How to protect your eyesight under constant stress? How to protect your eyes How to protect your eyes

With the help of vision, a person receives up to 90 percent of information about the world around him.

Therefore, any impairment of visual function significantly reduces the quality of life.

One of the consequences of working long hours at a computer is the so-called computer visual syndrome (CVS). It is characterized by blurred vision, fatigue when reading, burning and redness of the eyes.

A widespread type of GLC is asthenopia. It usually develops in those who work a lot at the computer and are forced to read for a long time.

Asthenopia is accompanied by pain in the eyes, lacrimation, redness of the eyelids and eyeballs. The risk of its occurrence is increased by visual impairments such as farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism.

Also, people who spend a lot of time at the computer develop dry eye syndrome. This happens due to the fact that a person reading from a screen blinks less often, which means he does not sufficiently moisturize the cornea. In addition, dry conditioned air, dust and exhaust gases in the atmosphere of large cities, as well as exposure to tobacco smoke.

Dry eye syndrome also develops with pathology thyroid gland and other hormonal disorders. Its main symptoms: pain in the eyes, a feeling of “sand” under the eyelids, burning, itching, photophobia.

Effect of age

Deterioration of vision, fast fatiguability eye and painful sensations may also be a consequence age-related changes. This is usually called presbyopia– decreased vision at close range. This disorder can be corrected by selecting glasses or lenses.

Smoking and alcohol

Damage occurs under the influence of toxic substances from tobacco smoke. optic nerve and retina. In addition, the smoke itself irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelids, so the smoker's eyes often water and look inflamed.

More common in smokers color vision disorder, which may affect a person’s professional suitability. For example, such a person cannot work as a driver, since the driver must clearly distinguish between the colors red, yellow and green.

In addition, smoking leads to vision deterioration and even complete loss. Ophthalmologists even have a special term - "tobacco blindness".

Alcohol is a strong neurotoxin that has a detrimental effect on the entire brain. And in particular - to the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for visual perception. In ophthalmology there is a concept alcohol intoxication of the optic nerve.

How to preserve vision?

1. Regularly visit ophthalmology offices in clinics and health centers equipped with modern diagnostic equipment. Many diseases, such as glaucoma, are best diagnosed as early as possible to preserve vision for a long time.

2. Correct arrange yours workplace , organize lighting, select

Eyes are not just a mirror of the soul, but vital important organ who needs constant care. Moreover, vision is one of the most sensitive mechanisms of the human body, so you should treat it - even if you have a solid “one” from school - with special attention.

The fact is that the eyes very quickly fall under the influence of various kinds of infections, like any mucous membranes. In addition, they are easy to injure, not to mention the inflammation that can occur even when you simply rub your eyes after a sleepless night. Good news is that there are simple and effective ways protect your eyesight - look for them in this material.

Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses are not only a stylish accessory. They actually protect your eyes by blocking ultraviolet rays, which can cause cataracts with long-term exposure. Cataract is a disease in which the clear lens of the eye slowly becomes cloudy, impairing vision. Besides, Sunglasses protect the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, as well as the delicate skin of the eyelids (this is important for preventing wrinkles, but more importantly, skin cancer around the eyes and benign or malignant neoplasms before our eyes).

Keep it clean

This tip is simple, but extremely effective: always wash your hands before touching your eyes so that germs from your hands do not transfer to the mucous membranes and cause inflammation. Eye makeup also poses a danger, which, however, can be mitigated. According to Fox News, expired mascara is especially likely to harbor a lot of eye-irritating bacteria—so keep reminding yourself that mascara only lasts three months and learn to part with it when the time comes. Eyeliner is a similar breeding ground for bacteria, but it is enough to wear it off regularly to protect yourself. “And be extremely careful when applying pencil or liner to the waterline, as some of the compounds may block sebaceous glands designed to protect the surface of the eye,” Dr. Ruth D. Williams, former president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, tells the News.

Eat right

Ophthalmologists are confident that diet plays an important role in eye health. Moreover, we are talking not only about the legendary carrots. You should also add green leafy vegetables to your diet: spinach, kale of all types and fresh herbs. You will also benefit from omega-3 fatty acids, so have fatty fish (salmon, tuna, halibut) on your table 1-2 times a week. While eye health is not directly linked to obesity, there is an indirect link: people with overweight are more likely to develop diabetes, which in turn can contribute to vision problems, including glaucoma (damage to the optic nerve), and this is also worth keeping in mind.

Take a break from the computer

If you constantly look at a screen - a computer, tablet or smartphone - then your eyes are under constant strain, which can cause headache, dryness and irritation. To prevent discomfort and unpleasant consequences, ophthalmologists recommend following the 20-20-20 rule, which states that every 20 minutes, look at something that is 20 centimeters away from you for 20 seconds. In addition, experts recommend keeping your eyes at arm's length from the monitor. Plus, the monitor should be slightly below eye level, so that the eyes are slightly lowered and the mucous membrane is moistened in a timely manner.

