Karlovy Vary from which sources to drink water. Mineral springs. The most famous sources

The Karlovy Vary resort has long been famous for its mineral hot springs, which have many beneficial qualities. They are mainly intended for drinking therapy.

The springs in Karlovy Vary are a whole natural complex that transforms atmospheric precipitation into healing waters. They contain many microelements and other beneficial substances, which together have a beneficial effect on the body.

The use of thermal mineral drinks is completely free. There are 15 healing springs in total. Only numbers 1 to 12 of the sources in Karlovy Vary are used in the spa industry. They are similar in their chemical composition, differing only in temperature and amount of carbon dioxide.

What are the sources?

Many people are interested in what Karlovy Vary springs are and which one treats what, since there are certain indications and contraindications for the use of healing water. People have known about the healing effect of the springs since ancient times. The very first mention of treatment with healing water dates back to the 14th century, since at that time Charles IV treated his feet with mineral water. After some time, they began to use it internally.

The characteristics in Karlovy Vary allow the water to be used for patients with a wide variety of diseases. The most popular are:

  • "Vřídlo";
  • "Prince of Vratslav";
  • "Libushe";
  • "Mermaid";
  • "Rocky";
  • "Mlynsky";
  • "Castle";
  • "Freedom";
  • "Market";
  • "Snake";
  • "Garden"
  • "Charles IV".

Each of the sources is intended to treat certain diseases, but it is worth remembering that water should be taken carefully after consultation with a doctor and diagnosis.

Geyser colonnade

Among the springs in Karlovy Vary, the Geyser Colonnade is distinguished. It hides only one source underwater - Geyser. This is one of the most famous sources. Its temperature is 72 degrees, and the height of the fountain reaches 12 meters. Water is mainly prescribed for bathing.

Geyser outlets have been known since ancient times. This healing water came out from the depths of the earth. Initially, it flowed down along with river water. Natural outcrops were constantly overgrown with salt sediment. Only the foundation of the city and the need to use the springs served to capture the water of the Geyser.

Ecologically clean water from this source in Karlovy Vary is used for drinking and bathing. The colonnade contains 5 containers with water coming to the surface, access to which is open to everyone from 6 to 19 hours.

Castle tower

One of the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary is the colonnade on Castle Hill, which was built according to the design of the architect Oman. It consists of the Upper and Lower springs. Inside Nizhny there is a bas-relief made of ferruginous sandstone with the image of the Spirit of the Springs.

The colonnade has been in operation since the beginning of the 20th century, and in the 21st century it was restored by private investors, and it became available only to patients of the hospital located on the territory. However, the water of this source is available to every person. This water source in Karlovy Vary is located in a gazebo next to the colonnade.

The first information about it appeared in 1769, but it was formed in these places much earlier. At the place where it came out, the children made a small pool and swam in the warm water. It was also drunk by cows returning home from pastures. Already at this time, the source interested the doctors of this resort. He had 3 wells drilled, one of which reaches a depth of 31 meters.

The Upper Castle Spring is permanently closed. It is made artificially, since the water comes from the Lower Source. As a result, it cools and at the same time the solubility of carbon monoxide increases.

Market Colonnade

The mineral spring in Karlovy Vary called “Market” was developed just a few years ago. The wooden Market Colonnade is decorated with snow-white patterns. Under its roof there are 2 sources, namely “Market” and “Charles IV”. According to legend, it was from them that the birth of the city began.

The "Market" thermal spring in Karlovy Vary was discovered in the 19th century. The water in it has a temperature of 62 degrees. The colonnade under a gable roof is surrounded on 3 sides by wooden walls, and the front wall has the appearance of a column. Since time immemorial, large and small springs have flowed here, which then disappeared and then reappeared. Since the exit from the source was at a depth of 2 meters, it was necessary to go down to it along the steps. More recently, the colonnade was restored, and now the water rises to its level.

Many tourists are interested in which source in Karlovy Vary is the oldest and most famous. He has a name and a long-standing legend is associated with him. According to it, the emperor of the Roman Empire washed his feet in this spring, after which he decided to open a resort on this site. There is even a carved painting above it depicting its discovery.

Mill Colonnade

The mill colonnade is one of the most famous in the city and there are as many as 5 sources located in it, namely the following:

  • "Mlynsky"
  • "Mermaid";
  • "Prince Wenceslas I";
  • "Libushi";
  • "Rocky."

The roof of the colonnade is supported by columns, which are very beautifully decorated. The 12 months are depicted on the upper balustrade. The temperature of the Mlynsky spring is 56 degrees. It is believed that the water from it does not lose its healing qualities during transportation. Some of it is sold in bottles in many countries around the world.

