How to disable my requests in Yandex Tune. Disable auto-correction and word suggestions. How to turn off search suggestions

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Search suggestions are a pop-up window with popular queries starting with the same letters as the user's search term.

Imagine that a prompter from his booth quietly tells the actor the text if he has forgotten it. At the same time, he focuses on the role of the character, the first phrase of the actor and the text of the script.

Search assistance for the visitor is provided in any search engine (SE), as well as when searching through the address bar of a web browser. the main task– help the user more accurately formulate the search question in order to then show the most relevant results.

How search suggestions (SP) are generated in Yandex and Google

The formation of such phrases occurs through the work of complex algorithms under the influence of many factors. These include:

  • Frequency of phrases in search. PSs offer the user the most popular tails to the entered query.
  • Regions for commercial request. If a visitor is looking for windows in Voronezh, PS, as a rule, does not give him a tail from other regions.
  • User-centric. The search engines are guided by the words frequently requested by this user, his search history and other personal information.
  • Update. Refers to news issues, so the hint window is constantly updated.
  • Filter. Obscene words, queries with errors and typos, and low-popular phrases are removed.

How to turn off search suggestions

Sometimes a pop-up window with clarifying words interferes with working with the PS. Often, PPs that the user was looking for earlier are given, and they have become unnecessary, or the visible space on the small smartphone screen is “eaten up”, which creates certain inconvenience. Perhaps more than one person is using the computer, and search privacy needs to be configured.

Let's look at how to disable (remove) pop-up tails using the Yandex PS as an example.

At the top right, select Settings, go to Portal Settings, and select Search Results. Clear the checkboxes in the personal search fields and click “Save.”

To remove a specific PP, start typing the phrase in the search bar. In the pop-up window with the interfering PP, go to the desired phrase and delete it. In Yandex, there is a “cross” opposite it for this, but in Google you need to go to an unnecessary phrase and press Shift+Del.

Negative search clues: can they be removed?

A situation may arise when a potential client of a company types its name into the search bar, for example “Window World”, and sees phrases like “Window World scammers” or “Window World scam” in the pop-up window. Out of curiosity, a person will definitely follow the hint phrase, which will increase its weight, and this hint phrase will be periodically given to other Internet users. And according to statistics, about 80% of users follow the prompts or pay attention to them.

Hint phrases can be removed by the PS administration upon request if they display personal information, are associated with illegal materials, or a court has ordered their removal. But more than a year may pass from the launch of the mechanism that will prove the company’s honesty.

For quick fix unfair negative phrases-hints about the company, which are most often distributed on the Internet by competitors, you need to remove the negativity from third-party sites, write positive reviews on websites, social networks, blogs, etc.

How to use search suggestions

Pop-up phrases are interesting not only to users, but also to online marketers. They have long learned to use this tool in their work. Using tips, you can promote your web resource. Let's consider what needs to be done for this.

Displaying the company name in search keywords

This is not just a sharp increase in traffic, but also an improvement in loyalty indicators of potential customers and increased brand awareness. But getting into the pop-up window is even more difficult than getting to the first page of the PS. PSs are constantly struggling with cheating of hint phrases.

Black hint cheating

Hired users or specially created scripts from different IPs artificially attract interest in the resource, introducing search bar related requests. If they come from the same IP address, then the search engine mercilessly removes it from the suggestions, since such methods of work are prohibited. There is no point in cheating, since search robots will detect fraud in any case.

White work with tips

You can get into the PP window using external advertising, banners, teasers that encourage users to enter a query mentioning the brand. Remember the advertising banners from MTS with a white egg on a red background. Users entered various questions to find out what it was. And this was an ordinary, but competently presented rebranding.

Collecting the semantic core of a site using hint phrases

PPs display popular queries of real people, so SEO specialists focus on them when compiling keys for promotion. A list of related phrases can be obtained by looking at the “along with this often searched” block. Enter the query “washing Orenburg” into the Yandex search bar, scroll through the search results page and see at the bottom:

PPs give the optimizer a complete picture of what exactly people are looking for in a search engine.

In addition, they are used to select LSI phrases (tails, synonyms, etc.). LSI phrases are semantically related to primary keys. For example, when entering the request “double bed”, the PS will produce tails like “with lifting mechanism", "cheap with mattress included", "buy inexpensively". These LSI phrases can be used to dilute the text and at the same time get rid of spam.

The above method of parsing PP is the simplest, but it is still difficult to manually study many options. Therefore, optimizers periodically use parsers.

Hint parsers

Special services help automatically collect hint keys, which saves SEO specialist time, reduces the likelihood of missing important key phrases, and increases the efficiency of promotion work. Let's look at some of them.

