How to make milk mushrooms not taste bitter. Why are white and black milk mushrooms bitter? Marinated yellow ones in Polish

There is a fairly widespread belief that white and black milk mushrooms are suitable for food only when salted or pickled. It's all about that specific and clearly noticeable bitterness that is characteristic of this type of mushroom. But experienced mushroom pickers and skilled housewives know perfectly well how to fry milk mushrooms in such a way that the result is a very tasty dish that can be used both as a main dish and as a side dish.

Why are milk mushrooms bitter?

Many people, answering the question whether it is possible to fry milk mushrooms, give an unequivocal negative answer, rightly pointing out the excessive bitterness of these mushrooms.

Curious. In most European countries, these mushrooms are very for a long time and were considered, if not poisonous, then inedible. Later they began to be eaten salted or pickled. But the recipe for fried milk mushrooms is still practically unknown in most European countries.

The reason for the bitter taste lies in the biochemical composition of these mushrooms. Their pulp contains a significant number of so-called milk vessels. At the slightest damage to the structure of the mushroom, these vessels secrete a special juice, which imparts the characteristic astringency and bitterness during heat treatment.

How to get rid of bitterness

In addition, one cannot fail to take into account the financial benefits of using various types of milk mushrooms in the diet. Even store-bought mushrooms are quite comparable in cost to most types of meat and fish products. And when collected independently, their cost practically approaches zero. In addition, in addition to purely gastronomic pleasure, we must not forget about the pleasure that “silent hunting” brings to a real mushroom picker.

The first two types of “overweight” mushrooms are easy to recognize - by their characteristic light shade. But only experienced mushroom pickers know what nigella mushrooms look like. Surprisingly, the color of this representative of eukaryotic organisms can vary even within a species, ranging from dirty olive to dark brown. These mushrooms grow in whole families. Their distinctive feature- the presence of villi around the circumference of the cap. The edges of the “cap” look down, and the older the mushroom, the larger the depression in it.

The main thing to remember when bringing milk mushrooms into the house is that they belong to the category of conditionally edible. Eating them raw is strictly prohibited, even for testing purposes.

Preliminary preparation

Before pickling mushrooms, you will have to tinker with them in five stages.

  1. Casting.
  2. Arriving home with a basket full of “catch”, you should sort through it. Mushrooms that are not marketable will have to be thrown into the trash. The same applies to broken specimens: you can pickle the “fragments”, but will you be pleased to eat them in winter - that is the question. Bath procedures. Each mushroom must be washed under running water before soaking. Can be used for this toothbrush
  3. with soft bristles. This atypical kitchen device will help remove particles of sand, dust, and pine needles that have settled on the stem and cap of the forest guest.
  4. Soak. A large plastic bowl is suitable for this pre-treatment step. You can also soak it in a plastic bucket if there is not much space in the kitchen and there is simply nowhere to put a large basin. Each mushroom must be turned upside down and carefully placed in a container. All that remains is to fill the contents with cold water and change the liquid within two to three days. If the room is cool, the water can be changed once a day. If, on the contrary, it is quite warm, then at least three times a day.
  5. Ambassador. On the last day of soaking, the water that replaced the previous one can be slightly salted. The main ambassador is yet to come, this is just a preliminary one.

Flushing. After soaking, the product must be rinsed again under running water. Only after this the forest gifts will be completely ready for the next stage of preparation. « It is not recommended to cook milk mushrooms without first soaking them. Fresh mushrooms are as bitter as chili peppers. AND the main task

water procedures

"- deprive the product of the bitterness accumulated in it. 2 thermal methods You won’t be able to eat milk mushrooms brought from the forest immediately after cooking. Before enjoying the taste of this delicious product, you will have to soak it thoroughly. Milk mushrooms are not eaten without prior soaking. By the way, in Ancient Rus' this mushroom was an ingredient in the most intricate dishes that were served to the table of the nobility. There's a lot in it

ascorbic acid

Peculiarity. First, the mushrooms need to be lightly boiled. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of salt to a 10 liter pan. Place the dishes on the fire, bring the liquid to a boil, and add the mushrooms to it for 20-25 minutes. For both boiling and subsequent salting, use only ordinary table salt. Spices with additives, iodized or sea spices are not suitable for the process.

