Catathrenia is a rare night sleep disorder. Why does a newborn often breathe in his sleep and make strange sounds? When I fall asleep I make strange sounds

Birth is a great stress for a newborn, because he is no longer under the protection of his mother’s tummy and he faces a difficult period of adaptation to the new world around him. And in order to gain strength for full development and normal growth, the baby sleeps almost all the time during the first weeks of his life. Happy parents always watch with emotion the serene sleep of their baby, watching his movements and every breath.

During sleep, the newborn breathes irregularly and may make sounds.

And often mothers and fathers notice that the baby’s breathing during sleep is quite irregular, and newborns often make strange sounds, such as sniffling or grunting. In this regard, parents are concerned about questions: what is the baby’s breathing rate that is considered normal and why does he groan, sniffle, and even moan in his sleep?

How does the respiratory system work in babies?

After the birth of a baby, all its organs and systems are only at the stage of full development and it is very important that the baby’s body receives during this period enough oxygen.

Therefore, the infant’s respiratory system is of particular importance, because it provides air flow to all vital systems and organs.

In an infant, the respiratory system does not work the same as in an adult, since his lower and upper respiratory tracts are still very small and the baby cannot breathe deeply.

It is for this reason that many parents often observe a frightening picture when a newborn breathes quickly during sleep, and with the next breath holds his breath for several seconds. This happens because the baby in the first month of his life does not yet know how to control the respiratory process and for him this pace is the norm.

In the first month of life, a baby still does not know how to breathe properly.

Starting from the second month, the baby's breathing becomes more regular and systematic, since his respiratory system is already more adapted to environmental conditions.

How to determine your breathing rate

Determining the rate and frequency of breathing of an infant is one of the primary tasks of new parents.

The parents' task is to determine how the baby breathes.

After all, a baby's breath is a kind of indicator of his state of health and by the frequency of inhalations and exhalations you can notice when the baby has problems with this process.

Intermittent rapid breathing in the first month of a newborn's life is normal.

Uneven breathing

Uneven breathing in infants is especially noticeable. . Watching a sleeping baby, inexperienced mothers always think that he does not have enough oxygen or he begins to choke, since he takes short, frequent breaths.

There is absolutely no reason to panic, because the baby can still breathe exclusively through his nose, and his nasal passages have not yet had time to fully form.

Normal breathing rate

In the first few months of a newborn's life, his breathing rate is fifty to sixty breaths per minute . The following method will help determine whether the baby’s pace is correct: the mother should place her hand on his chest, note the time and count how many inhalations and exhalations her baby made within one minute.

50-60 breaths per minute is the baby's breathing rate in the first months.

If the baby's breathing rate corresponds to the specified norm, then there is no reason for parents to worry. But if parents notice that the rate of his breathing is deviated in one direction or another, It is advisable to consult your pediatrician about this.

A malfunction in a baby’s respiratory system can signal dangerous diseases such as bronchitis or pneumonia, which is why it is so important for parents to control the pace, rhythm and frequency of their breathing, especially during sleep.

Why do babies breathe faster during sleep?

Newborns' rapid breathing while awake may be caused by intense interest in a brightly colored toy or physical activity, such as gymnastics. Why does a baby often breathe in his sleep, when his body seems to be in a relaxed state?

If the baby becomes interested in the toy, his breathing will increase.

Newborn babies cannot breathe fully and deeply, as they have very narrow nasal passages. Therefore, if even microscopic dust particles get into the baby’s nose, then his breathing becomes difficult and rapid.

To prevent the accumulation of mucus and debris in the child’s nasal sinuses, you should clean them carefully every day using a cotton swab dipped in baby oil.

Frequent and uneven breathing

If your baby makes wheezing or whistling sounds while breathing rapidly, this may be a sign of developing pneumonia or bronchitis .

Parents should also pay attention to the fact that the child can sleep with his mouth open. Sometimes an open mouth during sleep indicates that the baby is hot due to elevated temperature and thus he tries to restore normal thermoregulation.

A newborn can sleep with his mouth open.

Frequent and uneven breathing of a newborn baby during sleep may be the first sign of bronchial asthma, therefore, with such symptoms, it is necessary to do a full range of examinations and pass the appropriate tests.

Reasons why a baby makes various sounds during sleep

Often parents, standing at the crib of a fallen baby, notice that his calm, serene sleep is interrupted by strange sounds, such as snorting, snoring, grunting and even grunting. Why does a baby make different sounds in his sleep and is this phenomenon considered normal?

A newborn's sleep may be accompanied by snoring or grunting.

If the child moans or cries in his sleep, then perhaps he is trying to throw out the negative emotions that he experienced during the day. But it is also likely that the baby had an unpleasant dream, because it has long been proven that newborns are capable of seeing vivid and realistic dreams.


