Which stone is suitable for the Aquarius sign? Precious and semi-precious stone for Aquarius. Stones that are contraindicated for Aquarius

People born under the sign of Aquarius are creative individuals with idealistic views of the world. They constantly want to help other people and make the world around them a better place. Aquarians do not wish harm to anyone; their main task is self-development and self-improvement.

The meaning of stones for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Aquarius is best suited for stones that are close in color to the surface of the water. This is due to the fact that this zodiac sign has a direct relationship with the water element. Such stones include: turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli, and amazonite.

It is very difficult for such people to take the first steps towards attracting love and respect. Moreover, if a person knows that he has his own talisman stone with him, then he becomes more decisive in his actions and deeds. Stones and natural minerals provide additional energy that can be used to achieve certain life goals, as well as to acquire health and longevity.

The horoscope indicates that almost all stones for this sign have a blue or light blue tint, which is directly related to water. Minerals harmonize a person’s inner world and make his life much better.

Which stones are suitable for Aquarius women?

Girls who were born under the sign of Aquarius are often immersed in the world of their own dreams. In addition, they do not tolerate long periods of loneliness as they desperately need human company. Despite the fact that such women always overly idealize their men, they easily part with them as soon as they learn about some negative aspects of their biography.

Aquamarine and precious jewelry with this stone help women make the right choice, which makes their life much easier. This natural mineral protects its owner from making wrong decisions. Talismans with such a stone make Aquarius more open and emotional with loved ones, and this often helps to establish trusting contacts with relatives and friends.

Although Aquarius women are extremely fond of freedom, they tend to limit the desires of other people. Amulets with amethyst help this sign to establish relationships not only in the family circle, but also with other people, including employees at work. The stone helps to calm down before making important life decisions.

Such talismans give additional strength and make a person more strong-willed due to the formation of a strong character. Most esotericists and lithotherapists advise women who are planning to become mothers to use jewelry and amulets with amethyst. This stone can also be worn until the birth of the child. Its energy will protect the fetus and promote its normal development.

If a woman is married, then it is extremely important for her to have in her jewelry set amulets with natural pearls that match her nature. In fact, it is not so important which metal the stone will be combined with; the main thing is that the mineral must be pure and of natural origin.

Pearls improve relationships within a married couple, making them stronger and more durable. With the help of pearls, independent and freedom-loving Aquarius women will be able to get rid of their inherent pride and begin to listen more to the desires and demands of other people. Pearls make such women more tender, reverent and sentimental.

Which stones are suitable for Aquarius Men

Men born under the sign of Aquarius are endowed with a rational and inventive nature. Such representatives of the stronger sex always need to be engaged in building something new, developing some projects and improving the world around them. The best stones for these men are sapphires.

This stone is best suited for those who are optimists at heart, striving to gain new knowledge. Amulets and jewelry with this mineral help Aquarius achieve their goals despite the most difficult obstacles in life. Every Aquarius man, having received a sapphire at his disposal, becomes invincible to his rivals and competitors, which significantly improves his business and financial situation.

Such men are in dire need of attention from female representatives. Black agate is an excellent love talisman for them, helping to win women's hearts. This semi-precious mineral makes Aquarius a real ladies' man, capable of surprising the most sophisticated woman. The choice of stone color directly depends on the ultimate goal pursued by Aquarius.

Light-colored agate makes men’s character softer and more flexible. Carrying with him an amulet with yellow or white agate, it becomes much easier for Aquarius to find a common language with the people around him. Gray stones build friendly relationships and help avoid various conflict situations and quarrels. Charms with agates protect the owner from deception and intrigue organized by rivals.

White Agate

An Aquarius man is extremely rarely able to independently change the traits of his difficult character. In this case, jade or a talisman made from this mineral can help. Jade is capable of raising a man spiritually to a higher level. A man with jade is constantly engaged in self-improvement and spiritual development. This is a money stone that has been used since ancient times to attract money and establish financial stability for Aquarius.

Stones talismans and amulets for Aquarius

Light quartz crystals are one of the best natural talismans for Aquarius, regardless of gender. Representatives of this zodiac sign can use rose quartz as a love amulet. Rose quartz crystals are minerals that bring good luck and glory to Aquarians. They also create a powerful energy barrier that protects the owner from the evil eye and damage.

