What are the benefits of milk thistle? Useful properties of milk thistle. Chronic constipation and intoxication

Milk thistle is a medicinal plant, a tall herb with large purple flowers that somewhat resemble asters. This herbaceous plant is used in the treatment of various diseases, it is eaten, and milk thistle is most effective for the liver. How to take the powder, you should definitely figure out for which diseases of the digestive tract it is best to use it.

Milk thistle is quite common today, which is also found in the European part of Russia, Siberia, and most CIS countries. Almost all parts of the plant can be used to treat various diseases; milk thistle seeds are especially often used. Based on the plant, a powder is made for oral administration for various pathologies.

The herbaceous plant is used not only in folk medicine; conservative medicine also recognizes the effectiveness of milk thistle in the fight against many pathologies. It can be recommended as an auxiliary treatment, an effective addition to the main one. In particular, it is used to treat liver damage at home. However, before starting therapy, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

The substances contained in the plant help restore normal metabolic processes in the liver and have a hepatoprotective effect. In addition, they restore the circulation of bile, the functioning of the pancreas, and have a complex positive effect on the condition of the digestive tract. Milk thistle helps protect the liver from various toxins and helps cleanse the liver.

In the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis, milk thistle helps restore liver cells and their normal functioning, however, it is worth remembering that in case of severe pathologies it is necessary to combine alternative treatment with conservative therapy. In difficult cases, it will be too difficult to cope with milk thistle alone.

For the treatment of liver pathologies, the plant extract can be used in different forms; other products based on this variety of thistle are also used. In addition, plant extract is often used in various hepatoprotector tablets, making it easier to maintain the dosage during use. You should definitely pay attention to herbal medicines based on milk thistle.

There are several ways to use milk thistle against liver diseases. It is worth remembering that for the best effect, the herb must be taken in courses; it is not advisable to take breaks from using the product. In addition, you should not heat the liver during cleansing, especially if there are pathologies accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Also, during the course of treatment, you must follow the rest of the doctor’s recommendations; usually, for liver diseases, a light diet is prescribed, which allows you to relieve the load on the organ, which contributes to its speedy recovery. The correct way to take milk thistle is as follows.

  1. Milk thistle powder. How to drink meal? Usually it is taken one teaspoon twenty minutes before a meal, washed down with mineral or plain water. The powder can be purchased at a pharmacy or made yourself by grinding the seeds of the plant. This is the easiest recipe to use liver powder.
  2. Tea. You need to take one tablespoon of dried plant or seeds, pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, then strain and dilute a little with water. You can add honey and mint to this drink to increase its beneficial properties.
  3. Decoction. A decoction can be prepared from the seeds of the plant, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the liver. You need to take 30 grams of seeds and half a liter of water. The seeds must first be ground to a powder; for this it is best to use a coffee grinder. Pour the powder with hot water and put on low heat. Keep it there until the volume of water is reduced by half. The decoction should be taken one tablespoon several times a day.

These are the main ways to treat various liver diseases using milk thistle powder. The course of treatment usually lasts several weeks, but it is worth remembering that each case is individual, so the duration of therapy can be adjusted.

This plant contains many useful vitamins, minerals and other elements that help in the fight against many pathologies, boost immunity, and help improve well-being. Milk thistle can help treat a wide variety of diseases, but it is most effective in the fight against liver and pancreas diseases.

Milk thistle contains a high content of various vitamins of groups B, D, K, E, which help normalize the condition of the skin, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and blood circulation. The plant has a positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! However, it is worth considering that this plant cannot replace the full treatment of pathologies; it is imperative to select a suitable conservative treatment and be observed by a specialist.

In addition, the plant contains various fatty acids and other substances that have a positive effect on the condition of the body. Due to its chemical composition, milk thistle has a hepatoprotective and choleretic effect, helping to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The hepatoprotective properties include the healing properties of milk thistle for the liver; this remedy helps to cope with associated pathologies; the powder can be used for cholecystitis and other similar disorders.

The seeds of the plant have a rejuvenating effect and help improve skin condition. Milk thistle extract is also sometimes added to various skin care products. In addition, the herbaceous plant is used to treat diseases of the pelvic organs in men and women; it helps reduce the activity of inflammatory processes and restore reproductive function in various pathologies.

In addition, due to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the functioning of the digestive tract, milk thistle helps with diets and promotes weight loss. If you use products based on this plant during weight loss, this process will be easier.

One of the most common plant-based products is the powder, which is used in most cases, usually taken orally. Tea, decoctions, and infusions are also prepared using milk thistle. It is worth considering all the main methods of using a medicinal plant; you need to choose the most suitable one based on the individual characteristics of the disease and capabilities.


Despite all the advantages of using milk thistle, do not forget about a number of contraindications. You should not use plant-based products if you have an individual intolerance; if an allergic reaction occurs while using milk thistle powder, you should stop using the drug.

