How to make a good voodoo doll. How to make an enemy die using voodoo dolls. How to get rid of a used doll

When ordinary life begins to go downhill, many people lose their way, turning to alcohol or committing suicide. However, they do not even suspect that magic could solve their problems. Hence, the need for knowledge on how to make a voodoo doll (volt) increases incredibly, because this is one of the most powerful types of dark arts.

A voodoo doll will only have magical powers if it is sewn correctly. Here are some tips for those who have begun to comprehend the secret art of Voodooism:

It doesn’t cost anything to create a voodoo doll with your own hands at home, targeting a specific person. To assemble the toy and perform the rituals, things that belonged to the victim are needed. The power of the item will be directly proportional to the quantity and quality of the items taken: the manipulator will have much more enormous power if the item had a significant impact on the life of his victim.

A short list of items needed to make a voodoo doll at home:

  • used handkerchief;
  • lock of hair;
  • several nails;
  • a piece of fabric or thread from clothing;
  • a small trinket or jewel.

Surface shell

The most common material for making a doll is ordinary fabric. Here there is a certain requirement: The clothing taken for the material must belong to the person who will be the main target of the spell. A good option would be to use underwear. For the purposes of a love spell, bras, panties, etc. are suitable. If it was not possible to obtain the victim’s personal belongings, you will need to purchase a small piece of white fabric. Since this material has not yet been used, there will be no foreign energy trace on it.

Often, when making a toy, they take buttons that are destined to imitate the organs of vision and smell, although this is not necessary. The fabric can be replaced with wax or paraffin, but here difficulties arise in the work, because these types of materials quickly harden, which makes further manipulation impossible.

Internal filling

To revive the created doll, it will have to be filled with biological material of the person being charmed. For this purpose, pieces of hair, nails or drops of blood are usually used. With their help, you can not only fill the doll, but also give it a beautiful appearance. Hair is attached to the head. Since such filling elements as nails or hair are rarely in abundance, the middle of the doll can be filled with the fabric from which the body shell is made, foam rubber or some other non-solid filler.

The need to use objects made from natural materials in ancient times was one of the most important requirements, but nowadays compliance with this condition is considered optional.

Doll should receive a piece of the person she represents, otherwise the ritual will be in vain. There are also some other conditions that must be met. Before starting the process, you will have to fast for several days. The only acceptable meal replacement option is a glass of water and a piece of black bread. All meat dishes, as well as alcoholic drinks and cigarettes should be completely excluded during the fast.

The source materials that will become the basis for the work must also be prepared in a special way. It is necessary to clean them from contamination. But care must be taken not to purify them so much that they lose the magical trace of the person who once owned them. According to experts, the phase of the moon in the sky plays an important role, so it will be much easier to summon a voodoo doll. To perform the ritual, the Moon must be in the growing phase.

Consequences of using voodoo rituals

If a person decides to cast a love spell, he takes on an incomparable responsibility, because his well-being and the well-being of the object of his spell are at stake. We must not forget that the doll is a direct double of the one who is the target of the ritual. A correctly created volt can not only create a love spell, but also kill.

There is nothing worse for a voodoo doll than making your own, the problems that will arise if it becomes accessible to small children. They can inadvertently harm the bewitched in their games. Volt can be stolen, buried and buried. Very little time will pass and the bewitched person will meet his death.

Handling the doll must be very careful, because it can cause pain to the chosen one or a child, so it is necessary to securely hide it from prying eyes in a hard-to-reach place.

Besides careless handling of the volt can harm the owner. People who profess the Christian religion and at the same time use voodoo magic often question the power of the Loa spirits. You should not do this, because offended spirits are extremely vindictive. If a person considers the power of voodoo to be a whim, unworthy of a true Christian, he should not work with voodoo rituals and rituals. And if the sorcerer wants to turn to non-Christian entities, he is obliged to show his respect and gratitude.

In another scenario, you can’t give even a penny for the life of an ambitious wizard. Some accident may happen to him. There is a possibility that as a result of a neglectful attitude towards spirits, not only the spellcaster himself will suffer, but also those who were connected to him by blood or spiritual ties, that is, relatives and friends. Most often, the punishment of otherworldly forces will be the deprivation of a loved one, whom the magician values ​​most in the world.

Even the slightest mistakes in spell casting have unforeseen consequences. There are often cases when a spellcaster who distorted the meaning of the words of a spell was found dead after some time directly at the site of the ritual.

To avoid this, you will have to carefully prepare for each stage of the ritual and adhere to the sequence of manipulations. It is best to memorize the texts in advance and repeat them constantly. Reading from a paper sheet is not encouraged.