Aquarians tend to get depressed at times. They often experience severe despondency. Quartz gives its owner self-confidence and the ability to survive serious life upheavals. For Aquarians with a creative nature. This stone can also be used as a talisman against injuries and fractures.

Topaz will contribute to the harmonious spiritual development of Aquarius. This mineral causes in people born under the constellation Aquarius a craving for knowledge and thoughts about the meaning of life. It is extremely difficult for Aquarius to live in the absence of a spiritual component, without which their life cannot become truly happy.

Moonstone will give Aquarius additional self-confidence. At the same time, you should approach the issue of its use with caution, as its power can be harmful to a person. The main condition for using this mineral as an amulet and talisman is to direct its energy exclusively in a positive direction.

What stones are contraindicated for Aquarius

If you don’t know which minerals and natural stones can harm Aquarius, you can give an unsuccessful gift that will only bring negativity into the life of a loved one. Such people are highly recommended to avoid stones with pronounced fire energy. Astrologers and lithotherapists say that Aquarians should avoid the following stones: peridot, onyx, zircon, rock crystal, sardonyx, carnelian, tourmaline, opal, and gold-colored quartz crystals.

Married ladies are not recommended to wear turquoise. This stone can cause rash actions, which often ends in family scandals. Even the most faithful and serious women can turn into crazy ladies.

Diamonds can make Aquarius even more flighty and hot-tempered, so they should not wear them either. Diamond gemstones make men overly stubborn and women unapproachable and pretentious.

The duality of the character of Aquarius does not allow them to wear citrine as a personal amulet. The stone simultaneously enhances the positive and negative qualities of this sign. Because of this influence, a person begins to literally be torn between evil and good. In such conditions, a person experiences constant mood swings and problems with communication in society.

Stones for Aquarius by date of birth

First ten days (January 21 - 29). Turquoise is best suited for people born in this zodiac sign cycle. This stone is a hard natural mineral of blue color with dark veins. Turquoise is the stone of true winners, leaders, and experimenters. The mineral is ideally combined with the internal energy of the sign born during the first decade of the zodiac. Such protective stones protect a person from all kinds of troubles.

Second decade (January 30 - February 8). True Aquarians are born in the second decade, which is the middle of the zodiac cycle. For such people, a natural stone such as charoite is best suited. This mineral is distinguished by its rarity and unique beauty. He will make his owner truly wise and give him life wisdom. The stone can become a reliable talisman that will accompany a person throughout his life.

Third decade (9 - 18 February). Pomegranate jewelry suits them well. Bracelets and beads using this mineral will make the owner confident in his own abilities, and will also increase his internal energy, which will help the person achieve his goals.

Find out more, what gemstones are suitable for aquarius.

Features of Aquarius

The main traits of Aquarius are insight and innovation. Relationships with other people are built on the principle of mirroring; Aquarians require the same respect and reverence that they show to others.

All Aquarians have common character traits, but when choosing a stone as a talisman, you should pay attention to the exact date of birth.

Aquarians of the first ten days (from January 21 to February 1) are romantic, attractive in love. They are prone to melancholy and are often characterized by a decadent mood. The patron planet of Aquarius of this period is Venus.

These people need stones that give strength and energy as a talisman:




  • aventurine,
  • jasper,
  • pearl,
  • amethyst,
  • rhinestone,
  • coil and
  • obsidian.

Aquarians born from February 2 to February 11 are the wards of the planet Mercury. Possessors of a good sense of humor, life wisdom and a sharp mind.

Their stones are as attractive and charming as they are:


  • onyx,
  • lapis lazuli,
  • amethyst,
  • turquoise,
  • chrysoprase,
  • sardonyx,
  • amber.

Aquarians, whose birthdays are from February 12th to 20th, are influenced by the Moon. Sensitive people who value truth and decency. Because of their restraint, they do not always reach the top.

Stones that can push them to take decisive action -




  • tourmaline,
  • sapphire,
  • chrysoprase,
  • alexandrite,
  • pomegranate,
  • aquamarine.