The temperature in the Rusalka spring is 60 degrees. His water was previously very popular. The spring “Prince Wenceslas I” has a temperature of 65-68 degrees. The water has long been used to make medicinal mineral salt.

The Libushi spring was formed from 4 small springs, and its temperature is 62 degrees.

Garden colonnade

The garden colonnade was built at the end of the 19th century according to the design of Viennese architects. This amazing architectural monument adorns not only the nearby Dvorak Gardens, but also the entire resort area. Directly under the roof of the colonnade there are 3 healing springs, namely:

  • "Garden";
  • "Freedom";
  • "Snakey."

The temperature of the Svoboda spring is 60 degrees. It was opened during the construction of the hospital. It is located in a gazebo, which is classified as a historical site. The Sadovyi spring has a temperature of 47 degrees. Initially it was called "Imperial". It is located on the basement floor of the Military Sanatorium.

The Zmeiny spring has a water temperature of 30 degrees. It contains much less minerals, but it contains much more carbon dioxide. Mineral water flows from the snake's mouth right in the Garden Colonnade. These are the most important springs in Karlovy Vary for swimming and drinking water, which help improve your health.

What source treats what?

You definitely need to know which spring in Karlovy Vary heals what and what the healing water is used for. This is required in order not to harm your health. The Vřídlo geyser hot spring is mainly intended for bathing. In addition, water is used for drinking therapy and has a very good effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and also helps in the treatment of gastritis. For people prone to respiratory diseases, it is useful to breathe the air near the geyser.

The Charles VI spring is distinguished by the unique healing qualities of a hot spring. The water from it has a good effect on the joints and skeletal system. The Nizhny Zamkovy spring is characterized by the fact that its water is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The Upper Castle Spring is available only to guests of the Castle Spa. Rinsing the gums with this water has a very good effect on periodontal disease, prevents the formation of caries, and also helps strengthen and restore bones and joints.

The “Market” source is intended for the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Today its water is actively used in sanatoriums. The Melnichny spring is famous for its thermal water. Many say that this is a women's drink to enhance beauty. It has a beneficial effect on hair and nails, nourishing and strengthening them. Previously, this water was used only for baths.

The Rusalka spring is characterized by the fact that its water has a temperature of 60 degrees. It is considered a children's medicinal drink. It can be used to improve metabolism and strengthen the body's immune system. The water of the Prince Valcav I spring is enriched with Glauber's salt, which is why it has some laxative effect. It is recommended to use it to cleanse the body and preferably before undergoing spa treatment.

The Libushi source is used to treat children, improve metabolic processes, and normalize immunity. The water of the Skalny spring is used for the treatment of diabetes, and its consumption is very effective in the process of losing weight.

The Sloboda spring is famous for its amazing healing drink, as it helps regulate the production of male hormones, has a positive effect on potency and helps in the treatment of prostatitis. The water from the Sadovyi spring is used in the treatment of liver and kidney diseases, helps remove stones and restore the body after illness.

The Zmeiny spring is one of the coldest. This is a real treasure trove of beauty. It is not intended for consumption of healing water inside, but for washing and helps rejuvenate the skin.

Indications for treatment

The Karlovy Vary springs have quite broad indications for treatment. The sets of procedures in all sanatoriums are different, which is explained by the level of equipment of medical institutions. Among the main indications it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • recovery after oncology treatment without signs of malignant process activity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • dental problems;
  • neurological disorders.

In addition, the water from the springs is used to treat respiratory diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Based on the examination results, the doctor selects his own treatment program for each patient, which fully takes into account the state of health and the diagnosis.

Contraindications for treatment

It is worth noting that there are certain contraindications to treatment with thermal spring water, which include the following:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • intestinal stenosis;
  • increased creatine levels;
  • epilepsy;
  • liver failure;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy.

It is worth noting that treatment with mineral water is prescribed only by a doctor after diagnosis. Self-therapy is strictly prohibited, as this can provoke various kinds of complications.

Many of those who come to this country for treatment are interested in which springs are best to choose in Karlovy Vary and where it is preferable to take a course of healing. You can be treated not only as prescribed by the doctor.

If there is no prescription, then you can get one by contacting a doctor at any chosen sanatorium, and it is best to do this where you plan to undergo therapy. It is worth noting that treatment is carried out in courses, the minimum duration of which is 1 week.

Health improvement

Each spring in Karlovy Vary is unique, but in any case, each of them helps to improve your health. Some of the procedures carried out in sanatoriums require consultation with a doctor, but for some it is not required. In particular, procedures such as:

  • spa treatments;
  • massage;
  • drinking mineral water;
  • salt caves;
  • inhalation.

