What hormonal drugs treat PMS. Tablets and medications for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Forms of PMS according to the predominance of symptoms

Any little thing during PMS throws a woman out of balance: tears, hysteria and, finally, someone’s irritated question: “Are you getting your period soon?” Some view this phenomenon as a necessary evil. However, you can get rid of PMS. the site consulted with a doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist Kokotyukha Irina.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a complex of unpleasant symptoms that occurs in women 7-14 days before menstruation.


There are many symptoms of PMS: from depression, irritability and lethargy to severe headaches (migraines), allergic reactions on the skin, diarrhea or constipation, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands. Moreover, the signs of PMS and its course are individual for each woman. For example, some people have a terrible headache a week before their period, weight gain, and acne appears on their face. While others only 2-3 days before menstruation begin to suffer from depression and insomnia.


During the premenstrual period, fluctuations in sex hormones occur in a woman’s body and the manifestations of PMS depend directly on the individual reaction to such fluctuations.

Hormones not only regulate the menstrual cycle, but also “hit” other systems of the body, for example, the central nervous system, genitourinary system, etc. This results in irritability, and a slowdown in kidney function leads to edema. Fortunately, by the beginning of menstruation, everything returns to normal, and we temporarily forget about PMS.

There are other reasons, for example, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, consumption of large amounts of salt, alcohol, coffee, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and of course, stress. So, if you feel that PMS periods are becoming more difficult, think about your lifestyle. Experts believe that severe PMS can also be inherited.

No. 1. Go to the doctor

Listen to yourself. Try to keep a diary for 4 to 6 months in which you clearly describe your emotional experiences and physical sensations.
Contact your gynecologist. Having studied your “mood,” the doctor will be able to understand whether it is really PMS and will help you choose medications, diet, and tell you what regimen you need to follow during the premenstrual period.

Typically, treatment for PMS depends on the symptoms you experience. There are many drugs for this: sedatives, analgesics and antispasmodics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs, diuretics.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives, vitamin preparations and nutritional supplements.

#2: Change your diet

Very often you can get rid of PMS without resorting to medications. To do this, it is enough to refrain from bad eating habits at least 10 - 7 days before the start of your period:

  • Limit your consumption of sugar, salt, coffee, strong tea and do not exceed the required daily amount of liquid - 1.5 liters per day (it is better if it is mineral water and unsweetened juices)! Excess fluid in the body leads to painful breast swelling and swelling.
  • Alcohol is also harmful. It increases the feeling of hunger, headache, irritability.
  • Forget about products containing artificial additives and flavors.
  • Beware of large amounts of animal fats, as they are the main source of cholesterol, the excess of which contributes to the disruption of blood circulation. But dishes made from fish, poultry or lean beef will come in handy.
  • Replace butter with vegetable oil. Do not limit yourself to fresh vegetables and fruits, as they contain the necessary vitamins, minerals, and fiber. By the way, vitamins A and D improve skin condition and prevent the appearance of acne during PMS. And vitamin E relieves pain in the mammary glands and relieves depression.

No. 3. Lead a healthy lifestyle

Exercising increases the body's endurance, and this is important in the fight against premenstrual syndrome.

Don't overload your nervous system! Insufficient sleep only increases irritability and reduces the body's resistance to stress.

Therefore, take a week's break from night work, try to sleep for at least 8 hours, in a well-ventilated room, and take a contrast shower before bed.

The fewer cigarettes you smoke, the easier your PMS will be. Scientists have long proven that nicotine significantly worsens the course of premenstrual syndrome.

Yoga and breathing exercises are great for PMS headaches. For example, sit cross-legged and, smoothly raising your arms up, take a deep breath. When your arms are above your head, hold the air for a few seconds. Then, slowly lowering your arms, exhale.

In women, this condition usually develops a few days before their period and is called “premenstrual syndrome.”

