How to distinguish medical alcohol from technical alcohol. How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol

Any modern strong and light alcohol, when analyzed in detail, is a mixture of various additives: water, flavorings, plant derivatives, natural or chemical dyes and a certain amount of ethyl alcohol.

This type is the main one for use in medicine or use as a food additive or for the production of high-quality alcohol.

Its relative, methyl alcohol, is technical and is used in the falsification of alcohol production, in other words, in the manufacture of surrogates.

And if the first type of alcohol in a reasonable amount is harmless to humans, then methanol is poison in its pure form, fatal even in small dosages. How to distinguish between the two types of alcohol and not fall victim to unscrupulous manufacturers - we’ll figure it out further.

Methanol is a technical type of alcohol, it can be mixed with water in absolutely any proportions and will not differ in appearance from ethyl alcohol unless it is examined in more detail.

The properties and characteristics of methanol include:

  • lack of color;
  • ease of ignition;
  • taste characteristics and smell are identical to ethanol;
  • the ability to dissolve and interact not only with water, but also in organic solvents - complex ethers and benzene;
  • boils when heated to 64 degrees.

Reference. Methanol was produced through the processing of dry wood products in the late 19th century.

In the 20s of the 20th century, methanol began to be synthesized and produced on an industrial scale.


From a chemical point of view, methyl () alcohol is monohydric, has properties like a weak acid, and as a result of interaction with water vapor (in the presence of a catalyst) produces carbon dioxide and a mixture of hydrogen.

When this mixture is purified from the carbon dioxide component, almost pure (98%) hydrogen is obtained. When interacting with acids, it forms ester mixtures, and with metals such as sodium, potassium and others - methylates.

The classic chemical formula for methanol is CH3OH, the molecular mass corresponds to the characteristic of 32 mol, the density of the substance is about 0.7918 cm3. In addition to boiling when heated to 64 degrees Celsius, the substance will melt when the temperature reaches 97 degrees.

How to check?

If methanol is practically no different in appearance and smell from alcohol with an ethyl derivative, how can you recognize it and not expose yourself to negative effects?

First of all, buy only high-quality alcohol from trusted manufacturers who have all the necessary documentation and licenses. If you drink medical alcohol or purchased at a distillery, then it is definitely harmless alcohol and the matter will depend on the quantity, not the quality of the drink.

Secondly, try to set fire to a small amount of the drink - the life-threatening surrogate will produce a green flame.

Finally, if you doubt the origin of a sample, have it examined in a chemical laboratory.

Is it possible to drink methanol?

Is any dose of methanol harmful to humans? Is it still possible to drink it and in what quantity?

Consumption of 30 to 100 grams of methanol (depending on the physical characteristics of consumers) will be fatal. If the person survived, then in any case methanol, as a powerful poison, has already had an effect on the human body.

If you consume methyl alcohol, irreversible processes occur in the nervous system, blood vessels and organs of vision, up to and including complete blindness. It is not for nothing that methanol was initially used as a fuel, but even here, due to its characteristics, it did not give a particularly significant effect.

How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol?

If you can’t quite afford to study the properties of an alcohol sample in the laboratory, but you want to find out what type of alcohol in the glass is methanol or ethyl, there are several effective folk methods that will help you determine this:

