Column to the sky in India. The kutub column is the stainless secret of india. Pillar of Indra: the technology of creation is a great mystery

In India, not far from Delhi, in the town of Shimaikhalori, there is a huge iron pillar-column. Its height is 6.7 meters, diameter is 1.37 meters. At the top, the column is decorated with ancient ornaments and outwardly resembles a column of an ancient temple. Perhaps this pillar was erected several millennia ago. The most amazing thing is that it is not subject to corrosion and destruction at all. In 1739, a cannonball was fired at it, which did not cause the slightest harm to the pillar.

How did the ancient masters manage to create chemically pure iron, how did they manage to cast a metal column 7 meters high and girth thick? Science cannot explain it. Some scholars consider the Iron Pillar to be evidence of the existence of a long-vanished ancient civilization, others believe that it was left in memory of a visit to Earth by aliens. let it distract a little from the topic, but it will help to complete road work at the lowest financial cost.

The famous Kutubov column on the altar of the Kuvwat-ul-Islam mosque in the fortified city of Lal-Kot, not far from Delhi, perhaps even today remains one of the many iconic engineering creations of ancient civilizations that keep the secret of the Great Knowledge of antiquity, attracting more and more new researchers. There are many hypotheses about the origin of the column, many argue that the stainless column is never made of meteoric iron, and some are sure that this is the work of the aliens themselves!

Standing in the open air, the legendary iron column with a diameter of 0.485 meters reaches a height of more than 7 meters and weighs about 6 tons. The inscription on the pillar says that it was brought and placed on this site during the reign of Samandragunta, who lived from 330 to 380 AD. AT encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron says: “... the iron column of Raja Dhava (beginning of the 4th century AD) was erected in memory of the victory over the peoples Central Asia, as the Sanskrit inscription located here says. For a period of more than 1600 years, rare iron products have survived to this day. There are no traces of rust on the visible surface of the column. Until recently, it was believed that if the column, washed by rain and dew, does not rust, then it is made of pure iron. No other explanations were found.

The glory of this column was also added by legends about its magical healing properties, relieving people from a number of diseases. It is believed that it is enough for a patient who has arrived here on crutches to stand, hugging a column, for 20-30 minutes to recover.

Scientists have conducted a number of studies of the iron column in Delhi. For example, British specialists took small pieces of metal as samples for physical and chemical analysis in London. Upon arrival in London, it turned out that the samples were covered with rust. Soon, the Swedish materials scientist I. Wranglen and his colleagues discovered a zone of severe corrosion on the lower part of the column. It turned out that in the area of ​​​​the foundation it rusted to a depth of 16 millimeters along the entire diameter. Faith in pure stainless iron was undermined, but other questions remained. Why, for example, does the column not rust higher from the foundation, and also how to explain its healing power?

Many years of efforts by Russian researchers revealed a number of previously unknown features of this building. For example, it turned out that the foundation of the column is made in the form of a two-sided pyramid (rhombus), it forms a vertical energy flow invisible to the ordinary eye, resembling a candle flame about 8 meters high and more than 2 meters in diameter.

Similar energy fields are observed above the tops of the pyramids and other places of worship, for example Orthodox churches, made in the form of pyramids, raised above the ground. Above their central bulbous dome, the iron crosses are also immune to corrosion if properly placed in the energy field.

The conducted studies show that inside the column at a height of about 3 meters from the ground there is an additional source of energy field radiation, made in the form of a small compressed rectangular package of thin sheets of unknown radioactive metal. The radiation source is inserted into the column through a drilled and then plugged hole. Perhaps there is a message for posterity. New studies of the column may reveal additional interesting findings.

It can be assumed that the energy field shell of the iron column is reliable protection from corrosion. The reason for the appearance of rust on the column in the area of ​​​​embedding it in the foundation can be a water film from rain and dew formed on the horizontal surface of the foundation, which goes beyond the energy case.

As for the miracle of healing the sick, the main role here is played by the vertical flow of the energy field, which has a beneficial effect on the human energy, normalizes the work of the whole organism. A person receives a powerful additional energy supply, being completely in the arms of the energy field of the column. Recall that modern medicine influences magnetic, electric and other energy fields only on separate parts of the human body, without restoring the deformed energy shell of a person as a whole.