Unpleasant symptoms

This condition is familiar to most women. Many of them, several days (from one to 14) before the onset of menstruation, complain of:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • swelling and constant thirst;
  • poor appetite or, on the contrary, an irresistible desire to eat;
  • feeling of palpitations, pain in the heart area;
  • chills, fever.

In addition to physical discomfort, women may feel:

  • irritability and aggression;
  • tearfulness, bad mood;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in sexuality;
  • memory impairment;
  • sleep disorders.

These manifestations disappear immediately after the onset of menstruation or in the first days after it.

Where does it come from?

It is believed that the condition is based on hormonal disorders, namely the excessive production of female sex hormones, which leads to disruption of the neuroendocrine regulation of various organs and systems of the body.

There is a point of view that nagging pain in the lower abdomen appears because the endometrial rejection has already begun in the uterus, which occurs during menstruation, and the cervix has not yet opened, which leads to the accumulation of blood and mucous fragments in the uterus, its overstretching and, accordingly, pain .

How to relieve PMS

PMS is a typical female ailment and, unfortunately, we cannot get rid of it, but we can alleviate it. To make it easier to overcome premenstrual irritation, a woman should monitor her health not only on the eve of her period.

1. Contact the specialists:

  • visit a gynecologist and get tested to identify hormonal disorders;
  • in case of severe emotional disturbances, consult a neurologist;
  • Since diseases of other endocrine glands can worsen the condition, visit an endocrinologist.

2. Depending on the severity and duration of PMS manifestations, start taking medications prescribed by your doctor in advance (2-3 days in advance):

  • if you have severe pain, antispasmodics will help you;
  • good means are aimed at normalizing the activity of the autonomic nervous system;
  • normalize the functioning of the central nervous system during PMS with the simplest sedatives - preparations of plant origin: motherwort, valerian, peppermint;
  • the doctor may recommend that you take oral contraceptives, which eliminate discomfort on the eve of menstruation;
  • in case of excessively heavy menstrual bleeding, a decoction of raspberry leaves (or adding them to brewed tea) has a good effect.
3. It is important to follow some nutritional principles a few days before the onset of menstruation:
  • try to drink less strong tea and coffee;
  • limit fluid intake (up to 1.5 liters per day);
  • Add less salt to your food;
  • limit the consumption of potassium-rich foods: raisins, dried apricots, potatoes;
  • try to eat less fatty foods;
  • exclude spices, hot seasonings, and alcohol from your diet;
  • try to give up meat and dairy products.

4. At least a week before and during your period, your diet should include plenty of calcium-rich foods. There is a lot of calcium in fresh green leafy vegetables: spinach, lettuce, cabbage, parsley. It is recommended to take multivitamins (especially those containing vitamins A, B and E). It is equally important to consume seafood, grains and nuts, which are rich in macro- and microelements.

5. To prevent PMS, proper rest and sleep are important.

6. It is important to fall asleep before 23.00, because it is at this time that hormones are produced and later falling asleep disrupts the processes of neuroendocrine regulation. It's better to sleep in a cool room. IN Get enough sleep and rest before and during your period.

7. Walk more, breathe clean air, but heavy physical labor should be limited.

8. Try to quit smoking.

9. Take a contrast shower in the morning and evening. Complete the procedure with cool water. A 15-minute bath with a water temperature of 38-39 °C with a decoction of peppermint, chamomile and horehound (1:1:1) will help reduce premenstrual tension. After this, rub lavender or lemon wormwood oil into your lower back.

10. Try to worry and be less nervous.

11. During PMS, as during all periods, you should not go to the bathhouse. High temperature can cause severe pain, and menstruation will be delayed.

12. Breathing exercises and relaxation are good for strengthening the nervous system. Relax, close your eyes, concentrate your attention and try to mentally drive away the illness.

Sudden changes in mood, tearfulness, short temper, depression, weakness, nausea, abdominal and chest pain, atypical taste preferences are classic signs of premenstrual syndrome. Almost every girl felt them on herself. However, it is not rational to ignore such a condition. After all, it causes a lot of trouble not only for the fair sex, but also for all the people around her. Anti-PMS pills always come to the rescue in this case.

