How to properly start hardening for an adult at home. Where to start hardening the body for an adult How to start hardening you need to consult

27 . 03.2017

A story about how to start hardening an adult at home. What is meant by hardening? What rules exist when starting to harden an adult and whether you need to walk barefoot, you will learn about all this below. Go!

- Well, where are you going like this? - Gray Wolf asked, looking at Ivan, who appeared on the porch in only shorts and barefoot. - Winter is just around the corner.

“So this... I’ll harden myself,” muttered the prince.

- Just like that? Would it hurt to wear a sports suit?

- Well, you walk around naked all year round.

- I'm wearing wool! - Wolf snapped...

Hello friends! If someone thinks that he knows how to start hardening an adult at home, I hasten to warn you. This is a delicate matter, and it is easier to harm yourself than to achieve results. And there is no need for extremes in such a matter. So pull all your clothes back on yourself and listen!

Unhardened steel rusts, overheated steel crumbles

— Any phenomenon has its pros and cons. Let’s first find out what is meant by hardening,” Gray Wolf suggested to Ivan. - This is the body’s adaptation to temperature changes. He must have time to adapt when he gets into heat or cold. But our lethargy, generated by a sedentary lifestyle, excesses and illnesses, deprives the body of its natural ability. It can be returned. Gradually and gently so as not to make things worse.

Every body has reserves. Yours too, even if you haven’t been involved in sports since birth and didn’t do exercises in the morning. You need to spend your reserve wisely. It is not infinite.

The wolf put two daggers on the pebble.

“Nobody hardened this blade, and it became covered with rust.” It’s the same with the body: diseases overcome it, undermine and corrode it. But this dagger was so diligently thrust into fire and water that its entire safety margin was spent.

The wolf smacked his paw on the shiny blade - and it split.

How to start hardening for an adult at home: who and when to start

- Be healthy!

- I didn't sneeze.

- That's not what I'm talking about! When you are fighting an illness, you need to use the reserve for it. And don’t even think about starting to harden yourself if:

  • you have a cold, acute respiratory infection, flu;
  • wounds, ulcers;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • kidney disease;
  • serious illnesses - .

This rule must be followed without question! In doubtful cases, it is better to first talk to a doctor who is treating you and knows you, and only then start working on increasing the body’s thermoregulation.

The method is simple: first treat, then study. And then - improve!

How to start hardening an adult at home: hurry up slowly

Where to begin? If you have finally made up your mind and are full of strength and optimism, start with your daily routine.

  • Get up at the same time, except on weekends, when you can relax and sleep longer.
  • Can't live without coffee? Start with a light shower. I crawled out of bed, did five or six exercises, warmed up, and went to the bathroom with some water at body temperature. Let it flow around for a couple of minutes. Then I dried myself off and had breakfast.
  • After a week, start lowering the water temperature so that it is a little colder every two or three days. Until you bring it to room temperature.

You can douse yourself from a bucket according to the same principle - at first it’s a little warm, then it gets colder and colder, but in such a way that you get to the cold stage no sooner than after 30-40 days. You have nowhere to rush, you don’t have time to get sick. The main principle is to be gradual.

I will warn you: for newborns, hardening methods should be prescribed by a pediatrician. Children's bodies are weaker, they are not used to changes, and adult methods will not work for them.

Air helps us

Haven't you figured out how to start hardening an adult at home yet? There are many ways, go simple. Start sleeping with the window open, but under a good blanket. Let your nose breathe and your body rest in the warmth. By the way, if you adhere to this principle in winter and summer, you can easily recover from allergies and strengthen your throat.

Take air baths at home first. Open the window, strip down to your underpants and stand in the room (but not in a draft) for a minute.

After a few days of this procedure, increase the time by two minutes, gradually increasing it to ten, or even twenty. During your sessions you can do simple physical exercise, the same stretch marks for example.

When you realize that you are comfortable and at ease, start going out onto the balcony or onto the street. Just dress so that it is neither cold nor hot.

Walk more, it will help. Swim in summer. Don’t avoid the sun on purpose, but I don’t recommend sunbathing. and deprives it of its barrier function.

Walk barefoot. At home. But don’t let your feet freeze, this will not increase the body’s resistance to illness. You'll just catch a cold.