The version of the creation of the iron column is also curious. More than 12 thousand years ago, a large iron meteorite fell to the west of Bombay, the remains of which are still there on the shelf of the sea. During the heyday of the Atlantean and Indian civilizations, local craftsmen created three identical iron columns by crystallizing meteorite fragments. Other ritual items were made in the underground caves using the same method. There, archaeologists in our time find many finished and unfinished products made of crystallized iron.

The special shape and design of the foundation containing energy flow stimulators (crystals, amber, rare earth and radioactive elements), as well as the design of the iron column itself, allowed the ancient masters to create an energy field flow around the column, which can be conditionally called the “Space Communication Channel” (energy antenna).

Similar ritual columns (pillars) made of stone, wood or metal in the area of ​​places of worship are found on all continents of the planet. They vary in size and complexity of manufacture. Some reached 20 meters in height (Pillars of Hercules), others - only a few meters. For example, in Northern Bukovina, at the Rzhavinsky sanctuary (VIII-X centuries AD), a tetrahedral stone pillar more than 2 meters high was found, tapering upwards, without inscriptions and images. He stood in the center of the sanctuary, symbolizing the "World Axis", around which the Sun mysteriously and symbolically rotated in the process of ritual actions. In fact, such pillars (columns) fulfilled their functional, and not symbolic purpose. The priests had the knowledge of using and transforming weak earthly energy flows. In a word, the stone pillar played the same role here as the iron pillar in Delhi.

Nowadays, similar stone pillars can be seen in French Brittany (giant menhirs), in England (carved cross from Gosford), in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Africa, Central America.

When visiting Qutub Minar, I was most interested in the iron pillar, which has its own significant remarkableness among other historical monuments of Delhi.

The column is located near the Qutub Minar itself, literally a couple of tens of meters near the tower.

According to the Hindu belief, this column can cure many diseases and give happiness to a person if you wrap your back around the pillar. In view of the greater number of people who wanted to, the pillar was surrounded by a fence and a guard was assigned to look after it.

The inscription on the column says that it was brought and placed here about 1600 years ago. During the period of its existence, the column has practically not undergone corrosion, with the exception of some plaque at the base of the column. The column consists of 99.7% iron with an insignificant content of phosphorus, carbon and sulfur impurities.

The column rises 7 meters above the ground, has a diameter of 0.485 m and a mass of 6 tons.

The origin of the column carries innuendo and ambiguity. How an Indian civilization with a low technological level of development could pay a solid pillar with almost 100% pure iron content.

Some argue that the column was smelted by the pre-civilization of the Aryans (i.e., the late Atlanteans in conjunction with the early Aryans), from an iron meteorite that fell to the west of Bombay more than 12 thousand years ago. Some argue that there could not have been without aliens.


Scientists have conducted a number of studies of the iron column in Delhi. For example, British specialists took small pieces of metal as samples for physical and chemical analysis in London. Upon arrival in London, it turned out that the samples were covered with rust. Soon, the Swedish materials scientist I. Wranglen and his colleagues discovered a zone of severe corrosion on the lower part of the column. It turned out that in the area of ​​​​the foundation it rusted to a depth of 16 millimeters along the entire diameter. Faith in pure stainless iron was undermined, but other questions remained. Why, for example, does the column not rust higher from the foundation, and also how to explain its healing power?

Many years of efforts by Russian researchers revealed a number of previously unknown features of this building. For example, it turned out that the foundation of the column is made in the form of a two-sided pyramid (rhombus), it forms a vertical energy flow invisible to the ordinary eye, resembling a candle flame about 8 meters high and more than 2 meters in diameter.

Similar energy fields are observed above the tops of the pyramids and other places of worship, such as Orthodox churches, made in the form of pyramids, raised above the ground. Above their central bulbous dome, the iron crosses are also immune to corrosion if properly placed in the energy field.

The conducted studies show that inside the column at a height of about 3 meters from the ground there is an additional source of energy field radiation, made in the form of a small compressed rectangular package of thin sheets of unknown radioactive metal. The radiation source is inserted into the column through a drilled and then plugged hole. Perhaps there is a message for posterity. New studies of the column may reveal additional interesting findings.

It can be assumed that the energy field shell of the iron column is a reliable protection against corrosion. The reason for the appearance of rust on the column in the area of ​​​​embedding it in the foundation can be a water film from rain and dew formed on the horizontal surface of the foundation, which goes beyond the energy case.