In this article you will learn how to make a Voodoo doll. So, you need to make a Voodoo doll to perform a certain ritual. The doll should be a likeness of the person at whom the actions of your ritual will be aimed. It will serve as a direct energy channel that connects you, or rather gives you access to its energy biofield.

Making a ritual doll

Dolls can be made at home from various materials: wood, rag, wool, wax. But all varieties of Voodoo dolls have something in common; they all must be made using particles of the person with whom the doll is identified. These are nails, hair, secretions (saliva, blood, sperm), as well as particles from clothes that the object of identification has worn for a long time. Very often, in addition to the Voodoo doll, a photo of a person is attached to the face of the ritual doll.

Since there is no fundamental difference in action depending on the type of doll, the easiest way is to make a doll from wax, as an option you can also use plasticine, but unfortunately there is no reliable information about how it will work, and since plasticine is not a natural material , then it’s better to use wax.

To make a Voodoo doll from melted wax, you need to mold the likeness of a human figure so that you can clearly distinguish the head, arms, legs and torso. Nails, blood and secretions are added to the wax, depending on what you managed to get. The hair is implanted into the doll's head, creating a semblance of hair. After the figure is molded, you can still dust it with dust from the shoes of your object of witchcraft and wrap it in a piece of fabric from his clothes.

But the most important thing in making a real Voodoo doll is to give it a name. Or, to put it another way, to baptize. During the manufacturing itself, you need not just sculpt the doll, you need to remember that you are making the likeness of a certain person and put every effort into this process to saturate the doll with the necessary energy.

After that, give her a name, saying:

“From now on, your name (person’s name), you are one with this doll,
As with the doll, so with you. Let it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago!”

Do not forget that a doll is a strong energy channel connecting you with the object of witchcraft, so you need to take care of it and not trust anyone, only you must perform rituals on it, those that you need, for good or evil! Otherwise, the consequences can be tragic, including the death of a person.

If you have questions about the topic how to make a voodoo doll, leave comments and we will answer you!


Due to the fact that a lot of repeated questions are asked in the comments, and there is neither time nor desire to answer them a hundred times, we have collected the most necessary, important and popular questions and created a FAQ on them! Repeated questions in the comments, or simply stupid questions that will not bring any benefit to any of the users, by the administration will be ignored! Read for your health!!!

1. Is it possible to make a Voodoo Doll from straw, from a rag, from plasticine, etc.?
You can make a Voodoo doll with your own hands from anything, the main thing is that it contains particles that carry the energy of the person in whose likeness you are making the doll. (nails, hair, clothes, blood, etc.)

2. I don’t have anything from the object on which I want to make a doll, no hair, no nails, much less discharge, what should I do?
If you don’t have anything that carries the energy of the object, then it’s impossible to make a Voodoo doll! Forget about this idea and look for other ways to solve your problem.

3. I made (made) a Voodoo doll, but I don’t know what to do with it next?
On our website there is a description of how to make a Voodoo love spell, look for other rituals on the Internet, read about how to do good with the help of a Voodoo doll in point No. 8.

4. Is it dangerous to deal with a Voodoo doll? Will this harm me?
Yes, it's dangerous! Any magic is dangerous if you treat it like a toy! Magic is a serious tool and can be used only as a last resort, and it is better to turn to a professional. You don’t repair the TV yourself if it breaks, but call a specialist! Although you can also find information on the Internet on how to fix a TV!

5. Is it possible to use a Voodoo doll to cause harm on purpose or kill a person?
It’s possible, you probably won’t have enough energy to kill, but you can cause harm, just make sure you don’t have to repent for what you did later! Voodoo magic for destroying a person is very dangerous, and we do not give techniques on how to harm someone and do not advise you to do this!

6. I am a Christian, is it a sin to practice magic and make a Voodoo doll in particular?
Yes, it’s a sin, Christianity does not recognize magic! Pray and God will help you, and forget about magic!

7. I am a Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, etc., can this somehow affect the success of the ritual?
No way! Religion has nothing to do with it!

8. Is it possible to make a doll for yourself? And what to do with it then?
You can make a doll in the likeness of yourself! Pay attention to the conspiracy in the ritual, it says: “What happens to the doll, so does to you” - therefore, if you simulate certain circumstances for the doll, then they will be attracted to you!

