A complex of physical therapy for the prevention of hypertension. Exercise therapy and massage for hypertension and primary arterial hypotension. Exercise to tone up

Unfortunately, deviations of blood pressure from the norm are quite common in patients, and one of the ways to alleviate the disease is exercise therapy (physical therapy) for hypertension. In chronic disease, the cardiovascular system is affected. Hypertension affects more than 20% of people worldwide.

Due to disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems, the lumen of blood vessels expands. Due to accelerated blood circulation, the heart begins to work as intensely as possible. You will learn in the article how daily gymnastics will help normalize blood pressure.

What can precede the appearance of symptoms of this complex disease? The undulating course of hypertension allows patients to feel good for some time, but changes in the body lead to deterioration. The main reasons may be:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • excess weight, heredity;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • stress;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • brain injuries.

Hypertension is also usually diagnosed in diabetics and patients suffering from kidney disease. If the disease is left to chance, it is fraught with complications such as stroke, ischemia, renal and heart failure.

The stages of the disease are determined by blood pressure levels. With borderline hypertension, blood pressure can vary from 140/90 to 160/100. The norm is considered to be blood pressure not exceeding 140/90. If the readings exceed 160/95, then this indicates arterial hypertension. The disease can progress rapidly or develop very slowly.

A set of therapeutic exercises to improve well-being is selected according to the individual condition of the patient and the stage of the disease. Typically, exercise therapy is prescribed along with a salt-free diet and autogenic training. If these measures do not bring the desired result, then drug treatment is used. Hypertensive patients are prohibited from:

  • lifting weights;
  • lifting up with a load;
  • rhythmic and aerobic exercise;
  • classes at critical air temperatures.

The physical training complex is designed in such a way as to strengthen the central nervous system, heart, and immunity. Gymnastics helps restore vascular tone, normalizes motor skills and metabolism. Thanks to special therapeutic exercises, you can slow down the progress of atherosclerosis. At different stages of the disease, the complexes differ. What is common is the combination of relaxing exercises and general developmental exercises.

Hypertensive patients are prohibited from exercising with a wide range of movements of the body and head, as well as fast and sudden movements in dynamics. The complex of therapeutic exercises consists of introductory, main and final stages.

In the introductory part, the body prepares for increased loads, and at the main stage, the patient performs exercises to improve the functioning of internal organs and blood vessels. It is important to create a positive attitude in the patient. The final stage is breathing exercises. The basic rules of exercise therapy are:

  • all exercises are performed without overexertion;
  • breathing is free, even;
  • at difficult stages, gymnastics are performed in bed;
  • You can rest between approaches;
  • loads increase as the condition improves.

  1. Walking on your toes, raising your knees high, twisting your body for several minutes.
  2. Sitting on a chair. Rotation of the arms, bent at the elbow joints, raising the arms to the sides. Straightening and stretching the legs, rotating the feet.
  3. Standing. Shaking your hands alternately, gently tilting left and right. With support on the back of a chair, swing your legs without tension.
  4. Lying on your back. Alternately pulling the knee to the stomach. Alternate leg lifts. Taking your legs to the side. Maximum relaxation of the arm muscles one at a time.

Number of executions – up to five times. You can gradually increase the number of repetitions. Diaphragmatic breathing can improve the patient's condition. Starting position – lying on your back, stomach relaxed. Inhale through the nose while “inflating” the abdomen, and exhale through the mouth. In this case, the lips are folded into a tube. To master the technique of proper breathing, the patient can place his hands on his stomach.

Exercise therapy cannot be performed if blood pressure is above 180/110 and with arrhythmia. Shortness of breath, palpitations and swelling are contraindications for gymnastics. If, while performing the complex, the patient experiences severe weakness and shortness of breath, the exercises should be stopped.

Walking on level ground improves blood circulation in the legs and venous drainage. This load is simple and familiar to everyone, but at the same time, it is one of the best methods for improving the health of the heart and blood vessels. Gradually you can lengthen the distances and speed up the pace.

Walks begin with a length of 1000 meters, and subsequently increase to 3000 meters. At first, you should choose a slow pace, and then reduce the rest time and the duration of the distance. The slowest walking pace is sixty steps per minute, and the fastest is one hundred and twenty steps per minute.

An exercise bike and an elliptical are popular exercise machines for hypertension. Since the purpose of the classes is to improve endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system, such training is recommended for patients. Thanks to heart rate measurement, you can monitor your heart activity during training. You cannot do cardio if you have asthma, edema, tachycardia and thrombophlebitis. Three to five lessons a week for half an hour is an acceptable norm.

Swimming in the pool not only relieves stress, but also improves the gastrointestinal tract, appetite, normalizes sleep and relieves excess weight. By alternating exercise therapy with swimming and walking, you can minimize attacks of hypertension and improve your health.

It is safe to say that exercise therapy after a stroke plays a major role in the recovery of patients who have suffered acute cerebrovascular accident. There is a physiological explanation for this, which is based on the peculiarities of the functioning of the nervous system.

Principles of exercise therapy in neurological patients

The brain is a collection of neurons that are connected through numerous connections to the entire body. Each group of nerve cells is responsible for regulating a specific function of organs and systems. For example, the motor area ensures a person’s ability to make voluntary movements, the brain’s center of vision and hearing ensures the correct perception and analysis of visual and auditory stimulation.

During a stroke, nerve cells die in the area of ​​cerebral infarction or hemorrhage. Depending on which functions are controlled in this place, various neurological manifestations arise: paralysis, speech disorders, movement coordination.

The return of lost functions after a stroke occurs in 3 ways:

  • restoration of those structures of nervous tissue that have reversible damage, that is, they have not died, but are in a depressed state;
  • restoration of completely dead elements by replacing them with new ones;
  • transfer of responsibilities of dead neurons to neighboring nerve cells.

Exercise therapy for stroke helps speed up all these mechanisms and reduce the time to return lost functions.

Restoration of nerve tissue structures with reversible damage

These mainly include the restoration of the conductivity of nerve fibers of cells that did not die, but fell into deep biochemical stress. Physical exercises after a stroke, which the patient performs himself or with the help of an instructor, create a powerful flow of nerve impulses coming from the muscles to the brain. Due to this, oppressed nerve cells are awakened, and new pathways for transmitting excitation to the central nervous system are formed. In this way, the foundations are laid for complete control of the brain over the functions of the body: the return of lost voluntary movements and speech.

Restoring dead elements to new ones

Here it is necessary to clarify that we are not talking about dead nerve cells located directly in the area of ​​hemorrhage or cerebral infarction and not subject to restoration, but about the growth of processes of neurons that remained alive after an attack of the disease. Due to the formation of numerous new nerve fibers, the number of contacts between nerve cells and the organs controlled by them increases. All this helps to restore lost functions even with a small number of surviving neurons.

Gymnastics after a stroke increases blood flow to moving muscles, which means it increases nutrition and oxygen availability. All this leads to increased growth of new nerve fibers. Constant stimulation of the brain with nerve impulses that arise in the muscle during movement leads to an increase in the contacts of neurons with each other, which also has a good effect on the control of organs.

Transfer of responsibilities of dead neurons to neighboring nerve cells

As you know, “nerve cells do not recover,” so the focus of a stroke later turns into a scar. However, nature has built into the body an amazing function of transferring the responsibilities of dead cells to neighboring elements. In the brain, after suffering an acute circulatory disorder, the functions of destroyed nerve cells begin to be performed by their healthy neighbors. The transfer of authority occurs solely under the stimulating effect of nerve impulses. This is precisely what therapeutic exercises after a stroke are aimed at, because muscle movements are a powerful source of nervous stimulation transmitted to the brain.

Exercise therapy depending on the stage of stroke

The main goals of exercise therapy in patients with stroke are:

  • restoration of voluntary movements;
  • preventing the formation of adhesions in the joint area;
  • decreased muscle tone on the paralyzed side;
  • strengthening the body.