  • Key Collector is a paid program with advanced functionality. Works with many regions, different PS.
  • Upcheck, Rush Analytics, A-parser are paid services focused on PS.
  • Slovoder – deep parsing of PP in various subsystems in multi-threaded mode.
  • Gscraper is a free service that works with Google.
  • Magadan is a free program that uses Yandex Wordstat.
  • Parsers are also built into complex services for promoting web resources, for example, PixelTools, Serpstat, etc.

Search suggestions are a convenient tool for the user and indispensable for an SEO specialist. At the same time, the potential client receives the most relevant results, and the promoted site receives an increase in traffic and increased profits.

This is an extremely relevant topic. Many people use Yandex.Stroy in Windows or shape Yandex search in browser. Traditionally, answers to popular queries and search suggestions are displayed in the input field itself in the form of a live search. This is very convenient, but... search engines, including Yandex, collect information about your interests on the Internet, then try to guess your preferences taking into account these interests. Those. It’s worth looking for a recipe for buns in Yandex once, and the next time as soon as you enter the letter “P”, a bunch of hints with the word “bun” will pop up. This indirectly indicates your past search history and online interests. Sometimes a computer is used by more than one person, and you don't always want the other person to see your search history. How to delete queries in the Yandex search bar if you don’t want to share your interests with other people, read on.

We will look at what to do when using the search bar in the browser and for search in Yandex on the taskbar Windows.

To prevent hints from popping up in the browser

First thing. We delete the search history in the browser itself. This does not apply to Yandex search, but what's the point of hiding your past queries if you can easily find a list of all visited sites in your browser.

You can see how to clear your browser history in the pictures. Or find more details on the Internet if your browser is not listed below.

Clearing browsing history in Mozilla FireFox
Clearing browsing history in Google Chrome
Clearing browsing history in Opera
It is also possible clear cookies after each search use. In this case, the search history information will no longer be associated with your browser. After clearing your cookies, search suggestions will no longer contain any information about you.

However, the easiest way to set up is " Personal search" so that the suggestions do not reveal information about your search history.

The algorithm is as follows:

How to delete requests in Yandex String

In Windows 10, Yandex.String is located on the taskbar, default. Yandex.String makes it possible to carry out a search query on the Internet directly from the taskbar without directly launching the browser. Another line searches folders on your computer. And can respond to voice commands. Quite convenient and safe if only you use the computer.

Where does Yandex.Stroke get search suggestions?

The string draws information from multiple sources
  • list of links on request from Yandex search
  • links to sections of the selected site
  • answers to popular Yandex queries
  • computer media indexing results (HDD, SSD, etc.)

We can review it, analyze it, find and visit the pages that we viewed, download files that we downloaded previously and clear the history itself.

And if at one time it is useful for finding a page whose address you have forgotten, then sometimes users do not want anyone to know exactly what resources they visited. To do this, clear the browser history.

Today we will look at how to clear history in Yandex Browser. In the vast majority of browsers, and Yandex Browser is no exception, the history can be checked using the Ctrl + H combination, or by clicking the settings icon in the upper right corner and selecting history from the menu.

Here we can clear the history for certain periods of time (for the previous hour, for the previous day and the entire history), as well as what exactly we want to delete from the history (cookies, cache files, download history, browsing history, saved passwords, auto-fill data).

There is no need to rush and delete everything, but only what you need to hide from prying eyes (you can delete it using one link), because, for example, cookies and cache files, auto-fill data help speed up the browser.

When you notice that Yandex (browser) begins to slow down, it means it’s time to clear your web browsing history, as well as cookies and cache.

This is very simple to do: Open a web browser and in the upper right corner click the button (with the image of three vertical stripes), with which you can enter the menu. Select the History option and then go to the History Manager. A page will open where you can view all the sites you have visited, as well as delete some of them or all at once.

If you want to completely get rid of the history, then click “Clear history” (the button on the right). A window will appear in which you will need to set checkboxes next to “Browsing history”, “Cookies” and “Cache”. Now it is recommended to indicate that you want to delete items accumulated “All time” and click “Clear history”. That's all. You got rid of your browsing history. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this operation.

"Incognito" mode If you do not want Yandex (browser) to save the queries that you enter into the search bar, as well as passwords and pages visited, then you can use the "Incognito" mode. To activate it, open the browser menu and hover over the “Advanced” option, and then go to “New window in incognito mode.”

After these steps, you will be able to visit any web page without passwords, requests, or resource addresses being saved. By the way, please note that by activating this mode, installed extensions will be disabled in the browser. There is no need to be scared - just open the menu again, go to the “Add-ons” section and enable everything that has been disabled for you. Yandex search engine So, you already know how to clear your history.

