What zones are located on the territory of the Kuban. What natural areas are there in the Krasnodar region? How to study the history of Kuban

Several natural zones have formed on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. The northernmost of them is the steppe zone. It occupies vast flat areas.

To the south of the steppe zone, along the left bank of the Kuban, a forest-steppe stretches in a narrow strip. In addition to herbaceous plants such as feather grass, creeping wheatgrass, fescue, quinoa, plantain, there are many shrubs. The berries of many of them are edible. These include blackberries, thorns, rose hips, and dogwoods. In the forest-steppe zone there are both steppe and forest representatives of the animal world: ferret, field mouse, Caucasian mole, hamster, weasel, hedgehog, dormouse, gopher, otter, hare, wolf, wild cat, wild boar, roe deer. Among the birds you can see sparrow, linnet, woodpecker, thrush, warbler, chaffinch, bullfinch, jay.

Trees also grow in the forest-steppe. But the bulk of the forests are in the foothills and mountainous areas, where it is not as hot as in the steppe and there is more moisture. The most common trees are oak, beech, maple, ash, chestnut, hawthorn, alder, and aspen. In the oak and beech forests, wild boars graze, roe deer, deer, moose, and hares live. There are also predators: bear, wolf, jackal, raccoon dog. There are many insects in the forest zone: bees, bumblebees, beetles, grasshoppers, flies, butterflies. All of them are food for various birds, such as magpies, thrushes, cuckoos, tits, jays. Quite large birds also live here; owl, eagle owl, golden eagle, griffon vulture, peregrine falcon.

In the mountainous part of the region natural areas change with altitude.
The northern and southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains are covered with forests. The lower tier is occupied by deciduous trees, most often oak, beech, and hornbeam. In the middle part of the forest zone they are mixed with pine, spruce, and fir. The upper layer is dominated by coniferous forests. The forest zone is completed by small birch and ibuki trees with strongly curved trunks.

At an altitude of 1800 to 3000 meters above sea level there are subalpine and alpine meadows.
Here you can see Caucasian tur, bison, chamois, vultures, eagles, and lambs soar high above the rocky peaks. The rivers are home to trout, chub, and gudgeon.

This is how the famous local historian and researcher L. Ya. Apostolov (1865-1932) described the alpine meadows:

“In the upper part of this strip, skinny tiny grass grows; only at the beginning of June do the first spring flowers begin to bloom: snowdrops, dandelions, forget-me-nots, anemones, bluebells; The tops of the rocks are covered with mosses, lichens and turf.”

At a level of 3000 meters and above there are eternal snows, glaciers and inaccessible rocks, almost devoid of any vegetation.
The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is distinguished by special natural conditions, stretching in a narrow strip along the sea for more than 600 kilometers. The mountains do not allow cold air from the north to pass through, and the sea, heated during the summer, releases heat to the coast in the winter. Mimosa, yucca, oleander, yew, boxwood, rhododendron, and magnolia are green here all year round. Insects live in forests and parks: cicadas, butterflies, fireflies, centipedes. A lot of bats. Dolphins, seahorses, jellyfish and shrimp live in the sea.

Lesson topic:“Nature of the Krasnodar region. Surface shapes.

Natural areas of the region."

The purpose of the lesson: clarify, generalize and expand children’s knowledge on the topic, develop cognitive interest in the nature of their native land, educate careful attitude to nature; work on developing attention and logical thinking.

Equipment: educational contour maps of the region, map of Russia, globe, atlas

“The World and Man” (for children), paintings “Plain Landscape”,

"Main Caucasus Range", reference books

During the classes:

Guys, today we will talk about the surface of the earth in the Krasnodar region, about the relief. Who knows what it means? (It means all the unevenness of the earth). Take a close look at the map of the Krasnodar Territory. Look at the land and name the two main colors that indicate it (green, brown). What is indicated in green ( plains), and brown ( mountains) ? We conclude: the surface of the Krasnodar region can be divided into...( mountains and plains). What is the boundary between them? ( the Kuban River seems to divide it into two parts: northern - flat and southern - foothills and mountains)

Using the map of the Krasnodar Territory, determine:

Lowland - (Azov-Kuban)

Plain - (Zakubanskaya)

Mountains - (Caucasian)

Lowland, plain, mountains - types ... (relief of the Krasnodar region)

Let's look at the map “Natural zones of Russia”.

