Complex lesson for the average group of pets. Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the middle group “Pets. Collective task “Cut picture”

Tatyana Vyatleva
Open lesson in middle group Theme "My pets"

Target: introduce children to pets, learn to take care of your pets.


Develop the ability to recognize and name pets;

Learn to treat your own with care and concern pets;

Develop dialogical speech;

Develop imagination, memory, artistic and creative abilities.

1. Introductory part.

Good morning, guys!

Look how many guests we have today! Say hello!

And now we will go on an extraordinary journey: Let’s look at the pictures, guess where we’ll go today?

Well, of course, we're going to visit pets.

2. Main part.

Do you have animals at home?

Tell us, who lives with you? (children's answers)

Let's look at yours pets. (slide show)

Why do we need Pets? (children's answers)

How should we treat pets? (children's answers)

Of course, guys, we must, together with adults, take care of our pets, look after them, feed them, water them, help them.

Remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed!

For our good attitude animalsthey always pay us well: we get from them the products that are necessary for life. A cow gives us milk, chickens give us eggs, a sheep gives us wool, from which we knit warm socks and mittens. The dog guards our house, the cat catches mice.

Let's remember the children's riddle song “Who is grazing in the meadow?”

(game being played)


What do we get from pets?

And what is the mouse doing here? pet? Think!

Now I'll see how well you know pets and you know the way they talk.

- Say a word:

1. Who ate my stew?

The pig is grunting...

2. Give me some fresh weed

The goat bleats...

3. They didn’t pour enough milk 4. Grab the thief by the sleeve

The cat meowed... The dog barked...

5. My master is far away

The horse neighs...

6. Where is the calf, I don’t understand?

The cow is mooing...


I want to tell you another riddle

Guess what it is animal: it is predatory, green, long, with a large toothy mouth.

What is this animal, domestic or wild?

Remember, you and I also have a crocodile and a cat. ate everything. Let's dance with him!

(Song “How does a crocodile scream?”)

Who did the crocodile eat? What extra did he eat? (watch)


"Find Your Mom"

Guys, adults animals lost their cubs, let's help them collect the babies.

Identify yourself and who is your mother?

(wear masks animals)


1. - Look, guys, is someone coming to visit us?

Can't you hear? Well then you need to solve the riddle:

"I have a piglet,

Instead of a tail there is a hook,

I love lying in a puddle

And grunt...


2. - Look, it’s a little pig!

Let's consider it.

What is he like, guys? (children's answers)

We need to treat him to something. What do piglets eat? (children's answers)

I suggest you treat him with beautiful apples. But we need to make them first.

Let's sit down at the tables and let the little pig look at us and see how well we can do!

3. Look what kind of apple I will make. (showing stages of work)

4. Show what kind of apples you got.

5. Musical activities.

– And our guest also loves to listen to songs.

Let's sing him our familiar song "I'm a piggy oink, I'm a piggy oink".

(perform a song)

Which animals did we meet today?

How can they be called in one word?

How should we treat them?

What did you like most about our trip?

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for secondary children preschool age on the topic "Pets"

Target:Expand children’s understanding of domestic animals (about what they look like, what they eat, how they are cared for and what benefits they bring to humans.
Program content:
1. Strengthen children’s understanding of domestic animals;
2. To develop children’s understanding of the special caring attitude of people towards animals;
3. Consolidate knowledge about external signs domestic animals, where they live, what they eat;
4. Instill a love for animals;
5. Develop the ability to listen to your interlocutor and express your opinion on the established topic;
6. Expand your vocabulary.
Wooden model with pets “My yard”;
Pet toys;
Computer with presentation “Pets”;
Landscape sheets, pencils for drawing;

Progress of classes:

Place a wooden model with pets and toys on the table in front of the children.
1 Introductory part:
Educator:Children, today we will talk about pets. (Slide 1) Please tell me what you already know about them?
(children talk about animals they know)
Educator:Well done boys. Let's play with you now? I will ask riddles, and the answers will appear on the computer screen.
Thick grasses entwined,
The meadows are curled up,
And I myself am all curly,
Even with a curl of the horn (slide 2: Ram)
Who sings with their mouth closed?
He opens his mouth and doesn't sing.
Walks with silent steps,
Not afraid of the dark.
And although he is wearing a lush fur coat,
Loves to warm up by the stove. (slide 3: Cat)
A man's true friend,
I can hear every sound very clearly.
I have an excellent sense of smell
Keen eye and keen hearing. (slide 4: Dog)
The nose is round,
And the perky tail is crocheted.
Mom is a pig, dad is a pig.
He is their favorite son. (slide 5: Piglet)
I'll tell you: “Me-me-me!
Get ready for winter!
Cut my fur quickly
And knit your own socks!” (slide 6: Goat)
Red Dairy
Day chews and night chews:
After all, grass is not so easy
Convert into milk. (slide 7: Cow)
Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
And the first worker in the village (slide 8: Horse)
(listening to the children’s answers, asking leading questions if necessary)
2 Main part:Educator:Well done children, they were able to guess all our guests. Let's once again remember the names of the animals that came to visit us today (ram, cat, dog, pig, goat, cow, horse)
- How can you call all these animals in one word? (Pets)
-Why do we call them that? (Because they are looked after by a person)
-What is the name of the house where these animals live? (slide 9: Animal Farm)
Educator:Guys, let's play the game “Name the Baby Pets”? I will show slides, and you will name the baby pets.(slide show from 10 to 15)
-Tell me what do pets eat? (children give, ask leading questions if necessary)
-What benefits do they bring to humans? (wool, meat, leather, milk, dogs guard houses, cats catch mice)
Educator:Guys, let's draw a pet together? Please look at the screen, what animal do you see? (slide 16: Cat, dog)
-Now, we’ll try to draw the same cat or dog. Go to the tables.
(Children sit at tables and draw the chosen animal)
Educator:What beautiful drawings you made! Now let's do it finger gymnastics"The cat sharpens its claws."
“If a cat sharpens its claws (bend and straighten its fingertips strongly), it will rain outside the window.”
(Gymnastics are carried out)
Educator:Now I want to invite you to play the game “Guess Who”. I will turn on the sounds with which animals communicate, and after listening carefully, you will name these animals. (sound tracks: dog barking, cow mooing, cat purring, goat bleating, horse neighing)
(Children give their answers)
Educator:Well done children, they recognized the voices of our guests. Let's tell you how we know how to affectionately call our pets.
Exercise “Call me kindly”: Cat. What will you call her affectionately? (kitty) Dog? (doggie) Cow? (lady) Horse? (horse) Sheep? (lamb).
Educator:So, let's summarize our lesson, what did we talk about today? Why do people have pets? How are they cared for? (Children answer, complementing each other’s answers)
Educate:Well done, you learned and remembered a lot today. Thanks to all!

(Musical accompaniment - “Baby in the Village” - from the sound supplement to the magazine “My baby and I. Magazine practical advice parents.")

Lesson objectives

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about domestic animals and the concept of “village”.

2. Develop imagination, plasticity, sense of rhythm, onomatopoeia.

3. Develop the ability to coordinate movements with words.

4. Foster a desire to participate in joint games.

Teacher. Children, tell me which of you was in the village? What it is? Who lives there? What did you see in the village? What were they doing there? What did you like most? I suggest you take a trip through the village. Want to? Then take the train from Romashkovo. I am the locomotive, and you are the carriages. I give a beep - “oooh”. We start moving - “chug-chug-chug”. Let's go and sing a song.

Children walk like a train with changes in direction and rhythm.

The field is large, green meadow.

There are so many paths and roads in the world.

The sun is shining well on our journey.

Wish us, wind, a good journey.

Bon, bon, bon voyage.

Best regards, good luck.

We approach the meadow. The train stops - “sh-sh-sh”.

It is necessary to encourage children to pronounce sounds and sound combinations together with the teacher.

Guess who's grazing in the meadow?

The teacher sings the song “Who Grazes in the Meadow?”, attracts children to sing and encourages them to ask questions as the song progresses.