It is also not recommended to be treated with this herbaceous plant in case of serious circulatory disorders, severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, various types of peptic ulcers. In this condition, milk thistle can cause a deterioration in the condition.

In addition, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy, since the properties of the herb can cause miscarriage and other similar disorders. There are no restrictions on use during lactation. Medicines based on medicinal plants should be given to children with caution.

Important! It is advisable not to start treatment with milk thistle in children under twelve years of age; if this is required, you should first consult a specialist.

It is also worth remembering that constant use of milk thistle without breaks can also lead to unpleasant consequences, so even with long courses it is necessary to take breaks in therapy. If the condition begins to worsen during treatment, therapy with this herb should be discontinued.

The herbaceous plant milk thistle, or as it is also called - marin thistle, is found almost throughout the entire territory of the CIS countries. Its beneficial properties have long been known among traditional medicine healers, and it is officially recognized by traditional medicine as a unique remedy for the treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of milk thistle is truly unique. Especially, it is necessary to highlight the presence of flavolignans in its seeds. These substances are hepatoprotectors that can improve metabolic processes in the liver, protect against irritating factors and promote rapid restoration of functions in case of damage, including after diseases of various etiologies.

Silybin is isolated from the flavolignans present in milk thistle. It is the one that has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It helps the rapid processing of protein in the liver, prevents cell destruction and removes heavy metals and radionuclides.

Another isolated flavolignan is silymarin. It is extremely rare in nature. Research has proven its effectiveness against the occurrence and spread of cancer cells. It is capable of inhibiting and even eliminating the penetration of heavy poisons into cells.

The seed oil of this plant contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These include oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. After squeezing milk thistle oil, what remains is cake, or in other words, meal, which is very important for the production of medicines, as it contains vitamins B, E, K and carotenoids. Contains macro and micro elements, including almost the entire periodic table, and flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, resins, histamine, thiamine, fiber, essential oils and resins.

The use of milk thistle in various forms is recommended by specialists in both traditional and alternative medicine, since the components contained in the plant have a beneficial effect on the body and help with serious diseases.

Milk thistle oil is used for mechanical and allergic damage to the skin. It is prescribed for severe external purulent infections and bedsores. It is recommended to take it for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

In composition, milk thistle oil is close to the chemical composition of sunflower oil. It is used to produce creams and other cosmetics with a moisturizing, healing and regenerative effect.

The plant meal contains a huge amount of fiber. It is used as a cleanser for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for problems with the cardiovascular system, since it is the high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids that affects lipid metabolism. Meal removes toxins and “bad” cholesterol. Has a beneficial effect on all metabolic processes.

Milk thistle in any dosage form used is capable of:

  • Improve metabolism;
  • Help in the restoration and regeneration of liver cells;
  • Normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, facilitates the outflow of bile;
  • Improve the digestive system and eliminate gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels and;
  • Remove radionuclides and heavy metals;
  • Prevent the development and spread of cancer;
  • Improve digestion and help in the fight against excess weight;
  • Normalize sugar levels and other manifestations of diabetes;
  • and strengthen blood vessels;
  • Eliminate skin diseases.

Traditional medicine recognized milk thistle as an effective medicinal plant in the 1970s. Extensive research has been carried out, which has led to the creation of several preparations based on milk thistle. Basically, official drugs are aimed at treating pathologies of the liver, gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract. Popular drugs include: “Legalon”, “Leprotek”, “Geparsil”, “Silibor”, “Siliverin”, “Silimarol” and others - they are used for diseases, both chronic and infectious. They are included in complex therapy in the treatment of alcohol and drug addictions.

In 2002, WHO included milk thistle meal in the list of official hepatoprotective drugs.

Due to its choleretic effect, milk thistle remedies are recommended for cholecystitis, gallstones and inflammation of the spleen. Also used for problems of the genitourinary system - eliminates inflammation, infections, removes stones and sand from the kidneys.

Milk thistle preparation in the form of injections it is used as an antidote. It is capable of destroying deadly poisons and neutralizing the toxic effects or consequences of poisoning. Based on these properties, the plant is recommended to be taken by patients with cancer problems and, in particular, those who have undergone chemotherapy to eliminate its negative effects.

Dermatologists prescribe ointments and creams based on milk thistle, for dermatoses of various etiologies, acne and lichen. Reduces the manifestations of vitiligo and helps with allergic rashes. Eliminates inflammation, itching, softens and promotes skin regeneration.

Milk thistle comes in different forms. In the form of tablets and capsules, phyto-collection, powder (meal), tea, tincture, syrup, injections. May be included in other medications. Seeds are sold separately.

ethnoscience uses this plant much more widely. Decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures, teas, etc. are made from it. All parts of the plant are used, including leaves and roots.

The plant is used for such ailments as:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and salt deposition;
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system (for example, anemia);
  • Gastrointestinal problems;
  • Problems of the liver, gall bladder and spleen;
  • Convulsions;
  • Infections and inflammations of the genitourinary system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Fractures and injuries (as a quickly healing and regenerative agent);
  • Varicose veins;
  • Diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.);
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, etc.

