When will the pain from an ovarian cyst go away? Ovarian cyst hurts. Symptoms of a complicated ovarian cyst

A cyst is a formation that has a capsule and a cavity filled with fluid. It can occur in any organ. The vast majority of cysts are benign, but some types can degenerate. It is attached using a base or leg. It can be single or multiple, most often the lesion is unilateral. Bilateral cysts are rare. In the ovaries, more often than others, a formation occurs on the right side due to greater blood supply. Diagnosed before or after menopause. Most often, ovarian cysts are small in size, but can reach 20 cm in diameter.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The reasons today are still unknown with certainty, but an indispensable factor present is hormonal disorders, pathologies of the ovaries themselves, hormone intake, weight gain and frequent abortions.

Can an ovarian cyst hurt? This is the main symptom. With cystosis, there is an impact on reproductive function.

Types of cysts

The main groups of cysts are combined into 2 large groups - functional and non-functional (organic). They differ in structure and reasons, but the clinic of any type is common.

The first group includes follicular, luteal, and polycystic. Organic - endometrioid, dermoid, mucinous, paraovarian. Functional cysts have the ability to resolve on their own and respond well to treatment with hormones. As for organic cysts, conservative treatment does not work on them, only removal.

Follicular cyst

It becomes a consequence of a violation of the ovulatory phase of the cycle, when the egg does not leave the mature follicle. Such a follicle does not rupture and degenerates into a cyst, which “lives” for about 3 months. Then it resolves spontaneously over several cycles. The clinic rarely gives symptoms, but if it occurs, it is expressed in the absence of manifestations in the first month due to its small size. Later, with a diameter of 3 cm, aching, mild pain, heaviness in the abdomen, and distension in the pelvic area appear in the lower abdomen.

All signs intensify after the ovulatory phase. The pain may intensify with physical activity, fast walking, sex, or hypothermia. Pathology occurs during fertile age and in adolescents.

Luteal cyst

In this case, the mature follicle bursts completely, the egg is released, but the corpus luteum does not regress at the end of the luteal phase. The cyst begins to grow directly from the corpus luteum. The cause is hormonal imbalance. It may take several cycles until it resolves.


There are several cysts on 1 or 2 ovaries. The exact etiology is unknown, but it occurs when the level of male hormones in the blood exceeds.

The stomach hurts regularly, in the lower part. The result is infertility. It is well treated with hormones.

Hemorrhagic cysts

They are functional in nature and can be of different types. They contain bloody fluid inside. Accompanied by cycle disruptions, profuseness and painful menstruation.

Organic cysts

They are much more dangerous due to the possibility of malignancy. The main symptom of such cysts is pain. In addition, they cause disturbances in the reproductive system:

  • MC failures and abundance of menstruation;
  • presence of discharge after menstruation.

Treatment is usually surgical.

Mucinous formation

Prone to aggressive growth and degeneration. They differ from other species by being multi-chambered. As a rule, they occur during menopause. Filled with mucus.

Pain from mucinous cysts radiates to the legs. The functioning of internal organs is disrupted.

Dermoid cyst

It is formed from the germ layers, therefore it is congenital. It manifests itself at the age of 15-25.

It has a dense capsule containing soft or bone tissue, hair tissue, nails, fat, etc. It grows quickly, causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, increased urination and stool disturbances. Most often occurs on the right side.

Endometrioid neoplasm

It often becomes a complication of endometriosis. The cyst cavity is filled with brown liquid or blood (chocolate contents).

Paraovarian cyst

This is the location of the cyst between the ovary and the fallopian tube, in the leaves of the broad uterine ligament. It has transparent contents with a lot of protein. It is characterized by very slow growth and strict good quality. There is no such thing as rebirth. Removal only by surgery. Often occurs during gestation. It does not interfere with conception and is detected early on ultrasound.

Do ovarian cysts hurt in women?

This directly depends on the type of cyst. Pain options range from aching, irregular to constant or unbearable, intolerable to shock (with complications).

