under your middle finger. This area is responsible for the liver and gall bladder. Which of these organs is affected? If you feel unwell and have a fever, your liver is affected. And if you start to freeze, then the gallbladder is to blame.

When performing pulse diagnostics, it is also necessary to take into account the season of the year. For example, in the spring the pulse under the pad of the middle finger of the right hand increases. In summer, the pulse increases under the pad of the index finger of the left hand (for men) and the right hand (for women). In autumn, the pulse increases under the pad of the index finger of the right hand (for men) and the left hand (for women). In winter, the pulse under the pads of the ring fingers increases.

Determining the sex of a child by the pulse of a pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman has a strong pulse on her right hand, in the area of ​​her ring finger, a boy will be born, and if the pulse on her left hand is strong, in the same area, a girl will be born.

Yeshe Donden. Health through balance. M.: LLP “THE WAY TO YOURSELF”, 1996, 192 p.
Ayurveda: A Guide to Practical Methods. /Under general ed. IN AND. Borodkina. – Mn.: “Vida-N”, 2000, 320 p.
Atlas of Tibetan medicine. A set of illustrations for a 17th-century Tibetan medical treatise. Album. /Coll. Auto. M.: Galart, 1994, 592 p.
“Zhud-shi” - a monument of medieval Tibetan culture, Trans. from Tib. Preface D. B. Dashieva, S. M. Nikolaeva, Novosibirsk: Science. Sib. Department, 1988, 349 p.

© Health-MEI 2000 When reprinting, a link is required.

When we feel unwell, we “listen” to our pulse, trying to understand whether the heart is beating smoothly and how often, whether there are any interruptions... As a rule, there is not enough imagination for more. But a pulse diagnosis specialist, examining your pulse, can tell you what illnesses you have had throughout your life, what and at what stage you have today, and what awaits you in the future. Based on your pulse, he can easily determine your character and find out the gender of your unborn child if you are pregnant...

Unusual diagnosis

Physicians in China and India learned to recognize diseases by their pulse more than five thousand years ago. According to legend, one of the first specialists in pulse diagnostics was the Chinese doctor Bian Qiao. Once he was invited to the emperor’s sick wife, and in those days no one except her husband was allowed to touch Her Majesty’s hand or even look at her. Then the doctor asked that a thin rope be tied around the woman’s wrist, and the end of it be passed behind the screen where he stood. The court doctors played an evil joke on the healer and tied the end of the rope to the dog’s paw. Bian Qiao put three fingers on the rope and calmly declared that this was not the pulse of a person, but of some animal, which also suffered from worms, and it should be treated in such and such a way. After the admiration of all those present, the emperor's wife was entrusted to the doctor. And after some time, everyone learned the good news about the imminent birth of the heir to the throne...
The unusual method of pulse diagnostics is still used by Eastern healers. The heart, contracting, pushes out blood, and the walls of the blood vessels rhythmically expand and contract. We feel this push of blood as a pulse. It is believed that the nature of the pulse reflects the state of individual organs and the body as a whole, as well as the physical and mental constitution of a person. Any imbalance in the functioning of the body is manifested in the strength of pulse impulses, its frequency and regularity. And you can find out about any problems even at the earliest stages of the disease.
To make a diagnosis, the doctor touches the patient's wrists with three fingers. Then, changing the pressure and the place of contact of the fingertips, one by one “interrogates” all the internal organs of a person. An experienced specialist can “hear” more than 300 signals that the pulse gives him. Having compared the results of the “survey” with the “innate pulse” of a person (here the pulses are male, female and neutral), taking into account also the seasonal and daily characteristics of biorhythms, the diagnostician makes his verdict.

Count your pulse

Of course, only an experienced doctor can make a complete diagnosis using the pulse. You can use a simplified version of this method yourself; it will teach you to determine your temperament, understand whether you are healthy or whether you have a disease, and where it is then hiding. The main thing for this is attention to yourself and daily practice.
To begin with, there are a few prerequisites. Since the pulse is a “delicate” matter, even the simplest actions can distort its readings. Remember: you should not check your pulse if you have not had enough sleep, have recently eaten or, conversely, are too hungry, have taken alcohol or medications; worked a lot and hard; were hypothermic or overheated; had a massage; had sex; took a bath or shower. Women's pulse readings change on menstruation days.
The best time for pulse diagnostics is from 11 to 13 hours, i.e. between breakfast and lunch. During this period, the pulse is most calm and stable.
So let's begin. Relax, take off your watches, rings, bracelets. Sit comfortably so that no one disturbs you. You can find your pulse in different places: by pressing your palm to your heart, by placing your fingertips on the crook of your elbow or your temples. But the best place is on the wrist. You need to tightly clasp the wrist of the other hand with one hand from the bottom side, place three fingers - index, middle and ring - just below the bend of the wrist (approximately at a distance of the width of the thumb) on the radial artery (see figure). The fingertips should be in line with very little space between them. Each finger should clearly feel the pulse wave.
The pulse readings on the right and left hands are not the same, so you need to check it on both hands. Count the number of beats in one minute. Be sure to remember on which hand and under which finger you feel the strongest shocks.

