How to summon a good spirit at home. What kind and safe spirits can be summoned during the day with friends and girlfriends. Calling the spirit at home

Today people often wonder how to summon spirits. After all, everyone wants to ask the mysterious forces for help, support or advice. Some people want to improve their everyday affairs in this way, others want to get rich or find a prestigious job. Most often, those whose personal lives are not working out turn to spirits for help. However, before you learn how to summon spirits, you need to remember the main thing.

You can turn to mysterious forces for help only if there is simply no way to achieve what you want in any other way, and you have already tried all other options. After all, the help of spirits is not free. And it is important to remember that retribution cannot be avoided - you will have to sacrifice your own vital energy.


So, if, after all, your desire is the number one goal of life, and there is no way to fulfill it without the help of the supernatural, then there is nothing left to do but call on a good spirit. To do this, you need to learn a few rules.

  1. The right attitude. It is very important. Having decided how to evoke a good spirit, set yourself up for a positive result and be sure that everything will definitely work out. Remember that a pessimistic mood can attract into this world someone who is not at all what you would like. And evil spirits can wreak havoc.
  2. Give up sacrifices. Remember that good spirits do not require any sacrifice. They bring only peace and tranquility. And if blood and sacrifices are involved in the ritual, this is a call of evil spirits. And this is extremely undesirable to do.
  3. Privacy. Rituals associated with summoning good spirits of love are carried out in complete solitude. This does not require crowds of fanatics or falling into a trance. The exception is the ritual of summoning the spirit of a deceased person.

Spiritual items

So, how to call spirits to get answers to your questions? How to listen to their advice? For this you will need a Ouija board. It has many names: “talking board”, “witch board”, “witch board” and others. This is a special item for seances. Through this board, or rather, through the alphabet on it, spirits convey their message to the world of the living.

How to summon spirits if you don’t have such a board? Very simple. You can make it yourself from available materials. You will need a huge sheet of paper, preferably Whatman paper. A landscape A-3 is also possible. Draw on a piece of paper big circle, and along its edges write letters in alphabetical order, the words “Yes” and “No” and numbers. The pointer will be an ordinary tea saucer, on the back of which draw an arrow, or a needle on a long thread. The pointer is placed in the center of the circle. It is with the help of these simple objects that the spirit will be able to contact you.

Choose the right place

In the old days, girls preferred to conduct spiritualistic seances in bathhouses, where there were no windows and twilight reigned. However, if you do not have such a bathhouse, you can use any room. The only thing is, before calling the spirit during the day, hang all the curtains tightly so that daylight did not enter the premises.

The session can be held in the living room or kitchen. But still, the best place would be a bathroom or pantry. The only exception is perhaps the bedroom. There is no point in summoning spirits here. The thing is that the summoned spirit may not immediately leave the room, but linger slightly and drain your energy. And, as you know, during sleep a person is most vulnerable.

How to Summon the Spirit of Love

First you need to prepare all the necessary items. In addition to the Ouija board, you will need a bowl filled with water, a candle and a photo of your loved one. You need to place all this on the floor next to you, gather your thoughts and concentrate.

Now the spirit must be called. There are no clear rules here. To do this, you can come up with a kind of spell that you must believe in. Or you can simply ask the spirit to come and help you. The main thing is faith, remember this.

You can use this example:

  • “Spirit of love, come to me, bring me pleasure!
    Heal the pain in my heart, give me the joy of love!
    Respond, don’t be silent!
    Give me your advice, help!”

When calling on the spirit of love, you must hold a lit candle in your hands. And after the words are spoken, place it next to the photo of your loved one.

How to talk to spirit

If you did everything correctly during the challenge and are full of faith and determination, then the spirit will definitely come. You will feel a sudden chill or a slight breeze. The air will become heavier and breathing will become difficult. But sometimes spirits do not indicate their arrival in any way. Therefore, there is only one way to make sure that you are not alone - ask.

Ask your question out loud, and if the saucer or needle begins to move and the arrow points to the word “yes,” then you have done everything correctly, and the spirit of love has made contact with you.