But in any case, algia always begins in the lower abdomen, then rises upward and spreads. With rapid growth, the pain becomes wandering. In addition, this often indicates possible malignancy of the formation.

General symptomatic manifestations

Can an ovarian cyst hurt and why? The pedicle of a cystic neoplasm has nerve endings, so pain with cystosis occurs often.

The symptoms are quite specific:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • nagging and aching irregular or constant pain;
  • vaginal discharge not related to MC;
  • cycle disorders;
  • dyspareunia;
  • bloating and increase in abdominal volume;
  • dysuria and stool disorders with a tendency to constipation;
  • possible temperature.

Can an ovarian cyst hurt intensely? The severity of the pain syndrome with ovarian cystosis is determined by the speed of its growth, localization, structure and character. Severe and sharp pain is possible in case of complications of the cyst - rupture of the capsule or torsion of the leg. The intensity of the pain can lead to fainting.

Can an ovarian cyst hurt if it is large? Painful sensations occur when the size of the formation is more than 4 cm. In this case, it begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissues. Such pains are called physiological due to their causes.

Sensations with various types of formations

Does the stomach hurt with an ovarian cyst and which ones cause it more? Follicular and luteal pain produce irregular, mild pain in the lower abdomen, more reminiscent of irregular discomfort in the side.

Can breast pain hurt with an ovarian cyst? This happens quite often during the ovulatory period.

Mucinous formations are characterized by a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen. As the size of the cyst increases, the pain becomes more intense due to the pressure on neighboring organs and tissues.

Does the stomach hurt at origin, and what type of pain is it? The pain syndrome here is expressed with irradiation to the legs - thigh and groin. It is bursting in nature.

With an endometrioid cyst, muscle pain resembles spasms and can provoke cramps in the legs. The pain syndrome appears in the second phase of the cycle, and intensifies during menstruation. The discomfort lasts for several days and recurs periodically.

A paraovarian cyst is usually asymptomatic or causes periodic aching pain in the abdomen, flank and sacrum, independent of the phase of menstruation. They intensify with activity and stress, compression of neighboring organs and spontaneously stop.

Does an ovarian corpus luteum (luteal) cyst hurt? If there are no complications, pain may be absent or mild. The pathology is characterized by a long delay of menstruation.

With polycystic pain, the pain is moderate and can radiate to the pelvic and lumbar region.

With dermoid formation, the pain is severe, prolonged and constant. They radiate to the sacrum, coccyx and lower back. The cyst is filled with mucus-like fluid.

Damage to the right ovary

All pain sensations are right-sided. During and after menstruation, the pain may intensify. An interesting fact is that the right-sided ovarian cyst always hurts more, which is explained by better blood supply.

Cyst on the left

Can a left-sided cyst hurt? The pain appears similarly in the left side of the lower abdomen, but it is less disturbing than with a right-sided cyst. The abdomen may enlarge, become bloated, and there is a feeling of fullness and distension.

Pain due to complications

When complications occur, the pain is especially pronounced and bright. Can an ovarian cyst hurt when the pedicle is torsed? Definitely yes, and the intensity of the pain is such that it is unbearable and cannot be relieved by any analgesics. Additional symptoms also develop:

  • fever;
  • nausea and often vomiting;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • the skin becomes pale and covered with pale sweat;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • frequent urination;
  • thirst;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • vaginal mucus discharge;
  • loss of consciousness is possible.

Visually, the stomach becomes asymmetrical. The situation is urgent and requires urgent surgery. Poor circulation due to torsion of the leg leads to tissue necrosis.

Cyst rupture

When the capsule of the cyst ruptures, sharp pain occurs in the form of contractions, which radiates to the leg and rectum. Most often, capsule rupture occurs in the middle of the cycle. The symptoms of this complication are very similar to torsion of the leg, but instead of tissue necrosis, peritonitis occurs. This happens because the contents of the cyst are often thrown into the abdominal cavity. Urgent measures are needed here too.

Emergency help

Only doctors can provide emergency assistance, so the help of others will only consist of calling an ambulance, giving the woman a comfortable position and applying cold to the location of the pain - a cold heating pad or an ice pack. It is better not to take painkillers until the doctors arrive, so that the clinic remains clean.