Here is an example from one user’s comments of what to do with your doll (the same can be done with dolls for people whom you wish well):

I knitted a doll, about 15 cm, the doll represents me, spat a little, added a little hair, put it in a box, filled the box with not real money, I made it myself. She put a crown on her head, put on her jewelry that she once wore, and what do you think? I now have my own business, I recently bought a brand new Lacetti, and before that I was unemployed, I couldn’t find a normal job, I lived from penny to penny. So people, make dolls for good, let them help you in life.

9. How to get rid of a Voodoo doll? How to destroy a Voodoo doll without causing harm to a person?
To destroy a Voodoo doll, just sprinkle it with holy water, saying:

“I cleanse the doll with holy water,
I’m releasing you (name),
there is no more power over you,
and now your name is not given to her. Amen".

The plot is repeated three times, after which you can do whatever you want with the doll without causing any harm to the person.

10. When will the rituals that I do with the Voodoo doll work and will they work at all?
The time and power of any magical ritual depends primarily on the person who performed it! Or rather, from his energy and abilities for magic! Therefore, to answer the question: when exactly will the ritual begin to take effect, where the Voodoo doll was used? - No one can do it for you! If within a month there are no results, then everything was in vain, the ritual did not work.

Rituals using a Voodoo doll are considered the most dangerous in black magic. This attribute allows you to influence any sphere of human activity. A black witch, holding a Voodoo doll in her hands, has enormous power over a person.

What can you make a real doll from with your own hands?

You can make a Voodoo doll from various materials. But at the same time, it is very important that she resembles the person who is planned to be controlled using black magic. In addition, the right attitude is important. You can make a Voodoo doll correctly only when you clearly imagine the person while sculpting.

Wax or candle doll

To make a magical attribute from wax or candles, you must first melt this material. After it has cooled a little and acquired the necessary plasticity, you should add pre-collected human particles to it. These can be pieces of hair and nails, saliva or sperm, etc. After this, the likeness of a human figurine with clearly defined sexual characteristics should be molded from wax.

In order to make the doll more realistic, dust from shoes should be sprinkled on the feet of the Voodoo doll being created. She needs to be dressed using previously obtained pieces of fabric from human clothing.

After the Voodoo doll is made, you need to give it a name.

This is done in the process of pronouncing the following words:

“From now on I give you the name (name of the person), with him you will be forever united. Whatever happens to this doll will happen to the man himself.”

Doll made of salt dough or plasticine

You can replace wax with salt dough or plasticine. In this case, you can make a Voodoo doll in a manner similar to that described above. To prepare salted dough, which has the consistency of plasticine, you can use the following recipe:

    A glass of salt; A glass of flour; 100 g of water; A spoon of vegetable oil.

Paper doll and photo

To make a Voodoo doll, you can also use paper and a photo of a person. It is believed that the presence of a photograph in a ritual can significantly enhance its impact. For this purpose, a frame in the form of a human skeleton is pre-made. After this, you should prepare a paste from glue, flour and water, adding human particles to it. You need to dip strips of newspaper in it and wrap it around the frame, thus forming a human figurine. At the final stage, you will need to paste an existing photograph of the person in the face area. Magicians recommend tearing newspapers into strips with your hands rather than cutting them with scissors; this will charge the Voodoo doll with the necessary energy.

Doll made of fabric and thread

You can also make a Voodoo doll from fabric. You can use the method described above, using fabric scraps instead of newspapers. It’s very good if you can get a person’s clothes without him noticing. But besides this, you can make this attribute using the sewing method. In this case, the doll is stuffed with cotton wool mixed with human particles.

How to make a Voodoo doll step by step at home

The step-by-step creation of a Voodoo doll involves the following steps:

    All materials described above must first be cleared of extraneous energy. To do this, it is recommended to add sandalwood oil or incense to them. When making a Voodoo doll, you need to fully concentrate on the process. When creating a likeness of a person, it is important to clearly visualize it. At the final stage, the doll is revived using a special ritual.

It is very important not only to remember the need for a Voodoo doll to resemble a person, but also to add biomaterials to the source material. Human hair is the easiest to collect, but saliva, semen and blood are considered the most effective.

How to bring a voodoo doll to life yourself

After the Voodoo doll is ready, you need to place it on the table, and light a candle and incense next to it. When fumigating an attribute with incense, you should recite the following spell at least seven times:

“I consecrate you, created by my hands, by the forces of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit. I conjure you to obey my will and fulfill the desires of God. I urge you to show loyalty and devotion to me, your master. Let it be so".

After this, the doll is ready for use in any black magic rituals. It should be stored out of reach of other people. If it is touched by someone else's hands, it will lose its power.

