How cats become fur coats.... Fashionable fur coats from a reed cat Fur coat from a cat

What kind of animal is this - reed cat? Some can hardly imagine what this animal looks like, what a fur coat looks like. However, such products have existed for a long time and are considered luxurious and fashionable. The choice of a reed cat fur coat should be careful, because such a purchase is primarily made for pleasure.

What does a reed cat look like

In another way, a reed cat is called a lippy or a wild cat. He has long fur that has a spotted pattern and color with shades from red to gray-brown. The skins shimmer brightly both in the sun and under artificial lighting. Usually small-sized skins are grouped and create a unique, unusual composition.

Lippy fur features

  1. When processed, the fur of a reed cat tolerates dyeing well, but more often it is preferred to use it in its original color. The spots make the coat special. The natural color of lippy fur can vary depending on the time of year, it can be summer and winter. In winter, the animal's fur is longer, softer, and coarser in summer. A product made of winter fur has a greater value.
  2. According to reviews, lippy fur is warm and light, but does not save in extreme cold. A reed cat fur coat will be appropriate in late autumn, warm winter and early spring.
  3. It is known that the skin of cats is fragile, so the fur of a reed cat cannot be wear-resistant. Careful use is important. The fragility of the lippy coat is compensated by its beauty and unusual pattern.

Rules for storing a fur coat from a wild cat

In order for the fur product to please its owner longer, it should be properly stored. Here are a few simple rules:

  • Before putting away the fur coat for storage, be sure to dry it in the air, avoiding sun rays. Can be dried in a dark room that is well ventilated.
  • After gently shake the product, place it in a special case and hang it on wide hangers in the closet.
  • It is important to know that lippy fur does not tolerate creasing, so choose a loose cover and do not tamp the fur coat into the closet.

How to choose the right reed cat fur coat

Before purchasing the selected product, you need to test it well. Be sure to consider some features.

  1. When determining the quality of fur, you should pay attention to how it bends. When bent, the fur should not crunch or creak. After straightening, the skin should return to its original shape.
  2. You also need to check how the fur coat is sewn: from large canvases or small pieces. A product assembled from scraps will not last long, and its price should be lower.
  3. When choosing, an important role is played by the mezdra - the reverse side of the fur. The skin of a reed cat is light.
  4. You should not buy a fur coat in the markets or in non-specialized stores. Unscrupulous manufacturers often give out something repainted and artificial for the fur of a reed cat. A fur coat should not be too cheap - this fact immediately raises doubts.

Which lippy coat option to choose

Jungle cat fur is very popular, so products from it are included in all catalogs of major brands. Many women tend to buy a fur coat from this fur. However, pleasure is not cheap. In addition to fur coats, there are various models of coats and vests sewn using lippy skins. Such products are cheaper and more accessible, since less scarce fur is spent on their manufacture.

If you still decide to purchase a fur coat and do not know how such a product is worn, then you can trust useful advice from stylists.

Jungle cat fur has an aesthetic appearance, but it is not resistant to wear and abrasion. A long fur coat with a hood will not be pleasant for daily travel in public transport or a car. For everyday wear, the option of a shortened sheepskin coat is ideal or fur vest worn over a leather jacket.

Despite the fact that Lippy fur coats are in short supply, their catalogs are constantly being improved and expanded. The reed cat fur coat in the photo is represented by various models.

  1. Classic variant. Long fur coat with a hood and without trim. They wear such a product with narrow boots with heels or with short ankle boots, as in the photo. A black suede clutch and matching gloves are included with the fur coat.
  2. Fur coat with trim. Such a model in the catalogs is presented in length to the ankle or to the middle of the calf. Finishing is done with fox or raccoon fur. This gives the fur coat brightness and extravagance. It goes well with boots and a bag made of brown or red leather.
  3. Autolady. A lippy coat can be either with a hood or with a collar without trim. Comes with a belt that accentuates the waistline. Can be worn with trousers and boots. As additional accessories, black leather gloves and a matching business bag will be appropriate.
  4. Jacket with a hood or an English collar without trim. Suitable for young and slender, it is ideal to wear with tight trousers or jeans. Can be completed with suede accessories and ankle boots with low heels, as in the photo.

