How to start communicating well with a person. How to learn to communicate correctly with people in any situation. A few useful rules

People skills are very great importance. How you talk or correspond with your interlocutors can affect many areas in your life. By becoming a pleasant and tactful interlocutor, and having mastered some rules of etiquette, you will be able to win over many people, which can bring you positive results in future.

What role does the ability to communicate correctly in society play?

The ability to connect is an important quality, and no one is born with it. This skill needs to be developed, and if it has not been laid down in you since childhood, this does not mean at all that you cannot acquire it now. People who have learned to communicate correctly in society are undoubtedly more successful not only in their careers, but also in their personal lives. Often, our interlocutors form the first impression of us based on our manner of speaking, and we can ensure that it is only positive.

Subtleties of communication

Note that communication can include verbal and nonverbal elements. That is, when entering into dialogue with other people, you do not just pronounce a set of phrases, and the attention of your interlocutors is not only focused on them. In addition to correct speech, it is important to monitor shades of intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and gaze.

Surely, you have had to watch how a person seems to say reasonable things, but something pushes him away. This could be a running glance, sudden movements of the hands or a seemingly “frozen” pose, monotonous sounding phrases and the like. All of these factors are just as important as the content of your phrases.

How to stop being afraid of public speaking

As you know, some people are afraid of speaking in public, and this fear can remain throughout their lives. However, many people feel psychological stress not only when speaking in front of a large audience, but also simply, if necessary, in contact with a stranger. It can reach the point of discomfort even when communicating with a seller, cashier, etc.

Fear of communicating with strangers

First of all, it is worth determining where this fear came from. There may be several reasons.


Usually this trait comes from early childhood and depends on the child’s temperament. Some children behave openly and sometimes intrusively, while others are embarrassed to start a dialogue with adults or peers. If parents do not instill communication skills and let everything take its course, then eventually this trait flows into adulthood.

Low self-esteem

You are so insecure that you feel that if you start a conversation with a stranger, you will look stupid. Perhaps you feel like there is nothing to talk about, you are unhappy with your voice, unsure of your ability to clearly express your thoughts, and the like. Low self-esteem can be hidden in many small things, leading to general lack of self-confidence.

Complexes regarding appearance

This sub-item can be linked to the previous one, but the difference is that it talks exclusively about appearance. Perhaps it seems to you that if you speak, others will pay attention to some flaw in your appearance, which would hide from them if you did not attract attention to yourself.

Ways to deal with fear

Recognizing the problem

Having realized what your problem is that led to your fear of communication, it is important to try to solve it. If the reason lies in some defects in appearance, then find a way to correct them. It is also important to understand that your complex may be far-fetched. Surely, among famous people there are those who have a similar “flaw” - look how they behave in public and how many fans they have!

If it's not just your appearance, or not just your appearance, but low self-esteem in general, then you probably need to raise it. You can make an appointment with a psychologist, but if you are afraid of communicating with strangers, then such a step will probably cause you stress. That is why you should search the Internet for motivational videos with consultations with psychologists, which are absolutely free.


A lot depends on how you look when communicating with people. You've probably noticed that if you're insecure about your appearance, communication becomes even more difficult for you - you just don't want to draw attention to yourself. Such moments must be avoided. We are talking about the basics - clothes, accessories, shoes. Choose your wardrobe carefully so that it does not cause you any doubts. Don’t forget not only about stylish and comfortable things, but also about caring for your skin, teeth, hair and nails. If you carefully take care of all of the above, your self-confidence will increase.


If you want to overcome your fear, then you need to face the problem head on. Only by starting to contact other people will you learn to cope with your psychological barriers. Start small - with telephone conversations. Hone your skills in communicating with loved ones. It is unlikely that you are afraid of conversations with relatives or friends - communicate with them more often. As an experiment, to clarify a question, call an old friend who has fallen out of your sight for some period. Subsequently, you can call one of the gyms in the city, for example, asking the administrator what the cost of a subscription is at their institution and what time the gym is open until. For further clarification, you can also call a beauty salon or yoga studio. You don’t have to use these services later - you just get advice, as many other people do.

Having become a little more comfortable with telephone conversations, try starting a dialogue “live”. If you are afraid of looking stupid when talking to strangers, then choose a method of communication where you mostly have to listen. You can go to the nearest post office and ask what is the best way to send a parcel to another country (for example, to Canada in the city of Toronto), and how long it will take to get there. Improvise, and gradually you will forget about your fears.

I don’t know what to talk to people about, how to start a dialogue first

It is important to understand that if you start the conversation first, nothing terrible or unnatural will happen. If another person starts a conversation with you, will you think something bad about him? Most likely no. In the same way, other people will not see anything incredible if you contact them, so don’t invent problems out of nowhere.