  1. Set the liquid on fire. We have already said that a small portion of methanol burns green, while ethyl alcohol will give a blue flame. The test can be carried out at home by pouring a small amount of alcohol into a saucer, or by setting fire to a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution of the sample. Important point! The purity of the reaction will be 100% if there are no additives in the methanol sample.
  2. We peel the potatoes. A small piece of peeled fresh potato should be dropped into an existing alcohol sample for several hours. If subsequently a piece of vegetable turns pink, then you have dangerous methanol, if blue, then the sample contains harmless ethyl alcohol.
  3. Heat the sample. If you have a thermometer with a scale of up to +100 degrees, you can determine the purity and type of alcohol by heating it. It is necessary to heat the sample in a metal container and measure it. For methyl alcohol it is 64 degrees, for ethyl alcohol it is 78.
  4. Check the reaction to soda and potassium permanganate. In a clear container, mix the alcohol sample and a small amount of baking soda, then add a drop of iodine. If, after mixing the derivatives, the liquid becomes cloudy and gives a sediment, then the sample contains ethyl alcohol; if it changes color but remains transparent, it is methyl alcohol. A similar “color” experiment can be carried out with manganese crystals - the resulting solution of alcohol and a small amount of potassium permanganate must be heated. If even at a low temperature you see the appearance of gas bubbles, the sample is dangerous methanol.
  5. Formaldehyde test. To perform this simple experiment, you will need a sample of thin copper wire. If you heat it over a fire and put it in a vessel with a sample of alcohol, you may or may not notice a pungent odor similar to apple cider vinegar. If it appears, then the smell of formaldehyde comes from poisonous methanol, if the liquid is odorless, then it is ethyl alcohol.
  6. Lang's test. Another simple experiment using potassium permanganate. About 50 ml of an alcohol sample and a couple of grams of potassium permanganate are added to a metal container. Pre-heat the alcohol slightly and pour in a purple solution of potassium permanganate diluted in distilled water. With thorough stirring, the mixture, having reached a temperature of 18-20 degrees, will begin to change its color to yellow-pink. All you need to do is notice how quickly the color of the mixture changes. The better the quality of the drink, the longer this process takes. For example, medical ethyl alcohol will discolor in about 10 minutes.

Important. The experiments carried out cannot guarantee the purity of the experiment 100%, since ethyl and methyl alcohol are rarely contained in their pure form, without additives or impurities.

Not only do there be drinks with additives, but there are also some “mystery” formulations where the ethanol can mask the methanol.

Symptoms of methanol and ethanol poisoning

Intoxication with ethyl and methyl alcohol also differs in its symptoms.

Classic ethyl alcohol poisoning is characterized by headaches, nausea, dizziness, and stomach upsets.

A person is simply “turned away” from further drinking alcohol - any repeated attempt at libation causes nausea, even from the smell of the drink.

A person can turn away not only from drinking alcohol, but even from food until the moment when the symptoms of intoxication go away.

Methanol gives the following signs of poisoning:

  • general weakness and malaise;
  • sharp severe pain in the abdomen;
  • heaviness when breathing, the appearance of acute pain in the chest area;
  • severe manifestation and extinction of headache over a period of time;
  • the most obvious sign - impaired vision - begins with blurring the contours of objects, and can end in complete blindness, photophobia and significant dilation of the pupils.

Providing first aid

Any poisoning is an unpleasant phenomenon for the human body, but if it is the consequences of consuming methanol, hospitalization and death are possible.

Therefore, if there is the slightest chance that a person has been poisoned with methyl alcohol, you should immediately call an ambulance and carry out a number of actions yourself:

  1. Give the victim gastric lavage as quickly as possible. The absorption of methanol into the blood occurs quite slowly, so this method can slow down the harmful effects of methanol. Add a couple of potassium permanganate crystals to a liter of warm water until the solution reaches a soft pink color. Let the victim drink the mixture in one gulp to trigger a gag reflex.
  2. Try to knock out the “wedge with a wedge” - drinking 50-100 grams of ethyl alcohol will help remove methanol from the body.
  3. With high-quality medical assistance, hemodialysis should be performed.

Arriving doctors can not only provide the necessary assistance, but also prescribe appropriate treatment - at home or in a hospital. In any case, measures should not be neglected, as even small doses of methanol can be fatal.

The main difference between ethyl alcohol and other types of such substances is its suitability for oral consumption. Other types of alcohols have properties that are more or less toxic to humans, so the ability to distinguish between their types will minimize the risk of chemical poisoning. The greatest danger of all types of non-food alcohol is methyl alcohol, due to its cheapness, prevalence and similarity in taste and smell to ethanol. Other types of alcohols (for example, isopropyl) are less common, but due to their similarity to food alcohol and toxic effects on the body, they also pose a significant danger.

Knowing the main differences between common types of alcohol and ethyl alcohol will help minimize health risks when drinking alcoholic beverages.

The dangers of methyl alcohol

It is worth knowing that methanol is no different from alcohol in color, taste and smell.

To distinguish potable alcohol from non-potable alcohol, appropriate research is required, which is not always done. Very often, based on the confidence that it was food grade alcohol that was purchased, this substance is consumed internally. The result will be severe poisoning, and in the absence of medical assistance, death.

