How to treat a broken leg with an elastic bandage. How to properly apply elastic bandages to the lower leg and foot? How to wear an elastic bandage after cast removal

When injuring a leg, many athletes are faced with a pathology such as a sprained ligament. Proper fixation of the injured joint, which is provided by an elastic bandage when stretched, will help speed up the healing process.

The elastic bandage for sprains is a medical tape made of cotton. Nylon, polyester, rubber or lycra threads are added to cotton, thereby achieving a tightening effect.

Why do you need a sprain bandage?

Athletes use a medical bandage not only to treat sprains, but also as a means of prevention against possible injuries.

Advantages of an elastic bandage:

  • the possibility of tightly fixing the damaged area of ​​the body (the bandage does not slip, it does not need to be constantly tied or removed);
  • reusable;
  • resistance to damage;
  • versatility of the product: the bandage can be used for stretching the hands, feet and other parts of the body;
  • ease of use: the patient can independently remove and apply the bandage;
  • efficiency;
  • When dry, the bandage is resistant to compression, which means it does not cause pain and does not pull on damaged joints;
  • the possibility of complex therapy for sprains and dislocations using compresses and ointments.

To bandage a damaged joint with an elastic bandage, you need to have certain skills. The dressing rules must be strictly adhered to, otherwise improper fixation of the joint may occur, as well as blood outflow from the damaged area.

Rules for choosing an elastic bandage

In recent years, the domestic market has offered a wide selection of elastic bandages from various manufacturers. When making products, manufacturers use only anti-allergenic natural materials with varying degrees of elasticity.

The purpose of bandages is related to their length:

  • meter bandage - for fixing the wrist joint;
  • product up to two meters – ankle fixation;
  • from two and a half meters – fixation of large joints;
  • from three and a half meters - ligaments of arms;
  • from five meters – knees and other ligaments of the lower extremities.

To properly fix damaged joints and ligaments, products must have high elastic properties: the degree of elongation is medium or high. The universal product has one hundred percent stretchability and is easy to stretch.

In addition to cotton products, adhesive-based bandages are produced. If the product does not have a self-adhesive base, then it is attached to the damaged knee using special clamps.

An adhesive bandage is intended to fix damaged areas only at the first stage of treatment, then it must be replaced with an elastic cotton bandage.

Using the products described above, you can bandage your leg not only for injuries, but also for varicose veins.

How to use an elastic bandage correctly

When using an elastic bandage as a bandage, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The bandage should be applied from top to bottom (for example, from the ankle to the knee joint).
  • To avoid wrinkles, the elastic bandage must be applied with even stretch.
  • It is advisable to apply a bandage to damaged ligaments in the morning, when the swelling of the limbs is the least. If you cannot perform the procedure in the morning, you need to lie down for 15 minutes and raise your legs. After a short rest, you can perform the procedure.
  • The dressing process should be carried out by unwinding the bandage outward, thereby avoiding compression of the soft tissues.
  • Each subsequent revolution of the product overlaps the previous one by 1/3. It is unacceptable for there to be a gap between turns of the bandage.
  • The maximum tension of the bandage is applied in the lower part of the bandaged joint, then the tension should be gradually loosened.
  • It is recommended to start and end the dressing fifteen to twenty centimeters from the damaged area.

If the wrist joint is torn or sprained, the bandage is applied from the fingers to the middle of the forearm. If the elbow joint is damaged, the arm is bandaged from the middle of the forearm to the middle of the shoulder.

The ankle joint is bandaged from the toes to the middle of the shin. And if the knee joint is damaged, the dressing is performed from the middle of the shin to the middle of the thigh.

Important! An elastic bandage can be used to bandage damaged ligaments and joints only during active movement, and the product must be removed before going to bed. If the dressing is done correctly, initially the fingers should turn a little blue, but with active movements they will quickly return to normal. When bandaging an elbow or knee, one should not allow the blood vessels to be squeezed, as this can lead to disruption of the blood circulation in the limb. If, after applying the bandage, the patient feels numbness in the fingers or pulsation under the bandage, it is necessary to immediately remove the bandage and perform a light rubbing massage.