Strong amulets for Aquarius

The natural element of Aquarius is Air, the season is winter. A sign of stability. Aquarians are not characterized by fast movements, they do not need rapid development. There are practically no stones that can seriously harm people of this sign.

On the one hand, dark and cold stones, shimmering with ice crystals and shimmering with the colors of the northern lights, suit them. On the other hand, Aquarius needs to be recharged with the soft energy of light, solar minerals.

Red garnet– an excellent amulet for an energetic experimenter, such as Aquarius, gemstone talisman improves performance and gives physical strength.

With such an assistant, it is easier for Aquarius to establish business, friendship and love relationships. Red pomegranate also helps restore energy after a stressful situation.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz– a talisman for modest, romantic persons, creative individuals born during the Aquarius period.

The stone energetically supports faith in one’s own strength and talent, helps to reveal them in all their splendor. Able to protect against mental trauma, despondency and even accidents.

What is the gemstone of Aquarius? with weak energy? pay attention to amethyst– semi-precious stone of purple color. A symbol of sincerity, purity, love. Able to support weak energy.

Gives its owner confidence, optimism, and enhances natural intuition. Able to protect the soft Aquarius from envious people and ill-wishers.

Sapphire will protect the health of Aquarius, who himself does not care much about it. Sapphire has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and accelerates metabolism.

This stone is a powerful spiritual amulet. Gives masculinity, wisdom and harmony with the surrounding reality. Protects its owner from enemies, lies, envy.

Gems for Aquarius woman

Amulet with amethyst will give its owner the ability to put thoughts and relationships with others in order. This is important, since the Aquarius woman herself is a freedom-loving nature, but is prone to limiting the freedom of loved ones.

Amethyst gives emotional stability and balance in family relationships. Helps restore strength in case of energy loss, gives confidence and determination. Amethyst is also believed to help a woman who wants to become a mother.


Aquarius women are emotional people and often experience irritation and fatigue. It will help balance your state of mind and get rid of fears and worries. aquamarine.

This delicate stone, capable of changing color depending on the well-being of the owner, is also an excellent amulet against dangers and protection of physical health.

Natural pearls- amulet of a married Aquarius lady. It strengthens fidelity and love between spouses.

Pearls become “attached” to their owner and cannot be re-gifted.

Protects against malice and betrayal, knocks down pride and vanity, helps with wisdom of views, a balanced assessment of what is happening, and making mutually beneficial decisions.

Gems for Aquarius men

An inventor and innovator, the Aquarius man constantly improves, changes, breaks and builds something new. The best stone for such a revolutionary is sapphire. It is able to maintain physical activity and helps to effectively complete the work started.

Men who have a sapphire amulet receive strong protection from ill-wishers and the ability to emerge victorious in competitions and conflicts.

Relationship amulet for Aquarius men – agate.

Black agate

Black agate, a love talisman, helps to achieve the attention from women that a man of this sign so needs.

White agate

Yellow agate and white soften the rigidity of character and give ease of communication.

Gray agate

Gray stone helps to avoid quarrels and conflicts, promotes the establishment of friendship and good partnerships.

A talisman with this stone protects its owner from intrigues and conspiracies against him.

The jade amulet helps an Aquarius man cope with negative emotions, balances unpleasant character traits, helps to gain mental fortitude, prevents base impulses from breaking through, and elevates Aquarius to a higher spiritual level.

Jade is also a talisman of monetary luck for men of this sign. To do this, let Aquarius have a jade table figurine or writing utensils at his workplace.

Dangerous stones for Aquarius

The law of balance is a strong and harmonious law of nature. Just as there are stones that are talismans and amulets, there are also those that are dangerous for every person. When choosing your stone, or a gift for a loved one Aquarius, do not make a mistake in your choice. Although there are very few stones that are very dangerous and not recommended for Aquarius.

The strong fiery stones of Leo can harm Aquarius; they take away energy and strength from Aquarius. Aquarius should not buy:


Diamonds and diamonds enhance the negative character traits of Aquarius. They make him unapproachable, stubborn and fanatical.

Aquarius women wearing diamond jewelry are cold and condescending to others, building a wall of inviolability between themselves and them.