Sometimes a newborn makes characteristic sounds in his sleep, reminiscent of snoring or snorting of an angry hedgehog. This is very worrying and frightening for young parents, but no need to worry. Such sounds are caused by vibration of the larynx, which in infants is very soft and can sink into the throat when inhaling.

There is no need to worry about your baby's snoring.

You can stop snoring by gently turning your baby onto his tummy.


Sounds reminiscent of a baby's sleep are considered completely normal. the purr or trill of a songbird. A newborn may also smack his lips while sleeping, while smiling and twitching his arms and legs.

The baby may make purring sounds in his sleep and twitch his arms.

This is due to the fact that babies often experience in their sleep exactly the emotions that filled the past day. They see in their dreams how their mother fed them, how she smiled and hummed a lullaby.

Newborn groans

But when a newborn groans in his sleep , while tucking the legs towards the tummy, this may be a signal that the baby is suffering from colic and abdominal cramps. To relieve these symptoms, you should take medications that help reduce bloating and reduce pain.

As the child develops, his respiratory system will develop.

The different sounds a baby makes are most often not a cause for concern, so parents should not look for non-existent medications to treat snoring or snorting. When the baby grows up and his respiratory system is fully formed, everything will return to normal.

A few rules for a peaceful baby's sleep

In order for a newborn baby to sleep peacefully and have only pleasant, vivid dreams, it is advisable for parents to create the most comfortable conditions for him.

  • Baby pajamas should be made from natural material and be loose-fitting so as not to hinder the baby's movements.
  • The room in which the newborn sleeps must be regularly ventilated and monitored. optimal air humidification .
  • The baby's first mattress should be a little hard , and not soft, like a feather bed. In addition, pillows should not be placed in the crib.
  • While the baby is sleeping, parents should constantly visit him to check did the baby throw a blanket over his head? and whether he is face down.
  • In the first months of a baby's life should sleep on your side or back , and not on the tummy. When a baby sleeps on his stomach, his breathing quickens and then the parents think that he begins to suffocate.

A baby smiling in a dream is happiness for parents!

A baby sleeping and smiling in his sleep is the most beautiful sight for loving parents. And so that the little one’s dreams are filled only with pleasant moments, do not forget to give him the affection, love, tenderness and care that he so needs.

Video about why a newborn groans

Does your baby make too many noises at night? Is this normal?

At an early age (usually up to 6-8 months), the baby makes too many sounds in his sleep. Grunts, squeals, screams at night, or may even start whimpering. You may also notice excessive movements of your arms and legs.

This is absolutely normal.

When we adults sleep and are in REM sleep (during which we dream), our body is completely paralyzed. So that we do not begin to physically do what we see in our dreams, impulses from the brain to the nervous system are completely blocked. In infants this does not work 100%: impulses “break through” during sleep.

When you hear your baby at night, he is usually asleep and dreaming. Typically, by six months (sometimes a little later), babies begin to sleep much more quietly.

The child spends 50% of his sleep in "dreams" during which he dreams. Therefore, half the time the baby sleeps quite restlessly.

It can also make sounds during partial awakening: during the transition between sleep cycles. Since it is only 45-60 minutes, your child can make sounds literally every hour.

Typical error: rush to help immediately. If you sleep separately, avoid excessive interference at night. Very often, mothers literally jump to help the baby as soon as he squeaks. This is understandable and sometimes at night there is no time to analyze what is happening. But if you always start touching the baby, turning it over, picking it up, without understanding what is happening, you are often doing it in vain. Sometimes you may even wake your baby completely by reacting too quickly.

As your baby grows, your task is to teach him to calm himself down during some of the wakings at night: your excessive interference does not work for this task.

Therefore, if possible, pause: do not get up immediately, wait 30-60 seconds. If you hear that the child is really starting to cry, then your help is needed. If he just makes some sounds, whimpers or even bursts into tears, wait a little.

I can't sleep in the same room as my baby.

Sometimes mom and dad can’t even sleep normally in the room with the baby: he sleeps so loudly.

A baby's sleep may seem especially noisy when practicing separate sleeping arrangements. Why - read.

If you are thinking about moving your baby to another room, do your research before the first year of life.

The following tips may also help you:

  • Sometimes it’s enough to buy yourself earplugs for a night’s sleep so as not to hear all the sounds.
  • Try turning it on all night: this will mask some sounds and make your sleep more comfortable.
  • baby in the first months if you sleep separately. This will help him not to wake up from his own movements.
  • If you are a light sleeper, and especially if you cannot fall asleep quickly after waking up in the night, be sure to consult a therapist. While it's normal for a new mother to be a light sleeper, certain factors can make the situation worse. For example, or (which is not uncommon after childbirth) can literally fragment your own sleep.

When are sounds not normal?