Horses? No, not horses.

In the meadow, in the meadow, in the meadow, cats are grazing...

Goats? No, not goats.

In the meadow, in the meadow, in the meadow, cats are grazing...

Cows? That's right, cows!

Drink milk, children! You will be healthy.

Imagine that we are all a herd of cows grazing in a meadow. Get your antlers ready. In the herd there are mother cows, calves - their babies - and a father bull. What does a mother cow call her calf?

Children are onomatopoeic.

And how does the calf answer her in a more gentle voice? And now Papa Bull is answering them. Who else is grazing in the meadow? Guess what. "E-go-go." Who screams like that? We got our horses ready. Let's gallop! Clack-clack-clack, cluck-clack-clack, we all cluck like foals, and now call each other - “e-go-go, e-go-go.” We drive in a circle and sing a song.

I have a horse. This is a fire horse.

But-but-but-but, this is a horse-fire.

I ride him, on my horse.

But-but-but-but, on his horse.

Listen to what the horse tells about himself, and you move with me and finish the words.

Logorhythmic game

Clack-clack-clack, I knock my hoof.

(They move their legs rhythmically.)

“Shhh,” I fly like the wind.

(Rub palm against palm.)

All roads are open to me.

(Tap their palms on their legs.)

I want to see everything.

(Nod their head.)

“Uh-oh” - the wind is blowing.

(Hands are raised up and moved in different directions.)

Drops of rain fall.

(Snaps fingers.)

The sun burns with heat.

(Stroke the hand with the palm of the other alternately.)

It just invigorates me.

Who else has horns besides a cow, who grazes in the meadow? Goats. How do they scream? Let's arrange a whole choir of little goats. They scream tenderly, drawn out, calling their mother: “Me-me-me!” Now get your little horns ready. Fight like little goats who love to play. Let's jump like goats.

Our goat was jumping

Yes, and I broke my leg.

But I'll tell you honestly:

After all, you can’t sit still.

Everyone has known this for a long time -

It's no fun without a game.

Our goat will cry

And if he gets better, he will jump.

(Y. Tuvim)

To automate the sound [z], you can use another poem in which children pronounce sound combinations according to the text. It is necessary to show the content of the text using movements.

There goes a goat, a goat-dereza,

For-for-for, for-for-for.

The evil eyes of the wolf goat,

Zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy.

The kids go with the goat,

Zoy-zoy-zoy, zoy-zoy-zoy.

It's time for us to leave the meadow. Quickly get on the train. Listen to the rhythm, say with me: “Knock-knock-knock, chuk-chuk-chuk.” Hold on tight so that the carriages do not fall apart and the train does not go off the rails.

The train rushes and rumbles,

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

The driver is busy,

Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.

The train is rushing under the mountain,

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

For children there is a second carriage,

Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.

The train rushes along the fields,

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

Hey, flowers, water fields,

Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.

(D. Kharms)

The train stopped. Come out. And here is the village pond. It is large, deep and completely overgrown with mud. There are many poultry on the pond. Ducks are swimming towards us. Call them: “Uti-uti-uti!” How do they answer you? Quack with them: “Quack-quack-quack!” Let's dance the dance of the little ducklings together with the ducks.

Poem for sound automation [y]

Tired duck on the pond

Teach your ducklings.

Ducklings swim in plain sight

Mom doesn't want it.

The duck is suffering terribly:

- Well, what will come of them!

(V. Lunin)

And who is it who craned his neck and shouted: “Ga-ha-ha”? Of course these are geese. Let's play the game "Wolf, Shepherd and Geese."

Shepherd. Geese, geese, where are you from?

Geese. Ga-ga-ga. We're from home.

Shepherd. Geese, geese, where are you going?

Geese. To the meadows, to the meadows.

Shepherd. Do you want to eat?

Geese. Yes Yes Yes.

Shepherd. Well, go to the meadows.

Geese walk, nibble grass, stretch their necks.

White geese, go home. Gray wolf under the mountain!

The geese cackle, run home, and the wolf catches them.

