Tarot cards of guardian angels - interpretation. Tarot decks of angels Fortune telling tarot of angels

As children, many of us were told by our parents about heavenly guardian angels who protect the life of every person on Earth. With age, what was told became more and more like a fairy tale. A person grows up, changes, and like everyone else, he becomes a prisoner of his spiritual and physical problems. What if angels really exist? After all, even in fortune telling cards, there are separate decks with images of them. Tarot of the Dark Angels and Guardian Angels is proof of this.

Dark Angels Tarot - a deck with strong energy

Guardian Angel Cards – Classics with Biblical Context

Guardian Angels Tarot cards are an energetically strong magic deck created by D. Berti and A. Picho. Its interpretation is entirely based on the works of Ryder-Waite. Only a few cards have their own interpretation. The artists did an excellent job using images and elements of religion in their “child.” Thus, the New Testament became part of the Tarot system. It seemed that these were completely incompatible things. But Bertie and Picho proved that an understanding of religion and their own faith in a higher power are capable of much. And now, all the spiritual energy of church images can help anyone in solving an issue that concerns them, or tell the future.

The differences between the interpretations of Waite and the creators of the Angelic Tarot are insignificant. A novice cartographer may not even notice any difference between them. But “connoisseurs” looking through the list of 78 cards may notice several nuances. So, the Six of Pentacles has a different meaning from the classical interpretation. The Angelic Tarot indicates that this card signifies mercy. And in the classical sense, the Six of Pentacles is prosperity, improved financial condition. Even the image, carefully drawn by the artists, speaks of interpretation. The card depicts an Angel descending from Heaven. He gives alms to a beggar. It’s easy to guess the meaning of this card yourself, and it has nothing to do with classic “prosperity”.

The nuances of working with the Angel deck

The Guardian Angel is an invisible helper given by God. A person conducts all his actions under his supervision. Sometimes people even ask him for help themselves. Likewise, Angel cards are not a simple magical accessory for fortune telling. Before using the deck for your own purposes, you should ask the Higher Powers for help. And some tarot readers advise reading “Our Father” before readings.

But not all cartologists are of the opinion that the result of the alignment can be influenced by faith in God. For these, telling fortunes on cards with Angels or ordinary images of people comes down to the classical Tarot system. Whether a person is a believer or not, people’s further actions are the same. The first thing required is a clear formulation of the question. And only the subsequent correct actions of the cartologist and a clear deciphering of the meaning of hotel cards matter.

There is an opinion that the result of fortune telling using the Dark Angels Tarot deck is influenced by faith in God

And those who believe in God often have a different point of view. A person who has contacted the Higher Powers must ask, but not demand, help from his Guardian. And subsequent actions should not follow the classical algorithm. The interpretation of cards should take place in an intuitive way, based on the images. This is the only way a person can receive the most accurate information.

Features of the Guardian Angels deck gallery

The Guardian Angels Tarot deck consists of 78 cards. These are divided into: 22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana.

The Minor Arcana includes cards of the following suits:

  • Cups.
  • Wands.
  • Denarii.
  • Swords.

All the Major Arcana of the Guardian Angels Tarot are religious images of both individual characters in the Bible and the events that are described there.

These are the main cards of the deck. Likewise, images worked out by artists may have some superiority over the worldly images of the Minor Arcana. Thus, the deck gallery includes 22 cards that are considered “trump cards,” that is, the strongest. Even when looking at the colorful illustrations of the deck and the names corresponding to them, you can understand the essence of this division. Thus, the Major Arcana include cards: Death, Devil, Justice, Emperor, Empress, Strength, Chariot, High Priest, etc.

And the cards of the Minor Arcana are the state of a person. The interpretation of such can always be compared with the spiritual or physical state of a person in the past, present and future. The design of the deck itself is very colorful and kind, even the Hanged Man card does not look intimidating. Only one “Devil” is depicted in his characteristic manner - the Evil One sits on a throne, his eyes downcast. This character has the torso of a man and the legs of a ram. His facial features are scary, as are the powerful wings growing from his back. The efforts of the artist can be noted, because the Devil turned out to be truly terrifying.

