How to make a large backpack in Minecraft. Backpacks and bags from the game Minecraft. How to Convert a Regular Backpack to a Woven Backpack

With this article I would like to appeal to all crafters and tourists who are accustomed to solving all problems with various junk with the help of backpacks, which are sometimes impressive in their bottomlessness. Diving from reality into Minecraft, it’s not easy to get rid of habits acquired over the years. It's not easy to change the habit of stuffing a lot of items into your backpack with the need to use twenty-seven inventory slots. Good news: You dived into the game for a reason. After reading this text and looking at the pictures, you will forever forget about the lack of space. You will learn how to craft backpacks of different sizes, colors and characteristics. A couple of mods help you make them in Minecraft: Backpacks and Forestry.

How to make a backpack in Backpacks

We started with this mod because in translation it is called backpacks. Stalker minecraft mods are perfect for this mod. A stalker without a backpack is not a stalker. And the only task of this mod is to supply you with travel bags. Classic installation:

  • The first step is to install Minecraft Forge
  • The second is to move the archive you downloaded to .minecraft/mods

What kind of backpack can you get by adding this mod to Minecraft? One of the following:

  • Standard. The number of items that fit in it is equal to the number of inventory slots - 27. Nine blocks of leather are required.

  • Big. This one is twice as spacious as the standard one, enough for 54 items. Volume is achieved through the use of treated leather.

  • Colored. The same Minecraft recipes, but with the addition of dyes, can make shoulder bags the color you want.

  • Edge backpack. Place the edge chest in the center of the grid and get a bag at the output, the contents of which will be identical to the contents of another bag in this dimension.

  • With a workbench. Allows crafting in inventory.

  • Large with a workbench. The same thing plus 27 additional cells.

In addition to these recipes, you may also need the following in Minecraft:

  • This one will return the backpack. its natural color.

  • If you prefer something else to natural, a backpack. already painted in a boring color, this recipe is your salvation.

Try making a bag at Forestry

This Minecraft mod, although it does not specialize in backpacks, does an excellent job of crafting them. There are three types:

  • Ordinary. Its volume is 15 cells.
  • Woven. Capacity - 45 cells.
  • Beekeeper. Designed for 125 slots.

A regular backpack is divided into subtypes:

  • Miner
  • Digger
  • Forester
  • Hunter
  • Builder
  • Adventurer

The illustration will tell you more about crafting and characteristics.

The woven version is crafted like this:

Well, the most voluminous one, beekeeping, can be done in Minecraft like this:

Backpacks have four modes. They can be switched using the combination Shift+RMB (no need to point at the chest).

  • Ordinary. The same chest combination unloads items from the bag into the chest.
  • Blocking. Similar to the previous one, but items are not automatically stored in the bag.
  • Receiving. The specified key combination for a chest loads items from it into the bag.
  • Replenishments. Like normal mode, only items from the backpack replenish, if possible, incomplete stacks in the Minecraft inventory.

Backpacks open if you pick them up and right-click. And one more thing: 27 inventory slots, multiplied by the number of backpack items, give a huge number of saved items. Take advantage of this.

Hi all! We would like to tell you about such a wonderful thing as a backpack in Minecraft - this item, just like in life, will serve to carry gamer items. Using a backpack, you can increase the number of items you carry, and it will be a very useful thing because all items are stacked in orderly rows. At the moment there are several types of backpacks. Each of them allows you to really save the character’s strength. Unfortunately, there is no such useful thing in the game yet, and the recipes that we present to you in this article were used on a client with a special mod that added this feature to us!
Each backpack is made differently and specially and can only store a certain category of items.

Digger's Backpack - Thread, Stone, Wool, Chest - This backpack will store dirt, gravel, hellstone, clay and sand.

Miner's Backpack - Thread, Iron Ingot, Wool, Chest - This backpack will store ore, obsidian, metal, coal, gems and red stone.

Forester's backpack - wood, thread, wool, chest - this backpack will store berries, seeds, plants and flowers.

Hunter's Backpack - Thread, Feather, Wool, Chest - This backpack will store feathers, gunpowder, raw meat, ender pearls, eggs, nuggets and leather.

Builder's Backpack - Clay, Wool, Thread, Chest - This backpack will store the hell fence, bricks, torch, slabs, grates, stones and glass.

Adventurer's Backpack - Chest, Wool, Bone, Thread - This backpack will store stones, bones and thread.
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Today we continue our column with articles about the game Minecraft. In this article we will look in more detail at solving the problem with a full inventory, namely how to make a backpack in the game. I think that many of the players have encountered this problem. The creation of chest boxes solved the problem of general storage, but the problem of limited number of things carried remained. To solve it, we added to the game different kinds bags, each of which can store specific types of materials. Below we will tell you in detail how to make a backpack in Minecraft.

Backpack and its modes

As we noted above, there are different bags. To switch the “mode” of the bag, you need to right-click on it and simultaneously hold down the Shift key on the keyboard. We've already figured out how to switch, now let's find out which modes are in the game:

  1. 1. Normal - unremarkable mode. It is needed to put things in it, and you can also switch your backpack from it. When collecting things, they automatically fall into it.
  2. 2. Lock mode - in this mode, the things you collect will not automatically fit into the bag. You must manually move them.
  3. 3. Receiving mode - in this mode, when you press RMB and Shift, all things from the inventory will automatically move to the backpack.
  4. 4. Replenishment mode - a “smart” mode in which incomplete stacks of items in the inventory will be automatically replenished with items from the bag.