In addition to knowledge of how to distinguish ethyl alcohol from methyl alcohol and in general, you will need to have information regarding the main effects of methanol on the body, know the symptoms of poisoning and primary aid.

Drinking vodka with methyl alcohol causes the following effects on the body:

  • bilateral inflammation of the optic nerve, which can cause blindness;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • damage to the urinary system;
  • destructive effects on the protein structures of the body, metabolic disorders.

Shortly after consuming this substance, the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea, vomiting, sharp abdominal pain;
  • fog;
  • visual impairment (“floaters” before the eyes);
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased salivation;
  • an increase and then a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Thus, if no action has been taken to distinguish methanol from ethyl alcohol, some time after this substance enters the body, more severe consequences develop. The time of onset of such manifestations will depend on the amount of toxic substance entering the body.

Such manifestations include the following:

  • visual impairment up to complete blindness;
  • the appearance of pain in the legs and head;
  • superficial alcoholic coma: speech impairment, vomiting, decreased body temperature, spontaneous urination;

deep alcoholic coma: swelling of the eyelids, dilated pupils, lack of response to painful stimuli, breathing problems, seizures and tachycardia.


In the absence of medical care and in the case of consuming a significant amount of methyl alcohol, death can occur.

How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol at home

There are several ways to distinguish food grade alcohol from technical grade alcohol at home. Each of them, provided the experiment is carried out correctly, allows you to distinguish good alcohol from bad with a fairly high probability. If the results of several types of tests are the same, the type of substance can be determined with high probability.

Some of these methods include the following.

Flame color

One of the simplest means to distinguish drinking alcohol from technical alcohol is to set it on fire. Ethanol will have a bluish flame color, while methanol will have a greenish flame color.

Reaction with potatoes

When peeled potatoes are placed in a container with alcohol, the type of substance can be determined by the color change of the vegetable. For the reaction to occur, it is necessary to soak the potatoes in alcohol for at least two hours. If the color of the potatoes changes to pink, this indicates methanol.

Boiling temperature

Another way to distinguish industrial alcohol is to monitor its boiling point. Ethanol boils at a temperature of 78 °C, and methyl already at 64 °C.

Reaction with baking soda

When mixed with ethanol, baking soda produces an insoluble yellowish precipitate. Methyl alcohol remains clear when soda is dissolved in it.

Reaction with potassium permanganate

You can also distinguish medical alcohol by adding a little potassium permanganate to it. In the case of ethanol, this will not cause any visible reaction. The reaction of methyl alcohol will produce gas and the smell of formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde test

This method, which allows us to distinguish drinking alcohol from methanol, is considered the most reliable.

To carry it out, it is necessary to lower a red-hot copper wire into the alcohol being tested. If this results in the release of a strong odor of formaldehyde, then this is methyl alcohol. When ethanol reacts, it produces an apple cider vinegar smell.

Lang's test

This method of distinguishing industrial alcohol from medical alcohol will require the presence of potassium permanganate, as well as a small container in which the alcohol can be heated.

To conduct the study, you will need to dilute 0.2 g of potassium permanganate in 2 ml of distilled water. Then heat 50 ml of alcohol to 18 ° C, pour the potassium permanganate solution into it and note the time when the color of the solution changes from purple to pink. If it took 10 minutes or more, then most likely you have ethyl alcohol.

Thus, the question of whether it is possible to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol can be answered positively.

How to distinguish other types of alcohols

Among alcohols there are many poisonous and toxic ones, so it is simply necessary to be able to distinguish them from each other, as well as to distinguish them from other substances with similar characteristics.

How to distinguish isopropyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol does not pose the same level of danger as methyl alcohol, but if consumed in large quantities it will also have a negative effect on the body. The main reason for the harmful effects of this type of alcohol is the release of acetone during its breakdown in the liver. Also, the chemical composition of this substance causes a more abrupt onset of intoxication, which lasts much longer than after drinking ethanol.

You can distinguish isopropyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol by several criteria:

  • smell: pungent, bitter, reminiscent of the smell of disinfectants;
  • taste: bittersweet.

How to distinguish chacha from diluted alcohol

It will be much easier to distinguish chacha from diluted alcohol. Since chacha is actually distilled wine, such a product will differ significantly from diluted alcohol in both smell and taste.