Vision is one of the most important tools in our business. And it must be protected. Dot.

Web writers, copywriters, editors, writers and anyone who works with texts are especially vulnerable when working on a computer. We strain our eyes, we can stare at the monitor for hours and not think about the consequences.

A cute leopard acts as an assistant. He tells you when to take a short break with eye exercises. Or go on a long break with the screen locked.

All parameters are easy to configure. I advise you to include strict regime, so that it is impossible to evade the break.

No. 4. Stop hanging out on gadgets!

We all actively use gadgets for both work and entertainment.

The advice is simple: reduce this activity as much as possible!

Be clear about the time when you are viewing messages on Skype, sorting out mail, or hanging out chatting on in social networks. The rest of the time, concentrate on your work and don’t get distracted.

Alas, we cannot resist any audio message, we go into our phone, tablet, computer and... we strain our eyes again. Try a more radical method - turn off all notification beeps on gadgets.

Personally, that's what I do. But, I must admit, it doesn’t grab me for long - what if some kind of guard duty happened there without me?

No. 5. Organize your workplace

Proper organization of the workplace is necessary everywhere - both in the office and at home. Firstly, it increases your productivity. And secondly, this is how you take care of your health.

  • Make sure you have proper lighting. It is better to place the monitor sideways to the light source. Eliminate all interfering, flickering and glare elements. Your eyes should be bright and comfortable.
  • The computer monitor should be at a distance of 60-80 cm from the eyes.
  • Humidify the air and ventilate the room. If you still feel dry eyes, use artificial tears (available in pharmacies in the form of drops and gels).
  • Use a printer. I highly recommend it, especially to those who work with texts.

I print out everything that can be printed, just to minimize reading from the computer screen: briefs, material for writing texts, checklists, interesting articles, etc.

These are, perhaps, all my secrets. I tried to make everything in the form of convenient instructions, and if this is relevant to you, print it out and follow these recommendations.

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If you have anything to ask or add, I look forward to your comments.

Be healthy! And I rest - my eyes have a well-deserved break

Take the first step in your copywriting career

According to various opinion polls, the vast majority of respondents are afraid of losing their vision with age. And not without reason - we receive up to 80% of information through vision. What are the most important things you need to know about his health and how to maintain it, Sputnik figured out.

In fact, we see thanks to the brain - the eyes are just windows. And if a person loses vision, the parts of the brain that are involved in processing visual information begin to atrophy over time.

- How does the eye work?

— To understand how the eye works, you need to know how it works.

The eye is located in the socket of the skull. Eyelids and eyelashes protect it from dust, eyebrows divert moisture flowing from the forehead. Tears moisten the outer part of the eyeball and wash away foreign particles.

The outer layer of the eye is the dense sclera. In the front part it is transparent and is called the cornea. The cornea allows light rays to pass through freely.

The vascular anterior part of the tunica media is called the iris. This is our light filter, its color is the color of our eyes. It is influenced by ethnic characteristics, which are formed under the influence of the surrounding nature. You will never meet a black man with blue eyes, because in Africa, where his ancestors lived, there was a lot of bright light and solar radiation - the eye adapted to secrete a dark protective pigment, and this was fixed genetically.


And in Scandinavian countries people have blue eyes - there is a lack of sunlight there. Residents of the extreme server, for example, the Yakuts, have their own characteristics - their eyelashes are structured differently. They are not twisted, like those of Europeans, but are lowered down - this is how they protect the eye from the sun reflected from the snow, which is hundreds of times more dangerous than usual.

The pupil is located in the center of the iris. Through it, light enters the inner layer of the eye - the retina. Our pupil can be compared to the aperture of a camera. When there is a lot of light, it narrows due to the muscular apparatus; if there is little light, the pupil dilates. Through the pupil, light enters the biconvex lens and the retina of the eye.

Important. It is dangerous to use sunglasses without special filters, and when wearing such glasses while driving in sunny weather, this can lead to blindness - a person receives a double dose of solar radiation. Since the windshield is a lens, it transmits and amplifies solar radiation, and in dark glasses without a filter, the pupil dilates, and strong irradiation occurs on the retina, essentially burning out cells. When the pupil is dilated due to dark glasses, the area of ​​damage to the retina increases.

The lens is a living lens, and thanks to muscles it can change its curvature so that we can clearly see objects both near and far.

The retina is part of the human nervous system. It is here that in several layers of neurons, light is converted into bioelectrical vibrations and their path along the optic nerve to the brain begins.

The main role in the transformation of light is played by 2 types of receptors: rods (responsible for colorless, twilight, vision in the dark) and cones (responsible for perception daylight). Vitamin A helps convert light energy into bioelectric energy, so you need to approach your diet responsibly.