Particular attention is paid to spa treatments, which imply a range of services provided that promote wellness.

Composition of thermal water

The purpose of the springs in Karlovy Vary is different, since with their help you can treat illnesses and improve your health. In addition, some of them have water for drinking, and some for bathing only. In Karlovy Vary it comes to the surface. To get a more complete picture, it is worth noting that its maximum temperature is 73.4 degrees.

The composition of water includes ions, anions, cations, boric and silicic acid, and gases. It is not radioactive. The springs are characterized by the fact that the water in them is natural, with a high content of fluorides.

How to properly consume medicinal water

It is recommended to drink water as prescribed by your doctor, who will tell you what kind to consume, how much and how to do it correctly. You can do this without consulting a specialist, but in small quantities. A sharp change in the amount of minerals entering the body can provoke exactly the opposite effect.

It is best to collect some water in a container and drink it in small sips while walking. The optimal liquid temperature is 50 degrees. It is worth remembering that the hotter the water at the source, the less quantity it can be consumed. You should not put water in a plastic bottle; you can only use special containers.

At the first morning intake, you need to take liquid from the source at 5-6 o’clock in the morning, since at this time it is more saturated with beneficial geyser gases. It is not recommended to combine the course of therapy with alcohol consumption and smoking. Passive smoke inhalation is also harmful. Treatment must be carried out in a state of rest and relaxation.

Karlovy Vary is an ancient city in the Czech Republic, which for many centuries has been surprising visitors with the exquisite beauty of its architecture, rich history and the hospitality of its friendly residents. But the main feature of this resort town is its healing springs, which have long gained great fame throughout Europe. Actually, thanks to these sources, the city began to actively develop in a recreational direction.

The total number of healing springs in Karlovy Vary is seventy-nine, but only thirteen of them have been developed. Magic water is used mainly for drinking courses, after which a person’s health significantly improves. Bathing in thermal waters, irrigating the intestines with it, rinsing and other procedures also have a beneficial effect on the body.

The composition of mineral water flowing from different springs is very similar, but it still affects the human body differently. The type of impact largely depends on the temperature of the water and the carbon dioxide content in it. For example, cold springs have a mild laxative effect, and higher temperature water slows down the secretion of gastric juice and bile. The chemical composition of water in Karlovy Vary includes elements such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, lithium, bromine and many other substances beneficial to the body.

Each Karlovy Vary spring has its own interesting history, and the water from it has its own special use. The most powerful and best known of all is

Source #1– Vrzhidlo, or, as it is also called, Geyser.

The water flow in it originates at a depth of 2000 meters, and the height of the stream is about 12 meters. Ecologically clean water from this source, whose temperature is 72 degrees, is used for both drinking and bathing.

The healing power of the Geyser is not only in drinking, but also in bathing

The Vřídlo Colonnade contains five containers with water coming to the surface, and access to it is open to everyone from 6:00 to 19:00.

Source #2 with a water temperature of 64°C is called “The Spring of Charles IV”, and there is a long-standing legend associated with it.

According to it, back in the 14th century, Emperor Charles IV washed his feet here, after which he decided to build a resort on this site. There is even a carved painting above the spring depicting the discovery of Carlsbad.

The third and fourth springs – “Nizhny Zamkovy” (55 °C) and “Upper Zamkovy” (50 °C), in fact, are one spring, the water from which is supplied to two different vases.

But due to different altitudes, the water in them differs in temperature and CO2 content. Together, these two sources make up the Castle Colonnade, which, after a major reconstruction in 2001, is open to visitors.

Source #5 also known as “Market”, and its water has a temperature of about 62 °C.

The source was discovered in 1838, but since then it has disappeared and reappeared several times. After drilling new wells, the last of which reached a depth of 38 meters, the water stopped disappearing from here.

The sixth source of healing water (56 °C) is Melnichny, and its miraculous properties have been known to people since the 16th century.

It is the local water that the Mattoni company bottles and exports to many countries around the world.

"Rusalkin source"(60°C) – the seventh of those mastered here. Previously, it was the most popular meeting place for vacationers, and this is not surprising, because the pavilion erected here was the first such structure in Karlovy Vary.

« Prince Wenceslas Spring » (65°C) number 8 was found in 1784. The water from it flowed up to 4 meters high, so in terms of power this source is compared to a Geyser. Among other sources, this is the only one that has access to two vases.

Ninth source - "The Source of Libush", with a water temperature of about 62°C.

It was first mentioned in city chronicles back in the 18th century, but it began to be actively used after the construction of the Mlyn Colonnade, to which it belongs. Previously it was called the source of Elizabethan roses.

