What diseases can the navel help identify? The human navel is one of the most interesting parts of the human body. What determines the convexity of the navel

During intrauterine development, the baby receives all nutrients from the placenta through the umbilical cord. Immediately after birth, it is cut, and all the baby’s organs and systems begin to work independently. At the site where the umbilical cord is attached to the baby’s tummy, an umbilical wound remains, which heals over time. It is very important to care for it properly. Let's figure out how to clean the navel, and also consider its main diseases.


After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped with forceps and cut. A small section of it is left and tied, after which a special plastic clip (“clothespin”) is placed on it. The future shape of the baby's navel depends on exactly how the midwife made the “knot”.

After about 3-5 days, the remainder of the umbilical cord dries out and falls off on its own. In its place an umbilical wound is formed. The average delay is 1-3 weeks. During this period, it bleeds slightly and becomes wet (ichor is released).

What if the belly button doesn’t take longer to heal? A delay of 3-5 days from the norm is not a problem if there are no alarming symptoms: discoloration, heavy bleeding, discharge, and so on. A physiological increase in the healing time of the wound may be associated with the individual characteristics of the baby, such as a wide or deep navel.

Rules of care

In the maternity hospital, the baby’s umbilical wound is cared for by the medical staff; after discharge, this task falls on the mother’s shoulders. You should ask your doctor or nurse about how to clean your belly button during the first month of life.

Care stages:

  1. Bathe the baby in a separate bath in boiled water (36-37 °C). You can add a weak solution of potassium permanganate or an infusion of herbs with antiseptic properties (chamomile, chamomile).
  2. After water procedures, blot the baby’s skin with a terry towel. The abdominal area should not be rubbed.
  3. Using clean fingers, gently spread the skin near the navel and drop a little hydrogen peroxide on it. After waiting until the reaction (hissing) stops, blot the remaining product with cotton wool.
  4. Soak a cotton swab in brilliant green and apply it to the umbilical wound.

Manipulations must be carried out carefully: when trying to clean the navel, it is unacceptable to pick, rub, or press on it. If there are yellowish crusts inside, you should pour peroxide on the wound, wait 2-3 minutes, and they will be removed.

Many modern experts believe that the navel does not need to be cleaned with antiseptics. Bathing your baby in boiled water every day is enough.

In any case, it is important to ensure constant access of air to the wound: do not cover it with a diaper and arrange air baths more often. Until the navel heals, the baby should not be placed on his stomach and massaged.

With improper care, as well as for other reasons, various problems can arise. Most often, young mothers are worried that the navel does not heal for a long time, becomes wet, inflamed, bleeds, bulges, changes its color to red, brown or blue. Let's figure out why this happens.


Omphalitis is an inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound and surrounding tissues caused by bacteria. The main prerequisites are improper care and weakened immunity. The navel can become inflamed if it is not cleaned at all, or if it is treated too vigorously.

There are several forms of omphalitis:

Catarrhal (simple). Symptoms:

  • the navel gets wet and does not heal for a long time;
  • clear, bloody and serous-purulent discharge;
  • redness of the ring around the navel;
  • normal health of the child.

Sometimes the wound darkens and becomes covered with a crust, under which discharge accumulates. A complication of catarrhal omphalitis is fungus - a pale pink proliferation of granulations at the bottom of the navel.

Phlegmonous. Symptoms:

  • copious purulent discharge;
  • protrusion of subcutaneous fat near the navel;
  • redness and hyperthermia of the abdominal skin;
  • increased body temperature and general weakness.

This form of omphalitis is very dangerous: it can lead to the spread of infection throughout the body and necrotic tissue damage.

If the navel becomes red, darkened, bleeds and becomes wet, you need to seek medical help. Catarrhal inflammation is treated by treating with hydrogen peroxide and antiseptics 3-4 times a day. Fungus is cauterized with silver nitrate. The phlegmonous form requires the prescription of local and systemic antibiotics.