This is very easy to do in Yandex (browser). But what actions should be taken if we are talking about carrying out the same procedure in the Yandex search engine? This will be discussed further. First of all, log into your Yandex account. At the top, next to your profile photo, you will see a button with a gear icon. By clicking on it, select the "Other settings" option.

A page will open on which you need to go to the “My Finds” section. Now, to clear your search history, click the corresponding button (you can easily find it). The last step (optional) is to disable history recording. To do this, simply drag the slider located on the left to the "Off" position.

Google Chrome offers various suggestions when you type in the address bar. Often, some search queries or websites offered by the browser are no longer needed by the user and they only get in the way, distracting from surfing the Internet. In this tutorial, we will tell you how to remove suggestions in the Google Chrome address bar on Windows and Mac.

Why remove hints?

The first reason is the user’s banal reluctance to constantly come across an old search query or a specific website. Such prompts are often distracting and do not allow you to quickly work with the browser.

The second reason comes from a nasty bug in Google Chrome. When searching a site multiple times through the address bar, individual URLs may take the following form:

Going to such URLs, of course, also results in an error, as a result of which you have to enter the site address manually. For whatever reason you would not like to remove suggestions in the address bar of Google Chrome, the method below will help you.

How to remove suggestions in the address bar of Google Chrome on Windows

arrow to down.

Shift + Delete.

How to Remove Suggestions in the Google Chrome Address Bar on Mac

Step 1: Launch the Chrome browser.

Step 2: Start typing the prompt you want to delete.

Step 3: Go to the line with the unnecessary keystroke prompt arrow to down.

Step 4: To remove the tooltip, click Shift + fn + Delete.

Greenbot resource manager Florence Ion faced this difficulty because she had to type texts in Romanian. And I decided to compile instructions for all users who would like to disable autocorrection (autocorrection), but do not know how to do it or do not want to spend a lot of time delving into the settings.

The user's vocabulary may be wider than that offered by the operating system. In addition, these tips are often simply confusing. And I would like a person to decide for himself what exactly he is going to write, and not resort to the help of computer pseudo-intelligence to do this.

known for its over-automation. Now this operating system can be found in a wide variety of technical means - from watches to. But sometimes the computer's concern for the user can be too intrusive. An operating system's keyboard strives to predict what word its user is about to type. These hints can be completely far from what the user needs. For example, in cases where he uses the English layout to type text in another language with the Latin alphabet. In this case, auto-correction of entered words will only interfere with the user.

Undoubtedly, sometimes auto-correction of words and displayed hints can be very convenient. But in some other situations they are not needed. Luckily, these features are easy to disable and enable again. It’s enough just to know where in the mobile operating system Android system the corresponding settings are located.

Without a doubt, among our readers there are many experienced Android users who know how to configure things even more complicated than disabling automatic correction. But we are also read by new users of the world’s most popular mobile operating system, who have not yet had time to comprehend the full depth of its intricacies. Auto-correction is not an Android feature, although it sometimes causes dissatisfaction among users.

First of all, you need to go to the Android settings panel, which helps bring operating system according to your tastes. In this panel you need to find the “Language and input” item (the names may vary depending on the version of Android and its interface shell, the meaning is important). Next, select “Android Keyboard” and touch it with your finger.

In the menu that opens, scroll to the “Auto-correction” item and tap on it.

By default, moderate autocorrection is selected.

You can change this setting by turning off autocorrect completely, or by making it active or very active if that operating system feature helps you. Touch will be enough. The dialog box will close and the new setting will be accepted by the operating system.

But the Android keyboard also tries to prompt the user for the words he is supposedly about to type. The mobile pseudo-intelligence does not always guess correctly. It is difficult to imagine that these clues would help in the correspondence of two mathematicians discussing the fine points of the complex science they are studying. And there can be many similar situations. This means that it is sometimes advisable to turn off automatic suggestions.

The next item is “Show correction options.” By default, Android always shows them. This item allows you to configure the operating system so that it gives hints only when the device is in a vertical (portrait) scan of the screen or never shows correction options at all, leaving the user to decide for himself what word he is going to enter and what errors he intends do it in it.

It must be said that the method of disabling auto-correction described above is common to all Android devices. Some custom keyboard apps provide an easier way to disable automatic correction of user-typed words. There are also third-party keyboard apps for Android.

Users who are not confident in their experience should write down the sequence of actions so that, if they want to return the settings to their original state, they will always be able to do this.

Do you think the auto-correct feature is more useful or more of a distraction? Is she helpful or just annoying?