Chacha has a fairly mild aroma and taste, in contrast to the sharp characteristic taste of alcohol. Therefore, even after trying the real drink once, you can easily distinguish real chacha from diluted alcohol.

How to distinguish vodka from alcohol

It will be somewhat more difficult to distinguish vodka from alcohol. In this case, everything depends on the quality of the product. Quite often, cheap vodka is nothing more than simply diluted alcohol, so there can be no difference in this case.

High-quality vodka has a fairly mild taste and smell, which makes it different from a banal solution of alcohol and water. But this only applies to expensive brands. In the case of cheap vodka, there will be no differences due to the fact that it is most likely diluted alcohol.

How to distinguish moonshine from alcohol

To distinguish moonshine from alcohol, it is advisable to have an idea of ​​the smell of artisanal alcohol and medical alcohol. Basically, moonshine has an aroma with notes of the raw materials from which it is made, and also, to a certain extent, has the smell of residual fusel oils. The smell of pure alcohol does not have such impurities. Therefore, in order to be able to distinguish moonshine from diluted alcohol, it is advisable to have an idea of ​​​​the characteristic smell of alcohol made at home.

How to distinguish alpha alcohol from luxury alcohol

It is much more difficult to distinguish alpha alcohol from luxury alcohol. These brands of alcohols are quite close according to GOST standards and belong to the products of the highest degree of purification. It is virtually impossible to distinguish these two types of alcohol by smell and taste, without the appropriate experience.

How to distinguish alcohol from phenol

In some cases, it is also required to be able to distinguish alcohols from phenols. In everyday life, phenolic compounds in their pure form are quite rare, but due to the high danger of such substances for health and life, it is necessary to be able to identify them by organoleptic characteristics.

The main indicator of the presence of a large amount of phenol in any solution is the clearly noticeable smell of gouache. Since this paint contains a significant amount of phenol, the smell of this substance is associated with it.

Phenol is a toxic substance. Its entry into the body causes severe burns of internal organs, disruption of the nervous, cardiovascular, and urinary systems. At high concentrations or large amounts, exposure is fatal.

The chemical property that distinguishes alcohols from phenols includes their much less pronounced acidic properties.

How to distinguish a ketone from an alcohol

There will most likely not be a need to separate the ketone from the alcohol at home. At the same time, it is worth knowing that ketones, due to the peculiarities of their chemical composition, are much more volatile. In particular, most substances in this group have a boiling point of about 52 degrees.

How to distinguish alcohol from acid

You can distinguish alcohol from acid both by the characteristic smell of the latter and by its reaction with various substances, for example, metals. Alcohols, unlike acids, upon contact with metal, do not form new compounds, which is reflected in a change in the color of the metal surface, and in the case of a high concentration of acid - destruction of the metal.

Ethyl alcohol serves as the basis for all strong alcoholic drinks. A surrogate potion is made from methyl alcohol, a component from the same class of organic compounds. The use of methanol is fraught with severe poisoning, disability and even death. It is difficult for an untrained person to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol by external signs. If the purchased drink is suspicious, you can resort to home tests that will identify the dangerous component.

How to check ethyl or methyl alcohol

Edible alcohol and deadly poison are similar to each other. Both compounds are a colorless, highly flammable liquid. But methyl alcohol has a less pronounced odor than ethyl alcohol. This is the only difference that unmistakably reveals a deadly substance.

If, when you uncork a bottle, a recognizable vodka “aroma” hits your nose, this is a sure sign of high-quality alcohol. But the lack of smell should alert you. You should not drink such a product until the nature of its origin is clarified. You can determine the class of substances using available tools without leaving your home.

Home methods of determination

When starting experiments, it is important to realize that a home laboratory will not replace a specialized one. There are 7 ways to detect methanol in a drink:

  1. Assess the color of the flame when igniting alcohol.
  2. Test with raw potatoes.
  3. Determine the boiling point of the substance.
  4. Do an experiment with baking soda.
  5. Evaluate the reaction of the substance with potassium permanganate.
  6. Carry out a test with copper wire and flame.
  7. Apply Lang's test.

For reliability, it is worth using several methods to identify alcohol in a product. The result will be more accurate if the bottle contains pure methanol or its concentration is more than half of the total volume.