Fortune telling on Guardian Angels cards

Fortune telling on the Tarot of Angels can be carried out with any known layouts. The main thing is to know the differences in interpretation. And this has little to do with the meaning of some individual cards that do not lend themselves to Waite's system of notation. Tarot deck of Angels by Bertie and Picho requires consideration of the situation “Man is the Law”. That is, the ability of the Angel (Law) to help solve the worldly problems of people. Higher powers can only prompt or direct a person to the right choice or action. They cannot force him to do something and change the future in a new way.

One of the most popular layouts on the Dark Angels Tarot is the “Compromise” layout.

One of the most popular layouts using Guardian Angel cards is “Compromise”. This name may seem somewhat strange, but it fully shows the essence of this action. If a person finds himself in a difficult life situation and knows the way out of it, but is unsure of the correctness of his choice, then the Angel’s advice or his point of view can help him. So, a compromise with an Angel is a person’s actions that will not bring him harm. The words “act within the bounds of the law” take on a new, interesting meaning.

The layout itself has 2 levels for interpretation. A cartologist can describe what he saw by:

  • lines of superficial meaning;
  • lines of the general picture of what is happening;
  • “combination” technique.

Combining such lines into one stream of information requires a lot of concentration from the cartologist and the ability to correctly formulate a description of the overall picture. The layout itself is based on laying out 10 cards. 6 of them are placed in two horizontal rows of 3 pieces each, and 4 are placed on the sides. The result is a cross-shaped figure, hollow inside. Modern cartologists call this layout the “Seal of the Angel”.

Deck of cards with Dark Angels

Another equally interesting deck is the Dark Angels Tarot. The artist R. Luca did a good job of depicting ominous images. These Dark Lost Souls have a human form. Everything is done with the graceful beauty of a dark gothic design, and the predominance of black and white shades contains something mysterious and unknown. Dark Angels are extraordinarily beautiful, because most of the cards depict young, sophisticated girls. These cute creatures are capable of captivating the eye with their sinister appearance. What is important is that the author showed angels from different sides. He endowed some with black wings, others with some kind of abilities. And the main thing is the history of the narrative, which is often neglected by modern authors.

The essence of R. Luke's work is to use an interesting story about dark angels who escaped from the Devil to Earth. Meanwhile, chaos reigned on the planet. And desperate, rebellious lost souls tried to preserve on Earth the last thing it had left - people. So, interpreting these words into the meaning of the cards, one can define the Angels used as helpers of humanity. So, even ordinary fortune telling on Tarot cards occurs under the influence of Dark Forces that wish a person good.

Modern tarot readers are skeptical about the power of such a deck. Their judgments boil down to one thing. This is nothing more than a set of beautiful pictures. If there is any magical influence, it is definitely not associated with images. So, this deck is based on one of the greatest works of the Waite Tarot. Modern cartologists can use it for their work only based on such considerations. But there are also experts who can argue with them. After all, the Tarot of the Patrons is in demand, and the World must have balance. And that’s what the Dark Angels deck is.

Dark Angels Card Deck Gallery Features

The gallery of images by the author Russo Luca requires special attention. The Gothic style carries centuries-old energy, and when using a deck of cards in fortune telling, it seems that at this moment a connection with mythical and mystical images is really being established. And it doesn’t matter that almost all the cards are made in dark shades. The light that this Tarot deck carries is capable of illuminating all the secret dark areas of the human soul. A deck of Angel cards, albeit Dark ones, is a work of art of its kind. But many simply did not have time to get acquainted with it, since this work of the Italian artist was published only in 2010.

According to the author's idea, the depicted angels are capable of changing people's destinies even with the flap of their beautiful wings. Proud and noble, they command nature and all known elements. What is important is that these souls are able to find the key to the heart of any person, point out his problems and help solve them. Thus, Dark creatures become the second Guardian Angels. This type of magical Tarot allows a person to:

  • cope with life's troubles;
  • point out possible mistakes in his life path;
  • get a prediction for the near future;
  • find answers to the questions that concern him.