Children who are caught leave the game.

Children, you know the song about goslings. Let's sing it to them.

Geese goslings in the forest. Ga-ga-ga.

The red ones put on stockings. Ga-ga-ga.

And they went home to get drunk. Ga-ga-ga.

Spring water from a trough. Ga-ga-ga.

Two brothers drank some water. Ga-ga-ga.

We started bathing in the trough. Ga-ga-ga.

The baby geese are angry. Ga-ga-ga.

The bottom of the trough is very close. Ga-ga-ga.

Here our train is moving, the wheels are knocking,

And the guys are sitting on this train.

Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu - the locomotive is humming.

He took the boys far, far away.

We arrived at the poultry yard. How many different birds are there! The first to greet us is a hen and her chicks. Together with them we will sing a song and dance.

The chicken went out for a walk, to nibble some fresh grass,

And behind her are the kids - yellow chickens.

Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far.

Row with your paws, look for grains.

They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm,

We drank a whole trough of water.

Now I’ll check how attentive you are. Stand in a circle. I will give you different commands, and you will perform movements according to them. If I say “rooster,” then you will flapping your arms and wings, raising your legs high, alternately, shouting “cuckoo” and walking importantly. If it is “chicken”, you will flap your arms with your wings hanging down and run on your toes, shouting “ko-ko-ko”. If you are “chickens,” then you will squat, peck grains, and shout “pee-pee-pee.” But someone ran out of the owner’s house. Who is this, guess? Crochet tail, snout nose. The pig heard that we had arrived and came out to meet us. How does she talk to us?

Children are onomatopoeic.

Answer mommy pig like piglets.

Children(squeal). Eeyore.

Teacher. Agnia Barto collected all the inhabitants of the village courtyard in her poem.

Ku-ka-re-ku! I look after the chickens.

Where, whack, whack! She got carried away in the bushes.

Mur-murr! I scare the chickens.

Am-am-am! Who's there?

Quack-quack-quack! It will rain tomorrow morning!

Moo-moo! Milk for anyone?

It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Get on our little train, let's go. Children, did you enjoy your trip to the village? What did you like most? Where would you like to travel next?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 21"


Direct educational activities

on the implementation of the educational field “Cognition” (the child and the world around him)

In the middle group

For children with general speech underdevelopment

Theme "Pets"

Compiled by


Tomilova Yulia Alexandrovna




Educational area "Cognition"

  • Clarify and expand children's ideas about domestic animals and their cubs ( appearance, food, benefits brought to people); about how a person cares for their pets.
  • Develop mental operations.
  • Develop auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, imagination, intelligence.
  • Continue to develop children's cognitive activity.

Educational field "Communication"

  • Enrich the subject, quality, verb vocabulary on the lexical topic.
  • Activate children's speech.
  • Learn to form verbs from onomatopoeias.
  • Make sure to use correct sound pronunciation.

Educational field "Socialization"

  • Learn to work in a team.
  • Develop skills of cooperation and goodwill.
  • Foster a caring attitude towards pets.

Educational field "Physical education"

  • Learn to coordinate movements with speech.
  • Develop skillregulate the strength and accuracy of movement in the game with the ball.

Educational field "Health"

  • Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children through physical exercises, the use of brain gymnastics, and taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Integrative qualities of children:to form curiosity, mental and speech activity, independence, adequate use of means of communication, mastery of dialogical speech, and the ability to manage one’s behavior.


Subject: Pets, cat, cat, kitten, cow, bull, calf, horse, horse, foal, pig, piglet, goat, goat, kid, dog, dog, puppy, barn, benefit, milk, meat, horns, udder, hooves , paws, claws, pads, oats, hay, grass, fish, milk, bone, cleaning, waste.

Quality: white, fluffy

Verbal: Meows, moos, neighs, grunts, meows, barks, looks after, feeds, waters, cleans, carries, catches, guards, eats.

Methods and techniques: The greeting ritual, questions from the teacher, looking at toy animals, a surprise moment (bringing in a toy cat), didactic game“Find and name the cubs”, “Who eats what”, the result is encouragement.