But a married Aquarius woman does not need to wear turquoise - the stone imparts frivolity and pushes her to rash actions that could lead to the destruction of the family.

It doesn’t matter what kind of frame the gem-amulet will be in; it can be a decoration, a figurine, any little thing, or just an unshaped stone. He will protect you, protect you from the negative impact of the environment or your own mistakes.

All Aquarians are calm. They are idealists who try not to make mistakes all their lives. They love loneliness, it is difficult for them to make new acquaintances, so they have few friends, but they are all real. Aquarians do not like to fight, but they are capable of devoting themselves to one thing. Stones for this zodiac sign should help them open up to others and give them strength to solve problems.

What stones are suitable for Aquarius according to the horoscope?

There are several stones suitable for any Aquarius: amethyst, rose quartz and aquamarine. Some stones are more suitable for people born on certain days:

  • First ten days (21.01 - 1.02). Their patron is Venus. These people are characterized by romance, attractiveness and success in love. But they often fall into melancholy, their mood can quickly and for a long time deteriorate. Amethyst, jasper and aventurine will make them bolder and more energetic.
  • Second decade (2.02 - 11.02). Mercury endowed his charges with a sharp mind, a sense of humor and justice. Gentle and slightly vain Aquarians will definitely achieve recognition. The best stones will be malachite, agate, charoite.
  • Third decade (12.02 - 20.02). The Moon influenced them and made them humble and truthful. They value the truth highly, are easily disappointed in liars and leave them without regret. They achieve success through sensitivity and restraint. The best stones that can support their aspirations are considered to be aquamarine, tourmaline, aventurine and garnet.

Aquarius stones for women

For women, two gems will be most useful:

  • Amethyst. Aquarius women have a craving for freedom, but by their own actions they often limit the freedom of those around them. Amethyst will help a woman understand others more easily and join new groups. It will help increase motivation and desire to achieve the goal. It will be a good amulet for those who want to have a child.
  • Aquamarine. Loneliness and daydreaming are two character traits that prevent Aquarius from organizing his own life. The stone will help you correctly evaluate your chosen ones and choose the right one. This stone influences openness, helps to correctly express your feelings and care for others. It helps you not make mistakes.

Aquarius stones for men

The main effect of hematite on Aquarius will be that Aquarians will find their true calling. With hematite, Aquarius will be lucky at every turn.

Tourmaline stone is well suited for Aquarius signs. Tourmaline gives a positive charge of energy and symbolizes wisdom. Tourmaline also inspires new achievements and brings everything started to considerable success.

Jasper for Aquarius will be a wonderful amulet. Jasper nourishes its owner with positivity and protects from negativity. Since ancient times, jasper has been considered a stone of spiritual life.

Malachite teaches Aquarius to forgive and love. With malachite, Aquarius will be filled with spiritual powers. Among representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius, malachite can make talented people in the field of art or science.

For those born under the zodiac sign Aquarius, the almandine garnet is simply ideal. Stone garnet for Aquarius will bring a lot of cheerfulness, love of life, fun and happiness. Almandine garnet should be taken with you to important meetings and events - there the stone will prove its ability to keep the situation under control and resolve important issues. A special advantage of garnet stone is that it enhances love relationships.

For Aquarius, Labrador will be a good support for the immune system and a “magnet” for wealth. Labradorite also has a beneficial effect on the sleep of Aquarius and gives new abilities.

For Aquarius, aquamarine serves as a symbol of courage and perseverance. With Aquamarine, the complex will seem simple to Aquarius. It would be good for Aquarius to take aquamarine with them on trips.

The Charoite stone undertakes to endow Aquarius with love and new knowledge, teach him to feel nature and enter a kind of nirvana, while cleansing himself of all accumulated negativity.

When choosing a gemstone, you need to take into account not only your zodiac sign, but also be guided by your date of birth.