Flame color

It is better to carry out the test in a dark room, excluding all possible light sources. The experimental liquid is poured into a shallow container and then set on fire. The color of the flame and the rate of ignition of the substance are assessed. Ethanol ignites quickly and burns with a pale bluish flame. Methanol burns more slowly and has a greenish tint when burning. Cotton swabs will also work for the experiment: they are moistened in liquid and brought to a fire source.

This method cannot be called ultra-precise, since it is difficult to determine the color of the flame if the drink contains impurities. So, when boric acid is added, both substances burn the same way - with a green flame.

Reaction with potatoes

The experiment should be carried out only with colorless drinks. The liquid is poured into a transparent glass, then a slice of raw potato is placed in it and left for 3-4 hours. If during this time the root vegetable has changed its color to pink or lilac, then there is a surrogate in the glass. If the potatoes remain unchanged, the drink does not pose a health threat. Metamorphoses with the vegetable occur due to the interaction of starch with the test compound.

The disadvantage of this method is the long time that you need to wait to verify the safety (or danger) of the experimental liquid. Therefore, potato dough is not very common among people.

Boiling temperature

You can check for the presence of poison in an alcohol-containing drink by bringing it to a boil. To carry out the test, you need a thermometer that is resistant to high temperatures. The liquid is poured into a fireproof container, the device is immersed in it and put on fire together with it. They wait for the drink to boil and evaluate the results. Ethyl alcohol boils at +78° C, methyl alcohol – at +64° C.

The result will be accurate if pure alcohol is tested. If you need to test an alcohol-containing liquid, which is the majority of alcoholic products, this method cannot be relied upon.

Reaction with baking soda

The experience is based on the difference in the interaction of ethyl and methyl alcohol with an alkaline environment. This can be clearly demonstrated by adding a little baking soda to both substances (1 teaspoon per 1 glass) and mixing the solutions well. The surrogate will dissolve the white powder without residue and retain its transparency, while in baking alcohol the soda will fall to the bottom as a sediment in the form of yellow flakes.

This at-home alcohol testing guide will only work if the drink itself is colorless. If dark-colored wines, port, cognac or beer are tested, the cloudy sediment at the bottom may not be visible.

Reaction with potassium permanganate

Surrogate and legal alcohol interact with potassium permanganate in different ways. Differences in the reaction when mixing two components will be the main evidence of the presence (or absence) of methanol in the drink. This test is good because it can be applied to colored and dark-colored liquids.

Add potassium permanganate to a glass of alcohol on the tip of a knife and monitor the reaction. If there is a rapid release of bubbles, there is methyl alcohol in the glass. If gas is not released, but a vinegary odor is clearly felt, the experimental liquid does not pose a danger to the body.

Formaldehyde test

Copper wire is required for this experiment. Copper wire will do, but in this case it will be stripped of its insulating coating. The drink to be tested is poured into a glass. The metal is heated over a fire and quickly placed in a liquid. If there is an admixture of methanol in it, the smell of formaldehyde will soon be in the air. Edible alcohol will not emit an odor (sometimes it can smell like rotten apples).

The main disadvantage of this method is that not everyone knows what formaldehyde smells like. This substance can be identified by a specific hospital “aroma”, which is particularly persistent.

Lang's test

Lang's test or the oxidability of the liquid will help to distinguish between two alcohols. To carry out the test, you will need a glass test tube or a transparent narrow vessel. The test tube is first rinsed with the test liquid, and then 50 ml is poured inside. The container is placed in warm water (temperature + 15 ° C) for 10 minutes, making sure that the outside water is higher than the level of the alcoholic drink. Using a syringe, add 1 ml of potassium permanganate solution prepared from 1 liter of water and 0.2 g of potassium permanganate. The composition is mixed and placed again in water.

Next, measure the time it takes for the liquid to lighten from deep pink to light pink. The longer oxidation occurs, the safer the drink. Ethyl alcohol will discolor the liquid in 10–20 minutes, methyl alcohol almost immediately.

