What year will come in the year. Yellow Earth Dog: general characteristics

The patron and undivided mistress of 2018 will be the Dog - an animal endowed with devotion, justice, and the ability to get along with others. She will especially zealously protect people born this year from troubles and various troubles. The color of the year is yellow. It can evoke positive associations. Symbolizes light and warmth. The element of the year is Earth, personifying fertility, wisdom and wealth.

Thus, The ruling animal of 2018 will be the yellow earthen dog. The beginning of the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog according to the eastern horoscope falls on February 16th. The exact time of the Chinese New Year 2018 is 00 hours and 07 minutes Moscow time. It is at this moment, according to the lunar calendar, that the new moon begins, and with it the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, which will last until February 4, 2019.

Characteristics of the 2018 Year of the Dog

The past two years, which were “fiery” and characterized by activity, aggression and assertiveness, will be replaced by a calmer year. Excessive emotionality, passionate feelings and a tough disposition will be replaced by stability, balance, thoroughness and tranquility. This influence of the elements and color of the year will affect literally everything - character, health, personal life and even politics, as well as weather conditions.

In addition to honesty, friendliness and determination, the Dog has a difficult and rather unpredictable character. Therefore, throughout the year, people may feel lazy and lack of energy from time to time. But these temporary difficulties will only affect those who lack clear goals, motivation, and life guidelines. People who manage to win over the mistress of the year, having secured her support, will be able to count on all sorts of benefits.

In general, 2018 promises to be harmonious and rich in positive events on a global scale; perhaps brilliant discoveries will be made in the field of medicine and economics. The year is also favorable for love and family relationships. Many couples in love will have an increased incentive to start a family. Single people will be able to meet their soulmate. And those who dream of adding to their family will receive the happy news of a long-awaited pregnancy. According to statistics, in the Year of the Dog the birth rate increases sharply. Surely this is due to the fact that the element of Earth symbolizes fertility, abundance, and motherhood.

Color of the year 2018

In Eastern culture, all colors can carry not only a certain emotional burden, they are also functionally significant and also have specific content. Yellow color is given great importance. It symbolizes prosperity, unshakable faith, the beginning of something new, unity, joy and happiness.

IN ancient China yellow is the color of emperors. For a long time, in the territory of this country, clothes of the specified color and its shades were allowed to be worn exclusively by emperors and persons close to them. In the countries of the East, “solar” magic, the main color of which is yellow, has been relevant since ancient times and is still relevant. The teaching is based on rituals aimed at:

  • to obtain a rich harvest;
  • to changes in weather conditions;
  • to transform “dead” soil into fertile soil;
  • to protect people from evil spirits, diseases, witchcraft influence and various types of misfortunes.

Each color corresponds to a certain side of the world and a specific time of year. Thus, the color yellow symbolizes autumn and the directions leading to the center of the Earth. Therefore, it can be combined with golden, brown and white colors. The peculiarity of eastern color symbolism lies in the duality of color meanings. Based on this, the color yellow can represent not only goodness, faith, happiness, power, marriage bonds and harmony, but also the abode of the dead.

If we consider the influence yellow color for 2018, it can be noted that the most significant events in people's lives will take place in the autumn months. Those who manage to appease the mistress of the year will find harmony in their relationship with their partner. This is especially true for married couples. Single people will have a good chance of meeting a life partner and finding personal happiness; prosperity; brilliant career success; well-being in financial matters; improvement of health.

Element of 2018

Element of 2018 Earth is one of the elements of nature and the element that will dominate in the coming year. Symbolizes worldly wisdom, moral purity, devotion to ethnic, cultural and family traditions. Therefore, astrologers recommend celebrating 2018 taking these aspects into account.

In the eastern horoscope, this element occupies a central place, corresponding to the North Star, around which the celestial bodies revolve. Due to the fact that the North Star has always personified the Emperor, who was its earthly incarnation, this element is inextricably linked with control and power. As for the time of year, mid-summer is associated with the Earth, when the main fruits, berries, fruits, grains and vegetables begin to ripen. This element of nature is also associated with a certain life span- maturity, which, as a rule, is the middle of life's journey.

