What is Timati's name and how old is he? Timati – biography, personal life, income, latest news, photos. Personal life of a star

Timati spent his childhood in Moscow on Prospekt Mira. When Timur was 13 years old, his family moved to Los Angeles, where he began to become involved in hip-hop culture. Timur's family is his parents Ildar and Simon Yunusov, both musicians, and his younger brother Artem. Now Artem is helping Timati - he listens to a lot of music, chooses various compositions and rewrites them for his brother.

Timati says that he has very wealthy parents, but his father raised him so that he would achieve everything in life on his own. Timur's musical abilities were discovered in early childhood, so his parents sent their son to a music school to study violin, where he studied for four years.

Timati was never an excellent student; most of all he loved physical education and humanities subjects. He was completely incapable of exact sciences. After school Timur studied at High school economics in Moscow, but studied there for only six months. In the States, things didn’t go any better either: studies were quickly forgotten in favor of vibrant nightlife.

Timati returns to Moscow, firmly deciding that he will devote his life to show business.

Discography and rapper career

Today Timati is one of the few Russian artists popular all over the world. More than 80,000,000 views on YouTube, first places in European charts.

Timati took his first steps on the Russian stage when he got into the Star Factory project in 2004. The group "Gang", which Timur was a member of, became popular among millions of teenagers. In 2006, Timati released his first solo album, Black Star by Timati, and also founded his own music label and production center of the same name, Black Star Inc.

2010 for the artist became a new breakthrough to the top of the world musical Olympus.

Timati's second album The Boss, on which he collaborated with such giants of world hip-hop as P. Diddy, Snoop Dogg, Xzibit, Mario Winans, Busta Rhymes and producer Scott Storch, was recognized as the best album of the year according to one of the leading Runet sites In da rnb and the annual award of the First Music Channel of the country “Muz-TV-2010”.

In 2011, the joint composition Welcome to Saint-Tropez by Timati and Dj Antoine was ahead of Lady Gaga in iTunes Top Singles Germany, taking 11th place on the leaderboard. In other words, with the song Welcome to Saint-Tropez, rapper Timati opened a musical window from Russia to Europe!

By the way, Timati’s height is 175 cm.

Personal life Timati

Timati starred in her video for the song “Where are you”, where he played the role romantic hero. After the release of the video, the press began to say that in fact the romance of the young people was the usual calculation of the producers, but the couple continued to appear together everywhere. In 2005, Alexa and Timati had a big quarrel and broke up. Alexa went to Donetsk, where she began an affair with a young businessman. After some time, Timur returned his beloved. However, in 2007, their passionate romance finally ended.

After breaking up with Alexa, the rapper began to live a full family life with his girlfriend, a student at the directing department of VGIK Milana Volchek. The couple even thought about marriage. The story of their acquaintance is very interesting. Before Timati and Mila began a relationship, fate brought them together and separated them five times. Once, leaving the club, Timur noticed the silhouette of a girl who carried him along. It was Mila. When she turned around, he realized that this was the girl he had wanted to meet for a long time, but it never worked out. Since then they began to be friends. Gradually, this friendship grew into a passionate romance, which, after some time, ended.

After Timur and Milana's romance ended, Timati began dating, who later became his wife. In March 2014, the beauty, who became famous not only because of her boyfriend, but because of the spectacular appearance that she managed to achieve thanks to plastic surgery, gave birth to a baby. Timati and Alena named their daughter Alisa. It would seem that the singer has found his happiness. However, in 2015, the couple decided to divorce.

Known in show business as Timati, Timur Yunusov is simultaneously engaged in business, performing songs and producing. There are a lot of rumors associated with his family relationships and personal life.

Timati can be called one of the most extravagant and at the same time successful Russian pop stars. The biography, nationality and family relationships of this rapper and producer are discussed on all websites dedicated to domestic show business. In a sense, this man is the embodiment of the stars of the new generation - ambitious, assertive, uncompromising and at the same time extremely charming. Where does Timati live, what project does he plan to launch and which foreign artists does he collaborate with? These questions are sure to arise not only among the singer’s fans, but also among everyone who wants to keep abreast of the latest gossip and scandals. As practice shows, he is always at the center of events and invariably appears on the covers of glossy publications.