It’s not enough just to make a magical attribute, you also need to understand how to control it. First of all, you need to fully concentrate on your desires. In rituals with a Voodoo doll aimed at good, pins of different colors are usually used.

They allow you to bring various benefits into life:

    A yellow pin helps a person become successful. A green pin stabilizes the state of the financial sphere. A white pin has a positive effect on health. A blue pin allows you to gain power. A purple pin enhances spiritual capabilities. A red pin attracts love into life. A black pin gets rid of negativity.

To evoke love

You can make a Voodoo doll in order to perform a ritual that will awaken love in the soul of a particular person. Such love spells are very difficult to remove, so you cannot experiment with them.

A powerful ceremony is performed in solitude. You need to light a white candle and prepare a lavender stick. It is important to focus on your loved one, put a Voodoo doll in front of you, stick a red pin into the heart area and say the following spell:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), call you, the servant of God (the name of my beloved), my betrothed. By the power of the four natural elements, I command that your heart be filled with sincere love for me. We can be together forever, as my word is inviolable. Amen".

After this, you should light the incense stick and hold the figurine in your hands over the incense smoke. While it is soaked in the aroma of lavender, you should imagine your future life with your loved one. After this, the figurine must be hidden, without removing the pin, in a secluded place. This attribute cannot be reused in other rituals.

To receive benefits

You can also make a doll for a ritual that will allow you to attract wealth and success into your own life. In this case, the attribute is made in the usual way, but the fur of a domestic cat is added to the source material. The doll should be small in size so that it can be carried with you constantly. During the process of sculpting a doll, you should recite the following spell:

“As much hair as a cat comes off, so much good will appear in my life. I attract money and success into my life on all days of the week, morning, afternoon, and evening. Amen!"

To make you suffer

Very often in magic, a Voodoo doll is used to make a person suffer. When carrying out such an action, you should remember that it will entail a strong kickback and can be dangerous for the performer. But with an acute sense of revenge, even understanding this rarely stops people. Rituals that are aimed at causing suffering to another person should be carried out in a circle outlined with chalk. In addition, three black candles should be placed outside it, so that one is in front and two are behind the person casting a spell. Two glass glasses filled with salt are placed on the sides. You need to go into the created circle, kneel down and, using pins, begin to torture the Voodoo doll. There are no special spells for such a ritual; you need to express all your feelings in any form. This ritual can be performed many times.

How to destroy a doll without harm

You can’t just throw away a Voodoo doll when it’s no longer needed. In order not to harm yourself, it must be destroyed using special methods. The simplest method involves using holy water. Having retired, you should sprinkle the attribute and say the following words three times:

“I sprinkle you with holy water, break all ties with the person and release him to freedom forever, I remove my power. Now you are just a doll that no one needs and is useless. Amen!"

After this, the attribute can be discarded. But to prevent anyone from using it, you need to wrap it in an opaque bag and burn it. In addition, you can use another method. It is necessary to wrap the doll in a piece of white cloth, sprinkle it with salt on all sides and put it in a bag. Such a package should be buried deep in a vacant lot.

A doll is one of the most ancient crafts, with a centuries-old history. It is worth remembering only the Slavic protective dolls, which protected our ancestors for a long period of time, and now in modern homes they increasingly serve a decorative function. However, those who know how to use the experience of their ancestors choose things with meaning that will not only decorate the house, but also protect it from evil. As for Voodoo dolls, they have a slightly different purpose. And we will talk about how to make a Voodoo doll and how to use it in this article.

Voodoo is considered one of the oldest beliefs, in which a special doll, also called a “volt,” was often used for witchcraft and to achieve any goal.

The very process of creating this craft is magical, endowing an inanimate object with power and making it ready for further magical actions. If you decide to find out how to make a Voodoo doll, then this means that you have decided to influence some person.

Such crafts are most often made for dark purposes, when someone wants to cause harm, damage or cast a love spell on the person symbolized by the volt. However, this thing can also be used as a talisman.

To make a magical item, almost any available means can be used, although it is best to give preference to natural materials. Below we will look at the process of making an item and answer the main question of how to make a Voodoo doll.

As mentioned above, it is best to choose natural materials for making magical crafts. Experts recommend using wax as the base of the item. You will also need parts of the person with whom the item will be associated. This could be items of clothing, hair, nails, blood, saliva, semen, dust from shoes.

The main stages of making a Voodoo kula:

The wax is melted, from which the body of the magical thing will be made.
From melted wax, a likeness of a human figure is created, reminiscent of the one whom the thing symbolizes. When sculpting arms, legs, head and so on, try to think and imagine a person.