Who knows what zones we are talking about? Nature has divided our country into zones. Each zone is characterized by a certain amount of heat and moisture, which play a large role in the formation of soil and vegetation. On the territory of Russia there is a change from north to south of the following natural zones: arctic deserts, tundras, forest-tundras, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppes, steppes, semi-deserts. Let's turn to the map to draw a conclusion in which natural zones the Krasnodar Territory is located. (These are mixed and deciduous forests, forest-steppe and steppe)


In the recent past, the Azov-Kuban Plain was a grass-feather grass steppe. The modern steppe is all plowed up and occupied by crops of wheat, corn, sunflowers, sugar beets and other cultivated plants. Over one hundred different crops are cultivated.

Only along the roads, along the slopes of ravines and on the tops of mounds, can you find wild plants: creeping wheatgrass, wild buttercup, wormwood, plantain, burdock, sow thistle, St. John's wort, chamomile and other herbs.

Mark the steppe zone on the contour map. What animals live in this area? Why?

Forest-steppe, forest

The forest-steppe stretches in a relatively narrow strip on the left bank of the Kuban. Approximately half of its area is occupied by shrubs and broad-leaved forests, consisting of oak, hornbeam, maple, hazel, and dogwood. The forests of Kuban are distinguished not only by their beauty, but also by species of extraordinary value. The region contains about 30% of oak forests, over 80% of beech and approximately 90% of chestnut plantations in Russia.

Mark this area on the contour map. Name the animals that can live in this area. What do they eat?


The bulk of the forests are in the foothills and mountainous areas. Beech forests are found at an altitude of more than 700 meters above sea level. Behind the beech forests coniferous forests begin; they consist of Caucasian fir, spruce, and pine.

At an altitude of 1800-2200 meters above sea level, there is an abundance of subalpine vegetation.

Beyond the subalpine meadows lie the alpine meadows of the northwestern Caucasus. Here nature is harsh. Only in August the clearings are free of snow.

How striking the change! The brightness of the colors and the diversity of flowers in the rocky meadows, surrounded by rocks and snow, is striking. Red mynids, blue gentians, yellow dandelions, and red carnations grow all around.

From 300 meters and above there is eternal snow and glaciers.

Mark this area on the contour map. Name the animals that live in the mountain zone. What allows them to endure such living conditions?

Black Sea coast

From Anapa to Novorossiysk, the mountain slopes are covered with hornbeam and oak, hornbeam and hornbeam. From Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik, low-growing elm, hornbeam, dogwood, and hawthorn, twisted by strong winds, grow. In the Gelendzhik area there are maple, ash, walnut, cherry plum, apple, pear, and along the coast Pitsunda pine.

But in the greater Sochi area the vegetation is different. Cypress trees, palm trees, and magnolias are green here all year round. This happens because the Main Caucasus Range protects the coast from cold northern winds, and the heated sea sun rays during the summer and in the winter it warms the coast. This creates the conditions for the formation of a humid subtropical climate.

Mark this area. Name the animals that live in this zone.

Questions for consolidation: Look at the map of the Krasnodar region. Features of what natural zones can be observed on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory?

What do you know about these natural areas? What are the features of the climate of steppes, forests, forest-steppes, subtropics - the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the climate of the mountains? How do the Caucasus Mountains (foothills) influence the climate in the region, and

also the Black and Azov Seas? How should we protect nature?

Tasks on cards:

Card 1.

Remove the "extra" word:

Woodpecker, owl, seagull, thrush

Justify your answer.

Card 2.

What zone are we talking about:

The abundance of fruits and succulent herbs create favorable conditions for the habitat of animals and birds. Here wild pigs graze in small herds, bears, jackals, and raccoon dogs hunt for food.

Card 3.




Card 4.

Write down the names of plants and animals living in this area:





Card 5.

Write down the names of plants and animals living in this area:




Homework: Write a story - a trip to one of the natural zones of the Krasnodar region.

Lesson topic: " Nature of the Krasnodar region. Surface shapes.

Natural areas of the region ».

Goals: To form in students an idea of ​​the subtropical zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Introduce geographical location subtropical zone of Russia, flora and fauna, human activities, learn to work with a geographical map, herbarium, additional literature, improve speech, observation skills. Strengthen the ability to work in pairs and groups.