Birth is a great stress for a newborn, because he is no longer under the protection of his mother’s tummy and he faces a difficult period of adaptation to the new world around him. And in order to gain strength for full development and normal growth, the baby sleeps almost all the time during the first weeks of his life. Happy parents always watch with emotion the serene sleep of their baby, watching his movements and every breath.

Why does a newborn make sounds in his sleep?

During sleep, the newborn breathes irregularly and may make sounds.

And often mothers and fathers notice that the baby’s breathing during sleep is quite irregular, and newborns often make strange sounds, such as sniffling or grunting. In this regard, parents are concerned about questions: what is the baby’s breathing rate that is considered normal and why does he groan, sniffle, and even moan in his sleep?

How does the respiratory system work in babies?

After the birth of a baby, all its organs and systems are only at the stage of full development and it is very important that the baby’s body receives enough oxygen during this period.

Therefore, the infant’s respiratory system is of particular importance, because it provides air flow to all vital systems and organs.

In an infant, the respiratory system does not work the same way as in an adult, since the lower and upper respiratory tracts are still very small and the baby cannot breathe deeply and deeply.

It is for this reason that many parents often observe a frightening picture when a newborn breathes quickly in his sleep, and with the next breath he holds his breath for several seconds. This happens because the baby in the first month of his life does not yet know how to control the respiratory process and for him this pace is the norm.

In the first month of life, a baby still does not know how to breathe properly.

Starting from the second month, the baby's breathing becomes more regular and systematic, since his respiratory system is already more adapted to environmental conditions.

How to determine your breathing rate

Determining the rate and frequency of breathing of an infant is one of the primary tasks of new parents.

The parents' task is to determine how the baby breathes.

After all, a baby’s breathing is a kind of indicator of the state of his health, and the frequency of inhalations and exhalations can be seen when the baby has problems with this process.

Intermittent rapid breathing in the first month of a newborn's life is normal.

Uneven breathing

Uneven breathing in infants is especially noticeable during sleep. Watching a sleeping baby, inexperienced mothers always think that he does not have enough oxygen or that he begins to choke, as he takes short, frequent breaths.

There is absolutely no reason to panic, because the baby can still breathe exclusively through his nose, and his nasal passages have not yet had time to fully form.

Normal breathing rate

In the first few months of a newborn's life, his breathing rate is fifty to sixty breaths per minute. The following method will help determine whether the baby’s pace is correct: the mother should place her hand on his chest, note the time and count how many inhalations and exhalations her baby made within one minute.

50-60 breaths per minute is the baby's breathing rate in the first months.

If the baby's breathing rate corresponds to the specified norm, then there is no reason for parents to worry. But, if parents notice that his breathing rate is deviated in one direction or another, then it is advisable to consult a pediatrician about this.

A malfunction in a baby’s respiratory system can signal dangerous diseases such as bronchitis or pneumonia, which is why it is so important for parents to control the pace, rhythm and frequency of their breathing, especially during sleep.

Why do babies breathe faster during sleep?

Newborns' rapid breathing while awake may be caused by intense interest in a brightly colored toy or physical activity, such as gymnastics. Why does a baby often breathe in his sleep, when his body seems to be in a relaxed state?

If the baby becomes interested in the toy, his breathing will increase.

Newborn babies cannot breathe fully and deeply, as they have very narrow nasal passages. Therefore, if even microscopic dust particles get into the baby’s nose, then his breathing becomes difficult and rapid.

To prevent mucus and debris from accumulating in your child’s sinuses, you should carefully clean them every day with a cotton swab dipped in baby oil.

Frequent and uneven breathing

Tachypnea may also be present as a symptom in chronic bronchitis. In addition to rapid breathing itself, in this case the following symptoms are observed:

  • temperature;
  • cough;
  • low appetite;
  • general weakness.

If you find at least one of the listed signs in your child, you should consult a therapist.

How to stop

Tachypnea is rarely an independent disease and, generally, precedes the manifestation of the underlying disease or is its immediate symptom.

Therefore, if you see an unhealthy breathing rhythm in a child, you should note the presence of such general symptoms as:

  • general state of weakness;
  • temperature;
  • dry mouth;
  • pressure and discomfort in the chest;
  • panic, fear, fear.

Today, in order to determine exactly why the so-called transient tachypnea of ​​newborns and older children occurred, it is worth contacting doctors such as:

  • cardiologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • therapist;
  • allergist.


If your child has an attack of tachypnea (rapid breathing), there is a cough, but it is not a matter of temperature, that is, not a viral or infectious disease, then special measures should be taken to eliminate the attack. Take a paper bag or roll up a newspaper so that your baby can hold it in his hand and press it to his mouth. Ask him not to worry, to calm down and slowly begin to inhale and exhale air from the bag without inhaling air from outside. Advice: don’t panic yourself, try to show that what’s happening is nothing scary or dangerous, and that your son or daughter just needs to breathe into a paper bag. The calmer and more confident you are as a parent, the calmer the child will perceive the situation.