"Rock Spring" with a water temperature of 48°C – the tenth in a row. They found him right in the bed of the Tepla River, and in 1845 they brought him ashore not far from the Mlyn Colonnade.

Eleventh source - "Source of Freedom"(60°C) - was discovered by chance during the foundation of a sanatorium in 1865. The gazebo built above it is protected by the state as a valuable historical object.

Source No. 12 – “Garden”, the water temperature in it reaches 39°C. This source is especially popular among resort patients, as it has a very high carbon dioxide content - 900 mg/l.

And last, the thirteenth source is called “Stefania”.

It was only declared fit for use in 1998, so it is quite young compared to others. The place where the mineral water comes to the surface is surrounded by a beautiful white gazebo, stylized as antique.

Using all sources is completely free, so that everyone has the opportunity to get some healing water.

Naturally, before doing this, you should definitely consult with your doctors so that the course of drinking really benefits your body.

Karlovy Vary is not only an amazingly beautiful city, but also a famous Czech health resort. A resort that is widely known not only in Russia, but throughout Europe and certainly throughout the world. Many kings and artists, kings and composers rested and were treated in Karlovy Vary at different times.

Every year hundreds of tourists come and continue to come to Karlovy Vary for treatment and simply to improve their health. In Karlovy Vary, all conditions have been created for treatment and general improvement of the body, both free and for money. Of course, it won’t be possible without money at all, but there are still several ways.

There is a sanatorium or spa center at literally every step in the city. So there seems to be no problem finding places to restore strength and health. All procedures are paid separately. You arrive, check into any hotel or health resort, and then pay for the procedures.

How to find procedures and find out which ones are suitable?

1. The treatment is simple. They are prescribed by a doctor and are carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. Each sanatorium has its own doctor, come to the appointment, tell them, show them the test results or a referral from your family doctor, if there are none, then you can take tests and undergo examinations on the spot. After which the doctor prescribes procedures and treatment periods.

2. Health improvement without a doctor’s prescription. There are also many of these in Karlovy Vary, the most common being thermal waters and everything connected with them (drinking, baths, masks, wraps), swimming pools and salt caves, massages, inhalations and even relaxation programs. All this can be done with or without prior consultation with a doctor. It’s easy to find such procedures in the city, go to a sanatorium or center, ask at the reception and they will explain and tell you everything in detail, they will also give you brochures with procedures and prices.

There is no language barrier; locals communicate easily, both in Czech and English, as well as in Russian.

Now we will tell you in detail about each of the listed ways to improve your health and restore strength without a doctor’s prescription.. The information below is suitable for everyone, both children and adults, and those who came for treatment as prescribed by a doctor, and independent tourists.

Air in Karlovy Vary

The very air in Karlovy Vary is imbued with healing properties. The fact is that Karlovy Vary is a small town, which is why there are few cars in the city, and besides, it is surrounded by the Doupovsky and Kreshna mountains, which allows the city to be buried in the greenery of the centuries-old trees of the Slatavsky forest. And thanks to the abundance of thermal springs, the air is filled with beneficial properties. For these reasons, the air in the city is clean, fresh and healthy. So even simple walks around the historical center of the city have a beneficial effect on the body.

Thermal springs of Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary has received such wide fame and the status of a health resort, primarily due to the fact that the city has many hot springs of mineral water with healing properties. In total, there are about 60 thermal springs in Karlovy Vary, of which 12 are used for treatment and healing. The largest and most famous thermal spring is Vřídlo; it bursts to the surface from a depth of 2,500 meters.

The water in all sources is similar in chemical composition, but differs in its temperature, volume fraction of carbon dioxide and power. The water in the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary reaches 73 degrees.

The effect of thermal waters directly depends on the temperature: hotter waters have a relaxing and calming effect, colder ones have a laxative effect.

Almost all thermal springs are located in the city center, in four colonnades and two gazebos. The colonnades are also the main attractions of Karlovy Vary.

Colonnades and pavilions with thermal springs in Karlovy Vary:

Entrance to all springs is free, water is free, come and get some, but still be careful not to overdo it. The main thing here is measure.

Garden colonnade /kolonada Sadoveho pramene - an openwork cast-iron colonnade, located in the very center of the city, in the Dvorak Gardens.

The Garden Colonnade is one of the most famous colonnades in Karlovy Vary; in this colonnade there are two springs of thermal water, the snake and the garden, with low water temperatures. This water in small quantities is suitable for internal consumption by absolutely everyone.

Snake Spring (No. 15) thermal water has a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius. This source contains less minerals than other sources, but more carbon dioxide.