  1. Aquarians included in the first ten days by date of birth ( January 20th - February 1st), are under the protection of Venus. These lovers of romance often lack courage and are easily discouraged. Suitable Aquarius stones of this decade should bring warmth and energy to their owner. Among them are aquamarine, turquoise, tourmaline, amber, aventurine, amethyst, jade, obsidian, garnet and jasper.
  2. Those who by date of birth ( 2nd - 11th February) are in the second decade, subject to the influence of Mercury. They are wise and witty, adhere to moral standards and strive for glory. Which stone is suitable for Aquarius of this decade? Among the most common are turquoise, onyx, amethyst, lapis lazuli, citrine, charoite and chrysoprase.
  3. Representatives of the sign included in the third decade by date of birth ( 12th - 18th February), feel the influence of the Moon. Their modesty and restraint often interfere with achieving their goals, but this is compensated by the love of others. Suitable stones for them: alexandrite, garnet, tourmaline, zircon, aquamarine, hyacinth, sapphire and chrysoprase.

Precious talismans

Those who are Aquarius by date of birth are practically incapable of being offended and are always ready to help. People around you often take advantage of this. Representatives of the zodiac sign are smart, but they lack worldly wisdom and attentiveness. Therefore, Aquarius stones should make their owner more collected. Best suited for this sapphire.

A talisman with sapphire will not only make Aquarius more organized, but will also help in the pursuit of self-development.

The stone fully corresponds to the spiritual mood of the representatives of this horoscope sign. Sapphire enhances the intuition inherent in Aquarius and supports the desire to do good deeds. In addition, a talisman with a blue crystal fights diseases and human envy.

Sapphire brings good luck to those who want to lead people. And Aquarians strive to become the soul of the company and at the same time become its leader. Talismans with this mineral give courage to make important decisions. Sapphire helps its owner achieve high career success, and also protects against the aimless pursuit of the attributes of a prestigious life.

Topaz as a talisman protects Aquarius according to the zodiac sign from illness and stress, helps repel magical attacks and fights the envy of others. In addition, the stone brings success in material affairs. Topaz will tell you the right path in a romantic relationship and protect you from mistakes in your personal life. When choosing stones for Aquarius, it is worth considering that yellow topaz is not suitable for this sign. It is best to choose a blue or colorless gem.

Another suitable stone for Aquarius is amethyst. A talisman with this mineral helps representatives of the sign to concentrate on a specific task and complete it with brilliance. The mysterious amethyst gives its owner confidence in his abilities in difficult moments, relieves him of pessimistic thoughts and unnecessary soul-searching. Amethyst also fights diseases and nervous fatigue..

An emotionally strong sign like Aquarius needs protection from outbursts of their own anger and manifestations of negative aspects of their character. A strong talisman and amulet for Aquarius according to their zodiac sign - pearl. Its soft energy smoothes out the sharp edges of its owner’s personality. Pearls protect against anger and envy and help to achieve success in the most important matters. However, if a representative of the sign is depressed or simply in a bad mood, pearls are contraindicated for him.

Suitable stones for Aquarius in most cases are white or blue in color. Pomegranate is a rare exception to this rule. A talisman with it takes care of the health of representatives of this zodiac sign and increases self-esteem. Garnet will help Aquarius satisfy his craving for fame and will lead him to the top in the professional field.

Choosing a stone for an Aquarius woman

Aquarius women often suffer from failures in their personal lives due to the habit of putting the object of their passion on a pedestal without reason. Pearls will help you avoid many mistakes in the romantic sphere. Pearls enhance insight and force you to realistically assess the situation. Pearls give happiness in family life and preserve love and fidelity between spouses.

Helps Aquarius women according to their horoscope become wiser in choosing a life partner. In addition, the talisman helps in studying and acquiring any new knowledge. Sapphire also promotes spiritual development, warns of dangers and protects against depression, to which the sign is prone.

Astrologers believe that the most suitable gemstones for an Aquarius woman are white, pink, blue and milky. Useful for ladies of any age is a talisman with carnelian. The stone helps little Aquarius girls according to the horoscope in studying and communicating with peers. For adults, carnelian attracts happiness in love and gives success in creativity, career and family affairs.

Selection of a talisman for Aquarius men

According to the Aquarius man's zodiac sign, stones with strong and light energy are suitable. Among them is aquamarine, which protects its owner from dangers. This winter sign loves to get involved in various troubles. An aquamarine talisman will help you avoid wrong actions and suggest the right decision in a difficult situation. The light energy of the stone increases the self-esteem of Aquarius according to their zodiac sign, and does not allow them to dwell on failures and their own shortcomings.