As we have found out, there are quite a lot of reasons for tachypnea, and with any manifestation of a rapid respiratory rhythm, you should not hesitate and contact a specialist, especially if this attack occurs in a child with a fever. However, if your child’s tachypnea manifests itself as the body’s reaction to stressful situations, any changes in its environment, etc., teach your child to breathe correctly, use special breathing exercises and not be afraid. Be careful about your own health and the health of your children.

Rapid breathing at a temperature in a child: causes and treatment features

The stability of the functioning of the respiratory system in children is determined by counting the frequency of respiratory movements. Periodic monitoring of respiratory rate allows you to monitor the child’s health status, as well as determine the presence of developmental abnormalities. Often, parents can diagnose rapid breathing in a child along with signs of high temperature. What does this phenomenon indicate, and also how dangerous it is.

Features of breathing frequency

Frequent breathing in a child indicates the occurrence of malfunctions and deviations in the functioning of the body. Rapid breathing in a child is called tachypnea, in which the depth of breaths should be constant, and only their number should increase. If a child breathes frequently, this indicates the development of signs of oxygen deficiency. The body strives to restore the standard process of gas exchange in the body.

Parents can detect temporary signs of tachypnea in a child, which appear mainly before the development of attacks of bronchial asthma. If a child breathes frequently, this does not indicate an independent disease, but rather a symptom of another illness. The following factors influence rapid breathing in children:

  1. Age. A baby under the age of 1 year has more rapid breathing than older children. This is due to physiological characteristics.
  2. Weight. The greater the baby's weight, the harder it is for him to breathe, so overweight children experience symptoms of tachypnea.
  3. Physical activity . After playing sports, children and adults experience increased breathing, which is absolutely normal and does not indicate serious illness.
  4. Well-being. Most illnesses, like colds and nasal congestion, cause increased breathing. A child with nasal congestion breathes heavily, so his breathing quickens to make up for the lack of oxygen in the body.
  5. Injuries and individual characteristics of the body. A deviated septum causes the baby to breathe frequently.

It is important to know! If parents cannot independently determine the causes of tachypnea in their baby, it is necessary to show him to a doctor for a diagnosis.

Features of determining tachypnea in children

... writhing and grimacing?

When observing a child, you may encounter the fact that he writhes and grimaces during sleep. This phenomenon is explained by bloating or other unpleasant sensations.

... grunts?

Babies have very small noses with narrow nasal passages. And if crusts appear in the baby’s nose, then parents notice that their child seems to be grunting in his sleep.

You can reduce difficulty breathing in the following ways:

  • Maintain normal air humidity.
  • Regularly wipe the dust in the nursery.
  • Don't forget to clean your baby's nose.
  • In some cases, your pediatrician may recommend rinsing your nose with saline.

...makes strange noises?

Parents are often concerned that their baby makes sounds and sobs during sleep. But this is absolutely natural for children at that age. The nervous system is actively developing, which affects the body's reactions. During the night, the stages of REM and deep sleep alternate alternately, and in the REM sleep phase, lasting 30-40 minutes, the child may make sounds and sob. If the baby continues to sleep, do not disturb him.


Most often, the reason that a baby moans in his sleep is childhood dreams. A day full of emotions is reflected at night. And these emotions are not always negative. Parents can often watch their baby smile and even laugh in his sleep. Another reason why a child whines in his sleep may be colic. And as soon as the baby releases excess gases, his sleep will become deeper and more peaceful. he breathing frequently and heavily?

Parents often notice that the baby breathes frequently and heavily during sleep. This breathing is a consequence of reflex activity, and during the first year it gradually levels out. The number of inhalations and exhalations can be counted by placing your hand on the baby's chest. The norm for a child under one year old is a frequency of 50-60 breaths per minute. Exceeding these standards is a reason to consult a doctor. The reasons that a child is breathing frequently and quickly may be:

  • infection;
  • temperature increase;
  • cardiac pathology;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

... hiccups?

Often a child's sleep is interrupted by hiccups. Sometimes the hiccups go away on their own without causing concern to the baby, but sometimes the baby wakes up crying. A baby hiccups in his sleep if he is tormented by gas after feeding. Hiccups can also be caused by hypothermia, thirst, or overexcitation of the nervous system.

... opens and rolls his eyes?

During sleep, a baby often opens and rolls his eyes, and this is due to the fact that the baby has not yet learned to control the eye muscle system. Sometimes slightly open eyes mean that the baby is about to wake up. But after that he can fall asleep again.

... snores?