What you need to know about PMS

Every woman should take care of her health. Especially during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, any manifestation of PMS must be alleviated as much as possible. When symptoms do not cause serious problems, you can limit yourself to diet, special exercises and simple painkillers. But in the case when the symptoms are too difficult to bear and this scenario repeats every month, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist.

Based on the answers and general well-being of the patient, the gynecologist prescribes competent therapy. But it is important to know that each organism is individual and needs a special selection of therapeutic measures. There is no course of therapy that is equally suitable for all women. It is best to spend some time and find the treatment method that will contribute to a positive result in your case. Therefore, any advice from grandmothers, mothers and friends should be filtered.

Remember also that there is no single medicine that can overcome pathology in all women, regardless of a specific situation. But first of all, you should find out whether PMS symptoms are really bothering you. After all, sometimes this is how various diseases manifest themselves.

Why do symptoms occur?

The female body is a unique and quite complex system. And despite the fact that it is well thought out, small disorders still appear, for example, the well-known premenstrual syndrome. Sometimes the reason lies in changes related to the environment or the woman herself. In addition, there are a large number of additional factors that negatively affect the female reproductive system. Here are some of them:

  • Bad ecology;
  • Severe stress and negative emotions;
  • Everyday routine;
  • Poor nutrition;

But in any case, the main culprit for a woman’s poor health remains hormonal imbalance. The most important hormones that have the greatest impact on the state of the female reproductive system are progesterone and estrogen. Excessive amounts of them in the body provoke disruptions in the functioning of the neuroendocrine system.

In addition, it is believed that pain during menstruation occurs due to the rejection of the endometrium, when the cervix itself has not yet fully dilated. Then red liquid and mucus accumulate in the female organ, which stretches the uterus and it begins to hurt.

Classic manifestations

PMS symptoms are different for every woman. But the most common are the following:

Medicinal properties of tablets

When PMS symptoms arise, women are in no hurry to seek specialized help. Moreover, they begin to treat themselves on their own, having absolutely no understanding of medications. But to start therapy, you should become familiar with the drugs and their effects.

List of medications

If symptoms of PMS become unbearable, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. He will conduct the necessary diagnostic examinations and prescribe the correct therapy. The specialist selects medications based on the patient’s symptoms and the severity of premenstrual syndrome.

The most common medications for PMS include:

Preventive measures

To avoid unpleasant signs of PMS, you need to follow some preventive measures:

Video about the influence of hormones on a woman’s condition

In this video you will learn about changes in the female body during the menstrual cycle:

If, with enviable regularity, once a month you do not experience irritability, nervousness and inexplicable physical discomfort, you belong to a rare category of lucky women who have not had to deal with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This term is familiar to all women, but not everyone can recognize it.

A few days or one or two weeks before the start of menstruation, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, swelling, thirst begins, painful sensations in the mammary glands and pain in the heart appear, appetite is disturbed (either you don’t want to eat at all, or the so-called gluttons attack), For no apparent reason, the temperature rises, chills, attacks of headache and dizziness or nausea occur. Along with physical discomfort, irritability, aggressiveness, depression, attacks of tearfulness, memory impairment, problems with sleep and sexuality appear. And all these symptoms disappear in the very first days of the onset of menstruation. It is this above condition that doctors call premenstrual syndrome. And if you recognized your portrait in the description above, alas, you also could not avoid this painful condition. According to statistics, PMS most often affects women between the ages of 25 and 45, and the older you are, the more likely you are to encounter severe manifestations of this phenomenon. PMS is also more common among mental workers, those whose work is associated with hazardous industries, and people with chronic diseases.

The cause of PMS is considered to be a hormonal imbalance associated with an excess of female sex hormones in the blood. At the same time, the autonomic nervous system undergoes changes. There is an opinion among doctors that nagging pain in the lower abdomen occurs due to the fact that the menstrual cycle has already begun, and the cervix is ​​not yet dilated and does not allow blood and mucus to come out. This stretching of the uterus leads to pain.