1. Ask questions

The easiest way to start a dialogue is with a question that will be relevant to the situation. If you are at a party, you can ask something about the menu - pay attention to what your potential interlocutor is drinking or eating, and ask if he is happy with the choice and whether you should order a similar dish or drink for yourself. Of course, you shouldn’t be intrusive; if a person is relaxed and clearly ready to communicate, and not focused on eating his food, then only then does it make sense to ask such questions.

You can also be interested in more neutral topics - how to get to a particular area, where there is a good hardware or book store in the city, and so on.

2. Be interesting

To avoid any questions regarding possible topics for conversations, you need to expand your horizons, constantly be in the stage of intellectual or physical development. If you have nothing to talk about with others, then most likely you are not interested in anything other than your main occupation. Many careerists are fixated only on their work, housewives - on everyday issues, and students are studying. It is unlikely that only these topics can win over your interlocutor and make him become interested in your personality.

Start with reading - world classics or philosophical literature. Subsequently, you can give examples from books you have read or recommend certain works to your interlocutor, giving them your assessment. You may say that you have absolutely no time to read. It is for such people that audiobooks have long been invented that can be listened to in traffic jams, while preparing dinner, cleaning the apartment, and so on.

To develop your personality, it is useful to attend various master classes. As children, many of us liked to go to some kind of “circle” - dancing, drawing, bead weaving, and the like. Nowadays, all this and much more is offered for adults. In almost every city, with the exception of very small provinces, you can find many master classes - you can sign up for a painting lesson, belly dancing, yoga, cooking classes, dancing and much more!

3. Let others be interesting.

Do not think that when communicating with you, the interlocutor is only engaged in assessing your conversation skills, tone, gestures and the content of the stories. Most people want to make a good impression of themselves just as much as you do, and you can win someone over if you help them reveal their interesting side. He will remember this feeling of self-satisfaction, and subconsciously note that it arose during a conversation with you, so he will be pleased to remember this communication, and he will strive for it again.

If you know that your interlocutor recently visited another country or city, ask about the features of this place. If he plays sports, note his excellent physical shape, tell him that you too would like to do something similar and ask for advice on where to start. Many people can be confused by certain questions, and if you notice that one of them caught a person by surprise, do not focus on this topic unless the counterparty himself returns to it. Immediately unobtrusively move the conversation in a different direction - but do not go to next question, and tell something yourself, meanwhile allowing the interlocutor to collect his thoughts.

How to easily meet people and make friends

Often people avoid making acquaintances with someone on their own, for fear of looking strange. If you want to avoid this, take note of some recommendations.

Don't be intrusive. When addressing a person, try to accurately track his reaction. If he clearly tries to answer in monosyllables, looks away, does not ask counter questions and switches to other things, such as looking at the surrounding interior or the settings of his phone, then he is clearly not in the mood for dialogue. It may not even be about you - this person just doesn’t want to communicate or is not in the mood to make new acquaintances. Surely you are familiar with similar feelings.

Be natural. Allow yourself to forget about all your fears or complexes for at least one day. Conduct a kind of experiment - start a conversation with another person without thinking about what impression you make. Just enjoy the conversation.

Stay confident in itself. If you have not yet been able to gain self-confidence, no one should guess about it. By starting a conversation with ingratiating or hesitant intonations, you are unlikely to be able to achieve positive effect. Speak confidently and calmly, do not doubt your words and do not think that you may look stupid and ridiculous. What does a confident person look like? When talking, he does not look at the floor or to the side, but into the eyes of his interlocutor. Although, from time to time it is still worth looking away in a relaxed manner - a constant gaze into the eyes may seem unnatural. Do not constantly adjust your clothes or hair, do not wring your hands, and do not study your reflection (even briefly) on mirror surfaces.

Speech and diction. This is also an important point. Learn to speak not too loudly, but not too softly either. You should be clearly audible, but nothing more. If you are periodically asked to speak more quietly or loudly, pay attention to this point - it can significantly irritate your interlocutors. You can also record your speech on a voice recorder and, while listening to it, pay attention to mistakes. Avoid slowness and drawling, as well as excessive haste. Maintain the golden mean. Now you can find many trainings where professionals will help you with correct diction. You can simply sign up for a private consultation with a speech therapist, even if it seems to you that you have no problems with pronunciation, stress placement, and the like - this meeting, in any case, will benefit you.

Be positive. Many people try to avoid those who often “radiate” negativity. Think about it: are you one of those pessimists? Even if you are used to thinking negatively, try not to demonstrate this trait to others. Give people compliments, praise them, joke, laugh at other people's jokes.

However, feigned gaiety should also be avoided - such insincerity is often noticeable and looks ridiculous. Try not to talk negatively about other people, or at least not focus on your negative emotions - this can turn you off.

Show interest. As you know, most people are very concerned about their personality - how they look, what impression they make, and the like. If you show interest in the personality of your interlocutor, this will the right way to forming friendships. Pay attention to any slightest achievement of a potential friend, ask for his opinion on a particular topic, and give compliments. Of course, it is important not to overdo it so that your interest does not seem like flattery.