I don’t recommend immediately following Ivanov’s example and walking around in shorts in the cold. He was a man of the old school, no match for you, and he accustomed himself to life without clothes very gradually, over the course of several years. And then in the end it worked.

- Wait! So he died after eighty!

- So you live to be eighty. Reasonable and without ailments.

Continuity principle

The main thing is that if you start studying the question “how to start hardening an adult at home?”, don’t go astray. Don’t stop, don’t take breaks, don’t put it off “for later.” Live like this:

  • learn to wash your face with cool water twice a day (but always wash your hands with hot water!);
  • in the morning, shower or douse, warm at first, gradually, after a couple of months you will reach room temperature(below is possible, but not required);
  • during the day, walking in the air, air baths;
  • in the evening, rubbing yourself with a wet towel, diligently, as it should - you will gradually move from them to a contrast shower, but also not earlier than in a couple of months;
  • sleep in a ventilated area at night;
  • rest on weekends;
  • if you can and love it, go to the bathhouse (but not the sauna).

In a couple of years you will get to the point of diving into an ice hole if you want, but this is not necessary. The one who dives and the one who does not dive but leads

It is possible even as an adult. To find out how to start hardening correctly, carefully read this material, which describes everything step by step. preparatory stage this important method of maintaining health.

Where and how to start hardening the body for an adult

Hardening affects the activity of the glands internal secretion, work nervous system and, as a result, affects the state of the body.

Where to start hardening for the overall health of the body? Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body of each individual person. In addition, hardening should be accompanied by positive emotions.

It is very useful to carry out complex hardening - water, sun, air.

The first place to start hardening the body for an adult is by mastering the simplest rules: hardening procedures should be carried out 1.5 hours after a meal or 1.5 hours before a meal. They must be combined with moderate physical activity.

The most effective procedures are water ones. These are rubdowns, douches, baths, showers. They have a greater stressful effect on the body, unlike, for example, air baths.

So, where to start hardening for an adult who is determined to increase his immunity? Before you start water hardening, there are some important points to remember.

There are three phases of the body's response to exposure to cold water:

  • First phase - spasm blood vessels skin.
  • Second phase - as soon as the skin has adapted to cold water, vasodilation occurs, i.e. expansion of blood vessels, which is manifested by redness of the skin, decreased blood pressure, activation of mast cells and leukocytes of the skin, as well as subcutaneous tissue. The second phase causes an improvement in well-being and an increase in overall activity.
  • Third phase - unfavorable. During it, the body's adaptive capabilities are depleted, a spasm of blood vessels occurs, and the skin becomes bluish-pale, in addition, chills appear.

If you carry out hardening procedures cold water systematically, then the first phase will shorten and the second will occur faster.

The main thing in the process of starting hardening for an adult and a child is to prevent the onset of the third phase.

At what temperature of water do you start hardening a child?

It is recommended to start hardening procedures at early age, you can practically from birth. Of course, the method of water hardening depends on the age of the child. They start with the usual water procedures - washing, rinsing, bathing, adding an element of hardening to them.

At what temperature do hardening of a newborn begin? Hardening with water begins at a temperature of 36-37 °C - this applies to children aged from birth to 2-3 months. They start with shared baths. The baby is bathed daily for 5 minutes, and then doused with water 2 °C lower.

Washing and washing, lasting 1-2 minutes, is first carried out every other day at a water temperature of 28 ° C, gradually reducing it by 1-2 ° C and bringing it to 20-22 ° C.

How to properly begin hardening a child, accustoming him to other procedures? Following procedures hardening includes local wet wiping with a mitten soaked in water at a temperature of 33-35 ° C. Rubbing lasts 1-2 minutes. Gradually the water temperature is reduced to 28 °C.

It should be remembered that each part of the child’s body must then be wiped dry until slight redness appears on the skin.

Where to start hardening a child aged 2-3 to 9-10 months? These babies are wiped down in the same way as before. But later you can also add general wiping. In general wet wiping, first wipe the hands, then the legs, then the chest and back. The water temperature remains the same as during local rubdowns, i.e., the one to which the child is already accustomed. It is permissible to add salt to the water (2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water).

How to properly start hardening a child by dousing with water?