Map of natural areas; paintings, drawings depicting the objects being studied, video film “Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus”; recording music for the game; herbarium; postcard sets; photos.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today we will go there

Where there is a lot of sun and warm sea ​​water,

The subtropics of Russia will reveal secrets to us,

Let's find out what kind of animals live there,

What plants grow there?

Why is the natural area called this?

Well friends, it's time to hit the road!

Looking forward to seeing us:

Wonderful coastline and beach.

But we are not sending you to rest,

And study the subtropical zone of Russia.

Write on the board and in notebooks: “The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is a subtropical zone.”

Let's turn to the assistant card. What will she tell us? (This

The amazing zone occupies a very small area.

It is located on the coast. On the one hand - the Caucasus-

mountains, and on the other – the Black Sea).

The location of the zone lies the secret of its amazing climate and nature. Let's look at a simple example: you are on the beach. When is the water warmer - during the day or in the evening? (In the evening.) Why? Yes, water heats up slowly and cools down slowly. In what thermal zone is the zone we are studying today located? (In the temperate zone, but even closer to Northern Tropic, which means the sun sends almost direct rays here.) Why does the Sun heat the sea during the summer, and then the sea releases warm air to the coast in winter. The Caucasus Mountains are close, right next to the coast. What do you know about these mountains? (These are high, young mountains.) Yes, these are high young mountains, they are an insurmountable barrier to the cold north wind, so

The coast has moderately hot summers and warm winters. There is a lot of precipitation. The sea sends to earth a large number of moisture, and it is also retained by the mountains.

(Display of video clips from the film “On the Black Sea Coast.”) What does the prefix “sub” mean? Translated from Latin it means “under”. So what are subtropics? (This is the area under the tropics.) More precisely, near the tropical zone. The subtropical zone is located to the south of our country, and here, on the Black Sea coast, is only a small piece. And now all the scientific groups of our expedition are involved in the work.

Materials for botanists:

  1. A distinctive feature of subtropical plants.

  2. Plants grow wild, fruit, brought from warm countries.
Materials for zoologists:

  1. Sushi inhabitants.

  2. Land dwellers who forage for food in the sea.

  3. Inhabitants of the sea.
Material for environmentalists:

  1. What is the Black Sea coast for a person?

  2. Ecological problems.

  3. Plants and animals listed in the Red Book.
Methodological comment: Students in groups, using encyclopedias, prepare a message according to the appropriate plan.

Botanist's story:

Favorable conditions - warmth and moisture - make it possible for tall trees with large leaves, heat-loving trees, to grow. These are oak, beech, chestnut (drawings, herbarium). The beech reaches a height of 25-40 meters, its trunk is smooth, the leaves have the shape of an oblong ellipse, the fruits are nuts, but they cannot be eaten. Beech lives up to 500 years. Chestnut is a long-lived tree - it can live up to a thousand years, its height reaches 354 meters. Its leaves are oblong with sharp teeth. The fruits – nuts – are eaten. Plants brought from different warm countries: cypresses, magnolias, palms (drawings, herbarium). There are many fruit trees growing on the Black Sea coast: peaches, apricots, figs, walnuts (drawings, herbarium). You can also add about the vineyards growing here. And on the slopes of the mountains there are tea plantations (pictures). Cork oak and boxwood, a tree with strong, dense wood, are highly valued. Unfortunately, boxwoods are currently on the verge of extinction. Now let's listen to our zoologists.

During the story, illustrations of plants are hung on the map.

Zoologists' story:

Rich and varied animal world Black Sea coast. This is a roe deer. Bears live in the forests, wild boars greedily eat chestnuts, nuts, and acorns; there are leopards and jackals, cicadas that feed on plant sap. The predatory mantis feeds on small insects. There are amazingly beautiful butterflies, such as the oleander hawk moth. Sushi animals also include lizards and snakes

Various birds, such as seagulls and cormorants, get their food in the sea. Amazing and unique Marine life: jellyfish, crabs, seahorses, pipefish, dolphins. Seahorses are fish with a head similar to the head of the fairytale Little Humpbacked Horse. They do not have a permanent color: if a seahorse sits on brown algae, it turns brown; if it sits on green algae, it turns green. The pipefish is a thin and long fish. Even though it’s a “needle,” it can’t prick anyone—it’s soft. And dolphins are toothed whales, only much smaller. These are the smartest sea animals, they are excellent swimmers, easily overtake fast-moving passenger ships. Dolphins never leave their relatives in trouble: they support a wounded or sick person on the surface so that he can breathe, and help him swim. It happened that dolphins saved people in the same way. Dolphins navigate and communicate with each other using sound signals.