If you start to notice that other people are not very keen to maintain a dialogue with you and even avoid communication, then perhaps there are several reasons that contributed to this. Let's look at some of them:

1- Subjective assessment

Of course, we all have our own subjective point of view on almost everything. However, if you are a tactful interlocutor, you will not try to impose your opinion on another person, especially if you see that he does not agree with it.

It is important to understand that someone else’s point of view on certain events is no less valuable than yours. Yes, perhaps the interlocutor is really wrong, but if you want it to be pleasant to communicate with you, then do not try to prove that you are right at any cost. Gently present your arguments, without irony or irritation, ask what arguments your opponent has. Believe me, if a person is really wrong on some important issue, he will soon understand it himself. If the issue is minor, then it is not worth paying increased attention to.

2 - Aloof or talkative

These are two extremes that are best avoided. In the first case, when a person behaves distantly, immersed in himself, the interlocutor may decide that you are not interested in communicating with him. Of course, there are people who like to speak out incessantly, and at the same time do not notice the mood of others, but most still pay attention to other people's reactions. Perhaps, due to your personality or shyness, you try not to express your point of view, giving your interlocutor the right to conduct a dialogue, but gradually such communication can turn into a monologue, and it is not a fact that the other participant in the conversation likes this state of affairs.

In the second case (with excessive talkativeness), it is also difficult to hone the correct communication skills. Many of us know people who like to talk a lot, interrupt and not listen to others. At the same time, they may consider themselves interesting and sociable individuals, but in reality they cause varying degrees of irritation. If they encounter mostly tactful interlocutors, they may not even know about their problem. Analyze your conversations with other people - who talks more? In communication, it is important to maintain a balance - speak yourself, ask questions and listen to the other person’s answers.

3 - Closer look

Are you sure you don’t have the habit of staring at other people? Many people feel uncomfortable under such a “microscope” and they try to end the conversation as quickly as possible. You may feel like you're quietly examining someone's shoes, hair, or some part of their body, but it's usually quite noticeable.

Also, the height of tactlessness is pointing out any shortcomings that a person already knows very well about himself or, most likely, would like not to focus attention on them. Perhaps it’s not even worth mentioning that exclamations are unacceptable: “Oh, you’ve got a pimple!”, “Do you know that you have White hair appear?”, “Have you gained weight?”, “Your blouse is wrinkled” and similar tactless remarks. They can only be voiced between very close people - a parent and son or daughter or husband and wife, and then only if you are sure that this is appropriate.

4 - Questions

This follows from the previous subparagraph - we will talk about the ability to ask questions. Even if you and your interlocutor speak in approximately equal proportions, if you do not ask any questions to maintain the conversation, then such a conversation may soon become boring. It is important for people to feel interested in themselves. Be interested in the affairs of your interlocutor, his opinion on this or that matter. At the same time, it is important not to cross the line. If you are not in a very close relationship, do not ask very personal questions - do not be tactless. If a person is confused by some question or topic of conversation, unobtrusively move the conversation in a different direction, thereby showing yourself to be a flexible and tactful interlocutor.

The basic principles of communication psychology are based on the literary works of researchers of human behavior in society. A number of rules developed by Dale Carnegie back in the 40s are still relevant today.

To correctly construct sentences and make a good impression on your interlocutor, use psychological techniques:

  1. Be interested. Don't yawn or be smart. Show that you sympathize with the person, show interest in his activities.
  2. Evoke positive emotions. Don't hide your smile. Scientists have proven that smiling people are more successful.
  3. Call your friend by name. A personal appeal is a verbal compliment; this shows that the information is intended specifically for the interlocutor.
  4. Be careful. An important quality is the ability not only to hear, but also to listen.

    Show respect for your opponent, ask leading questions, be surprised by the facts you hear, and show more emotions.

  5. Find a common theme. Try to win favor with yourself, don’t be shy and withdraw into yourself.

    Line up friendly relations with a neighbor, and with a business partner.

  6. Be sincere. Creeping and flattering is not the best move. Fake delight will only alienate your interlocutor. Praise those qualities that you truly admire in a person.

Advice! If you find it difficult to communicate with strangers, practice on the phone.

Lack of visual contact will relieve embarrassment. Call your hairdresser or beauty salon.

Prepare for the conversation in advance, make a list of questions if you get confused during the communication process.

Development of communication skills

The psychology of communication is an art. Even an introvert who keeps to himself can become the life of the party. You just need to know a few “tricks” for building relationships.