What types of operations are possible for cysts?

For cystic formations, the following types of surgical interventions are possible:

  1. Complete removal of a cyst without affecting surrounding tissues is a cystectomy. The cyst capsule simply peels off. Reproductive functions are not affected.
  2. Oophorectomy - removal of the ovary (complete or partial).
  3. If the appendages are also removed, the operation is called adnexectomy.

What to do for pain from uncomplicated cysts?

Pain is the reason to see a doctor. Do not take handfuls of pills and stay at home.

Painkillers are symptomatic treatment only. It relieves pain, but does not cure the cyst.

Analgesics can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, when the woman is regularly seen by a gynecologist and the pain is due to the reduction of the cyst. What your doctor can advise:

  • moderate your activity in any way;
  • do not have sex too actively;
  • apply dry heat.

You can take anti-inflammatory drugs (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin), hormonal drugs (Duphaston) and antispasmodics such as No-shpa.

Conclusion and conclusions

Can the ovary hurt after cyst removal? After surgery, pain usually disappears. With laparoscopy they go away after 3-4 days; during abdominal surgery they can last for a month.

Does an ovarian cyst hurt when it resolves? If it is small in size, its life cycle is short. When such formations resolve, there may be no symptoms of pain. And what happens in the usual version:

  • restoration of MC;
  • absence of dyspareunia;
  • normalization of discharge.

Resorption occurs within 2-4 cycles or during treatment with hormonal drugs.

Many people ask the question: “Can an ovarian cyst hurt when it resolves?” It is interpreted as follows: if it hurts in the lower abdomen, it means that it is resolving. Most often, pain with this phenomenon is uncharacteristic. A woman learns about the absence of a cyst already at a doctor’s appointment.

Do ovarian cysts hurt before menstruation? Usually, a woman always feels nagging and aching pain before the arrival of her scheduled menstruation.

When menstruation occurs, the pain usually increases. You can take non-steroids or analgesics only for mild pain. It should be noted that any discomfort requires examination.

Most women are familiar with an unpleasant, nagging pain in the lower abdomen. There can be many reasons, one of them is the appearance. Many patients with this diagnosis are interested in the question: “If an ovarian cyst hurts, what should I do?”

It is worth noting that a cyst is a small neoplasm filled with any contents that can occur in a woman of reproductive age. The amount of secretion contained in it is gradually replenished, this leads to an increase in formation. Often a woman is unaware of the presence of pathology in the body until it makes itself felt with painful sensations.

Multiple neoplasms on the ovary

While the cystic formation is gaining growth, development is completely asymptomatic. When the cyst reaches a certain size, the woman begins to show the first signs of the disease. An enlarged tumor requires more space, and soon begins to put pressure on neighboring organs.

Pain from an ovarian cyst varies in intensity. In some cases, only slight discomfort and a feeling of pressure are felt. Sometimes the growth is accompanied by a mild pulling or tugging pain. This occurs due to physical overexertion or hypothermia.

If severe pain occurs, causing lower back pain, vomiting, fever, or general weakness, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms may indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst. This condition is dangerous, because the secretion contained in the tumor can spill into the abdominal cavity and cause infection of the body.

Features of pain in different types of cystic formations

All types of cysts differ from each other not only in the causes and nature of development, but also in their symptoms, intensity and duration of pain. Let's take a closer look at the painful threshold of each type of tumor.

Follicular cyst

Each menstrual cycle, a woman's follicle matures, which must burst and release the egg. If the maturation process is disrupted, the follicle remains inside the ovary and develops into a cyst. This type of neoplasm is not dangerous and can resolve on its own without requiring medical attention. Unfortunately, such a cyst can hurt. However, the pain is not severe and is localized on the right or left side.

Dermoid cyst

Until now, the exact reasons for the appearance of this neoplasm have not been identified. There is a hypothesis that during intrauterine development a cavity is formed that contains particles of various tissues. It is quite large and puts pressure on nearby organs. A formation of this type on the ovary can cause severe, prolonged pain. Painkillers and other conservative methods relieve symptoms little or do not help at all.