Tarot of the Dark Angels helps you find answers to all your questions

Compared to other Gothic works of our time, maps of the river. Bows are significantly superior to their opponents according to all sorts of criteria. Even the colorful design of the Tarot by Joseph Vargo, Ricard Minetti, Barbara Moore and Ian Daniels cannot compare in its richness with the work of Dark Angels.

Features of interpretation

All 78 Tarot cards with Dark Angels are divided into Major and Minor Arcana, just like any other deck in the Waite tradition. All “younger” ones have suits:

  • Wands.
  • Bowls.
  • Swords.
  • Pentacles.

Among these are the so-called “Heads of the Court”:

  • Knight.
  • Lady.
  • King.

Major Arcana cards always point to certain events. The greater the number of such in a scenario, the more likely a person is to make fateful decisions.

There is some non-traditionality in the interpretation of these cards. So, in the correct position, the card indicates a certain event. And inverted - to its opposite meaning. Here are a few maps as an example:


The correct position is freedom and determination, and the inverted position is slavery, indifference.


The correct position is trust, strong friendship, confidence. And inverted means collapse, quarrels and self-doubt.


Direct designation - a person knows the truth, but with an inverted card - he is lost.


The card represents hope or expectation of something. And in an inverted state it is hopelessness.


Denotes payment for one's own sins. The reversed card means impunity.

The role of the Minor Arcana in the deck

The minor arcana tell a person about his life needs, special desires and minor mistakes. So, each individual suit is separated into a certain area of ​​life. The four suits are the four main components of human existence. So, the Minor Arcana divides:

  1. Maps showing the human world around us. These include Wands.
  2. The suit responsible for emotions is cups.
  3. Maps of state of mind and mental state - swords.
  4. The suit of a material nature is pentacles.

Thus, the interpretation of Cups will be associated with everything: conflicts, problematic character traits, love affairs, as well as their breakups. And fallen Pentacles indicate all sorts of problems and improvements in financial condition: profit, sudden wealth, poverty, etc. Wands are event cards. All actions that can lead to one or another result are necessarily shown by this suit. Likewise, Swords will accompany the future with all experiences and internal conflicts.

The Tarot deck always carries the imprint of the energy of the master creator, and all high-level magicians use completely different forces and energy flows in their work. Every year new decks appear from talented authors, and understanding the existing diversity is not so easy. It is important for beginners to understand that not only the visual design of the cards is different, but also the ways of working with them. And the point is not even that the pictures on the cards are often different, but also that completely different interpretations of the same cards are used.

In this article we will get acquainted with two angel decks that carry a message from above:
“Tarot of Guardian Angels” from Doreen Virtue “Tarot of the Dark Angels” from Luca Russo

Verce deck

This deck consists of a classic set: 78 cards, including 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana. The deck is great for beginners as it is in the Waitean tradition and is easy to read.
Interesting fact: when developing the drawings, the artists were guided by the Bible and the New Testament. Thus, a special mixture of classics with a biblical context was obtained. However, it is worth noting that in some cases the authors of the deck use their own interpretation of the cards and only an experienced esotericist will notice the difference. The Six of Pentacles, according to the classics, means prosperity and wealth, but in the tarot of guardian angels the picture is different - there is an angel giving alms. Obviously, the meaning is completely different.

Connection with higher powers

Thanks to the Tarot of Guardian Angels, you can feel a connection with those beings who protect a person throughout his life. Everyone has a guardian angel, and it is he who protects from bad thoughts, failures and negativity from other people. The problem with most people is that they do not feel connected to their angel and do not hear his wishes and warnings. It is in such a situation that the angel tarot will help us.

The magical power of your Guardian Angel will give you the opportunity to contact the angels and receive advice from them on all important issues.

Features of fortune telling

Fortune telling “The magical power of your Guardian Angel” resembles a conversation between a person and his spiritual patrons. In such a conversation, the angels give recommendations on how to overcome difficulties and how to behave in a difficult situation.