Product set:

  • milk mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • clean water - 2 l;
  • salt - two tablespoons;
  • garlic - one head;
  • bay leaf - two;
  • horseradish leaf - one;
  • dill seeds - teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil.

What we do

  1. First, prepare the brine by dissolving the specified amount of salt in water. If there are more raw materials than indicated in the recipe, increase both the amount of salt and the volume of water according to the existing proportions.
  2. Drain the boiled mushrooms hot water, fill them with prepared brine.
  3. Add dill seed, black pepper, bay leaf to the brine, put the pan on the stove, cook for about ten minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat, add the peeled garlic cloves and horseradish to the pan, and place pressure directly on the mushrooms. Let the contents cool until room temperature. It is important that the mushrooms are completely covered with brine during this time.
  5. After complete cooling, we remove the container with mushrooms to a cool place (preferably in the cellar), and, without removing the oppression, leave it in the dark for five to six days.
  6. By the end of the period of “imprisonment” of mushrooms in an improvised dungeon, we prepare jars for packaging: they can be calcined in the oven or sterilized by pouring boiling water over the glass container several times.
  7. We pack the mushrooms into jars, carefully placing the milk mushrooms with their caps down, and fill them with the same brine in which they languished before.
  8. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to each jar filled with mushrooms, then cover the container with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Milk mushrooms salted according to this recipe are ready to eat after 14 days. Young mushrooms can “arrive” before the specified period.


Peculiarity. It is best to salt white milk mushrooms using a cold method, doing this not in a saucepan, but in a barrel. Of course, only if you have somewhere to put this barrel. A basement or cellar is the most suitable place for storage. In addition to the barrel, you will need additional equipment. First of all, this is sterilized oppression. Sterilization consists of a one-time scalding with boiling water. You also need a pre-sterilized circle made of natural wood, a large number of gauze. This method is sometimes called dry, since it does not involve the use of additional liquid.

Product set:

  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • table salt - 0.4 kg;
  • garlic - ten heads;
  • dill stems - seven pieces;
  • horseradish leaves - five pieces;
  • currant leaves;
  • cherry leaves.

What we do

  1. After soaking, wash the milk mushrooms under running water and place them in a barrel in layers, alternately sprinkling each with salt, placing currant and cherry leaves, as well as dill stems.
  2. After arranging the contents, cover the mushrooms with wide horseradish leaves, and on top of them with several layers of clean gauze.
  3. We place a wooden circle on top of the gauze and place sterilized pressure on it.
  4. If we notice that too little brine is released, we change the installed pressure to a heavier one.
  5. We keep the mushrooms under pressure for about a month, and after that we begin to try the delicacy.

If you find mold in a barrel, the entire moldy layer of mushrooms will have to be thrown into the trash. The gauze should be changed, and the wooden circle and bend should be additionally sterilized before reinstallation.

“Colored” variations of salting

Cold-cooked salted milk mushrooms are a real delight for connoisseurs and gourmets. However, it is almost impossible to implement the recipe in a city apartment. The reason is not only the lack free space for installing a keg, but also in unsuitable temperature conditions. However, you always have an alternative - pickle the mushrooms under a nylon cloth or marinate under a tin lid. Below are three recipes for black, white and yellow milk mushrooms.

Fried whites in tomato

Peculiarity. It is believed that this method of preservation is most relevant for mushrooms white. The reason lies solely in the aesthetic component. White in red looks more impressive than dark brown or yellow. Therefore, by and large, the recipe can be used to prepare any type of milk mushrooms, especially the smallest and youngest ones.

Product set:

  • white milk mushrooms - 4 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 0.25 l;
  • onions - six large heads;
  • 9% vinegar - half a glass;
  • black pepper - ten peas;
  • laurel - four leaves;
  • tomato paste - 0.75 kg;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt - to taste.

