What are the names of cats in different countries? How to call a cat in different countries of the world. Almost like Russians

It turns out that in different countries of the world cats are called to them in different ways. Such differences are due to the fact that the languages ​​are different, and the way in which pets are called is learned by the pet from childhood, so an American cat will not react to the standard “kitty-kitty,” for example. She is simply not accustomed to such treatment.

Cats are more constant: to communicate with a person in any country, they use the only signature sound “meow”, and even continents are not able to influence this “Esperanto”. If a cat is brought to the other end of the earth, he will perfectly understand another creature of his species.

People have complicated everything. They cannot find a common language not only with representatives of other countries, but also with their pets. You can shout “kys-kys-kys” as much as you like, but apart from fear and surprise, this animal from another country will achieve nothing in this way.

Over the centuries devoted to the formation of language, people managed to notice one important detail: cats respond better to a certain category of sounds, or rather to combinations of sounds, so the words addressed to them should be short, so it will be easier to call them even in very at a young age, when they are still kittens. It’s easier for kids to remember a combination of two or three sounds. For this reason, we will not hear the address “respected animal with four legs, a tail and mustache” in any country in the world.

Almost like Russians

The Russian address “kis-kis” is familiar to everyone since childhood. But it’s not just Russians who call their pets in this way. In countries such as Ukraine (“kyts-kyts-kyts”), Estonia (“kisyu-kysyu-kysyu”), Turkey (“kach-kats-kats”), Lithuania (kats-kats-kats), America (“kiti -kiti-kiti") and California (“kiri-kiri-kiri”), the cat is also called to itself with a word starting with the letter “k”. This dull consonant sound is great for attracting the attention of pets. Not only cats, but also dogs react to it.

What if you whistle?

Some people on the street attract attention by whistling. This makes sense: whistling sounds stand out from the rest. Cats are no exception, wonderfully “snatching” such whistling consonants as “S”, “Z” or “C”. “Sh” also falls into this category, which sounds more like “S” when repeated quickly.

Scientists consider this to be a pattern, since a cat’s hearing perceives these overtones close to the frequency characteristics of small rodents. Nature itself “sharpened” their ears to whistlers in order to provide food for animals of this species, and people unknowingly took advantage of this to call cats to themselves.

This is the principle used to call cats in the following countries:

  • England - “puss-puss-puss”;
  • Afghanistan - “pish-pish-pish”;
  • Hungary – “tsits-tsits-tsits” (from the word “kitten” - “tsitsa”);
  • Holland – “push-push-push”;
  • Israel - ps-ps-ps;
  • Serbia – “matz-matz-matz”;
  • Tatarstan - “pes-pes-pes”;
  • Japan - “shu-shu-shu”;
  • Poland – “pshe-pshe-pshe”;
  • Norway - “dogs - dogs - dogs”;
  • Armenia – “psho-psho-psho”;
  • Tunisia – “bash-bash-bash”.

Let's adjust

The sound “M” for cats is a signal of normal communication, which is used by them within the species. They respond well to it, so in different countries, in order to call this animal, combinations of sounds that include “M” are often used. An example could be:

  • Argentina – “mish-mish-mish”;
  • Italy – “michu-michu-michu”;
  • France – “minu-minu-minu”;
  • Thailand – “miu-miu-miu”.

One is not enough!

In a number of countries, they love cats so much that they call them not in one, but in two ways. This can be heard in Azerbaijan - “pshit-pshit-pshit” and “pish-pish-pish”, as well as in Latvia - “minka-minka-minka” and “mitsi-mitsi-mitsi”.

There are also a number of countries that are closer to each other than it seems, based on one common indicator: they call cats the same way. In Germany, Serbia and Montenegro they use the combination “mits-mits-mits” for this, in Bulgaria and Serbia - “mats-mats-mats” (from the word “kitty” - “matze”)

The main thing is not to laugh

Sometimes certain ways of calling cats in foreign countries of the world sound funny or comical to our ears. Just look at the “piss-piss-piss” used in Georgia and Moldova, or “chi-chi-chi” among the Czechs. But the Chinese are ahead of everyone in terms of tenderness - they use the sound combination “mi-mi-mi”.

In India, they did not try too hard and decided to call cats, imitating their own sounds addressed to a person - “meow-meow-meow”.

There is hope

If you are unable to remember new words or quickly change your mind, and when you need to call the cat, “kitty-kitty-kitty” pops up in your head, you can hope that the animal will surpass you in terms of memory. Scientists have researched that to memorize a new important combination, cats need an average of two to three repetitions. You need to ignore the perplexed looks of the animals and continue to insist with “kys-kys”. Perhaps they will be more trainable than you.

Everyone knows that a cat is considered a freedom-loving animal. They have lived with people for centuries. In all countries there are those who simply adore these pets and come up with the most unusual names for them. In this article we will tell you how cats are called in different countries, what names they come up with, and in general, what kind of relationship people have with these animals.