Fortune telling about a guardian angel is considered the safest, not only because he is your protector. The deck itself, according to the reviews of many magicians, is very kind and even in difficult situations gives only careful and accurate recommendations, without whipping up fears and horrors.

Since tarot cards of angels are associated with religion, many consider it necessary to read the “Our Father” before making an “angel prediction” layout. Be that as it may, fortune telling can only begin after a clear formulation of the question. Think about your problem, ask the angels for help while you hold the deck in your hands and draw three cards. The first card will explain what is important to you now, the second - what to do, and the third - what to do in the future. Don't forget to thank the deck and the angels at the end of the fortune telling. Remember that you cannot demand anything from the angels, because... These are higher powers and you are not their decree!

Rousseau deck

“Tarot of Dark Angels” is based on a beautiful legend about dark angels who escaped from the Devil to Earth. There they tried, amid the chaos, to preserve the most valuable thing left - people. These are standard maps drawn in the White tradition. The style of execution is Gothic.

Major Arcana

It is believed that the cards of the major arcana with angels talk about the accomplishment of major events, control of the elements, forces of nature, and turning points in fate. If during fortune telling on the tarot of angels many major arcana appear, it means that powerful changes are approaching that will affect all aspects of a person’s life.

Minor Arcana

The minor arcana of the dark angels tarot talk about more mundane, mundane and everyday matters. It is important to know that different suits are responsible for different areas of life.

  • Staves mean: power, desires, ambitions, influence and possible disasters.
  • Cups they will tell about emotions, love, losses in relationships, weakness, character traits that define a person;
  • Swords are responsible for the mental sphere: thoughts, plans, internal contradictions, self-control;
  • Pentacles They will show everything about the material world, wealth, poverty, transactions, property and the results of human activity.

Fortune telling on the number and gender of guardian angels according to Pythagoras

It is believed that an ordinary person can have nine protectors, but most often there are all three. If you want to find out how many defenders you have and what gender they are, you will have to turn to numerology. To do this, you need to add the sum of the numbers of your date of birth. The final number will show the number of guardian angels. If the number is even, then the keeper is a man; if it is odd, then the keeper is a woman.

In childhood, everyone believes in magic and angels, but over the years this belief gradually fades away, only for some it remains as strong. After all, as we grow older, we lose the spark of hope in ourselves, but at some point almost everyone again begins to think about their otherworldly assistant and look for confirmation of its existence, or vice versa.

Some resort to extreme sports or deliberately do so to be on the verge of death, trying to understand whether other forces will save them or not. Others turn to magical methods, one of which is fortune telling with Tarot cards - “Seal of the Guardian Angel”. Still others prefer to talk about why it is necessary to know something about the existence of your Angel and what he is like?

The first method of “testing” is quite dangerous, since you cannot be sure that there is an angel and you can lose your life because of the experiment. The second “Seal of the Guardian Angel”, the essence of which is to look at a person’s aura and determine the level of protection of a person by an Angel, is quite popular and is used most often.

Well, the answer to why you need to know something about your angel is quite simple:

  1. It’s good for everyone to know if someone else who can help in difficult times or perhaps difficulties that have begun will have to be solved themselves.
  2. If there is an angel behind your back, it would be nice to at least occasionally thank him, at least for the fact that life still goes on.

Fortune telling “Seal of the Guardian Angel”

The room where the reading will take place should be dark, without bright light; it is best to create lighting with the help of candles. For the layout, you need a full deck: the major and minor Arcana and a photograph of the person being scanned.

The 14th Arcana - Moderation is placed in the center, with a photograph of the desired person on top of it. After this, the entire Tarot deck is shuffled and moved in the opposite direction from the fortuneteller. The action takes place three times in a row. Then we take out the card and place it on top of the photo, the second card down, the third on the right and the fourth on the left, the fifth card is placed on top of the photo.

Decoding of five cards:

  1. Force. The ability to determine its power.
  2. Blessing. That is, the angel's disposition is to help you.
  3. Genus. An opportunity to find out how you got an angel.
  4. Shield. Degree of protection.
  5. Seal. Definition of the connection between man and angel.