If your baby snores or wheezes in his sleep, there is no need to worry. The fact is that babies have a very soft palate, which vibrates during breathing. Snoring can also be caused by an enlarged gland, which is responsible for immunity. As a rule, a child snores and sniffles when breathing deeply. To stop snoring, just lay your baby on his side or tummy.

Sometimes snoring is caused by nasal congestion, runny nose, or dry nasal passages. Depending on the cause, you should clean the nose yourself or contact an ENT specialist.

... turns his head?

If the baby actively turns its head in its sleep, this may indicate a metabolic disorder and a lack of vitamin D. It is worth paying attention to the following symptoms: anxious sleep, the baby actively sweats, loses hair on the back of the head, and muscles weaken. They indicate the beginning of the development of rickets.

... throws his head back?

During sleep, the child throws his head back and bends to take a comfortable position. Parents don't need to worry. But sometimes you can shift the baby to another position to avoid cervical numbness.

... opens his mouth?

There are several reasons why a baby opens his mouth in his sleep.

  1. If the head tilts back, the jaw involuntarily drops, opening the mouth.
  2. The nasal passage is clogged and breathing is through the mouth. Such a case is often accompanied by anxiety in the baby. The causes of nasal blockage can be dry or polluted air, colds. In case of illness, you should consult a doctor. If the problem is airborne, it can be solved by moisturizing, ventilating, and clearing the nasal passages.


Quite often you can observe that a child sweats in his sleep. In most cases, a baby’s sweating is due to the fact that the little person’s body’s thermoregulation has not had time to improve, and to the fact that he spends most of his sleep in the deep phase, in which both adults and children generate more heat.

It is important to ensure that the baby does not overheat. Comfortable temperature in the sleeping room is up to 22 degrees. The baby is dressed in comfortable clothes and covered with a light blanket.

If it is observed both day and night, and is accompanied by weight loss and pale skin, you should consult a doctor.

... restless?

It is very alarming when the baby is restless in his sleep. But there is no need to worry. The child's restless sleep and frequent awakenings are explained by rapid changes in sleep phases. At the end of each period, the baby wakes up for a few minutes. You should not immediately hold the baby in your arms more often than necessary. In most cases, the baby will fall asleep on its own after a short period. If your baby wakes you up by crying and there are signs of illness, such as diarrhea or fever, you should consult a doctor.

Is it possible for a newborn to sleep...

...on your stomach?

There is a theory that sleeping on your stomach can lead to sudden infant death syndrome. But if you follow simple rules, without worrying, you can put your baby to sleep on his stomach. In this position the baby is very comfortable and sleeps better. The muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are strengthened. The legs are in the correct position. The functioning of the intestinal tract improves and the baby is bothered by colic much less often.

But it is important to note that the mattress should be firm, without a pillow. Occasionally you need to approach the child and turn his head in the other direction.

… on the back?

Lying on his back, the baby can freely rotate his arms, legs and head. But a small person cannot fully control his movements, so infants often wake up from their movements, get scared by their hands or scratch their faces. So when putting your baby to sleep on his back, you need to take care of easy fixation of his arms. The baby will sleep much better if the blanket imitates a hug. If your child has a stuffy nose, you should not put him to sleep on his back. And when a baby often burps, it is better to put him to sleep on his side, placing a bolster or pillow under his back.

... on soft?

A baby should not sleep on a soft mattress. This can lead to overheating, spinal deformation, and the baby may suffocate while lying on its stomach. Pediatricians advise choosing a mattress of moderate hardness for newborns. There is no need to worry that your baby will find it uncomfortable to sleep on a hard mattress. Although you shouldn’t get carried away with excessive rigidity either.

...on the pillow?

Trying to create comfortable sleeping conditions, parents suggest that the baby sleep on a pillow. But a baby doesn't need a pillow. You can only create a slight slope at the head of the bed by placing a board under the mattress. In order for the baby’s spine to develop correctly, its head must be positioned in line with the body. a stroller?

During the first weeks after birth, you can put your baby to sleep in a stroller-cradle. The cradle has a flat surface, like a crib, but is smaller in size and seems more comfortable to the baby. But you shouldn’t leave your baby sleeping in a car seat or stroller-hammock for more than a couple of hours. The body position is at an angle, which reduces the amount of oxygen inhaled, makes breathing difficult and negatively affects the spine.

...with a pacifier?

Babies fall asleep much faster if they are put to bed with a pacifier. But you shouldn't leave the pacifier on all night. You need to wait until the baby falls asleep and take her out of her mouth. If a baby gets used to sleeping with a pacifier, then every time it falls out of his mouth, he will wake up and wake up his parents with loud crying.

... in the light?

A baby can sleep in the light, but only during the daytime. At night, the baby should sleep in the dark so as not to disrupt the clock genes, as this later affects the malfunction of all body systems.