During the story, cards with animals are fixed on the map.

The fauna of the Black Sea coast is interesting. We can talk a lot about its inhabitants. If you are interested in some animals, you can always read about them in encyclopedias.

Environmentalists' story:

The Black Sea coast is a place where thousands of people from all over Russia come to relax. But, unfortunately, environmental problems arose here too: wastewater and household waste pollute the sea. Man can be merciless to nature: he throws household garbage on the coast, breaks off branches of trees and bushes, picks off flowers, catches beetles and butterflies, destroys jellyfish and crabs. But in memory of the trip you can buy souvenirs and postcards or just take a photo. Because of such a careless attitude towards nature, the Caucasian ground beetle, the Colchian butcher's broom plant, and the yew berry have become rare; they are listed in the Red Book. Boxwood groves, dolphins, and Black Sea bottlenose dolphins are under special protection. To preserve the unique nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Sochi was created national park(view illustrative material).

Questions for consolidation:

Our journey is coming to an end. What will you tell your friends about the Russian subtropics? (Children's stories.)

What plants and animals are you interested in? Why?

What would you advise friends who are going on vacation to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus?

Methodological comment: Lessons on this topic can be planned as follows: the first lesson can be devoted to the formation of general ideas about the natural zones of the region, and the second - to the study of the zone in which your settlement is located.

Natural areas. Kuban studies 4th grade

Decipher and write down the names of natural areas. To do this, cross out the same consonant letters in each row. Underline the names of those zones that are located on the territory of Kuban.



Fill out the table "Flora and fauna of the region's natural zones." Use text teaching aid on pages 11 - 17

Natural area



Stepnaya Clover, timothy, wormwood, feather grass, bluegrass, sage, thyme

Buzzard, field mice, ground squirrels, hamsters, jerboas, steppe viper, sparrows, crows

Forest-steppe Blackberry, blackthorn, rose hip, dogwood, feather grass, creeping wheatgrass, fescue, quinoa, plantain, oak, beech, maple, ash Ferret, field mouse, Caucasian mole, hamster, weasel, hedgehog, dormouse, gopher, otter, hare, wolf, wild cat, wild boar, roe deer, sparrow, linnet, woodpecker, thrush, warbler, chaffinch, bullfinch, jay.
Lesnaya Oak, beech, hornbeam, maple, ash, chestnut, hawthorn, alder, aspen, pine, spruce, fir, birch Boars, roe deer, deer, moose, hares, bear, wolf, jackal, raccoon dog, bees, bumblebees, beetles, grasshoppers, flies, butterflies, magpies, blackbirds, cuckoos, tits, jays, owl, eagle owl, golden eagle, griffon vulture, peregrine falcon
and alpine
Snowdrops, dandelions, forget-me-nots, anemones, bluebells, mosses, lichens, turf Caucasian tur, bison, chamois, vulture, eagle, lambshead, trout, chub, gudgeon
Subtropics Mimosa, yucca, oleander, yew, boxwood, rhododendron, magnolia. Cicadas, butterflies, fireflies, centipedes, bats, dolphins, seahorses, jellyfish, shrimp

Why doesn't yew grow in the steppe? Formulate and write down the answer to the question.

The natural conditions of the steppe are not suitable for yew. Yew loves warmth and moisture; in the subtropics where it grows, the mountains do not allow cold air from the north to pass through, and the sea, heated during the summer, releases heat to the coast in the winter.

Look at the photographs. Determine which natural zones of the Krasnodar Territory are represented on them. Write the names of the zones.

Write the names of natural zones in the Caucasus Mountains from the foot to the top.

Words for reference: eternal snow and glaciers, alpine meadows, mixed and broad-leaved forests, coniferous forests, subalpine meadows.

Find the district (urban district) in which you live on the contour map. Color its territory in accordance with the map on page 10 of the textbook.

In what natural zone is your settlement located? Indicate the main features of the nature of your area.

