How to increase prostate tone with drugs. What is prostate atony? Treatment of prostate atony

Article on the topic: "prostate atony: treatment, causes, symptoms." Find out more about treating the disease.

Prostate atony is the loss of physiological muscle tone of the prostate gland. The pathology is not infectious. All structural changes in the organ occur as a result of neurovegetative disorders. The disease may be accompanied by inflammation or occur without pronounced symptoms.

Atonic changes in prostate tissue can be isolated or develop against the background of prostatitis

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Causes and mechanism of development of the disease

Loss of muscle tone in the prostate leads to structural changes. The alveoli, which make up the gland, expand, the lumen of the ducts increases in diameter, due to the decrease in the tone of their walls, the outflow of secretions becomes difficult, and the mechanism of malfunction of the seminal canals is triggered. Over time, the pathological process worsens due to extensive tissue destruction.

The exact cause of the disease is unknown.

The appearance of the disease is associated with the following pathologies and functional failures:

  • prolonged abstinence and irregular sexual activity;
  • disruption of the innervation of the prostate gland;
  • complications of chronic prostatitis;

Prostate atony can occur as a result of chronic prostatitis - low-grade inflammation in the tissues of the gland

  • chronic blood stagnation in the pelvis;
  • increased sexual activity, frequent orgasms;
  • promiscuity, masturbation.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of prostate atony:

  • physical exhaustion of the body ─ chronic fatigue, lack of proper rest;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • disorders of psycho-emotional activity ─ apathy, constant stress, depression.

An apathetic state accompanied by inactivity contributes to the development of prostate atony

Signs of pathology

The muscle tone of the organ can be lost either partially or completely. With partial atony of the prostate, its size remains within normal limits. Only part of the gland, a certain area of ​​it, is affected.

With complete atony, the iron increases significantly in size. On palpation, there is a feeling of laxity, the consistency of the prostate tissue is loose, reminiscent of jelly. An endoscopic examination through the rectum reveals an enlarged gland.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • uncontrolled release of large amounts of secretion;

One of the signs of prostate atony is the spontaneous release of fluid produced by it.

  • release of a portion of secretion during bowel movements;
  • frequent urge to defecate and urinate;
  • feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the anal canal area;
  • nocturnal ejaculation;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum.

In addition to these symptoms, the normal functioning of nearby organs is disrupted: seminal ducts, urethra, internal sphincter.

Prostate atony is not accompanied by pain symptoms.

Pain syndrome occurs in the presence of inflammation of the prostate

The exception is the presence of an acute inflammatory process. In this case, patients experience pain in the perineum, rectum, during urination, during sexual intercourse, and during ejaculation.

With prostate atony in men, sexual desire is reduced, erection is impaired, premature ejaculation is possible, and orgasm is lost.

Clinical manifestations negatively affect the psychological state of patients. Men lose self-confidence. Mental disorders arise: anxiety, fears, nervous tension, suspiciousness, exaggeration of the problem.

Sometimes a patient with prostate atony needs the help of a psychologist

Diagnosis and treatment of prostate atony

The diagnosis is based on the following data:

  • collecting anamnesis ─ symptoms, complaints, general condition of the patient;
  • palpation, which helps determine changes in the size and structure of the gland;
  • laboratory testing of blood, urine and seminal secretions to exclude the infectious nature of the disease;
  • if necessary - ultrasound, endoscopic examination.

Atonic prostatitis can only be treated conservatively. The main goal of treatment is to restore the functionality of the prostate gland as much as possible and restore the previous tone of the muscle tissue.

Ultrasound of the prostate is one of the necessary diagnostic measures

The following effect is expected from treatment measures:

  • emptying of the seminal ducts;
  • normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • ensuring lymph outflow.

Drug therapy

For prostate atony, the following drugs are prescribed:

In rare cases, treatment with androgens is prescribed ─ this is a group of drugs that includes analogues of male sex hormones produced by the testicles ─ testosterone, androsterone, dihydrotestosterone.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated for the treatment of prostate atony.

  • Electrolaser therapy is the effect on the organ of laser radiation, electric current and magnetic field.

Special rectal attachments are used for laser therapy.

  • Therapeutic effect ─ improvement of blood circulation, outflow of gland secretions, restoration of sexual function. The procedure relieves swelling and pain, accelerates the period of restoration of the functionality of the gland, and increases the body's immunity.
  • Amplipulse ─ treatment with alternating mid-frequency current, carried out using a special device “Amplipulse”. During the procedure, blood circulation and metabolic processes are improved, hormonal levels are normalized, and muscle tissue is restored due to stimulation.
  • Rising shower is a local procedure in which the gland is exposed to a jet of a given temperature and pressure. Effect ─ improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation, strengthens muscles.