A sign like Aquarius is often cold towards loved ones; it is difficult for him to show emotions. Talismans with turquoise will make their owner more sociable, reveal his best spiritual qualities, teach him to speak and listen. This Aquarius stone helps in your career, it protects you from quarrels with your bosses and colleagues. But turquoise suitable only for those who are honest with themselves and others.

The sign of Aquarius often testifies to the duality of character of its representative. Therefore, it can be difficult for them to choose between two alternatives; Aquarius men find themselves in a love triangle, torn between two women. A talisman with amber brings harmony and peace to the soul of its owner, helping a man fight changeable moods. Amber makes it clear what the Aquarius man needs to strive for at the moment.

What stones should you avoid?

The sign of Aquarius, according to astrologers, reacts poorly to wearing red-colored stones. In addition, undesirable stones for Aquarius are chrysolite, sardonyx, ruby, and rock crystal. They emphasize the negative aspects of their owner's character. Wearing them for a long time leads to rash actions and frequent outbursts of anger.

Astrologers do not recommend wearing turquoise for married women, since the mineral has a bad effect on family life. It is overly liberating and makes you think about having a hobby on the side. Diamonds are also not suitable for Aquarius, because they make representatives of the sign tough and rude in communication.

Representatives of the astrological sign of Aquarius are creative idealists. Their life is impossible without optimism and helping other people. Aquarians are characterized by a kind, but firm and stubborn character, which is manifested in the fact that representatives of the sign do not tolerate interference in their affairs by strangers.

The Sun is in Aquarius from January 21 to February 19, drawing attention away from the individual self and the world. He is considered a sign that looks into the future; he drives technology and innovation, helping everyone discover new ways of knowing.

This air sign is ruled by two paradoxical planets - the eccentric and chaotic Uranus and the collected follower of the classical style Saturn. During the time allotted to Aquarius, everyone around is positively infected with energy, flows with ideas and develops logical thinking.

They are often described as intellectuals with communication skills and openness. They are calm and friendly in nature. But they also have some negative traits, such as aloofness, rebellion, rigidity and elasticity.

It is considered a connecting link in the horoscope - with its help, high ideas are brought to life.

As with other zodiac signs, Aquarians can see positive changes in their lives by choosing the right gemstones.

Aquarius and health

Always caring about others, the typical representative of the sign will put the interests of others above his own. They have a lot of energy, but often use it to the fullest, not knowing when to stop and not listening to others' advice to slow down. Because of this, they can create problems for the treating physician by not recognizing the need to rest.

Aquarians, as a rule, have a weak body constitution, most often complaining of eye problems. They typically work in a field that requires keen vision and alertness, so visits to the eye doctor should be high on their list of plans.

Also, some representatives of the sign suffer from poor blood circulation, which manifests itself in problems with the legs and ankle joints.

Aquarius and wealth

As already mentioned, people born in January-February are inventors by nature. Their reform ideas are strikingly different from the ideas of representatives of other astrological signs. They prefer not to sit in an office job with a strict schedule, hate conventional standards, and prefer to know how things work. Bosses born in the winter months of the year encourage initiative and put forward opinions are welcomed. The main thing in their career is freedom of action, thanks to which they achieve success.

Professions in which they will become successful: computing, science, social work, astrology, ecology.

Sun in Aquarius - Birthday Stones

Strictly speaking, the Sun in Aquarius appears closer to the second half of February. The birthday stone for this sign is considered to support spiritual awareness and facilitate the achievement of set goals.

The mineral responsible for irrepressible energy is . It also helps develop intuition. The calming energy of yellow jasper reduces stress and anxiety.

Rising sign crystal

Aquamarine helps Aquarians feel comfortable and promotes self-expression. By placing the stone near your heart during meditation, you will be able to visualize your future more clearly and clearly.

Moon Crystals for Aquarius

Representatives of this sign always do what brings benefit and comfort to others, leveling out their own interests. Garnet attributes traits such as reliability and responsibility, thanks to which Aquarians become more attentive to themselves.