The unique color is what makes the jungle cat fur look stylish and catchy. It is for this that it is valued despite its fragility and inability to warm in severe frost.

Such outerwear as a jungle cat fur coat is more fashionable than practical.

In any case, she not intended for daily travel by public transport. Products made from the fur of this animal are rare, and their range is small. You should buy them only in specialized stores in order to avoid buying fakes from ordinary cat.

What kind of animal is a jungle cat?

The reed cat is a predatory mammal of the cat family, 2-3 times larger than an ordinary cat (a little more than a meter - body length, weight - 8-15 kg). It is also called swamp lynx for the resemblance to the fur of this predator. It lives in Asia, Indochina, Transcaucasia, the coast of the Caspian Sea to the mouth of the Volga, in North Ossetia and Dagestan. Prefers to settle in flat areas, near rivers, lakes and seas. He likes to splash in the water, he can not stand the cold. However, his fur is exceptionally warm, velvety to the touch.

Jungle cat fur coat with mink collar

The color of different subspecies of the reed cat is different, the most common is gray-brown, with a red or olive tint. On a light or golden background are more dark spots, similar to leopard, only a little smaller. In summer, the fur is lighter and shorter; in winter, the pile is much longer and fluffier.

The natural habitat of reed cats is being actively destroyed - forests are cut down, water bodies are polluted. This led to a significant decrease in the number of animals. Jungle cat is listed in the Red Book, industrial trapping of animals is not carried out. Their skins are obtained by chance, so that the fur industry cannot offer a particularly large selection of product colors. Reed cat fur is a rarity and luxury.

Fur Features

Reed cat fur is soft, light, shiny, with a long delicate pile. It lends itself well to dyeing, but is used in its natural form, since it is valued for its pattern. The fur has a characteristic spotted predatory pattern, individual for each skin.

In cold weather, a reed cat fur coat will not warm- therefore it is suitable for warm winters or the autumn-spring period, and it is short-lived. In areas of intense external influence the fur tends to rub and wrinkle easily.

But the fur of the marsh lynx has windproof properties, it is not electrified. The pile is very elastic. The fur itself is hygroscopic and breathable, which avoids the "greenhouse effect" when wearing a fur coat.

This is an expensive elite version of outerwear. There are winter and summer fur. Summer is shorter-haired and rough to the touch. That's why winter fur - soft and long - is valued higher. The skins of animals living in different regions differ in shades. The color performance of products is always exclusive, since two identical skins cannot be found.

Models of fur coats from reed cat

Most of the models are characterized by a simple silhouette and concise style. Due to the rarity of this fur, shortened models of “autolady” fur coats, vests and sleeveless jackets are popular.

Spotted fur looks good on any figure, fits perfectly, and looks beautiful in fitted models.

Not uncommon - vests with leather sleeves. In addition to shortened ones, classic cut models are sewn.

Designers consider marsh lynx fur to be extravagant, most often shortened, dynamic models of a youth look are sewn from it. In general, the pattern of this fur is a throw in itself. Therefore, products made from it are mainly characterized by simplicity of cut. Reed cat fur coats are characterized by the presence of both hoods of various cuts and a simple English collar.

How much is a fur coat

The cost of fur is quite high due to its rarity. Additionally, the product becomes more expensive when combined with the furs of other animals. The price of a reed cat fur coat exceeds the price of mink and starts from 70 thousand rubles. Excessively low cost should alert - because rare fur cannot be cheap.

Combination with other types of fur

Swamp lynx fur goes well with other types of fur. Among the most successful combinations to it:

Silver fox;

Finishing usually goes to the collar and cuffs, making them voluminous and giving a luxurious look to the entire product.