Krasnodar is located in the steppe zone. It is practically typical for steppes complete absence trees. The exceptions are artificial plantings along paved roads and forest belts near water bodies. But in the steppe a large number of herbaceous plants and shrubs grow.

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Slide captions:

Presentation for a Kuban studies lesson in 4th grade by V.V. KOKOULINA Teachers primary classes Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, Anapa ANIMAL AND PLANT WORLD OF THE KRASNODAR REGION

STEPPE In the recent past, the Azov-Kuban Plain was a grass-feather grass steppe. The modern steppe is all plowed up and occupied by crops of wheat, corn, sunflowers, sugar beets and other cultivated plants. Only near roads and on mounds can you find wormwood, plantain, burdock, sow thistle, St. John's wort, chamomile and other herbs.

FOREST-STEPPE, FOREST The forest-steppe stretches in a relatively narrow strip on the left bank of the Kuban. About half of it is occupied by shrubs and broad-leaved forests, consisting of oak, hornbeam, maple, hazel, and dogwood. The forests of Kuban are distinguished not only by their beauty, but also by species of extraordinary value. The region contains about 30% of oak forests, over 80% of beech and approximately 90% of chestnut plantations in Russia.

MOUNTAINS The bulk of the forests are in the foothills and mountains. Beech forests are found at an altitude of more than 700 meters above sea level. Behind the beech forests coniferous forests begin; they consist of Caucasian fir, spruce, and pine. Then there are subalpine meadows and alpine meadows. Here nature is harsh. The glades are cleared of snow only in August. Red myringues, blue gentians, dandelions, and carnations begin to grow all around. At an altitude of more than 3000 meters there is eternal snow.

BLACK SEA COAST From Anapa to Novorossiysk, the mountain slopes are covered with hornbeam and oak, hornbeam and hornbeam. From Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik, low-growing elm, hornbeam, dogwood, and hawthorn, twisted by strong winds, grow, and walnuts are found along the coast. Apple tree, pear tree, Pitsunda pine. But in the Sochi region the vegetation is different. Cypress trees, palm trees, and magnolias are green here all year round. This occurs because the Main Caucasus Range protects the coast from cold northern winds, and the sea, heated by the sun's rays in the summer, warms the coast in winter. This creates the conditions for the formation of a humid subtropical climate.

According to scientists, about 100 billion birds live on earth. There are 320 species in the Krasnodar region. In the lowlands live sparrows, linnets, woodpeckers, warblers, thrushes, warblers, finches, and higher up - bullfinch, black-headed nuthatch, jay.

The Caucasian grouse is found in the subalpine zone, and vultures, eagles, lambs, and buzzards soar high above the rocky peaks. Seagulls, cormorants, and terns fly over the sea.

The fauna of the middle mountains is represented by such large individuals as Caucasian deer, chamois, tour, bison, brown bear, wild boar, fox, lynx, wolf, etc.

Among the region's predators, the largest is the brown bear. Body length is about 2 m, weight is 300 kg, lives up to 40 years. Bear hunting is strictly regulated.

Lynx is also found in the forests, the number of which in the region is no more than 50 individuals. The body length is from 90 to 110 cm. It has a poor sense of smell, but acute vision and hearing. It attacks the victim unexpectedly, making a powerful, precise jump. You can see lynx in the Seversky, Abinsky, Goryacheklyuchevsky, Mostovsky and some other areas.

The smallest predator in the region is the weasel. Its body length is no more than 20 cm, its tail is 4 cm. Hunting for the animal is prohibited, since one weasel destroys up to 3 thousand small rodents per year.

The raccoon is considered a valuable fur-bearing animal in the region. Before eating prey, it makes a movement that imitates rinsing food in water. Hence the full name of the animal - striped raccoon. The body length is about 60 cm, the tail is 30 cm. Hunting for raccoons is limited. Foxes, wolves, raccoon dogs, and muskrats are also valuable for the fur trade.

Sika deer provide valuable medicinal raw materials. The unossified horns of these animals are called “antlers”; pantocrine, used in medicine, is obtained from them. It is undesirable to cross sika deer with another species - red deer. Their hybrids are very ugly, and besides, such crossings can lead to the extinction of the Caucasian red deer as a species

Among other ungulates, the smallest deer is the roe deer with a body length of 120 cm and a height of up to 70 cm. The largest deer is the elk (weight reaches 400 kg or more). Swift, timid chamois (weighing up to 50 kg) live high in the mountains. In the spring of 1980, 35 fallow deer were brought from Hungary. They survived acclimatization, and currently their number is about 1000 animals.