Health-saving technologies:gymnastics for the brain ex. “Elephant”, physical minute.

Individual work:continue to teach how to answer questions with grammatically correct complete answers - Olya, Nikita

Material: toy pets, pictures of baby pets, pictures of pet food.

Progress of the lesson

Welcome ritual:

Educator: - Guys, let's join hands. Let's smile at each other so that you and I will be in a good mood all day. To learn a lot in class, you need to be attentive, listen to each other, raise your hand, and not shout out from your seat.

(The teacher brings in a toy cat)

Organizing time:

Educator: - Guys, look who came to us?

Children: - Cat.

Educator: - Look at her, what is she like?

Children: - The cat is white, fluffy.

Educator:- “Meow, meow!” says the cat. What is she doing?

Children: - She meows.

Educator: - Mom is a cat, and who is dad?

Children: - Daddy is a cat.

gymnastics for the brain ex. "Elephant"

Bend your knees, press your head to your shoulder, extend your hand forward (the one with which you are writing). Draw a lazy figure eight in the air while stretching top part torso following the arm, moving the ribs. Look beyond your fingers. Repeat this with the other hand.

Main part

Educator: - Well done. Guys, today is the cat’s birthday and she decided to invite her animal friends to visit her. Guess who came to congratulate the cat?

- “Moo-oo!” »

Children: - This is a cow.

(The teacher displays illustrations of pets one by one)

Educator: - Right. The cow says: “Moo-oo!”, so what is she doing?

Children: - The cow moos.

Educator: -Mom is a cow, and who is dad?

Children: - Dad is a bull.

Educator: - That's right, bull. Guess the next guest.

- “Igo-go-o!”

Who congratulated the cat?

Children: - This is a horse.

Educator: - Right. The horse says: “Igo-go-oh!”, She Laughs. Repeat.

Children: - The horse is neighing.

Educator: - Mom is a horse, and who is dad?

Children: - Dad is a horse.

Educator: - That's right, horse. And who came?

- “Oink-oink!”

Children: - This is a pig.

Educator: - “Oink-oink!”, what is the pig doing?

Children: - The pig grunts.

Educator: - Who else did the cat invite?

- “Me-e-e!”

Children: - She invited the goat.

Educator: - “Me-e-e!” What is the goat doing?

Children: - The goat is marking.

Educator: - Right. Mom is a goat, and who is dad?

Children: - Dad is an asshole.

Educator: - "Bow-wow!" Guys, who is this?

Children: - This is a dog.

Educator: - That's right, dog. The dog says "Woof-woof!" barks. Repeat.

Children: - The dog barks.

Educator: - Mom is a dog, and who is dad?

Children: - Dad is a dog.

Educator: - Well done guys, you guessed all the guests.

Physical exercise "Horse"

Hop! Hop! The horse is alive(Children perform the HORSE exercise)

And with a tail and a mane,

He shakes his head(Swing with palms folded like a horse)

That's how beautiful it is!(Clap their hands)

Educator: - Cat, cow, horse, pig, goat, dog - what can you call them?

Children: - Pets.

Educator: - Why are these pets?

Children: - They live next to humans.

Educator: - That's right, they live next to the man in the barn. How does a person care for pets?

Children: - The man feeds them.

Educator: - Right. A person feeds, waters, and cleans the animals in the barn, and the animals bring benefits to the person. For example, what does a cow give to a person?

Children: - The cow gives milk and meat.

Educator: - Who else gives milk?

Children: - Goat.

Educator: - Right. Look, the cow and the goat have udder. Milk accumulates here, and the owner then milks these animals.

Educator: - What benefits does a horse bring?

Children: - Drives the owner.

Educator: - Right. The horse also transports firewood, hay and other cargo for the owner.

Educator: - What is the use of a cat?

Children: - The cat catches mice.

Educator: - What's the use of a dog?

Children: - The dog guards the house.

Educator: - What does a pig give?

Children: - The pig gives meat.

Educator: - Guys, look, the mothers are upset - they lost their cubs. Let's help find them!