Premenstrual syndrome is associated with the structural features of the female body, so only women experience it. Unfortunately, we are not able to get rid of the monthly release of hormones, but it is quite possible to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

or at least

  1. Consult your doctor

Since PMS is primarily associated with changes in the level of female sex hormones, first of all, you need to pay a visit to the gynecologist. If you are concerned about serious emotional disturbances, consult a neuropsychiatrist. It is also advisable to visit an endocrinologist, since disorders in the thyroid gland can intensify the manifestations of PMS.

  1. Try it drugs that relieve PMS

Depending on the symptoms that accompany PMS, you can choose medications that reduce discomfort. It is best to start taking these medications well before the syndrome usually occurs.

How are painkillers suitable? drugs that relieve PMS: no-spa, baralgin, analgin, nurofen. Natural sedatives are effective: 300-600 mg per day allows you to achieve stabilization of your mental state, eliminates irritability and softens the manifestations of PMS. A course of 2 capsules of the drug is recommended Valerianovna ® in a day. Duration of treatment is at least 2 weeks. It is better to start the course in the second phase of the cycle.

  1. Follow your diet.

Small dietary restrictions will help reduce the symptoms of PMS. Thus, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of coffee, strong tea, and limit total fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day. It will be easier for you to survive the days before your period begins if you reduce the amount of foods rich in potassium in your diet - raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes. Chocolate lovers should moderate their consumption of this product as it increases heart rate. In general, give preference to foods with low salt content, without spices and hot seasonings. Try to eat less fatty and dairy products, red meat, and eliminate alcohol from your diet.

  • At least a week before and during your expected period, increase the amount of calcium in your diet. This element is found in large quantities in leafy greens and leafy vegetables - salads, cabbage, spinach, parsley;
  • take additional vitamin complexes with vitamins A, B, E;
  • eat foods high in magnesium salts - grains, nuts, seafood. Magnesium helps get rid of fatigue, irritability and depression. The required combination of microelements will be provided by asparagus, fresh strawberries, cucumbers, parsnips;
  • take natural sedatives - motherwort, valerian, warm milk with honey, mint tea. Peppermint, among other things, has an analgesic and anticonvulsant effect, and also has a positive effect on metabolism;
  • An unpleasant pressing feeling in the lower abdomen will be relieved by cranberry juice. In addition, it is a natural diuretic;
  • tea with a decoction of raspberry leaves helps with excessive menstruation.
  1. Follow a daily routine.

Adequate sleep and rest also have an impact on PMS. Try to get enough sleep and rest well before and during your period. And for sleeping it is better to choose a cool, well-ventilated room.

  1. Walk and relax.

Try to walk more in the fresh air and go out of town.

  1. Quit smoking.

Smoking has a negative impact on the female body, and PMS in this case is no exception.

  1. Treat yourself to water treatments.

How to relieve PMS symptoms: water procedures

It’s great if you have the opportunity to take a contrast shower in the morning and evening, completing the procedure with a douche of cool water. A warm bath (38-39 degrees) with a herbal decoction of peppermint, mint and horehound in equal parts helps relieve premenstrual tension. The duration of this procedure should not exceed 15 minutes; after completion, rub lavender oil or lemon wormwood oil into your temples or lower back.

  1. Do not visit the sauna during or before your period.
  1. Play sports

Regular moderate physical activity increases the flow of oxygen in the body, increases vitality and promotes the production of the “good mood” hormone. The only caveat is that you will have to limit yourself to strength exercises for the upper body, jogging and cardio equipment.

  1. Try to reduce stress.

If you have a question on the agenda, how to relieve PMS, try to minimize stressful situations, be less nervous and worry. Create a home environment that allows you to relax rather than constantly being on alert.

Very often, the discomfort of premenstrual syndrome can be minimized or avoided altogether. The main thing is not to let things take their course and take timely measures to prevent them, and in case of failure, do not hesitate to consult a doctor who will recommend you how to relieve PMS taking into account the characteristics of your body.