Sometimes a child needs detoxification and infusion therapy. If tissue necrosis begins, surgery is prescribed.


An umbilical hernia is a protrusion of organs (intestines, omentum) through the umbilical ring. Outwardly, it looks like a tubercle rising above the surface of the abdomen, which appears when the child cries or strains. When pressing on the navel, the finger easily “falls” into the abdominal cavity.

According to statistics, a hernia is found in every fifth newborn. This usually happens during the first month of the baby's life. Its dimensions can vary significantly: from 0.5-1.5 cm to 4-5 cm.

A hernia is formed due to muscle weakness and slow tightening of the umbilical ring. It is believed that the tendency to form it is inherited. An additional factor under the influence of which a hernia forms is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Its causes are prolonged, strained crying, flatulence, and constipation.

For most children, a hernia does not cause any discomfort. But if you find a protrusion in the navel area, you should consult a doctor. Conservative treatment is usually practiced - massage and gluing of a special patch. By the age of 5-6 years, most often the hernia disappears without a trace due to the strengthening of the abdominal muscles. If this does not happen, an operation to suturing the muscular umbilical ring is prescribed.

In very rare cases, a hernia leads to a complication such as strangulation. It can be suspected if the navel suddenly protrudes, turns blue or a dark spot appears on it, and the baby cries in pain. In such a situation, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Principles of massage

Massage will help cure a small protrusion in the navel area. It is advisable that the course of procedures be carried out by a specialist. But if this is not possible, then you can massage the baby yourself after the umbilical wound has healed.


  1. Stroke the abdomen with your palm around the navel, without touching the liver area.
  2. Bend the index finger of your right hand and move its second phalanx around the navel 2-5 times.
  3. Place the pad of your thumb on the navel and lightly press on it, imitating screwing movements 3-5 times.
  4. Tap your stomach with your fingertips.
  5. Place the palms of both hands under the child's lower back. Use your thumbs to move along the oblique muscles and connect them above the navel.

Massage helps to train the abdominal muscles and increase their tone. It must be carried out before meals, with the child lying on his back on a flat surface. Abdominal massage is done only clockwise.


Umbilical fistula is a connection between the umbilical ring and the small intestine or bladder. During the prenatal period, the fetus has choleretic and urinary embryonic ducts. Through the first, nutrition is supplied, and through the second, urine is excreted. Normally, they should close by the time of birth. In some babies, the ducts are partially or completely preserved. This is how fistulas are formed.

A complete fistula of the urinary duct leads to the fact that the navel becomes wet - urine is released through it. At the bottom you can see the red rim of the mucous membrane. An incomplete fistula is characterized by an accumulation of foul-smelling secretions and a change in skin color in the navel area - a pinkish spot may appear on it.

A complete fistula of the choleretic duct is accompanied by partial removal of intestinal contents and visualization of the mucous membrane. An incomplete fistula provokes serous-purulent discharge from the navel.

A fistula can be diagnosed based on examination, ultrasound and radiography. Treatment is only surgical. Without treatment, a fistula can cause omphalitis and peritonitis.

Other problems

What other problems can arise with a baby's navel? The most common situations:

  1. The wound is bleeding, a bruise (dark spot) has appeared - injury occurred due to careless hygienic manipulations, when putting on a diaper or clothes, or when turning over on the stomach. You can clean the wound with peroxide and treat it with an antiseptic. If the navel does not heal and bleeds continuously, you need to consult a doctor.
  2. The navel becomes wet - a foreign body has entered it. It is necessary to visit a pediatric surgeon to have it removed.
  3. The navel is red, but not inflamed - the baby “studied” his body and injured the skin. This often occurs at 6-10 months. Another cause of redness is food or contact allergies. In this case, a rash will be present on other parts of the body.

The navel is one of the most vulnerable areas on a baby’s body in the first month of life. Normally, the wound heals within 1-3 weeks. During this period, it must be cleaned very carefully to prevent infection. If your baby's belly button is inflamed, bleeding, bulging or wet, you should show it to the doctor. In most cases, problems can be solved by massage and proper care.