... together with mom?

Opinions about whether a baby can sleep with his mother or whether he should have his own sleeping place from birth have their supporters. Sleeping together with a newborn will allow the mother to react sensitively to every movement of the baby and not get out of bed to feed or lull the baby, besides, it promotes the production of breast milk, and the baby spends the whole night in warmth and comfort. Opponents of co-sleeping say that it will be very difficult to wean a child from his mother’s bed, and he will have to go through the baby’s whims and tantrums. The choice of sleeping separately or sharing a bed depends entirely on personal preference.

Why is a newborn...

... not sleeping?

Sometimes it's so difficult to get your baby to sleep. The baby tosses and turns, worries and does not sleep. What is the reason? It’s also not easy to guess, but let’s look at the most common ones:

  • discomfort: the baby may be hungry or the diaper has been soiled;
  • increased air temperature in the room;
  • sharp sounds;
  • bright light;
  • colic and gas formation;
  • loneliness: a baby may experience anxiety when left without a mother.

By removing the factors that prevent the baby from sleeping and checking his well-being, there is no doubt that the child will fall asleep in the near future.

...cries after sleep?

Until 2-3 years old, a child regularly cries after sleep. Most often this happens during the daytime. The reasons for this behavior are:

  • transition from the sleepy phase to wakefulness;
  • physical discomfort;
  • an unpleasant dream before waking up;
  • the child gets scared if he falls asleep with his mother, and wakes up alone, or in another place (picked up in his arms until he fully awakens; but at the same time, taking a half-asleep child from the crib at night is a normal phenomenon, after eating, if nothing bothers him, the baby should calmly continue sleeping).

Calming your baby won't be difficult. It is enough to caress him, talk to him, feed him if he is hungry, and bathe him in a warm bath.

...burps up after sleep?

Babies often burp after sleep, and this is an indication that the digestion process is proceeding normally. Within a few hours of sleep, the milk is completely digested and breaks down into curdled lumps, which are removed from the body by the movements of the awakened baby. To reduce the likelihood of regurgitation, you need to make sure that the baby does not swallow excess air with food, and after feeding, carry the baby in a column.

...hiccups after sleep?

After sleep, children hiccup due to hypothermia, which occurs due to the fact that before waking up the body produces more heat, the child sweats and wakes up in wet clothes.

... do your eyes turn sour after sleep?

Sometimes children wake up with sour eyes, which, of course, worries parents. The reasons why a baby's eyes turn sour may be:

  • Conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the outer layer of the eye. Inflammation can be caused by viruses, infection and allergies.
  • In rare cases, the reason that the eyes fester after sleep is obstruction of the lacrimal canaliculus - dacryocystitis.

In any of these cases, you will have to consult a doctor.

And a few more general questions on the topic that especially often worry young parents.

Do I need to turn it over?

You should not disturb your baby while he sleeps. But so that the baby does not lie down and the head takes a beautiful shape without deformation, parents can turn the baby over after feeding. It is enough to remember in what position he was lying when he slept for the last time, and lay him on the other side.

Place and duration of sleep?

During the first weeks, the baby can sleep in a stroller cradle, but later the baby should have his own crib, preferably made of natural wood. The size of the mattress must clearly fit the size of the bed.

In the first month of life, babies can sleep almost all day, waking up about every 2 hours to eat and walk a little. But over the course of a year, the duration of daytime sleep decreases to 2-3 hours. Night sleep, on the contrary, increases: if in the first month of life a child sleeps 5-6 hours per night, then by the age of one year the duration of night sleep reaches 10-12 hours.

Is it possible to take photographs?

There are many beliefs and legends associated with photographing sleeping people. It is believed that if you photograph a sleeping child, it will negatively affect his biofield and drive away his guardian angel. Whether you believe these beliefs or not is up to you. But it is unlikely that photographs will influence the baby. Of course, if silence is maintained, and loud shutter clicks and bright flashes will not wake up or frighten the baby.

Do newborn babies have dreams?

Children dream from birth. They need them for brain development. Therefore, in the first year of life, the REM sleep phase prevails, in which people dream.

Babies may dream about emotions, everything they saw and heard during the day, the warmth of their mother, the taste of milk. How many impressions and discoveries a baby gets! And they all find their imprint in his dreams.

Infant sleep is an important part of their life, in which it actively grows and develops. A sleeping baby constantly makes parents worry and worry. But it is worth remembering that all the oddities of a sleeping baby are a natural course of its development. However, if signs of illness appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The main manifestations of the disorder are sounds (moans) made by the patient during sleep. These sounds are usually quite loud.