Important. With a lack of vitamin A, a person ceases to see well in the twilight (the rods die), his vision becomes similar to the vision of a pigeon or chicken. The so-called night blindness- Predominantly cone vision.

Cones play a major role in daytime color vision. They have their own pigment, which is each sensitive to its own color. Various combination variations of these cone pigments allows us to see wide range colors.

It happens that a person’s color perception is impaired, and then he sees the world a little differently than everyone else. This is color blindness. It can be congenital, less often - acquired. This visual defect is interesting for artists, but dangerous for drivers.

- How does the visual apparatus mature?

— Newborns see the world upside down and blurry. Only thanks permanent job In the brain, everything returns to normal over time. The visual system matures with us. In children, the lens has a light blue tint; in middle age it begins to turn yellow. But in old age, the lens may become brown and lose its elasticity. With age, it becomes flat, and this makes old people see nearby objects blurred. This is called farsightedness.

With myopia, on the contrary, the lens is convex, and objects blur when looking into the distance. Such vision defects can be easily compensated for by glasses; in particularly difficult cases, surgical intervention will be required.

- What harms our eyes?

— One of the most serious threats is the active sun. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right glasses and use them not for image, but for protection.

Sunglass lenses should be dark green to smoky or brown, but must have UV filters. You cannot use sunglasses with dark lenses indoors - the eye strains, it constantly strives to dilate the pupil in order to receive photons of light onto the retina. Eye muscles get tired. Such fatigue will lead to a sad outcome over time. It is very undesirable to use glasses with red lenses - you can go blind. The light, transformed through bright blue glass, depresses the central nervous system.

© Pixabay

Children should also wear sunglasses. This is especially important when there is reflected sun - there is a danger of harming not only the eye, but also the brain.

- How to use gadgets without damaging your eyesight?

— TV must be viewed at a distance of five screen diagonals. And if it’s evening, you need to turn on the lights. Otherwise, the eye is constantly overstrained. It is surrounded by a dark space, and you need to focus on bright light. And when we move our gaze, light breakdowns are formed on the retina of the eye. The rods and cones on the retina die. And the nuance is that they are not restored. This leads to vision loss over time.

The same applies to working on a computer. You cannot sit at it in a dark room; the monitor screen must be at eye level and at a sufficient distance. Place monitors on stands.

- What other habitual actions harm our eyes?

— It is strictly forbidden to read in a moving vehicle, because the eye does not have time or has difficulty adjusting to small vibrations; this enormously strains the muscles that hold the lens. Over time, myopia or farsightedness occurs.

When reading, the light should come from the left, and it should be a regular incandescent light bulb, since a fluorescent lamp does not have the full required color rendition. It will be difficult for the brain to adapt color distortions, which can sometimes cause headaches.

Important. We should always take care of our eyes - they do not show symptoms of ill health, and we will be able to understand that something is wrong when it is already difficult to change something. The problem is that we do not feel all the light damage to the eyes, like a skin burn.

The capillary network of the eye consists of tiny and the finest vessels. For any deterioration cerebral circulation the blood vessels of the eyes will suffer. Therefore, it is so important to ensure good blood supply to the eyeball - oxygen and nutrients, and toxins and carbon dioxide are removed.

You cannot sleep on a high pillow, when the neck is curved, the blood supply to the eye changes. Therefore, sometimes after sleep a hemorrhage is detected on the retina. Sleeping on your stomach is also not safe for your eyes. It is best to sleep on your back with the right orthopedic pillow.

Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands or work in dusty areas without protection. Eyes recover very poorly from chemical and physical damage.

- When should you wear glasses, and are they necessary at all?

— From a physiological standpoint, glasses are crutches for the eyes. They help a person see, rather than restore vision.

With myopia, for example, a person has difficulty seeing into the distance. Normally, the muscles stretch the lens, its curvature changes, and objects come closer. And if the muscles fail, vision decreases. Glasses use lenses to correct the position of an object.

But glasses cannot be worn all the time - so that the muscular system does not suffer from long-term static voltage, this destroys the muscles, they become atonic.

Wearing glasses incorrectly further worsens vision loss. Glasses (lenses) refract sunlight, which further damages the retina. Therefore, over time, a person who wears glasses needs more and more correction - the diopters in his glasses increase, and his vision deteriorates. Therefore, it is advisable to remove glasses when there is no need to examine the smallest details. Muscles need training (vision without glasses) and rest. It is also advisable for people with myopia to wear glasses with tinting or chameleon lenses that darken in bright light.

- Can vision improve with age?