Prostate massage technique

  • Prostate massage ─ the recommended number of procedures is 15–20, every other day. The procedure eliminates stagnant processes, improves blood circulation and metabolism, removes prostate secretions from the ducts, restores potency, and improves the quality of sexual life.

You will learn how to properly prepare for an ultrasound examination of the prostate gland from the video:

The Latin meaning literally "atonia" is lethargy, impotence. If we classify prostatitis into types, then atonic prostatitis refers to a disease of non-infectious origin. Its course is not always accompanied by inflammation of the prostate.

In medical terminology, the disease sounds like this: loss of muscle tone in the male prostate

In medical terminology, the disease sounds like this: loss of muscle tone in the male prostate. This pathology makes significant changes not only to this organ, but also to the nearest ones located in the pelvic area. Since the tissues (alveoli) of the gland lose their elasticity, they accordingly stretch, and the secretion secreted by the prostate fills them and stagnates. The seminal vesicles begin to work incorrectly, and the urethra suffers, in which the internal sphincter ceases to function normally.

Causes of prostate atony

Modern medicine cannot yet clearly determine the causes that cause the development of the disease. The main reason provoking the pathology is called long-term sexual abstinence. But there is no 100% evidence for this statement. But there are several more versions, which experts are inclined to varying degrees:

  • Consequences of long-term untreated inflammation of the prostate.
  • Failure in supplying the organ with nerve cells.
  • Long absence of sexual intercourse.
  • Abuse of masturbation.
  • Tendency to have a quick orgasm.
  • Inferior ejaculation.
  • Functional overload of the organ.
  • Chronic congestion in the venous arteries of the pelvis.

Statistics were collected based on signs found in patients with prostate atony.

Types of atonic forms of prostatitis

Medicine knows two options for the development of pathology

  1. Partial loss of tone of the prostate gland. Its dimensions do not change.
  2. Complete loss of tone. In this case, the size of the gland changes significantly upward. Palpation diagnoses the formation of a flabby, dough-like consistency; it often protrudes into the lumen of the rectum.

Symptoms of prostate disease - atony

The symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced:

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  • Secretions are abundant in a calm state.
  • "Defecation" of the gland. During the act of normal defecation, the secretion is so abundant when pushing that it flows out of the penis almost in a trickle.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • The perineal area seems to be under pressure.
  • Feeling of a foreign object in the anus.
  • Involuntary ejaculation during sleep.

Attention! At the initial stages of the disease, symptoms are similar to the development of urethritis. To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests and a thorough examination are necessary.

Treatment of prostate atony

Since this disease has long been known to medicine, the methods of combating it have been worked out to the smallest detail. The main task during treatment is to achieve an increase in muscle tone of the prostate gland. Special techniques are aimed at freeing the alveoli and ducts from excess secretions and normalizing the movement of blood and lymph.

The basis of treatment is:

  • physiotherapy;
  • manual massage;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • laser;
  • amplipulse;
  • androgens.

Drug therapy includes:

  • Pantocrine;
  • Melipramine;
  • Speman-forte;
  • Hydroiodite and other drugs.

During treatment, it is important not just to normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, but to improve the general condition of the body, stabilize blood circulation, normalize hormonal levels and strengthen the immune system. To increase immune resistance, immunostimulants, which are so popular nowadays, are prescribed. In exceptional cases, hormonal therapy is required to treat atonic prostatitis. Since the disease often develops against the background of depressive or neurotic states of the patient, a neurologist and neuropsychiatrist are involved in treatment.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

Atony of the prostate gland is a functional depletion of the organ, which occurs against the background of extensive neurovegetative pathologies. The disease often manifests itself against a background of emotional exhaustion, physical exhaustion of the body, and problems with the nervous system.

Translated from Latin, atony means lethargy, weakness, complete lack of tone. Prostate atony is considered a pathology of non-infectious origin and can either be accompanied by extensive inflammatory processes in the glandular structures or occur without such manifestations.

Loss of muscle tone is fraught with systemic changes, structural deformations, and a number of significant changes in organs located nearby. Initially, expansion of the prostate alveoli is observed. Atypically wide ducts cause physiological stagnation of secretory fluid. Over time, slight muscle atony appears, then a malfunction of the seminiferous tubules. Pathological conditions progress, causing extensive tissue destruction.