How long to wear an elastic bandage

Many patients are interested in the question of how long they can wear an elastic bandage. The answer to this question depends on the nature of the damage, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. The average time to wear an elastic bandage is about 14 days, but the final decision must be made by a traumatologist.

How long can you wear the bandage without removing it? During one day, the duration of wearing the bandage depends on the patient’s activity. If the patient is active more than twelve hours a day, the bandage will need to be changed, otherwise undesirable consequences may occur in the form of circulatory problems.

The length of time you wear an elastic bandage after surgery depends on many factors. Only the attending physician can give precise recommendations.

Disadvantages of elastic bandages

Many traumatologists have to deal with patient complaints about peeling and itching of the skin under bandages. The elastic thread contained in the fabric of the product causes an uncomfortable feeling. To avoid unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to apply a layer of traditional cotton bandage under the bandage (can be replaced with a regular stocking). To eliminate signs of hyperkeratosis, you can use any fatty cream that suits the patient's skin type.

The main disadvantages of elastic bandages:

  • participation of medical personnel in the dressing process;
  • applying bandages requires special skills that not all patients have;
  • when wearing a bandage for a long time and in too hot weather, the temperature and water balance of the skin is disrupted;
  • the need to wear clothes and shoes one size larger.

Product care

One of the advantages of an elastic bandage is the ability to use the product several times. The bandage can be washed by hand every 3 to 4 days, but do not use synthetic powders or wring out. It is recommended to dry the bandage on a smooth surface. Ironing of the product is prohibited.

If you violate the operating rules specified above, the bandage will not only lose its functionality, but can also harm the patient’s health.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the use of an elastic bandage for sprained joints is an effective way to speed up the healing process, since the product provides reliable fixation of the injured area for a long time. Elastic bandages are available in various variations; when choosing, you should base your choice on the stretchability and length of the product. It is recommended to wash the bandage by hand without using synthetic powders and not to wring it out, but to dry it on a flat surface.

A fixing elastic bandage is applied to the ankle joint for patients who have suffered an injury or sprain. This product has advantages and disadvantages in use, therefore, before applying a bandage, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic test. The correct technique for applying a bandage will help speed up the healing and recovery of the ankle.

Pros and cons of using

An elastic bandage for fixing the ankle joint has the following advantages:

  • The bandage can be worn and bandaged on the ankle for a long time, while the product does not deform and performs its functions perfectly.
  • If you bandage the injured ankle correctly, the bandage will securely fix the joint and you will not have to rewind it often.
  • The bandage is universal, so it is used for different joints.
  • To properly bandage and secure the bandage, it is enough to watch how it is done once.
  • The product can be replaced with a new one if necessary.
  • An elastic bandage for the shin is sold in any pharmacy, and its price is affordable.

However, such fixing bandages have a number of disadvantages, which are important to pay attention to before applying them to the leg:

  • If you bandage a limb incorrectly, blood circulation will be disrupted, which will lead to additional complications.
  • Poor-quality dressing disrupts the functioning of the joint, as a result of which the healing of the foot will take much longer.
  • To avoid mistakes and related complications, the first bandaging is best done under the supervision of a doctor.

Indications for use

This material is used to bandage a dislocated joint.

An ankle bandage is used in the following situations:

  • with bruises, dislocations and subluxations, sprains, complete or partial rupture of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus;
  • during inflammation of the ankle with the formation of swelling;
  • for the prevention of injuries during active physical training and sports.

How to bandage correctly?

The figure-of-eight bandage for the ankle joint is considered the most reliable and effective. This is a complex bandage, so to avoid undesirable consequences, it must be wrapped by a doctor.

It is recommended to bandage the foot and ankle with an elastic bandage according to the following scheme:

  1. You need to start wrapping the joint above the ankle, moving the bandage circularly.
  2. Next, you should wrap the heel well, and then rewind the foot with a double grip.
  3. The bandage moves upward and a figure eight is formed into a cross-shaped bandage on the ankle joint - first you need to wrap it from the foot to the ankle, then the figure eight is performed again and the bandage is returned to the foot. As a result, there will be an overlap on the front surface of the bandaged joint.
  4. It is important to wrap the joint in several circles. Afterwards, the bandage needs to be tied and securely fastened.