During an episode of moaning in your sleep, your breathing may become unusually slow. You take a slow, deep breath. After this, you exhale for a long time, accompanied by a groan. The duration of this moan can range from a few moments to 40 seconds or more. It always ends with a sigh or a “moo.” Moaning is usually repeated in series, lasting from 2 minutes to 1 hour. These series of moans may be repeated several times throughout the night.

The facial expression is usually calm and shows no signs of distress or discomfort. Despite its frightening nature, moaning in sleep does not appear to be associated with any emotional experience. Moans can occur in a person sleeping in any body position. When the position changes, the moaning usually stops. Subsequently, the moaning may resume throughout the night.

A person who has moans during sleep usually does not know about their presence. To a much greater extent, these sounds disturb the sleep of people sleeping in the same room or in the same house with the patient. Other people's descriptions of these sounds include:

Shrill, sharp sounds;

Loud buzzing;

Loud roar.

The cause of sleep-related moaning remains unknown. There is no evidence linking this disorder to any breathing problems or abnormal brain activity. Clinical examination usually does not reveal any medical illnesses associated with this disorder. There is no correlation between moaning during sleep and any mental disorders. There is no connection with the disorder with sleep-speaking or the presence of dreams (with another parasomnia - sleep-speaking - speech is clear, words are pronounced clearly).

Moaning during sleep may result in a slight increase in daytime fatigue or complaints of unrestorative sleep. In most cases, the patient does not complain of sleep disturbances. Moaning during sleep disrupts the sleep quality of a person sleeping in the same room or house to a greater extent. In the morning, patients may also complain of hoarseness or sore throat.

Moaning during sleep is more common during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. As you know, a normal sleep cycle consists of five successive stages of sleep. You typically have 4 to 6 sleep cycles during the night. The fifth (final) stage of each cycle is usually represented by the REM stage of sleep. Normally, this stage appears approximately 90 minutes after the onset of sleep. REM sleep usually takes up 20 to 25% of total sleep time.

The first period of REM sleep usually takes only a few minutes. With each new sleep cycle, the duration of the REM stage increases. The last period of REM sleep during the night may last more than 1 hour. Most sleep moaning episodes occur during these final periods of REM sleep. Moaning during sleep may also occur during the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage of sleep.

A groaning sound can also appear during a convulsive attack in epilepsy. With this disease, however, moaning sounds do not appear with such frequency as happens with sleep groans. Sounds resembling groans can also occur when there are breathing problems due to obstruction of the upper respiratory tract - for example, with snoring. The difference is that the sound of snoring usually occurs during inhalation, while moaning during sleep occurs mainly during exhalation. Some people may experience sharp, whistling, creaking, etc. sounds when breathing, called stridor breathing. Often these sounds occur during sleep. However, stridor breathing will occur with almost every breath. Unlike sleep groans, they do not occur in series throughout the night.

There is currently no data on how many people suffer from sleep-related moaning. Overall this is a fairly rare condition. This disorder occurs more often in men.

How do I know if I am suffering from this sleep disorder?

Has anyone noticed constant moaning (or similar sounds) during sleep?

If you answered “YES” to this question, then you probably suffer from sleep-related moaning.

In addition, it is important to establish whether there are other reasons that can cause similar sounds in a dream. In addition to sleep-related moaning, these sounds can be due to any of the following reasons, such as:

Other sleep disorder;

Disease of internal organs and nervous system;

Use of medications;

Mental disorder;

Abuse of alcohol, drugs, etc.

You should contact a sleep medicine specialist if sounds associated with moaning during sleep significantly disturb the sleep of the person sleeping in the same room as you. You should also see a specialist if you are unable to sleep well or feel very tired during the day.

Typically, the patient is referred to an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor for a thorough examination. The doctor will determine whether other pathological conditions in the nasopharynx are the causes of moaning during sleep. There are no specific treatments for moaning during sleep. A person sleeping in the same room may be advised to use earplugs; in particularly severe cases of sleep groaning, it is better for this person to sleep in another room.

Does your baby make too many noises at night? Is this normal?

At an early age (usually up to 6-8 months), the baby makes too many sounds in his sleep. Grunts, squeals, screams, or may even start whimpering during sleep. You may also notice excessive movements of your arms and legs.

This is absolutely normal.

When we (adults) are asleep and in REM sleep (during which we dream), our body is completely paralyzed. To prevent us from physically doing what we see in our dreams, impulses from the brain to the nervous system are completely blocked.

In infants this does not work 100%: impulses “break through” during sleep.

When you hear your baby at night, he is usually asleep and dreaming. Typically, by six months (sometimes a little later), babies begin to sleep much more quietly.

The child spends 50% of his sleep in the "active phase", during which he dreams. Therefore, half the time the baby sleeps quite restlessly.

It can also make sounds during partial awakening: during the transition between sleep cycles. Since the sleep cycle is only 45-60 minutes, your baby can make sounds literally every hour.

