What is the environment in the human body? Acid-base balance: what is indicated by altered pH values. Movement and sports

Everything in the world, living or nonliving, is either acidic or alkaline in nature. However, humans are designed to eat alkaline foods, and are part of the food chain as an alkaline organism. The pH level of our blood is largely determined by the food we eat. And if the blood becomes non-alkaline or, moreover, acidic, the body stops working properly and has difficulty resisting oxidative processes and pathogenic viruses.

Top 10 alkaline foods that keep our mind and body healthy and energetic:

1. Avocado, bananas (ripe), berries, carrots, celery, currants, dates, garlic.

These foods are very rich in antioxidants and contain a pH level of 8.0. They chemically attack acidic foods with a pH of 5.0 and raise it to almost alkaline levels. Also, berries, dates and especially garlic have special properties that regulate blood pressure.

2. Apples (sweet), apricots, alfalfa sprouts.

These foods are highly digestible, rich in fiber and have a pH level of 8.0. In addition, they contain many enzymes that help maintain the body's hormonal balance. Eat an apple a day and you will forget about doctors! Don't neglect apricots. For those who don't know, alfalfa sprouts are sprouted bean seeds that are commonly added to salads and sandwiches.

3. Grapes (sweet), passion fruit, pears (sweet), pineapples, raisins, umeboshi plums, vegetable juices.

Foods in this group have a pH of 8.5 and are rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, B and C. Grapes, raisins and plums are blood-regulating foods that lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. Pineapple, on the one hand, is rich in L-carnitine, which uses the body's fat reserves as an energy source and also keeps your waist slim. Vegetable juices, on the other hand, are rich in iron and are good for cleansing the body's cells.

4. Chicory, kiwi, fruit juices.

They contain natural sugars that do not form acidic components when digested. Rather, these foods have alkali-forming properties that provide the body with a lot of energy. With a pH level of 8.5, this group is rich in flavonoids, chemical constituents of natural foods that have antioxidant properties. Kiwi contains even more vitamin C than oranges. Chicory, a bitter-tasting close relative of lettuce, contains insulin, which supports the pancreas and helps the body prevent the development of diabetes.

5.. Watercress, seaweed, asparagus.

Products in this group have a pH of 8.5 and are unique acid converters. For example, watercress is called a natural superfood. It is the first leafy vegetable consumed by humans and is commonly added to healthy salads. It is best to eat it raw. Watercress contains a lot of iron and calcium, just like seaweed. Asparagus is even more beneficial due to its high content of asparagines (amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system).

6. Lime, mango, melon, papaya, parsley.

These products have a pH of 8.5 and are excellent kidney cleansers. Papaya has laxative properties, facilitating bowel movements and bowel cleansing. Parsley, the most popular herb, is an excellent colon brush when eaten raw. It is also a diuretic, essential in kidney cleansing. Lime, mango and melon are vitamin-rich fruits that form an alkaline when digested.
7. Cantaloupe, cayenne pepper.

Products in this group are the most alkaline reactive among all products with a pH of 8.5. They are rich in enzymes that are necessary for our endocrine system. Cayenne pepper has antibacterial properties and also contains vitamin A, which fights free radicals that cause stress and disease. Cantaloupe, a relative of the common cantaloupe, contains very little sugar but is high in fiber.

8. Agar-agar (organic gelatin)

Agar-agar has a pH of 8.5 and is a gelatin substitute made from seaweed, rich in iron and calcium. It is easily digestible and has the highest fiber content.

9. Watermelon.
With a pH of 9.0, watermelon is very alkaline. Due to its high fiber and water content (92% of its weight), watermelon is a mild diuretic and a rich source of beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. This thirst-quenching fruit provides energy to the body if eaten only for a week, while cleansing colon.

At the top of the list is the amazing lemon. With its electrolytic properties and pH level of 9.0, lemons are considered the most alkaline food. This is the most powerful and fastest remedy for colds, coughs, flu, heartburn, hyperacidity and other viral diseases. Lemons are natural antiseptics, disinfectants and heal wounds. In addition, it is the best remedy for the liver, which cleanses it and gives energy.

A large number of vital processes occur inside the human body. When they proceed as usual, then health indicators remain at the proper level. If at least one of them is violated, an imbalance occurs, which significantly disrupts the functioning of organs. One of these disorders is excessive alkalization of the body. Let's try to figure out what it is, why it can affect our health and can we influence how to keep it normal?


All processes are carried out in an aqueous environment, where a certain number of hydrogen atoms are concentrated. Alkalis are those substances that take away hydrogen atoms, and acids are those that give them away. The acid-base ratio must maintain a certain balance, and it is determined by the number of free hydrogen atoms, it is denoted by the symbols pH, which is translated from Latin as “the power of hydrogen.” In a certain environment, pH (acid-base balance, ASB) has its own indicators:

  • neutral - 7.0;
  • acidic - from 6.9 to 0;
  • alkaline - from 7.1 to 14.

A slightly alkaline environment is present in our blood; its digital range varies between 7.35–7.45. If the indicator is higher or lower than indicated, then this is a disease, since the norm enters the stage of acidification (acidosis). How dangerous is acidosis and why does the body need acid-base balance (ABC)?

With an increased level of acidity, the following negative phenomena may appear:

  • decreased immunity;
  • healthy enzymes cease to be active;
  • calcium is washed out of bone tissue and goes to restore the alkalization process, and the bones themselves become fragile;
  • Cancer cells may begin to become active;
  • swelling appears.