Pay attention to the shape and location of the navel. The navel is like a funnel and can be divided into three parts: the rim, the side wall and the bottom. The navel should be round, centrally located and symmetrical. It should be strong and resilient - not hard and not tight, not soft and not weak. The side walls should be symmetrical. The bottom should be located in the center of the round rim.

The rim may be irregularly shaped and offset from the center. The side walls, and sometimes the rim, may be swollen, curved, located at too great an angle, or elongated in one direction or another. The bottom of the navel may be swollen and hyperemic (with stagnation of blood) and/or very deep. It may be curved or stretched, and the side walls and rim may or may not be involved.

The navel can be pulled in one or more directions horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The navel may be tear-shaped, collapsed, like a deflated balloon, or turned counterclockwise or clockwise. The navel can be pulled in one or more directions horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The navel may be tear-shaped, collapsed, like a deflated balloon, or turned counterclockwise or clockwise.

Navel distortions indicate the direction and location of compactions, congestion zones and blockages. Sometimes these distortions can be used to determine which organs or systems are associated with this and at what depth they are located. Navel stretching can be associated with superficial tissues or internal organs and related systems. Typically, a sprain affects the core of the body, both externally and internally, and involves more than one organ or system. The physical body loses its centering, which leads to emotional imbalance, imbalance of systems and organs.

What does the shape of your belly button mean?

1. Stretch towards the left thigh

a) The stretch to the left and down may be due to tension in the upper right side of the body. It can affect the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, right kidney and may cause pain in the lumbar plexus or left leg.

b) If the left ovary is displaced from its natural center, it can lead to menstrual problems.

2. Downward stretch

a) Stretching of the navel down toward the center of the groin area may be due to tension in the solar plexus or upper chest. The umbilical pulse may also move downwards.

b) It can lead to dyspepsia and chronic pain and also cause pressure on the intestines, which in turn can cause mental problems and bad dreams. Since the small intestine's paired organ is the heart, digestive problems can lead to excess heat in the heart.

c) The effects of stretching can spread both upward and downward, resulting in pain in the lower part of the body. The resulting tension sometimes causes the intestines to close.

d) If a woman has a displaced cervix, it can lead to problems with menstruation and infertility.

e) In men, lumps may develop in the pubic bone or below the bladder, near the prostate gland, which can lead to their disease.

3. Stretch towards the right hip

a) If the navel is pulled towards the lower right side of the pelvis, it can affect the pancreas, stomach, spleen, left kidney, and also pull the sacral plexus from its normal position, causing pain in the right leg.

b) In women, displacement of the right ovary can lead to problems with menstruation. When you gently palpate the right ovary and the right side of the uterus, you can detect a nodule near the ovary or between the ovary and the uterus.

4. Stretch to the right

a) If the navel is pulled towards the upper right side of the pelvis, tension and pain may be felt on the left side of the colon. Problems occur both on the surface and at a deeper level, which can affect the function of the intestines and both kidneys.

b) Stretching the navel to the right can cause tension in the upper right side of the abdomen and affect the liver and gallbladder, as well as causing tension in the left leg, left hip and sigmoid colon.

5. Stretch up and left

a) Stretching the navel upward and to the left can cause tension in the lower right side, displace the lumbar nerve plexus and lead to pain on the right side. Possible problems with the pancreas, stomach, spleen and left kidney.

c) This stretching may be due to problems in the colon valve area and digestive problems.

6. Stretch to the left

If there is a similar stretch of the navel towards the left side of the pelvis, tension and pain may be felt in the right side of the intestine. This can cause problems along the center line, both externally and internally, and affect the kidneys.