Garden spring (No. 12) has a water temperature of just over 42 degrees. The source is located in the basement of a military sanatorium, the entrance is from the Garden Colonnade. Has opening hours, open daily from 06:00 am to 18:30 pm yesterday. This source also has a high carbon dioxide content.

Mill Colonnade /Mlynska kolonada - a stone colonnade, also located in the city center, right on the banks of the Tepla River, not far from Sadovaya. Walking around the city, it is simply impossible to pass by this colonnade; it is the largest colonnade in Karlovy Vary, it immediately catches your eye.

In the Mill Colonnade there are five springs numbered 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The water in the springs is from 53 to 65 degrees. Springs: Mill Spring, Rusalka Spring, Prince Vaclav Spring, Libuše Spring and Rock Spring. There is 24-hour free access to the colonnade.

Market Colonnade /Trzni Kolonada - a wooden carved colonnade, built in the Swiss style, is one of the most beautiful colonnades in the city. Also located in the city center, on the banks of the Tepla River, near the two previous colonnades. Access is daily and free for everyone.

The Market Colonnade has three mineral springs - Charles IV, Lower Castle Spring and Market Spring. Source numbers 2 - 64 degrees, 3 - 55 degrees and 5 - water 62 degrees.

Geyser colonnade /Vridelni kolonada - the newest and last colonnade, made of glass and reinforced concrete. Located in the city center, near three other colonnades. Open daily from 06:00 to 19:00, admission is free.

The thermal water is the Geyser fountain, hence the name of the colonnade. This is the strongest and hottest spring, source number 1, its temperature is 70 degrees. For many, 70 degrees is very hot water, so the water is specially cooled to 50 and 30 degrees. Water of all three temperatures is located in one place, in the center of the Geyser Colonnade.

In addition to the four colonnades listed above, there is also a fifth in the city, Castle Colonnade. This colonnade has been converted into a spa, so there is no free access to it. But it doesn’t matter, there were two springs in the colonnade - the Upper Castle Thermal Spring with a water temperature of 49.3 degrees and the Lower Castle Spring with a water temperature of 55 degrees. The lower castle spring leads to the Market Colonnade, which we described above, and the upper one leads to a gazebo next to the salon.

Upper Castle Spring - gazebo. Source number 4, free access.

There is another gazebo with mineral water in the city - gazebo spring Svoboda . An octagonal wooden gazebo decorated with columns is located directly on the Charles Promenade to the right of the Mill Colonnade.

There is one source in the gazebo, No. 11, the water temperature is 60 degrees. Access to the source is free.

The 14th Karlovy Vary mineral spring is located in gazebo - Alois Cline . This is the coldest and last thermal spring in Karlovy Vary. The water temperature at the source is only 14.2 degrees.

The Stepanka spring is located in Alois Klein's gazebo. The spring is located in the park in front of the Richmond Park Hotel on the southern edge of Karlovy Vary, about one and a half kilometers from the city center.

The water in all sources tastes approximately the same, however, the hotter it is, the more pronounced its taste is.

How to drink thermal water correctly without harm to health:

If you consult a doctor, he will, of course, prescribe everything: how much water, what kind, when and in what order to drink. What if without consultation?! In principle, all sources are publicly available and free, you can drink water from any source, just remember:

Nevertheless, this healing water and the body, out of habit, can respond differently. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse water;

They drink Karlovy Vary mineral water in the following way: take some water into a container, then walk slowly around the city and drink the water in small sips;

The hotter the source, the less water it is recommended to drink. The most optimal are sources with thermal water up to 50 degrees. But both young and old, they drink absolutely all the water indiscriminately.

Walking around the city, you notice that every second person walks around with interesting devices in their hands. These are special mugs with a narrow spout for drinking mineral water. Such mugs are sold in any souvenir shop in the city; on average, they cost 150 crowns.

There is a lot of talk about these mugs, to the point that they are absolutely necessary to prevent water from getting on your teeth and damaging the enamel. Water will get on the tooth in any case, but the water will not damage the enamel. These mugs are used for only one purpose, to drink in small sips, but mostly just as a souvenir. You can just as easily drink mineral water in small sips from any other container, for example a bottle, even more convenient, or by inserting a straw into the bottle. But you don’t need to collect hot water in plastic bottles and cups. It is also not recommended to collect mineral water for future use.

Thermal water pools in Karlovy Vary

There are many swimming pools in Karlovy Vary; almost every sanatorium and hotel has its own pool. But there are no pools with thermal water. There used to be a Thermal, but it has been closed for renovations for two years now, and so everything is stuck. Now the Thermal is covered with an awning and is only deteriorating.