Pyrite gives the owner self-confidence, brings good luck and provides solar energy. Green calcite is used when trying to get rid of bad habits that have a negative impact on health.

Amulets by date of birth

Aquarians who celebrate birthdays in the first third of the month (from January 21 to January 1), reserved for the sign, are characterized as romantic individuals with a calm temperament. Because of him and their way of life, they are often prone to the blues and are prone to showing bad moods. They prefer to spend time with books, neglecting live communication. They are under the influence of Venus, so they attract romantic relationships. Suitable crystals for them are jadeite, amethyst, obsidian, jasper, serpentine, aventurine and pearl.

Warriors of Mercury - this is the name given to Aquarians born in the second decade reserved for the astrological sign (from February 2 to February 11). They are smart, have a sense of humor, and also put the interests of others above all else. Thanks to this, they gain respect and approval. Onyx, lapis lazuli, amber, sardonyx, chrysoprase bring good luck to Aquarius born during this period.

Aquarians celebrating birthdays from February 12 to February 19 are influenced by the Earth's satellite. They prefer to receive the bitter truth and do not hesitate to remove those who betrayed them from their social circle. Isolation and soft temperament become an obstacle to new heights. Amulets that will provide support for those in difficulty are chrysoprase, tourmaline, sapphire, zircon, etc.

Optimal selection of gemstones


One of the most common minerals in the world, quartz, belongs to the group of powerful talismans. A powerful amulet that helps in love affairs is rose quartz. Susceptible to depression, Aquarians easily fall into melancholy and, thus, can infect their immediate environment. Quartz shares the power of nature with its owner, gives confidence and helps to overcome difficulties. This crystal will also come in handy for Aquarians who are involved in the creative field, helping them find inspiration. A talisman with quartz will save you from getting accidentally injured and getting into awkward situations.


Sapphire is necessary for Aquarians who strive to achieve higher spiritual development. The crystal will help to interest you in acquiring knowledge, and will also make you think about the eternal. This gem evokes thoughts about the meaning of life. They cannot imagine their existence without an intangible component; it is with it that they experience life in its fullness and color, which brings them happiness.

However, sometimes some representatives of this air sign do not develop spiritually. Sapphire will help Aquarius fill this void. Thanks to the presence of the mineral, its owners will become more confident, courageous and receive spiritual strength. In case of uncertainty, the gem will direct them to search and achieve their goals. It also protects against lies and hypocrisy.


One of the most energetically powerful stones with exceptional metaphysical characteristics is obsidian (a subtype of volcanic glass), which in ancient times was used as a raw material in the manufacture of mirrors. This mineral is influenced by the Sun, Uranus and Saturn. Obsidian protects its owners from evil intentions and also protects them from addictions. The crystal will also help to collect internal reserves for study or work. The gem promotes concentration on your goals. Obsidian protects against insincere attention. At the same time, it is not recommended to wear the gem all the time, as it negatively affects the self-esteem of representatives of the air sign.


When representatives of an air sign lose strength, hope, and anger does not go away for a long time, an amulet with an amethyst should be used. It will attract positive thinking, give confidence and tip the scales in a dispute in favor of its owner. As an amulet, this mineral protects against dishonest rivals, evil people and also against their own insecurities. Amethyst affects intuitive abilities.


Turquoise is a gem associated with Uranus, the planet that rules Aquarius. It is seen as a stone that attracts good luck in several areas of life, including friendship, wealth and love. He is also endowed with healing abilities.


The mineral encourages obtaining optimal results in extreme situations. This crystal protects against witchcraft, damage and the evil eye. Agate also has positive health effects, offering strong protection against colds and gastrointestinal diseases.


Red hyacinth helps Aquarius to concentrate on work. He will become an assistant in situations where complete control is needed or when there is a radical change in plans. Representatives of an air sign, whose lives are subject to sharp turns, need a ring with hyacinth. It will keep them from becoming discouraged.


Aquamarine is a guiding stone for people born at the turn of the two winter months. This mineral is suitable for travelers and those who have difficulty communicating, helping to build friendly relationships. In ancient times, it was revered as a symbol of a successful marriage. In France, lovers exchanged aquamarine rings as a sign of love and respect.