It must be said that Timati, whose nationality and real name interests fans almost as much as his personal life, has made a dizzying career in his life. He has worked with such legendary artists as Diddy, Craig David, Flo Rida, Xzibit, Snoop Dogg and many others, so his fans are all over the world. Among the achievements of Timati, whose real name and surname is Timur Yunusov, are clips viewed on YouTube by millions of users (the most popular of them is “Let’s See You”), as well as the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic. In addition to writing and performing rap, he is seriously involved in producing and other types of entrepreneurial activities. Thus, in addition to enormous fame and thousands of loyal fans, Timati, who is only 32 years old, can boast of a huge income and close international connections in music and business circles.

Basic information about the family

Born on August 15, 1983 under the astrological sign of Leo, Timur acquired all the traits characteristic of his constellation, becoming a strong predator with a perky character and the ability to overcome life’s difficulties. Ildar Yunusov, Timati’s father is a respectable businessman, so the future show business star never needed money. At the same time, the upbringing of the young talent was tough - the father did everything so that his son would be independent and able to achieve his goals without any material support from him. As for the mother, her name is Simona Yakovlevna and she is still very kind to her eldest son, declaring that he has practically not changed since childhood.

Timur has a very close relationship with his younger brother Artem, who has no less beautiful appearance and charisma. It is known that the brother actively helps the rapper with the search for suitable musical compositions.

A fairly popular question among fans of the rapper is what nationality is Timati.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally, since his father is a Tatar, and his mother has Jewish roots. According to Jewish tradition, the maternal line takes precedence, accordingly, he can be called a Jew.

Timati’s financial success also speaks in favor of this statement - nationality, without a doubt, played a role in shaping the showman’s fighting character.

There are others Interesting Facts about Timati. Biography, nationality and career stages are everywhere, but few know about the singer’s special features. The main one is two scars from knife cuts, which are located just below the solar plexus with right side belly.

Professional success

Growing up in multimillion-dollar Moscow, a young musician with early age started earning money and making music. Already at the age of 15 he was the leader of the group VIP77, and a year later he became one of Decl’s backing vocalists. Timati immediately changed his real name to a pseudonym, although then his name was Timothy.

The “finest hour” came when he and his friends became part of the fourth season of “Factory”. It was this project that helped the famous composer and producer Igor Krutoy notice such a performer as Timati. The biography, personal life and career growth of the young singer have since become the subject of discussion in the capital's musical circles. Thanks to the help of Igor Krutoy, he released two singles that became popular and topped the radio station ratings.

Behind next years the young star managed to create and promote several groups, open her own nightclubs, hold hundreds of solo concerts, release an exclusive clothing line and even become a character mobile game"Timati Incide". He also has 6 studio albums, three grand tours, a huge number of honorary titles and a fairly good film career as a cameo. In addition, foreign cartoon characters (for example, Max from the cartoon “Arthur and the Minimoys”) and movie characters speak in his voice.

Latest achievements

Being at the top of his popularity, Timur did not stop and over the past two years he managed not only to star in the sequel to the film “Odnoklassniki”, but also to release his own film called “Capsule”. Without looking away from the cinema, the rapper in 2014-2015 recorded the tracks “Beard”, “Show-offs”, “Girl Bomb”, “Utesov”, “GTO”, “Hey, why are you so daring?” and made several clips, which, as always, were viewed by a huge number of Internet users.

The list of his professional achievements also includes dubbing the role of Tremaine in the film “District 13: Brick Mansions” and participating in the song show “I Want to Meladze,” where he appeared before television viewers as one of the jury members.

Relationships with women

Russian stars often actively tell journalists about their lovers in order to attract the attention of fans, but this does not apply to Timati. The young rapper’s personal life seems to be in plain sight (he doesn’t hide his passions), but he doesn’t particularly like to talk about romantic relationships. Naturally, such a popular artist attracts the attention of the fair sex, and, according to Timur’s mother, he has been popular with women since childhood.

If we talk about the showman’s hobbies, the excitement was caused by his relationship with Alexa, which began at the Factory, but did not last long. After some time, rumors arose about a relationship with a certain Milana, and it was during this period that the young man announced his readiness to start a family. The relationship with the second vice-miss of Russia was truly serious, which resulted in Timati’s daughter, Alisa, who was born in March 2014. However, after some time it became known that the couple no longer lived together. The main reason why Timati broke up with Alena Shishkova was that the girl fell in love with football player Anton Shunin.