Milk thistle meal is a yellow-brown husk remaining after processing the seeds and cake when extracting the oil by extraction. That is, high temperatures and organic solvents are used to process the remaining cake, after which the cake remains. It contains a huge amount of fiber, flavolignans, oil residues (up to 3%), macro and microelements.

The release form is a bag of powder, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is used in the treatment of diseases as a dietary supplement, as well as in cooking as a food additive, and in cosmetology as a peeling.


Milk thistle oil is extracted by cold pressing and the resulting products are used for the production of encapsulated drugs, and by extraction during the secondary processing of cake. The oil obtained in this way is already sent to pharmacies and stores in the form we are familiar with.

As already mentioned, milk thistle oil has a strengthening and regenerating effect on liver cells. Eliminates toxic elements and substances entering the body. Activates metabolic processes, helps in the fight against excess weight, has a positive effect on reproductive function, etc.

The oil has the following properties:

  • Hemostatic;
  • Hepatoprotective;
  • Antitoxic;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic.


Medicines are made from dry extract of milk thistle. It is obtained from the fruits of the plant, extracted with 80% ethyl alcohol. Then it is evaporated to a thick mass, fatty oils are removed using a chemical solution of carbon tetrachloride, evaporated to a dry residue and an extract is obtained. At home, it can be consumed in the form of tea, decoction, juice, tincture and powder.

To prepare milk thistle tea, you need 1 tsp. seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Tea can be mixed with any other medicinal herbs.

For alcohol tincture You will need a freshly harvested plant. It should be crushed and filled with vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse and store in a cool, dark place, covered. For each specific disease, prescriptions usually indicate the number of days for the medicine to infuse. It can vary from several days to several months. After the medicine has infused, it is filtered.

To obtain juice, take fresh leaves of the plant and put it through a juicer. If this is not possible, then grind it through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender and squeeze it through several layers of gauze. The juice should be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Some recipes recommend adding 25 ml of alcohol per 500 ml of juice.

Decoctions prepared from seeds and rhizomes. To make a decoction of seeds, grind 30 grams of seeds into powder and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. In a water bath, evaporate the water by half and strain.

For a decoction of rhizomes, take 1 tbsp. raw materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Evaporate half the water in a water bath and filter. Then add water to the initial volume.

Powder obtained by grinding the seeds of the plant in a blender or any other way. Also, they are consumed without processing. Usually no more than 2 tbsp. in a day.

Milk thistle recipes

Milk thistle is not only used to treat diseases, but is also applicable in other areas. It is used in cooking, flour is made from it and meal is used to prepare various dishes. They also make very tasty honey from milk thistle. In cosmetology, various cosmetics are produced on its basis and used in aromatherapy.

There are a huge number of recipes for using milk thistle, but, of course, they are all associated with its unique medicinal properties. The list of diseases for which the plant is used in various forms is incredibly large. Can be used both externally and internally. There are several interesting and simple recipes that everyone can use:

  • If you are going to a party where you will drink alcohol, then before going out you can drink 1 tbsp. milk thistle meal, which will eliminate the negative effects of alcohol;
  • To improve metabolism, take 1 tsp of meal half an hour before breakfast;
  • To improve liver function and cleanse the blood, take 1 tsp of meal before bed;
  • You can eat salads with the addition of fresh milk thistle leaves, previously treated to remove thorns. This salad will improve the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the pancreas;
  • Baths with the addition of a decoction of the plant improve the quality of the skin, relieve inflammation and vitaminize the dermis.

In case of intoxication

Milk thistle helps well with intoxications of various etiologies. It is prescribed in complex therapy for alcohol and drug addiction, poisoning with medicines or food. Acts as an antidote even for severe poisoning, for example, toadstool. With caution, the doctor may prescribe it to a pregnant woman with severe toxicosis. As a preventive measure, milk thistle is drunk by people involved in chemical and radioactive production, as well as those living in environmentally contaminated areas.

For preventive cleansing the body of toxins use the following recipe: for 0.5 tbsp. kefir dissolve 1 tbsp. meal and drink in the morning every day half an hour before meals. The course is 1 month.

For mushroom poisoning you need to take powder from crushed seeds in a coffee grinder or meal, 1 tsp. 5 times a day until complete recovery. If the poisoning is severe, then you should take 1 des.l. 7-8 times.

For liver diseases

Today, milk thistle is the most effective natural preparation for cleansing and restoring liver function. Moreover, it is used for serious severe diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis of any degree, as well as chronic pathologies.

Recipe for liver restoration simple: you need to take milk thistle powder from crushed seeds, 1 tsp. half an hour before meals 3 p. in a day. The fourth dose should be taken between 1 and 3 am and washed down with burdock decoction, since at this time the liver works most actively. The result will be noticeable within a few days.