Special attention should be paid to fluorite. It is a cubic mineral that brings structure and stability to life while activating creativity and free thinking. In this it is similar to aquamarine - it helps to develop and reveal the inner potential of its owner.

Fluorite is a perfect synthesis of the energy of Uranus and Saturn, the two patronizing planets of the zodiac sign. It opens the way for subconscious thoughts, but at the same time stabilizes them, helping to eliminate confusion.

Since representatives of the air sign often encounter problematic legs, fluorite is necessary to improve ligaments, strengthen bone tissue and strengthen the nervous system.


Labradorite is a special mineral known to the Inuit. They believed that the stone appears during the northern lights (Aurora Borealis). Labradorite contains mystical energy - the blue color shimmering within the stone is used by shamans and healers around the world. Named after the Canadian province of Labrador/Newfoundland, the stone protects the aura and is the perfect balancer of the water and fire elements for Aquarius.

Moon rock

For an air sign, the combination of moonstone and silver is optimal. Together they develop intuition, solve sleep problems, relax, calm the mind and help achieve emotional balance.


A relatively rare gem. Available in various shades of pink. It is endowed with the properties of attracting happiness, balance between the physical and spiritual, reduces stress and enhances peace of mind. According to beliefs, it repels negativity, including anger and resentment.

Talisman stones for Aquarius women

Gravitating towards limiting the desires of others, the beautiful representatives of Aquarius cannot imagine themselves without freedom of action. Purple quartz is a talisman that will help you find a common language with people around you, maintain positive relationships in the family and easily join any company. Thanks to amethyst, its owner can develop will and inner strength. It is believed that the stone is useful for women dreaming of a child.

Married women are recommended to have at least one pearl item. The metal in which the pearls are framed is not important. The naturalness of the stones is important, since artificial ones are not endowed with the power that is attributed to natural ones. They will help you get around controversial issues in personal relationships and strengthen them. Women who wear items with pearls become softer and kinder in character, and also pacify their pride.

Beautiful representatives of the air sign prefer solitude, during which they build castles in the air. They usually attribute ideal traits to their romantic partners, and after discovering their disadvantages, they do not hesitate to break off the relationship. Aquamarine shows things in real color and helps you make the right choices in relationships. It creates protection against life's mistakes.

Amethyst promotes the opening of emotions in front of loved ones.

Amber gives beautiful representatives confidence and courage. Fossilized resin will provide optimism, promote positive emotions and increase intuitive abilities. It also keeps the skin looking fresh and tightened. Amber opens up altruistic directions.

Amulets for Aquarius men

Strong representatives of the air sign are greedy for female attention. Agate will help them achieve their goals. Black agate is endowed with magical powers, as an amulet for romantic relationships. A talisman with this crystal will turn a true nerd into a gallant philanderer. The explosive temperament will be softened with the help of yellow and white agates. They become sociable and kind. Minerals of gray shades help solve problems and maintain friendships. A talisman with white agate will reveal secrets, give understanding when they are telling lies and allow you to avoid the machinations of ill-wishers.

Aquarius men often do not notice the negative aspects of their character, so they do not try to change them. An amulet with jadeite will help them in this. It can be placed in writing instruments and desk souvenirs. The mineral promotes the achievement of higher spiritual development. With its help, Aquarians will begin to work more productively.

Aquarius men are rationalizers, revolutionaries and inventors. They strive to break something, change it, improve it, or create something new. Sapphire is the optimal choice for Aquarius men as a talisman. It will help bring questions to a logical conclusion. Sapphire is a mineral for people who have a positive outlook on life and are in search of impressions and knowledge. With him, Aquarius will have the necessary reserve of strength to maintain victory over their opponent.

Unlucky stones for Aquarius

Representatives of the air sign are not compatible with Leo mascots. Among them are onyx, rock crystal, carnelian, topaz, peridot, zircon, gold quartz. Products with turquoise are not suitable for married women.

Diamonds will turn them into insecure and fanatical people. Citrine will enhance both positive and negative traits in Aquarius.

Choosing the right talisman will allow Aquarius to bring harmony into their lives and achieve what they want.