It must be remembered that spirits, like people, do not tolerate disrespect. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and not demand the impossible. The best thing to do first is to politely ask the spirit if he is ready to answer your questions. And only after you receive an affirmative answer, proceed to the topics that concern you.

How to ask a spirit to leave

It is not for nothing that they say that a good guest does not stay long. And good spirits, unlike evil ones, as a rule, leave you after the session without any problems. This only needs to be asked politely after all the questions have been asked and the answers given.

Part the curtains, open the windows and let daylight and fresh air into the room. If everything is done correctly, the spirit will leave the room and you will no longer feel its presence.

However, if you messed up somewhere, and not a good spirit came to visit you, then problems may arise. big problems. And expelling evil spirits is a very difficult matter and requires church paraphernalia. Therefore, in order not to bring trouble upon yourself, be extremely careful and think only about the good.

Ethical issue

And yet, having already learned how to evoke the spirit of love and resort to its help, ask yourself again: have you done everything to ensure that your loved one reciprocates your feelings? Remember that he is a living person with his own thoughts, desires and beliefs. Is it worth imposing someone else's will on him? Maybe you need to get to know him well first? Is it really worth taking such a risk by letting a spirit into this world? Is this your person?

Think a thousand times before the ritual. After all, in this world nothing is given for nothing. And the feeling of mutual love, which blossomed by itself, without the intervention of the supernatural, is perhaps the best thing that exists in this world. Is it worth giving up on this?

How to summon a wish-granting spirit

So, if you have already decided to solve everything in this world with the help of magic, then you can meet other good spirits. For example, with the spirit of desires. Everything is clear from the title. This spiritualistic session will help you realize your plans and achieve what you want.

Before calling, you must remove all items from the room. white. Place two chairs in the middle of the room and stretch a thread between them. Tie a few candies onto a thread. Each of them is your specific desire. Turn off the lights, close the curtains, concentrate and call the spirit in an even voice. For example: “Wish-fulfilling Spirit, appear to me!”

Once you feel like you are not alone, turn away from candy for a while. You may hear the rustling of candy wrappers or the crunch of sweets. After a couple of minutes, turn around and see what happened to your treat. Those candies that were eaten were to the taste of the spirit of desires. This means that he will fulfill your dreams that correspond to them. The rest are not. What matters here is how realistic and feasible your request is.

Second method of summoning

There is another way to summon the spirit of desires. As you probably already guessed, this spirit loves sweets. This is how you can attract him. So prepare a treat (it can be anything from a lump of sugar to a sweet liqueur) and place it on a saucer in the middle of the room. Remove all mirrors and other reflective objects from the room in advance, this can anger the spirit.

Turn off the lights, close the curtains, turn to the wall so as not to peep, and call the spirit of desires three times. After the third call, he should appear and begin your treat. All the time that the spirit is feasting on you, do not turn around, do not spy on him, but ask him out loud to fulfill your request. If you appease him, he will agree to help you. And perhaps tomorrow you will become the most happy man in the world.

Meeting with loved ones

But what should those who just want to communicate with their loved one and loved one do, but this is impossible to do because he is dead? And here again spirits come to the rescue.

There are spiritualistic seances that are aimed at summoning the spirit of a deceased person. These rituals are much more complex and dangerous than those described above. In no case should such calls be carried out independently at home. This is very dangerous and requires a huge amount of energy.

Several people participate in spiritualistic seances related to calling the spirits of the dead. Energy alone is simply not enough. If someone decides to do something like this alone, it could end in death.

As a rule, before summoning the spirit of a person, all mirrors and icons are removed from the room. Participants in the session remove all metal from themselves that could attract evil spirits into this world. This ritual is performed at night under the light of the full moon. And the entire process is guided by an experienced medium.

To summon a soul from the other world that will not be aggressive, tune in correctly. You need to be prepared to meet someone who only wants good, not bad.

In the article:

How to summon a good spirit

Concentrate correctly own energy. Summoning a random ghost is not difficult. But negligence can be punished. If it doesn’t matter who you call, any entity from the other world can appear.