Skills Development
Observation Notice the details, monitor the non-verbal behavior of the interlocutor in order to choose a communication style in which you will come to mutual understanding
Memorization Remember what your friend is talking about. Pay attention to the personal details of his life, hobbies, so that you can casually mention him in a conversation
Erudition Comprehensive development expands the circle general topics. An erudite person will support any conversation
Understanding Be sensitive. A person's behavior shows his mood. Exciting emotions can be read from facial expressions. Support and understanding are the key to starting a friendship
Fitness Communicate every day. Scientists have proven that regular communication increases efficiency and productivity. The more you socialize, the easier it is to find a common language with people.

Important! Be natural, don't turn the art of communication into acting.

Nonverbal psychology

No matter how interesting the information may be, the owner must competently present its essence. Who will listen to the droning whisper of an uncertain speaker? Behavior and ability to behave in society is what will make others listen to you!

  • "Language" of the eyes. Get rid of uncertainty, boldly look into the eyes of your interlocutor and show that you are interested in maintaining friendly relations.

    A shifty gaze is a sign of disrespect, showing that you are bored.

  • Facial expressions. Every emotion is reflected on the face. You can even flirt only with the corner of your mouth.

    Don't talk about sad things with a smile or positive things with pursed lips. Combine internal state with external.

  • Gesticulation. Nonverbal behavior is a whole science. Keep your hands at the level of your stomach or hips, crossed palms - this means stiffness and distrust of others.

    An open posture subconsciously appeals to the interlocutor. Learn to be fluent in non-verbal communication techniques.

Advice! Practice in front of the mirror daily. Read poetry, give a speech, or imagine yourself as a teacher.

This training will help you overcome isolation and feel calm when talking with people.

Exercises for free and easy communication with strangers

Contact a psychologist for help if your close social circle is not growing. But there is a way to help overcome shyness at home.

A little training is the beginning of working on yourself:

  1. Monologue out loud. Sit more comfortably, take your favorite children's toy or book. Use your imagination and imagine that the object in your hands is your listener.

    This kind of training is not as simple as it seems. Talk about yourself, about your activities, speak beautifully, in coherent sentences.

    This exercise will help you structure the train of thoughts in your head and correctly express them out loud.

  2. Dialogue with a stranger. Talk outside. Ask a passerby how to get to the library, check with the seller about the quality of the goods, ask for advice.

    Meet someone at a cafe or cinema. This training will eliminate the fear of taking the first step.

  3. Remember the details. After a dialogue with a stranger, remember what he was wearing, what color his eyes and hair were, what the interlocutor said.

    Develop long-term memory, recall a person's face, style and voice. The exercise trains attentiveness.

  4. Praise. Give compliments, every person has advantages. Find them and admire them out loud. But be sincere, do not forget that falsehood is easy to recognize.

Advice! Watch your speech. Speak clearly and clearly, without hesitation or stuttering.

Top books and literature

Interested? Find out the details from the book. Researchers of human behavior have published numerous works on psychology.

Check out the best literature, which will help you master communication skills perfectly:

  • Eric Burn "Games People Play"
  • Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People.
  • Larry King How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anyhow.
  • Sigmund Freud "Psychology of masses and analysis of the human self."
  • Karen Pryor "Don't growl at the dog."

Useful video

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There is an opinion that it is impossible to teach a person to communicate. Like, the ability to talk with people is some kind of genetically inherent ability: either it’s given or it’s not given. But in last years psychologists actively refute this stereotype and boldly declare: communication is exactly the same skill as dancing, singing or cooking. And just like in developing any skill, there are certain exercises to practice.

We are in website Today we have collected for you 8 unusual exercises that can make even the shyest introvert talkative. These are not just exercises to improve speech, but a whole range of activities that help you learn to think during a conversation and build an exciting dialogue.

1. Retelling

For what: You learn to think and speak at the same time. The connection between thinking and speech is strengthened.

How to do it: Open your favorite blog, find any article, select 2-3 paragraphs from it. Read them and retell them out loud to yourself. Then - the next few paragraphs, and so on until the end of the article.

Exercise duration: Depends on the length of the article. You need to retell 1 article per day.

2. Continuation of someone else's thought

For what: You learn to look for non-standard solutions and develop flexibility of thinking.

How to do it: Turn on the TV or any video on the Internet. Listen to the speaker for 30 seconds, then turn off the sound and develop his idea for 30 seconds.

Exercise duration: 5-10 minutes a day.

3. The mystery of Lewis Carroll

For what: Break your own stereotypes, habits of thinking in a certain way.

How to do it: The riddle that Carroll came up with is: “How is a raven like a table?” The exercise is built on its basis. It is advisable to do it together, so as not to juggle more “convenient” items. One calls any word, the other calls any other word, between them you insert a question: “How are they similar?” It turns out something like “How is a closet like a rabbit?” Sit and look for options.

Exercise duration: It's worth starting with 10 pairs.

4. Lecture to anyone about anything

For what: By retrieving non-applicable information from your memory, you train your memory. Make your thinking process more flexible.