We explored the whole city, went to many sanatoriums and hotels, but only in one place were we told that there was a swimming pool, but not with thermal water, but with mineral additives, they call them mineral pools. However, others said that there are no mineral additives in this pool, in any case, we will not know whether this is true or not. The pool is located in Spa Hotel Krivan, located in the very center of the city, at the address: Sadova 5, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. Before lunch, procedures are carried out in the pool, and after, commercial activities take effect. You can visit from 16:00 to 21:00, the cost is 90 CZK for 60 minutes.

Why are there no thermal pools in Karlovy Vary? The water in such a pool needs to be changed frequently and maintenance is unique, which in an osprey is troublesome and costly. In any case, it is impossible to find swimming pools with completely thermal water; sanitary standards do not allow it; chlorine and plain water will always be present.

There are no swimming pools with thermal water in Karlovy Vary, but various baths using thermal water are widely used. The next section is about bathrooms.

Therapeutic mineral baths and masks in Karlovy Vary

As mentioned above, in Karlovy Vary there are medical procedures that are carried out only with a doctor’s prescription, and there are those for which a doctor’s prescription is not required. Those. you just come to the center or sanatorium, pay for the procedure and enjoy. Such procedures are more aimed at relaxation, prevention and general strengthening of the body, rather than at any therapeutic effect.

Prices vary throughout the city, sometimes quite significantly. For example, an introductory examination by a doctor from 850 to 1050 CZK, a follow-up examination from 500 to 600 CZK, prescription of medications and a drinking course from 500 to 600 CZK. Both Czech crowns and euros are accepted for payment.

Procedures that do not require a doctor's prescription

If we describe everything, the article will turn out to be simply unrealistic in size, so we will give a few of the most popular examples:

Baths with mineral water: pearl, herbal, carbonic, peat, hemp. The procedure takes from 15 to 20 minutes, the cost is from 350 to 500 CZK.

Inhalation, 10-15 minutes, 250 CZK.

Irrigation of gums, 15-20 minutes, 130-300 CZK.

Massages: classic partial and general, aromatherapy, using lava stones, honey, underwater, reflex, cupping, etc. Duration from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the massage. Cost from 350 to 1,290 CZK.

Cosmetic procedures: masks - nourishing and cleansing, body wrap - nourishing, detox (detoxification of the body and restoration of immunity), anti-cellulite, for weight loss. The procedure time is from 20 to 50 minutes, the cost is from 320 to 1,660 CZK.

Aesthetic medicine, 25-45 minutes, 930 -2,270 CZK.

Relaxation programs lasting 2-3 days are also offered. Order in advance. For example:

Classic program, including classic partial massage, bubble bath and swimming pool. Cost 900 CZK;

Relaxation program including herbal bath, salt cave and partial aroma massage. Cost 950 CZK;

Relaxation program including herbal bath, classic partial massage, salt cave, swimming pool and infrasauna. Cost 1,360 CZK;

Ideally, everything looks like this: you come, choose procedures, from which you, as it were, put together your own program, or one procedure, pay and go at the appointed time. Personally, I would choose a course of five to ten days, which would alternately include a swimming pool with a sauna, a salt cave, massages and baths with masks. In the morning I woke up, had breakfast, took a walk, drank some water from the thermal springs, then went for treatments, then had lunch with fruit and soup, then rested, in the late afternoon swam in the pool, then had a massage. Then I walked again, drank some water and went to some restaurant with national dishes and beer for dinner.

Salt cave (room) in Karlovy Vary

I would like to tell you separately about the salt cave or room, whatever you like. Recently, this has become a fashionable trend; salt rooms are opening in many cities of Russia. People go there themselves and take their children, there are no restrictions on age or attendance, maybe only some chronic diseases, but this is individual, and the exception rather than the rule. A friend takes her daughter all the time and says she gets sick less in the winter.

So we personally decided to try the magical effect of salts on ourselves.

Salt caves in Karlovy Vary appeared a long time ago and are very common. Available in many sanatoriums and spa centers. The duration of one session is 45 minutes, the cost is 110-130 CZK.

Salt caves are rooms whose floors, ceilings and walls are covered in salt. Fine salt on the floor, large salt stones on the walls, smaller ones on the ceiling. Ideally, the salt in the room should be collected from different seas. In Karlovy Vary these are salts of the Dead, Mediterranean and Baltic seas.

You enter the room, the soft light turns on, unobtrusive music plays, you hear the sounds of pouring water, you sit in a comfortable chair, cover yourself with a soft blanket, the room is kept at a constant temperature, it’s cool, so a blanket is necessary. Then you just relax and relax for 45 minutes, inhaling the evaporation of salts.