The main reason that provokes the development of atonic prostatitis is long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse. However, this assumption has not been proven 100%.

Experts also put forward a number of supposed reasons that provoke prostate sluggishness:

  • complications after prolonged serious inflammatory processes of the prostate gland;
  • severe overload of the prostate gland;
  • failures of organ innervation;
  • sexual abstinence;
  • too frequent orgasms or incomplete ejaculation;
  • excessive passion for masturbation;
  • chronic blood stagnation in the pelvic veins.

Features of the pathology

Experts identify two possible scenarios for the development of prostate disease associated with atony. This is a partial loss of tone. The dimensions of the organ, as a rule, remain unchanged, and functional failure occurs only in a specific area.

Complete atony of the prostate is manifested by a significant enlargement of the organ. On digital examination, the prostate body is abnormally large, flabby, friable, and has a jelly-like consistency. Sometimes an organ affected by a pathological process is visible in the lumen of the rectum.


Atonic prostatitis, as a rule, is accompanied by a whole galaxy of characteristic symptoms:

  • secretes in abnormally large quantities;
  • “defecation” of the prostate gland (a phenomenon in which the organ secretes part of the secretion during natural bowel movements);
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • constant feeling of heaviness in the anus;
  • feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the rectum;
  • nocturnal emissions.

It is important to differentiate the disease from urethritis. Often these two pathologies at the initial stage can manifest themselves with extremely similar clinical pictures. However, during laboratory tests and a thorough examination of the organ, it is possible to establish the correct diagnosis as accurately as possible.


Conservative methods of therapy are used to treat prostate atony. The main goal is to improve the functional qualities of the organ and give tone to all structures. For treatment, all methods are used to empty the ducts of the gland from an excess of secretions, as well as to establish blood flow and lymph outflow.

The prerogative includes manual stimulation of the prostate gland, the introduction of androgens, and a set of physiotherapeutic procedures. In particular, such techniques as hydrotherapy, Amplipulse, and laser treatment demonstrate excellent results in practice.

The main medications used to stimulate prostate function are: pantocrine, melipramine, pachycarnine, hydroiodide, speman-forte and others. It is important not just to improve the functioning of this particular organ, but also to strengthen the body as a whole, improve blood circulation, strengthen the nervous system, adjust hormonal levels, and stimulate the immune system. That is why standard treatment regimens for congestion and decreased prostate tone are combined with hormone therapy and the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. In order to increase the immune response, popular prostate immunostimulants are prescribed.

Atony refers to the absence of normal muscle tone. In this case, the prostate becomes sluggish. Her muscles lose elasticity and firmness and weaken. The alveoli in the prostate gland are significantly stretched, which complicates the outflow of secretions secreted by the organ.

Over time, tissue destruction becomes extensive. There are also disturbances in the functioning of other pelvic organs - the seminal vesicles and urethra. Atonic changes may be accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Doctors do not name the exact causes of atonic prostatitis. The anamnesis and lifestyle of sick men were studied, which made it possible to identify factors that increase the risk of pathology to varying degrees. Among them:

  • irregular intimate life;
  • long absence of sex;
  • ejaculation disorder;
  • genital injuries;
  • progression of chronic prostatitis;
  • problems with the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • promiscuity;
  • frequent onanistic acts.

Prostate sluggishness can appear against a background of constant fatigue and exhaustion of the body. It is important to ensure proper rest and a stable psycho-emotional state. Men with chronic blood stagnation in the pelvis are also at risk. The work of blood vessels is hampered in the presence of varicose veins, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.

Symptoms of atonic prostatitis

The loss of muscle tone in the prostate tissue is accompanied by the uncontrolled release of the secretion it produces.

The release of seminal fluid can occur at rest, during night sleep, or when going to the toilet.

With complete atony, the gland is significantly enlarged and in some cases is visible in the lumen of the rectum. A man should be alert to the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the anus;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the groin area.

Atony itself does not cause pain, but in the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the prostate, the discomfort becomes pronounced.

Unpleasant sensations increase during sex, ejaculation, and when going to the toilet. Without treatment, libido decreases and the severity of orgasm decreases or disappears altogether. Against the background of illness, a man becomes unsure of himself, suspicious, and irritable.