What we do

  1. Boil the pre-soaked milk mushrooms in boiling water for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Turn off the stove, drain the contents of the pan into a colander, and leave for another 15 minutes so that all the water accumulated in the mushrooms drains into the sink.
  3. Pour the specified amount of refined vegetable oil into a deep frying pan, throw in the onion cut into half rings.
  4. After three minutes, add sugar to the onion, mix thoroughly until the latter dissolves, fry for the same amount of time.
  5. Add mushrooms and all the spices to the pan. Salt to your taste.
  6. After ten minutes, put the entire volume of tomato paste into the frying pan and simmer for another ten minutes.
  7. Before turning off the stove, add vinegar, instantly mix the contents of the frying pan, and put it into pre-sterilized jars as quickly as possible.
  8. We roll the containers under tin lids, turn the top upside down until the morning, and wrap them in a warm blanket.

Using a similar recipe, you can preserve mushrooms and saffron milk caps, but these mushrooms do not need to be soaked first. It is enough to boil for 15 minutes in boiling water.

Salted blacks in a jar

Peculiarity. This recipe makes it convenient to salt black milk mushrooms in a city apartment. Neither a barrel, nor a bend, nor a cellar will be needed. But the delicacy will be no less tasty than that of the housewives in Ancient Rus'. Jars filled with forest gifts are covered with nylon lids and stored in the refrigerator. The product matures for about 30 days, after which it becomes completely ready to be sent to the gourmet’s stomach.

Product set:

  • black milk mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • table salt - two to three tablespoons;
  • dill umbrellas - three;
  • dill stems - five to six;
  • garlic - two cloves in each jar;
  • dried laurel;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • salt.

What we do

  1. We line the bottom of each jar with horseradish, cherry and currant leaves mixed together, and put a few laurel leaves on top.
  2. We carefully compact the mushrooms, placing them with their stems up, sprinkling them with salt and arranging them with dill stems.
  3. On top, we “cover” the last layer of mushrooms with a dill umbrella, and cover it with a piece of clean gauze folded several times. It is important not to touch the mushrooms with dirty hands, so it is better to carry out manipulations with gloves.

Housewives advise taking liter containers. It is important to compact the mushrooms tightly so that the juice is released as actively as possible. Horseradish leaves can be replaced with cabbage leaves.

Marinated yellow ones in Polish

Peculiarity. Marinated yellow milk mushroom salad is very popular in Poland. About the same as our salted tomatoes or lightly salted cucumbers. But those who are preparing such a salad for the first time should take into account its specific garlic aroma. For the first time, prepare just a couple of servings, and if both you and your household like it, prepare it for future use - so that there will be enough “quiet hunting” until the next season.

Product set:

  • yellow milk mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • clean drinking water- 3 l;
  • salt - one fifth of a glass;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • laurel - one leaf;
  • garlic - five large heads;
  • 9% vinegar - one fifth of a glass;
  • dried cloves - three buds;
  • currant and cherry leaves - three or four pieces each.

What we do

  1. In the specified volume of water, dissolve table salt in the amount of two tablespoons and boil the liquid.
  2. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan and cook in boiling water for about 15 minutes.
  3. We drain the water and place the main ingredient in a colander to drain.
  4. Prepare the brine: boil a liter of water, add all the spices and garlic to it, pour in the specified amount of sugar and two tablespoons of salt.
  5. Throw the leaves into the brine, then the mushrooms, and boil again in the aromatic liquid for about ten minutes.
  6. We transfer the milk mushrooms into a glass, pre-sterilized container, pour 0.03 l into each jar acetic acid, fill with hot brine, roll under tin lids.

From the specified amount of ingredients you should get two glass jars of preservation with a volume of 1 liter each.

Shelf life

When organizing a home “cannery”, you should remember the shelf life of products prepared for the winter. The table will tell you how long mushrooms prepared in different ways can be stored.

Table - Shelf life of milk mushroom preparations

Rolling salted mushrooms under a tin lid is strictly prohibited, so as not to create fertile soil for the development of botulism.

It is believed that pickling, which involves preliminary boiling of the main ingredient, is a safer method of preparation. Additional heat treatment disinfects the mushrooms and destroys the toxins hidden in them. According to any of the proposed recipes, you can also prepare dry milk mushrooms, popularly called podgruzdki. Choosing this type of mushroom greatly simplifies the housewife’s task and reduces the duration of the culinary process. And all because the toppings are not bitter, which means there is no need to soak them.