How to do it: The exercise is performed together. You choose any object from those that surround you and tell your interlocutor about it. How did he appear? Why is it important on a human scale? What is it used for here in this room? With regular practice, you'll soon be able to give an hour-long lecture about an eraser, a chair, or a cabinet door.

Exercise duration: Start with 5 minutes.

5. Dialogue with the mirror

For what: You observe yourself from the outside, learn to speak coherently about your thoughts, and establish contact with yourself.

How to do it: The task is to look at yourself in the mirror, fish out any thought from your mind and develop it out loud. That is, you go to the mirror, start thinking and talking about what you think. Move smoothly from thought to thought, connecting them with each other. After some time, you will begin to have a coherent and sincere story about what is running through your head.

Exercise duration: 10 minutes a couple times a week.

6. Talking with your mouth full

For what: Instant improvement of diction before a speech.

How to do it: There are different options here. You can put a regular spoon on your tongue or a handful of nuts behind your cheeks and try to pronounce the words as clearly as possible.

Exercise duration: 7–10 minutes is enough.

Society unconsciously sets rules of behavior that will be considered the norm. They depend on many factors: numbers, era, political, economic regime, and so on. All attempts to interact outside the established framework are perceived negatively. There is a special section devoted to interpersonal contacts - this is the psychology of communicating with people. It is dedicated to basic standards different types communication, helps solve problems related to communication.

In psychology, communication is a way to exchange information according to certain rules accepted in society. These rules are basic, they work in any team, be it a friendly meeting, a social event or a work environment. This is the basis of interpersonal interaction.

  1. Visual contact.

Problem: due to shyness, guilt, and negativity, a person deliberately looks around, at his feet, or at the ceiling when talking.

Solution: Make eye contact while looking at the other person. This helps create a warm, trusting atmosphere of conversation. The interlocutors feel each other's mood better, the conversation becomes easier.

  1. Speech without unnecessary words that do not carry a semantic load.

Solution: Repeated interjections and words draw attention to themselves. The interlocutor loses the essence of the conversation, involuntarily concentrating on frequent words. The more varied the speech, the more comfortable it is to talk. It is not so difficult to monitor speech without allowing it to be repeated frequently.

  1. Keeping the conversation going: questions.

Problem: If you don’t ask questions, it will seem that the subject of conversation is uninteresting. If you ask too many questions, the dialogue becomes like an interrogation. Inappropriate curiosity about something very personal can completely disappoint and repel.

Solution: communication is built on harmonious questions in the correct quantity. They need to be asked on the topic of conversation, without jumping to other topics. This is how communication comfort is established: the dialogue interests all participants, the topic is close to them. prohibits digging deep into personal space, it is important to notice in time that the interlocutor is not ready to answer, and not to put pressure on him.

  1. Keeping the conversation going: answers.

Problem: the conversation becomes like an interview: one only asks, and the other only answers. One is trying to start a conversation, and the other is speaking in monosyllables, reluctantly.

Solution: Take a more active part in the conversation. Be a good listener, but at the same time remember to speak without interrupting the other person's speech. The more detailed the answer, the more confidence in the sincerity of the conversation.

  1. Smile and sense of humor.

Problem: a person without a smile does not seem serious, but tense, dissatisfied, angry. The dialogue in this mood also turns out to be crumpled and awkward.

Solution: even in serious conversations there is a place for a smile, even a slight one. It is worth relaxing your facial muscles, making your gaze calmer, kinder, and the conversation will acquire a mood of goodwill. The psychology of communication is kindness, interest, sincerity. A pleasant smile is the key to success.

  1. Extra items out of your hands!

Problem: many have bad habit during a conversation, twirl some object in your hands: a pencil, a pen, a rope on the hood or a strap, your own curl.

Problem: On purpose or for some personal reasons, a person can withstand too long pauses when talking.

Solution: pauses are allowed no more than 10 seconds. This is an intuitive indicator that is within the comfort level of an interesting conversation. A longer silence will indicate that it is time for a new topic of conversation. Obviously, the previous one has exhausted itself.

These are the basic rules that help you understand what communication is in psychology. This is interaction, interest, compliance with the limits of what is permitted. A comfortable atmosphere will be complemented by relaxation and a sincere smile.

8 qualities of a person to whom people are drawn

Communication starts from within. Rarely does anyone have the idea of ​​starting a conversation with a gloomy person who has a tired look, an angry look, and there is not even a shadow of a smile on his face. To become a desirable interlocutor, you need to start with a detailed analysis of yourself.

The desire to communicate with a person is caused by the following personal qualities:

  • kindness;
  • positive thinking, but without excesses. The ability to notice more good things around;
  • the ability to provide support, sensitivity to the mood of the interlocutor, respect for his feelings;
  • lack of negativity towards others. Not a competitive position, but an attitude of interaction;
  • confidence in one's abilities and words;
  • the ability to relax in a conversation and show your calmness;
  • the ability to feel comfortable next to your interlocutor, a smile, a kind look;
  • the ability to find in an interlocutor something that is worthy of respect and to sincerely admire it.