The element of Earth will have a powerful influence throughout the year. This will be expressed in stability, which will be present in almost all areas of life. A special impact will be had on those who are in power, hold leadership positions, and are the owners of large enterprises. In order not to worsen their situation and not lose their status, these people must be disciplined and fair, show patience and courage. The dog will not tolerate pretense and deception.

Another important area on which the disaster will have a significant impact is the family hearth. The Earth is a symbol of fertility and unity, and the Dog teaches people to honor traditions, including family ones. To have complete confidence in the strength of the family hearth, generally accepted moral standards should be observed. The year will be successful if you do not commit adultery, drive away harmful thoughts that tempt you, and take care of loved ones.

Three main qualities of the yellow earth Dog

1. A dog is faithful and devoted not only to someone, but also to its principles, ideals, and promises. Therefore, throughout the year, she will especially carefully protect those who are well-mannered, noble and honest from problems. The protection of the hostess in 2018 will automatically extend to people whose professional activities are related to the protection of rights, the search for truth, the restoration of justice, and the upholding of honor and valor (military, civil servants, scientists, researchers).

2. Yellow Earth Dog - a talisman for married couples. It helps strengthen relationships between loved ones and achieve personal happiness, and protects the family hearth from ill-wishers. It is believed that a marriage entered into in 2018 is doomed to a long and happy existence, and the spouses will never quarrel or need anything.

3. The patroness of the year is an excellent speaker and a gifted financier. Yellow color helps to increase communication skills and establish business connections, and the element of Earth brings an element of stability and balance. This means that 2018 will be a successful period for all entrepreneurs. Particular luck awaits those who buy/sell goods. Financially, the year promises to be very successful.

What can be done to make 2018 a favorable period?

In order for the Dog to be favorable to you throughout the year, firstly, you should strengthen in every possible way family relationships. Show concern for your relatives, give them your love, please them more often and pamper them with pleasant little things. Don't break family traditions. Be proactive. Know how to defend your point of view. Seek justice where lawlessness and arbitrariness prevail. Do not refuse to help those who turn to you, for example, for advice. Help the poor, beggars, street children, make donations regularly. Be extremely careful when dealing with business connections. In your career, be persistent and patient. For your efforts, the hostess of the year will reward you with honors and universal recognition.

Stop cooperating with those business partners who have repeatedly let you down. Contacts with unreliable people in the year of the Dog tend to worsen. Be careful and thrifty in terms of finances. Keep strict records of your family budget. Control your shopping expenses. Carefully approach global acquisitions, for example, when buying real estate or a car.

Your health will not let you down in 2018 if you eat right, exercise regularly, strengthen your body, and undergo preventive procedures. Beware of stress, emotional breakdowns and psychological tension. These are the main enemies of health in the year of the Dog.

What should you watch out for in 2018?

People who cause resentment or aggression in the Dog may experience the evil and even fighting side of the four-legged character. Therefore, you should not hurt the pride of the hostess of the year. Avoid displaying the following qualities: quarrelsomeness; greed: ignorance; self-confidence; stinginess. Family people who succumb to the temptation to betray their significant other will also be punished by the Dog. The patroness will simply deprive them of the opportunity to establish future relationships with their life partner. The Dog will punish lazy people and those who lead an idle lifestyle, welcoming all sorts of excesses, with a ruble. These people will not be able to stabilize their financial situation within a year.

Girls, pay attention! You are probably aware of the moral and religious aspects of deliberately terminating a normal pregnancy. In the year of the yellow earth Dog, abortion is an extremely serious sin that will entail negative consequences in the future. This may result in deterioration of health, development of serious complications after surgery, and even infertility. To kill a fetus conceived this year is to spoil your karma, which will affect your seven subsequent generations.

Where, how and with whom to celebrate 2018 Year of the Dog?