Mucinous cyst

Painful sensations with this type of cyst are pronounced. A woman urinates more frequently and pressure appears in the lower abdomen. The pain is of a pulling, aching nature, radiating to the leg. The more the tumor grows in size, the more neighboring organs are affected and the pain increases.


This disease is characterized by the simultaneous accumulation of several cysts, which leads to infertility. The nature of the disease is quite complex and is associated with serious metabolic disorders. The presence of a small tumor is usually diagnosed accidentally. There were no particularly pronounced symptoms, but if it hurts, it was not severe.

Corpus luteum cyst

The formation appears at the site of the follicle released from the egg and resolves on its own during menstruation. However, there have been cases where the cyst remained in the ovary for several months. This type of neoplasm does not cause much discomfort, only sometimes there is mild pain in the right or left side of the abdomen.

Endometrioid cyst

It is a consequence of endometriosis. In a woman’s body it behaves quite aggressively. May cause prolonged pain in the lower abdomen, muscle spasms (cramps) in the legs, constipation, or severe diarrhea. An endometrioid cyst slowly depletes the body and disrupts the functioning of almost all organs. The only treatment method is surgery.


If an ovarian cyst hurts, what should you do first? There are several ways to relieve pain:

  • ensure complete physical rest;
  • take painkillers (Ibuprofen, Analgin);
  • use an electric heating pad (hot water bottle) or take a warm bath. Helps quickly relieve spasms and relaxes muscles. However, be careful, the heating pad or bottle should be applied to the place with the greatest pain and only on clothing (towel), and not on the naked body.

Remember! The most reliable way to get rid of pain is to eliminate its cause!

Surgery involves removing not only the ovarian cyst itself, but also small formations that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.

If their development proceeds without complications, you can get by with conservative treatment, including taking biphasic and monophasic contraceptives and vitamins. Positive dynamics are achieved by physical therapy, acupuncture, and adherence to a certain diet.

When is emergency medical care needed?

If the disease is left to chance, this can lead to a situation where conservative treatment will be useless and painkillers will not help. You need to sound the alarm if:

  • pain does not subside, but, on the contrary, becomes stronger;
  • the right or left side becomes larger, it seems that it does not move when breathing;
  • the pain becomes sharp, throbbing even with the slightest physical activity;
  • high temperature, general weakness, dizziness.

If a woman experiences any of the above symptoms, she should consult a doctor immediately!

Traditional medicine

If you are suffering from pain due to an ovarian cyst, you can turn to traditional medicine. Many women are dismissive of alternative treatment, others are interested in whether such treatment can relieve pain?

Of course, traditional methods help, but they should be used only after consultation with your doctor. We bring to your attention the TOP 10 effective traditional medicine for the treatment of ovarian cysts -.

Watch the video “Pain with an ovarian cyst”:

Pain with an ovarian cyst is a characteristic symptom of pathology in the process of its development: the growth of a neoplasm in the tissues of the appendages and an increase in the amount of liquid secretion filling its cavity. If there is constant pain, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist who will conduct a diagnostic examination and prescribe an adequate treatment regimen. A particularly dangerous situation is the rupture of the cyst, which is accompanied by severe pain and requires immediate hospitalization of the woman.

Symptoms of pathology

The pain syndrome that occurs with an ovarian cyst is accompanied by accompanying symptoms:

  • disturbances in the cyclicity of menstruation, bleeding between periods;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the back, is noted in the lower back, in the side;
  • increased tone of the muscles of the epigastric region;
  • heaviness in the stomach and bloating, bursting from the inside;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • difficulty urinating and frequent urges, reminiscent of cystitis symptoms;

Causes of pain

The occurrence of pain is due to the following reasons:

These factors indicate the need for therapeutic treatment or surgical intervention and removal of the tumor.