Treatment options

Atonic prostatitis, as a rule, is suppressed with Melipramine (directly affects muscle tone and fights signs of depression), Pantocrine (a natural biostimulant with a general strengthening effect), and herbal tablets Speman forte. Pachycarpin, vitamins and immunostimulants are also prescribed.

In addition to medication, physiotherapeutic treatment of prostate atony is widely practiced, namely:

  • massages perfectly tone and soothe, at the same time speed up blood flow in the groin area and improve metabolic processes. Recommended course - 20 sessions;
  • perineal shower - has a tonic and analgesic effect, strengthens the muscles of the intimate area, stimulates blood circulation. Hydrotherapy is carried out daily or every other day. The duration and temperature of the procedures are determined only by the doctor;
  • amplipulse therapy - under the influence of a current that penetrates deep into the tissue of a diseased organ, muscle fibers and nerve cell endings are excited. The procedure helps reduce swelling, dilate blood vessels and normalize lymph flow;
  • laser treatment - restores physiological processes and cellular nutrition in the perineal area, relieves pain and inflammation. The optimal course is 10–12 sessions every other day or every day.

Disease prevention

You cannot insure yourself against the disease, but you can reduce the risk of developing it. General recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle are relevant:

  • be less nervous and avoid stress;
  • go for walks more often;
  • consume enough water;
  • engage in a suitable sport.

There are other advice from doctors. It is important to undergo medical examination and go to the hospital if any violations occur in order to correct them in a timely manner. It is advisable for mature men to visit a urologist annually. It is advisable to have regular sex life and avoid hypothermia, monitor hormonal balance and body weight. For chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, specialist supervision is required, because a sluggish inflammatory process can cause prostate atony.

The Latin meaning literally “atonia” is lethargy, impotence. If classified, atonic prostatitis is a disease of non-infectious origin. Its course is not always accompanied by inflammation of the prostate.

In medical terminology, the disease sounds like this: loss of muscle tone in the male prostate. This pathology makes significant changes not only to this organ, but also to the nearest ones located in the pelvic area. Since the tissues (alveoli) of the gland lose their elasticity, they accordingly stretch, and the secretion secreted by the prostate fills them and stagnates. The seminal vesicles begin to work incorrectly, and the urethra suffers, in which the internal sphincter ceases to function normally.

Causes of prostate atony

Modern medicine cannot yet clearly determine the causes that cause the development of the disease. The main reason provoking the pathology is called long-term sexual abstinence. But there is no 100% evidence for this statement. But there are several more versions, which experts are inclined to varying degrees:

Statistics were collected based on signs found in patients with prostate atony.

Types of atonic forms of prostatitis

Medicine knows two options for the development of pathology

  1. Partial loss of tone of the prostate gland. Its dimensions do not change.
  2. Complete loss of tone. In this case, the size of the gland changes significantly upward. Palpation diagnoses the formation of a flabby, dough-like consistency; it often protrudes into the lumen of the rectum.

Symptoms of prostate disease - atony

The symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced:

Attention! At the initial stages of the disease, symptoms are similar to the development of urethritis. To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests and a thorough examination are necessary.

Treatment of prostate atony

Since this disease has long been known to medicine, the methods of combating it have been worked out to the smallest detail. The main task during treatment is to achieve an increase in muscle tone of the prostate gland. Special techniques are aimed at freeing the alveoli and ducts from excess secretions and normalizing the movement of blood and lymph.

The basis of treatment is:

  • physiotherapy;
  • manual massage;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • laser;
  • amplipulse;
  • androgens.

Drug therapy includes:

During treatment, it is important not just to normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, but to improve the general condition of the body, stabilize blood circulation, normalize hormonal levels and strengthen the immune system. To increase immune resistance, immunostimulants, which are so popular nowadays, are prescribed. In exceptional cases, hormonal therapy is required to treat atonic prostatitis. Since the disease often develops against the background of depressive or neurotic states of the patient, a neurologist and neuropsychiatrist are involved in treatment.

Many processes in the prostate gland in a man arise due to congestion in the pelvic area. To combat them and prevent various lesions, you need to perform exercises for the prostate. We will look at what exercises you need to do in this article.

Why is this necessary?

Prostatitis, impaired potency and other diseases of the male genitourinary system cannot be treated immediately and require a long-term integrated approach. The prostate gland plays an important role in the male body; disruption of the prostate gland disrupts the ejaculation mechanism and directly affects erection and potency. When diagnosing prostatitis, the doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. To quickly treat prostatitis and impotence, a man must change his lifestyle, follow a diet and start various physical activities. The anatomy of the prostate is quite complex, but it indicates the absence of muscle directly in the gland. Therefore, physical exercise can only improve and increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles.