Depending on how much time has passed since the first signs of a stroke, the following periods of illness are distinguished:

  • acute (first 72 hours);
  • acute (up to 28 days);
  • early recovery (from 28 days to 6 months);
  • late recovery (from 6 months to 2 years);
  • period of residual effects (more than 2 years).

Each of these periods corresponds to a separate set of exercise therapy exercises.

The most acute and acute period

Rehabilitation exercises after a stroke are indispensable already in the first days of the patient’s stay in the intensive care unit. A physical therapy instructor or a trained relative conducts sets of exercises aimed at preventing respiratory complications and preventing the formation of contractures in the joints on the injured side.

For these purposes, breathing exercises, positional treatment and passive movements are used.

Breathing exercises

Measures to restore proper breathing begin on the 2-3rd day of treatment in the ICU. Breathing exercises after a stroke consist of patient-controlled changes in the pace and depth of inhalation and exhalation, following the commands of the exercise therapy instructor. This can be rhythmic breathing while counting, exercises to voluntarily reduce the frequency of respiratory movements; changing the type of breathing, for example, from thoracic to abdominal and vice versa.

Treatment by position

It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of contractures (stiffness) of the joints. Flaccid paralysis, observed in patients in the first 2 weeks after a stroke, gradually gives way to spastic paralysis. Due to increased tone, irreversible changes occur in the joints on the affected side, which lead to limitation of movements in them. To combat this complication, a physical therapy method such as positional treatment is used.

It is as follows: the diseased limb is placed in such a way that it is maximally extended and is in a position opposite to the action of the spasmed muscles. For example, in the hand, increased tone after a stroke is most often observed in the muscles that adduct the shoulder and rotate the palm inwards, and flex the fingers. Therefore, the treatment position in this case will be the following: the sore arm is straightened, moved to the side by 30-40⁰ (gradually increased to 90⁰), lies on a chair placed next to the bed; the palm is open, the fingers are straightened (to fix this position, use a bag of sand placed on the palm); the thumb is in a grip position (as if there is a small ball in the palm that he is holding).

Positioning treatment is carried out every 1.5-2 hours, and it is maintained until discomfort or pain occurs in healthy muscles.

Passive gymnastics

It is performed only after a positional treatment session when muscle tone weakens. Classes begin with a healthy limb, in which active movements are carried out (the patient himself performs the exercises), covering all types of movements in a particular joint (flexion-extension, abduction-adduction, rotation). Then they move to the sore side, the movements in the joints of which are performed by a physical therapy instructor. Passive exercises against stroke begin to be performed from the distal parts of the limbs (from the joints of the fingers), gradually moving upward.

However, despite its apparent simplicity, the movements must be performed according to certain rules, otherwise they can cause harm. An excellent illustration of the main methodological approaches of this section of exercise therapy is the video of passive gymnastics after a stroke:

An approximate set of exercise therapy exercises for stroke for bedridden patients

The total duration of the complex is 25-30 minutes. During the lesson, it is necessary to take breaks for 1-2 minutes, focusing on the patient’s well-being. The gymnastics should be completed by correctly positioning the paralyzed limb (position treatment).

Massage for stroke can be prescribed 2 weeks after the onset of the disease. It includes the simplest classical techniques: light stroking on the affected side and moderate rubbing and kneading on healthy muscles.

Early recovery period

Exercises for recovery after a stroke during this period, along with passive ones, include active movements of the affected limb. Even the slightest ability of muscles to voluntarily contract must be used to restore lost motor functions. Training for active muscle contraction must be included in the daily exercise therapy complex.

A exercise therapy complex using active movements, which includes exercises for the arm after a stroke, looks something like this:

The patient’s ability to maintain balance when sitting independently is a sign that it is necessary to diversify the exercises performed. The exercise therapy complex includes movements in the lower back and neck: bending, turning.

Preparation for walking begins with imitation of walking movements while lying on your back.

Late recovery period

A feature of exercise therapy during this period is the addition of exercises to overcome resistance to the complex of daily gymnastics. The effect of training directly depends on the correct technique. To make it easier to understand exactly how to perform the movements, you can watch an approximate set of exercise therapy exercises after a stroke video:

Massage after a stroke plays a huge role in the formation of normal muscle tension and accelerating the process of returning motor functions. It should be carried out several times a year for 10-20 sessions.

The famous expression “nerve cells do not regenerate” is unfortunately true. However, even after losing a significant number of neurons in the stroke area, it is possible to achieve good restoration of voluntary movements with the help of physical therapy.

Exercise therapy for hypertension: a set of exercises for hypertension

Exercise therapy for hypertension has a positive effect on the internal organ systems, especially the heart and blood vessels.

Regular and moderate physical activity keeps muscles toned, strengthens arteries and normalizes blood pressure.

However, there are some features of playing sports with hypertension, which you can learn about in this article.

Hypertension - etiology and pathogenesis

Arterial hypertension is a condition characterized by increased blood pressure. The pathological process is diagnosed quite often nowadays, since modern society has stopped moving and eating properly.

Hypertension is divided into two forms - symptomatic and essential (true).

The symptomatic form occurs as a result of the progression of certain diseases that affect blood pressure. These include renal failure, thyrotoxic goiter, excess body weight and aortic atherosclerosis. With successful treatment of the underlying pathology, symptomatic hypertension goes away on its own.

Essential hypertension is a primary disease that develops as a result of hereditary predisposition. The situation is aggravated by negative external factors such as:

  • frequent stressful situations;
  • bad habits;
  • abuse of salty foods;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hormonal imbalance (menopause, puberty).

Those at risk of developing the disease include those people who engage in professional sports and bodybuilding, suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, are overweight, constantly experience stress, take steroids, contraceptives, drugs, as well as smoke and drink alcohol.

At the first stage of development of arterial hypertension, a person does not feel any symptoms. However, over time, the following signs may indicate the disease:

  • irritability and poor night rest;
  • the appearance of “floaters” (dark dots) before the eyes;
  • dizziness and constant migraine;
  • rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath;
  • general malaise, lethargy and decreased ability to work.

It is worth noting that the development of hypertension is also influenced by age and gender. Thus, it is more often diagnosed in men over 45 years of age. However, in our times, hypertension has become “younger”.

Features of playing sports with hypertension

Exercise therapy plays an important role in hypertension. As they say, our life is in motion. Moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs. Properly organized physical therapy will improve blood circulation, strengthen vascular walls and normalize blood pressure.

Numerous studies have proven the fact that regular exercise improves cardiac functioning: the organ begins to work more efficiently, the pulse stabilizes, and more blood is released into the arteries per 1 heartbeat.

You just have to compare the following indicators:

  1. The pulse of a healthy person who does not engage in exercise therapy ranges from 70 to 80 beats per minute.
  2. The pulse of a person who regularly engages in therapeutic exercises ranges from 50 to 60 beats per minute.
  3. The pulse of a professional athlete is only 35-40 beats.

Incredibly, in the human body there are about 160 billion capillaries, the length of which is 100 thousand kilometers. If a person does not experience physical activity, then the body uses only 10% of small vessels.

As soon as the muscles are subjected to stress, reserve capillaries begin to operate. As a result, tissue structures receive more blood, and with it a larger volume of oxygen and nutrients. This process promotes the rapid elimination of toxins.

Physical education for hypertension helps prevent the development of serious consequences - impaired blood circulation in the brain, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, etc. Moderate physical activity destroys the excessive formation of adrenaline, a hormone that increases anxiety and blood pressure. They also improve metabolic processes in the body.

Hypertensive patients should take into account some features of playing sports:

  1. Individuality of exercise therapy. The level of training depends on many factors: the general well-being of the patient, the degree of hypertension, coronary and cerebral
    blood circulation
  2. Exclusion of competitive sports. Of course, tennis, volleyball and football are useful and exciting sports games, but they increase the emotional tension of a hypertensive patient.