In order to open the bag, you need to pick it up and press the right mouse button.

What can you make a backpack from?

Having dealt with the structure of bags, let's move on to something more interesting. In the game you can make several types of bags in which various things are stored. To create all the bags you will need a regular chest and some additional items.

  1. 1. Miner's - for this you will need two iron ingots, four threads and two pieces of wool. In the resulting bag you can store pieces of various ores, metal ingots, pebbles and many other substances that can be mined with a pickaxe.
  2. 2. Zemlyokopsky - for crafting, take four strings, two blocks of stone and the same number of pieces of wool. It can carry substances such as: earth, sandstone, sand, flint, clay.
  3. 3. Forester's Bag - you will need four strings, two blocks of wood and two blocks of wool. You can store in it: tree seedlings, pieces of vines, flowers, apples and other plants.
  4. 4. Hunting pouch - perfect if you hunt a lot and often carry loot from animals. Suitable for storing: feathers, threads, gold nuggets, bone meal, wool and other loot. To create you need: four pieces of thread, two feathers, two pieces of wool.

Today we continue our column with articles about the game Minecraft. In this article we will look in more detail at solving the problem with a full inventory, namely how to make a backpack in the game. I think that many of the players have encountered this problem. The creation of chest boxes solved the problem of general storage, but the problem of limited number of things carried remained. To solve this problem, various types of bags were added to the game, each of which can store certain types of materials. Below we will tell you in detail how to make a backpack in Minecraft.

Backpack and its modes

As we noted above, there are different bags. To switch the “mode” of the bag, you need to right-click on it and simultaneously hold down the Shift key on the keyboard. We've already figured out how to switch, now let's find out which modes are in the game:

  1. Normal is an unremarkable mode. It is needed to put things in it, and you can also switch your backpack from it. When collecting things, they automatically fall into it.
  2. Lock mode - in this mode, the items you collect will not automatically fit into your bag. You must manually move them.
  3. Receiving mode - in it, when you press RMB and Shift, all things from the inventory will automatically move to the backpack.
  4. Replenishment mode is a “smart” mode in which incomplete stacks of items in the inventory will be automatically replenished with items from the bag.

In order to open the bag, you need to pick it up and press the right mouse button.

What can you make a backpack from?

Having dealt with the structure of bags, let's move on to something more interesting. In the game you can make several types of bags in which various things are stored. To create all the bags you will need a regular chest and some additional items.

As you can see in the game there is an opportunity to create bags for a wide variety of things. We should inform you that each of them has fifteen cells. When crafting, you must not forget about the wooden chest.

We hope that our article will help you and simplify the movement of materials in your inventory.

Video lessons

Backpacks is a mod that adds backpacks to the game. The most ordinary backpack will help you increase space in your inventory; remember how difficult it can be in the mines when there is no space left in your inventory and you have to throw something away or leave it in chests when there are chests. You will now have a backpack. The backpack can be held in your hands or put on your back; in the second case, we move the backpack into the shirt slot, and open it by pressing the “B” key in the English layout. Backpacks can be painted in any color using dyes, you can also create an enlarged backpack, a backpack with a workbench and an edge backpack, each of these backpacks has its own advantages, see the recipes below.

Backpacks fit freely into chests, including filled ones, so one chest can now hold up to 1458 stacks or items that do not fit into stacks. For example, when searching for resources in mines, very a large number of cobblestone, which takes up all the space in the inventory and leaves no room for valuable resources, you have to throw out several stacks from time to time; if the discard is unsuccessful, the items are returned back to the inventory, this creates certain inconvenience, now carrying and storing a huge amount of cobblestone will not be difficult. One large backpack holds 54 items, in your inventory you can keep up to 27 of these backpacks, not counting the lower cells in which we usually keep tools, weapons, food and other frequently used items.

After going upstairs with such a huge load, we go to the warehouse. What was in the warehouses before? A bunch of chests, and no matter how many there were, they were not enough, new chests were installed, now it will be very difficult to fill a double chest with the same item, for example, cobblestones, you can comfortably store items by putting them in backpacks, and backpacks in the chest. Although it is better to store items that should always be at hand in ordinary chests.

Repainting backpacks in different colors, you can indicate what is in them, for example, paint a backpack with cobblestones gray, a backpack with red dust and mechanisms red, etc., then you can easily understand which backpack is in the chest, although it will take some time to will be useful to remember.

A backpack with a workbench will allow you to use a 3x3 crafting field directly from your inventory, now you do not need to place the workbench on the ground. Again, this is very convenient in dungeons, the main thing is not to forget to take such a backpack with you. And the end backpack will allow you to use it as an Ender chest - install such backpacks wherever you need them and their contents will always be the same.

How to install

1. Install Minecraft Forge
2. Place the archive with the mod in the .minecraft/mods folder

Download Backpacks mod

  • Download BackPacks for Minecraft 1.6.2 - download
  • Old versions: 1.5.2
  • For Bukkit 1.4.2: 1.4.2

Recipes for Backpacks

Name What do you need What will happen Description
Backpack Leather Holds 27 items
Large backpack Treated leather Holds 54 items
Painted backpack Leather + Dye Backpacks of different colors
Large painted backpack Treated Leather + Dye Backpacks of different colors
Edge backpack Leather + End Chest All edge backpacks contain the same contents
Backpack with workbench Leather + Workbench