You have a kind heart, you are confident in your abilities, and your faith in the bright and good is unshakable - the evil spirit will not come. By tuning into a positive emotion, you will automatically protect yourself from evil souls.

There is a simple ritual that will help summon the spirit. You need to know the name of who you want to see. It's better to imagine the person's appearance. You can have an image. Attributes you will need:

  • 5 large candles (church);
  • incense and wormwood;
  • several branches of hazel.

wormwood incense candle
hazel twigs

The action takes place at any time. If you decide to go into the light, curtain the windows and doors, open the window. This way, sunlight will not interfere with the ceremony, and the spirit will be able to penetrate into the room.


Place wormwood sprigs in different corners of the room. It will guarantee the absence of evil spirits and drive away evil spirits. This must be done, since a passage is to be opened between the two worlds, and the entities will not miss the chance to penetrate into the human world.

If you don't protect the ritual site, a real monster will come. Once the wormwood is placed in the corners, place the collected hazel branches in the middle of the room. You can put a table in this place so that you don’t have to bend over every time and all the attributes are at hand.

Hazel famous magical properties. With its help you can protect yourself from demons. So protect yourself from the strong negative impact. Place 5 candles around the hazel tree. Light counterclockwise with your right hand and incense from them.

You have quite strong energy, you are sure that you can carry out the ceremony yourself - try to do everything alone. But it's better in threes. Invite 2 partners. When the candles are lit, stand in front of the table, hold hands, say:

Light Spirit, come to us! Hear us, we trust in you (name), come to us, open the veil of secrecy to us, show yourself.

You will see a golden clot of energy. If any of the three of us has (a psychic or), it will be easier to establish contact with the newcomer.

If you don’t know how to communicate with otherworldly forces, ask one question at a time and get answers in your dreams. The spirit the next day can give clues and show you what to do in the current situation.

After the ritual, send the entity back. To do this, bow deeply, thank for everything and say:

Go in peace.

As soon as the clot disappears, remove the attributes.

A simple summoning ritual

Go outdoors. It’s better to go to a deserted area so that no one can interfere. It is important to remain unnoticed. Otherwise, witchcraft may be used against you.

Take a small bell with you. Preferably made of silver. Choose a comfortable place - a river bank, a clearing in the forest. Sit down and tune in to the right wave.

Think about what attracts you, relaxes you, brings you pleasure. Decide to turn to the spirit with a request or question - first write the words on a piece of paper.

Although the entity is unlikely to want to inflict energy damage, you should not anger it. The otherworldly force has great power and is capable of punishing tactlessness. Concentrate, prepare a piece of paper with a wish or question and start the challenge.

Take a bell in your hand and ring it. Say:

Spirit, hear the ringing, hear the call, I call to you (name of the spirit). Don’t be angry, be merciful, come to me, I ask you.

Repeat the text 3 times, then the spirit should appear. He can come in the form of a clot of energy or ring your bell. You will feel that the entity has arrived.

Make a wish or ask questions, but if you do not have psychic abilities, do not ask more than once. The spirit will give a detailed answer anyway.

You will not hear the voice; you will receive information in another way. This could be a vision, a dream or signs of fate. Before leaving the ceremony site, thank the guest for coming and not ignoring your call.

How to summon a good spirit on the street

There is one old way. You might even be able to communicate with him. Arm yourself with attributes:

  • salt;
  • 7 white wax church candles;
  • knife with white handle;
  • white cape;
  • incense.

incense chalk salt

knife cape

Select a site for the ceremony. A place of power would be better. But not a cemetery, negative energy accumulates there, which will interfere with the call.

The ritual is performed only on Wednesdays and Fridays. On another day of the week you will expose yourself to danger and attack from outside dark forces. IN best case scenario it won't work. Make a big circle.

Draw it with chalk or salt. But make sure that the line is thick and not interrupted. It is necessary to protect yourself and the spirit you are calling upon.

Place 7 candles around. Inside the magical figure, plunge the knife into the ground so that only the handle remains on the surface. Put on a white cloak and light the incense. He will protect from evil spirits.