The rapper regularly communicates with the baby and establishes relationships with his new passion - also a model and former vice queen of beauty. Anastasia Reshetova and Timati have appeared together more than once at social events, including at the wedding of the CEO of Black Star, who is Timur’s childhood friend.


  • 2006
    • "When you're around"
    • "In club"
  • 2007
    • "Carmen"
    • "Heat"
    • "Wait"
    • "My brother"
    • "My way"
    • "Dance"
    • "In the Club (Part 2)"
    • "Dirty Bitches"
    • "Don't go crazy"
  • 2008
    • "Get Money"
    • "Put U Take It (SmackThat Shit)"
    • “Back at the club (Kyiv, Odessa, Moscow)”
    • "Forever" (Russian version)
    • "Forever" (English version)
  • 2009
    • "Welcome to Saint-Tropez"
    • "Groove On"
    • "Classmate"
    • "Groove On (Remix)"
    • "Forever (AcousticVersion)"
    • Nocturne "Boss Life"
    • "Love You"
  • 2010
    • "Time"
    • "How much does love cost"
    • "Groove On (OfficialWolffman Remix)"
    • "I'll be waiting"
    • "I'm on You"
  • 2011
    • "Money in da Bank"
    • "Welcome to St. Tropez(DJ Antoine vs. Mad MarkRemix)"
    • "Amanama"
    • "I will cover the earth"
    • "Top of the World"
    • "Requiem for Love"
  • 2012
    • "I'm On You (DJ Antoinevs. Mad Mark Re-Construction)"
    • "Fantasy"
    • "Rock Star"
    • "Not All About the Money"
    • "#LET'S GOODBYE"
    • "Forever (FlamemakersEdit)"
    • "Welcome to St. Tropez2012"
    • "Tattoo"
    • "London"
    • "Match Me (DJ Antoinevs. Mad Mark Re-Construction)"
    • "Sex in the Bathroom"

Instagram Timati


Timati today, as before, is well known. Interest is fueled by his scandalous statements about colleagues and selfies with political leaders. Many are interested in the name of Timati’s wife, as well as news of his personal life. The singer was in serious relationship with model Alena Shishkova and became the father of her daughter Alisa, but the couple is in no hurry to be frank about their feelings.

Biography of Timati

The Russian hip-hop star is one of those celebrities who do not leave the public indifferent. Someone admires his ability to “catch hype”, that is fashion trends in music, others consider the singer’s work to be secondary and accuse him of plagiarism. One way or another, he occupies one of the first places in modern domestic show business.

Career facts

According to Timati's passport, Timur Ildarovich Yunusov. He was born in 1983. The boy inherited his father's business abilities and his mother's penchant for musical creativity. Three years after Timur, a son, Artem, was born into the family.

As a child, the future singer attended numerous clubs and sections, but he was kicked out from everywhere for his complex character and outstanding organizational talents. The exception was the music school.

As a teenager, Timur lived in the USA. Then he went to the Snupp Dogg concert for the first time. The creativity of the hip-hop star made a great impression. Timur realized that he wanted to develop in this direction.

At school, Timati formed his first “gang”. The VIP77 group did not go beyond the limits of youthful creativity, but allowed Tim to show his musical abilities and direct his organizational talent in the right direction.

Studying at the Higher School of Economics did not bring Timati satisfaction. Higher education he never got it: club life and organizing parties for the capital’s “golden youth” were a more exciting and promising business.

Timati became famous in 2004, when he became a member of Star Factory-4. The hip-hop group “Banda” was created with the participation of Timur and other “semi-finished products”.

Two years later, Timur felt cramped within the team. In 2006, the singer released his first solo album, “Black Star,” and established a production label of the same name.

As part of the activities of “Black Star”, 5 Timati albums were created. Grigory Leps, Garik Sukachev, Anton Belyaev with the group Therr Maitz and artists produced by Timur Yunusov took part in the recording. Among them are Mot and Nathan.