In addition, blood pressure should be monitored. If the tonometer readings exceed 160/90 mmHg, the activity should be stopped immediately.

Warm-up for hypertensive patients

If you have an idea to do physical exercise, then therapeutic exercises for hypertension are a good place to start.

It needs to be done in the morning at the same time.

In this way, the body will prepare for the upcoming daily stress.

The first set of exercises for hypertension is performed in a lying position, without getting out of bed in the morning:

  1. As you inhale, you stretch as hard as you can, then slowly relax as you exhale. This breathing exercise is very useful for high blood pressure.
  2. You need to draw circles in the air with your hands and feet to thoroughly stretch your muscles and joints.
  3. While on the pillow, the head slowly turns to the right and left, and then moves forward from it and returns back to the pillow.
  4. A person, having assumed a sitting position, tilts his head forward so that his chin touches the hollow of his neck. Then the head tilts to the right and left, touching the ear to the shoulder.
  5. The patient continues to sit, raises his arms as he inhales, and slowly lowers them as he exhales.

Such simple exercises should be repeated 3-5 times. After warming up the muscles a little, you can proceed to the following technique:

  1. First you need to walk on your toes and on your full feet. The execution time is 3 minutes.
  2. The patient’s task is to raise his legs, bent at the knee, one by one, to chest level. Hands should be placed on the waist. The duration of the workout is 2 minutes.
  3. the catcher slowly raises his arms, and then takes his leg back, placing it on his toe. As you inhale the air, you need to stretch out well, and as you exhale, relax your whole body. Do 5 repetitions on both legs.
  4. To perform the exercise you will need a stick. Holding it tightly, the person turns his torso, then lifts one end of the stick. Duration is 2 minutes.
  5. A man stands on his feet, keeping his legs together, holding a stick in his hands. Then a lunge is made to the right, the stick is retracted in the same direction, and the patient returns to the original position. Next, the same manipulations are performed, only to the left. The number of repetitions in each direction is 6 times.
  6. The patient holds the stick at arm's length. You need to reach it with your right and then your left knee. The exercise is repeated eight times.

When therapeutic exercises for hypertension are completed, you need to gently shake your hands and feet, and also walk calmly. This way the muscles will relax after training.

Physical activity for stage II hypertension

When performing gymnastics with stage 2 hypertension, you need to be extremely careful, since the disease has already changed some internal organs. Blood pressure is measured before and after training.

The main emphasis is on stretching. While performing gymnastic exercises, you need to intensively strain your muscles, and then let them relax completely. Thus, the blood vessels will be strengthened and the pressure will decrease:

  1. First, the person lies on his back, his heels need to be pulled up to the same level as his buttocks. When inhaling air, you need to tense up, and when exhaling, you need to return to the base position.
  2. While in the same position, the arms are extended upward and then slowly lowered.
  3. Basic position, lying on your back. The patient strongly strains his legs and presses his heels to the floor. By exhaling air, the body relaxes.
  4. Straining one leg at a time, the patient takes it to the side and then returns it to its original position.
  5. In a lying position, the right arm and left leg are raised, then vice versa.
  6. The person lifts his right leg, making circular movements with it, then repeats the same with his left leg. Such manipulations relax and restore blood pressure.

The duration of the exercise should not be more than 2 minutes, and the total workout should not be more than 15 minutes. Before performing such a set of exercises, you need to consult a doctor.

For stage 2 hypertension, physiotherapy is also effective. It is divided into four groups depending on which organs are affected by certain procedures:

  1. The first group is the effect on the central nervous system. These include galvanization, magnetic therapy, electrosleep and electrophoresis.
  2. The second group is the effect on peripheral vasodepressor mechanisms. Amplipulse therapy is mainly used.
  3. The third group is the effect on renal hemodynamics. There are many different techniques: galvanization, inductothermy, ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy and amplipulse therapy.
  4. The fourth group is a general effect on the body. Basic techniques: balneotherapy, hydrotherapy, galvanization according to Shcherbak and Vermeule.

To improve vascular tone, you need to perform a certain set of exercises. Two famous scientists agreed with this - S.M. Bubnovsky and A. Shishonin. There is a video on the Internet that presents in detail how to perform therapeutic exercises.

Swimming for hypertension

Swimming is a great way to relax your musculoskeletal system and get all muscle groups working. While in water, a hypertensive patient inhales air deeper, and his tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients.

Exercises in the pool have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, relaxing it. In case of severe emotional turmoil, it is recommended to swim in the pool. The advantage of water procedures is that after tense muscles, the patient can completely relax them. After 2-3 weeks, you can notice the first improvements: blood pressure decreases significantly and symptoms of hypertension disappear.

The only contraindication when exercising in water is pressure readings above 160/100 mmHg. The fact is that when in water a person does not feel a strong load. In this regard, there is a need for strict control of blood pressure. When overexerted, a hypertensive crisis can occur - a sharp upward jump in blood pressure readings.

However, swimming is especially beneficial for people suffering from excess body weight and atherosclerosis. It has the following positive effect on hypertension:

  • expands vascular networks;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • improves the performance of the heart muscles;
  • increases the tone of all muscle groups.

If possible, you need to relax in sanatoriums near the sea. While staying near the sea, all metabolic processes in the body improve and blood pressure normalizes. Swimming in the open sea will have more benefits than exercising in a pool.

The therapeutic set of exercises should be compiled individually, taking into account the stage of hypertension, the presence of any exacerbations and the general condition of the patient. Physical education should become a part of every person’s life in order to prevent the development of undesirable consequences.


A set of effective exercises to lower blood pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is treated with different methods. This includes drug therapy, the use of traditional medicine, and even special gymnastics.

  • Treatment using the Strelnikova method
  • Exercises according to Buteyko
  • Shishonin classes
  • Other examples

The last option is an excellent way to treat at home. What are the classes like? What exercises to lower blood pressure normalize the well-being of hypertensive patients?

Treatment using the Strelnikova method

To achieve maximum effect, you need to exercise regularly, daily, for 2 months. At first, it is enough to do the simplest exercises, then their number and complexity should increase.

This technique involves performing several exercises:

  1. Horse. Starting position - any comfortable position in which the back remains straight. You need to relax and take 4 deep nasal breaths continuously. Stop breathing for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly and calmly.
  2. Palms. We need to get up. Bend your arms so that your palms are at shoulder level, turn your palms forward. Take a strong, sharp breath through your nose, clenching your fists. Exhale, relax your hands.
  3. Shoulder straps. Bend your arms so that your fists are in line with your lower back. Inhale loudly, lowering and straightening your arms. Exhale and take the starting position.
  4. Pump. Place your feet shoulder width apart. Bend over so that your back is rounded. Inhale strongly, straighten up and then exhale.
  5. Cat. Performed while standing. Bend your elbows and place your palms in line with your lower back. Take a deep breath, turning to one side. When returning back, breathe out calmly. Do the same for the other side.
  6. Raise both arms to the shoulder line. Try to hug (hug) yourself. Breathe deeply and noisily.
  7. Pendulum. After inhaling, bend forward. Exhaling, straighten up and hug yourself with your arms.
  8. Turn your neck from side to side. When turning, inhale, and in the starting position, exhale.
  9. Ears. Tilt your head towards your shoulder. When bending over, take a strong breath. Exhale while straightening your neck.
  10. Pendulum head. As you inhale, tilt your head forward, and as you exhale, return it to its original position.

Important! When practicing according to the Strelnikova system, special attention should be paid to proper breathing. Inhalations are made through the nose, and exhalation is done through the mouth. Each exercise should be done 6 – 8 times. Gradually the number of repetitions can be increased. If your health worsens, it is better not to exercise.

Exercises according to Buteyko

These exercises for hypertension have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • saturate organs with oxygen;
  • improve blood circulation.