— Closer to forty years, the human body begins to retain moisture worse. The first thing in the body to suffer from this is the lens. The lens is also a water-filled structure; lack of water, poor blood circulation (thick, oily, viscous blood) leads to the fact that the lens becomes less elastic (tight), and it is difficult for the muscles to stretch it. This situation can be taken advantage of positively.

If you are nearsighted, you should take off your glasses at least periodically, for example, in the evenings. Vision physiologically will begin to change towards farsightedness, and a “plus” to a “minus” can lead to normalization of vision.

Beta-carotene is very important for vision. It is involved in color rendering. It produces vitamin A, the pigment rhodopsin (visual purple), which activates rods and cones for light and color transmission.

- What is astigmatism?

— Another type of vision change is astigmatism. When both eyes convey a different image, and it is difficult for the brain to combine and analyze it, as a result, the sharpness of vision decreases.

- How can changing teeth ruin vision?

— Both astigmatism and strabismus can be associated with different sizes eyeballs or the structure of the skull. The eyes have a special location - they are in an orbit that is clearly adapted to the eye. It is formed by 8 bones of the skull. And here every little thing can be important. For example, if a person falls and hits his forehead, his frontal bone may move; if he hits his temple or often sleeps on it, there will be microdeformation in this area. These are significant changes for the eye. Sinusitis and improperly growing teeth can affect the orbit of the eye.

Children often experience deformities when their teeth change, and larger permanent ones begin to erupt instead of small milk teeth. If the teeth are crooked, the bone skeleton of the upper jaw begins to deform, and the eye sockets may change size and may shift relative to each other.

Any unnoticeable deformations of the maxillofacial skeleton lead to vision problems. In such cases, you need to consult an orthopedist and x-ray the eye sinuses!

Important. When children change teeth, it is important to monitor their vision. If your child’s vision begins to decrease, take him to the orthodontist. Ask your child about his vision more often - the child may feel worsening and simply forget to tell you about it.

- Why is it important to drink enough fluids for vision?

— Blood quality is very important for vision. The microcirculation of the ocular apparatus depends on this. If the blood is thick, then the retina of the eye does not receive oxygen in the required volume, and sometimes the cells of the eye begin to change or die. Over time, such blood mechanically clogs the capillaries, which leads to a number of problems and blindness. Therefore, you should always maintain a drinking balance; teas with eyebright help a lot.

The health of vision is influenced by the condition of the whole organism. Healthy blood vessels, proper liver function, and body microflora are important for the eyes (chlamydia, for example, has a detrimental effect on vision - Sputnik). Good tone is also very important for the eyes, and you can maintain it with the help of special gymnastics.

Don't forget to take care of your eyes and enjoy the world in all its colors!

With the help of vision, a person receives up to 90 percent of information about the world around him.

Therefore, any impairment of visual function significantly reduces the quality of life.

One of the consequences of working long hours at a computer is the so-called computer visual syndrome (CVS). It is characterized by blurred vision, fatigue when reading, burning and redness of the eyes.

A widespread type of GLC is asthenopia. It usually develops in those who work a lot at the computer and are forced to read for a long time.

Asthenopia is accompanied by pain in the eyes, lacrimation, redness of the eyelids and eyeballs. The risk of its occurrence is increased by visual impairments such as farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism.

Also, people who spend a lot of time at the computer develop dry eye syndrome. This happens due to the fact that a person reading from a screen blinks less often, which means he does not sufficiently moisturize the cornea. In addition, dry conditioned air, dust and exhaust gases in the atmosphere of large cities, as well as exposure to tobacco smoke.

Dry eye syndrome also develops with pathology of the thyroid gland and other hormonal disorders. Its main symptoms: pain in the eyes, a feeling of “sand” under the eyelids, burning, itching, photophobia.

Effect of age

Deterioration of vision, rapid eye fatigue and pain can also be a consequence of age-related changes. This is usually called presbyopia– decreased vision at close range. This disorder can be corrected by selecting glasses or lenses.

Smoking and alcohol

Under the influence of toxic substances from tobacco smoke, damage occurs to the optic nerve and retina of the eye. In addition, the smoke itself irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelids, so the smoker's eyes often water and look inflamed.

More common in smokers color vision disorder, which may affect a person’s professional suitability. For example, such a person cannot work as a driver, since the driver must clearly distinguish between the colors red, yellow and green.

In addition, smoking leads to vision deterioration and even complete loss. Ophthalmologists even have a special term - "tobacco blindness".

Alcohol is a strong neurotoxin that has a detrimental effect on the entire brain. And in particular - to the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for visual perception. In ophthalmology there is a concept alcohol intoxication of the optic nerve.

How to preserve vision?

1. Regularly visit ophthalmology offices in clinics and health centers equipped with modern diagnostic equipment. Many diseases, such as glaucoma, are best diagnosed as early as possible to preserve vision for a long time.

2. Correct arrange your workplace, organize lighting, select