Among the reptiles there are water snakes and common snakes, Kaznakov's and steppe vipers, lizards and turtles.

Amphibians include newts, tree frogs, Caucasian crosses and others.

There are many valuable and commercial fish in the Black Sea. Of the 170 species, 50 are commercial: ram, mullet, Black Sea flounder. The ichthyofauna of the Azov Sea is no less diverse: sprat, anchovy, eel, stickleback, sturgeon

The southern part of the Black Sea coast is divided according to climatic and natural conditions into the Sochi subtropics and the Prikolkhida mountain region. Sochi subtropics occupy the coastal strip from Tuapse to the river. Psou. This narrow coastal zone belong to the humid subtropics with features of a Mediterranean climate. Thanks to the abundance of warmth and sun, heat-loving palm trees and yuccas, cork oak, noble laurel, bamboo, magnolia, oleander, eucalyptus, mimosa, cherry laurel, and Japanese camellia grow here.

Century-old eucalyptus Palms in Sochi

In the forests of the Sochi region grow dwarf tree, hornbeam, scumpia, ivy, wild grapes, hops, beech, maple, hornbeam, oak, boxwood yew, cherry laurel, and Pontic rhododendron. hornbeam

holdertree laurel cherry

Pitsunda pine beech

In the basin of the Bolshaya and Malaya Laba rivers, forests of eastern spruce have been preserved, which is a tertiary relict species, lives up to 500 - 600 years, the trunk diameter reaches 2 m, and the height is 30 m. These forests are of important soil and water conservation significance.

Krasnodar region is one of the subjects Russian Federation, located in the southwest of the country. The center of the territorial entity is the city of Krasnodar. Five and a half million people live in the region, and it ranks third in terms of population in Russia. Since ancient times, it has been considered the country's agricultural granary and a pole of attraction for tourists.

Geographical position

The region is located in the European part of Russia, in the northern part of the Caucasus Mountains. The territory borders several regions of the Russian Federation, and is also washed by two seas - the Azov and Black Seas. In the vast expanses, several natural zones of the Krasnodar Territory are distinguished, such as steppe, foothill and mountain.

Flat terrain

Currently, the steppe zone in the Krasnodar Territory is used for agriculture, i.e. All black soil lands are plowed. The climate prevailing in the territory is conducive to a rich harvest. The most popular crops are wheat, corn, sunflower and many others. Also in this natural zone of the Krasnodar Territory, many animals are found, but these are mainly small-sized animals. For example, voles, ground squirrels, hamsters, there are also foxes and weasels, plus many different birds.

Foothill zone of the Krasnodar Territory

This terrain of the territory is not suitable for crops, but it is rich in forests. The largest part of the land is occupied by broad-leaved forests and shrubs, but there are also oak and beech trees. The foothill zone is home to many species of animals, such as bears, wolves, jackals, roe deer, wild pigs, minks, as well as a wide variety of birds.

Mountain zone of Krasnodar region

This territory is as rich in forests as the foothills, but there are also coniferous forests. From 1500 meters above sea level, the subalpine zone begins, rich in pastures for walking cattle. Starting from 3000 meters, there is eternal snow and ice. Also in this natural zone of the Krasnodar Territory there is the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve to protect the rich nature and restore the numbers of some animal species, such as bison, aurochs and others.


Speaking about the Krasnodar region, one cannot help but talk about tourism, because this territory is unique, since it is mainly the mountains and the sea that attract vacationers, and here there is both. Of course, still important factor For the development of this area, there are various natural zones of the Krasnodar Territory with their own characteristics.

The Krasnodar region is rightfully considered the breadbasket and health resort of Russia. Hundreds of beaches, tourist centers, sanatoriums and even ski slopes make the territory one of the most popular in the country. There are many museums in the region, such world-famous ones as Ataman and the museum-cruiser “Mikhail Kutuzov”. Also interesting places are the Kissing Bridge in Krasnodar, the crocodile farm, the arboretum in Sochi and much more.

By all indicators, the Krasnodar Territory is the center of tourism in Russia, as well as a very popular place not only among local but also among foreign tourists, which has a positive effect on the economy and development of this area.