Correct use of an ankle elastic bandage

The overlap when bandaging should be 1/3.
  • The ankle should be bandaged in the morning or after a long rest in a supine position.
  • You need to start bandaging from the ankle and up to the knee.
  • It is important to wrap carefully, slowly, and avoid large overlaps and folds.
  • Unroll the bandage correctly outwards, directly onto the damaged area. This will prevent compression of muscles and blood vessels.
  • Each new layer overlaps the previous one with 1/3 overlap; the skin between the layers should not be visible.
  • At the very bottom, a tight bandage is formed when stretched; by bandaging the limb above, the tension is gradually weakened.
  • It is recommended to apply the bandage 150 mm above and below the damaged area, so at the bottom the fixation is carried out to the toes, and at the top - up to ½ of the shin.
  • The bandage must be applied when the victim is actively moving, but at rest it is better to release the joint.
  • It is contraindicated to tie the product tightly. If the limb begins to go numb, you need to remove the bandage and re-bandage the joint, but not so much.

How can you tell if the bandage is applied incorrectly?

The main signs that bandaging was carried out incorrectly:

Bandaging that is too tight or too weak will not have the desired effect on the damaged joint.
  • Blue discoloration of the skin on the tips of the toes. This symptom indicates that the application is too tight, as a result of which blood circulation is impaired. If, after trying to move your fingers, the blueness does not disappear, you need to remove the bandage and then wrap it again, but not so tightly.
  • Pallor of the limb. If the lower part of the leg is pale and cold, and the toes are numb, this means that the bandage is fixed too tightly and there is no normal flow of arterial blood. In such a situation, re-bandaging will also be required, but with less tension.
  • Insufficient fixation of the ankle. If the joint is loosely wrapped, it will not be sufficiently immobilized, resulting in a high risk of re-injury.

During the recovery period after an ankle injury, it is recommended to use an elastic bandage. The use of such a remedy promotes reliable fixation of the limb in a static position and eliminates recurrence of injury. It is extremely important to apply the elastic bandage to the ankle joint correctly. Only in this case will the decision be beneficial. The procedure is usually performed by qualified doctors in treatment rooms. However, having mastered the correct technique, you can bandage the ankle joint with an elastic bandage yourself at home.

Why wear an elastic bandage?

The use of the product makes it possible to achieve a number of positive effects. First of all, fixing the ankle joint helps prevent damage to adjacent tissues. In addition, the use of the product reduces the load on the injured limb. Gradually, the intensity of pain decreases, swelling is eliminated, and local metabolic processes are activated.

An elastic bandage creates a so-called compression effect. In other words, when the product is applied to a limb, damaged tissues are compressed, which prevents their divergence. As a result, rehabilitation after an injury takes much less time.

Benefits of the solution

Fixing the ankle joint with an elastic bandage has a lot of advantages. Among the main advantages of the device, it is worth noting the following:

  1. You can apply the same elastic bandage to the ankle joint an unlimited number of times. By comparison, a standard gauze dressing often becomes unusable after the first use.
  2. When fixing the limb, the product does not slip and does not lose its shape. An elastic bandage securely fixes the limb.
  3. The device acts as a universal solution for injuries. The product can be applied not only to the ankle, but also to other joints.
  4. This bandage provides high-quality fixation of the limb throughout the day.
  5. An elastic bandage on the ankle joint is applied quite simply. Anyone can cope with the task (if they master the right technique). Using the product does not force a person to regularly visit treatment rooms.
  6. The elastic bandage is made from durable materials that can withstand significant stretching and other mechanical loads. As practice shows, one such device replaces several packages of gauze. Therefore, buying an elastic bandage looks like a good solution in terms of saving money.
  7. An elastic bandage is an indispensable assistant for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. It is these individuals who most often experience all kinds of joint injuries and soft tissue damage.


An elastic bandage for the ankle joint also has some disadvantages. First of all, to fix a limb yourself, you will have to spend time mastering the correct application technique. Mistakes made can result in limited blood flow to the limb. At the same time, insufficient tightness of the bandage will cause inadequate fixation of the damaged joint.

For repeated use, you need to learn how to care for an elastic bandage. Otherwise, the product may quickly become unusable. The clasp can also be damaged. This way, the bandage will often fall off your leg.