You can refer to a recipe made from milk thistle and pumpkin seed oils: for this you need to mix 200 ml of plant oil, 100 ml of pumpkin seed oil and 5 drops of essential peppermint oil. Drink 3 times a day, 1 dessert spoon 30 minutes before meals. The course lasts 1 month.

For diabetes

Milk thistle contains some trace elements that can regulate the production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas, which is involved in the breakdown and regulation of blood sugar. Studies have proven that this plant affects not only the functioning of the pancreas, but also the liver, helping with diabetes in the early stages.

The fact is that the liver produces leukogen - the substance is converted into glucose, and milk thistle regulates the balance between the work of insulin, the production of leukogen and the energy exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The oil of this plant is used for diabetes as a natural sweetener. When consumed, blood sugar levels drop significantly. Of course, milk thistle is not a panacea for diabetes, but it can significantly make life easier for patients or prevent this disease.

For the prevention of diabetes mellitus you will need: 2 tbsp. Grind the seeds of the plant into flour and take 1 des.l. four times a day half an hour before meals. The course is 1 month. After completing it, a break of two weeks is required and then another course follows.

For skin diseases

Externally, milk thistle is used for a number of skin diseases, including allergic rashes, acne, burns and frostbite, wounds and other damage to the dermis. Moreover, the plant perfectly fights infections and eliminates inflammatory processes, including purulent ones.

For burns and purulent wounds Compresses are usually used. To do this, treat the area of ​​skin damage with an antiseptic drug and then apply a gauze compress soaked in milk thistle oil. Keep the compress under a bandage for 1-2 days. Carry out treatment until complete healing.

For mild mechanical damage to the skin Use fresh leaves of the plant. To do this, you need to cut off the thorns from the leaves, grind them into pulp, roll them into a gauze compress and apply them to the wound. Usually, wounds heal on the second or third day.

For allergic rash The following milk thistle medicine helps:

  • 3 tbsp. l. crushed plant seeds;
  • 3 glasses of hot water;
  • Pour in and cook until the water boils by 50%;
  • Strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. each hour.

For weight loss

Excess weight problems arise for many reasons. Among them are accumulated toxins in the liver, diabetes, unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle, which leads to metabolic disorders, etc.

Milk thistle is used as a multi-purpose weight loss remedy. Its advantages are that it acts as an enterosorbent, cleansing the body of toxins, improves and accelerates metabolism, does not cause allergic reactions, and regulates the gastrointestinal tract.

In an integrated approach to the fight against excess weight, milk thistle meal and oil are consumed. Meal, cleansing the kidneys and liver of radionuclides and heavy metals and having a diuretic and laxative effect, is an excellent way to get rid of extra pounds. The result can be observed both after two weeks of taking the meal and after several months. It all depends on body weight and individual characteristics of the absorption of this product. Usually take 1 tsp. powder 3 times a day.

Milk thistle oil removes cholesterol plaques, stimulates fat metabolism, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Take 1 tbsp. 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals and wash down with 150 ml of warm water. You can replace oil in salads with it, which is also effective.

You can also turn to milk thistle tea. For this you need 1 tsp. seeds pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain. Drink hot in small sips of half a glass twice a day. You can add mint or linden to this tea.

Application in cosmetology

Milk thistle is widely used in cosmetology. Based on its oil extract, skin and hair care products are made, as it contains a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Such funds can act as follows:

  • Relieve inflammation;
  • Accelerate the wound healing process;
  • Moisturize the skin and smooth out wrinkles;
  • Improve complexion and get rid of age spots;
  • Reduce exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Milk thistle products for cosmetic purposes are suitable for any skin type and do not have allergic reactions, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Milk thistle oil is rich in “beauty vitamins” E, A, D, F, K:

  • A - improves the quality of the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity;
  • E - moisturizes the skin;
  • F - promotes cell regeneration and tightens pores;
  • D - accelerates the absorption of calcium and magnesium, improves complexion;
  • K - normalizes blood circulation and acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Nowadays, many cosmetic products based on milk thistle are produced, and it is quite affordable. But, you can use the oil extract yourself at home, either in its pure form or by mixing it with any other oils. It is used to make homemade cosmetics, creams, tonics, lotions, masks and applications.

To prepare face mask you should mix 2 tbsp. milk thistle oil and 1 tbsp. black cumin oil extract. Moisten a gauze pad and apply it to your face for half an hour. This mask eliminates inflammation, irritation and rashes. Helps well with acne. Can be used twice a day.

Milk thistle to get rid of age spots used like this: follow 4 tbsp. milk thistle oil extract mixed with 1 tsp. tea tree oil. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas 2 times a day. The result will be visible in two weeks. During this period, it is not advisable to be in the sun.

Milk thistle oil extract is very effective for hair, as it moisturizes, nourishes and gives a healthy shine. Strengthens hair follicles and prevents premature hair loss.