Due to the fact that the Dog is an ardent supporter of observing traditions and morally correct behavior, astrologers advise celebrating the holiday with family and close friends. You should not organize an overly magnificent and pompous celebration with all sorts of excesses. The dog doesn't like this. She prefers solidity, grace, warmth and moderate sophistication. Of course, a symbol of the unity of any family is a house full of cups. Therefore, celebrating the New Year at home would be an ideal option. As a last resort, if your house/apartment does not have enough space to comfortably accommodate all guests, you can rent a banquet hall. It is desirable that the interior of the hall be decorated in yellow, brown and white colors.

It is highly undesirable to choose entertainment venues, cafes, traditional and floating restaurants, clubs and other noisy places to celebrate the holiday. The dog prefers comfort and the most homely environment possible. She may harbor a grudge if the holiday is accompanied by outright revelry - dancing until you drop, loud vulgar songs, frivolity, shamelessness and arrogance.

How to decorate the house?

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to create a mix of different styles when decorating your home for 2018. Don't forget that the Dog honors family traditions. Each family has its own heirlooms. These could be old portraits and photographs, shrouded in a haze of warm memories, collections of coins or stamps, Greeting Cards, boxes with jewelry or family jewels, chests with clothes. It is recommended to choose the attributes that will serve as the main decoration of the interior on a festive night from the designated items.

Oddly enough, the Dog gives traditional New Year’s decorations the status of “secondary”. Therefore, standard items are suitable as a pleasant addition: garlands; rain; tinsel; flashlights; firecrackers; confetti; Christmas decorations; serpentine; figures and drawings of dogs and puppies. When choosing auxiliary decorations, give preference to two or three (or one) primary colors. As for the main attributes (relics), their color does not play a special role, since they themselves carry a semantic load.

To appease the four-legged mistress of 2018, it is recommended to use auxiliary decorations in the following colors: yellow; ocher; olive; brown; white; sandy; orange; peach; coffee; beige; golden.

Advice If your family has few or no relics, you can use rare items or items from the times of the USSR as thematic attributes for decorating your house/apartment. For example, pioneer ties and bugles, banners, flags, patches. And also Komsomol and October badges, orders, medals, gramophone records and cassettes, kitchen utensils and small household items. And even if there are family heirlooms, the listed items will become excellent thematic attributes that will decorate the interior, creating a special atmosphere.

Which outfit to choose for the 2018 Dog?

As with everything else, you should adhere to moderation when choosing a New Year's outfit. After all, external attractiveness does not always mean revealing outfits. And considering that many ladies confuse frankness with vulgarity, you need to be especially careful.

Dear ladies, let your dress or suit be a little enticing, shocking and even piquant, but not vulgar. Unless you want to anger the Dog, no miniskirts that cover top part There should be no hips or deep necklines! The highlight of the outfit can be a fur collar and cuffs, a shawl, a cape or a muff. Choosing the color of the outfit is what matters. Dress in the traditional colors of the year.

As for men's New Year's outfit, there are no special recommendations. Men, as a rule, do not have the habit of dressing vulgarly. A business suit with a tie, a shirt with trousers or a T-shirt with jeans - all options are suitable. Everyone will choose the most comfortable form of clothing for themselves.

What to give in the Year of the Dog?

When choosing gifts for the New Year 2018, you need to take three aspects into account. Firstly, the gift should pleasantly surprise. Secondly, it must be thematically related to the mistress of the year, that is, remind that it is the yellow earthen Dog that rules the year. And thirdly, the gift should be practical and suit the taste of its future owner. For those who find it difficult to understand the abundance of goods and decide on New Year's gift, it is recommended to pay attention to the gift ideas presented below.

Idea No. 1 Crafts A dog never strives for wealth; for him, the feelings that you experience in the process of giving a gift are more important. This is why handmade items are a great option. After all, you will leave a piece of your soul in them. The following can serve as homemade gifts: figurines; flowerpots you painted; postcards; beautiful soap sets; photo frames; sculptures; holiday candles.