Elastic bandage for the ankle joint: indications

The use of a fixing bandage is indicated for various types of limb injuries. Most often, this method is used in case of sprained ligaments. This type of injury can occur when the foot rolls in. The condition is alleviated if you fix the limb with an elastic bandage and leave the leg without physical activity for several days.

Torn ligaments require taking more serious measures. In this case, the limb is immobilized with plaster for a period of about 10 days. Then the fixative is removed and a figure-eight elastic bandage is applied for another couple of weeks.

The above injuries can be recognized by the following symptoms. A sprain is characterized by sharp pain that subsides within a short time. After 2-3 hours, the discomfort may increase again. Then swelling is likely to occur. Movements are significantly limited. On the contrary, in the case of intense pain and swelling develop almost instantly. Hemorrhages into local tissues are possible. Any movement in the ankle joint becomes impossible.

There are other indications for using an elastic bandage:

  • Development of severe pain syndrome in case of tissue inflammation.
  • A limb bruise occurs when the epicenter of the impact load is closer to the joint.
  • Rehabilitation after a slight subluxation of the leg.
  • Prevention of injuries during active physical activity.


In what cases should an elastic bandage not be applied to the ankle joint? It is not recommended to resort to the procedure if there is an open wound at the site of injury or bleeding is observed. In such situations, the tissues are covered with a sterile bandage. If there is displacement of the joint, an ice bag is applied to the damaged area. Then the limb is provided with complete rest until the nature of the problem is determined by the doctor.

There are also relative contraindications for using an elastic bandage. We are talking about skin diseases, individual problems with blood circulation and the likelihood of blood clots. In an emergency situation, a bandage can still be applied to such people. But only for a short time, until the urgent need for its use disappears.

How to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle joint: bandaging

To ensure a fixing effect, you need to learn how to apply a bandage correctly. In order to immobilize the limbs, they most often resort to figure-of-eight bandaging. How to fix an elastic bandage on the ankle joint? They resort to the following actions:

  • Just above the ankle joint, 2-3 turns of the bandage are performed.
  • From the outer side of the limb a transition is formed to the inner surface of the foot through the ankle.
  • Next, the elastic bandage is wrapped around the sole of the foot, moving to the outer edge.
  • The bandage is then passed through the medial malleolus towards the shin.
  • Similar actions are repeated several times, which should lead to covering the entire area of ​​the damaged area.
  • The application of an elastic bandage is completed in the shin area, where the product is fixed with special fasteners.

Prevents extension of the limb at the ankle joint. The leg is kept bent. This position helps maintain ligaments and muscle tissue in a relaxed state. The result is a reduction in rehabilitation time after an injury.

What signs indicate improper bandage application?

Errors in the use of an elastic bandage are indicated by blue toes. The effect can occur in cases where the bandage is tightened too tightly. The result is impaired outflow of venous blood. You can avoid the problem by controlling your own feelings during the procedure.

Pallor or coldness of the limb also indicates an error. The sign suggests that arterial blood cannot enrich the tissues of the foot with oxygen in the required volumes.

A mistake is considered to be insufficient constriction of the foot at the ankle joint. In this case, the person will not feel the compression effect. The ankle will remain quite mobile. To eliminate the omission, you need to remove the elastic bandage and reapply it, but with more force.

When using an elastic bandage, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Do not use the product immediately after physical activity. You should give your body a rest for half an hour. This eliminates the possibility of swelling.
  2. By tightening the bandage as tightly as possible, blood circulation can be disrupted. Therefore, when using the product, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. When applying an elastic bandage, do not rush. You need to approach the task carefully, observing the correct technique.
  4. When applying the device to a limb, there should be no gaps in the skin or any folds.
  5. After removing the bandage, the leg should be lightly massaged for several minutes to improve tissue sensitivity and tone the muscles.
  6. If, half an hour after applying the elastic bandage, a feeling of tingling or pulsation occurs in the limb, the product should be removed. Such effects indicate that the device has been tightened too tightly.


Damage to the ankle joint is a fairly common injury that can occur suddenly in the most unexpected situation. To avoid more serious health consequences, it is important to have an elastic band available. A useful medical device will provide immobilization of tissue in the area of ​​injury and make the victim feel better before being examined by a doctor.