7. Stretch up and to the right

a) Stretching the navel upward and to the right can cause tension in the left side (lower part), displace the lumbar nerve plexus and cause pain in the left leg. Possible problems with the liver, gall bladder and right kidney.

b) Women may experience menstrual irregularities.

c) With this type of navel stretching, problems with the sigmoid colon and digestive disorders are possible.

8. Upward stretch

a) Stretching the navel upward may cause the umbilical pulse to be displaced so that it is above the navel when its natural position is below it. As a result, acidity may be disrupted, digestive problems, constipation, heart disease, and irritability will arise.

b) In women, this can lead to cervical displacement and menstrual problems. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

The navel is a part of the body that remains with every person after birth. It would seem that this is just a depression formed from a cut umbilical cord. But in fact, this mark is an attractive part of the stomach, especially if there is a piercing on it. Therefore, it is not surprising why, with the arrival of summer, many people bare it on the beach, in the gym or elsewhere.

They also say that the navel of an adult can tell a lot about the health and character of the owner of the cavity. So feel free to bare your belly and start exploring this most informative area of ​​your body..

The navel of an adult healthy person: what is it like?

What does this part of the body look like in a healthy person? It is difficult to find the answer to this question, because it is different for everyone. And it is impossible to determine whether an adult’s navel is correct or incorrect only by appearance. But plastic surgeons agree that the correctness of this part of the body depends on its location.

Thus, they believe that the correct navel is a mark similar to a funnel of medium depth, located in the midline of the abdomen, centered between the pubis and the xiphoid process. If the depression is displaced, this indicates a health problem.

Adult navel: what factors influence its shape

The adult belly button has many different shapes. In some people it is convex, in others it is sunken, and in others this part of the body is completely absent. Scientists say that the shape of the cavity is influenced by many factors:
. individual characteristics of the body;
. the midwife's skill in tying and cutting the umbilical cord;
. umbilical wound care;
. heredity;
. amount of belly fat;
. abdominal muscle fitness.

The appearance and structure of the navel may change with age. The reason for this is various diseases, including an umbilical hernia, previous plastic surgery, piercing or even pregnancy.

Adult navel and health

The adult navel and human health are closely related. After all, if its shape has changed for no apparent reason, in most cases this is a “bell” indicating that something is wrong with the body. The problem can be either minor or serious.

Read below about what this or that shape of an adult’s navel means:
. Almond-shaped - such a neat and beautiful navel usually belongs to people prone to headaches and migraines. They also have weak bones, which often leads to osteoporosis.
. Arched - indicates the presence of excess weight. Often this mark is found in those people who are prone to diseases of the digestive system, as well as problems with the kidneys and skin.
. Round - those with this navel shape often experience disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to gaining extra pounds.
. Small - may be normal, or may indicate weak immunity and frequent colds.
. Convex - this shape is very rare. But it is a significant cause for concern. After all, a convex navel indicates an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and severe gas formation in the intestines.

A protruding navel may indicate a hernia.

Adult navel: what the shape of the navel tells about a person’s character

It turns out that the shape of an adult’s navel can determine not only the state of health, but also the character. German psychologist Gerhard Reibman is convinced of this. He believes that there are 6 types of navel.

Each of them tells about a person’s temperament:
1. Vertically elongated - belongs to self-confident, emotionally balanced and generous individuals.
2. Horizontally elongated - indicates that the person is overly emotional. Strong experiences often undermine his health.
3. Round and smooth - such people are very calm, modest, and in some cases shy individuals.
4. Convex - owners of this navel shape are optimistic in life. They are also avid enthusiasts.
5. Deep - nature rewarded such people with sincerity and good nature. At the same time, owners of a sunken navel are very careful and prudent. They worry deeply, but do their best to hide it from others.
6. Displaced from the center of the abdomen - indicates that its owner is a frivolous person who loves entertainment.

Of course, an adult’s navel cannot accurately indicate that a person has a particular temperament. It is necessary to approach studying yourself comprehensively, looking closely at other parts of your body. This is the only way to get a complete picture of your personality.