Idea No. 2 Practical things In some ways, the Dog is a conservative. Therefore, useful in everyday life, as well as practical gifts will suit her taste and will always be relevant for her. But, having decided to use this gift idea, you need to know for sure that it will suit the recipient. Consider the following options: kitchen utensils (women); tie, cufflinks (for men) set of bed linen; bag; purse; umbrella; set of bath towels.

Idea No. 3 “Intellectual” gifts The dog is smart, well-read, educated, and has high intelligence. She always strives for self-development and self-realization. And the elements of the Earth endowed this animal with natural modesty and wisdom. In this regard, you can choose a gift based on these aspects. This could be a gift in the form of: a book; glasses case; business card holders; folders/briefcases for documents; business accessory (parker, diary, desk stationery set).

What should be the dishes on the New Year's table?

Absolutely all New Year's treats - first courses, hot and cold appetizers, drinks and desserts - should not be too pretentious. Excesses are unacceptable for a Dog. However, the absence of pomp does not exclude the presence of originality. The imagination of housewives is welcomed by the four-legged mistress. Let the dishes be prepared not so much from expensive ingredients, but from fresh, high-quality and healthy products. Low-alcohol products are welcome, but if someone prefers strong alcoholic drinks, you can put cognac, vodka, and moonshine on the table homemade. The main thing is moderate use. Staying on New Year's Eve in a strong state alcohol intoxication, you can turn the Dog against yourself.

Important! Kvass will serve perfectly as a treat and as a decoration for the New Year's table. His classic recipe involves the use of rye bread, so it will become a symbol of fertile soil. The Yellow Earth Dog will appreciate the treat and thank the owners of the house for such respect for themselves. It is advisable to prepare kvass yourself. This will not only guarantee the amazing taste of the drink, but will also bring significant benefits to the body.

How to decorate the New Year's table?

Tablecloth and napkins Due to the fact that the coming year will be ruled by the yellow earth Dog, it is recommended to choose napkins in the appropriate colors (orange, yellow, brown, sand). The napkins may contain images of a dog or puppies. Since yellow can be combined with white, you can choose a tablecloth in a traditional style. To surprise your guests, you can prepare a personal cloth napkin for each of them with the guest’s name and a picture of a dog embroidered on it. Yes, it will take time, but the invitees and the patroness of the year will be very pleased.

Crockery and cutlery Use ordinary utensils. No frills needed! The only thing you should avoid is using red kitchen utensils. After all, this color is associated with aggression and excitement, which does not fit in with the balanced disposition of a dog. Ideally, cutlery should be yellow. But not everyone has dishes of this color. So, you can use classic white color.

Candles, figurines, figurines Decorate New Year's table Recommended for beautiful candles and dog figurines. They need to be placed between the plates. Also use animal figurines. Several (2-3 pieces) figures will be enough. The dog does not like excesses, so you should not overload the festive table with decorations. If you don't have figurines or figurines, you can make them yourself. Even paper or fabric is suitable for this. Candles can be made by melting paraffin (wax) and pouring them into the desired molds. The main thing is that the crafts are created with love.

The “highlight” of the table The dog is a meat eater. Sugar bones and offal are a special treat for her. From offal you can prepare the main dish of the holiday, for example, liver or heart salad. And the bones from the used meat can be placed in a beautiful saucer and placed on the table as a treat for the hostess of the year. To appease the Dog even more, you can make a decoration in the form of a miniature booth (dog house) and place it near a saucer with sugar bones.

As you welcome 2018, try to please its patron, the yellow earthen Dog. Then the mistress of the year will take you under her wing and throughout the year, fortune will be on your side. Happy New Year!

Here you will learn everything about 2018 - what animal according to the horoscope chose as its symbol according to the Eastern and Slavic calendar, what to celebrate the holiday in, what to serve on the table.