Thus, the human body wages an unequal fight against acidification, using up reserves of useful substances such as calcium and potassium, iron and sodium. You need to know that the following foods lead to acidification:

  • chocolate and other sweets;
  • low alcohol drinks;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • concentrated juices;
  • carbonated soft drinks;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • chicken;
  • fish;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • non-farm dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • corn oil;
  • products containing preservatives.

In addition to foods, stress can lead to acidification.

Nuts and legumes are neutral foods, but they tend to alkalize if they are pre-soaked before use.

Now let's move on to more useful alkalizing products, which include the following:

  • leafy greens, celery, basil, green beans, spinach, asparagus, broccoli;
  • vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, beets, carrots;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices;
  • watermelon and melon, strawberries and all berries without sugar;
  • figs and dried apricots;
  • fruits: lemon (without sugar), grapefruit, plums, peaches, pears, etc....;
  • onion and garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • olive oil;
  • herbal teas: hibiscus, mate, rooibos and so on...;
  • mango and papaya, but eaten in exotic countries (Thailand, India), we cannot buy these fruits ripe in Russia.

Moderate physical activity in the fresh air also contributes to alkalization.

Thus, acidification and alkalization of the body depend on the products consumed, the ratio of which should be 35% to 65%. This is the only way to achieve the golden mean of balance.


Of course, you should not rush to alkalize it at the first signs of an acidic environment. You should not rush to extremes and get carried away, for example, with soda-containing drinks. Nutrition should always be balanced and varied, physical activity should be moderate, and stressful situations should be handled wisely. It’s quite easy to shift the acid-base balance in any direction, but keeping it within the required limits is difficult.

If a violation of the acid-base balance occurs in the direction of more than 7.45 units (that is, an excessively alkaline environment), then the following negative processes for humans will begin to occur in the body:

  • development of gout and pathological processes in the kidneys due to a decrease in the amount of secreted uric and oxalic acids;
  • development of insufficient ventilation of the lungs, as the release of carbon dioxide decreases and carbonic acid accumulates;
  • the formation of acne and inflammatory processes on the skin, the bactericidal properties of the skin are lost, since the secretion of acids through the outer layer of the epidermis is reduced.

If the acid-base balance drops below 7.3 units, this is also fraught with certain consequences:

  • due to excess acid levels, renal failure and kidney pathology develop, but in the form of the formation of calcium urates and oxalates, which leads to the formation of stones;
  • breathing quickens as the body tries to get rid of excess carbonic acid;
  • tooth enamel weakens, various inflammatory processes begin to develop in the oral cavity.


If you discover some strange things happening in your body, then the first thing you need to do is check your pH level. There are several ways to determine the acid-base balance of the body.

  • Use litmus to check the reaction of urine and saliva. If the indicator is in the range of 5.0–5.7, then cancer cells may develop in the body; when the pH varies from 7.0 to 7.4, then you are not afraid of cancer;
  • bioimpedance analysis - the balance shift is determined by the amount of water present in the bound. When there is a lack of this type of water, an alkaline environment prevails, and when there is an excess, an acidic environment;
  • a blood test that will determine the limits of your pi-ash level;
  • external symptoms of a person: circles under the eyes, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, a strong white coating on the tongue, nausea, heartburn, swelling, constipation, excessive tension in the muscles of the shoulder and cervical-collar areas.

It should be noted that the latter option is far from perfect, and in a certain way does not mean much, since the symptoms are suitable for many other diseases.

  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with lemon added: dilute 2 tsp in a glass of water. honey and juice of ½ lemon or lime (lemon juice can be replaced with apple cider vinegar). The sour taste perfectly fights oxidation in the body.
  • Add a little soda to any drinks. Such formulations are especially recommended for hypertensive patients and people suffering from frequent edema. To prepare the effervescent mix, take 2 tbsp. lime or lemon juice and ½ tsp. soda, drink the composition after the foaming has subsided.
  • Drink only clean water - for acid-base balance, you should drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day. It can be cleaned using special filters, thanks to which it is not only saturated with oxygen, but also the pH level exceeds 7.5.
  • Include more fresh vegetables in your diet - alkalization of the body occurs due to the content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in them. Foods such as cucumber and celery promote the fastest neutralization of acids.
  • Eliminate sugar, sweets and artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, etc.) from your diet, or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum, as they affect the acid-base balance of the body. The internal environment is acidified due to the consumption of foods such as various buns, sweet desserts and carbonated drinks. And the use of sweeteners (except for stevia, since it is a natural product) in addition to acidification, negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Avoid meat with high acid levels (pork, beef and lamb) and replace it with poultry (chicken, turkey) or fish, but their quantity should be small, and it is best to give preference to foods rich in plant protein fiber (beans, soy , lentils and tofu).
  • Consume healthy snacks, such as an unsalted bag of almonds, as a snack to help maintain your alkaline environment. In addition, you can snack on raw nuts and seeds; due to their high calcium and magnesium content, they help normalize blood sugar levels. These snacks are great for people with diabetes.
  • Include probiotics in your diet, which include yogurt and dairy products. They not only help maintain normal pi-ash levels, but also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Don’t let stressful situations drive you into a corner - such a situation prevents the body from eliminating toxins, and the efficiency of the digestive system is reduced to zero. All toxic substances and waste from acid production settle on fat cells. Yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation help to maintain alkalization of the body at the desired level during periods of stress, which help calm the emotional background.
  • Regular physical activity not only allows you to fight extra pounds, but also prevents acid waste from accumulating, removing it from the body. You should take a special interest in walking: even if you don’t have time for exercise, you should, for example, reconsider your route, replacing public transport with a walk.