In 2012, Timati's popularity went beyond Russia. The singer and producer involved hip-hop stars in the creation of the English-language album SWAGG: P. Diddy, Craig David, Laurent Wolf, Snupp Dogg. The collection was created over three years. The recorded compositions led the charts in Europe and occupied the top positions in downloads on iTunes.

Today Timur Yunusov combines musical creativity and producing. In 2017, the singer went on the “Generation” tour.

Areas of activity of the company "Black Star Inc." in addition to music, they include a clothing line in sporty style, a tattoo parlor and a hair salon, as well as 2 burger joints. The opening of restaurants in 2016 was accompanied by kilometer-long queues. The dishes are prepared from halal meat; the restaurant's signature hit is the completely black burger.

The star’s plans include organizing his own football club: Yunusov dreams of the return of “interesting football.”

Touches to the portrait:

Personal life

Timati was never officially married. Most of his companions are famous girls with whom the singer was connected by work in show business. It is difficult to judge which feelings were sincere and which love stories were invented by the producers. Timur maintained good relations with all his lovers. Among his passions:

The appearance of the Black Star family is due to Alena Shishkova.

Biography of Alena Shishkova

Model, Instagram star, socialite and beauty salon owner - this girl is said to have completely captivated Timati. Moreover, their romance did not remain without a trace:

Timati's common-law wife was born in 1992 in Siberia. As a child, she studied music, and in her teens she began her career in the modeling business. The appearance of the Russian beauty helped the 16-year-old girl win several beauty contests.

Great success and international career began for Alena in 2012 with participation in the Miss Russia competition. Shishkova took 2nd place and signed a contract with a major modeling agency.

It is known that the girl did several plastic surgery : changed the shape of her cheekbones, nose and lips, and also enlarged her breasts before filming in a men's magazine. Not all fans are delighted with the results of the operations, which brought Alena’s appearance to doll-like perfection. However, Shishkova is still a popular model today.

Before her civil marriage with Timati, Alena’s boyfriend was footballer Maxim Kovalev. The Dynamo goalkeeper and the model found each other on the Internet and were a favorite object of attention for the paparazzi. The relationship was bright, but did not last long.

Chronicle of relationships

Timur and his wife hid the details of their story from the public . Only the basic facts of the love story are known:

The end of the love affair did not interrupt the relationship between the model and the singer: the former lovers maintained good relations and together participate in raising their daughter. Timati, Alena and Alisa, together with other Yunusov relatives, celebrate birthdays and spend holidays.

Alisa lives in the Dominican Republic with her mother Timati. Grandmother Simona has broad views on education and cares about the diversified development of her granddaughter: the girl studies English language, choreography, attends courses for children in Moscow museums. The grandmother actively shares photos of her granddaughter on Instagram.

Timati tries to devote a lot of time to raising Alice. He pays attention to his daughter’s wardrobe, replenishing it with hip-hop items and giving luxurious gifts. The present for the girl's 4th birthday was a chest famous brand and several huge bouquets of roses. The photo with the gift caused outrage among many Internet users. They accused Black Star of boasting about its financial capabilities.

Thanks to her relationship with Timati, Shishkova gained fame and the status of one of the most popular Russian girls on Instagram. Since 2016, Timati’s ex-wife has been the owner of a beauty salon in Moscow. Information about the opening was posted only on Alena’s Instagram, but this was enough to create an unhealthy buzz around the event.

Who are the stars with now?

The good relationship between Timur and Alena gave fans hope: a reunion is just around the corner. The stars themselves do not confirm this information.

Alena was spotted in the company of athletes Anton Shunin and Nikita Mazepin. According to the latest information, the model is dating Yuri Osipov, the son of the former head of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Anastasia Reshetova is the same woman with whom Timati is now. In 2014, she became vice-Miss Russia. She is engaged in modeling business. Being Yunusov’s lover, Anastasia, like her predecessor, acquired a beauty salon. The establishment was advertised with a nude photo of the owner.

The relationship between Reshetova and Timati gives rise to a variety of gossip. Some are talking about Anastasia’s imminent wedding and pregnancy, others are talking about the couple’s imminent separation. The celebrities themselves do not comment on the rumors.

Attention, TODAY only!

Timati is an artist who has earned the reputation of a hooligan. But despite this, he did not have many novels. At least those that are known to the general public. But these novels were bright and beautiful.