Note! According to Buteyko, the set of exercises he developed helps to completely get rid of the disease. Exercise normalizes the balance between the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

Exercises must be performed on an empty stomach. Inhalations are made through the nose and as silently as possible:

  1. Breathing from the upper part of the lungs. 5 seconds are allotted for inhalation and exhalation. After them there is a pause of the same length. Repeat steps 10 times.
  2. Breathing through the chest and stomach. 7.5 seconds are allotted for inhalation and exhalation, and 5 for rest. Perform 10 repetitions.
  3. Stop breathing for 5 – 10 seconds. Massage your nose. One repetition is enough.
  4. Breathe through each half of your nose in turn. 20 times on both sides.
  5. Inhaling, pull in your stomach (7.5 seconds), exhaling, take the starting position (7.5 seconds). Take a short break. Perform 10 times.
  6. The following exercise allows you to provide the lungs with the maximum possible ventilation. You need to take 12 very deep breaths in and out in 1 minute. On the last exhale, hold your breath.

All exercises from the Buteyko complex must be performed in accordance with several principles:

  1. Gymnastics should be done in a sitting position. The body should be as relaxed as possible, gaze directed upward.
  2. Inhalation should be through the nose. Breathing is quiet and calm. It is not recommended to inhale deeply, as if to the end.
  3. If you feel like you're not getting enough air, you can take a deeper breath.

If everything is done correctly, warmth seems to spread throughout the body. This feeling will intensify as you practice.

Shishonin classes

A set of exercises compiled by Dr. Shishonin relieves high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, insomnia and many other unpleasant conditions.

The complex of therapeutic exercises consists of 7 points:

  1. Metronome. Sitting on a chair, tilt your head first to the right and then to the left. At each extreme point, linger for about 30 seconds.
  2. Spring. Tilt your head down so that your chin touches your chest. Stop in this position for half a minute. Then pull your neck forward and hold again.
  3. Turn your head as far as possible to the side. Stop for 30 seconds. Take the starting position. Do several repetitions for each side.
  4. This exercise is almost the same as the previous one, only when turning your head, you need to place your hands on your shoulders. The elbows at this moment should be parallel to the floor.
  5. Fakir. Place your palms behind your neck. Bring your elbows as close as possible. Turn your head from side to side. At extreme points, stop for 30 seconds.
  6. Heron. The starting position, as in all other exercises, is sitting. Place your palms on your knees. Stretch your chin up, while looking at the ceiling. Simultaneously with this movement, move your arms back. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Lower your chin and move your arms forward. Relax. Repeat again.
  7. Goose. The starting position is standing. The chin should be parallel to the floor. Stretch your neck forward and turn your head to the right or left. Do this until it hurts. Stop for a couple of seconds. Come back. Rest and repeat the same movements, only in the other direction.

After performing gymnastics, Dr. Shishonin recommends doing a neck massage.

Other examples

There are also sets of exercises that help improve the condition of hypertension. Thanks to them, the blood circulation process is normalized and blood vessels dilate.

  1. For the first exercise, you need to lie on a hard surface, for example, the floor. Don't bend your legs. Place your hands straight along your body. As you inhale, extend your arms behind your head, pulling your toes towards you. Make oscillating movements with your feet from one side to the other. Make your body begin to repeat the movements of your legs. If possible, repeat for about 3 minutes. There are no instructions on how to breathe.
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous case, only you need to put a small cushion under your neck. Raise your arms and legs. Both the feet and palms should be parallel to the surface on which the person is lying. Shake your limbs for 2 minutes.
  3. The next exercise should be done standing, feet shoulder-width apart. First lower your hands and then clasp them in a lock on the left. In this case, the left palm should look up, and the right palm should look down. Breathe. With a sharp movement, turn your body to the right and exhale. After a short pause, perform for the other side. Number of repetitions - 5.
  4. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Rise onto your toes, spreading your arms wide. Take a deep breath. “Shake” your hands, imagining that there is a heavy blanket in them. Return to the original position and exhale. Do 10 reps.

Physical exercise is part of the comprehensive treatment of hypertension. Exercises are as effective as medications. If you strictly follow all medical recommendations, you can quickly improve your health and normalize your blood pressure.

Physical exercise helps normalize the central nervous system, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation and the functioning of other body systems. Immediately after exercise, headaches, dizziness, a feeling of heaviness in the head decrease or disappear, and mood and general well-being improve. Daily physical exercise (preferably in the morning) over a long period normalizes or significantly reduces blood pressure in the early stages of the disease, and is therefore recommended for hypertension of stages I and II (in a medical institution - and for stage III).

Contraindications to exercise at home are: stage III hypertension, frequent vascular crises, exacerbation of coronary heart disease and angina attacks, a sharp deterioration in health.

The gymnastics complex for those suffering from hypertension should include both general strengthening exercises and special ones. Special ones include primarily breathing and relaxation exercises, which help lower blood pressure. Balance and coordination exercises are used to eliminate vestibular disorders. All exercises are dynamic and are performed freely, with a large amplitude, without pronounced effort, at a slow to medium pace. You should be careful when bending and turning, avoid strength exercises, straining, and holding your breath. At the beginning of the course of treatment (the first 1-1.5 weeks of classes), the simplest exercises without pronounced muscle effort are used, alternating with relaxation and breathing exercises. The number of repetitions is minimal - 3-5 times. The complex consists of no more than 13 exercises.

For stage I hypertension. As the condition improves and adapts to physical activity, after about 1-1.5 weeks it should be gradually increased, making extensive use of balance and coordination exercises, as well as light running and exercises performed with the participation of large muscle groups. After 4-5 weeks of training, the complex is performed in full (all 25 exercises), the number of repetitions is increased to 6-10 times.

With stage II hypertension, the complex becomes more complicated only after 2-3 weeks of classes. Great care and gradualness should be exercised when increasing physical activity, avoid running and exercises No. 20-22. The number of repetitions of each exercise increases to 5-8 times. And only after a few weeks of training, with the permission of the doctor, running can be included in the complex.

If after exercise your health worsens, your heart rate increases to 90-100 beats/min compared to rest and does not return to its original value after 5-10 minutes of rest, it is necessary to reduce the number of the most difficult exercises and add breathing exercises.

After gymnastics, it is recommended to take a warm shower for 1-2 minutes (water temperature 30-36°C). In addition, with the permission of the doctor, you can take dosed walks, go swimming, skiing, tennis, play towns, and volleyball.

Sitting on a chair

1. Sitting on the edge of a chair, hands on your hips: bending your right leg, straightening your left and vice versa, without lifting your legs from the floor (alternately sliding your legs along the floor). Breathing is voluntary.

2. Circular movements with the right hand forward, then back. Do the same with your left hand. Breathing is voluntary.

3. Hands forward, to the sides - inhale, lower - exhale.

4. Hands on the seat - inhale. As you exhale, straighten your leg up, touching your back to the back of the chair. Alternately with each leg.

5. Raise your arms up in a relaxed manner - inhale; lowering your arms, take them back and lean forward without lowering your head - exhale.

6. Arms to the sides - inhale. Pull your knee to your chest with your hands - exhale. One at a time.

7. Hands on the belt. Move your right hand to the right and back with your head turned - inhale, hand on your belt - exhale. One at a time.

8. Stand up, rising on your toes, arms forward - inhale; sit down - exhale.

9. Walking is normal, walking in a cross step (right leg to the left, left leg to the right) with swinging arms in the opposite direction. Breathing is voluntary. Duration 20-30 s.

10. Holding the back of the chair with your hand, swing your leg and arm back and forth. Same with the other leg. Breathing is voluntary.

11. Holding the back of the chair with your hands, make circular movements with your pelvis. The same in the other direction. Breathing is voluntary.

12. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Swing your arms back to the left and back to the right. Breathing is voluntary.