Alkalization of the body is a very important process for any person. This indicator must be maintained at normal levels, but selfless self-medication should not be allowed. Otherwise, you can make the situation even worse. First, find out your indicator using laboratory tests; do not completely trust the presence of external symptoms. Then, if necessary, consult with a specialist about restoring the balance. Remember that a common sense and balanced approach is required here.

05 April 2014, 13:43

There are different diets that distinguish the value of foods by the number of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. But few have heard of such an indicator as the acid-base indicator of a product (pH).

When each product enters the human body, during the process of digestion it introduces its own environment into the body: acidic, alkaline or neutral. The pH value can be from 0 to 14. Each organ has its own very stable pH level, which is constantly maintained by the body. For example, blood pH is from 7.35 to 7.47. When excess acid enters the body, the body directs all its forces to neutralize and eliminate it. The acid itself is not removed from the body; it needs a base, or alkali. Foods that remove excess acid are alkaline and contain metals (potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and calcium). As a rule, they contain a lot of water and little protein. Acid-forming foods, on the other hand, tend to be high in protein and low in water.

The internal environment of each cell normally has an alkaline reaction. If the blood washing them becomes more acidic, the cells will be forced to sacrifice their mineral reserves. The internal environment of the cell will also become more acidic. In an acidic environment, the activity of most enzymes sharply decreases, and incoming nutrients turn into toxins, and the body becomes slagged. One of the reasons for premature aging is the accumulation of toxins in the body.

The participation of a large number of acids in metabolism negatively affects blood fluidity. Red blood cells, passing through acidified blood, lose their elasticity, stick together and form small clots, the so-called “coin columns”.
Depending on in which vessels these small blood clots appear, various ailments occur: impaired cerebral circulation or local circulation in the lower or upper extremities. This can later lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Acidic urine creates ideal conditions for the formation of kidney stones. Chronic renal dysfunction causes the development of inflammatory diseases and renal failure.

Let's look at products according to their acid-base indicators.

Acidifying products (in descending order):

  • - meat, fish, eggs, seafood (except seaweed);
    -refined foods (sugar, white flour, butter);
    - fried, partially boiled food, as well as canned food and preserves;
    -dairy products from the store;
    -coffee, black tea, alcohol, nicotine;
    -incompatible products:
    a) proteins and carbohydrates (for example, beans and grains)
    b) proteins and starch (meat and potatoes)
    c) carbohydrates and sour fruits, berries (oatmeal and sour apples);
    - stale food (the day after cooking);
    - partly grains and legumes, nuts, seeds (peanuts, beans, peas, wheat, sunflower seeds, ...);
    - mushrooms.

Alkalizing products:

Fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, root vegetables, berries, pumpkin seeds;
- sprouted: grains and legumes, nuts, seeds, whole spices;
-honey, cane sugar (natural);
- dried fruits (no chemicals);
- seaweed;
- herbal teas;
- good quality fermented milk products (from a kind grandmother, from a village in an ecologically clean area, whose calves are not slaughtered). It’s difficult to find quality dairy products these days;
- partially cereals and nuts (millet, brown rice, buckwheat, almonds);
-pre-soaked grains, legumes and nuts before cooking, which in dry form are weak acidifiers;
- baked vegetables and fruits (at low temperatures).

But this does not mean that we only need alkaline foods. Favorable ratio: alkaline products -80%, acidic -20%.
You can check your pH balance at home. The pharmacy sells litmus strips especially for this purpose. Favorable time for analysis is from 10 to 12 noon.

Interesting scientific fact!!!

Back in 1932, Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for determining the living conditions of malignant tumors. Tumor cells (as well as bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms) thrive when the blood is acidified. When the pH was normalized, the tumors first stopped growing and then resolved! If the blood pH is normal, foreign bacteria and microorganisms do not have conditions for reproduction.

Interesting comparison ---

Everyone knows what sour soup is. It differs from the usual one in that the toxins present in it created an acidic environment in which microorganisms alien to humans actively proliferated. Will anyone cure sour soup? And many people do this all their lives. We do not restore sour soup, but simply clean the pan and prepare a new one.
It’s the same with our body, we need to give it more water to wash it away from acid and give it quality products. According to statistics, 80% of people over the age of 40 have an acidic body.
Blood pH is one of the main indicators of the condition of our body. Unfortunately, official medicine only pays attention to it when it comes to resuscitation. Ph is a very strict indicator. In a healthy person, it is regulated by the Ministry of Health within the range of 7.3-7.47. If Ph drops to 7.25, resuscitation is required. At Ph=7.23, the soul leaves the body.
But even more than nutrition, emotional states and feelings influence the acid-base balance:
- despondency, apathy, depression, fear, anger, anger, greed and the like.
An internal state of joy and peace is an excellent alkalizer.
Other factors affecting pH:

  • - balanced physical activity;
    - drinking water (its quality and quantity).

There are two ways to protect the body from acidification: either limit the intake of acid-containing foods or stimulate the elimination of acids. Therefore, water is the main alkalizer, which removes excess acid through the kidneys.

The main alkalizing minerals are calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium.
Calcium, neutralizing acid in the body, leaves the bones, and, as a result, bones, teeth, nails, hair, and skin are destroyed. If sodium and potassium go away, the heart and kidneys suffer, magnesium goes away - the blood vessels.

It is believed that an adult, on average, should consume approximately 1 g of calcium per day. For pregnant and lactating women, 1.4 - 2 g per day is required.
Calcium needs may vary throughout life. But one thing is certain: everyone always needs calcium. And almost everyone misses him. Why? Because calcium is the most difficult to digest element. And with all the richness of choice of calcium-containing products and complexes, we don’t have enough of it.
The level of calcium in the body depends not only on age, but also on the time of year. The maximum calcium content in the blood is recorded in August, the minimum in February-March.
But even at the “very maximum” we still don’t have enough calcium. It is known that the deficiency of calcium intake is on average 350 mg per day (our body gets the rest from food).