Place your hands on your chest and lower your eyelids. Imagine that everything around you is energy. Weave an image from invisible threads in front of you. This must still be done with your eyes closed.

When you feel the presence of someone nearby, open your eyes. If you did everything correctly, the figure of the summoned spirit will appear in front of you. Tell:

Dear spirit, I call on you! I don’t know your face or name! Appear before me, good spirit! Hear me, do not reject the servant of God (name), for your help is needed!

If you want to conduct a seance and summon the spirit of a deceased person, then first of all you need to think carefully about why you need it. There is no need to disturb the souls of the deceased over trifles. If you want to get answers to questions that concern you or clarify a situation, then you can resort to the help of the other world.

Before you begin the ritual of summoning a spirit, you should follow several important rules for communicating with spirits and prepare for a spiritualistic session.

  1. It is recommended to conduct a spiritualistic seance between 12 and 4 am. At this time it can be traced greatest activity souls of the dead.
  2. Natural wax candles should be used in the ritual; there should be no electric light.
  3. Write down on paper in advance all the questions you want to ask the spirit, formulate them so that they can be answered either “yes” or “no”.
  4. Open the vents or windows, close the doors.
  5. Remove all jewelry and metal objects.
  6. Whatever happens, calmly and respectfully address the spirit.
  7. How to summon a spirit at home

    In order to summon the spirit of the deceased, you will need an old thick book, large scissors and a red woolen thread (you can take a ribbon). This seance must involve two people.

    Place the scissors between the pages of the book so that the rings of the scissors stick out. Tie the thread around the middle of the book to attach the scissors to the book.

    After this, one person takes one ring of the scissors with his little finger, the other takes the second ring. The book should be hanging.

    From this moment you can begin to call upon the spirit of a deceased person. Start calling him by name, calling him, asking for help. If you feel a little cold, it means the spirit has arrived. To be absolutely sure of this, ask him: “Are you there?”, and if the book shakes, then the answer is yes.

    Ask questions to the spirit and watch carefully to see if the book sways. If yes, then the answer is yes; if the book does not move, the answer is no.

    Don't forget to thank the summoned spirit for the information provided. After the ritual, be sure to fumigate the room with incense and take a shower. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

They are believed and worshiped. Not everyone notices them, but they persistently try to establish contact. They are disembodied spirits!
There are quite common questions among newcomers to this business: “ what spirit to summon? Or " what spirits can be summoned?“ So, I would like to warn novice “demonologists and mediums” that jokes with spirits are bad, and you yourself will not notice how you make a fatal mistake (they approach the process of summoning a spirit very thoroughly). So, below is a list with rituals for summoning all kinds of small evil spirits (small does not mean not dangerous).

Mermaid Spirit

This recipe is quite common and simple. You will need a bottle of water and candy. A bottle of water is placed near the front door, and then candy is hung from the bottle. Later (in complete darkness, which is very common in these methods) they say 5 times: Mermaid come! After this, the presence of candy is checked (if the mermaid came, then the candy is eaten).

Queen of Spades

Literally legendary and everyone's favorite method. At midnight, with red lipstick they draw a ladder at the top of which is a door. Next, in the dark, light a candle and say 3 times “Queen of Spades, come!” After these actions, many hear footsteps and quiet laughter (the ladder is immediately erased).

Queen of Diamonds

A bowl of water is placed in the middle of the room. In this case, you need to place 13 candles around the pelvis (which should be lit after midnight). (Further, everything is done in complete darkness) With your index finger, draw 3 eights in the water, during this you need to call on the Queen of Diamonds (Queen of Diamonds, come! Etc.). It is advisable to use a small piece of birch bark as protection. To do this, it is placed in the right hand and held until the end of the ritual. When the sign is given, ask a prepared question. After the call, you need to hit the water with your fist (this is how otherworldly forces are driven away here). If the spirit does not appear, do not despair, try next time.