Rhythms of our heart

For a healthy person, the following (average) heart rate readings are considered normal:
Child after birth - 140 beats/min
From birth to 1 year - 130 beats/min
From 1 year to 2 years – 100 beats/min
From 3 to 7 years - 95 beats/min
From 8 to 14 years - 80 beats/min
Adults - 72 beats/min (women have a faster pulse than men)
Elderly people - 65 beats/min
In case of illness - 120 beats/min

Melancholic and choleric people

It has been noticed that in people of different temperaments, the rhythm and movements of the pulse differ from each other. U choleric the pulse beats resemble the movements of a jumping frog. His pulse rate is 76–83 beats per minute, the beats are very strong, active, and regular.
Sanguine has a similar pulse: strong active beats occur with the correct regularity, but the pulse rate is lower - approximately 68–75 beats per minute.
If the pulse is less than 67 beats per minute, the pulse beats are regular and weak, and its movement resembles the movement of a swimming swan, then the person can be called phlegmatic .
Melancholic it has a rapid pulse - more than 83 beats per minute, its beats are weak, irregular, with wave-like movements, similar to the movements of a snake.
True, temperament can only be determined in healthy people in this way. In patients, the pulse changes depending on what is going wrong in the body.

Like a string of smooth pearls

This is exactly how Eastern medicine specialists see the pulse of a healthy person. For a hundred beats, it must remain even in all its parameters: strength, fullness, tension, rhythm. Irregularity of the pulse (arrhythmia) is the earliest warning sign of illness.
And you can understand where the disease is hiding by determining which of the three fingers and on which hand the strongest pulsation is felt. If you feel a strong pulse on your left wrist, then the causes of the malaise should be looked for on the left side of the body; if it is on the right wrist, you should look for the causes on the right side. If you feel a pulsation under the pad of your index finger (no matter which hand), it means that the upper part of the body is suffering, including the head, heart, and lungs. The middle finger feels disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, and the ring finger “hears” diseases of the kidneys, lower back and genital organs.
Interestingly, in men and women, the results of a strong pulse in the same place can indicate different diseases. So, in men, a strong pulsation under the index finger on the left hand indicates possible damage to the heart or small intestine, on the right hand - to the lungs or large intestine. For women, everything is exactly the opposite.
It is also very important for correct diagnosis to learn to distinguish between superficial and deep pulses, that is, the force of pulsations upon a superficial touch and upon strong pressure with the upper part of the fingertips. The result largely depends on this. (see table).


Left hand

Right hand

Superficial pulse Deep pulse Deep pulse Superficial pulse
Pointing Small intestine Heart Lungs Colon
Pointing Colon Lungs Heart Small intestine
Average Stomach Spleen Liver Gallbladder
Nameless Genitals Left kidney Right kidney Bladder

For example, if your index finger feels a strong pulsation when you touch it superficially (superficial pulse) on your right wrist, your problem is the large intestine. If in the same position a strong pulsation is felt only with pressure (deep pulse), the lungs are affected.
Using the table, you can determine the area of ​​possible diseases yourself. But you are unlikely to be able to diagnose yourself. So, if you find that the heart or stomach is to blame, consult a cardiologist or gastroenterologist, do a cardiogram or gastroscopy. The purpose of simplified pulse diagnostics is to identify the problem, but it will have to be solved jointly with doctors.

Cold and heat illnesses

There are many nuances in professional pulse diagnostics. And most importantly, perhaps, is the different understanding between Eastern and Western medicine of the causes of the disease and the principles of their treatment. In Tibetan and Chinese medicine there are concepts that are unusual for us: a hollow pulse, a darkened or splashing pulse. Heat diseases that affect the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys. And cold diseases, when the small and large intestines, stomach, gallbladder, and genitals suffer. But, on the contrary, they do not have common diseases, such as gastritis or heart failure. All this creates great difficulties in the perception of pulse diagnostics.
Chinese doctors also believe that the pulse also depends on the time of year, when the rhythms of energy circulation change in the body and in nature. Here, for example, is how an ancient author describes the pulse: “The spring pulse is like a nightingale’s trill, the tremors are subtle and energetic, the pulse is fast, slippery, a little tense and vibrating...” In general, oriental doctors take into account five seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter and the off-season, defining each season down to the day. But this is a completely different level of diagnostics, which requires many years and effort to master...

Pulse instead of a thermometer

Most infectious diseases increase body temperature and increase heart rate. Based on this reaction of the body, if you don’t have a thermometer at hand, you can roughly determine the temperature of a sick person. You just need to know the value of your heart rate in a normal state.
It has been observed that an increase in body temperature by 1 degree accelerates the pulse by about 8 beats per minute. When you feel that your temperature has risen, but there is no way to measure it accurately, measure your pulse. Determine the difference - how much the heart rate has changed compared to your normal value. Divide this difference by 8 to get the number of degrees by which your body temperature increased. For example, 12 extra pulse beats means that the temperature has reached 38 degrees; 20 beats – 39 degrees; 30 beats – 40 degrees.

Boy or girl?

This question always worries parents. But Chinese doctors, without any ultrasound, could determine the sex of the unborn child. If a strong pulse of a pregnant woman was felt under the ring finger on the wrist of her right hand, a boy will be born, under the same finger on the wrist of her left hand, a girl will be born. So, expectant mothers burning with curiosity (unless they have health problems) have a chance to test the wisdom of the ancient Aesculapians.