The NSP company has in its product range all the products you need that will restore the vitamins and minerals we have lost.

  • Is a bioavailable source of calcium, magnesium and other trace elements in an easily digestible form
  • Prevents the leaching of calcium from bones, restores the normal structure of bone and cartilage tissue of the body, prevents the occurrence of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
  • Effectively regulates the acid-base balance, lowers the overall level of acidity in the body, reduces stomach acidity

This is a convenient powder product that will enrich the water we drink with a set of essential microelements.
Calcium performs many functions in the body. It maintains the pH (hydrogen value) at the level required for each system and environment of the body. Calcium ions transmit excitation to the muscle fiber, which ensures the contractility of muscles, including the myocardium, ensures normal permeability of cell membranes, and reduces hypersensitivity to allergens; participate in the process of blood clotting, influence mineral metabolism and many other processes.
With age, there is a deficiency of calcium in the body, which is manifested by fatigue, early aging, decreased concentration, cramps of the calf muscles, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs - as a result, osteoporosis can occur, which is manifested by pain in the bones, impaired motor activity and can lead to to disability.
. This supplement will enrich our body with bioavailable calcium, magnesium and other minerals. The clay mineral montmorillonite, which is part of the composition, is a unique source of silicon, magnesium and other trace elements. It also has the ability to bind toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce stomach acidity.
Dissolve 1 scoop of powder in a glass of water or any other drink. Use 1 or 2 times a day. Store in a cool dry place.
1 dose-measuring spoon - 1.5 g: Coral calcium - 325 mg. Magnesium - 163 mg. Other Ingredients: Montmorillonite (source of trace elements).
Individual intolerance to the product.

Be healthy!!!

Excellent health requires us to maintain a normal acid-base balance. An increase or decrease leads to weight gain, allergies, fungal infections, and acne. The pH level is determined by a blood test, the limit is considered to be 7.365 pH, the norm is from 7.1 to 7.5.

The name pH comes from the first letters of the Latin names potentia hydrogeni meaning “power of hydrogen”, “pondus hydrogenii” translated “weight of hydrogen”.

The hydrogen index number is calculated by dividing the positive ions by the negative ions in a body fluid. Positively charged ions create an acidic environment and negative ions create an alkaline environment.

The essence of acid-base balance

The level of acid-base balance of liquids is directly determined by the amount of food consumed. Oxidizing foods include foods with high levels of chlorine, sulfur, and phosphorus. Food rich in potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium has an alkalizing function.

pH scale

Acid-base balance is a key bioindicator of the health situation. The level of this balance is diagnosed in pH units from 1 to 14. A moderate value of seven, a lower value indicates acidification of the microsphere, more alkalization.

Normal human acid-base balance

In an impeccable state of health, pH standards differ for different biospheres of the body. So the normal pH of blood from an artery is 7.36-7.42, and from a vein 7.26-7.36. Lymph should have a pH level of 7.35-7.40 and intercellular fluid 7.36-7.38. But the pH of the small intestine is 7.2-7.5 and the large intestine is 8.5-9.0. Such as bile 8.0-8.5, saliva 6.8-7.4, tears 7.3-7.5, breast milk 6.9-7.5.

Distinctive pH values ​​for urine excreted in the morning are 6.0-6.4, in the evening 6.4-7.3. In the stomach, the pH varies in different sections. The esophagus has a pH of 6.0-7.0, the epithelial layer is 7.0, and the gastric lumen is 1.5-2.0 in the fasted state.

Human acid-base balance tables

Increased acidity in the body is incredibly harmful to health. The current lifestyle forces people to constantly violate a reasonable acid-base balance.

Acidity rises due to regular violation of the diet, lack of physical activity, stress loads, excessive dieting, too much alcohol, smoking.

How to determine the acid-base balance of the body

Suspicions of a violation of the acid-base balance are predetermined by the manifestation of obesity, allergies, arthritis, fungi. There are suspicions of acidity of urine, burning around the bladder, kidney stones, and dysfunction of the genitourinary tract. Respiratory and ENT disorders. Periodic rhinitis, cough, inflammation of the throat, nose and ear, sore throat, ARVI.

The body's acid-base balance consists of blood, urine and saliva tests. Chemical analysis of blood is carried out only in the laboratory. The rest of the research to determine the pH level can be done at home.

The pH level is measured individually using the following methods:

The most accurate blood test for pH level, of course, can only be done in a laboratory. But, you can do it yourself at home using a special electronic device. Such hand-held devices are called pH meters and are sold in pharmacies, specialized medical equipment stores, or in foreign stores.

The diagnostic system with such a device is extremely simple. A puncture is made on the finger of the right hand automatically by the device itself, and after a few seconds the result appears on the display.

A simple pH measurement that does not require effort, money or time can be carried out using litmus papers.

This method is the cheapest and most convenient, but there is an error. pH measurements are not a complicated technique. On the right hand, a puncture is made on the finger with a scarifier and a few drops of blood are squeezed out into a small jar. The next step is to lower the strip into the blood, after a few seconds the color appears and is compared with the scale.

This method gives a general idea of ​​the acidity levels of the body. To do this, you need to measure your upper blood pressure and resting pulse. When comparing the measurement results, the deviation from the norm is actually revealed.

An upward difference in lower pressure and pulse numbers indicates blood alkalinity or alkalosis. And if on the contrary, then blood acidification or acidosis. It is important to pay attention to the fact that if the difference is more than 20 units, then there is a significant deviation from the norm.