How to communicate with people with whom it is impossible to communicate?

Perhaps the most difficult thing in interaction is a dialogue with a person who does not even have an intuitive knowledge of how to talk to people correctly. some advice on this matter.

An unbearable interlocutor can be called someone who interrupts, criticizes, or fills the conversation with negativity accumulated inside. He may project onto others his failures, dissatisfaction with life in general, or a difficult day at work. In order not to become a victim of someone’s negative attitudes, you need to be responsible for your part of the communication, without succumbing to provocations. Here's what can disarm any unpleasant interlocutor:

  • calm;
  • politeness;
  • smile;
  • friendliness;
  • searching for common ground and common interests;
  • an attempt to take the place of the interlocutor, to understand him;
  • cunning.

Psychology will help you figure out how to communicate correctly with difficult people. In some difficult cases, it may be necessary to contact a specialist psychologist-hypnologist and tell in detail about the essence of hostility.

How to learn to communicate with people? Understanding the art of effective communication

Good for those who have not had communication problems since childhood. Psychology recognizes that proper communication with people is a real gift. Not everyone is given it from birth. There are many books, lectures and podcasts devoted to the art of effective dialogue.

Social phobia

The first thing you need to do is get rid of the insidious condition - social phobia. This main enemy any communications. In the presence of hostility towards society and fear of conversations, there can be no talk of any relaxed, comfortable dialogue.

Combating this condition may require the intervention of a specialist; social phobia is not always easy to get rid of.

Reasons for fear of communicating with people and methods for eliminating them

Some people prefer to avoid unnecessary conversations, especially with people they don't know well. They look gloomy, silent, even embittered. In fact, there are not many main reasons for fear of interacting with society:

  • low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence: in appearance, correctness of beliefs, speech literacy;
  • negative experience in the past: incorrect treatment from parents, teachers, unsuccessful public speaking;
  • lack of experience in principle: a long life in solitude, forced “imprisonment” within four walls.

Psychology tells us how to learn to communicate with people: you need to work through the causes of fear and then get rid of them.

  1. Awareness of the problem, acceptance. Determination to eliminate it.
  2. Regular work to overcome barriers: reading books, doing exercises. You can seek the help of a specialist. People experiencing difficulties in verbal interaction can first seek advice online.
  3. Regularly practice conversations with people: first in your closest circle, then among friends, and then in an audience. The main thing is to do everything step by step, not to rush, and to feel confident in your actions.

5 books that will help improve your communication skills

Here are the best options:

  1. “Mastery of communication. How to get along with anyone" (Paul McGee).
  2. “How to Talk to Anyone” (Mark Rhodes).
  3. “I can hear right through you. Effective negotiation techniques" (Mark Goulston).
  4. “Secrets of communication. The magic of words" (James Borg).
  5. “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (Dale Carnegie).

Basic rules for the psychology of communicating with a girl

The concept of communication in psychology includes different options for interaction: in a team, with loved ones, with new acquaintances. Special attention- in the interaction section In our society, the leading opinion is that a man should take the initiative. Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules of communication with girls. Simple recommendations will help you be fully prepared:

  • the ability to sense the mood of the interlocutor: stop in time if she is not ready for dialogue, be more persistent if she is just a little shy;
  • give sincere compliments, putting them into beautiful words (not “today’s dress is better than yesterday”, but “you look amazing in this dress”);
  • the ability to surprise;
  • ability to maintain a conversation and change the topic in a timely manner.

In addition to these points of conversation, it is important to upgrade personal qualities:

  • self-confidence, which is easily read in the voice, gaze, gestures;
  • determination, thirst for life, plans for the future;
  • positive energy;
  • sincere smile;
  • erudition.

By working on himself, any man can at least become an excellent conversationalist with whom he will want to spend the evening.

The art of communication in psychology receives a lot of attention. Effective interaction with people is a guarantee of success and achievement of results. Everyone is capable of developing communication skills. The best results are achieved if a person is ready to work on himself independently, and additionally consults with a psychologist. Interaction problems are not always on the surface. Some installations are better to work with: it will be efficient, fast and reliable.

Interpersonal communication is an integral part of any person's life. However, not everyone finds it easy to connect with other people. How to learn to communicate with people in order to achieve the most effective interaction, we will consider in this article.


To live in society, you need to have effective communication skills. Every day we encounter dozens of different people. Regardless of our desire, we are forced to come into contact with others.

Participants in verbal communication can not only enjoy this process, but also derive certain benefits. Communication skills will help you succeed in your work and personal life.

Communication is a rather complex process, which involves the ability not only to speak correctly, but also to listen. In addition to verbal communications, to interact with other people it is important to master sign language and be able to control your intonation when speaking and facial expressions.