DIDACTIC GAME “Find and name the cubs”

A cat has a kitten, a cow has a calf, a horse has a foal, a pig has a piglet, a goat has a kid, a dog has a puppy.

Educator: - Well done, guys, helping mothers find their cubs!

Ball game "Who has what?"

Educator: - Now tell me the animals who have:

Horns? (in cows and goats)

Hooves? (in a cow, pig, horse, goat)

Paws? (in cats and dogs)

Educator: - That's right, the paws have claws and pads.

Guys, our birthday girl wants to treat her guests. What will she feed them?

DIDACTIC GAME “Who eats what?”

(Children select pictures depicting food for animals)

For a dog - a bone; cats - fish and milk; cows, goats - grass, hay; horses - oats; pigs - potato peelings, waste.


Educator: - Guys, what animals did we talk about today?

Children: - About pets.

Educator: - Well done. The cat really liked your answers and wants to treat you with candy.

(The teacher treats the children with sweets)

Summary of the integrated lesson

on the topic “Pets” (middle group)

Target: expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Integration of educational areas:Cognitive development, Social and communicative development, Artistic and aesthetic development, Physical development.


Educational field "Cognitive development"

1) introduce the names of domestic animals and their babies;

2) develop the ability to compare and transfer character traits animal;

3) develop interest in the natural world;

4) develop a caring attitude towards pets.

Educational field "Social and communicative development"

1) develop skills of dialogue speech, communication with adults and peers;

2) learn to ask and answer questions;

3) teach the correct pronunciation of the names of domestic animals and their cubs.

4) consolidate the skill of role-playing behavior in the game;

5) develop the ability to maintain a friendly relationship with adults and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems.

Educational field "Physical development"

1) develop dexterity and coordination of movements;

2) cultivate initiative.

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

1) to cultivate an emotional perception of the content of the poem;

2) cultivate a love for the natural world (pets);

3) evoke positive emotions (interest, joy) when solving riddles;

4) learn to listen.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting green grass, milk, seeds, grains. Toys – pets (cow, goat, dog, cat, horse, pig, etc.). Pictures of pets. A picture depicting a village house, yard. Granny doll or costume for grandma. “Wolf” and “goat” masks. Constructor.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

The lesson is conducted on behalf of a grandmother doll, or the teacher can dress up in a grandmother’s costume.

Grandmother greets the children.

Grandmother: Many people live in the city, but my grandfather and I live in the village. We love our home very much. There are many animals in our yard that we take care of. These are pets because they live next to the house, and we take care of them: we feed them, water them, clean up after them, and build homes for them.

Guys, guess the riddles and you will find out what animals live in our yard.

2. Guessing riddles.

1.Four dirty hooves

They climbed right into the trough (pig)

2. I won’t let a stranger into the house,

I'm sad without my owner. (dog)

3.I know how to wash myself clean

Not with water, but with the tongue.

Meow! How often do I dream

Saucer with warm milk. (cat)

Grandmother: Guys, what other pets do you know?

Children's answers : chickens, goats, horses, etc.

Grandmother : What animals live in your home?

Children's answers: cat, dog, fish, turtle, parrot.

3. Grandma’s story about the benefits of pets.

Grandmother: Did you guys know that all pets are beneficial? What benefits do you think a cow brings (shows a toy cow)?

Children's answers: gives milk.

Grandmother: The cow gives milk. I make sour cream and cottage cheese from milk. Do you guys like milk?

Children's answers: yes, no.

Grandmother: You should drink milk; it is very useful for both adults and children. The goat (shows a toy goat) gives milk and fluff. I spin threads from fluff and knit socks and mittens. Have any of you tried goat milk?

Children's answers: no, yes.

Grandmother: In our yard there are chickens, geese, ducks (shows toy chickens, ducks and geese). What do you think are the benefits of them?

Children's answers : They are eaten and carry testicles.

Grandmother: Of course they lay eggs that we eat. My grandfather and I also have a dog, Sharik, and a cat, Murka.