This is a very simple method for determining the acid-base balance of the body visually. Determined by examining the color of the conjunctiva of both eyes in a mirror. To do this, the lower eyelid is pulled down and the color of the inner eyelid is determined.

Pink whitish color indicates increased acidity of the blood. A bright scarlet color indicates the absence of deviations. Dark indicates alkalization of the medium.

Acid-base balance is the basis of a healthy life, why

Humans have an absolutely aquatic body; we come across water everywhere, including in our diet. By consuming juices, soups, fruits, etc. throughout your life, your water balance is constantly replenished. Pure water formula H2O. All liquid that enters the human body decomposes into H2 (acid) and OH (alkali).

The most vital element for human life activity is oxygen O2. By inhaling a breath of air, the body needs to absorb oxygen and this can be done in two ways. Dissolve oxygen in water attached to metals or minerals. Such elements are MgOH magnesium, KOH potassium, NaOH sodium, CaOH2 calcium are minerals, molybdenum and iron are metals.

When the acid level in the body increases, an automatic alkalization process begins, which means the body’s resources in the form of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium are consumed. Calcium is found in teeth, nails, and hair, and therefore these parts of the body will suffer when the body becomes acidic. Magnesium and potassium are contained in the tissues of blood vessels and the heart, and when they are consumed by the body, the consequences are reflected in these organs.

For normal organ health, there is no need to constantly acidify the body’s environment by consuming oxidizing foods. You need to keep a balance by consuming enough alkalizing foods in your meals.

Signs and symptoms of acid-base imbalance

There are several signs of an imbalance between acid and alkali in the body. If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately take corrective measures to balance the presence of foods in your diet.

When the body becomes acidic, joint problems may occur. It starts with pain in the joints, then salt deposition occurs, and the last is the destruction of cartilage.

When the effects of acidification or severe alkalization of the blood begin to have a dramatic effect, the following symptoms occur:

  • An increase in blood sugar levels that is dangerous.
  • Attacks of suffocation, lack of air.
  • Constant feeling of nausea, heartburn and belching, hard stool with pain in the peritoneum.
  • Overexcited, frightening state.
  • Presence of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Muscle tension and constant pain in the neck and shoulder areas.
  • Whitish coating on the tongue.
  • Bitter taste in the mouth when you don't eat and wake up.
  • Swelling of the limbs and face, sensitivity to colds.

The presence of three of these factors is a serious reason to consult a doctor and urgently change your diet.

Strips for determining acid-base balance, how to use

PH is measured in blood, saliva and urine. Litmus strips are used for this. To measure blood counts, you need to prick the finger of your right hand and squeeze a few drops into a small container or directly onto the testing strip. After a few seconds, the developed color is compared with the color scale. The norm is 7.35 for blood.

To diagnose pH in saliva, accumulate some liquid in the mouth without swallowing the saliva for several seconds. Place the strip on your tongue for 2-3 seconds and compare the resulting result with the table of color indicators. This procedure should be done on an empty stomach.

To diagnose urine, you need to collect a second urine in a small container in the morning before meals. Next, carry out the above-described manipulations and compare with the test scale.

Where to get strips to determine acid-base balance

Litmus strips for determining the level of acid-base environment are sold in all commercial medical establishments. These may be local pharmacies, medical stores and online stores of relevant topics.

Packages with strips are tubes with packaging ranging from five pieces to a maximum of one hundred, in multiples of five. The most common product on sale is one containing 50 pieces, which is enough for a month.

Acid-base balance in the mouth

Increased acidity in the mouth occurs as a result of eating acidic foods. For example, coffee with sugar, sweets, flour, etc. The optimal level of acidity in the mouth is 7, if higher, then it is bad for the teeth.

After eating oxidizing food, you need to rinse your mouth. During the day, it is optimal to use chewing gum after each meal to neutralize pH.

To have a positive impact of the environment on the preservation of teeth, you need to follow several rules. Spend more time in the fresh air and receive a small amount of ultraviolet radiation to produce vitamin D. Your diet should include fish, green tea, mineral water and cheese.

Acid-base balance of urine

The acid-base level of urine makes it possible to determine the efficiency of the kidneys, which filter blood through themselves every second. Harmful substances that are poorly soluble settle in the kidneys.

Indicators in the urine of an adult should not be lower than 5 and higher than 7. At different times of the day, the indicators may differ slightly. In breastfed children it is from 6.9 to 7.8, and in bottle-fed children it is from 5.4 to 6.9.

Periodically observed shifts in the acid-base balance in one direction indicate the danger of stone formation.

There are three types of stone formation:

  • Formed from oxalic acid oxalate stones, at a reaction level of pH 5-6 units.
  • Formed from uric acid urate stones and, if the reaction is less than 5.
  • In an alkaline environment they can form phosphate stones from phosphate compounds, at a level greater than 7.

Blood test for acid-base balance

Plasma is the most important fluid in the body. Moving throughout the body every minute, it supplies the organs with oxygen and simultaneously removes toxins and harmful substances. In addition, blood is a self-renewing part of the human body.

Blood pH is a fairly constant value; deviations lead to inevitable serious health problems. In an advanced state, such deviations are very difficult to treat, and lead to weakened immunity and premature aging.

main functions of blood:

  1. Saturation of all organs with oxygen, the elixir of life, hormones and necessary enzymes.
  2. Provides a breathing pattern by transferring oxygen to cells and taking carbon dioxide from them.
  3. Adjusts body temperature and is responsible for the amount of necessary substances.
  4. Maintains healthy body tone.

blood pH standards:

  • Venous from 7.3-7.43.
  • Arterial from 7.35-7.45.
  • A level below 6.9 or above 7.09 results in death.