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Child from 9-10 months to 1 year You can start pouring water on it. How to properly start hardening by dousing at this age? Such a child can already take water procedures while sitting or standing. If you shower a child, then the watering can is placed close to his body (approximately at a distance of 25-30 cm). The water pressure should not be too strong. First they pour over the back, then the chest, stomach, and finally the arms and legs. Just as before, after finishing the dousing, the baby’s body is thoroughly wiped until slight redness appears on the skin. At the initial stages of hardening, the water temperature should be 35-37 °C, later it can be lowered by 1 °C, gradually bringing it to 28 °C.

Ages 1 to 3 years continue dousing and rubbing, but, of course, on the condition that the child feels well and does not resist hardening. You can use general rubdowns with a damp mitten soaked in water at a temperature not exceeding 24 °C, and general douches can be carried out with water at a temperature of up to 24-28 °C. It is recommended to use a shower, as it has a stronger effect than dousing (for example, from a bucket), since, in addition to temperature, there is also a mechanical effect of water jets on the skin and muscles. Dousing from the shower is carried out for up to 1.5 minutes, the water temperature is gradually reduced.

If parents have decided to harden their child or harden themselves, then you should know that hardening is not a one-time procedure, it is a way of life for many years. And this lifestyle should be supported by the parents themselves. They are the ones who must instill in the child independence in everything, especially in matters relating to his health. There is no need to sharply accustom a sick child to cold temperatures. If he was constantly wrapped up, and then suddenly decided to harden him and doused him with cold water or left him naked in cold weather, then nothing but a cold will come out of such hardening.

The more a child spends time in the fresh air, the stronger his health will become.

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How to properly start complex hardening with cold water?

Hardening for beginners must be comprehensive. It is not enough to wash your child with cool water every day or douse him after bathing. Where to start hardening the body besides the very important and necessary water procedures? You can let your baby walk around the house barefoot, of course, if the floor temperature allows it. You can and should allow him to drink cool milk. Of course, in the absence of signs.

If a child takes off the blanket at night and the air temperature in the room is normal, do not wrap him up by tucking the edges of the blanket. Be sure to do it before bed and during the morning. After all, in order for the body to cope well with its functions, it is necessary to train its defenses.

The simplest hardening water procedures at home remedies include gargling with cool water and wiping the neck. You can supplement them by walking barefoot on a damp floor or a damp rug. In the summer, walking barefoot on grass, fallen pine needles, and soil after rain is also good.

Where else can you start hardening for beginners to increase immunity?

Another effective hardening procedure is pouring water over the feet:

  • The water should initially be at room temperature, then the temperature can be reduced by several degrees, but not lower than 10 °C. After the procedure, your feet should not be thoroughly dried; just pat them dry with a towel.
  • Next, foot douches are replaced with cool foot baths. The initial water temperature is 30 °C. Then it is lowered by 1-2 °C every day, gradually bringing it to 15 °C. The duration of such a bath is first 1 minute, then up to 5 minutes. Keeping your feet in cool water, you need to perform dancing moves. You should not keep your legs in one position all the time.
  • As the body's adaptation to external factors, additional hardening procedures include dousing. It is performed as follows: first the back is poured, then the chest, stomach, left and right hand, after which the legs are in the same order.

Swimming in open water also has an excellent hardening effect. But, of course, you can’t start hardening with them.

If your body is strong enough, you can spend more time in a river or lake.

“Walking” as a type of hardening

As for “winter swimming”, i.e. swimming in ice water, then this type of hardening must be used extremely carefully, because it is the strongest cold. “Walking” as a type of hardening is suitable only for trained people.

How to start this type of cold water hardening for adults? When a strong and sudden cold effect occurs on the body, thermoreceptors react to this irritation, activating first the physical and then the chemical form of thermoregulation. Therefore, only those people who have previously undergone a long school of hardening using simpler methods and their body has become quite resistant to cold influences can “winter swim” or wipe themselves with snow.

Of course, hardening by winter swimming is an excellent factor influencing the human body and health. It increases its performance and reduces the occurrence of colds to a minimum.