2018 - what animal according to the horoscope according to the Eastern, Slavic calendar

You can determine the animal of each year according to 2 calendars - Slavic and Eastern. Note that they do not coincide and the symbol can be 2 animals at once. I found myself in the same situation 2018, what animal choose as your symbol - decide for yourself!
However, let us clarify that most people define next year according to the eastern calendar. This calendar was invented in China, where they divided life cycle at 60-year intervals, correlating them with animals, flowers and elements. Therefore, in the name of the year it is correct to use not only the name of the animal, but also the color and the element. So, it’s the year of the yellow earthen dog.
Animal cycles repeat every 12 years. The last time the year of the dog was in 2006, and then it will be in 2030. Here is the complete cycle of the year of the dog over the past century and a half.

Let us remind you that you should celebrate the New Year according to the Eastern calendar not on January 1, but on February 16. The year of the yellow earthen dog will end at the end of January 2019.
For the Slavic calendar, a 16-year year book is used. According to him, 2018 is the year of the curled up hedgehog.

What to wear to celebrate 2018 - the year of the yellow earthen dog

Have you already found out who represents 2018, what animal chose the Slavic and Chinese calendars as a symbol. All that remains is to decide what to wear to celebrate the holiday.
This information will be relevant for those who pay great attention to horoscopes. It is better to choose a combination of bright and dark colors for the holiday. The following colors are perfect:
pale red;
all shades of brown or yellow.
If these options are unpleasant for you, then white will be the solution.

This year, girls and women are advised to avoid short and open dresses with a neckline in the front and back. Although this will be very difficult to do, especially for fashionistas. Sequined clothing is also not recommended.

Confucius said: “In order to predict the future, you need to carefully study the past.” The opportunity to follow the eastern calendar gives us such a chance - to be prepared in advance for what the coming year has in store for us. Knowing which animal year 2018 will be, we will be able to greet it correctly, put on the table those treats that the totem of the year likes, decorate the house so that it will give us access to achieving new heights in career, love and health.

What does the Year of the Dog have in store for us...

If you believe the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, then 2018 (Earth Dog) year will be more than favorable for a person, because the Dog will become his totem. What other animal's year could be friendlier for us? It was the dog that many centuries ago became our best assistant in hunting, in protecting our home and in many other aspects of life. This is also confirmed by the previous milestones of the dog’s “reign”. Here are just a few examples that affected the development of the world as a whole:

The symbol of 2018 is an attentive, compliant and obedient animal, but not without cunning, enterprise and the ability to create an impressive reserve.

Character of the Yellow Earth Dog

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 belongs to the Yellow Earth Dog. Color and belonging to the most unshakable element indicate to us that the year will be simple, understandable for everyone, without surprises and cardinal changes. But such peace is not prepared for everyone, but only for those who have certain qualities of character. In order for the Dog to be happy, you need to show it that you are a person:

  • patient,
  • reliable,
  • conservative,
  • able to keep his word
  • careful,
  • secretive,
  • not greedy
  • not aggressive.

Opposite qualities will only anger the totem of the year and direct its aggression against you. Neither word nor deed should diverge from the promises made on the eve of the New Year, even if they were given to oneself (to break up with bad habits, get along with relatives, repay a debt, etc.). Ignorance of which animal’s year is coming does not justify bad actions, because the Dog is very attentive and unusually pedantic.

Another side of the character of the 2018 symbol is extraordinary loyalty and kindness to everyone around him. She cannot and does not know how to judge strictly and remember evil for a long time. Justifying your bad thoughts, deeds and actions will not be easy, but it is possible. One mistake will need to be “justified” by a dozen good deeds, then the punishment will not be terrible and severe.

Work, love, health – what to expect from a Dog

Next year's totem is not just this or that animal. It is important to understand that the eastern horoscope gives them belonging to one of the elements and a color that symbolizes their character.