The oil can be purchased at any pharmacy and used in its pure form or prepared from it universal firming mask. For this you need 3 tbsp. mix base oil with 0.5 tsp. tea tree oil extract. Heat in a water bath and apply for half an hour along the entire length of the hair, including the scalp. Wash off with shampoo.

Contraindications and harm

Milk thistle, like any medicinal plant and all medicinal forms obtained from it, have their contraindications. In any case, you should always consult your doctor.

Contraindications include:

  • The presence of mental illnesses and disorders associated with the nervous system;
  • For chronic exacerbations of any disease;
  • The presence of increased concentrations of phosphorus and calcium;
  • Perinatal period and lactation period;
  • Children under 3 years old.

Milk thistle (popularly known as milk thistle) is an amazing creation of nature. This is not only a tall plant with beautiful flowers, which amateur florists plant in entire plantations, but also an incredibly useful medicine. The rich chemical composition of the plant includes from four to five hundred active substances! Thanks to him, milk thistle is capable of cleansing blood vessels, the liver, cleansing the intestines, solving stomach, skin and many other problems just as well as expensive medicines. True, only dry seeds of the plant are used for treatment.

Medicinal properties of milk thistle seeds

Why is milk thistle so beneficial? Milk thistle powder is prescribed to patients to improve the functions and cleanse the liver, neutralize toxic metabolic products, and treat the intestines and stomach. Milk thistle is also used in combination with other medicinal plants, because it goes well with almost all types of medicines.

Other actions of milk thistle:

  • comprehensive cleansing of the body,
  • weight loss,
  • prevention and treatment of the liver,
  • in cosmetology (most often for preparing decoctions for hair and body).

Tinctures prepared according to folk recipes will help the skin effectively eliminate acne, constipation, and also for safe weight loss. Even official medicine has recognized the unique healing abilities of the plant. Increasingly, doctors are using milk thistle in combination with antibiotics and even hormones to treat the liver, for the skin (its cleanliness and even color, the treatment of subcutaneous diseases).

Milk thistle herb is available in the form:

  • oils,
  • extract,
  • as well as in capsules and tablets.

Each of the shapes is used for different functions. For example, seed oil and powder are the most useful, used both for cleansing the body and for enhancing immunity and preparing cosmetic mixtures. A decoction is prepared from the roots of the plant, which is used to rinse the mouth for toothache and gum disease. The oil is also used to lubricate skin rashes, burns, and taken orally for alcoholic injuries.

Instructions for use

Depending on the disease, the dosage of the milk thistle drug differs; under no circumstances take arbitrarily prescribed doses, remember that this is a very powerful medicine!

To eliminate toothache 1 tsp. dried leaves and flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and rinse your mouth for 5 minutes.

For cramps, urinary retention, diarrhea 10 g. Pour hot water over the roots and simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Drink 1 tsp before meals. three times a day.

Milk thistle leaf juice is taken in the same dosage as a choleretic agent.

Meal is seed powder, the most popular is “Borodinsky”, as well as from the company “Biokor” and “Altai”. These enterprises produce products in accordance with GOST requirements. Take 1 tbsp before each meal (20 minutes before). spoon with water to treat varicose veins, cleanse the liver and lower blood sugar levels.

Might be interesting:

Milk thistle is taken with honey to enhance its effect by adding carbohydrates (the mixture should not be swallowed completely, but chewed). The shelf life of this mixture is no more than a week; storage is allowed only in the refrigerator.

For vaginitis and inflammation of the internal genital organs in women, milk thistle oil is also used. It must be injected into the vagina (up to 1 ml) with a sterile syringe without a needle in a supine position. After the procedure, it is undesirable not to get up for at least 2-3 hours. Course – 2 weeks of daily use.

The daily dose of milk thistle oil should not exceed 20 grams, seed powder - no more than 15 grams.

The benefits and harms of the plant

The unique composition of milk thistle contains silymarin. This substance is quite rare in nature. Silymarin tones and protects the body's cells, helps strengthen them and form new ones, and neutralizes the harm of toxins taken with food or alcohol.

Remarkable! Some traditional medicine doctors are confident that milk thistle seeds can even cure cancer.

Elements present in the herb:

  • normalize metabolic processes,
  • improve skin condition,
  • promote wound healing and weight loss,
  • Milk thistle essential oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, intestinal tract,
  • Milk thistle resins absorb and cleanse the liver, blood and skin,
  • acids improve metabolism and improve appetite, strengthen the immune system and remove toxins.

In addition to its benefits, the plant can also cause harm.

Most often this occurs due to incorrect dosage or use without proper indications. Therefore, consultation with a doctor or experienced herbalist is necessary before starting treatment.

It is better for patients with cardiovascular diseases to refuse treatment with milk thistle, as well as for people with excess calcium and phosphorus in the body. For epilepsy, depression and other mental illnesses, it is also highly undesirable to take milk thistle preparations.