Hardening a child and an adult with a contrast shower

Hardening a child and an adult with a contrast shower is also a wonderful hardening procedure. The principle of a contrast shower is simple: doused first warm water comfortable temperature. After this, the temperature is increased as much as possible. In this case, care must be taken to avoid burns.

After about 1 minute when hardening with a contrast shower hot water They close and only let in cold ones. After 20-30 seconds, the hottest water is again supplied to the shower and, having poured it over the whole body, the cold water is turned on again. The next time, you can stand under the cold streams a little longer than the first time.

And again you need to take a not too long hot shower and a final cold one.

To summarize all of the above, we can add that hardening is a powerful factor in healing human body, which does not require any special time or financial investment.

In addition to improving your health, hardening also has an educational effect: it strengthens willpower, develops perseverance in achieving goals, and teaches self-organization.

How to start tempering at home

Hardening - the best remedy from colds, chronic fatigue and even from excess weight. How to properly harden at home, where and when to start hardening for an adult, rules and tips for hardening - in the Soviet Sports guide.

Why do you need to harden yourself at home?

Proper and regular hardening at home strengthens the immune system, minimizes the risks of colds and viral diseases. In addition, hardening the house with cold water increases the overall tone of the body - a person feels a surge of strength, leaves chronic fatigue, apathy and depression. Hardening also “slows down” the aging process: it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, trains cardiovascular system(in some cases, it can treat vascular diseases), improves metabolism.

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The main rules to follow if you decide to start hardening at home: absence of diseases (mainly heart disease), regularity (ideally, hardening should become your daily habit) and a gradual increase in “loads”.

How to properly start tempering at home

General recommendation: an adult should begin to harden himself at home by walking barefoot. Try walking around the apartment for 10-15 minutes without slippers or socks. Increase this time by 10 minutes daily, teaching yourself to do without indoor shoes altogether. If you have carpets at home, roll them up and put them aside: to harden them you need to walk on a cool surface - linoleum, tiles, etc.

The question of how to properly harden is asked by almost every person. The main problem is that many people have heard about certain methods of healing the body, but, unfortunately, few people know how to apply them correctly. Of course, when the right approach hardening is very useful, but if done incorrectly, it can cause serious harm. That is why we will devote this publication to consideration of the following points: how to begin to harden, what training methods can be used, what fundamental principles should be followed and what precautions to take.

Beneficial properties of hardening training

Before moving directly to the methods, you must first understand what is meant by hardening and how such procedures are useful. Hardening itself is a set of measures aimed at improving health. By doing this, a person trains the protective properties of his body, and also accustoms him to mobilize all available resources when critical situations arise. The basis of any hardening procedure is periodic exposure to heat and cold. The sun's rays and wind play a big role in such training. The main result of successful hardening is the rapid adaptation of the body to all kinds of environmental conditions. Thanks to this, a person begins to get sick much less.

However, the general strengthening of the body’s protective properties is far from the only benefit of hardening. Thanks to such training procedures, the following goals can be achieved:

  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • normalize blood circulation processes;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • improve metabolism;
  • increase working capacity;
  • significantly improve your mood.

More to the point scientific language, then the benefit of hardening is that the human body begins to maintain temperature internal organs almost on the same level. As a result, a hardened person can withstand sudden warming and cold weather without any problems.

However, it is worth remembering that such training in most cases is aimed at preventing the disease, and not at fighting it. Of course, there are exceptions, but we will talk about them a little later. Both an adult and a child can carry out such prevention (although in children this process is somewhat specific).

So, we found out why hardening is needed. Now let's find out what fundamental principles must be followed during such training.

Main rules of hardening

There are only 8 principles that everyone who decides to toughen up needs to know. Compliance with them is mandatory if you want the exercises to bring benefit and not harm. These principles look like this.

  1. It is necessary to undergo hardening procedures only in the absence of concomitant diseases.
  2. The entire hardening process must be correctly understood and carried out consciously. The effectiveness of any technique depends primarily on the proper moral attitude. If we talk about adults, then they should not have problems with this. But if you need to teach children to harden, complications are not uncommon. This is easily explained, because children are unlikely to like exposing themselves to cold water or air. In such cases, parents must set the child up. Children should be told as tactfully as possible about the benefits of hardening.
  3. Systematicity is an important criterion for success. Any program must be carried out according to schedule without long breaks.
  4. Regardless of which technique you prefer, consistency should always be followed. For example, if you are hardening your body with cold water, start with moderately low temperature water. Over time, gradually lower its degree.
  5. Always consider the individual characteristics of your body.
  6. When you start to harden, do not forget to monitor your well-being.
  7. Try to combine different methods hardening the body.
  8. When performing procedures, it is recommended to perform auxiliary actions.