An elastic bandage is a universal remedy that is used to treat and prevent diseases and damage to joints. To wind it, you do not need to have a medical education or special practice; it is enough to familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations of the doctor and strictly follow them. If the technique is followed, the bandage does not slip off the ankle, does not unravel, and does not interfere with blood circulation in the limb.

Indications for use

An elastic ankle bandage is necessary in the following cases:
  1. injuries received (bruises and sprains);
  2. arthritis and arthrosis, accompanied by swelling and pain;
  3. high loads associated with sports.

In case of sprain and rupture of the ankle ligaments, the patient is given a plaster splint. An elastic bandage is used in tandem with it. It is tied on the second day after the incident, when the plaster has dried well. This design allows a person to easily remove the bandage and try to develop the injured limb.

For arthritis and arthrosis, it is applied together with ointments or folk remedies for external use. They are smeared under it, this creates a compress effect.

Intense sports activities carry a potential risk – microtrauma to the joint. If you wear an elastic bandage during training, the likelihood of injury will be significantly reduced.

Important! For people who are involved in sports or physical labor, doctors recommend that they always have an elastic bandage in their first aid kit.

Advantages and disadvantages of an elastic bandage

An elastic bandage is actively used in the treatment of ankle injuries and inflammations

Thanks to the following advantages:

The disadvantages of an elastic bandage appear if a person has not mastered the rules for applying it to the ankle joint and other parts of the body. Errors made in the bandaging technique lead to impaired blood circulation in the injured limb, tissue falling and unraveling, and rapid deterioration.

To avoid adverse consequences, when bandaging, it is important to take into account all the recommendations of specialists.

How to choose the right bandage

Doctors highlight the following rules that must be followed when choosing a bandage:

  1. Length accounting

Bandages of different sizes are available for sale. The choice depends on which joint needs to be fixed. For the wrist area, options up to one and a half meters are used, for the ankle - from one and a half to two meters, for the lower extremities - at least five meters.

2. Correct choice of elasticity

To fix the ankle joint after injury, bandages with low and medium elasticity are used. Highly elastic designed for the treatment of varicose veins

Important! Some patients do not want to apply an elastic bandage as prescribed by a doctor, fearing that it will harm the skin. Such suspicions are unfounded: dressings are made from natural materials and are therefore absolutely safe.

How to wrap an elastic bandage: general rules

How to properly area and other joints:

  • It is best to bandage limbs in the morning, after a night's sleep. If there is a need to do this during the day, the patient must first lie down with the limb raised 30 degrees for at least a quarter of an hour. Failure to comply with this rule will result in swelling.
  • When bandaging, you need to move from a narrower place to a wider one. For example, you can work from the ankle area up the leg.
  • The bandage should lie as evenly and neatly as possible. Bandage the ankle without folds, gaps between layers of fabric and other “blurs”.
  • When bandaging a limb with an elastic bandage, reduce the tension as you move upward. The maximum compression should be in the narrowest area, the minimum in the widest area.
  • Bandage the joint by unrolling the bandage outward. Unfold it as close to the skin as possible, this will save you from folds and inaccuracies. Each subsequent turn of the bandage should cover the surface of the previous one by a third.
  • The damaged joint should be bandaged over a larger area than the area of ​​injury. Rewind an additional 10-15 cm up and down from it.
  • Secure the bandage and be sure to check that it is applied correctly. This is indicated by a simple test: the fingertips of the injured limb should turn slightly blue. This blue discoloration immediately goes away as soon as the patient makes a couple of movements with his arm or leg. If it does not appear, or it does not disappear due to movement, the bandage is applied incorrectly and needs to be redone.

Important! It is necessary to bandage a limb with fixing materials only if the patient makes movements with it. If he is going to be at rest or sleep, the bandage must first be removed.

If within half an hour after or another joint a person feels numbness in the limb, a clear pulsation is felt under the bandage, the bandage was applied too tightly and blocked normal blood circulation. It needs to be removed immediately. To normalize the situation, the patient should hold the affected limb in an elevated position for 10-15 minutes.

How to bandage the ankle area correctly?