As for the miracle of healing the sick, the main role here is played by the vertical flow of the energy field, which has a beneficial effect on the human energy, normalizes the work of the whole organism. A person receives a powerful additional energy supply, being completely in the arms of the energy field of the column. Recall that modern medicine affects magnetic, electric and other energy fields only on certain parts of the human body, without restoring the deformed energy shell of a person as a whole.

The version of the creation of the iron column is also curious. More than 12 thousand years ago, a large iron meteorite fell to the west of Bombay, the remains of which are still there on the shelf of the sea. During the heyday of the Atlantean and Indian civilizations, local craftsmen created three identical iron columns by crystallizing meteorite fragments. Other ritual items were made in the underground caves using the same method. There, archaeologists in our time find many finished and unfinished products made of crystallized iron.

The special shape and design of the foundation containing energy flow stimulators (crystals, amber, rare earth and radioactive elements), as well as the design of the iron column itself, allowed the ancient masters to create an energy field flow around the column, which can be conditionally called the “Space Communication Channel” (energy antenna).

Similar ritual columns (pillars) made of stone, wood or metal in the area of ​​places of worship are found on all continents of the planet. They vary in size and complexity of manufacture. Some reached 20 meters in height (Pillars of Hercules), others only a few meters. For example, in Northern Bukovina, at the Rzhavinsky sanctuary (VIII-X centuries AD), a tetrahedral stone pillar more than 2 meters high was found, tapering upwards, without inscriptions and images. He stood in the center of the sanctuary, symbolizing the "World Axis", around which the Sun mysteriously and symbolically rotated in the process of ritual actions. In fact, such pillars (columns) fulfilled their functional, and not symbolic purpose. The priests had the knowledge of using and transforming weak earthly energy flows. In a word, the stone pillar played the same role here as the iron pillar in Delhi.

Most of all in Delhi, in addition to the main attractions, I wanted to see that very mysterious iron column.

There are different hypotheses and opinions about its origin. For example, such…

Below is a description from Wikipedia.

An iron column in Delhi, seven meters high and weighing six and a half tons, is part of architectural ensemble Qutub Minar, located about 20 kilometers south of Old Delhi. This is one of the main attractions of Delhi. The column gained wide popularity by the fact that for 1600 years of its existence it practically avoided corrosion.

From ancient times, crowds of pilgrims flocked to it - it is believed that if you stand with your back to the column and wrap your arms around it from behind, this will bring happiness (another option is that a wish will come true). In order to avoid vandalism, a fence was built around the column in 1997, so now it is not so easy to verify the authenticity of this belief.
Another name for the iron column in Delhi is "Kutub Column".

The column was erected in 415 in honor of King Chandragupta II, who died in 413. Initially, it was located in the east of the country in the Vishnu temple complex in the city of Mathura. The column was crowned with the image of the sacred bird Garuda and stood in front of the temple. In 1050, King Anang Pola brought her to Delhi. (Other information - the temple complex was destroyed in the XIII century by order of the first Delhi Sultan. At the same time, the column was transferred to Delhi)

Versions that the iron column in Delhi was allegedly cast or forged from one single piece of iron are currently being questioned.

Most likely, the column was made by forging individual pieces of iron weighing up to 36 kg. Clearly visible impact marks and welding lines, as well as low sulfur content and a large number of non-metallic inclusions.

There are many legends about the column regarding its exceptional durability. Guides often tell that stainless steel was used to create this monument. However, an analysis made by the Indian scientist Chedari shows that the Delhi column does not contain alloying elements leading to increased corrosion resistance.

The opposite opinion was that the column was made of very pure iron. Such a hypothesis was even present in textbooks on metallurgy for a number of years as an example of the high atmospheric resistance of pure iron.…

Teer about the minaret.