  • Earth Dog 2018 belongs to the element of earth, which indicates the stability and stability of this period of time. In addition, it is called Metallic - resistant to unexpected changes, recessions and distortions in any direction, be it family relationships, business or any other.
  • A lot depends on what color the totem animal is. The color yellow, according to Eastern wisdom, indicates the attractiveness of the totem of the year for success in any direction. The Yellow Dog is holistic, goes in the intended direction, without deviating from the path, without deviating from an already drawn up, planned scheme of actions.
  • In 2018, everyone will have a chance to achieve high performance in everything. But apparent stability will have to be supported by one’s own willpower and determination. You shouldn’t expect the totem of the year to do anything and decide for you.
  • If it is necessary to make a decision, then the leadership should not be momentary impulses and impulses, but endurance and tact. The habit of stepping over something, not taking into account one’s desires, the opinions of relatives and friends, the habit of going against someone else’s or one’s own honor will lead to collapse and failure even in small things.
  • Another “don’t” from the Yellow Earth Dog is that you shouldn’t let unfamiliar, insincere people into your life and, moreover, establish close contacts and relationships with them. This year, married couples are advised to very carefully choose those who will enter their home. It is possible that new people will cause the collapse of the family hearth. Well, those who are in search of a loved one should be doubly careful - casual relationships will be very dangerous.
  • The Yellow Earth Dog is not as simple as it seems - it will repeatedly test your strength and endurance, confront you with unusual characters, whose task in our lives is to teach us to recognize good and evil even under a mask. You need to carefully study new acquaintances and learn as much as possible about them before letting them into your world and your life, but you also shouldn’t push them away right away.
  • The Dog will keep track of the correct life positions in our lives even in our gastronomic preferences - it does not like copious intake of sweets, alcohol, fatty foods and, surprisingly, meat.

You shouldn’t be afraid of the huge number of rules and requirements of the 2018 totem. The main character trait of the Earth Dog is patience with everything and everyone, but we will also have to learn to show this trait.

Which animal will patronize 2018? This animal is the Yellow Earth Dog!

On the eve of the New Year, in addition to traditional preparations for this holiday, many people are interested in what surprises the coming year has in store for them, what they should beware of and how to influence the course of future events.

To find out for sure, you need to know which animal will become the patron in the coming year, what its habits, habits, and preferences are.

In the new year 2018, the owner will be the Yellow Earth Dog. And people who were born at different times in the Year of the Dog, this personal patron animal will protect them from sorrows and adversity in a particularly careful manner.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Yellow Earth Dog will come into its own not on January 1, but on February 16, 2018. And her reign will end on the night of February 4-5, 2019.

In truthfulness folk beliefs Not everyone believes in omens and astrological horoscopes. Although many people pay attention to the predictions of the stars and periodically look at relevant information in newspapers and on the Internet. After all, knowledge is power! And it is better to be warned about possible troubles in various areas of life in order to correct the situation by changing the course of events for the better.

How to meet correctly this time New Year?

Let's remember what needs to be taken into account in the process of preparing for the holiday and how to appease the mistress of the Elements of earth, who personifies devotion to tradition, moral purity and worldly wisdom, because it is recommended to celebrate the New Year taking into account these aspects.

It is advisable to celebrate this New Year's Eve with your family; you can invite your closest friends. There is no need to organize a particularly magnificent celebration with frills. The dog will not tolerate loud songs, dancing until you drop, arrogance, various frivolities and may be offended. It is better to give preference to quiet gatherings with calm music or funny TV shows.

There should also be no excesses on the festive table. Prepare simple, familiar dishes, no need for fancy, gourmet salads and expensive “overseas” appetizers. It is desirable that a variety of dishes that include meat prevail.

And, of course, don’t forget about the treat for the hostess of the year - a fragrant sugar bone, which should be placed on a beautiful plate and placed on the New Year’s table.

If you have a pet, this is a great opportunity to win the favor of the patroness of the year. On a festive night, your pet should be given Special attention. Give him a real feast, pamper him with his favorite treats. Tie a beautiful brown or yellow bow around your dog's neck. Let your pet feel like a fashionista on New Year's Eve. Or you can visit a pet clothing store and buy a beautiful outfit for your pet. And if you know how to sew, you can make a festive costume with your own hands. You can also please your four-legged friend with a gift in the form of, for example, a new cozy house, bought in a store or sewn with your own hands.