13. Walking, swinging your arms back and forth. Inhale for 3 steps, exhale for 4-5 steps. Duration 1-2 minutes.

14. Walking, rolling from heels to toes. Duration 20-30 s.

15. Run at a pace of 140-150 steps per minute with a step length of 1-1.5 feet, arms bent and relaxed. (The duration of running is up to 30 seconds in the first week. If you feel well, the duration of running can be increased by 1-2 minutes per week and gradually up to 5-10 minutes.) After running, it is recommended to walk for 1-3 minutes in combination with breathing ( pay attention to complete exhalation).

16. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands up through the sides - inhale; bend forward, lowering your arms - exhale.

17. Arms to the sides. Take your right leg to the side, hold for 2 seconds - inhale, lower - exhale. Then abduct the left leg.

18. Standing, hands on your belt. Inhale, squat your arms forward - exhale.

19. Arms to the sides. Wide circular movements with your arms forward, then back. Breathing is voluntary.

20. Hands forward, moving the leg back, hold for 2-3 seconds - inhale (“swallow”), return to the starting position - exhale.

21. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. Circular movements of the body. Alternately in each direction. Breathing is voluntary.

22. Hands resting on the chair seat (for women resting on the back). Flexion and extension of the arms. Breathing is voluntary.

23. Walking normally, walking with a high hip lift, walking with a 360 turn." Breathing is voluntary.

24. Hands up - inhale; lowering your arms and half-squatting, relaxing - exhale.

25. Move your arms to the sides and turn your palms up and down - inhale; lower your hands, relaxing - exhale.

Diseases of the elderly are cured by physical education. Heart failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension.

This material discusses the use of physical education as one of the means for the prevention and treatment of initial and mild forms of diseases of older people (but first you need to consult with a medical specialist). The most common diseases of middle and old age: heart failure (circulatory failure), atherosclerosis, hypertension.

During physical therapy exercises, blood flow to the heart increases, the vessels of the heart muscle (myocardium) dilate, metabolism normalizes, blood stagnation in the liver and other organs decreases, and the functioning of the respiratory and digestive organs improves. Physical exercises are very useful for myocardial dystrophy, cardiosclerosis, compensated heart defects, hypertension, angina pectoris (in the periods between attacks), after a myocardial infarction.


The reasons for the development of heart failure: excessive mental and physical stress, past infectious diseases, unpleasant experiences, smoking, alcohol abuse and much more. In these cases, the activity of blood vessels is disrupted, and the heart muscle is weakened. The heart cannot supply blood vessels in sufficient quantities, its movement slows down, and blood stagnates in the internal organs. As a result, organs and tissues experience oxygen starvation and metabolism is disrupted.

The first signs of heart failure: weakness, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and discomfort in the heart area even with little physical activity. Later, there may be a feeling of heaviness in the right side due to stagnation of blood in the liver, and swelling of the legs in the evenings. These signs indicate that there is a need to rebuild your regime. After consulting with your doctor, make it rational nutrition and dose physical activity correctly.

It has been noticed that older people, having felt palpitations and shortness of breath, try to move as little as possible, do not go out into the fresh air and thereby harm their heart. Scientists have proven that the lack of fresh air and prolonged rest reduce metabolism, fat is deposited in the body, which is an additional burden on a weakened heart. In case of cardiovascular insufficiency, moderate constant physical activity is necessary.

One of the means of prevention and treatment (not in the acute period) of heart failure is systematic cautious the use of physical therapy. Here is an approximate mode of movement:

Physical training norms for heart failure:

    1. Daily morning gymnastics at a slow pace. A break is allowed once a week. Walking tours every day. Additional activities 2 times a week: swimming, skiing, skating, sports games.

Bathing (swimming) in open reservoirs begins when the air temperature is 20-22 degrees, the water temperature is not lower than 17-18 degrees. Bathing duration is 3-5 minutes. To harden the body, a month before swimming in a pond, take a course rubdowns cool water. Wellness swimming You can practice in closed reservoirs (pools) all year round.

Ski trips It is best to do it on level ground in good weather. At the beginning of the season, the duration of the ski trip is 1 hour, at the end of the season, depending on the level of physical fitness - up to 2 hours. Skiing should not be carried out when the snow is very wet.

Sports games (volleyball, etc.) – 30-40 minutes.

Ice skating - no more than 1 hour, at a calm pace, taking breaks to rest.

Diseases of the elderly. Physiotherapy.


The basis of this disease is a violation of the activity of the cerebral cortex. With atherosclerosis, fat-like substances (cholesterol) are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, followed by the growth of connective tissue. As a result, the walls of blood vessels become thicker, their elasticity is lost, the lumen of blood vessels narrows, blood circulation becomes difficult and tissue nutrition is disrupted.

Initially, most often, damage occurs to the vessels that supply the heart muscle and brain. In the future, cardiosclerosis may develop - sclerosis of the heart muscle itself.

Previously, atherosclerosis was considered a disease only of older people. But now the disease has become younger and occurs in young people.

Prevention of atherosclerosis: compliance regime work and rest, sufficient dream, correct nutrition. There is also no need to overstrain the nervous system, monitor the work intestines, combine mental work with physical activity, walk more in the fresh air.

morning gymnastics,

bathing in open water in warm weather or in a pool,



calm sports games.

The dosage is the same as for heart failure.

Diseases of the elderly. Physiotherapy.

Hypertension was previously considered, like atherosclerosis, a disease of older people. But with the modern rhythm of life, hypertension does not spare even the young. Reasons hypertensive diseases are: disruption of the central nervous system, overexertion, prolonged stress, mental trauma. In this regard, the cerebral cortex becomes more excitable and sensitive to stimulation, and significantly excites the vasomotor center. As a result, the smooth muscle fibers embedded in the walls of the arteries become highly agitated and contract, narrowing the lumen of the blood vessels. And the narrowing of small arteries causes an increase in blood pressure.

When blood pressure rises, performance decreases, because... It can be difficult to concentrate, headaches, dizziness, hot flashes, and insomnia appear. Hypertension is mainly observed in mental workers after 40 years of age.

Prevention of hypertension: rational organization of work, full rest, correct nutrition, physical exercise, massage.

In the initial stage of hypertension, therapeutic exercises improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, metabolism, and strengthen the entire body. As a result, irritability, headaches and dizziness, shortness of breath decrease.

Useful walking, gymnastics and breathing exercises. Gymnastics should consist of simple exercises that do not require strain on the nervous system and evenly distribute the load across the entire body.

Diseases of the elderly. Physiotherapy.


In case of hypertension, exercises should be performed in a sitting, lying, or less often standing position. The pace is calm, without much effort or straining. It is not recommended to make fast, sudden movements that cause a rush of blood to the face and head. Breathing is free, full. Be sure to take short rest breaks between exercises. Provide fresh air flow. After completing classes, it is recommended self-massage

1.Sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees. Spread your arms to the sides, lean back, straighten your legs - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 4 times.

2.Sit on a chair, hands on the back of your head. Straighten your legs, raise your arms up - inhale, return to i. p. – exhale. Repeat 4 times.

3.Stand up, legs apart, hands on your waist. Perform circling with your body 2 times in each direction.

4. Squats. At first, you can hold onto a support (table, chair) with your hands, and as your balance develops, perform squats without using your hands. Repeat 4 times.

5.Lie on the sofa or floor, upper body slightly raised. Alternately bend your legs at the knee and hip joints. Depending on how you feel, this exercise can be done standing. Repeat with each leg 4 times.

6.Walk for 1.5-2 minutes, then increase the pace in the middle and slow down the pace at the end of the walk.

In the future, as your physical fitness increases, you can switch to regular complexes exercises .

Reminder: morning exercises are performed effortlessly, at a calm pace, breathing deeply, without delay. After completing 2-3 exercises, take rest breaks for 1-2 minutes.

Diseases of the elderly. Physiotherapy.


Calm (static) breathing exercises.

1.Sit on the edge of a chair, hands on your belt. First calm breathing, then deep breathing.