When interacting with other people, it is important to be able to win over your interlocutor. Remember a number of rules that will help you effectively network:

  • You should not criticize your interlocutor. Criticism turns people off and can trigger a defensive response.
  • Admire your interlocutor more. All people have good qualities or skills that deserve attention. Find positive traits in a person and sincerely admire them.
  • Show interest. Know how to listen to your interlocutor. Let people speak out on the topics that most concern them at the moment.
  • Don't refuse to help the person make the right decision. When a person needs advice on making a particular choice, gently share your experience or opinion. It is important not to put pressure on the interlocutor and give him the opportunity to make a choice on his own.

  • Smile more. You can always win someone over with a good mood.
  • Consider personality traits. Know how to put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor, analyze his actions, and understand the motives for his actions. This will allow you to find a common language with the person.
  • Take criticism towards you more easily. If the interlocutor makes this or that remark, there is no need to choose the tactics of a retaliatory attack. If there is no reason to develop a discussion regarding comments addressed to you, then the conflict situation will resolve itself.
  • You shouldn't tell people what to do better. A commanding tone causes a negative reaction in people.


In modern society, effective communication skills are necessary for every person. The ability to establish connections plays a big role in the social life of every individual. Productive communication with people will help achieve many goals:

  • Solve the employment issue. During an interview, it is very important to present yourself from the best side.
  • Reach mutual understanding in the work team. To work effectively, it is necessary that colleagues treat each other with understanding and are ready to help in difficult situations.
  • Improve relationships with family. The ability to easily find a common language with family members will help you avoid many conflict situations.
  • Productive interaction with service workers (managers, salespeople, waiters). By winning over your employee, you can benefit from your interaction. For example, get good advice in choice or discount on purchase.
  • Establish contact with management. Effective interaction with management contributes to career advancement.

In a conversation, it is important to be able to win over a person. In order to learn how to communicate freely with people, follow these recommendations:

  • Listen to the speech of your interlocutor. Be aware of the tempo, intonation, and volume of your voice. If you speak in a similar manner, this will help you gain the favor of your interlocutor.
  • You must be able to clearly and competently express your thoughts, then listening to you will be more interesting and enjoyable.
  • First, you can begin to train your ability to express thoughts clearly in writing. Try to find a storytelling style that suits you.
  • Regularly expand your vocabulary. Knowing how to choose the right words to express your thoughts means a lot.
  • Work on your gestures and facial expressions.

Often internal barriers prevent us from establishing contact with other people. Learn to recognize psychological obstacles and eliminate them. The following factors may interfere with interpersonal interaction:

  • Lack of topics to talk about. Each person has his own interests and hobbies. If you try, you can always find common ground. Find out more about the interlocutor.
  • Prejudice. Adequate perception of the interlocutor can be distorted for many reasons. Don't allow yourself to suddenly jump to conclusions about a person without getting to know them better.
  • Bad mood . Having problems at work or in your personal life is not a reason to splash out negative emotions on other people.

One of the most effective ways stop being afraid to come into contact with other people - developing self-confidence. Start to appreciate your characteristics and abilities, expand your horizons, then you will feel more confident in any company.

It is equally important to be able to listen respectfully to your interlocutor. Pay attention not only to what a person says, but also to how he does it, what his gestures and facial expressions indicate. Be tactful and polite. Know how to step into another person’s shoes and understand them. Do not interrupt the person under any circumstances - this can cause extremely negative consequences.

When communicating, try to always be honest and open. Sincerity will make you feel more at ease and free.

The art of self-expression

The main reason people are afraid to make contacts is the fear of being misunderstood. As a rule, the roots of this problem go back to the individual’s childhood. To stop being afraid to express your thoughts, it is necessary to identify the reasons for the appearance of this phobia. Reluctance to enter into contact with other people may have other reasons:

  • low self-esteem;
  • complexes due to appearance;
  • shyness;
  • inability to start and maintain a dialogue.

Regardless of the cause of fear, it is necessary to fight it. The easiest way to deal with a phobia is to do what you are afraid of. In order to learn how to establish contacts in modern society, you can start small: approach strangers on the street as often as possible and ask them about minor things (time, directions to a certain place). After a while, you will begin to feel more confident when communicating with other people.

You can start learning to express yourself on the Internet. Every person has certain interests and hobbies. On thematic forums you can hone your communication skills on interesting topics. There are a number of advantages to this approach:

  • when communicating virtually, it is easier to overcome your fears;
  • It’s easier to establish contact with like-minded people;
  • The communication skills gained will have a good effect on self-esteem.

After the first successes in communication, you should not stop there. You need to start putting your skills into practice in real life. To make contact with people much easier, you need to develop certain qualities and skills in yourself:

  • Develop self-confidence. Confident people encourage communication and interaction.
  • Address your interlocutor by name more often.
  • Know how to develop a dialogue. Show your interest in the person, ask unobtrusive, clear questions to keep the conversation going.
  • Don't be afraid to get rejected.
  • When communicating, maintain eye contact with the person. Looking away can be interpreted as secrecy or deceit. Don't be afraid to look people in the eyes.