We liked the procedure. They say that for the initial effect you need to undergo at least two of these procedures, ideally five, and preferably on an ongoing basis. But even after the first time, we felt a pleasant, somehow easier breathing, and lung-opening effect that tingled the throat.

The effect of salt rooms is achieved due to the fact that in addition to salts, a special microclimate constantly circulates in the cave/room, characterized by exceptional bacteriological purity and air humidity. During the session, i.e. in 45 minutes, an amount of ionized air is inhaled that corresponds to a 2-3 day stay at sea. Therefore, salt caves are not a treatment, but rehabilitation and health prevention.

For the procedure, we went to the famous and outwardly equally beautiful spa center, the treatment and rehabilitation complex Alzbetiny Lazne Spa 5, located at Smetanovy sady 1145/1, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.

Adults and children, especially children, for the purpose of general strengthening of the body and prevention of colds;

For asthmatics. Beneficial effect on the upper and lower respiratory tract;

People with skin diseases: eczema, boils, scaly lichen, acne;

Allergy sufferers of all types;

With poor thyroid function;

Poor circulation, high blood pressure;

Overwork or depression, neuroses, psychosomatic diseases.

In general, all those ailments and sores that are beneficially affected by the sea.

In our opinion, salt caves (rooms) are not only a good replacement for the constant presence of the sea, but also good relaxation.

Cosmetics and medicinal products with the addition of mineral water in Karlovy Vary

On the streets in the center of Karlovy Vary you can see many small shops and retail outlets that sell cosmetics and medicinal products based on salt, evaporated thermal water, and hemp.

In Karlovy Vary, there is a wide range of medicinal and restorative products, as well as commonly used cosmetics - for example, toothpastes, shampoos, creams, serums, foams, lotions, vitamins based on Karlovy Vary salt, salts for oral use, and salts for external use, mainly for baths.

We would not recommend experimenting with the ingestion of such drugs; it is better to first consult a doctor. But external remedies, for example bath salts obtained by evaporating thermal water, would be very useful at home; they say it has a relaxing effect and softens the skin.

The closer the store with such products is to the city center, the higher the prices.

We can write and talk about what we learned about treatment and recovery, and what we experimented on ourselves after visiting Karlovy Vary, for a very long time. But, perhaps, we have already talked about the most basic and necessary things. So, when you come on vacation to Karlovy Vary, you will definitely be satisfied. In addition, the city itself is very beautiful and well-groomed, fully consistent with the status of a resort, every street, every building in the city center sets you up for a leisurely, relaxing holiday. We talked about the city and its charms in a separate article, read the information and look at the photos.

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Thermal and healing springs of Karlovy Vary: description, photos, videos, traveler reviews. Useful properties, indications for treatment. Holy springs of Karlovy Vary.

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    Mill colonnade in Karlovy Vary

    Karlovy Vary, Mlynske nabrezi, 507/5

    The Czech thermal resort of Karlovy Vary has been known to people since ancient times; many of its sources are of such a respectable age that other cities cannot boast. For example, the first source on the site where the majestic Mill Colonnade rises was discovered more than 400 years ago.

  • Unique in the composition of its medicinal waters, the Karlovy Vary resort has enjoyed constant popularity for two hundred years, or even more. People from all over the world come here for health, and find it. And all thanks to the rare composition of minerals and trace elements of the local healing water, which flows in abundance from 79 springs at once. And 12 of them are ideal for drinking treatment of the digestive system, gastrointestinal tract and other unpleasant diseases.

    The best part is that you can drink Carlsbad water absolutely free and almost around the clock. The only thing worth spending money on is a special cup with a straw, thanks to which highly mineralized water from the springs does not spoil tooth enamel.

    The mill colonnade is one of the most popular in the city; there are five springs open here. These are “Mlynsky” (56 °C, the waters of this source are often sent in bottles all over the world, as they do not lose their properties during transportation), “Rusalka” (60 °C), “Prince Vaclav I” (65/58 °C , was used for the production of Karlovy Vary salt), “Libushi” (62 °C) and “Skalny” (53 °C).

    The garden colonnade appeared in Karlovy Vary at the end of the 19th century according to the design of famous architects from Vienna Fellner and Helmer. Three springs come to the surface here: “Svobody” (60 °C, the gazebo from which the water comes out is today one of the historical sites of the Czech Republic), “Sadovy” (47.4 °C, accessible from 06:00 to 18:30 ) and “Snake” (30 °C, whose water contains fewer minerals compared to other sources, but has more carbon dioxide).