2.Lie on your back, arms along your body. First calm breathing, then deep.

3. Stand up, legs together or apart, hands on your waist - calm breathing, deep breathing.

Active (dynamic) breathing exercises.

1. Sit on the edge of a chair, arms along your body, legs bent. Raise your arms straight to the sides and slightly up - inhale, lower - exhale.

2. The starting position is the same. Raise your arms straight to the sides and as high as possible - inhale, lower - exhale.

3.I. p. the same. Raise your straight arms to the sides - inhale, lower your straight arms forward while simultaneously bending your torso forward - exhale.

4.I. the same, but hands on knees. Slightly bend your torso forward - exhale, straighten up - take a deep breath.

5.I. p. is the same, but the arms are bent in front of the chest. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, bend your arms in front of your chest and lean forward slightly - exhale deeply.

6.I. the same, but place your fingers on your chin. Spread your elbows to the sides - take a deep breath, return to i. p. and bend over slightly - exhale deeply.

7.I. p. the same, but bend your arms and press your shoulders to your body. Make a semicircular movement of your shoulders forward and up - inhale, a semicircular movement of your shoulders to the sides and down - exhale.

These exercises can be performed while standing, and exercises 1, 5, 6, 7 can be performed lying down.

In conclusion, I would like to say: do not let the diseases of the elderly (heart failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension) defeat you, do not be lazy, lead an active lifestyle, engage in physical therapy. Physical exercise is the key to health and longevity.

More articles:

Numb hands. Exercises.

Therapeutic exercises for varicose veins, asthma, and cervical osteochondrosis.

Exercise to tone up.

"Bone" on the foot.

Exercises for knee joints.

Exercises for the hip joints.

Hypertonic disease

It is a chronic disease that affects various systems of the body and is characterized by an increase in blood pressure above normal. Hypertonic disease is the most common disease of the cardiovascular system. According to statistics, those suffering from hypertension make up 15 - 20% of the adult population. Unfortunately, this disease shows a steady upward trend, and primarily this is due to the fact that hypertension is a disease of civilization, its negative aspects (information boom, increased pace of life, hypokinesia, etc.), quite often this disease leads to disability and death.

High blood pressure, which is characterized by hypertension, is not associated with primary changes in organs, but is a consequence of a violation of the complex mechanisms of nervous and endocrine-enzymatic regulation. The disorder of the regulatory mechanisms can be represented as follows: dysfunction of the higher parts of the central nervous system leads to a predominance of the tone of the sympathoadrenal system and a decrease in the function of the parasympathetic nervous system, which dilates the lumen of blood vessels. Subsequently, disorders of blood pressure regulation occur on the part of the kidneys and adrenal glands; the kidneys begin to produce excess amounts of enzymes and hormones that increase vascular tone. There is a violation of water-salt metabolism. All these changes in the regulatory mechanism lead to an increase in arterial tone and peripheral resistance to blood flow, as a result of which the work of the heart increases, the cardiac output of blood increases and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure.

This disease can occur due to various reasons: for example, mental trauma, neuropsychic stress, usually associated with negative emotions, and also due to closed brain injury. In addition, unfavorable heredity and obesity predispose to the disease. diabetes. menopause, excessive use of table salt (with food).

Hypertension is characterized by a chronic wave-like course, that is, when periods of deterioration are replaced by periods of relative well-being. But gradually the manifestations of the disease increase, organic changes appear and develop. Due to hypertension, a number of complications can arise: heart failure, coronary heart disease, stroke. kidney damage.

According to the degree of development of pathological changes in the course of the disease, three stages are distinguished. Moreover, all these stages are preceded by borderline hypertension - a condition in which blood pressure can be in the range of 140/90-160/95 mm Hg. Art. and periodically be normal. If preventive measures are carried out on time, this condition may not develop into hypertension.

Classification by blood pressure level.

- normal blood pressure - below 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

- borderline arterial hypertension is when blood pressure is in the range of 140/90 - 159/94 mmHg. Art.

- arterial hypertension - blood pressure is 160/95 mmHg. Art. and higher.

According to the nature of the progression of symptoms and duration, hypertension is divided into benign hypertension (slowly progressing or not progressing at all) and malignant hypertension (rapidly progressing). Hypertensive disease of crisis and non-crisis course is also distinguished. In addition, there is a division of hypertension into three main degrees: mild (mild), moderate and severe - taking into account the severity and degree of sustainability of the increase in blood pressure.

In the first stage of hypertension, only functional impairments are observed, blood pressure periodically increases within the range of 160/95-180/105 mm Hg. Art. and is accompanied by headaches, noise in the head, and sleep disturbances. Some patients do not experience life or physical limitations. Treatment and even just rest can help lower blood pressure to normal levels.

The second stage of hypertension is characterized by an increase in blood pressure to 200/115 mm Hg. Art. all the main complaints characteristic of hypertension are clearly expressed. The symptoms listed for the first stage include dizziness and pain in the heart. Blood pressure decreases only under the influence of treatment, and not always reaching normal values. During this period, many patients continue to engage in intense mental and physical work and perform their official duties. During the second stage of the disease, organic changes appear: hypertrophy of the left ventricle, narrowing of the retinal arteries of the fundus and others.

In the third stage of hypertension, high blood pressure persists, reaching 230/130 mm Hg. Art. and higher, with pronounced organic lesions: atherosclerosis of the arteries, dystrophic changes in many organs, circulatory failure, angina pectoris. Myocardial infarction, hemorrhage in the brain or retina, and renal failure often occur.

During the second and third stages, patients may experience hypertensive crises - a sudden, sharp change in blood pressure - manifested by severe dizziness and headaches, acute visual disturbances, and vomiting. Based on hemodynamic disturbances, one can distinguish a hyperkinetic type of crisis, when an increase in blood pressure is caused by increased work of the heart and an increase in stroke and cardiac output, and a hypokinetic type of crisis, when an increase in blood pressure occurs as a result of an increase in total peripheral vascular resistance.

Causes of hypertension- These are, as a rule, atherosclerotic lesions of peripheral vessels and a violation of neuroendocrine regulation. Moreover, the following factors contribute to the development of the disease:

— neuropsychic overstrain, emotional stress

— hereditary constitutional features

— occupational hazards (noise, eyestrain, increased and prolonged concentration of attention)

- excess body weight and dietary habits, namely - excessive consumption of salty and spicy foods

- smoking and alcohol abuse

— age-related restructuring of regulatory mechanisms (juvenile hypertension, menopause in women),

- skull injuries

- hypercholesterolemia,

- kidney disease

- atherosclerosis

- allergic diseases

Increased blood pressure during hypertension leads to the development of arteriosclerosis of three main organs: the heart, brain and kidneys. The course and outcome of hypertension depend on the functional state of these organs.

#image.jpgTreatment and rehabilitation of hypertension

Rehabilitation of patients with hypertension should be strictly individual and planned in accordance with the following principles:

1. Treatment of patients with borderline arterial hypertension and patients with stage 1 hypertension is usually carried out using non-drug methods, such as a salt-free diet, physical therapy for hypertension. autogenic training, etc. Only if there is no effect, patients are prescribed medications.

2. In patients with the first and second stages of the disease, the leading role in treatment belongs to systematic drug therapy, which should be comprehensive. At the same time, it is necessary to systematically carry out preventive measures, among which a significant place is occupied by means of physical culture, including therapeutic exercises for hypertension.

must correspond to the patient’s condition, stage of the process and form of the disease.

At the same time, patients with hypertension should avoid:

- lifting weights

- rhythmic gymnastics classes

- exercises that are accompanied by muscle contraction without movement of the torso and limbs

- climbing uphill (with and without load)

- physical activity at high and low air temperatures.

Exercise therapy for hypertension It is used for the purpose of general strengthening of the body, improving the functioning of the central nervous, cardiovascular and other systems. Therapeutic exercises for hypertension helps normalize motor-vascular reflexes and vascular tone, as well as improve metabolism to slow down the development of atherosclerosis.