The navel is a scar on the anterior abdominal wall that remains in a person or mammal after removal of the umbilical cord connected to the placenta. In animals it is practically invisible, in people it can be very different in shape, which depends on individual characteristics. But sometimes the appearance of the navel indicates the presence of a disease.

The navel is the center of the body

In Taoism, the human umbilical cord has a mystical meaning; it is believed that the navel is an energy center associated with the cosmos. Perhaps that is why in Chinese medicine it is carefully studied and special attention is paid to it in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and genitourinary diseases.

Certain types of massage are performed in the navel area, as well as acupuncture, especially inside the navel itself. All Chinese people suffering from diabetes (except type 1) are taught by doctors to give insulin injections in strictly defined places, located exclusively around the navel. Diagnosis of any disease always begins with an examination of the center of the abdomen, and the condition of the navel is described in the medical record. Each person should pay attention to the center of his body and conduct a certain analysis.

Color of the skin

If there is a slight yellowness around the navel, this most likely indicates a metabolic disorder in the liver and/or pancreas. It is worth consulting a doctor and conducting clinical studies for cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and even liquid peritonitis, which may be in an advanced, sluggish stage.

Blueness in the navel area often indicates kidney or liver disease. For example, this is what cirrhosis looks like in its early stages. There is a possibility that the bluish skin of the navel and around it is a consequence of injury to the internal organs, duodenum or spleen. This is also a very serious reason to contact a specialist.

Redness of the navel, especially accompanied by itching, often occurs due to allergic reactions. After oral administration of an allergen-containing substance, the gastrointestinal tract is the first to react. Redness of the navel skin can also signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the intestines, then the next symptom will be an increase in temperature.

Navel shapes

The shape of the navel also often characterizes the condition of the body or the presence of any disease.

For example, a bulging navel indicates increased intra-abdominal pressure or enlargement of certain organs. If this is not pregnancy, then there is a suspicion that there are pathological changes in the liver, spleen, perhaps excessive accumulation of fat and not so much under the skin as inside these organs themselves. Protrusion of the navel also occurs with the development of an umbilical hernia, as well as in people chronically suffering from constipation.

If only some part of the navel is convex, then most likely its owner is very sensitive to cold and is constantly exposed to colds. Such a person should keep his lower back warm.

A navel in the form of an arc, the upper semicircular half, means the presence of problems with the digestive tract; tendency to obesity, overeating and the development of bulimia.

A navel that looks like a lower semicircle should first of all alert dermatologists. This often occurs in people who have congenital skin diseases or other genetic problems, for example, of a neurological or mental nature.

A small, inconspicuous or deep navel also cannot be taken as the absolute norm. People with this navel shape often suffer from vitamin deficiencies and the consequences of low immunity. Hypotensive conditions, mild fainting and hormonal dysfunction are what often worry owners of such aesthetically correct navels.

Navel location

Nature provides another feature of human navels - they are located exactly in the center of the abdomen. If a displacement is observed, this clearly indicates some kind of pathology.

If, upon examination, the navel seems to be lifted up, a latent form of disease of the large or small intestine can be assumed. Perhaps this indicates chronic deposits of feces, and it may also be one of the symptoms of the development of some kind of heart disease, which will initially manifest itself in the form of arrhythmia, shortness of breath and insomnia. Sometimes this is an indication of problems with the genitals; Women with such high navels are often diagnosed with the development of endometriosis, ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids; in men - prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

A downward displacement of the navel is also an important sign of the development of diseases of the genital organs, but they are a consequence of a mental disorder. In women, as a rule, "on the basis of nervousness" they are diagnosed with menstrual irregularities, diseases of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes; in men - prostatic hypertrophy, formation of polyps on the penis, urinary retention or incontinence, inflammation of the bladder.