Precautionary measures

Methanol is a potent poison that causes poisoning and subsequent complications. Just 5–10 g of a dangerous substance can cause blindness, and 30 g is considered a lethal dose. The toxic effect of the compound manifests itself not only when it is ingested, but also when interacting with it. Thus, methyl alcohol vapors penetrate the respiratory tract and through the skin, causing irritation of the mucous membranes, visual disturbances, headaches, and neuritis. This is why you need to be careful when working with methanol, even if you have no intention of drinking it. The following rules will help you protect yourself:

  1. Work with the substance only in a ventilated area.
  2. The respiratory organs must be protected with a respirator, and rubber gloves must be worn on your hands.
  3. Do not pour hazardous substances down the drain. It should be collected in a sealed container and handed over to special agencies involved in the destruction of hazardous substances.
  4. If poison gets on your skin or hands, wash it off with plenty of water. If alcohol gets on clothes, be sure to wash them in warm water.
  5. If methanol is accidentally ingested, seek immediate medical attention.

You can purchase a methanol-based alcoholic drink without knowing it. Patients suffering from alcoholism are at risk. Alcohol addiction is so strong that a person does not realize that he is drinking poison. Alcohol abuse and periodic binges force a person to look for cheaper analogues of legal alcoholic beverages. Therefore, cases of fatal surrogate poisoning appear regularly in the media news.

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The question of how to distinguish technical methyl alcohol from medical ethyl alcohol is, without exaggeration, vitally important. History knows of cases of mass severe methanol poisoning due to the consumption of counterfeit alcoholic beverages with fatal consequences, because it is a powerful poison. Despite the absence of external and taste differences, methanol can be recognized using special tests and poisoning can be avoided.

Composition of medical alcohol (ethyl)

Ethyl alcohol can be ingested in diluted form; it is an organic substance consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is a simple monohydric alcohol, that is, with one hydroxyl group OH, its chemical formula is CH 3 CH 2 OH.

According to physical properties, ethanol is a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic pungent odor and pungent taste, lighter than water, with a density of 0.7893 g/cm 3 (1 liter of ethyl alcohol = 789 grams by weight), boiling point 78.39°C. It dissolves well in water, attaching its molecules to itself, and easily mixes with many substances, entering into chemical reactions with them, which makes it a solvent for organic substances, including fats.

Ethanol is used in chemical production, is used as rocket fuel, and is widely used in medicine, the food, perfume and cosmetic industries, and in everyday life. Based on its effect on the body, ethyl alcohol (ethanol, wine alcohol, medical alcohol) qualifies as a drug, and its breakdown products are moderately toxic to all organs.

Alcohol is highly flammable, flammable in the presence of oxygen and burns with a blue flame. Volatility is also characteristic - a high ability to evaporate if it is stored in an unsealed container. Its vapors mixed with oxygen constitute an explosive mixture.

Composition and properties of methanol

Methyl alcohol (methanol, wood alcohol, methyl hydrate) is the simplest monohydric alcohol, its formula is CH 3 OH. Refers to chemical contaminants - potent active substances that pose a threat to the body. The external signs of methanol are a transparent, colorless liquid that has the smell of alcohol, but a weaker, and pungent taste.

In terms of physical properties, it differs little from ethyl alcohol, has the same specific gravity, mixes well with water, is very volatile, but boils already at a temperature of 60°C. Its chemical properties are characterized by high activity and the ability to form toxic compounds, and when decomposed in the body, it releases a very toxic substance - formaldehyde.

In Russia, it is prohibited to use methanol in household chemicals and in the perfume and cosmetics industry due to its high toxicity, which is several hundred times higher than ethyl alcohol.

Methanol is widely used in various industries as a fuel, a solvent, for the synthesis of various substances (formalin, formic acid), in gas production, and for the production of denatured alcohol.

How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol

Ethyl and methyl alcohol have identical appearance, and they cannot be distinguished by this feature. The different intensity of the alcoholic odor also does not guarantee that they can be distinguished. In alcoholic drinks, especially counterfeit ones, various impurities and flavorings are often added, which interfere with the ability to distinguish the smell, and it is impossible to focus on it.