Applying an elastic bandage to the ankle occurs only after checking that the ankle

The patient is dry and clean and free of serious damage. The optimal position for the patient is lying on his back.

To properly tie a bandage around the ankle, follow these guidelines:

  • Start the bandage just above the ankle, wrap the limb in a circular motion downwards.
  • You need to wrap an elastic bandage around your heel (a couple of turns) and around your foot.
  • Move crosswise: from the lower leg to the foot and back.
  • Secure the bandage to the bandage in the ankle area.

Avoid common mistakes. Applying an elastic bandage too tightly will impair blood and lymph flow. Outwardly, this will manifest itself in the fact that the fingers will become cold and bluish. If you fail to bandage your leg tightly enough, the bandage will fall off the lower limb as you move, and your efforts will be in vain.


Video - Applying a bandage to the ankle joint

Caring for an elastic bandage

To properly fix a limb, it is not enough to master the technique. It is important that it is of high quality. To ensure that the consumer properties of the elastic bandage are preserved as long as possible,

  • Do not wash the bandage too often. The optimal frequency is once every five days.
  • Use regular soap to wash before applying. The use of aggressive chemicals is not allowed.
  • Do not squeeze the fabric too hard: this will cause the bandage to lose its elasticity. A couple of movements are enough.
  • To dry, lay the bandage horizontally on a thin natural fabric.
  • Do not iron elastic fabric under any circumstances.

The elastic bandage should be stored in a specially designated cabinet or package. Direct ultraviolet rays hitting the fabric deprive it of its desired consumer properties.

An elastic bandage on the ankle joint is a recipe for many ills. It helps to immobilize the limb during injuries and inflammatory processes, eliminating the likelihood of injury during intense sports training.

To achieve the desired result, follow the recommendations of specialists on how to care for bandages and how to bandage the ankle correctly.

Long awaited moment – ​​removal of plaster, but the leg (arm) is still weak and cannot be loaded. What lies ahead is the rehabilitation of her mobility and health, the restoration of her motor abilities.

First of all, the limb should be washed in warm water with gel and a washcloth. Along with the dirt, the old skin will begin to peel off, because during this time the epithelial cells could not exfoliate. If necessary, you can use a scrub, and after washing, wipe the limb and lubricate it with a nourishing cream.

Restoring mobility and circulation

To restore former mobility, a course of physical therapy is necessary. If it is not prescribed, you should develop the limb yourself. The most important, what to do after removing the plaster– flexion-extension and rotational movements in the joints. It is advisable that home exercises complement physical therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

Restoring proper blood circulation is very important. , the limb is subjected to unusual stress and therefore swells. In these cases, simple rubbing helps. Extend and bend your fingers to disperse blood through the vessels. When swelling occurs, legs should be raised higher and elastic bandages should be used before putting long-term stress on them.

During rehabilitation after removing plaster from different places the main thing is to move, because problems during recovery are the result of fluid stagnation and poor work of bones, muscles and joints. You need to overcome all the unpleasant sensations, put in enough effort and spend a certain amount of time.

Gymnastics after removing the cast

You can do gymnastics directly in a bath of water, as it is very useful. Without sudden movements, bend and straighten the joint, performing its characteristic movements. You shouldn't be afraid of pain, but it's important not to overdo it. It is not recommended to do circular movements of the foot in the first days. After gymnastics, you can stroke the joint with circular relaxing movements, but without massage.

After sleep, the leg should be bandaged with an elastic bandage and removed in the evening. The traumatologist will tell you whether to bandage only the ankle joint or the entire leg. Low-heeled shoes should be worn.

What to do after fractures

After removing the cast from the fracture site, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium. These are fermented milk products, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, also lean turkey and chicken meat, and fish. Don't forget about vegetables and fruits. For more active regeneration of processes in cartilage, bones and ligaments, you should use strong meat broth. The menu includes additional products that contain gelatin - jelly, marmalade, jelly.

To speed up the healing process, you can mix crushed onion, 20 grams of oleoresin, 50 grams of olive oil, 15 grams of copper sulfate. Heat the mixture over low heat, without boiling, for 30 minutes. Lubricate the fracture site with the resulting product. A compress of raw grated potatoes on the sore spot will help relieve pain.