The initial period of cyst formation passes with virtually no noticeable signs requiring a visit to the doctor. In the future, the symptoms become more pronounced, the nature of the pain can be both moderate and intense. They can be localized either in a separate part or spread throughout the entire abdominal area.

The most common negative feelings that arise are:

  • in the lower abdomen;
  • in the perineum;
  • in the lower back and sacrum;
  • in the rectum;
  • in the lower extremities.

Depending on the type of formation and the rate of its growth, pain syndrome can occur at different periods and differ in nature.

Thus, with the ovarian type of cyst, nagging pain is observed, caused by irritation of the nerve receptors of the peritoneum and spasms in the genitourinary organs. With endametrioma, pain may intensify before the next menstruation. Cystadenomas and malignant cysts provoke frequent and severe pain, which is associated with the rapid growth and germination of neoplasms into the walls of the peritoneum, rectum and bladder. Due to their large size, mucinous formations cause bursting pain inside the abdomen.

The pain that occurs when an ovarian cyst ruptures is especially strong and acute. They begin in the lower abdomen and gradually spread to the upper parts, covering the entire cavity. Sudden movements, physical activity, harsh sexual intercourse, and various injuries to the pelvis and abdomen can provoke a rupture.

The pain syndrome intensifies with the slightest movement and acquires a pulling character in the pelvis, lower back and back. Prolonged negative symptoms are aggravated by a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, leading to shock and loss of consciousness.

How to get rid of pain

Unpleasant sensations from an ovarian cyst are relieved with painkillers belonging to the NSAID group (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Acetaminophen). A doctor should select medications so that independent elimination of the initial symptoms does not blur the overall picture of the disease and does not lead to the development of complications and rupture. Additional therapy is taking hormonal and sedative medications recommended by a specialist.

At home, periodic pain can be eliminated with the help of a warm heating pad on the stomach and relaxing baths (not hot). This will help relieve muscle spasms and relax the smooth muscles in the abdominal area. The patient should lie down for a while until the pain subsides. Such procedures can only be used if the diagnosis is accurately established and there is no risk of inflammation and tumor growth.

When urgent medical attention is needed

A situation where, as the pathology progresses, painful sensations become more intense and conservative therapy does not produce the desired effect, indicates an increase in the danger of the disease and the risk of severe consequences. The following signs cause the greatest concern:

  • the pain becomes increasingly intense and even with minor movements becomes sharp and pulsating;
  • a woman has to limit her mobility so as not to hurt the side of her abdomen;
  • external changes in the abdomen (asymmetry of the lower section with a one-sided enlarged or protruding part);
  • deterioration in general health (weakness, elevated body temperature, dizziness, even fainting).

If twisting of the cyst stalk or rupture of the cystic body is suspected, the following symptoms may be observed:

If these symptoms are present, you must immediately call a doctor and hospitalize the patient in a hospital for emergency medical care.


Many women are familiar with the presence of unpleasant and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Despite the many different reasons that cause such discomfort, the development of ovarian cysts is especially worth noting. It is a small-sized formation containing certain contents and appears in women of reproductive age.

Due to the active replenishment of the amount of secretion in it, the pathology increases over time. Most often, women find out about their presence only after pain appears with an ovarian cyst.

While the pathological formation is growing and is not large, it is asymptomatic. However, if it reaches a certain point in its development, the first signs appear indicating the presence of the disease. Thus, due to the increase in size, the neoplasm begins to need more space, so it begins to compress nearby tissues and organs.

Pain sensations can have different intensities. So, only slight discomfort and a feeling of pressure inside may be felt. In some cases, growth may be accompanied by mild tugging or pulling pain. This situation is caused either by hypothermia or severe physical overexertion.

The appearance of severe pain in the lumbar region will be accompanied by fever, occasional vomiting, and general weakness. The presence of such symptoms indicates the development of complications, which may be rupture of the cyst or purulent inflammation. All such situations require prompt treatment to the hospital.

This is due to the fact that such a condition is dangerous to health, due to even more serious complications to which it can lead. Therefore, when a cyst on the ovary begins to hurt severely, the doctor must decide what to do.