How to normalize acid-base balance

When detecting imbalances between acid and alkali in the body, the first step is to make a decision to act, namely, to make changes around you. This applies to the entire lifestyle, nutrition, rest and sleep patterns, reactions to stress and physical activity. Ideally, you should get used to something, give up something, and decide on something.

what exactly should I do?

You should start with nutrition. The reactions of products contained in the usual diet are determined. Which ones are acidifying and which are alkalizing you need to know and put in the table for yourself. It is important to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. Habits that lead to excessive consumption of one type of food, such as oxidizing foods, change. Nutrition should be balanced and approximately 50/50.

Walking in the fresh air for at least 1 hour and 5 thousand steps per day is introduced into the regular daily routine. The next level should be cycling or jogging, or exercising in the pool.

It is important to keep your emotional level positive. Change your job, company, and even your environment as a last resort. Get a pet and take up a hobby, yoga.

what not to do?

There is an urgent need to give up or at least reduce bad smoking habits. You will urgently have to get rid of consuming large amounts of strong alcohol.

Avoid eating fast food, soda and snacks. Reduce your consumption of sugar, salty, fatty and spicy foods to a minimum.

Soda and acid-base balance, does soda help restore acid-base balance?

Acidification of the body is a very dangerous condition. Acidic fats are deposited under the skin and destroy the body. The accumulation of acidic chemical deposits in the liver leads to liver enlargement due to obesity.

Some products are good at balancing the body's environment in terms of the ratio of alkali and acid. Here are some of them:

  • Celery, spinach, onion, garlic and all fresh herbs.
  • Carrots, beets, zucchini, cucumbers.
  • Dried apricots, figs, plums, peaches, pears, gooseberries.
  • Mushrooms, garlic, sea buckthorn.
  • Citrus fruits, especially lemon and watermelon.

With chronic acidification of the body, a radical element such as soda is introduced into the diet. This product has been proven and tested as a powerful regulator of the alkaline to acid ratio. This method of combating acidification of the body was well illuminated and used in practice by the Italian doctor Simoncini.

Instructions for using soda drink.

  • Pour a fifth of a tablespoon of soda into a 300 g glass of warm purified water.
  • Taken 20-30 minutes before meals.
  • Slowly increase the soda intake to the full amount of a spoon per glass.
  • Duration of treatment is one week, a week break and repeat.
  • Accompany such treatment with tests from a doctor.
  • Used for heart pain, nervousness, heart rhythm disturbances, continuous nausea, fatigue.

Treatment of acid-base balance disorders

Balancing the acid-base level is nothing less than the main path to a sure cure. You should not immediately resort to medication, even in the case of a high temperature. This is a protective reaction of the body and a means of the immune system’s own fight against the disease and there is no need to interfere with it.

At high temperatures, drink plenty of warm drinks with lemon and honey. Strict bed rest with prolonged sleep is required. It is important to supplement such treatment with the intake of natural microelements such as black currants, raspberries and rose hips. Eliminate salt from the diet and replace it with herbs, garlic, radish and horseradish.

Nutrition is switched to raw vegetables and fruits. You should also include foods enriched with potassium salts in your diet. Drinking plenty of fluids is very important, including freshly squeezed juices.


  • Spinach, asparagus, parsley, horseradish, dandelion.
  • Cucumbers, baked potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage.
  • Black currants, fresh green peas, grapefruit.
  • Radish, garlic.
  • Dried apricots, raisins, beans, lentils, soybeans.
  • Rye bread, oatmeal.

Simple manipulations, such as folding your palms, will help. It is preferable to do this 2 minutes before eating. It has been observed that this ensures a neutral acid-base balance.

How to treat acid-base imbalance

If you notice obvious deviations in your normal state of health, you should consult a general practitioner for a medical examination. Of course, the doctor will make a conclusion based on the symptoms and test results and prescribe medication. But pills and traditional medicine treatments alone are not enough.

Set up your diet in the correct way, maintaining the proportion of 80% alkalizing foods and 20% oxidizing ones. Remove bad habits and get rid of harmful foods and drinks. A prerequisite for recovery is drinking plenty of herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices of vegetables and fruits.

A necessary point in the treatment program will be short-term or long-term fasting with a series of fasting days. Hemodialysis should ensure active removal of toxins, which cannot be done without physical activity. Gymnastics, water procedures, and walks in the fresh air are a must.

Neumyvakin, basics briefly

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin has been practicing alternative medicine for more than forty years. Neumyvakin’s theory is based on the idea of ​​separate nutrition and treatment with soda. Eating refined foods and virtually no fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet leads to intestinal failure.

Checking the functionality of the intestines is very simple. On an empty stomach, drink 1-2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed beet juice, let sit for 2 hours. If after this the urine turns brown, it means the intestines are not working as they should.

Sodium carbonate thins the blood and thereby helps get rid of many diseases. This method works well with salt deposition, kidney stone formation, and cholesterol plaques.

The Neumyvakin method is based on taking warm soda of good quality in combination with honey. When starting out, you need to drink the medicinal mixture in small doses and on a strict schedule.

scheme according to Neumyvakin:

  • Take diluted soda in warm milk or water at least three times a day.
  • The dosage starts with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda per glass of water.
  • After three days, the dose is increased to a full spoon.
  • 1.5 hours after meals and one hour before meals.
  • A break is taken for 3 days.
  • Next, drink it 15 minutes before meals and for 2 hours.
  • Prepare a solution in a container with soda and pour in 0.5 cups of boiling water; after the reaction, dilute with the second half cup of cold water.
  • Drink for the first time in the morning on an empty stomach.


