Cards with animals for children online. Pictures of domestic and wild animals for kids. Educational cards with pictures of animals for children

Developmental activities with preschoolers give results only with correctly selected visual material. Drawings of objects, people, pictures of animals are irreplaceable for the learning and development of children. Speech therapists use such images both in group and individual work. How to do it right?

General operating principles

If you want to get the maximum benefit from using visual material, then you need to follow several important rules:

  1. It is important to select images taking into account age characteristics pupils. Children (up to 3 years old) need to be shown cards of domestic animals and birds only with those fauna inhabitants that the children can meet in person.
  2. The drawings should show real forest dwellers, animals of the seas and oceans, pets, and farm inhabitants. Avoid stylized images of wild animals and their domestic counterparts. The color of the coat and parts of the body should be natural, just like in nature. Not all children's pictures can be used in classes. For example, drawings of cartoon animals are completely inappropriate.
  3. It is important to choose images only with a light background, it does not distract attention.
  4. Cards with images should be attractive and durable enough. If you couldn’t buy good flashcards, you can glue the pictures onto cardboard yourself or laminate them.

Series of pictures “Domestic animals and their babies”:

Types of pictures

All cards for speech therapy classes can be divided into several groups.


Small cards, with one picture (an animal) on each. For example, in the series “Wild animals of our forests” there will be a wolf, an elk, a badger on them.

Kit “Animals of the North” will consist of drawn walruses, arctic foxes, and seals.


Illustration paintings with several characters and a plot. They help children write detailed, detailed stories using nouns, adjectives, and verbs. One plot picture allows you to discuss several topics at once: what benefits do pets bring, who cares for them, where they live.

brain teaser

A set of drawings depicting some kind of story, a plot in development. For example, some animals look different in winter and summer. An image of a squirrel in a gray and red coat, for example, allows a child to compose a story about the change of seasons and the preparation of animals for winter.

Drawings of wild animals and their babies allow you to come up with a story about the childhood of a small animal.

Coloring pages

Outline images are another opportunity for speech development kids. High-quality coloring books help you master many new concepts and learn to use descriptive adjectives and prepositions. They also additionally stimulate the speech center (through regular training). Simple coloring pages can be used for children from 3 years old.

Coloring pages “Wild animals”

Examples of games and activities with pictures of animals

  • "Who am I talking about?"

Cards with images of domestic animals and birds are laid out in front of the players. The presenter describes one of them without naming him; the first one who guesses who he is talking about takes the card for himself. The one who collects the most pictures wins.

  • "Who is this?"

Ask your child: “Which wild animals of our forests change their coats in winter? (they hibernate, eat berries, are not afraid of water). He must select cards, explaining his choice.

  • "Compare and Tell"

You need to select two images. These can be any wild or domestic animals and birds - very similar or completely different. The child is asked to name as many common or distinctive features between them as possible. The younger the children, the less similar the animals should be.

  • "Remember and find"

If you take paired pictures of animals and their babies, you can play one of the “memory” options. The cards need to be turned face down and then shuffled. Each player can open only two pictures. If a pair is formed, then the player takes it for himself. The winner is determined by the number of cards collected.

  • “Our animal friends, domestic and forest”

Invite your child to take cards from the pile, talking about the habits of the selected inhabitant of the forest or farm.

Drawing animals can be an excellent speech therapy tool. It is easy to choose a suitable picture from a book, but it is better, of course, to use special card sets.

Fedorova Ekaterina

speech therapist-defectologist

Option 3: Also, in addition to pictures with pets, you can print. Study each group of animals separately, and then ask your child to sort the pictures into domestic and wild animals.

You can use this educational material both at home and in kindergarten and in primary school.

All training material on our website is adapted for A4 paper format. Each sheet contains 2 illustrations of pets.

At the end of the article you can download all the cards in one archive.

Good luck and interesting activities!

Educational cards with pictures of animals for children

Educational cards with pictures of animals for children

Educational cards with pictures of animals for children

Educational cards with pictures of animals for children

Educational cards with pictures of animals for children

Educational cards with pictures of animals for children

Educational cards pets for children, rabbit, cat

Educational cards pets for children, donkey, goose

Educational cards pets for children, parrot, canary

Educational cards pets for children, turkey, duck

Educational cards pets for children, goat, pig

Pets pictures for children, dog, horse

Pets pictures for children, cow, chicken

Pets pictures for children, hamster, sheep

You can study pets with children and with the help of educational cartoons

Black and white pictures for printing animals

Animal cards (pets)

My daughter loves animals very much, finds and recognizes them in any source. The most convenient and interesting method of studying turned out to be cards. We don’t have many purchased cards (their cost is sometimes appalling, especially now while I’m on maternity leave), so I try to find some illustrations in magazines, brochures, cut out pictures and glue them onto cardboard. I like realistic images of animals (photos) and drawings; I believe that it is useful for a child to know what the animal actually looks like and what the picture looks like. In my BB I plan to create a personal archive of such cards. I don’t know what will come of this, but I hope that it will be convenient for me to “take out” material from here for printing.

First in line are pets.


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