Qutub Minar is the tallest brick minaret in the world. Built in Delhi by several generations of the rulers of the Delhi Sultanate. The minaret is the center of the complex of historical monuments of different eras.
The brick minaret, 72.6 meters high, is a unique monument of medieval Indo-Islamic architecture, and is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

The first Muslim ruler of India, Qutbuddin Aibak, impressed by the Afghan Jam minaret, began the construction of the minaret in 1193 to surpass him, but was only able to complete the foundation. His heir Iltutmysh completed three more tiers, and in 1368 Firuz Shah Tughlak completed the fifth and last tier. By appearance minaret can trace the development of architectural style.
In addition to the usual purpose of calling people to prayer at the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque, the minaret was used as a victory tower to show the power of Islam, as well as a tower for viewing the surroundings in order to protect the city. Among historians, there is also an opinion that the minaret was named after the first Turkic sultan Kutbuddin Aibak, according to another hypothesis - in honor of the saint from Baghdad Khwaja Kutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki, who moved to India and enjoyed great authority with Akbar.
The diameter of the base is 14.74 m, the diameter of the upper part of the tower is 3.05 m.

In India, in a small place not far from the capital of Delhi - Shimaikhalori, for the past sixteen centuries there has been a pillar of pure iron. The content of carbon in it and other impurities is negligible. The amount of pure iron is 99.5%, so the pole, despite the very humid climate of India, practically does not rust.

Pillar of Indra: the technology of creation is a great mystery

A stainless iron pole in India, the secret of the manufacturing technology of which has not been solved.

The “Pillar of Indra”, as this 7.5-meter structure with a diameter of 48 cm is also called, is puzzling: what technologies did the ancient masters use to smelt such a pillar? The riddle that cannot be unraveled is that even under modern conditions, obtaining such perfectly pure atomic iron possible by sputtering only in space conditions and only in small quantities!

For several tens of meters, a column of pure iron goes into the ground - that is, its mass is huge! And it still had to be buried so deep! But there is another secret about this pillar: an inscription is made on it, which informs that the pillar was erected in honor of the victory over the peoples of Asia. The inscription says that the column was made during the reign of Chandragupta, which is 376-415 AD.

Make a similar writing on iron- you also need to be able to! What technology did the ancients use: maybe the letters were pressed out while the metal was warm, or maybe they were carved? Until now, scientists have not determined and no one can answer this question with greater certainty.

Versions and assumptions of creating a column of pure iron

According to one version, such a pillar in ancient times (and in ours too) could only be created by aliens from outer space (aliens). But the version with aliens carries uncertainty and elements of science fiction: after all, no one has officially proven the “presence” of aliens.

Another version: the pillar was made from an iron meteorite. But then tell me, where and when did a meteorite of such a mass fall to Earth? Indeed, after its collision with the surface of our planet, a significant crater should have remained. Significant natural disasters were also to occur. Nothing like this happened in ancient times near Delhi, and in general in India. That's for sure.

Like it or not, but the mystery of the stainless steel pillar remains one of the most amazing to this day. And the scientific and technical level of the ancient Aryans can now be judged at least by this metal column.

"In the courtyard of one of the Delhi temples stands metal column, which is at least four thousand years old - there is not a trace of rust on it, - said Erich von Daniken in the book "Chariots of the Gods". - It must be added that there is no sulfur or phosphorus in the alloy of which it is composed. From ancient times this incomprehensible alloy has reached us ... "Conclusion - the aliens are to blame, who taught the ancient Indians the wonders of metallurgy.

As usual with Daniken, every word here is not true. The column standing at the ruins of the Kuvvat ul-Islam mosque is "only" 1600 years old. It is clearly and clearly written in Sanskrit after describing wars and other outrages: "Chandra, whose face is beautiful, as if full moon, selflessly believing in Vishnu, erected this high standard of the Divine Vishnu on the hill of Vishnupada. "For those who cannot overcome Sanskrit, a marble tablet was installed nearby in 1903 with a translation into English. n. e.).

Where the column stands now, there are no hills. The fact is that the column was brought to Delhi as a trophy by Sultan Qutb ud-din Aibek, who placed it in front of the mosque in memory of his victories. The Sultan knocked down the symbol of Vishnu from its top (most likely, there was an image of the Garuda bird on which Vishnu flew on top), but did not touch the inscription of Chandragupta. According to historians, Vishnupad Hill was located on the territory of the city of Udayagiri.

It was not difficult to drag the column: it is not heavy (about 6 tons) and not huge: the height is 7.2 m, the diameter at the base is 43.5 cm, at the top of the capital is 22.3 cm. But what protects it from rust?