Types of pathology and pain associated with them

Existing cystic formations in the ovaries not only differ in their character, but also in different manifestations in the form of pain. They come in different types, based on their intensity and duration. It is worth considering each education separately.

Follicular cyst

If the maturation process of the follicle is disrupted, it remains inside the ovary itself, due to which it eventually develops into a cyst. This pathology does not pose a serious danger; it causes mild pain localized in one side.

Dermoid cyst

An abnormality in the female genital organs of this type can cause severe and prolonged pain.

Often, no painkillers, as well as other methods of conservative therapy, can eliminate symptoms completely, or without bringing relief at all.

Mucinous cyst

The feeling of pain, if present, manifests itself in a vivid form. They have a pulling and sometimes aching character, and at times they radiate to the leg.

In this case, there is a more frequent urge to urinate and a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen appears. As the anomaly grows, the pain will increase.


The essence of this pathology is the simultaneous appearance of a significant number of cysts, which causes infertility. The reasons for the appearance are quite complex and lie in the plane of metabolic problems.

If such a disease occurs, it is diagnosed completely by accident, due to very mild symptoms. In addition, the pain is insignificant, although often not even that.

Corpus luteum cyst

This pathology develops where the egg is released from the follicle. Often, after this, during menstruation, it resolves on its own. But there are cases when this does not happen for several months.

Such an anomaly does not cause serious inconvenience, only in some cases it can cause pain in one of the sides, both on the right and on the left.

Endometrioid cyst

The reason for its appearance is. It manifests itself extremely aggressively with prolonged and severe pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes leg cramps, as well as intestinal dysfunction.

This pathology slowly but surely depletes a woman’s entire body and also disrupts the functioning of almost all organs.


When an ovarian cyst hurts, there are several ways to reduce these sensations:

  • Try to provide the most complete physical rest to the body;
  • Use various painkillers (Ibuprofen, Analgin);
  • Use a special elastic heating pad, or take a slightly hot bath. This will relax the muscles, which will quickly relieve the spasm. But the heating pad should not be applied to the bare body itself, through a thick jacket or towel.

Surgical removal is carried out not only of cystic formations that manifest themselves in severe pain, but also minor ones that interfere with the conception of a child. However, when the development of such anomalies is asymptomatic, doctors try to make do only with medications, in the form of biphasic or single-phase hormonal contraceptives and vitamin complexes.

When you need emergency help

In the case where the disease was left to chance, this situation can lead to serious consequences. So, this will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Extremely severe pain that will not subside;
  • One of the sides will become larger;
  • During movement, sharp pain occurs;
  • Very high temperature, feeling of general weakness, as well as dizziness.

If you have any of the above symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Pain due to an ovarian cyst is considered a dangerous symptom that should not be ignored. With different types of cysts, the nature of the pain, as well as the symptoms accompanying it, may differ. In most cases, pain is associated with rapid growth of the tumor or rupture of the cyst, requiring immediate hospitalization.

Causes and associated symptoms

Typically, in women diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, if pain occurs, it is accompanied by other accompanying symptoms.

Among them:

  • Menstrual irregularities, bleeding between periods.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen (can radiate to the rectum, side, lower back, upper peritoneum, etc.).
  • Tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness from the inside.
  • Intestinal disorders.
  • Difficulty urinating with constant urge (as with cystitis).
  • Pain during sexual intercourse or physical activity.

Without accompanying symptoms, pain from an ovarian cyst can be confused with the manifestation of other diseases - endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory diseases, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, and cancer. Therefore, it is important to consider the clinical picture as a whole - only a qualified physician can fully restore it from the patient’s words, and you should contact her for advice.

Causes of pain

  • Rapid growth of the cyst
  • Large size cyst
  • Pressure of the cyst on the pelvic organs (if it has already reached a large size)
  • Frequent hard sex
  • Trauma to the pelvic or groin area
  • Cyst rupture or torsion

All these factors indicate the need for radical treatment - hospitalization and surgery (removal of the cyst).

Pain due to ovarian cysts - what does their nature indicate?