Let's look at who is absolutely contraindicated for treatment with milk thistle seed:

  • It is strictly forbidden for lactating and pregnant women to be treated with milk thistle.
  • In people with severe shortness of breath, the plant can provoke a prolonged coughing attack.
  • Milk thistle preparations should also be used with great caution by patients suffering from gallstone disease.

Before starting treatment, it is highly advisable to do an individual tolerance test.

Remember that every plant, even the most useful one, can cause great harm if you violate the rules for its use, which cannot be said about nutrition. Proper nutrition helps you lose weight and improve your overall health. Therefore, do not self-medicate and be healthy!

As you can see, milk thistle seeds can do a lot if taken correctly. But they can also cause significant harm if you mindlessly self-medicate. Therefore, use drugs strictly according to the instructions so that the medicinal properties do not turn into poison. And before use, always pay attention to contraindications of certain medications and reviews of people and doctors.

You can ask me any question.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Milk thistle. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Milk Thistle in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Milk Thistle in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration and other liver diseases in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the drug.

Milk thistle- a herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. Ripe fruits - Fructus Silybi mariani - are used as medicinal raw materials. The fruit contains a group of flavonoid compounds designated as silymarin (Silimari). Three separate isomeric compounds have been isolated from silymarin - silibinin, silydianin and silicristin - having a phenylchromanone structure and having a hepatoprotective effect to varying degrees.

Clinically, these compounds manifest themselves in improving subjective and objective symptoms and normalizing indicators of the functional state of the liver (transaminases, bilirubin). This leads to an improvement in general condition, a reduction in complaints related to digestion, and in patients with impaired digestion of food due to liver disease, it leads to an improvement in appetite and an increase in body weight.


Milk thistle extract (silymarin) + excipients.


Interacts with free radicals in the liver and reduces their toxicity. By interrupting the process of lipid peroxidation, it prevents further destruction of cellular structures. In damaged hepatocytes, it stimulates the synthesis of structural and functional proteins and phospholipids (due to specific stimulation of RNA polymerase A), stabilizes cell membranes, prevents the loss of cellular components and intracellular enzymes (transaminases), and accelerates the regeneration of liver cells. Inhibits the penetration of certain hepatotoxic substances (poisons of the toadstool fungus) into cells. Subject to enterohepatic circulation. Metabolized in the liver by conjugation. It is excreted mainly in bile in the form of glucuronides and sulfates, and to a small extent in urine. Does not accumulate. After repeated oral administration of 140 mg 3 times a day, a stable concentration is achieved.

Improves the general condition of patients with liver diseases, reduces subjective complaints, normalizes laboratory parameters (activity of transaminases, gamma-glutamyltransferase, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin level). Long-term use significantly increases the survival rate of patients suffering from liver cirrhosis.


  • toxic liver damage (alcoholism, intoxication with halogenated hydrocarbons, heavy metal compounds, drug-induced liver damage) and their prevention;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • liver cirrhosis (as part of complex therapy);
  • conditions after infectious and toxic hepatitis;
  • dystrophy and fatty infiltration of the liver;
  • correction of lipid metabolism disorders.

Release forms

Capsules 300 mg.

Tablets 500 mg.

Oil for internal use (produced by pressing milk thistle seeds).

Instructions for use and method of use


Adults and children over 12 years old: 0.5 teaspoon 2 times a day with meals. The course of admission is 30 days.


Adults and children over 12 years old: 5 capsules 2 times a day with meals. The course of admission is 30 days.

Side effect

  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


  • hypersensitivity.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is no data on the adverse effects of the drug on reproductive function in animals. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it can be used for medical reasons and if the benefit of treatment with the drug outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

special instructions

Treatment with Milk Thistle cannot replace diet or abstinence from anything in case of liver damage (for example, alcohol).

Use with caution in patients with hormonal disorders (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, breast, ovarian and uterine carcinoma, prostate carcinoma) due to the possible estrogen-like effect of silymarin.

In patients with impaired digestion of food due to liver disease, it leads to improved appetite and weight gain. It is mistakenly believed that the drug can be used for weight loss, but this is incorrect; metabolic processes in a sick body are normalized.

In folk medicine, oil, seeds, meal and cake remaining after squeezing the oil from milk thistle seeds are widely used.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Milk thistle does not adversely affect the ability to drive or operate machines.

Drug interactions

When Milk Thistle is used together with oral hormonal contraceptives and medications intended for hormone replacement therapy, the effects of the latter may be reduced.

Silymarin can enhance the effects of diazepam, alprazolam, ketoconazole, lovastatin, vinblastine due to its inhibitory effect on microsomal enzymes of the cytochrome P450 system.

Analogs of the drug Milk thistle

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Karsil;
  • Karsil Forte;
  • Legalon;
  • Silegon;
  • Silibinin;
  • Silimar;
  • Silymarin.