Typical error: rush to help immediately.

If you sleep separately, avoid excessive interference at night. Very often, mothers literally jump to help the baby as soon as he squeaks. This is understandable and sometimes at night there is no time to analyze what is happening.

But if you always start touching the baby, turning it over, picking it up, without understanding what is happening, you are often doing it in vain. Sometimes you may even wake your baby completely by reacting too quickly.

As your baby grows, your task is to teach him to calm himself down during some of the wakings at night: your excessive interference does not work for this task.

Therefore, if possible, pause: do not get up immediately, wait 30-60 seconds. If you hear that the child is really starting to cry, then your help is needed. If he just makes some sounds, whimpers or even bursts into tears, wait a little.

I can't sleep in the same room as my baby.

Sometimes mom and dad can’t even sleep normally in the room with the baby: he sleeps so loudly.

A baby's sleep may seem especially noisy when practicing separate sleeping arrangements. Why - read.

If you're thinking about moving your baby into a different room, review the safe sleep guidelines for the first year of life.

The following tips may also help you:

  • Sometimes it’s enough to buy yourself earplugs for a night’s sleep so as not to hear all the sounds.
  • Try playing white noise throughout the night: this will mask some sounds and make your sleep more comfortable.
  • Swaddle your baby in the first months if you sleep separately. This will help him not to wake up from his own movements.
  • If you are a light sleeper, and especially if you cannot fall asleep quickly after waking up in the night, be sure to consult a therapist. While it's normal for a new mother to be a light sleeper, certain factors can make the situation worse.For example, a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals (which is not uncommon after childbirth), hormonal changes or postpartum depression.

Read more: Insomnia after childbirth.

When are sounds not normal?

Contact your pediatrician immediately if your child:

Sometimes sleepers make funny sounds in their sleep: slurping, smacking, grinding their teeth in their sleep, and also something similar to chewing. If in the waking state this, although not beautiful, is more or less normal, then in the sleeping state it begins to irritate greatly. Especially when you are in the same hotel room or train compartment with him.

In the article, we will look at the nature of these sounds in sleeping people and figure out whether it is possible to get rid of them?

Sleepy slurping

The thought immediately comes to mind that a person dreams of delicious food. But that's not true. At this time, the sleeping person’s mouth is open and the mucous membrane constantly dries out, and in order to moisten it, one has to reflexively make such slurping sounds.

Sleepy smacking

Such sounds are made by babies and slightly older children. When they sleep, they look for their mother's breasts in their dreams. They dream that they drink milk or want to do so. But why do adults do this? Only one explanation suggests itself: genetic memory returns a person to a caring mother, at that wonderful time when there were no problems.

Chewing or grinding teeth while sleeping

And this also has nothing to do with food. The reflex contraction of the masticatory muscles causes sounds such as grinding teeth in sleep. In medicine they have their own term - bruxism. This only lasts a few seconds, but up to 5-6 times per night. In this case, the pressure on the jaws is too strong, and if the duration of the sound lasts longer, tooth enamel may be damaged.

It happens in children and adults. It is popularly believed that teeth grinding is associated with the presence of worms in the body. But it has long been proven that this is not so, although people still believe in it. And scientists believe that teeth grinding is combined with sleepwalking, nightmares, and enuresis.

It is believed that if a person goes to bed with negative emotions, he instinctively clenches his jaw in anger and begins to grind his teeth while falling asleep.

People think all these sounds are a bad habit and that they can get rid of it through willpower. But sounds are made reflexively in a dream, and this suggests that will alone is not enough here. We need other ways to get rid of “bad” sounds.

Other sounds made by a sleeping person

A person may also moan in a dream. It is believed that the sleeper is suffering greatly or is dreaming that he is being strangled and lacking air. And this already refers to nightmares. It is believed that higher powers warn with this dream about something bad that will happen to you in the future. It is your right to believe or not in a higher power, but if you moan or suffocate very often in your sleep, you need to consult a specialist.


All our daytime emotions turn into sleep if we do not leave them outside the bedroom threshold. Therefore, these sounds are more of a mental nature and are not considered a disease. Doctors don't even write any prescriptions.

These phenomena are more disturbing to others. But the sleeper himself often wakes up from the gnashing of his teeth. What advice can I give here?

  1. Avoid stress and depression.
  2. Relax by doing yoga before bed.
  3. Ventilate the bedroom.
  4. Take soothing baths
  5. Take a walk before bed.
  6. Choose a comfortable bed, mattress and pillows.
  7. If tooth enamel is damaged, be sure to contact a dentist. The doctor will make a special mouthguard that you need to wear at night. But of course this won't fix the problem.
  8. If sounds disturb you and your loved ones quite a lot, contact a neurologist or psychologist, since these phenomena are of a neuropsychological nature.