Since the Yellow Earth Dog is an animal endowed with chastity, you should not bring yourself to a state of severe alcoholic intoxication on New Year's Eve. The patroness will not approve of such cheeky behavior. To win the favor of the patroness of 2018, it is recommended to choose decorations for the interior of the house in the colors inherent in the element of earth.

These can be traditional decorations:

. figures in the form of a symbol of the year;
. Garlands;
. artificial snow;
. confetti;
. snowflakes;
. rain;
. tinsel.

We have already found out what animal will be in 2018. This animal has all the noble traits - kindness, honesty, reliability, loyalty. A heightened sense of justice does not allow the Dog to exist on earth calmly and measuredly. When injustice reigns around, she cannot stand aside and is the first to rush to help those in need. All dogs are incredibly hardworking, resilient and responsible. Therefore, in 2018, any work will pay off handsomely. The patroness will especially help those who will honestly work for the good of the common cause and defend right interests. But the Dog is not selfish; the most important thing for her is to get the job done. Although, if an urgent need arises, she can provide herself with material resources better and faster than many representatives of the Chinese horoscope. This year you should not conduct dishonest business. The Dog can punish such entrepreneurs by depriving them of decent income for a whole year; it does not help selfish and dishonest people.

The Dog has difficulty getting along in a group, as he always rebels against any injustice, rushing to the defense of humiliated and offended people. However, managers and colleagues deservedly respect and appreciate her for her critical mind, ability to quickly navigate the current situation, and find the right solutions. Although many people around the Dog are afraid of its “sharp” tongue. She will not remain silent, she will express the whole truth to her face, her straightforwardness sometimes takes on threatening proportions.

Despite its friendliness and open character, the Dog prefers a calm environment with leisurely, thoughtful conversations. With her characteristic instinct, she unmistakably determines what kind of person her interlocutor is. Getting along with a Dog is not easy. She tends to make excessive demands on loved ones. She is strict with herself and in return wants to receive a similar attitude from her family and friends. Perhaps you cannot find a more loyal friend than a Dog. She will help in difficult times, even if she has to act to the detriment of her interests.

It is also not easy for your significant other to build a relationship with a Dog. She has a changeable character, her mood can change with amazing speed, and she is prone to cynical and caustic remarks. But people born this year always value family and true friendship. Therefore, it is hardly possible to find a more faithful life partner. She will never betray, will always protect her loved ones, protect her home from the invasion of ill-wishers.

Despite having many noble qualities, the Dog is incredibly stubborn. She herself calls this character trait determination. The dog always tries to achieve his goal, never gives up on the work he has started, no matter what difficulties he encounters along the way. To many, the character of the 2018 housewife may seem secretive. And there is some truth in this. The dog does not like to tell his secrets and share his experiences with anyone. Although almost all relatives, friends and acquaintances turn to her for advice. The dog knows how to give wise recommendations and keep other people's secrets. When celebrating the New Year, try to please the owner - the Yellow Earth Dog. And then throughout 2018, fortune will be on your side!

Every year people are worried about the question of what the next year will be like according to the Chinese zodiac calendar. Will he turn into a dragon, or will he plant a pig?

The zodiac cycle consists of 12 years and traditionally begins with the sign of the rat. Each of the signs belongs to one of the 5 elements, which also cyclically replace each other every two years.

Zodiac table from 2008-2067

You can determine the element and sign of the year from the following table.