We've sorted out the principles. Now let's find out how to start hardening correctly and how to improve the result.

Effective hardening techniques

So, we found out why you need to train your body at low temperatures. Now we need to find out exactly how the body can be hardened and where it is best to start. There are such hardening methods:

  • taking air baths;
  • wiping with a damp towel;
  • washing with cool and cold water;
  • contrast procedures;
  • visiting baths and saunas;
  • swimming in an ice hole.

Inexperienced people may think that they can start hardening with any of the mentioned methods. However, it is not. One of the listed principles mentioned that the impact low temperatures should happen gradually. Otherwise, hardening will only cause harm. The basic rule of hardening is that the body gradually prepares for extreme conditions.

By and large, strengthening the body's protective functions is similar to working out in the gym. You won’t immediately take on huge weights, because your muscles simply won’t be ready to withstand it. A similar principle should apply during the hardening process. You should start small, and then gradually complicate the conditions. Extreme caution must be taken when training children. Too extreme temperature conditions will cause serious harm to a fragile body.

Where is the best place to start?

The ideal option for starting hardening is air baths. They should be taken in the morning outside at a relatively low temperature. For adult men and women, the optimal temperature is 14-16 Cº, for children - 20-22 Cº. This means that adults can start such training in mid-spring or autumn, and children - in late spring, summer or early autumn.

To carry out the procedure, special places should be selected, because you need to take off your clothes. In addition, the hardening effect will be fully achieved only when performing light physical exercises. The first time the procedure should last 2-3 minutes. Then the duration can be increased to half an hour. Despite the fact that this technique is initial, it can bring both benefit and harm. In particular, you should not go outside when the temperature is very cold to avoid freezing. In addition, the exercises must be performed without unnecessary fanaticism, so as not to sweat.

When the outside temperature is too low, air baths can be replaced by wiping with a damp towel. This technique is also recommended to be used in the morning. It can become an initial training point for children who have weak immunity. With this procedure, you need to moisten a towel with cool water (23-25 ​​Cº) and wipe the entire body. Every week you need to lower the water temperature by 1-2 Cº.

Hardening with water procedures

Water hardening is the basis of training your body. It includes several techniques at once, but it is better to start in the recommended order. So, it is best for inexperienced people to choose a contrast shower. It must be taken according to the following rules:

  • 14 days you need to bathe in a moderately warm shower;
  • then start turning on cold water in the shower and stand under it for 10 seconds;
  • Gradually increase the duration of stay under cold water (up to a maximum of 1 minute).

When the initial hardening with water is completed, you can proceed to dousing. They will subject your body to more serious tests, but thanks to the soul, it will already be ready for them. A natural question arises: how to properly douse yourself with cold water.

You should start by dousing with warm water. The procedure must be carried out every morning, but if you want to achieve the desired result faster, it can be repeated in the evenings. Before dousing yourself, you need to slightly warm up your body. Light physical exercise is suitable for this. Do pre-physical exercise without fanaticism, so as not to sweat. When your body is warm, pour a bucket over yourself warm water. There is no need to dry yourself after the procedure. When the body's resistance is maximum, you can switch to dousing with ice water.

One more in a good way hardening is a visit to the sauna, which has a pool of cold water. The effect will be similar to taking a contrast shower, but the contrast itself will be higher. Swimming in cold water after being in a hot room will have a beneficial effect on the immune system, giving strength and vigor.

If you properly harden with cold water, then over time you can try the most severe hardening method - swimming in an ice hole. This water test will force the body to experience the most extreme conditions, which neither dousing nor swimming in the pool will provide.

Additional information about these techniques

If you answer the question regarding whether dousing with water is beneficial, then the answer will definitely be positive. The benefits of dousing with cold water are many-sided. In particular, thanks to this procedure you can:

  • relieve nervous tension;
  • eliminate fatigue;
  • increase performance;
  • strengthen immunity.