There are no interpretations for the interpretation of cards in this fortune-telling, since everything must happen on a purely intuitive level, because it is at this moment that the angel can talk to the person who makes the layout and himself suggest the meaning of a particular card.

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Angel Tarot decks are focused on introspection and knowledge of one’s personality, immersion in the psychological and spiritual dimension of the problem. It has long been known that our reality reflects our thoughts, consists of our ideas and directly depends on our approach to it. Tarot of Angels is the tool through which we can change our vision of the Universe and the vision of ourselves in it. Through Tarot cards, spiritual forces can convey messages to those people who believe in angels. They are guides and guardians of a person living according to the laws of Truth and Justice. In the Bible, angels were called messengers who were spiritual beings sent to people by the Almighty and fulfilling the will of the Lord. Angelic blessings exist regardless of whether we believe in them or not, because Angels are Light, energy, our inner strengths and capabilities. Guardian angels are always with us and lovingly give advice that helps us cope with all situations. But if they are not in demand, it means that we do not have a connection with them - faith. Whether we believe it or not, spirits are always nearby - you just need to look at them.

You look with your soul, not with your eyes!

The blue of the high heavens is their abode.

Only those who are friends with miracles

Maybe you can see angels in the sky.

Angel Tarot decks are also associated with neo-paganism, shamanism and mythology. Angels and spirits can be not only benign, but also dark demons. Devils were also angels until they were expelled from heaven. They are tempters, revealing our weaknesses and vulnerable moments of the future. Despite their cunning, dark angels play an important role in human life. We form our attitude to reality on a large number of dual nuances that simplify judgment but distance us from the truth. The world we live in does not have clear boundaries between good and evil, truth and lies, good and bad. The Angel Tarot is based on the idea that every event and action can be viewed from a good and bad side.

The Tarot of Angels stimulates internal dialogue, allowing you to separate the “bad” and “good” and study the situation in detail. To make the right decision, you cannot consider events only from the point of view of their benefits and achieved results. Each event also has a spiritual side that makes us think about what is right and wrong, and also understand what makes us better. Interpreting the Tarot through angels inevitably leads to reflection on the concepts of good and evil, forgiveness and mercy. At that moment when logic and rationalism do not help, the angels and demons of the ghostly world lead us in the real world to the border beyond which the future begins - be it light, darkness or poetic inspiration. The gallery of Angel Tarot decks will bring you closer to these incomprehensible beings and unknown forces of a higher order, and then suddenly it turns out that they are much more real than you can imagine.

Tarot Gold Icons

created by the Bulgarian artist A. Atanassov, inspired by icon painting and the lives of saints. The Holy Spirits and Angels, Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, as characters of the new religion that replaced pagan deities and family spirits during the birth of Christianity, were depicted on icons and constituted an indispensable accessory of every Orthodox church. Angels and Saints were idolized, and icons were endowed with sacred power. The artist A. Atanassov does not copy icons in the images of the cards, but preserves their artistic imagery, decorating the Tarot cards with gold. Sacred images of Orthodox icons appearing against the background of gold cards are the key to eternal secrets, accessible only to angels and prophets. By projecting divine images and deeds familiar from the Gospel stories onto our lives, we come to a better understanding of ourselves and our life task.

Tarot of Guardian Angels

is associated with the traditional interpretation of Tarot cards, but explores it through the prism of an angelic theme. The drawings for the deck were made by artist Arturo Picca according to the plans of Giordano Berti in 2007. And although the first release of the deck dates back to very recently, the scenes depicted on the cards contain at their core a modern vision of very ancient concepts. In the illustrations of the 78 Arcana one can recognize themes and references drawn from two outstanding books of the Old Testament: the Book of Proverbs of Solomon and the Book of Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach. The Arcana of Justice is number XI, and Strength is number VIII, which corresponds to the structure of the Anglo-Saxon Tarot model and the Rider-Waite Tarot tradition.