Premenstrual syndrome includes neuropsychic disorders and various metabolic manifestations. Today, there are many remedies for PMS that will alleviate the condition of women. In order to get rid of the disease, an integrated approach is needed.

Causes of the syndrome

During the menstrual cycle, the egg is released from the follicle. During the process of exit, the follicle bursts and a yellow body appears. This body has great hormonal activity. Parts of the brain that are responsible for mood, metabolic processes, and vascular manifestations react to this activity. The syndrome is usually inherited.

Previously, experts claimed that the syndrome manifests itself in women whose hormonal system has failed. But today doctors say that patients have a systematic ovulatory cycle and are completely healthy.

During premenstrual syndrome, there is a significant increase in estrogens and a decrease in gestagens. Estrogens are responsible for fluid and sodium retention in the human body. Because of this, swelling, headaches, and heaviness in the chest appear. As a result of fluid retention, intestinal swelling occurs. Nausea, constipation and heaviness in the stomach appear. Estrogens have a strong effect on the part of the brain that is responsible for the limbic system (formation of emotions). With PMS, a decrease in glucose and potassium occurs, which leads to weakness of the body and decreased activity. The amount of gestagens in the body determines the time of onset of the syndrome, as well as its duration.

Also, the appearance of PMS is promoted by an insufficient amount of vitamins and saturated acids. This leads to changes in mood, increased temperature, and intestinal problems.


There are three main types of symptoms that determine the complexity of a woman’s condition:

  • Nervous breakdown. Manifests itself as irritability, depression, depression, mood changes.
  • Autonomic-vascular disorders. Lead to heart pain, nausea, fever, and headaches.
  • Change in metabolism. Characterized by edema, enlarged mammary glands, shortness of breath, thirst, chills.

If a woman becomes depressed during PMS, other pain and discomfort will be felt more strongly. Often depression turns into migraine, which is difficult to cure.


There are various methods that help improve the general condition of a woman.

  • Psychotherapy.
  • Nutrition.
  • Use of drugs and alternative medicine.


One of the effective remedies for PMS is psychotherapy. Using this method allows you to get rid of depression, mood swings, and excessive aggressiveness. To obtain results, special relaxation techniques are used. Often this technique is carried out within the family circle so that relatives can understand the complexity of the woman’s condition.


To improve your PMS condition, you need to consume foods containing plant fiber. Fiber helps remove fluid from the body, which means swelling will decrease. Every day you need to consume 70% complex carbohydrates, 20% proteins and 10% fats. The amount of fat intake must be reduced, since the liver will take part in the metabolism of estrogen. It is also necessary to give up beef for a while. Since it usually contains artificial hormones.

There is no need to eat sweet and salty foods. You should also avoid drinks that contain caffeine. Caffeine leads to sleep disturbances, nervous disorders, and irritability.


If a woman exhibits many signs of PMS, she needs to seek help from a specialist. He will be able to advise on the use of drugs. There are several types of PMS remedies. The choice of remedy depends on the cause of the syndrome. Therefore, it is necessary to take the choice of drug seriously.

The syndrome is often treated with hormonal agents. The use of hormones is most effective, since PMS is associated with excessive ovarian activity. Hormonal drugs include: gestagens, contraceptives, androgens, agonists. These drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-administration may lead to complications.

Most women try to avoid treatment with hormones. In this case, non-hormonal remedies for PMS can come to the rescue. These include vitamins and minerals, herbal medicines, vasoactive agents, diuretics, drugs with metabolic effects, psychotropic substances, non-steroidal drugs. The course of treatment with non-hormonal agents is usually six to seven months. After stopping the medication, the effect lasts approximately four to five months. After this period of time, the course of treatment must be repeated again.

"Duphaston" and "Norkolut"

If the doctor has detected a large amount of estrogens, he will prescribe the use of gestagens. The group of gestagens includes drugs such as Norkolut and Duphaston.