  1. Diabetes.
  2. Last stage cancer.
  3. Allergy to sodium bicarbonate.
  4. For stomach ulcers.
  5. Low or high acidity.
  6. Pregnancy.

Peter Entschura acid-base balance, basics in brief

The theory of Peter Enshtura is based on the idea of ​​removing toxins using medicinal teas. The main medicinal properties of such teas are the ability to break down and remove toxins; the solution is chemically alkaline.

The theory says that if the body is acidic, you should start taking soda in small doses three times a day for three weeks. Along with this, drink herbal tea and eat foods rich in minerals, drink plenty of clean water at least 1.5 liters per day.

Herbal teas necessarily contain bitter herbs such as wormwood, centaury and yarrow.

alkaline-forming tides:

  • 04:00 intense
  • 10:00 average
  • 16:00 busy
  • 22:00 reserved

acid flushes:

  • 01:00 in moderation
  • 07:00 strong
  • 13:00 reserved
  • 19:00 full force

Herbs for acid-base balance

You can restore the regulation of acid and alkali in the body with the help of herbal drinks. Calamus, hawthorn, lingonberry, gooseberry, and black currant, brewed as an infusion or tea, help to neutralize the environment well. Sea buckthorn oil helps with gastritis.

Myasnikov about acid-base balance

A competent doctor is able to make an up-to-date diagnosis and certainly knows the formula that determines the acid level of a person’s body. Alexander Myasnikov will say it even if he is woken up in the middle of the night.

The doctor claims that the pH level in our dialysis determines all the processes that occur. The balance in the acidic environment must be maintained at around 7.35; deviation from this value can have serious consequences.

When the pH level in our body is disturbed, the sickest organ begins to frail, and a seriously stressed organ quickly fails. If there is a serious failure in the acid-base environment, death will follow. Young people develop bulimia and anorexia.

How to check your body's acid-base balance at home

At home, sets of multifunctional indicators that determine several characteristics of a liquid at once are especially relevant. The most common urine test kits on sale are those that detect 10 to 15 pathologies.

Another tool is electronic pH meters; they most accurately measure pH levels. With the help of such a device, all body fluids are measured very accurately.

Several methods can be used to visually measure acid-base levels. Such manipulations include comparison of lower pressure and pulse, examination of the conjunctiva of the eye to determine the color spectrum of the inner eyelid.

How to eat to maintain acid-base balance

To maintain normal acid-base levels, nutritionists advise following an alkaline diet. This is a nutritional system that excludes animal products from the diet. The diet consists exclusively of vegetables and fruits.

Basic tips for an alkaline diet:

  1. Breakfast 1 pc. green vegetable, fruit.
  2. You need to start this diet carefully and slowly.
  3. The correct proportion is 80% to 20% alkalizing to acidifying products.
  4. Raw or steamed foods are healthier.
  5. Grains are included in the diet once a week.
  6. If you can’t give up meat completely, then eat lean cuts and preferably chicken and turkey.
  7. Several times, preferably every other day, the diet should include fish dishes.
  8. Use vegetable oil instead of fats and sauces.
  9. Components of dishes made from nuts, beans, seeds and peas must be present.
  10. Eliminate sweets or replace them with honey, maple syrup, and brown sugar.
  11. You should not eat later than three hours before bedtime.
  12. Avoid large amounts of strong alcohol.
  13. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day.
  14. For drinks, do not drink sweet sodas, but rather herbal tea and natural juices.

Possible contraindications for people suffering from cardiac ischemia and kidney failure.

Food acid-base balance table

For the health of the body, it is very important what its owner eats. The need to maintain a blood pH level of 7.365 is due to good health and the absence of pathologies. Deviations from this norm indicate the danger of disease and require immediate adjustment of the diet.

There are tables of products with indicators of alkalinity of products with a plus sign and acidity with a minus sign. Using this data, it is necessary to adhere to preferences for eating more positive foods than negative ones.

acid products

The presence of an excessive amount of acidifying foods in the diet leads to acidosis, acidification of the body. There are studies around the world conducted by biologist Otto Warburg that indicate a connection between the ontogenesis of cancer cells and an increase in blood acidity.

vegetables, fruits and herbs

  • banana, plums, fruit jam
  • beans, peas

grain crops

  • White rice
  • wheat, corn flour, starch
  • rye, barley
  • rye bread, white (loaf), bran


  • cream, butter
  • hard and soft cheese

oils, eggs, nuts

  • peanuts, walnuts, groundnuts, cashews
  • seeds, sunflower oil

meat and seafood

  • lamb, beef, pork, game, turkey, chicken, chickens
  • bacon, ham
  • fish, mussels, crayfish, oysters

sweets and drinks

  • all alcohol
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate, black tea
  • lemonades
  • honey, sugar, sweeteners

Acid-base balance of water

The normal pH of water is 7, and this indicator ranges from 6 to 9 units. River water ranges from 6.9 to 8.5, air precipitation from 4.6 to 6.1, salt marshes from 5.5 to 6.0, sea water from 7.9 to 8.3. If the water level is above 11, such liquid should be excluded from human consumption, especially for food. Water with indicators from 6 to 9 is suitable for internal use.

The conclusions on the topic of acid-base balance are obvious. It is necessary to maintain it within the range from 7.13 to 7.43 units. This indicator is not difficult to achieve by adhering to an alkaline diet with proportions of 20/80%.

Acid dialysis can be measured freely at home using a special pH meter. If there is a periodic deviation from the norm, you should consult a doctor.