Language of the body

To effectively interact with other people, it is important to hone not only verbal communication skills, but also the ability to convey information through gestures and facial expressions. In addition, knowing the basics of body language, you will be able to better understand the interlocutor by analyzing his behavior. Often, facial expressions, gestures and intonation say much more than a person’s speech.

When communicating, do not forget about the personal comfort zone of your interlocutor. You should not invade personal space if a person deliberately keeps a certain distance.

When analyzing your interlocutor, do not forget that the signals given by his body need to be “read” together. The same gesture in combination with other signals can have very different meanings.


Open palms indicate a person is honest and sincere, while hands hidden in pockets or crossed over the chest indicate that the other person is lying, feels uncomfortable, or does not intend to continue the conversation.

During communication, it is advisable to keep your palms in an open position in full view of the interlocutor - this will make you seem like a more open and honest person.

It is customary for men to greet each other with a handshake. Moreover, both individuals who know each other and those who are seeing each other for the first time can shake hands. When meeting for the first time, a handshake can say a lot about a person's character or intentions:

  • Authority and superiority. The dominant person's hand covers the interlocutor's hand, palm down.
  • Submission. In a submissive handshake, the hand is palm facing up.
  • Equality. When demonstrating equality, both palms are in the same vertical position.

To instill trust in your interlocutor, you should use a handshake that speaks of equality. It is necessary to shake the interlocutor's hand with the same force with which he does it.

There are certain types of handshakes that should never be used in practice:

  • Cold and clammy hand. People associate a limp handshake with a weak character.
  • An overly firm handshake indicates that a person strives for dominance and control over the situation. Sometimes this technique is used by weak individuals who are trying to disguise their lack of self-confidence.
  • Strong squeezing of fingers. This technique is used by aggressive, uncontrollable individuals.
  • Squeezing fingertips. This handshake most often occurs due to a reluctance to let the interlocutor into your personal comfort zone.
  • Arm stretching. This handshake indicates that the person wants to take control of the situation and set his own rules.
  • Vertical shaking of the hand. With such a handshake, it is allowed to shake the interlocutor’s hand no more than seven times.


By catching the gaze of your interlocutor, you can understand his true mood. Often the eyes can say much more than speech and gestures.

A person's pupils can change in size as their mood changes. In an emotionally excited person, they can become four times wider. Constricted pupils indicate irritation or anger.

Raised eyebrows are a standard signal for greeting another person. You can use this gesture to please your interlocutor. Lowered eyebrows indicate an aggressive attitude or a desire to dominate. A glance from under the brow speaks of a person’s humility.

To establish contact with a person, when talking, it is advisable not to take your eyes off him for a long time. In order to achieve mutual understanding with the interlocutor, you need to have your eyes meet from sixty to seventy percent of the entire conversation. When analyzing direct gaze, do not forget about the size of the interlocutor’s pupils.


Smiling people seem more open and friendly, which certainly encourages communication. By smiling, you demonstrate to your interlocutor that you are friendly and do not pose a threat.

It is important that the smile be sincere. During a natural, genuine smile, small facial wrinkles form in the corners of the eyes. If a person imitates a smile, then only the position of the lips changes on the face.

A deceitful smile is also revealed by its duration. A fake smile stays on your face much longer than a genuine one. In addition, false facial expressions are more pronounced on the left side of the face. There are four most common types of smiles:

  • Pursed lips. With such a smile, the lips form an almost straight line, while the teeth are hidden. Such a signal most often indicates that a person does not want to share some information or does not want to voice their opinion.
  • Crooked facial expressions. In this case, one part of the face can express a smile, while the other has a completely opposite expression. Such facial expressions indicate sarcasm and insincerity.
  • Open mouth. With a smile open mouth people try to achieve the effect of smiling eyes or to make a good impression and evoke a positive reaction.
  • Smile when looking from under your brows typical for women who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, show their defenselessness and playfulness.


Try to never communicate with people with crossed arms. This gesture signals a negative attitude or a defensive position. Even if you periodically cross your arms over your chest because it’s just convenient for you, this gesture will still be perceived as protection and secrecy.

An even more negative gesture is arms crossed over the chest and clenched into fists. This signal indicates not only protection, but also an aggressive attitude. A variation of crossed arms is the gesture of clasping the forearms. This signal indicates a person’s uncertainty.

Partial crossing of arms is usually used by women. This technique looks like a self-hug: one hand covers the hand and grabs the other hand. Such a signal can be interpreted as internal fear or self-doubt.

Exercises to develop communication skills

Every person wants to learn how to express their thoughts beautifully and interact effectively with other people. To do this, it is not necessary to attend special courses and trainings. You can regularly hone your communication skills on your own with simple exercises.