Next, you need to add those human parts that you have to the wax. Nails, saliva, hair, semen and so on must be used here. Try to place them where the item has the necessary parts. So, say, nails in toy hands, hair in the head area, and so on.

Dust from shoes should be used for crafts;
Some of the person's second-hand clothing is used as clothing, the best being underwear.
Now you need to name the Voodoo doll. Her name should be the same as the person she represents.

To give a name, a conspiracy is pronounced:

“From now on, your name is (name), you are one with it.
What happens to the doll will happen to the person!”

This completes the ritual of creating a Voodoo item. And it can be used for the purposes for which it was created.

A Voodoo doll is created for oneself in order to attract good luck, luck, love and other benefits. In addition, it can protect a person.

However, remember that if something happens to the craft, it may affect you too. Therefore, you should not joke with magic.

The process of creating a craft for yourself is almost the same as for another person. However, at the time of creating the doll's body, you need to add coins if you want to attract wealth, a horseshoe or other symbol of good luck to attract success, and so on.

If you want to attract love, then place a homemade red heart in the body. After this, complete the ritual by giving a name.

You need to store it in an inaccessible place, because if it falls into the hands of someone, they can cause you great harm.

How to get rid of a voodoo doll

The process of getting rid of a Voodoo doll deserves special attention, since simply throwing it away or breaking it can cause harm to both yourself and another person. To get rid of it, you should sprinkle the craft with spring water and say three times:

“I clean the doll with water and deprive it of its name.
She will have no power over (person’s name)!”

Both the creation and destruction of a Voodoo doll are specific processes that require strict adherence to instructions and faith in the result. It is important to treat such rituals very responsibly, so as not to harm anyone or bring misfortune upon yourself.

To achieve the affection of the man they love, most women are capable of much. They change in appearance, change the tactics of their behavior, use various tricks, but traditional methods do not always allow them to achieve what they want. Some girls begin to resort to magic. A love spell on a Voodoo doll, which can be done at home, is an effective ritual that allows you to make a man fall in love with you in the shortest possible time.

Unlike black magic rituals, the consequences of a love spell on a Voodoo doll are not so dangerous. But it is always worth remembering that there is a certain risk.

How does Voodoo magic work?

Following the traditions of Voodoo, African sorcerers were able to develop one of the most effective magical systems in the whole world. Today, Voodoo magic is widely used in almost all countries.

When making a Voodoo love spell, you can be almost 100% sure that it will work in the very near future. But there are also certain difficulties. For the ritual you will need a doll, which you must make with your own hands, otherwise you will not get any results.

Voodoo love spell at home

Previously, such rituals were performed only by selected African shamans, but over time, the secret of Voodoo magic was revealed and became popular throughout the globe. Thousands of people resort to her help every day.

To carry out a Voodoo love spell, you will need to create a doll, which should preferably be made from natural materials (wax, wood). Outwardly, she should resemble the man you want to fall in love with you. But in addition to this, you need to saturate the doll with the energy of this person, and establish an invisible connection between them.

For this purpose you will need biological material from the victim. This can be hair, nails, saliva and even sperm. You need to place this material in the doll. It must be done at midnight. You must be alone in the room. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual.

While making a doll, say:

« Between heaven and earth you (name) are alone, and now exist in two forms ».

When the doll is ready, pierce your middle finger on your left hand with a sterile needle and drop blood into the place where the doll should have a heart, saying:

“I unite your heart with mine forever. Our love will be eternal, I know it. Will you be the only one who loves me? You won’t be able to sleep, eat or live without me.”

After the ritual, the doll must be hidden at home in a secluded place. Don't show it to anyone.

Love spell on a Voodoo doll: consequences

Like any other magical ritual, a love spell on a Voodoo doll has its consequences. You need to understand that once you do it, you have virtually no way back. Now you are completely responsible for the person you bewitched. Voodoo magic can break his will, causing him to change greatly.

When casting a love spell on a Voodoo doll, many people don’t know how to remove it. In fact, it is almost impossible to do this. Ordinary cleansing rituals will not help here.

To minimize the consequences for the victim, perform the ritual only in a calm state. The intense arousal or negative emotions experienced during the process can be very damaging.

You should only use a Voodoo love spell for a guy if you really love this person, but in no case for fun. Otherwise, the dark forces may become angry with you and take away the most valuable thing you have. It could be health, money, beauty.

Therefore, before you decide to take such a step, think carefully about everything.

Voodoo love spell: strong love spells