Picking mushrooms is not only a fascinating activity, but also a very responsible one. After all, by putting anything into a basket, you can poison yourself and endanger your loved ones. Inexperienced mushroom pickers, having studied what fly agaric looks like, think that this is enough to protect themselves from the poison growing in the forest. And having brought home a basket (or even two full buckets), these gatherers are already looking forward to a delicious meal. But in the end, you can’t take a single spoon into your mouth because of the acrid taste. Let's look at the reasons why mushrooms are bitter.

Insidious doubles

Mother Nature scattered their poisonous clones throughout the forest. These are, first of all, boletus mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms, champignons, boletus mushrooms, and even boletus mushrooms, which are surprisingly similar to white boletus mushrooms. Therefore, answer No. 1 to the question why mushrooms are bitter is this: along with the right gifts of the forest, you also picked up their poisonous counterparts. Even one such false honey fungus, squeezed into a basket, can spoil the entire dish with unbearable bile. I'll have to throw it all away, sadly. It is better to check the authenticity of the find on the spot. As a rule, false mushrooms are very beautiful: bright, untouched by worms and snails. In addition, you can touch the cut of the cap with the tip of your tongue. The deadly poisonous satanic mushroom looks like a white mushroom, but its Ukrainian name “gorchak” speaks for itself. In addition, it turns blue and red when cut.

Incorrect processing

Another reason why they taste bitter is their incorrect culinary preparation. There are species that are edible and even very tasty and healthy - such as milk mushrooms. But under no circumstances should you simply peel them and crumble them into a frying pan. Such mushrooms are first soaked and the water is drained. Then they boil it (some cooks even several times). In addition to milk mushrooms, russula and some chanterelles also taste bitter in a frying pan. All mushrooms collected in fruit bodies acquire a resinous taste, which not everyone likes.

Fickle chanterelles

Even experienced mushroom pickers, who know well what exactly they put in the basket and how to cook it, sometimes end up with a completely inedible dish. What's the matter? After all, there are chanterelle mushrooms in the frying pan. Why do they taste bitter, although they were tasty when collected a week earlier in the same place? The answer is simple: climate. If there is not enough moisture, the juice inside the fruiting bodies becomes bile. Therefore, mushrooms collected in the summer heat taste bitter. The same applies to chanterelles found in moss in a spruce forest - the acrid taste of resin makes them practically inedible.


In the question “why do mushrooms taste bitter”, one cannot discount the conditions in which the fruiting bodies grew. Their spongy structure absorbs everything that is carried in the air, spilled in groundwater or lying in the ground. Champignons found in city public gardens have been sprinkled not only by summer rain, but also by numerous dogs, so their taste is distinctly urine. Mushrooms near roadsides are not only not tasty, but also dangerous to health. Even boletus contains heavy metals and poisons from exhaust gases.

It seems that we have noted all the reasons why mushrooms are bitter. Alas, there is no way to fix a spoiled dish - you just need to throw it away. Bitterness does not always mean poisoning. But, as they say, God protects those who are taken care of. So have a drink activated carbon It wouldn't be out of place. They are usually deadly neutral in taste, and the consequences of their use are much worse than simple bitterness. There is only one conclusion - learn the materiel!

Why are mushrooms bitter, and how to get rid of this bitterness? Mushroom pickers claim that many types of mushrooms that grow in nature initially have a bitter taste. To remove bitterness, mushrooms must be properly processed and cooked correctly, only then can you really get delicious dishes from mushrooms.

Collecting the right mushrooms

Many edible and conditionally edible mushrooms have poisonous analogues, or false mushrooms - false honey mushrooms, false chanterelles, boletus, champignons, and even false porcini mushrooms, considered royal.

It will not be possible to remove the bitterness from them even after long-term processing; moreover, in addition to the bitterness, they will also contain poisons that are dangerous to humans, so you need to collect only those mushrooms whose quality is beyond doubt.

For example, gall mushroom, or bitterling, is not edible, although appearance it can easily be mistaken for boletus, boletus or White mushroom. Cooking bitters only enhances the bitterness.