This is how the story of cats began

According to one version of historians, the first cats were tamed by people in Ancient Egypt more than two thousand years BC. In those days, the exterminator of rodents in this country was considered Cats were strictly guarded and protected. Taking them abroad was punishable by death.

In those days, the safety of grain crops played a big role, only cats were serious rodent exterminators. In Greece and Rome they even tried to tame ferrets and snakes for these purposes, but nothing came of it. Somehow, Greek smugglers managed to bring domesticated mouse and rat hunters into the country.

This is how cats appeared in the Roman Empire and Greece. Now it doesn’t matter how cats are called in different countries, the fact remains that they all come from Egypt.

Cats in our world

Later, cats came from Italy to Britain. Here they were allowed to be kept even in monasteries. Their main purpose remained - to protect granaries from rodents. In the Middle Ages in Europe, cats fell out of favor. They were accused of having connections with witches, called minions of the devil, and even burned at the stake. There was a real war with cats. Poor animals were blamed for all epidemics, accidents, and diseases. This continued until the middle of the 18th century, when the Inquisition became a thing of the past.

In Russia, the first mention of cats dates back to the 14th century. The pet was very valued, it was an indispensable assistant in the fight against mice and rats. For stealing a cat, a fine was imposed, equal to that for stealing an ox. At that time it was a very impressive amount.

Cats regained recognition in Europe in the mid-19th century. Pet lovers began to unite and create clubs. The first unusual breeds began to appear. The beginning of the history of the modern cat can be called 1871, then the first official cat exhibition took place, which had great success. At that time, people did not yet know how cats were called in different countries of the world and, perhaps, that’s why each locality had its own call signs.

Why do Russian cats respond to “kys-kys”

Each of us has probably wondered why our fluffies are so attracted to the call “kitty-kitty”. As soon as the cat hears these sounds, it rushes towards you, sweeping away everything in its path. The answer, however, will surprise you. This is how our Russian pets relate to these sounds.

In our country it is customary to call a cat “kitty-kitty”. IN to a greater extent She reacts specifically to the sound "s". A cat's ear is very sensitive to high-frequency sounds. Even if you say “ps-ps” loudly and clearly, the cat will probably come running.

Our cats also react simply to hissing sounds. But what’s surprising is that if from birth you call a kitten to feed only by name, it will associate the feeding process with these sounds and then “kitty-kitty” will not attract it in any way.

What words are used to call cats in different countries?

Scientists have been struggling for a long time with the riddle of what call all the cats in the world respond to, but the answer has not been found. There is only one conclusion - they all catch whistling, hissing sounds, which attract their attention. Some animals react warily to the call. Maybe they detect the rustling of mice or the hissing of other cats in high-frequency sounds. Although there are some specimens that do not respond to anything other than their name.

And now about the most interesting part. Do you know how cats are called in different countries? Each country has its own way:

  • If in France, for example, you call a cat in Russian “kiss-kiss,” it won’t even turn around. There the cats are accustomed to "min-min". Refined French people call them with such gentle words.
  • In Israel, cats also do not respond to the Russian language. They respond to a strange “smack-smack” for us.
  • An Italian cat will come running to you with great pleasure if you call “michu-michu”.
  • Korean cats respond to a very strange "nabiya-nabiya".
  • In Japan, cats, as if by magic, run up to calls of “oide-oide.” Very strange for us.
  • They reacted very cat-like to the call in India. There, imitating their pets, people call “meow-meow.”
  • In both America and England, cats are called "kiri-kiri".
  • Thinking about how cats are called in different countries, it should be noted that there are states where calls are very similar to Russian ones; their cats may even respond to your sounds. Germany - “ks-ks”, Sweden “kis-kis”, Finland “kisu-kisu”.
  • In Arab countries, one may get the impression that, on the contrary, cats are driven away. Their call is "shoo-shoo".
  • Dutch cats will only respond to “puss-puss.”
  • In Bulgaria and Serbia, a cat is matzo, a cat is matzo. Accordingly, their name there is very simple “mats-mats-mats”.

How cats treat people

Many ordinary people still believe that a cat is a freedom-loving animal and has nothing to do with humans. But a dog is a friend who clearly expresses his emotions. To some extent, this may be true. But those who truly adore cats and keep them in their home will categorically disagree with this statement.

Everyone knows how a cat greets its owner from work if it has spent the whole day alone in the apartment. She faithfully looks into your eyes, rubs against your legs and even gently hits you with her paw, asking you to caress and stroke her. Those who have raised a kitten into an adult cat from birth know what a friend and affectionate member of the family it becomes. Not a single one is well-mannered domestic cat will not harm the baby, will either tolerate his encroachments, or will simply hide.

What is the best name for a cat?

We have figured out how cats are lured in different countries, and now we will discuss what name is best to give your pet. Some people believe that a cat can only be Murka or Muska, and a cat can only be Vaska or Murzik. In the villages of our grandmothers, this was probably the case.

Now many owners try to name their pet with some strange or surprising word. Affectionately, tenderly, many call their cat Nyasha, and someone gives the cat the formidable name Stifler. Some purebred animals have names that are unique to their “blue bloods”, those that are written in the passport.