The musician even managed to get a wife, albeit a civilian one. Photos of Timati's wife and their child were actively published by various publications. Which women managed to win the rapper's heart? Who was lucky enough to have the status of his wife?

girl with beautiful name Alexa became Timati's first lover. They met on the project “Star Factory - 4”. There were rumors that they were simply playing at love as planned by the producers. Whether this was actually the case remains a mystery. At the end of the project, the couple remained friends and maintained a good, warm relationship.

Ksenia Sobchak

After breaking up with Alexa, the rapper did not look for tender, romantic feelings. He wanted emotion and passion. He was looking for a girl who would give him stormy and vivid impressions. She became the eccentric Ksenia Sobchak, who was famous for her scandals and fight for the truth.

In 2007, Timati and Ksenia shot a video for the song “Dance with Me,” part of which was a home video of their lovers. After the release of the video, the young people began to appear together at social events and announced that they were in a romantic relationship. At first, this aroused unprecedented interest among the public. But over time, they got tired of this love story. After this, the couple immediately broke up.

Mila Volchek 2018

Timati and Mila met in an unusual place - a dry cleaner. At the time of their first meeting, they managed to exchange a few phrases and immediately went their separate ways. A little later, the girl saw the rapper in a nightclub and decided to approach him. Timati did not want to communicate with her that evening, but this did not stop the loving fan. She began to specially appear with the musician at general parties and get-togethers in order to get to know each other better. And Mila succeeded.

In 2011, young people announced that they wanted to tie the knot. However, Mila did not become Timati’s wife; the public never received a photo of the wedding.

Why Timati and Alena Shishkova separated

Model Alena Shishkova was a participant in the Miss Russia 2012 beauty contest. She failed to take first place then, but she was noticed by rapper Timati. She attracted him with her modesty, mystery and inaccessibility. The young people met personally on the set where Alena worked as a model. Looking at the photo of Timati’s first wife Alena Shishkova, there is no question about how she won the rapper’s heart.

After the first meeting, the couple did not see each other for a long time, since Alena was actively filming different countries peace. But as soon as she and Timati met again, they began a beautiful and stormy romance. A few months later, Alena became pregnant and in 2014 gave birth to the rapper’s daughter, Alisa. During this time, photos of Timati’s common-law wife did not appear anywhere; she spent her entire pregnancy in the Dominican Republic, together with the musician’s mother. The happiness of the young did not last long. In 2015, Alena returned to Russia and announced her separation from the rapper.

A few facts from the life of Alena Shishkova

Alena Shishkova grew up as a modest child. She studied academic singing and playing the guitar. She did not plan to connect her life with the modeling business. But as a teenager, she was lucky enough to appear for a glossy magazine. Looking at the resulting photos, Timati’s first wife realized that she would like to try herself as a professional model.

The girl began to actively act in film, participate in competitions, and appear at shows. Her finest hour was the Miss Russia 2012 competition. She did not take first place, but she won men’s hearts with her beauty. Today, Timati’s ex-wife is actively filming not only in Russia, but also in foreign countries.

Nature gifted Timati's first wife with natural beauty. But the girl was not happy with everything about her appearance. She enlarged her lips and had a nose job. After surgical intervention fans began to compare the model with a Barbie doll. Some said that after the operation Alena became even more beautiful, while others argued that the new facial features made her unnatural. Be that as it may, Alena still remains a popular model and is popular with men.

Looking at the photo of Timati's ex-wife, you can see that she has 2 tattoos - one on her shoulder blade, and the second on her arm. Thanks to this, she becomes more and more like Megan Fox. It is this actress that Alena has imitated since childhood.

Timati's ex-wife Alena Shishkova loves to dress beautifully; she actively shares her photos on social networks. For many young girls, she became a style icon. Her outfits are truly distinguished by their individuality and originality, so it is not surprising that they are admired by the public. Today, about 6 million subscribers follow the model’s life on Instagram.

Personal life of Alena Shishkova

Immediately after breaking up with Timati, the model began an affair with Anton Shunin, the goalkeeper of the Russian national football team. Rumor has it that it was because of him that Alena left Timati. The relationship did not last long. In 2016, the model was spotted in the company of Nikita Mazepin, a Formula 1 pilot. In May 2017, information appeared in the media about Shishkova’s affair with the son of the ex-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yuri Osipov.