Experienced mushroom pickers warn that even one poisonous and bitter mushroom can ruin the entire dish; its bitterness is enough for everyone. Therefore, it is better to check mushrooms in the forest. Poisonous analogues of edible mushrooms look brighter and more beautiful than non-poisonous ones. They are rarely eaten by worms, snails and insects, but that's not all - when cut, the poisonous mushroom turns blue, while its edible counterpart turns red.

Bitterness is noted in milk mushrooms - milk mushrooms, travelers, chanterelles, volnushki, podtopolniks, white mushrooms, valuevs and some other edible mushrooms.

Mushrooms collected in coniferous forests are more bitter than mushrooms from deciduous forests, even if they belong to the same species and family. In addition, “coniferous” mushrooms have a resinous aftertaste that is not so easy to remove.

Another reason for bitterness in edible mushrooms is lack of moisture. Immediately after rain, mushrooms are tasty, but after a week, due to the heat, their taste can change greatly for the worse. Due to lack of moisture, they become bitter or bilious.

Mushrooms will be bitter in polluted areas; everyone knows that they, like a sponge, absorb everything that is in the air, soil and water. You cannot even collect edible mushrooms growing along roads, near large industrial enterprises, landfills and other pollutants. You only need to cut mushrooms with a stainless steel knife or a ceramic knife.

Some mushrooms are naturally bitter!

Processing methods

How to remove bitterness from mushrooms? We remove the bitter taste by processing - soaking or boiling. There are no other ways or means to remove bitterness. The collected mushrooms should be cleaned, divided by variety, so that each type is soaked or boiled separately. For russula, the colored film must be removed from the cap.

Different types of mushrooms are soaked and boiled in different ways and require different times. But after preliminary preparation, you can cook - salt, fry, marinate - they can be combined.

Both soaking and boiling mushrooms is a long process. Soaking lasts two days, with water changes 2-3 times a day. At the same time, you can taste the mushrooms - for some, the bitterness disappears earlier. If it is no longer there, you can use the mushroom for further cooking. To speed up the process, you can slightly salt the water in which the mushrooms are soaked with non-iodized salt. 1 liter of water will require 10 grams of salt; it absorbs bitter substances well. Place the container with soaked mushrooms in a dark, cool place so that they do not spoil.

The soaking time varies for different mushrooms. So, russula and saffron milk caps are not soaked at all, white milk mushrooms and milk caps are soaked for 1-1.5 days. Seryanka, valui, smooth milk mushrooms, black milk mushrooms, podoreshniks, white mushrooms, violins are soaked for two to five days. Moreover, in each area, in different weather conditions, the soaking time is also different, so you should listen to the advice of local mushroom pickers.

Boil the mushrooms several times for 15-20 minutes, changing the water. You can also taste them during the process and continue boiling until the taste becomes normal. Generally, boiling removes bitterness faster than steeping.

If mushrooms are bitter even after processing, it is better to throw them away so as not to poison yourself and your loved ones. You can also spray them citric acid, but is it worth the risk?

The water for soaking and boiling mushrooms should be clean, spring, well or filtered. Do not use chlorinated tap water.

Chanterelles, which contain a lot of bitter substances, can be washed with running water and then sprinkled with flour, it will absorb the bitterness. After 15 hours, they are washed again and tasted.

The milk mushrooms are boiled several times, replacing the water. They need to be boiled until the water remains clear, this will indicate that the bitterness has disappeared.

Bitter mushrooms can ruin the taste of the dish!

What to do with over-salted mushrooms?

If you over-salted mushrooms and only noticed it in winter, no problem. Over-salted mushrooms are soaked in clean cold water 2 hours, changing water every 30 minutes. Then served to the table with onions and vegetable oil. An excellent addition to over-salted mushrooms would be boiled potatoes.

Over-salted mushrooms can be used to cook soup with foods that will remove excess salt - carrots, rice, pearl barley, sour cream. In this case, the soup itself should not be salted.

If fried mushrooms are too salty, you can add flour, cream or sour cream to them and simmer everything together. You can boil the potatoes without salt and mix them with over-salted mushrooms.