But that is not all. Under certain conditions, doctors allow dousing with cold water for hypertension. If you follow all the recommendations indicated (start dousing yourself with warm water, and then gradually cool it), you can achieve amazing results. In particular, improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism and, most importantly, stabilize blood pressure. In the absence of additional complications, treatment with cold water will take place relatively quickly.

People suffering from high blood pressure may be interested in one more thing: is it possible to visit baths with hypertension. In principle, doctors allow visiting saunas, because... The air in the baths is more humid, and patients may develop a hypertensive crisis.

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Diving into an ice hole in winter (and, of course, not getting sick afterwards) is a merit not only proper preparation body, but also great willpower. After all, sometimes it’s hard to force yourself to even stand for half a minute under a cold shower, let alone ice water. And hardening, by the way, is a natural adaptation mechanism that has a beneficial effect on. True, he works modern man due to his living conditions with "glitches". Therefore, on the eve of the season of lower temperatures and, as a result, an increase in colds and other diseases, we have prepared material on why and how to harden yourself correctly.

Why toughen up?

The water temperature needs to be reduced over time, and the duration of the procedure needs to be increased, but always smoothly. Once you get used to the ice towel, you can move on directly to dousing. But before that, you need to make sure of a few things. You should not start tempering if you are sick or have any health contraindications. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor first. Also make sure that after the procedure you are not in a draft.

One of the main requirements is regularity. It is not possible to harden yourself from time to time; dousing must be constant. Here, as in sports, your body will get used to systematicity and what seems difficult at the beginning will become self-evident over time.

Even if you are psychologically and physically prepared, you should not immediately and for a long time douse yourself with cold water in the shower. At first, alternate between the usual temperature and cold temperature. Start with a session lasting 10 seconds and gradually increase it to 1 minute. Make switches no more than 3 times during one shower. When finished, dry with a towel and get dressed.

There are certain difficulties in finding clean snow in the city, but if you have the opportunity, this type of hardening is very effective. Experts note that if you regularly, albeit for a short time, walk barefoot in the snow, your immune system will be strengthened and your throat will not hurt.

How to properly harden your feet with cold? Firstly, you need a general experience of hardening the body with cold water. Without this, you risk getting sick. At first, the “walk” should not be long: 3 minutes will be enough. This time can be gradually increased, but not more than 15 minutes. Returning to the house, your feet should be rubbed well.

Impact high temperatures just like low ones, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body and contributes to its hardening. Therefore, if you have no contraindications, try to go to the bathhouse at least sometimes. Essentially, this is the same as a contrast shower, but the conditions are more extreme. After steaming well, pour cold water over your body and take a swim in the pool or ice hole. Even one visit helps cleanse the lungs, remove toxins from the body, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation.

What else do you need to know:

  1. , stick to it - this, in combination with hardening, will improve your health.
  2. You need to temper your thoughts. This attitude makes the process of getting used to the cold easier.
  3. Don't get too cold. The state of chills means that your body is not yet ready for such a temperature.
  4. The main indicator of effectiveness is how you feel, not someone’s advice from the Internet. Therefore, always listen to your feelings.
  5. Remember the school saying: “Sun, air and water are our best friends!” What we mean is that you need to be outside the office and home more often.

How to toughen up for children?

A child’s body can tolerate cold more difficult, but this does not mean that a child cannot be hardened. You just need to remember some details.

  1. You can start tempering at any age, but first it is better to get professional advice.
  2. It is worth remembering that a child’s body gives off 10% more heat compared to adults. These indicators are different for boys and girls.
  3. Hardening is best done in the form of a game.
  4. Children's bodies are more difficult to tolerate hypothermia, so it should not be allowed.
  5. Go for a walk with your child in any weather, but make sure that he is dressed correctly.
  6. Reduce the water temperature when swimming. And you should start by washing your face.
  7. Children should be outdoors often. In addition, the room should be well ventilated.
  8. Avoid prolonged exposure to cold, sun rays. Dose them wisely.
  9. Combine hardening with physical activity.
  10. Temper yourself. This will set the right example and teach you to better understand the process.

Be healthy!