The differences between methanol and ethanol are significant in terms of chemical properties, which makes it possible to determine what is contained in an alcoholic drink. The most accurate is the laboratory method, but There are simple physical and chemical tests that can be used at home:

  • Ignition method: moisten a cotton swab with medical alcohol, another with methyl alcohol, set it on fire on a saucer and compare the color of the flame; methyl alcohol will burn in color not pure blue, but with a greenish tint.
  • Boiling method: put the liquid on the stove in a small container, do not lower the thermometer, methanol boils at 60°C, ethyl alcohol at 79°C.
  • Definition by wire: Dip a red-hot copper wire into the liquid being tested; the reaction with methyl alcohol is accompanied by a pungent, unpleasant odor of formaldehyde; this does not happen with ethanol.
  • Potato test: a plate of peeled potatoes is placed in a container with alcohol for 2-3 hours. The pinkish color of potatoes indicates the presence of methyl alcohol.
  • Manganese test: Add potassium permanganate to a glass of drink at the tip of a knife. The rapid release of gas bubbles indicates the presence of methyl alcohol. If the drink contains regular drinking alcohol, no gas will be released, but a vinegary smell will appear.

All of these home methods are good if the container contains pure alcohol, but as for drinks, the alcohol content in them ranges from 10 to 45 °, and all the tests listed may not be so pronounced as to be sure of their safety.

It is more reliable to purchase alcoholic beverages in trusted, highly rated markets whose products are subject to regular monitoring. And in order to have reliable information about the seller of the drink, the Russian Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcoholic Beverages Market has developed and released a free Anti-Counterfeit Alko application for mobile phones.

This is a program that contains all the information about legal, licensed liquor sellers. Essentially, it scans all excise stamps. Other similar applications are Alcohol Scanner and EGAIS check of receipts that scan QR codes of products and excise stamps. They can be found and downloaded through the GooglePlay application.

Lethal doses of both types of alcohol

Ethyl or medical alcohol is a psychotropic substance that has a depressant effect on the central nervous system. The products of its breakdown are toxic substances - acetaldehyde and acetic acid. A lethal outcome can occur with an overdose, both from the first exposure to pure alcohol itself, and from the toxic effect of its breakdown products.


The lethal dose may vary depending on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the quality of the neutralizing function of the liver and the excretory function of the kidneys. That is, in unhealthy people it can be half as much. The average value for adults is 5 ppm or more, for children 3-4, for teenagers 4-4.8, where the unit ppm means the amount of pure alcohol in 1 liter of blood.

As for methyl alcohol, it does not so much cause intoxication as the toxic effect predominates, because its breakdown products are formaldehyde and formic acid - deadly poisons for the body. For an adult, taking about 10 ml causes dangerous poisoning, and death can occur if 80 or more ml of ethanol is drunk, that is, 1-2 ml per 1 kg of weight. This amount may also vary depending on your health condition.

Is it possible to drink ethanol and methanol?

It so happens that humanity has been using ethyl alcohol in various drinks since Neolithic times to the present day. Doctors note the beneficial properties of small amounts of alcohol for the prevention of atherosclerosis and stimulation of the immune system. Many medications are prepared with alcohol - tinctures, extracts, extracts.

Medicine does not know of cases of death from rare and moderate consumption of alcohol. Addiction to alcohol inevitably leads to the destruction of health and death. So it's just a matter of dose. In its pure form, medical alcohol (ethyl) can be consumed in small quantities if necessary., but always diluted by half with water so as not to cause burns to the mucous membranes.

Methyl alcohol is a dangerous poison and its use is unacceptable- neither in pure form, nor as part of denatured alcohol or other liquids. Medical drinking alcohol is available for free sale in pharmacies and retail chains, but methyl alcohol and products containing it are not produced for free sale to the public.

Alcohol is a harmful substance for the body. However, some of its varieties are fatal even with a single use. In order for the mistake not to become fatal, you need to know how to distinguish ethyl alcohol from methyl alcohol and be able to apply this knowledge in practice.


Ethanol, according to the latest rewritten version of GOST, is a colorless liquid, flammable, with a characteristic odor.

This alcohol is obtained in two ways:

  1. Microbiological - this subspecies is obtained through the natural fermentation of carbohydrate products under the influence of yeast. A liquid with a 15% content is obtained, then it is concentrated. The ethyl alcohol content in the finished product is about 96.6%. The remaining components are impurities and water. Divided into classes depending on impurities and added to vodka of different price categories:
    • 1 grade;
    • highest purification grade;
    • basis;
    • extra;
    • luxury;
    • alpha.
  1. Synthetic.

Produced chemically through the hydration of ethylene. Orthophosphoric or sulfuric acid is used as a catalyst.


Ethyl alcohol is successfully used in the food, pharmacological, and medical industries.

Fuel industry. It is used in its pure form as fuel for internal combustion engines and rocket engines.