    The market colonnade was also born thanks to the Viennese architects Fellner and Helmer; its main difference is a beautiful gable roof on three sides and a front wall in the form of a columnar arcade. Decorated with wooden lace, it has an exceptionally elegant appearance, but also interesting is the bas-relief above the vase of the spring of Charles IV, depicting the legend of the opening of the resort. There are two springs inside the colonnade: “Market” (61.6 °C) and “Charles IV” (64.5 °C, where King Charles IV treated his feet, hence the name of the spring).

    The castle colonnade was erected on Castle Hill quite a long time ago - back in the early 19th century, the design of the colonnade belongs to another native of Vienna - the architect Oman. Consisting of two parts - the colonnades of the Upper Spring and the colonnade of the Lower Spring, the springs of Castle Hill are not accessible to everyone. Anyone can go to the Upper Colonnade, but only clients of the Castle Hospital can enter the Lower Colonnade. The lower Castle spring reaches 55 °C, the Upper Castle - 50 °C.

    The geyser colonnade is perhaps the most famous (address: Vřídelní 128/39), there is only one source, but one that is remembered for a long time by all tourists, it is even called the “pulsating heart of Karlovy Vary.” The Geyser (or Vřídlo) spring reaches a temperature of +73.2 °C, and its CO2 content is 400 mg/l.

    • This is the only source intended for baths, but its water is also prescribed for drinking treatment. The famous mineral water fountain, gushing from underground, can reach a height of 12 meters. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-17:00. Where to stay:

The most popular Czech resort, Karlovy Vary, specializes in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system. Resorts are ideal for those who suffer from diseases of the respiratory tract and musculoskeletal system.

    Karlovy Vary mineral water has the following indications for use:

    metabolic disorders and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;

    weight normalization;

    elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels;

  • left spinal syndromes;

reduced immunity

As a result of using a drinking treatment course with water from local sources, the secretory activity of the liver increases, the secretion of bile increases, which leads to the elimination of chronic inflammatory processes.

As a result, the function of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, the motility of the stomach and intestines is normalized, and therefore the quality of digestion improves. Thanks to these positive changes in the body, there is better absorption of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other nutrients.

It has been proven that Karlovy Vary water improves metabolism, so it is very effective in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels and normalizing weight.

Drinking treatment also improves the elimination of various toxic substances from the body. As a result, immunity grows before our eyes. Local doctors confidently claim that they can put even a bedridden patient back on his feet in three weeks.

Treatment in Karlovy Vary is also indicated for problems with the musculoskeletal system. To combat arthrosis, compresses with local parafango mud are effective, which activate the work of the corresponding centers in the brain and adrenal glands, increasing hormonal and vitamin metabolism in the body.

Local water is also used in the form of mineral baths: whirlpool baths, with carbon dioxide, and herbal infusions. Thermal salts and mud are also used for external treatment. This composition further enhances the healing effect.

Actually, in Karlovy Vary you can take a course not only of hydrotherapy. Vacationers are provided with services such as magnetic therapy, various types of massage (classical, aromatic, reflex, underwater), electrotherapy, mineral water inhaler, and gas injections.

Europe's first laser therapy center operates in the Bristol resort complex. Thanks to him, holidaymakers have an excellent opportunity to perform low-traumatic operations using a laser.

For example, get rid of birthmarks, stretch marks, tattoos, remove capillary vessels on the face and legs, smooth out wrinkles and scars, remove tonsils and polyps, and undergo a course of treatment for snoring.

There are also weight loss programs in Karlovy Vary. Diet, massage, lymphatic drainage, general rinsing of the body with mineral water - and ten to fifteen extra kilos are gone!

King Charles IV was also treated with the local unique water. A story has survived to this day about how, back in 1370, he injured his leg while hunting. The monarch suffered from unbearable pain for a long time, continuing to move on horseback.

Suddenly his horse stumbled and slipped into a hot stream. The rider's feet sank into the water. And a miracle happened - the wound stopped hurting. In gratitude, the king founded Karlovy Vary here.

Interestingly, in the first years of operation of the resort, patients from among the representatives of the European aristocracy were treated only by immersion in mineral baths. Taking local mineral water internally for medicinal purposes began only in the 18th century.

In total, there are as many as 132 hot mineral springs in the vicinity of the Karlovy Vary resort. Of these, only twelve are used for medicinal purposes. The chemical composition of the water in them is the same - sodium - bicarbonate - sulfate acidic.

They differ only in temperature. Its gradation starts from 34° C and reaches 73° C.

A positive result of treatment with the mineral waters of the Karlovy Vary hot springs will be a noticeable improvement in your condition, which usually occurs four weeks after your stay here.