Analogs by pharmacological group (hepatoprotectors):

  • Antraliv;
  • Berlition;
  • Bonjigar;
  • Brenziale forte;
  • Vitanorm;
  • HepaMerz;
  • Gepabene;
  • Hepatosan;
  • Hepatofalk planta;
  • Hepaphor;
  • Heptor;
  • Heptral;
  • Geptrong;
  • Glutargin;
  • Dipana;
  • Cawehol;
  • Karsil;
  • Laennec;
  • Legalon;
  • Liv 52;
  • Livodex;
  • Livolife Forte;
  • Lipoic acid;
  • Maxar;
  • Methionine;
  • Metro;
  • Molixan;
  • Octolipen;
  • Ornitsetil;
  • Prohepar;
  • Result Pro;
  • Ropren;
  • Sibektan;
  • Silegon;
  • Silymarin;
  • Sirepar;
  • Thiolipon;
  • Thiotriazolin;
  • Tykveol;
  • Urdoxa;
  • Ursodez;
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid;
  • Ursodex;
  • Ursoliv;
  • Ursor;
  • Ursosan;
  • Ursofalk;
  • Phosphogliv;
  • Phosphogliv forte;
  • Phosphonciale;
  • Hepabos;
  • Choludexan;
  • Exhol;
  • Erbisol;
  • Eslidin;
  • Essentiale;
  • Essentiale forte N;
  • Essential phospholipids;
  • Essliver;
  • Essliver forte.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

In official and folk medicine, milk thistle receives a lot of attention. It is used for various diseases, poisoning, etc. In the article we will consider in detail the medicinal properties of the flower and its use in various fields.

Benefits of milk thistle

Milk thistle flowers and fruits contain large amounts of vitamins, flavonoids, antioxidants, enzymes and minerals.

Thanks to the healing properties of the plant, the following diseases are cured:

  • With constant use, it prevents liver pathology from frequent alcohol consumption and overeating.
  • Strengthens hepatocyte membranes, i.e. liver cells.
  • Relieves toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • Prescribed for preventive measures and
  • Has a positive effect on the heart organ system.
  • Reduces fatty liver.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Slows down the processes of inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Prescribed to restore the body after fighting malignant tumors (chemotherapy, radiation, etc.).
  • Used for the treatment of varicose veins, jaundice, etc.
  • It treats skin diseases well - dermatitis, burns, acne, eczema, etc.
  • Helps with constipation and colitis.
  • Tincture from the seeds is used for sore throat, pharyngitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, and wet chest cough.
  • Relieves allergy symptoms.
  • Used for drug, alcohol and food poisoning.

Milk thistle can also be used for preventive purposes. But remember: you can’t get carried away with treatment. Therefore, limit yourself to one course of medication.

Milk thistle harm

Sick people often prescribe medications to themselves and believe that they can cope without the help of a person with medical education. But they are deeply mistaken about this, since in addition to its benefits, milk thistle can also cause harm. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is mandatory, because if you try to cure one disease, you will have to treat another. Agree that this is an undesirable consequence of self-medication.

Milk thistle is prescribed with great caution for the following diseases:

  • gallstone disease - can cause movement of stones;
  • heart rhythm disturbance - causes increased heart rate;
  • bronchial asthma - provokes asthma attacks.

If milk thistle has not been prescribed before, the doctor advises starting with small doses. Usually this is 0.5 teaspoon.

When first used, painful sensations in the liver area are considered normal, which usually disappear the next day. But if the symptoms do not stop, the drug is discontinued.

Individual intolerance and allergies are also possible.

Uses of milk thistle

Three types of medicinal products are produced:

  • oil;
  • meal;
  • extract.

For what diseases and in what form is milk thistle prescribed:

  • For excess body weight, use a tincture of milk thistle fruits. It rids the body of harmful substances, cleanses the intestines, and normalizes metabolism.
  • If you have diabetes, seed meal is prescribed. It prevents the rise in sugar and normalizes insulin production. Used as an additional treatment.
  • Milk thistle extract quickly helps the body recover after stress, childbirth, and increases the production of breast milk.
  • Milk thistle oil is also used in gynecology. Helps to quickly cure vaginitis, erosion, colpitis.

To treat the liver, milk thistle is included in the main composition of the following medications:

  • Karsil forte;
  • Silibor;
  • Legal.

But many argue that the pills are less effective.

Milk thistle contraindications

The instructions for use indicate exceptions under which it is prohibited to drink the drug:

  • mental illness;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • attacks of shortness of breath.

But only a doctor can decide whether to use the drug for you or not. Doses are selected individually and if there are no pronounced signs of the disease.

Medicinal properties of milk thistle

The healing properties of milk thistle have been known for more than 500 years. Previously, people collected flowers themselves, prepared decoctions or flour from them, and added oil to food. So in modern medicine the flower is given a place of honor.

The composition of milk thistle consists of the following beneficial substances:

  • macroelements - calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • trace elements - iodine, phosphorus, chromium, manganese;
  • fat-soluble vitamins - flavolignan and quercecin;
  • vitamins B, K, D and E;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • essential oils;
  • histamine and tyramine.