Sharik (shows a toy dog) guards the house and our entire household. Guys, do you know how a dog warns its owners that a stranger is approaching the house and warns that it is better not to approach it?

Children's answers: barks, growls, shows fangs.

Grandmother: Right. She barks, growls, shows her fangs. Never approach other people's dogs or tease them, otherwise they may bite.

Murka the cat (shows a toy cat) catches mice to prevent them from gnawing our food. Murka is an affectionate cat, she really loves to be petted. But cats don't always like to be petted and picked up. What do you guys think, what does a cat do when she doesn’t want to be picked up?

Children's answers : runs away, scratches, bites.

Grandmother: Right. Therefore, we must feel the mood of animals.

Do you guys know why a horse is needed on a farm (shows a toy horse)?

Children's answers: ride on it.

Grandmother: In the village, a horse transports people and loads, but in the city, as you correctly noted, horses most often carry people.

My grandfather and I also have rabbits, a sheep and a pig in our yard (shows a toy rabbit, a sheep and a pig). What benefits do you think these animals bring?

Children's answers : They are eaten. We don't know.

Grandmother: Sheep provide meat and wool, which is used to spin thread and make clothing. Rabbits provide fluff, which is also used to make clothes. The pig gives us meat.

Today I told you about our favorites. Let's remember and call:

What animal guards the house? (dog)

What animal catches mice? (cat)

What animals give milk? (cow, goat)

What animal hair is used to make clothes? (rabbits, goats, sheep).

4. Physical education session “Horses”

Grandmother : Oh, guys, we’ve been staying too long with you. Let's move a little. After all, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.

I am a horse - gray side (turns, hands on the waist)

I'll knock my hoof (walking in place)

If you want, I'll give you a boost (light jogging in place)

Look how beautiful I am

Both the tail and the mane are good (swing your arms in one direction and the other)

Clack, clack, clack, clack (children take turns stomping their feet)

I am a horse - gray side (circling in place).

5.Reading the poem “Pets” (R. Sefa).

Grandmother : Listen to the poem “Pets”

These animals live at home

That's why they call them pets,

We shelter them in warmth from the frost,

We feed and water them, if necessary, we cut them,

We stroke them tenderly, always take care of them,

They are attached to us, very obedient

The dogs diligently guard our house,

All cats, of course, live near the house.

And our food is protected from mice.

Oops, I mixed up all the food! Every animal loves its food. I have green grass, milk, a seed and grain (shows pictures). Guys, please help me feed the animals.

The grandmother and her children “feed” the animals: a cow, a goat, a sheep with grass, a cat with milk, a dog with a bone, chickens with grain.

6.Verbal game “Who is screaming?”

Grandmother : Guys, what good helpers you are, you helped my grandmother. Do you guys know what kind of pet screams? Let's check it now.

The grandmother (teacher) throws the ball to the children in turn and names the animal, and the children imitate the sounds that these animals make (the pig grunts “oink-oink”, etc.).

7. Game "Find the mistake."

Grandmother: Now I will read the sentences to you, but it seems to me that I made mistakes in them, help me correct them.

The dog clucks at strangers.

The cow gives wool.

A baby cat is a puppy.

Chickens give milk.

Mice catch cats.

8. Outdoor game “Wolf and Goat”.

Grandmother : Well done guys, they helped me correct all the mistakes. But it’s time for me to return to my village, otherwise who will help my grandfather take care of the animals. But before I say goodbye to you, I will teach you guys one very interesting game called "Wolf and Goat".

Among the children they choose a “wolf” and a “goat” (the children wear costume elements - masks), the rest are shepherds. Holding hands, the shepherds move in a circle, inside which a goat grazes. The wolf must catch the goat, but he can only get into the circle through the gate (two children move in a circle with their hands raised), and the goat can do so anywhere. The wolf catches the goat only in a circle. When the wolf catches the goat, the game starts over.

Grandmother says goodbye to the children.

9. Reflection.


Who was our guest today?

What animals did you learn about today?

Guys, let's now build a village yard from a construction set and put pets there and play with them.