For the body to fully function, its owner needs to maintain a normal acid-base balance in the internal environment of the body. The latter is an important part of metabolism. Its competence includes the processes of processing nutritional components coming from outside and removing products hazardous to health from the biosystem. To ensure that there are no distortions in the acid-base balance, it is necessary to create conditions for the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of the substances that form it. In this article we will consider everything that concerns one of the components of the most important part of metabolism - alkali.

General information about the substance

Even a schoolchild knows that the internal environment of the human body has a predominantly acidic pH. However, some scientists refute this postulate. A striking example is Joseph Lokamper and Peter Entshura. The authors of these individuals wrote a research work in which it is written in black and white: man is an alkaline creature. However, according to this scientific work, just alkali inside an individual is not enough for a full-fledged existence. Nature has decreed that acid must be present in the body, otherwise the functionality of its antagonist will inevitably be impaired.

The above-mentioned acid-base balance, abbreviated as ASB, is characterized by pH. Its numerical value allows us to determine what kind of environment we are dealing with: acidic or alkaline. The first tells us a pH in the range of 0-6.9, the second that interests us is a pH from 7.1 to 14.0. By the way, not long ago the following fact was proven in the scientific world: the internal environment of a newborn baby’s body has a pH of 8-8.5, that is, purely alkaline. Thus, the theory of Entshura and Lokamper really has the right to life.

Let's talk directly about alkali. What do we know about this substance? In principle, it is enough to have an idea of ​​​​its properties. This substance is highly soluble in water; some representatives of the alkaline family come into contact with alcohols - methanol and ethanol. Alkali metal hydroxides are white solid substances with increased hygroscopicity. They easily absorb carbon dioxide and water from the air, eventually taking the form of carbonates. A typical lye is baking soda.

The role of alkali in the body

An acid antagonist is of great importance for maintaining human health and well-being at the proper level. This becomes clear if you look at the pH of the main liquid medium of the body - blood. Its acid-base balance is normally 7.36-7.42. With a slight shift of 0.1 in any direction, a person acquires a serious pathology. At 0.2, the subject falls into a coma. If this shift increases by another 0.1 (0.3 in total), any of us is guaranteed to die.

Normal saliva also has alkaline properties. These are inherent in tears, bile, male seminal fluid, feces, female breast milk, and pancreatic secretions. More alkali than acid is present in the small intestine. All this suggests that alkali performs certain duties within the biological system called man. These include:

  • slowing down the process of salt deposition in joints;
  • preventing pollution of the internal environment of the body;
  • protection against premature aging, skin diseases, all types of allergies;
  • preventing the development of cancer;
  • supporting the correct and intensive functioning of the immune system;
  • destruction of fungi, including those that cause candidiasis;
  • improving cardiac function and maintaining clean blood vessels;
  • prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

Surely many have heard about Professor Neumyvakin, who recommends treating various ailments with ordinary baking soda. The same substance was used by the Italian doctor Simoncini in the fight against cancer, from which humanity everywhere suffers today. Both of them very successfully carry out alkaline therapy, because they are aware of the beneficial effects of alkalis on a living organism.

Excess and lack of alkali in the body

Despite the many positive properties of acid antagonists, you must always remember how important it is to maintain a normal acid-base balance. A deficiency of alkali in the human body, as well as its excess, can lead to very sad consequences.

The lack of the compound we are interested in in the internal environment of the body is called increased acidity or, scientifically, acidosis. Signs, and at the same time consequences, of alkali deficiency are general weakness, decreased immunity, increased fragility of bones, causing fractures; pain in muscles and joints, the occurrence of malignant tumors, heart problems, surges in blood pressure, poor circulation, urolithiasis, diabetes. When the body becomes acidic, the degree of absorption of basic mineral compounds decreases: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium. A significant shift in the acid-base balance towards the second component provokes a slowdown in the absorption of food, saturation of the blood with toxins, the appearance of bad breath, chronic constipation, allergic reactions, the development of fungal and oncological diseases, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, and liver problems.

Alkali in food

Perhaps the main mechanism in maintaining the acid-base balance at the required level is a properly formed diet. It should consist of 80% alkaline foods and only 20% those with an acidic pH. Preference should be given to products of plant origin, especially those containing proteins, and the amount of treats rich in animal proteins should be limited. The same must be done for foods rich in simple carbohydrates, fatty foods, fast food, alcoholic beverages, and sweets. Citrus fruits, rich in acids, including ascorbic and organic ones, should be eaten at the rate of 1-2 of any fruit per day. The exception is lemons and limes, as they are highly acidic. These fruits are healthy, but be very careful with these fruits - do not overdo it with the consumption rate.

More often, enjoy a variety of greens, root vegetables (radish, beets, carrots), fresh vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), exotic fruits (avocado, pineapple, kiwi, passion fruit, bananas, dates), berries, garlic. Include sweet apples, grapes, raisins, freshly squeezed juices, asparagus, seaweed, and watermelon in your menu. But the most accessible means of equalizing the acid-base balance is taking baking soda. The scope of its application is very wide:

  • targeted cleansing of the body from waste, toxins, poisons, heavy metals, radioactive isotopes;
  • dissolution of salt deposits in joints, kidney stones and gall bladder;
  • cancer prevention and therapy;
  • allergy treatment;
  • fight against harmful addictions (alcohol, drugs, smoking);
  • treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.

To keep the level of acid-base balance under control, you can use litmus paper strips, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. However, having decided to regulate the amount of alkali in your body, it is recommended not to engage in amateur activities, but to seek advice from a qualified specialist.

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