Since this article is devoted to “recipes” for summoning spirits at home, I cannot ignore the summoning of the well-known spirit - the Brownie. The owner or family member must call the brownie. The ritual is carried out in dark time day (evening or night). To do this, take some kind of sweet (chocolate candies without wrapper) and place it in a saucer. Place the saucer on the table with a tablecloth. Next, you should turn away from the saucer and not turn around no matter what happens. After this, you need to call the brownie correctly. In a conversation, you need to call him nothing more than “Father”, “Grandfather” or “Master”. You need to say the following words out loud 3 times: “Father, come to me for fellowship for a treat!” Some time will pass and you will feel a presence behind you. This is a sure sign that the challenge was a success. Next, you can ask him questions that interest you so that he can answer “yes” or “no.” But before that, agree with the brownie on the conventions of the answer (because he cannot directly answer the question). Let it be some kind of sign for a positive answer and another sign for a negative answer (for example: touch the left shoulder for a positive answer, and touch the left shoulder for a negative answer). right hand and so on.). After he satisfies your curiosity, politely thank the brownie and let him go. The treat should be buried under a tree.

Surely, more than once, while in a camp (sanatorium, on a trip), you tried to summon the spirit of Pushkin or the Queen of Spades, I continued this topic a little and described in this article the most common methods for summoning the spirits living next to us. I hope that this article will help you look beyond the ordinary world.

Then you, of course, will be right. But there are also traditional “values”, legends about which are passed on from mouth to mouth from generation to generation.

Who in childhood, while away the summer at camp, did not try at night in the company of his squad mates to make a profitable deal with the Chewing Gnome or tickle his nerves by contemplating a lady in black? It is these mysterious entities and their relatives that will be discussed in this text.

Queen of Spades

Favorite “horror horror” in summer camps in the vastness of the former republics of the USSR. Woman getting out of playing card, from the mirror, from under the bed, and to this day excites children's minds and young fragile psyches.

But initially, there was nothing frightening in the image of the queen of spades from the well-known deck: well, just think, Athena, or Joan of Arc, or the biblical Rachel - according to some opinions, the painted royal figure represents one of them.

One of the most simple ways The Queen of Spades call says: you need to put the Queen of Spades card in front of the mirror, and light candles on both sides of it. After this, you need to look in the mirror and say: “Queen of Spades, come.” As a result, according to legend, a dark female silhouette will appear in the reflection - this will be the Queen of Spades. To prevent it from crawling out of the mirror and killing you, you need to immediately extinguish the candles and turn over the card.

Grandmother-foul-mouthed woman

And in this case we are not talking about senile insanity. This otherworldly creature, which children in pioneer camps love to call out “for fun,” is small in stature and looks quite asexual: otherwise why is it called either the swearing grandmother (foul-mouthed grandmother), or even the swearing gnome...

As wits joke, to call such an “old lady”, now it is enough to put on a bright miniskirt, a tight top, light a cigarette on the landing or turn on club music at full blast in the apartment. But before, since every Soviet pioneer knew that smoking was bad, it was necessary to lure this expert in obscene vocabulary with the help of other tricks.

Pull the thread against the mirror so that it is reflected in it. When the clock strikes midnight, repeat three times: “Grandmother, come.” In the mirror image you will see the headstock walking along the thread. When she stumbles and, as a result, begins to swear, you must say: “Foolish grandmother, go away.”

According to another version, you need to put candy by the bed so that access to it is blocked by a thread stretched from one leg of the bed to the other: the grandmother will go for the candy, stumble and start swearing.

Tooth Fairy

Younger children have their own joys. It’s much more pleasant not to tickle your nerves, staying up at night in the hope of seeing a gloomy figure out of the corner of your eye for a split second, but to sleep sweetly in a warm bed and in the morning receive a treasured gift, the price of which is what nature has already taken from you.

It is known for certain that for the first time a valuable gift Tooth Fairy presented at the end of the 19th century to the eight-year-old Spanish king Alfonso XIII. When the crowned child lost his first baby tooth, she inspired the writer Luis Coloma to create a fairy tale about herself, a mouse named Perez and Boobi (as his mother affectionately called the future monarch).