Here we note that Daniken is again wrong: the metal contains phosphorus (0.25%) and sulfur (0.005%). There is even too much phosphorus, five times more than is necessary according to the standards of modern metallurgy. In addition, the column contains carbon (0.15%), silicon (0.05%), manganese (0.05%), nickel (0.05%), copper (0.03%), and nitrogen (0 .02%). The rest is pure iron (99.395%).

The "incomprehensible" alloy for Daniken is just blooming iron, obtained from magnetic iron ore without melting. The mined ore was crushed into a fine powder, cleaned of waste rock by washing and mixed with charcoal, and then fired in furnaces at a temperature of 1000-1200°C (whereas iron melts at 1530°C). The resulting blooms were processed with hammers, squeezing out unnecessary impurities and increasing the density of the ingot. The red-hot ingots were "joined" with each other by forging, and then the joints were ground (now called "forge welding"). Traces of joints and seams are visible on the column, proving that it was not cast from molten iron. 250-300 ingots were spent on it, which required at least two weeks of operation of the plant with 10 furnaces and the participation of 150-200 people. The quality of welding turned out to be good: in 1738 it withstood artillery fire. The mosque collapsed, but the column stands, although traces of the cannonballs are still visible on its sides.

The column resists rust only where it is in the air - its underground part is covered with a layer of rust more than a centimeter thick, and at the joints the base has rusted by more than 10 cm. The top of the capital, where water lingers after rain, is also seriously rusted.

The extremely dry air of Delhi helps the column not to rust. The journal "Nature" (Vol. 172, Sept. 12, 1953) published a table of corrosion rates for steel and zinc in different cities. Delhi is the second driest country in the world, behind only Khartoum in Sudan. Even during the monsoon period, the humidity of the Delhi air exceeds the critical value at which the metal noticeably corrodes, only in the morning hours. In addition, the column gets very warm and dries up in minutes even after rain, and dew does not settle on it.

However, the main protective mechanism of the column is a film of oxides that covers the surface in places in contact with air. At the bottom of the column, the film thickness is about 50 microns. This part is literally polished by the bodies of people who believe in a sign: if you manage to stand with your back to the column and close your hands behind it, the person will definitely be lucky. Only in 2004, the column was surrounded by a strong fence to protect the protective layer from abrasion. Where someone scratched the layer with a buckle or something else, the column immediately begins to rust. Only after a few years, all protective properties are restored and the scratch becomes indistinguishable from other, untouched places. Above, where people did not reach, the film layer reaches 500-600 microns. Iron phosphate (FePO4) prevents the film from becoming rusty. An excess of phosphorus, which is considered a serious disadvantage in metallurgy (the metal turns out to be less durable), accidentally turned into a virtue.

There are iron poles in other parts of India, only they are much less talked about - they have all rusted long ago. A piece of the Delhi column, taken to the seashore, rusted on all sides: the protective layer could not cope with the aggressive environment. If the sultan had moved the column to the coast, it would have rusted there in a matter of years and never became famous.

Lit.: Gosta, Wranglen. The "Rustless" iron pillar at Delhi // Corrosion Science, 1970, Vol. 10, p. 761-770; Balasubramaniyama R., Ramesh Kumar A.V. Characterization of Delhi iron pillar rust by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy // Corrosion Science, Vol. 42, 2000, p. 2085-2101; Balasubramaniama R. On the corrosion resistance of the Delhi iron pillar // Corrosion Science, Vol. 42, 2000, p. 2103-2109; The iron pillar of Delhi // Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol 156, no. 4, 1903, p. 296; Kamachi Mudali & Baldev Raj. In situ corrosion investigations on Delhi iron pillar // Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Vol. 62, Issue 1, Feb. 2009, p. 25-33; The Delhi Pillar // Nature, Sept. 12, 1953, p. 499-500; Sprague de Camp, L. The iron pillar of Delhi // Analog, 1972, No. 9 (Vol. XC, Sept. 1972); Alekseev S. Iron Column in Delhi // Chemistry and Life, 1979, No. 4, pp. 90-93; Rebrov M. Lunar iron on Earth? // It cannot be (M.), 1993, No. 15; Kashin, Valery. The Colossus of Chandragupta is another wonder of the world // Science and Life, 2009, No. 6, pp. 56-59; Ter-Yeremyan, Job. "White Iron" of the Khalibs // Tekhnika-molodezhi, 1976, No. 8.