Tarot of Angels Doreen Virtue

is a unique deck with mesmerizing illustrations by the talented artist Steve A. Roberts. Tarot of Angels by Doreen Virtue is light and delightfully beautiful, without a doubt they can be called one of the. The authors have preserved the meaning of the traditional Tarot, and the meaning of each card is revealed in the accompanying guide, The Big Book of Angel Tarot, in English and translated into Russian by Yu. Petkevich. The suits in the deck are associated with the energy of the four elements: fire, earth, air and water. Specific symbols for predicting the future and images of angels, archangels, unicorns, fairies, elves and mermaids bring a magical component to the spiritual interpretation of each card. Beautiful colorful images of the Arcana take you into the world. The Angel Tarot deck will shed light on a confusing situation, answer hidden questions and allow you to feel the presence of angels in your life.

Tarot of Change of Form

a special deck by writer and philosopher D. J. Conway and Master of Psychology Sirona Knight. Both authors share a love of nature, mysticism and Tarot. This mythological Tarot embodies the dreams of the authors, changeable images and nature. Their bold plans were realized and a unique deck was created by the talented artist Lisa Hunt, for whom the Shape Change Tarot became her life’s project, who managed to transfer dreams to paper. Here the myths of the Celtic peoples and the spiritual practices of the Celts are intertwined with werewolfism, shamanism and shapeshifting. This Tarot deck will help you understand the power of the elements and harness the spiritual energy of your fellow animals. The essence of changing forms is fusion, when the differences between body, mind and spirit are eliminated. Everything becomes Unity, and in this state all Knowledge is available to a person and all Experience is available.

Dark Angels Tarot

by Russo Luca amazes the imagination with its powerful energy and can easily be classified as a Dark Tarot deck. It, although executed in a somewhat gloomy atmosphere, does not overwhelm with darkness, but instills hope for redemption and rebirth, illuminating and cleansing the hidden corners of our soul with the flapping of its black wings. Through the song of the broken soul of the fallen Angels, the true voice of Eternity breaks through. With the voice of the Tarot, the Dark Angels can talk about all this and more: you just need to ask them. And if you trust them, they are ready to cover us under the shadow of their mighty wings and heal suffering souls. Because they know: they, too, are to blame for the fact that people suffer, and they cry out for forgiveness. Each Dark Angels Tarot card is like a gateway to a world at the end of time, when everything is completed and what was considered the future is already known.

The Guardian Angels Tarot deck uses angels to bring divination into the spiritual dimension, linking them to the structure and meanings of traditional Tarot. Angels, as a specific symbolic element, help to understand the depths of one’s own world, which goes beyond reasons and emotions. Classic decks have long used the theme of angels, which are traditionally present in the Major Arcana of Lovers, Temperance and Justice. The angelic theme expresses the individuality of the Guardian Angels Tarot deck; it is an integral part of each Arcana and the key to the interpretation of the entire deck. Many images explicitly or covertly demonstrate a conflict between two poles, which can be conditionally considered positive and negative. A striking example is the Arcan Fool, depicted as a man, half angel and half devil, walking along the edge of an abyss. This character personifies a person whose existence is always on the line between good and evil and between alternatives that lead her in opposite directions.

Major Arcana of the Guardian Angels Tarot Deck

The key to the Guardian Angels Tarot deck is the separation of the concepts of good and evil, as well as the sense of support, guidance and protection that accompanies a person. This deck's ability to separate right from wrong pushes us to reflect on ourselves and our own actions, allowing us to consider unusual situations and emotions. For a person who believes in angels and is waiting for a message from heaven, this deck is of particular value. It will become a tool for fortune telling for the future, a means of communicating with angelic forces and interpreting signs and messages. You can easily find a reflection of your own spiritual beliefs in the drawings and find inspiration to achieve harmony. In difficult moments of reflection and introspection, the Guardian Angels Tarot deck allows you to highlight important moments of the spiritual, rather than material aspects of life. Angels become symbols of our consciousness and the natural forces that rule the Universe.