However, this is not important, just like what words are used to call cats in different countries of the world. The main thing is to love and take care of your pet, give it all your care and affection, and then your friend will always greet you with a cheerful purr.

“Calling cats is as useless as calling a hurricane.”

(Neil Gaiman)

“You can't fool a cat with idle chatter like you can fool a dog, no, sir! (Jerome K. Jerome)

“Call the dog and he will come running; the cat will take note.” (Mary Bly)

“Women and cats do not come when they are called, and they come when they are not called.” (Prosper Merimee)

Summer is the long-awaited time for vacations. Thousands of cat lovers are beginning to travel intensively in search of vivid impressions. Do you know how cats are called in different countries?

How to contact a foreign purr?

“Kiss-kiss-kiss” - only our Murkas and Vaskas will understand. Well, maybe the Finnish cat will turn around.
Here is a picture to help you, telling you how to contact a cat abroad.

Indeed, in different countries cats are called differently. The most commonly used letters are P, M, I, S, Sh, U, Ts. I, cats hear them better.

And an even more complete list:

AUSTRALIA "puss-puss-puss"

AZERBAIJAN “pshit-pshit-pshit” or “pish-pish-pish”
ENGLAND “puss-puss-puss”, “mew-mew”
ARGENTINA “bear-bear”
AFGHANISTAN “pish-pish-pish”
BULGARIA “mats-mats-mats” (from “matze, matska” - cat, kitty)
HUNGARY “tsits-tsits-tsits” (cat - “machka”, kitten - “tsitsa”)
GERMANY "mitz-mitz" or "biz-biz-biz"

GREECE "ps-ps-ps"
HOLLAND "push-push"
GEORGIA "piss-piss"

DENMARK "mis-mis-mis"

EGYPT "pys-pys-pys"
ISRAEL "ps-ps-ps"

INDIA "meow-meow-meow"

SPAIN "misu-misu" or "mini-mini",
ITALY "michu-michu-michu"
CHINA “mi-mi-mi” (it turns out that’s where it came from!) or “tsk-tsk-tsk”

KOREA "Nabiya-Nabiya-Nabiya"
LATVIA “minka-minka-minka”, “mitsi-mitsi-mitsi”
LITHUANIA "kat-kat-kat"

MACEDONIA "mats-mats-mats"

MEXICO "bishito-bishito"
MOLDOVA "piss-piss-piss"

NEW ZEALAND "kiti-kiti-kiti" or "pus-pus-pus",

POLAND “pshe-pshe-pshe” or “kicha-kicha-kicha”
RUSSIA “kis-kis-kis”, “kis-kis-kis”, “kis-kis-kis”

ROMANIA “pee-pee-pee”
SERBIA “matz-matz-matz”
USA and CANADA “kiti-kiti-kiti”, CALIFORNIA “kiri-kiri-kiri”
TATARSTAN "beat-beat-beat"

TUNISIA "besh-besh-besh"

TURKEY “pisi-pisi-pisi”, but where there are a lot of Russian tourists, they respond to “kitty-kitty”
UKRAINE "kyts-kyts-kyts", "kytsyu-kytsyu-kytsyu"

FINLAND "kitty-kitty-kitty"
FRANCE "min-minu-minu"
CZECH REPUBLIC "chi-chi-chi"

SWITZERLAND “mitz-mitz-mitz”
ESTONIA “kisyu-kisyu-kisyu”
JAPAN: "shu-shu-shu"

The call that a cat will willingly accept will depend on the country where it lives. Of course, this does not mean at all that a “foreigner” will never learn to respond to sounds accepted in another part of the world. It just takes a little effort and time to train an animal. She needs to learn a foreign language 😀

And a few jokes on the topic 😀

The psychiatrist asks the patient:

- And when did you start answering the call of “kiss-kiss-kiss?”

— Even when I was a very little kitten.

Dad yelled at mom. Mom yelled at her son. The son yelled at the cat. The cat crapped on everyone's slippers. Moral: powerless does not mean safe! And you need to treat cats gently and with respect! 😀


When I say “kissy-kissy-kissy” to a cat, the probability of what I want is:
feed the cat - 5%
check if the cat is working - 95%


Two-legged nonentity, you were created for the sole purpose of serving me, your furry master! Obey me, or I will destroy you and your entire family!
- Kitty, kitty, what are you meowing there, do you want to eat? Come to me, kitty-kitty-kitty!


- Well, let them say that using your cat’s name as a password is bad form! RrgTt_fх32!b, kitty-kiss-kiss...


- Dear, it’s already getting colder, I need something white and fluffy for my collar...

- It's high time! Kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss!


Listen, why does your cat listen to you and come home? What do you call him?

- “Kiss-kiss-kiss” has not worked for a long time! Now I call this shaggy fat beast “meat-meat-meat.” It works. For now...I’m learning to imitate the rustling of a pack of food...


And here is what the word “CAT” looks like in some languages ​​of the world.

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