Exercise for hypertension. being a biological stimulator of regulatory systems, they provide active mobilization of adaptive mechanisms and increase the adaptive capabilities of the body and the patient’s tolerance to physical activity. It is also very important that performing physical exercises is usually accompanied by the emergence of certain emotions, which has a very positive effect on the course of basic nervous processes in the cerebral cortex.

The use of various means and techniques to reduce increased muscle tone, such as elements of massage, passive exercises, isometric exercises followed by relaxation, can also be used to reduce increased vascular tone. Therapeutic exercises for hypertension have a positive effect on the well-being of a patient with hypertension, his irritability, headaches, dizziness, insomnia are reduced, and his ability to work is significantly increased.

The method of exercise therapy and physical therapy for hypertension depends on the stage of the disease and the predominance of certain of its manifestations. The general requirement for the training method is a combination of general developmental (for all muscle groups) and special exercises for hypertension: breathing, muscle relaxation, for the vestibular apparatus. General developmental exercises, provided consistent training, help lower blood pressure, and breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises reduce arterial tone thanks to motor-vascular reflexes.

Exercises for hypertension should be performed freely with full amplitude, without holding your breath or straining. It is very effective to carry out therapeutic exercises in combination with a massage of the head, collar area and shoulder girdle before and after classes.

After hypertensive crises in the second and third stages of the disease, therapeutic exercises for hypertension are prescribed during bed rest. In the starting position, lying with a high headboard, the simplest exercises for the arms and legs are used. Between exercises, pauses are made or static breathing exercises are performed. After the patient's condition improves, the volume of load increases according to the regimen. The classes include therapeutic exercises for hypertension, designed to train balance and vascular reactions to changes in the position of the body and head in space. When transferring the patient to a free regimen, dosed walking and walks are prescribed.

Provided there are no crises, patients, depending on their condition, can engage in exercise therapy for hypertension using the method of ward or free regime in a hospital or using the method of sanatorium regimes. In such cases, the initial sitting position is widely used in classes, alternating with standing and lying positions.

Together with therapeutic exercises, morning hygienic exercises, walks and measured walking, independent exercises on assignment, games, elements of rowing, skiing, and swimming are used.

Swimming and gymnastics in water have a special effect. Due to the fact that body weight decreases in water, the static muscle efforts required to maintain a normal posture are significantly reduced and good conditions are created for muscle relaxation. Also, immersion in water helps to train external breathing.

A set of exercises for stage 1 hypertension:

I. Walk normally, on toes, with high knees. Then walking: step with the left, turn the body to the right, arms to the right, step with the right, turn the body to the left, arms to the left. Then normal walking. Duration 2-3 minutes.

2. I.P. - standing, holding a stick in your hands, grab the ends of the stick. Raise your arms forward and up, your leg back on your toes - take a breath, return to i. p. - exhale. Do the same with the other leg. Perform 6-8 times.

3. I.P. - the same. Raise your arms up, left leg to the side on your toes, tilt your torso to the left - exhale, return to i. n. - inhale. Do the same to the right side. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. I.P. - the same, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands to the left, lifting the left end of the stick up, then do the same to the right. Repeat 8-10 times in each direction.

5. I.P. - the same. Turn your body to the left, move the stick to the left at shoulder height - exhale, return to i. p. - inhale. Repeat the same on the right side. Perform 6-8 times.

6. I.P. - the same thing, legs together. Lunge to the right, move the stick to the right - exhale, return to i. p. - inhale. Repeat the same in the other direction. Perform 6-8 times.

7. I.P. - the same thing, hands with a stick forward. Use the knee of your left leg to reach for the stick - exhale, return to i. p. - inhale. Repeat 6-10 times.

8. I.P. - standing, stick from behind, grab its ends. Rising on your toes, bend over, pull the stick back - take a breath, return to i. n. - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.

9. I.P. - standing, the stick stands vertically, resting on the floor, hands on its upper end. Rising on your toes - inhale, then squat, spread your knees to the sides - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

10. I.P. - standing, holding a stick in your hands, grab the ends of the stick. Raise the stick up, behind your head, on your back - take a breath, then lift the stick up, return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat 6-10 times.

11. I.P. - main stance. Perform alternate shaking of the legs while relaxing the muscles. Repeat 6-8 times.

12. Quiet jogging for 1-3 minutes, then calm walking for 1-2 minutes.

13. I.P. - main stance. Stretch your arms to the sides - take a breath, return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.

14. I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Bend forward - exhale, return to i. p. - inhale. Repeat 4-6 times.

15. I.P. - sitting. Shake your legs while relaxing your muscles. Repeat 6-10 times.

16. I.P. - the same. Turn your head to the side - inhale, return to i. p. - exhale. Do the same in the other direction. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

17. I.P. - sitting on the edge of a chair, leaning on the back, legs straightened forward, right hand on his chest, left hand on his stomach. Perform diaphragmatic-thoracic breathing - 4-5 times.

18. I.P. - sitting. Tightening your muscles, stretch your arms forward, reducing muscle tension, perform a slight half-tilt of the torso forward. Then, relaxing the arm muscles, “drop” your arms and let them sway involuntarily. Repeat 6-8 times.

19. I.P. - the same. Place your hands to your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together, tensing the muscles of your arms, shoulder girdle and back, reduce muscle tension with a slight half-tilt of your torso forward. Then, relaxing the muscles of your back and arms, lower your hands with your forearms resting on your hips.

20. I.P. - lying on your back, right hand on your chest, left hand on your stomach. Perform diaphragmatic-thoracic breathing. 4-5 times.

21. I.P. - standing. Maintain balance on one leg, bend the other at the hip and knee joints, arms forward. Remain in this position for 2-4 seconds. Do the same on the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times.

22. Walk 5 steps with your eyes closed, turn around, return to your original place. Repeat 3-4 times.

23. I.P. - standing. Perform alternate relaxation of the muscles of the arms and legs. Do it 3-4 times.

24. I.P. - the same. Spread your arms to the sides - take a breath, return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercises for hypertension of the second stage:

1. I.P. - sitting on a chair. Spread your arms to the sides - take a breath, return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. I.P. - the same, hands to shoulders, elbows to the sides. Rotate your arms in the shoulder joints in different directions. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 12-16 times.

3. I.P. - sitting on a chair, legs straightened forward, heels on the floor. Rotate your feet 6-8 times in each direction. Breathing is voluntary.

4. I.P. - sitting on a chair. Turn your torso to the right, right arm to the side, touch the back of the chair on the right with your left hand - exhale, return to i. p. - inhale. Repeat the same in the other direction. Perform 4-6 times in each direction.

5. I.P. - the same. The right leg is straightened forward, the left leg is bent at the knee joint. Changing the position of the legs - 8-12 times. Breathing is voluntary.

6. I.P. - sitting on the edge of a chair, leaning on the back, legs straightened forward, right hand on his chest, left hand on his stomach. Perform diaphragmatic-thoracic breathing - 3-4 times.

7. Walking normally and with high knees, 1-1.5 minutes.

8. I.P. - main stance. Perform relaxed shaking of the leg muscles. Do 2-3 times with each leg.

9. I.P. - the same. Lifting on your toes, hands sliding along the body to the armpits - inhale, and. p. - exhale.

10. I.P. - standing, legs wider than shoulders, hands on the waist. Transfer the weight of the body to one leg, bending it at the knee joint, move the arm of the same name to the side - take a breath, return to i. p. - exhale. Perform 4-6 times in each direction.

11. I.P. - the same. Tilt to the right, left hand behind your head - take a breath, return to i. p. - exhale. Perform 4-6 times in each direction.

12. I.P. - standing, holding the back of the chair with one hand. Swing your leg back and forth while relaxing your leg muscles. Do 5-8 times with each leg.