Often, ovarian cysts form and grow at first without any symptomatic manifestations that would force a woman to immediately consult a doctor.

However, in some cases, symptoms can still be expressed. The pain can be localized and moderate, or intense, spreading throughout the entire abdomen.

Localization of pain with an ovarian cyst

  • Hypogastrium
  • Groin area
  • Small of the back
  • Sacrum
  • Lower limbs
  • Rectum

Depending on the type of cyst, the pain may intensify before the next menstruation (with endometrioma) or vice versa - it may not be associated with the menstrual cycle.

The nature of the pain also depends on the type of cyst. Thus, aching pain with an ovarian cyst is provoked by irritation of the nerve endings of the peritoneum, spasms of the bladder and other hollow pelvic organs. Cystadenomas and malignant cysts cause the onset of pain much earlier, and attacks of pain are repeated more often. This is due to the fact that such cysts grow very quickly and can grow into the abdominal wall, bladder, and rectum. Mucinous cysts provoke severe, bursting pain from the inside, as they are usually very large in size.

Pain when an ovarian cyst ruptures

Separately, it is worth considering pain when an ovarian cyst ruptures.

The rupture of a follicular cyst can be accompanied by tolerable pain (if it occurs in the middle of ovulation), but the pain from a rupture of a dermoid cyst is almost impossible to withstand, so women often fall into a state of shock.

Whatever the type of cyst, usually pain when an ovarian cyst ruptures begins suddenly in the lower abdomen, and then quickly moves to the upper sections, so that the entire abdomen begins to ache. Moreover, the appearance of such pain can be provoked by harsh sexual intercourse, heavy physical exercise, a pelvic injury, a blow to the lower abdomen, or even simply palpating the abdomen.

When trying to move, the pain intensifies and is accompanied by a nagging discomfort in the back, lower back or pelvic area, and a feeling of heaviness. By the way, these sensations may appear shortly before an attack of pain.

Abdominal pain when an ovarian cyst ruptures can be so severe and prolonged that tachycardia occurs, blood pressure drops, shock and loss of consciousness occur.

Ovarian cyst pain: treatment

The cause of pain is diagnosed using:

  • Punctures
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy

If the patient is diagnosed with a cyst rupture or torsion, as well as a large cyst, a decision is made on urgent surgery to remove the tumor. Doctors often have to make this decision urgently - after emergency hospitalization of the patient.

To remove a painful ovarian cyst, the minimally invasive method of laparoscopy is ideal - an operation that guarantees a minimum recovery period for the body.

After the operation, the attending physician prescribes hormonal therapy to the patient.

Is it possible to relieve cyst pain on your own?

Pain from an ovarian cyst can be relieved with traditional pain medications - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, acetaminophen). This is acceptable if the patient receives primary treatment at the same time.

However, before taking pills, it is better to consult with your doctor, since characteristic pain is the most important symptom, and by muffling it, you may not notice the deterioration of the condition in time.

Some medical portals also recommend using heat (taking a hot bath, applying a heating pad to a sore spot) to alleviate the condition at home. This advice is dictated by the effect of warm temperature on the relaxation of muscles constrained by painful spasms. However, this method is quite risky and is not recommended for use if there is even the slightest suspicion of rupture or torsion of the cyst, since high temperature will intensify the inflammatory process and accelerate the appearance of internal suppuration.

In case of cyst pain, strict limitation of physical and sexual activity is mandatory. Since one sudden movement is often enough for the inflamed cyst to burst.

Is pain necessary with an ovarian cyst?

Many women with a similar diagnosis are interested in the question: can pain simply be absent?

Indeed, in many cases, an ovarian cyst forms and grows for a long time painlessly and without accompanying symptoms. It is all the more dangerous for a woman’s health, since it is often diagnosed at a late stage, when it reaches large sizes and bursts, causing serious complications.

To avoid such a diagnosis and detect an ovarian cyst even before the onset of a painful syndrome, every woman should regularly visit a gynecologist. A preventive examination and intravaginal ultrasound every six months is the key to timely detection of the disease.

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