Chemical industry.

  • Various chemical components are obtained from ethyl alcohol: acetic acid, chloroform, acetaldehyde, etc.
  • Is a solvent. It is used in household chemicals, painting materials, windshield wipers, etc.
  • Added to cleaning products and detergents.

Medical industry.

  • Used in its pure form for asepsis and antiseptics.
  • Used in the manufacture of tinctures and extracts.
  • The main component of warming compresses.
  • Antidote for methyl intoxication.

Cosmetics industry. It is one of the components in drying products, facial washes, creams, scrubs. The main component of perfume, cologne.

Food industry. A component of wine and vodka products, contained in small percentages in kefir and kvass. Used in baking to preserve the product. Registered as food additive E1510.

Ethyl alcohol is widely used in many industries; in small doses it is quite harmless than its methyl counterpart.

Methyl alcohol

Methanol is a colorless, toxic liquid. Explosive when mixed with air. Consumption of about 30 ml in pure form leads to painful death.

It is not used in food production, but is added to flammable mixtures and solvents.


Widely used in some industries due to its flammability properties.


  • In the gas industry.
  • Contains formaldehyde.
  • For refueling some cars and racing bikes.
  • In some countries it is allowed as an additive in perfumes.

There are no ways to determine methyl alcohol and distinguish ethyl from methyl alcohol by external signs. Both liquids have a similar odor and are colorless - a mistake can be fatal.

It is not recommended to use either alcohol in its pure form, but if ethanol causes severe intoxication, then methanol is more merciless in its consequences. In the best case, when poisoned, a person completely loses vision, in the worst, he dies.

How to distinguish methanol from ethanol?

There is a difference between the two types of alcohol, and it is quite possible to check the presence of one or the other product at home. You can choose the right product in the store.

It is worth taking a closer look at the following signs:

  • presence of a quality mark on the bottle;
  • manufacturer's address, all its coordinates;
  • no visible damage;
  • the label is glued evenly;
  • There are no typos or errors in the product description and title.

Fake bottles are found in different price segments, especially if the vodka has been on the market for several years. To protect yourself, it is not recommended to buy goods from stalls and tents that do not have the right to sell alcohol. If a seller breaks the law, he is unlikely to have product certifications.

How to determine methanol and ethanol in alcohol?

Ethyl and methyl alcohol have no external differences, but there are home methods to help figure this out.

  1. Set fire to the vodka glass. If the product contains ethanol, the flame will be bluish, if methanol it will be green.
  2. A less effective way is to use cut potatoes to test. If the liquid that gets on it contains methyl alcohol, the vegetable will turn pink. This occurs due to the reaction of starch with methanol.
  3. For the third method, you will need to dilute concentrated liquid of potassium permanganate. It does not give any reaction to ethyl alcohol, but from the reaction with methyl alcohol it will begin to fizz and foam. Drinking such vodka is strictly prohibited and is dangerous to health.

Three methods are sufficient to determine the toxic liquid in alcohol. For a more accurate check, they can be combined. If at least one of the tested options gives a positive result, it is not recommended to consume such alcoholic products.

How to distinguish pure methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol?

Sometimes you have to distinguish methyl alcohol at home. For these purposes, there are two long-proven methods that help you accurately see the difference and protect your health. How to test pure alcohol?

1 way.

The liquid must be poured into an enamel bowl and heated using a boiler or on the stove. If the liquid being tested has a boiling point of 64 degrees, the liquid is dangerous. Ethanol boils at 78 degrees Celsius.

Method 2.

For this test you will need a copper wire. It must be heated over a fire until red and lowered into liquid. If the tested alcohol begins to emit a pungent, unpleasant odor, it is methanol. Ethyl alcohol will have a slight apple aroma.

In cases where the issue of life and death is being decided, it would be absolutely useful to be vigilant and double-check the liquid for the presence of poisons present in it. To make sure that your choice is correct, it is better to carry out several of the described checks at once. It is important to remember that for each alcoholic product the seller must have quality certificates, which he must present upon first request. If they are not there, it is better to refuse the purchase.

The most important distinguishing feature of these two types of alcohols is the time after which the damage occurs. Methanol kills quickly, ethyl alcohol has a slow effect on the body’s systems and is also destructive. You should stop drinking both alcohols to preserve life and health.