If there is a marked increase in serotonin or histamine in the patient’s body, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. These include "Suprastin". Usually the tablets are taken at night two days before the onset of premenstrual syndrome. And stop taking the medicine on the first day of your period.

"Aminalon" or "Nootropil"

"Aminalon" and "Nootropil" are used when a woman's mental state is disturbed. These drugs are effective for PMS. The medicine is prescribed by a doctor; it is prohibited to purchase and use it independently without consulting a specialist. They need to be drunk for fourteen days from the first day of menstruation. Moreover, to obtain the effect, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment for three months.


This remedy for PMS is prescribed if there is an increase in the amount of prolactin. You need to take the medicine for two weeks, and you need to start two days before the syndrome.


Diuretics are used when severe swelling occurs. They should be taken four days before PMS. You can stop taking it on the first day of your menstruation. But if the edematous condition is accompanied by severe headaches and vision problems, then Diacarb is prescribed.


If premenstrual syndrome is characterized by constant severe pain, then specialists usually prescribe the drug Diclofenac. Treatment takes place over three months. After which you should stop taking the medicine. Usually, three months after taking the drug, symptoms of the syndrome appear again, but they become less pronounced. Many experts consider Diclofenac the best remedy for PMS, as it eliminates many symptoms and relieves the syndrome for six months.


Afobazol and other antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist. "Afobazole" is a remedy for PMS, mood swings and neuroses. The drug is a daily drug, as it does not affect daytime activity. To get the effect, you need to drink it for six months.


Vitamins A and E have a positive effect on the female body. Vitamins can be taken or administered intramuscularly. The course of treatment is thirty days. If the vitamins have no effect, then you need to start taking vitamins B6 and magnesium the next month.

Treatment of PMS with folk remedies

The use of alternative medicine is determined by the unique properties of herbal remedies, which can eliminate pain, normalize the functioning of the intestines, and calm the nervous system. In order to get results from use, it is necessary to constantly use herbs and begin treatment several days before the onset of suspected premenstrual syndrome. The result will not be long in coming if a woman uses herbs monthly.

Potentilla grass

This herb helps relieve abdominal pain by strengthening the uterus. To use, you need to make a decoction of the herb. To do this, pour a large spoonful of chopped cinquefoil into a glass of boiling water and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Then filter the broth, divide into three parts and drink throughout the day.


Peppermint is a sedative for PMS. In order to prepare the remedy, you need to pour boiling water (500 ml) into two tablespoons of leaves and let it brew for two hours. Then you need to strain the infusion, divide into four parts and drink throughout the day.


Nettle helps get rid of swelling and relieve tension and irritability. Nettle is also considered to help with PMS. The decoction is prepared as follows: pour one large spoon of nettle with two glasses of strained boiling water and boil for half an hour. You need to drink the decoction in the morning and evening before meals.


An infusion of elderflower flowers will help get rid of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. To do this, you need to pour two large spoons of flowers with two glasses of boiling water. Then you need to leave the infusion for an hour. After an hour, you can drink one hundred grams of medicine before meals. Usually the infusion has a bitter taste, so it can be consumed with a dessert spoon of honey.


One of the best sedatives for PMS, according to most women, is raspberries. Raspberries prevent depression and reduce pain. To prepare the decoction, you need to take two large spoons of crushed leaves and pour one liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be brought to a boil, strained and covered with a lid. The decoction should be consumed three times a day before meals.


The causes of PMS are varied. In order for the treatment to be successful, the help of a specialist is necessary. One of the best remedies for PMS, according to women, are hormonal medications. Hormones help to get rid of the disease in a short time. But these drugs have their downsides. If used incorrectly, complications may follow.

Non-hormonal agents are also effective. But in order to get results from treatment, regular use of medications is necessary.

Most women also choose traditional medicine to treat premenstrual syndrome. The positive side of this type of treatment is the absence of adverse reactions on the woman’s body. But in order to completely avoid PMS symptoms, you need to constantly drink decoctions.