The main reason for the development of prostatitis is the accumulation of blood and secretions near and inside the gland. To target the cause of prostatitis, a set of special training was developed that accelerates blood flow in the gland area and thereby recovery.

There are 4 blocks of measures to improve blood supply to the prostate. None of these activities replace the primary treatment for prostatitis.

  1. Physical activity.
  2. Kegel exercises.
  3. Charger.
  4. Sexual intimacy.

Four blocks of events

Let's look at each block in detail.

The most common physical activity of a low level of difficulty has a beneficial effect on the prostate. The main thing is that it should be regular, not exhausting and without heavy loads.

  1. Walking.
  2. Bike.
  3. Horse rides.
  4. Jogging.

You can get physical activity in the gym, but you can start with simpler workouts. These include walking. You can start with short distances, for example, to start, stop using the elevator and walk floors. A small load will have a positive effect on the prostate, potency and overall health of the body.

You can further complicate it by stepping through several steps. In addition to climbing the floor, walking is used during the journey to and from work. Or replace some type of ground transport and walk instead.

Cycling has a beneficial effect on the prostate.

In addition to walking, cycling has a positive effect on health, prostate and potency. This method of physical activity allows you not only to maintain health, but also to fight excess weight, which plays a significant role in the development of stagnant processes in the prostate area.

When choosing this type of physical activity, you need to be well prepared for it. Choose a functionally correct bike and sportswear. This type is recommended to be used in the warm season, since winter can only worsen the course of the disease.

Horseback riding is also a light physical activity. Regular visits to an equestrian club or racetrack will benefit the entire body and improve your emotional state.

Running, just like walking, improves endurance in men and helps strengthen muscles. This is an effective workout to improve potency. Jogging in the morning will definitely improve muscle tone, and it can be done after surgery. Squats are also effective, but are not recommended immediately after surgery. Squats work better on an already trained body. Squats are incredibly beneficial, but before doing them, you need to warm up all the tissues, massaging them from top to bottom. You also need to massage your muscles after physical activity, they relax and your workouts become more effective.

These are general physical activities that can be done throughout the day. They are suitable for any person, regardless of age and initial physical fitness. They are also performed after surgery on the gland. After surgery, men should not be allowed to exercise at an increased level, including running only with a heart rate controller.

  • Kegel

There are classes that are aimed exclusively at congestive processes in the pelvic area and the prostate gland. These are Kegel exercises. These classes were invented by a German gynecologist. They were most often recommended for women to perform before and after childbirth to strengthen the pelvic muscles and to speed up recovery after childbirth. Somewhat later it turned out that these exercises are also useful for men with diseases of the genitourinary system.

Kegel exercises are aimed at stagnant processes in the prostate and pelvis.

The main training is aimed at squeezing the muscles of the anus. To do this, you need to take a breath, which should be slow and as deep as possible. Simultaneously with inhalation, you need to squeeze the muscles of the anus as much as possible. After holding your breath, the muscles must be slowly relaxed simultaneously with exhalation.

It is not always clear what needs to be done when you first perform it. To be sure of the muscles that need to be contracted, it is enough to perform this exercise while urinating. To do this, you need to hold and release the stream, this will give you an idea of ​​which muscles need to be contracted.

The exercise must be performed 5 times during the day. After a week, the number of approaches must be increased by 5 until you can perform 30 exercises at a time. The advantage of this exercise is that it can be performed standing, lying down, sitting, during the working day, in public transport.

These exercises should also be performed after prostate surgery. Performing prostate massage along with this activity can train the pelvic floor area in men.

Charging elements

To improve the functional state of the gland, it is enough to do morning exercises, which may consist of several elements, but it sets the tone for the entire body in the morning.

There are workouts that can be included in your morning exercises.

This video shows how to perform an exercise to treat prostatitis and improve potency. It is aimed at training the pelvic floor area.

  • Sexual intimacy

Sex is the best training for the gland and potency. Sex allows you to increase blood flow in the gland, stimulates the activity of the gland, improving the excretion of prostatic juice. Within one week, you need to have 3 sexual intercourse, which significantly helps to improve the condition of the gland.

Prostate training comes in many forms and is an effective method that can improve the tone of the core pelvic floor muscles and the muscles directly next to a man's prostate. The main thing is to start doing them on time with regular frequency.