If, during a visual examination, the patient’s navel is displaced to the right, then the gastroenterologist should look for problems in the ascending colon and cecum, and the nephrologist should look for problems in the right kidney or adrenal gland. The navel, located closer to the left side of a person, indicates disturbances in the functioning of his left kidney or adrenal gland, another option is in the descending part of the large intestine.

A displacement of the navel to the right and down suggests problems with the stomach and spleen; a person may complain of pain in any joint of the right leg or in the lower back. But this location of the navel also occurs with the development of acute or chronic pancreatitis.

The navel, located as if down and to the left, may indicate a disease of the bile ducts, liver, gallbladder, and duodenum. Its owner may also experience pain in any of the joints or muscles of the left leg and in the lower back.

If the navel is displaced upward and to the right, you should pay attention to the gallbladder, bile ducts, as well as the joints of the left hip and left leg.

A navel extended upward and to the left respectively indicates a disease of the hip joint and thigh of the right leg, but can also indicate pathology in the spleen or in the upper left corner of the large intestine.

Any person, by examining his body and listening to it, can himself identify disturbances in his body, because wise nature has left many clues for this.

The human navel is one of the most interesting parts of the human body -

Navels are a kind of birthmarks that we receive at birth. Each of them is unique. Some even pierce them to wear ''jewelry'', thereby showing off them to everyone. Here are 22 belly button facts you've never heard of!

Some people don't have a navelkov.

This is a consequence of a defect in infants called ‘intestinal hernia’. When the intestine pierces the abdominal wall, it causes the belly button to protrude, requiring surgery to correct the defect. This is how a person loses his belly button!


What, in essence, is the navel? This is the first scar on our body that appears after the removal of the umbilical cord.

Every mammal has it.

Every mammal has a navel because... is not born from an egg.

Dense forest.

Belly buttons harbor a huge number of different bacteria. One study found that, on average, up to 2,368 species of bacteria can live in one belly button. Gross, right?

Collection of lumps.

Believe it or not, there is a Guinness World Record holder for collecting umbilical lint balls. Graham Baker has been collecting his collection since 1984.

The wound from the piercing does not heal for a long time.

A navel piercing may look attractive, but the healing process of the wound can last from 6 to 12 months. And in case of insufficient care, an infection can be introduced there.

Men have more than women

Men's belly buttons collect more lint than women's. This is due to the presence of more hair around the navel.

Navel cheese.

Yes, you heard right. The Dublin Science Gallery has made cheese from human umbilical cord bacteria. And also from oral and axillary bacteria. Bon appetit!

Navel contemplation as a method of treatment.

The meditative technique “omphaloskepsis” involves carefully looking at the navel to calm and increase concentration.

Navel fetish

There are navel fetishists who like certain shapes and looks of this body part.

The center of the world

Our planet also has its own navel, located in Utah, USA. It is 200 feet wide and 65 feet deep. Can you imagine how many lumps and lint would fit there?

Navel fetish

It's true that some people with belly button fetishes like certain shapes and types of belly buttons.

It couldn't be dirtier.

The navel is the dirtiest part of our body, because... all bacteria, dust, lint, dead skin easily settle in this hole.

Piercing is not recommended.

Piercing can seriously damage the navel and cause a lot of infections.

Convexities and ‘bulges’.

It is known that belly buttons come in many different types and shapes. The most common are tubercles and dimples.

There are more dimples.

For most people, the navel is shaped like a dimple. And only 4% of people have bumps, which is the result of improper handling at birth.


In many yoga practices, the navel is considered the center of vital energy, by influencing which you can improve your health.

Even sharks have belly buttons.

Sharks are mammals, so they also have a belly button.

Navel in Hinduism

The male navel in the Hindu tradition is considered sacred because... According to belief, men are born from the navel of the god Vishnu.

The most attractive.

According to research, the T-shaped navel is the most pleasing to the eye.

Karolina Kurkova does not have a belly button.

Karolina Kurkova is considered one of the most attractive women, even though she does not have a belly button.


Each person's navel is unique. It is as unique as fingerprints.