Over-salted mushrooms with boiled rice will be an excellent filling for pies.

Over-salted mushrooms are used to make gravy boiled pasta, with onions and carrots fried until golden brown.

Over-salted pickled mushrooms are used for salads and vinaigrettes, instead of pickled cucumbers or zucchini.

In any of these cases, a dish with over-salted mushrooms is not additionally salted, or added salt if there is less salt in the mushrooms and the mushrooms themselves than other products.

If bitterness remains in the salted mushrooms, this indicates that they were not properly prepared for pickling. There is no way to fix this anymore. Eating or not eating such mushrooms is voluntary. You can try to correct their taste by soaking them in clean water.

You shouldn’t over-salt mushrooms either!

Let's clarify some facts

To avoid mushroom poisoning, you need to know as much as possible about them. Therefore, we will try to clarify some facts about poisonous and edible mushrooms.

It is believed that poisonous mushrooms must be bitter, ugly and have an unpleasant odor. This is wrong. For example, such dangerous mushrooms as panther fly agaric, toadstool or poisonous roseate have neither taste nor particular smell. And false mushrooms cannot be distinguished from real ones by appearance.

Insects and snails also eat poisonous mushrooms; mushroom pickers often find pale toadstools on which snails sit.

You can get poisoned not only poisonous mushrooms, but also edible if they are already old, spoiled and poorly processed.

When poisoning with mushrooms, the following symptoms appear: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and agitation. If they appear, you must call ambulance, in the meantime, do a gastric lavage yourself with water and potassium permanganate, and a cleansing enema. Drink salted water.

How to remove bitterness from mushrooms?

If we are talking about edible mushrooms with milky juice, such mushrooms are soaked in water, replacing it 3-4 times a day.

Suitable and widely used for pickling are edible mushrooms containing milky juice, such as: white milk mushroom, nigella/black milk mushroom/, saffron milk cap, volnushka, valui and others must be soaked for 8 - 10 days so that the excess bitterness goes away.

In hot weather, care must be taken during soaking so that the water does not turn sour and spoil the harvest of quiet hunting.

If it is very hot, soaking can be done using table salt/soaking in salt water prevents the mushrooms from quickly souring the water.

The bitterness in mushrooms can also be removed in another way.

True, in this case, along with the bitterness, the entire mushroom aroma will go away. But there will be no bitterness at all.
Yes, I’ll say right away that it’s better to soak the mushrooms first and leave them until the morning.
In the morning, drain the water and rinse them thoroughly again in cold running water, put the mushrooms in a saucepan, add water and set to cook.
When the mushrooms boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for 2-3 hours, while periodically do not forget to remove the scum.
Then cool the mushrooms, drain the water and wash in running water.
The result is such boiled mushrooms that there will be no bitterness in them.

Then you can safely salt them.

How to remove bitterness from mushrooms?

The bitterness in different mushrooms is removed by completely different methods.

We remove bitterness from chanterelles, two different ways.
Chanterelle mushrooms are conditionally edible because they require special heat treatment before eating. Chanterelle mushrooms contain bitter juice, which must be removed before cooking.

1) The mushrooms must be sorted out and cleared of debris and bugs. Then they need to be thoroughly washed in running water with the addition of a small amount of flour. After this operation, the mushrooms need to be rinsed and immersed in cold water for 12-15 hours. Then drain the water. The mushrooms are ready for further processing: frying, boiling, stewing.

2) Remove the bitterness from the chanterelles by boiling. First you need to sort the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly, then boil the mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes. After this procedure, all the bitterness will go away, the mushrooms will be ready for further heat treatment.

Removing bitterness from milk mushrooms
Express method: to remove bitterness from milk mushrooms without prolonged soaking in water, you need to boil the mushrooms 3 - 4 times, while changing the water. At the very last boil, the water after the mushrooms should become transparent; if the color is cloudy or gray, in this case you will need to boil again in new water.

Another option for removing bitterness from milk mushrooms is soaking in salted water for 2 - 3 days. The only note is that mushrooms should be soaked only in cold water and stored in a cool place during soaking, otherwise the milk mushrooms may spoil.

Happy harvesting!