13. Walking 1-1.5 minutes.

14. I.P. - lying on your back with a high headboard, right hand on your chest, left hand on your stomach. Perform diaphragmatic-thoracic breathing - 3-4 times.

15. I.P. - lying on your back. Bend your leg at the knee joint and pull your knee towards your stomach - exhale, return to i. n. - inhale. Do 8-10 times with each leg.

16. I.P. - the same. Perform bending of the arms at the elbow joints, while simultaneously clenching the fingers into a fist and bending the feet - take a breath, return to i. p. - exhale. Repeat 8-12 times.

17. I.P. - the same. Perform alternate leg lifts. Repeat 6-8 times with each leg. Breathing is voluntary.

18. I.P. - the same, legs bent at the knee and hip joints with support from the feet. Perform relaxed shaking of the leg muscles - 20-30 seconds.

19. I.P. - lying on your back. Raise and move your leg to the side. Do 6-8 times with each leg. Breathing is voluntary.

20. Repeat exercise No. 14.

21. I.P. - lying on your back. 1 - right hand on the belt, left hand to the shoulder, 2 - return to i. p. 3 - left hand on the belt, right hand to the shoulder, 4 - return to i. p. 5 - right hand on the belt, bend the left leg, 6 - return to i. p. 7 - place your left hand on your belt, bend your right leg, 8 - return to i. p. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

22. I.P. - the same. Close your eyes, relax the muscles of your right arm, then your left arm. Perform for 1 - 2 minutes.

The load should not be too sudden and unusual; training should be carried out 2-3 times a week.

It is very useful for patients with hypertension to engage in regular walking. During the first training sessions, it is enough to walk 1600–2000 m at a brisk pace, but without tension.

After 4 weeks, the distance can be increased to 2400 m, after another two weeks - up to 3200 m. The time to complete the distance is every 800 m in 8-9 minutes, and the entire route takes from 32 to 36 minutes. This rhythm of training should be maintained until you can easily complete 3200 m in 30 minutes without stress. The pulse should not exceed 20 beats in 10 seconds. If your heart rate is above this value, you must maintain this training mode until your heart rate drops to 20 beats in 10 seconds.

To achieve the first positive results, a relatively young and healthy person will need several weeks at the first stage, and an elderly or weakened person with excess body weight will need several months. After successfully completing the course on mastering and adapting to stress, you can begin the next stage of rehabilitation for hypertension - jogging in the fresh air.

Finally, I would like to give some advice to experienced hypertensive patients:

- carrying an adequate load is very beneficial for the heart

- regularly perform a set of exercises while lying in bed

- walk more, try to walk, choose a distance that you can cover confidently.

"Movement is life!" - this life postulate can also be attributed to hypertension. Having such a disease, hypertensive patients should not give up a full life and limit their activity.

Physical activity during hypertension is not only not contraindicated, but also recommended. But this does not mean that you need to immediately run to the gym or start playing active sports. In order for physical activity to be beneficial for a hypertensive patient, special physical therapy is necessary.

General rules of physical therapy

The main tasks that physical therapy sets for itself include:

  1. Increasing the patient's endurance.
  2. Strengthening (hardening) the patient's body.
  3. Decreased excitability of the nervous system.
  4. Developing mental stability.
  5. Decreased blood pressure.
  6. Alleviation of the patient's condition.
  7. Improving microcirculation in organs.
  8. Normalization of redox reactions and metabolic processes in the body.
  9. Prevention or regression of atherosclerosis.

The complex of physical therapy for hypertension must include physical exercises (breathing, restorative, toning), cyclic isotonic training (walking, running, cycling), massage of the neck and shoulders before and after training.

Isometric exercises (weightlifting, weight lifting) are allowed only in the initial stages of hypertension, but their frequency and duration should be limited as much as possible, since they can provoke an increase in blood pressure.

The most beneficial effect on the circulatory system is the alternation of general strengthening exercises and breathing exercises. Exercise therapy classes should be carried out once every one or two days. The duration of the workout should be 30-60 minutes. You should not increase the training time beyond one hour a day or reduce it to 15-20 minutes: increasing the training time can cause an increase in blood pressure, and reducing it will not give the expected results.

In the first lessons, exercises such as turns, bends, and rotations of the torso should be repeated no more than 3-4 times. You should be careful with hand exercises: they increase blood pressure. This does not apply to leg exercises at all - it is recommended to repeat them 6-8 times. Exercises should be done slowly, without sudden movements. The load should increase gradually so that the body has time to adapt to it.

Before starting classes, you need permission from your attending physician and consultation with a rehabilitation specialist. It is he who must determine what physical exercises can be done with hypertension of one or another stage and taking into account the physical condition of the patient.

Contraindications for exercise therapy

Exercise therapy has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which physical exercise can aggravate the course of the disease. It is impossible to carry out a complex of physical therapy intended for people with hypertension:

  • with malignant hypertension (systolic blood pressure is above 180 mm Hg, and diastolic blood pressure is above 110 mm Hg);
  • after a case of hypotension;
  • after a hypertensive crisis;
  • with heart failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • for severe arrhythmias;
  • in the presence of aneurysms;
  • with angina pectoris;
  • for inflammation of the veins (thrombophlebitis);
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with kidney failure.

Physical activity is dangerous in the acute stage of these diseases. During remission, exercise therapy is not prohibited, but a set of exercises should be compiled taking into account the listed diseases.

Exercise therapy for stage 1 hypertension

For patients with hypertension of the first uncomplicated stage, moderate-intensity physical activity is recommended. This could be: gymnastics, intense walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, outdoor games (tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball).

Classes should be quite intense, but not excessive. The following exercises are recommended:

  • walking with high knees;
  • walking with lunges;
  • bends;
  • sagging;
  • twisting of the torso;
  • swing your legs;
  • squats.

Hypertensive patients in the first stage of the disease also benefit from intensive walking in the morning. Walking at a speed of 6-7 km/hour is considered intense. The distance of this walk can be from 3 to 6.5 km. In this case, it is necessary to start with a minimum distance of three kilometers.

Exercise therapy for stage 2 hypertension

In the second stage of hypertension, patients are recommended morning exercises, dosed walking, swimming, outdoor games, and cycling. Before and after training, you can massage the collar area, paravertebral areas, shoulder girdles and shoulders.

Physical exercises for stage 2 hypertension are inferior in effectiveness to aerobic exercise (fast walking, running). In this case, the intensity of aerobic exercise should increase gradually.

As an example for creating an aerobic training program, the following diagram can be given:

  1. First week- walking tours lasting up to 20 minutes.
  2. Second week- walking for 20 minutes with changes in pace.
  3. Third week- alternately 3 walking cycles of 3-4 minutes each and 2 jogging cycles of 1 minute each.
  4. Fourth week- alternately 4 walking cycles of 3-4 minutes each and 3 jogging cycles of 1 minute each.
  5. Fifth week- alternately 4 walking cycles of 3-4 minutes each and 3 jogging cycles of 2 minutes each.
  6. Sixth week- alternately 3 walking cycles of 3 minutes and 2 jogging cycles of 3 minutes.
  7. From 7th to 11th week- similar to the course of the sixth week with an increase in the duration of one run to 4 minutes.
  8. From 12th week- increase the duration of one run by one minute weekly.

This multi-stage aerobic training perfectly trains the blood vessels and heart without harming the patient’s health.

Exercise therapy for stage 3 hypertension

In stage 3 hypertension, patients have severe impairment of target organs and internal organs, so physical activity for them should be very moderate. Such patients are allowed only dosed walking and therapeutic exercises. Massage of the collar zone in the third stage of hypertension is contraindicated.

Physical therapy is very important for restoring the health of a patient with hypertension. As a sole treatment method, it will not be effective, but in combination with drug therapy and other non-drug methods it will give good results. With the help of exercise therapy, you can stop the progression of hypertension and normalize blood pressure levels.