Latest news about Alena Shishkova

In 2017, the model decided to go into business. Together with a friend, she opened a beauty salon, specializing in color. The opening of the salon aroused unprecedented interest. People actively began to sign up for procedures. And this despite the fact that Alena has not yet managed to launch an advertising campaign. She announced the opening of a beauty studio on her Instagram page. This was enough to get our first clients.

Anastasia Reshetova

After breaking up with Alena Shishkova, Timati was not alone for long. In 2015, he began dating Anastasia Reshetova. Anastasia Reshetova is also a model. In 2014, she participated in the Miss Russia competition and became the first runner-up. After Nastya became Timati’s girlfriend, her number of fans increased significantly. About 1.5 million people follow her Instagram account.

IN social network Anastasia Reshetova publishes photographs in which her figure is clearly visible. Some pictures turn out to be too candid, so subscribers often criticize them. Today Nastya is compared to Kim Kardashian and accused of plagiarism. By the way, Instagram today is the main source of income for the model. The price of one post on her page is 100,000 rubles.

What else is known about Anastasia Reshetova, besides the fact that she is Timati’s girlfriend? The girl is studying in absentia at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law. In 2016, she opened a beauty clinic. In 2017, Nastya wrote a book and launched her own clothing brand.

The love of Anastasia Reshetova and Timati - will there be a continuation?

Fans of Timati's ex-wife Alena Shishkova have been waiting for a long time for the couple to reunite again after breaking up. Still they have common child. The couple managed to keep warm, friendly relations, but the miracle never happened. After information appeared that model Anastasia Reshetova became Timati’s new girlfriend, the public perked up. Fans were skeptical about their union. However, after 2 years of relationship, doubts were completely dispelled.

Today, information regularly appears on the network that Anastasia Reshetova and Timati have announced their wedding. So far it has not been confirmed. Moreover, fans recently discovered that young people unfollowed each other on Instagram. Does this mean that Timati and Nastya’s love is over? Unfortunately, they did not comment on this in any way, so we can only wait for fresh news about their lives and relationships.

Timati and mistress Yana

In 2018, Timity was caught on a yacht with his 27-year-old mistress Yana Biryukova.

Timati is a popular Russian rap and R’n’B artist. The guy began his star journey by participating in the Star Factory project. It was on that project that he assembled the first group “Banda”, but soon after the end of the project the gang broke up.

Musician career

Now Timati is a very successful musician, the founder of his own music label “Black Star Inc..” He also promotes many rap artists, plus he produces his own clothing line.

In 2016, the musician opened his own burger restaurant, Black Star Burger. There is still a lot of noise around this establishment. People from all over Russia come to enjoy the taste, despite the fact that this requires standing in a long line.

Alena Shishkova - Timati's wife

Timati recorded joint tracks with such famous performers as Snoop Dogg or Busta Rhymes. At the age of 32, he became a quite successful businessman, musician, composer and performer. But Timur - this is the singer's real name - was successful not only in business, but also in family life.

Personal life

More recently, the Internet was full of news about Timati’s bride. She became a model from Tyumen - Alena Shishkova. She has repeatedly participated in local beauty contests and won prizes. Having matured a little, the girl moved to Moscow to continue to conquer the heights of the modeling business. Moreover, Alena has really achieved considerable success.

Soon Timati had a daughter. Star couple called her a wonderful name - Alice. Having published her photos a week after giving birth, Alena amazed everyone with her gorgeous figure. The girl herself is very proud that she managed to get into shape in a short time.

But after such a significant event, the relationship between the lovers did not become stronger, but on the contrary, they separated. Alena and Timur remain on good terms and see each other often thanks to their daughter. Now the musician’s mother manages her granddaughter’s Instagram. There she talks about her parenting method, shares tips and funny moments from Alice’s life.

Now Timati is credited with an affair with model Anastasia Reshetova. She starred in one of his videos and they are often seen together at social events. But in Lately fans came to the conclusion that this union had also broken up. Now the musician spends all his free time with his daughter and ex-wife. Maybe this couple will pleasantly surprise us soon.