Milk thistle is used in the following areas of medicine:

  • in hepatology - treatment of liver diseases;
  • in toxicology - poisoning, intoxication, toxicosis during pregnancy, etc.;
  • in cardiology - prevention of diseases of the heart organ system;
  • in oncology - prescribed after chemotherapy treatment, cleanses the blood of harmful toxins;
  • in endocrinology - helps to lose excess weight;
  • in dermatology - treatment of psoriasis, eczema, acne;
  • in cosmetology - improves the appearance of the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

There are many recipes for dishes to which milk thistle oil is added. Occasionally you can treat yourself to such food. Remember that children should absolutely not take milk thistle.

How to take milk thistle

How to take milk thistle oil

To make the treatment as effective as possible, you need to find oil obtained by cold pressing. The medicinal product obtained in this way retains maximum beneficial and medicinal properties.

As a mild choleretic agent and for the prevention of liver diseases, drink 1 teaspoon of milk thistle oil 30 minutes before meals. Afterwards you need to drink it with warm water. The same dosage can be used for constipation. Acts softly and quickly.

To treat joints, combine milk thistle oil and turmeric extract. Mix 5 g of turmeric in a teaspoon of oil and wash it down with water.

To prevent diseases of the heart system, it is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon two or three times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course lasts from 30 to 60 days.

For cosmetic purposes, apply a couple of drops to a cotton pad and wipe problem areas of the skin.

For psoriasis and eczema, rub a couple of drops onto the affected areas.

For vaginitis, use a tampon soaked in oil. Keep for no more than 30 minutes. Next, you can do douching from milk thistle extract.

Milk thistle meal

What is meal and how is it used in treatment?

Meal is milk thistle seed powder obtained by pressing. That is, oil was first obtained from the fruits of the flower, and all that remained under the press (cake) is the meal.

Milk thistle powder is prescribed for the following problems:

  • poor bowel function;
  • headache;
  • frequent irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • dry and problematic skin;
  • impaired immunity;
  • poor blood circulation.

This is due to the fact that the body cannot independently remove toxins and harmful substances. After using the meal, your health will be restored.

The powder is also prescribed for preventive purposes:

  • If a big feast awaits, then drink 1 teaspoon of powder in the morning. The next day, repeat the procedure. This will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines and increase the flow of bile.
  • The same dose is also taken in the treatment of psoriasis. The course is 30 days.
  • Normalization of stomach acidity. It is recommended to consume 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach three times a day.
  • The use of meal prevents heart disease - stroke, heart attack, ischemia.

An infusion of milk thistle powder will help with a lingering cough:

  1. Pour boiling water over half a teaspoon of meal.
  2. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Add a tablespoon of honey to the prepared solution.

Take 3-4 hours until improvement occurs.

To strengthen the immune system, consume milk thistle powder 1 teaspoon in the morning or at night.

For poisoning - 1 tablespoon of powder at least 5 times a day. Drink plenty of warm water. Relief should occur within 5 hours. If there are no changes, then call an ambulance.

For a hangover, use the tincture - 1 tablespoon of meal per 200 ml. water. Leave for half an hour and drink.

When choosing milk thistle powder, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Choose meal in transparent bags. This way you can make sure that the product does not contain other impurities and is safe to use for treatment.
  • Buy powder that is richly dark in color. Medicinal properties directly depend on the time of year when the raw materials were collected. A large concentration of beneficial properties is contained in mature seeds. Milk thistle ripens from August to September, when the fruits become brown or dark brown in color. If the powder is light, this indicates that the seeds are not ripe. This powder does not have any beneficial properties.
  • The producer's region should be located in the southern regions of the country, since milk thistle is a heat-loving plant. In the northern regions of Russia, the flower is rare.

Milk thistle powder should be taken with caution. It stimulates bile production and is high in fiber. This may result in stone movement or diarrhea.

Milk thistle oil

The use of milk thistle oil is indicated for people who have liver disease, abstain from alcohol and drugs, etc.

The oil is prescribed for the following diseases and problems:

  • allergic skin diseases;
  • baldness;
  • burns;
  • diaper rash;
  • diseases of the ear, nose and throat;
  • women's diseases.

Consuming oil is also beneficial for:

  • women suffering from premenstrual syndrome;
  • prevention of eye diseases;
  • treatment of anemia in varying degrees;
  • treatment of the male genitourinary system.

In cosmetology, the oil is used externally:

  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin well thanks to vitamin E;
  • increases skin elasticity, gives elasticity, improves complexion;
  • soothes sensitive, irritated and inflamed skin;
  • prevents the development of subcutaneous acne;
  • protects against premature aging of the skin when exposed to ultraviolet radiation;
  • restores hormonal balance during menopause;
  • prevents the formation of fatty layers;
  • strengthens hair and nails, promotes their growth.