If a child has lost a baby tooth, he must tell his parents about it and before going to bed, put the tooth under the pillow (according to other versions, in a glass of water placed next to the bed), then turn off the light and call the Tooth Fairy three times. When the child falls asleep, the fairy will take the tooth and leave a gift in return: a toy or coins. In addition, thanks to the fairy, a new, healthy and strong one will soon grow in place of the lost tooth.

According to another method, a child, walking down the street with his parents, must find a place where the Tooth Fairy could presumably live (for example, a hollow). You need to hide the tooth there and go home to wait for the gift.

Gum Gnome

As we have already understood, spirits can be kind, but children are not always good. Of course, in the USSR, chewing gum was in short supply and was valued even more than chocolate candy, but what about the friendship of peoples, the fight against the exploitation of one class by another, humanity, finally?

In a dark room, place the candy on the floor, pick up the scissors and string you prepared in advance and say three times: “Gum gnome, come.” When the gnome comes for candy, cut off his finger with scissors (according to another version, you need to cut off the gnome’s head), experts advise. Chewing gum will fall out of the wound. When enough chewing gum attacks you, tie your finger with a cord. After this, you need to thank the gnome and say: “Gum gnome, go away!” He will take the candy and leave.

Bloody Mary

This mysterious entity is an American alternative to the Queen of Spades familiar to Soviet children. Who is Bloody Mary and why her spirit cannot rest in peace - one can only speculate. According to one version, this was the name of an old Pennsylvania witch who drank the blood of kidnapped girls to rejuvenate. According to another, Bloody Mary is none other than Mary Tudor, the first queen of England, who became famous for her bloody massacres of followers of the Protestant school and even her own relatives.

To summon Bloody Mary, stand in front of a mirror and say her name three times. After this, close your eyes for a few seconds. When you open them, you will see a woman's reflection in the mirror: Mary will be standing behind you. You should scare away the spirit with a lit candle, which you need to take care of in advance.

Gnome of wishes

Another good spirit on our list. Only, unlike the Tooth Fairy, he does not exchange gifts for teeth, but the fulfillment of your wishes for your candies. I wonder, since everything this gnome plans comes true, why can’t he autonomously wish himself a bunch of sweets to suit his taste?..

As we already understood, it is impossible to summon gnomes - any - without sweets. To lure the wish gnome, you need to pull a rope (or thread) and attach no more than three candies to it (preferably chocolate ones - don’t skimp, because we are talking about the fulfillment of your innermost desires) - so that the candies do not touch the floor. For each candy you need to make a wish. In order not to forget, you can write down your wish on the inside of the candy wrapper. Some people advise, in addition to sweets, to appease the gnome with a gift - something that for some reason is dear to you personally (in this case, you just need to put it next to the rope). Then you need to say: “Gnome of desires, come, fulfill my desires!” and go to bed. When you wake up, look at the rope: which of the candies are eaten - those wishes will come true.


Theoretically, the spirit of any deceased person can be summoned. However, celebrities are of greatest research interest to thrill-seekers, among whom A.S. has remained the leader of honor for several decades. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol. “How to summon Pushkin at home/on the street/at school,” young adepts of practical magic apparently search in search engines. Have you asked? We answer...

To summon a spirit, you will need a special Ouija board, which, however, can be replaced with a homemade paper one (it’s better to take Whatman paper). On paper, you need to arrange all the letters of the alphabet and numbers from zero to nine in a circle or semicircle, and also write “yes” and “no” - the answer options with which the entity will talk to you. Open the window - through it the spirit will enter your room and then leave. Then thread the needle and place the needle, holding it by the tip of the thread, in the center of the circle - the visiting guest will move it, dictating his answers to you letter by letter. Say “Spirit, come” three times, then ask the spirit if he is here. If a guest from the other world has heeded your request, he will answer using the prepared letters. After this, you can ask him other questions. At the end of the session, simply say, “Spirit, go away.” NB! Magicians warn: there is no guarantee that the very spirit you called upon will appear.

Still, we remind you that calling some spirits may be unsafe. If you are completely unbearable, unbearable, and can’t stand it, at least practice on such creatures first.