Rat 2008 2020 2032 2044 2056
Bull 2009 2021 2033 2045 2057
Tiger 2010 2022 2034 2046 2058
Rabbit 2011 2023 2035 2047 2059
The Dragon 2012 2024 2036 2048 2060
Snake 2013 2025 2037 2049 2061
Horse 2014 2026 2038 2050 2062
Goat 2015 2027 2039 2051 2063
Monkey 2016 2028 2040 2052 2064
Rooster 2017 2029 2041 2053 2065
Dog 2018 2030 2042 2054 2066
Pig 2019 2031 2043 2055 2067

White is metal, black is water, green is wood, red is fire and yellow is earth.


Below are all the animals in order. You can look at the link brief description sign:


Each of the elements has a number of initial characteristics and is associated with special colors and shapes.


This element belongs to evening and autumn. The main qualities of the element Metal is determination and activity in achieving your goals. But it can also be destructive. Besides, Metal represents resilience and perseverance. A person born under this element can best prove himself in the role of a lawyer or politician. The fight for justice is a distinctive character trait. You have beautiful, even teeth, a square-shaped face and small lips. Metal governs the lungs and skin, Metal colorwhite.


This element belongs to night and winter. Coldness and calmness - typical qualities of the element Water. Infallible intuition is a distinctive feature of water. In addition, water represents fruitfulness and strength, but these are counteracted by excessive restraint. This element corresponds to artists and businessmen. He gives great and Strong arms, very thick lips and curly hair. A massive tip of the nose and wide-set eyes are an unlucky sign. In addition, you need to avoid being overweight, as it can lead to infertility. Water governs the kidneys and ears. The colors associated with it are: black And Navy blue.


This element belongs to morning and spring. The main qualities of the element Wood is beauty, chastity and elegance. Tree the most powerful, decisive and unyielding of all elements. Tree represents creative powers and imagination. Born under this element, you can become a poet, artist or farmer. He is most likely tall, thin, with beautiful eyes and small hands and feet. Tree The most fertile of all elements, it brings forth the seeds of life and death, knowledge and intelligence. Tree people are natural leaders, leaders by nature. Tree governs the liver and eyes. Lucky color - green or blue.


This element belongs to the middle of the day and summer. The main qualities of the element Fire- beauty, happiness and joy, but Fire may also be associated with suffering, heat and clairvoyance. Born under sign of fire- an active fighter and leader. Of the people Fire they make excellent teachers, leaders, writers, healers, and even high-ranking executives. Fire often gives a reddish color to the skin, an eagle nose and Thick hair. Fire rules the heart and blood, its color is red.


This element belongs to the afternoon and the hottest summer days. Main qualities elements Earth- fertility and endurance, diligence and strategic thinking. Earth also represents realism and hard work - elements inherent in a businessman. The people of the earth know how to realize their own ideas, but not in teamwork, but independently. They make excellent salespeople, architects or landscape designers. Typical features are bushy eyebrows and slim stomach. Earth governs the spleen and mouth. Her color is yellow.

Where did this order come from?

One version has its origins in the Chinese legend of the Jade Emperor.

Command of the Jade Emperor

The Jade Emperor's servant was sent to find the 12 most beautiful animals and bring them to be rewarded; The audience was scheduled for 6 am. The servant came down and immediately found and invited rat and then called bull, tiger,rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster And dog; not finding cat, he asked the rat to convey the invitation. She fulfilled her promise, but the cat loved to sleep and asked to wake him up; The rat realized that the cat was more beautiful than her, and did not wake the cat.

Everyone came to the audience on time except the cat; The best prepared was the rat, which on the back of the bull began to play the pipe, which caused delight, and received first place. The bull was given second place for his kindness, the tiger - third, the rabbit for his beautiful fur - fourth, the dragon for his unusual appearance - fifth, the snake for wisdom - sixth, the horse - seventh, the sheep - eighth, the monkey for dexterity - ninth, the rooster - tenth and the dog is the eleventh. Then they noticed that one animal was missing; the servant had to urgently look for the twelfth animal, and he called pig, which was given twelfth place.

At this time the cat woke up and ran as fast as he could into the palace, but all the places had already been allocated. Since then, the cat has been very offended by the Rat and they have been irreconcilably at odds.