How to choose and with what to wear a reed cat fur coat

Before choosing a style, you should decide on the frequency of wearing. For everyday wear, a short fur coat or fur jacket is better. For exits and special occasions, you can purchase an elongated model.

It is worth remembering that reed cat skins wrinkle easily, therefore, a fur product must be chosen taking into account your own temperament. The selected product must be carefully examined, the fur coat shelf bent in half, the core checked for damage, and the pile felt. In general, the choice of a marsh lynx product includes the same points as the choice of any other fur:

Absence of pungent odors - only a faint, barely perceptible smell of natural fur;

The pile crushed by the palm should restore its original shape almost instantly;

The fur is elastic, durable;

When bending and crushing, there should be no creaking and crunchy sound.

The reverse side of the skin has a light pastel shade. Models sewn from small pieces are a bad choice. Such products quickly deteriorate and tear, appearance them is lost.

If in any doubt, it is better to refrain from buying. It is preferable to buy fur products in trusted places where the sale of cheaper fur under the guise of a reed cat or artificial fakes is excluded.

Spectacular fur look does not require additional decorations and catchy accessories. Swamp lynx fur coats look stylish with strict plain clothes, classic shoes. Suede and matte leather of muted colors, nubuck look good in combination with fur. The selection of clothes, shoes, accessories is carried out taking into account the balance with the fur texture and luxurious, bright pattern.

Cropped vests and jackets look good with skinny trousers or pipe jeans, look good with ankle boots with low heels or skinny boots made of matte leather, and suede accessories.

An autolady fur coat with a collar or hood and a belt at the waist goes well with trousers and boots. A tailored skirt with classic shoes will do. Well complement the image of leather gloves and a volume bag to match - or a large clutch for documents.

A classic long fur coat with a collar and without trim looks good with narrow boots without trim or low ankle boots. You can complement the image with leather gloves and a bag to match the shoes. Well, such a fur coat complements evening dresses.

Non-standard models trimmed with other types of fur look textured with bags and boots made of red, cherry or brown leather.

Quiet horror…

Of course, I knew that EVERYTHING is possible in our country, but I didn’t know that we are allowed to make fur coats from such rare animals as lynx, tigers and even cats!

I rummaged through the Internet and looked for information. It turns out that production fur coats from lynx and other cats perfectly debugged and no one cares that these are rare animals, besides, they are also relatives of our home friends.

Lynx and girl

The domestic lynx has become a popular pet in many countries. Lynxes do not attack people (no cases have been reported), so some nurseries already breed and sell lynxes for aviary or home keeping as pets.
Despite this, fur coats are made from these beautiful creatures in our country ...

Look at these lovely ladies who are happy to wear lynx fur coats ... They would probably wear fur coats from your cat or cat with the same pleasure.

Lynx fur coats are the most popular among wild cat fur coats. Now there are a lot of models of fur coats and shops where they are sold ...

Lynx fur coats are quite expensive. Only the elite buy them. Used models cost from 150-200 thousand rubles, and new ones from 300 thousand rubles.
Moreover, fur coats from the Canadian lynx are more expensive than from our Siberian ...

Now doing fur coats even from tigers, wild cat manula, ocelot or reed cat. But these animals are listed in the Red Book!

Greedy bastards!!!

tiger coat on a young girl

manul coat

manul coat

manul wild cat

fur coat from jungle cat ocelot

many advertisements for the sale of jungle cat fur coats
A used fur coat from a wild cat costs about 10 thousand rubles in total, and a new one - from 60-100 thousand rubles.

jungle cat ocelot

Why is this allowed here???

I raised the topic because I found this video and began to be interested in the problem ...

A man saved a lynx that was supposed to become a fur coat:

I accidentally came across a video of how a man saved a lynx, which was destined for a terrible fate - to become a beautiful fur coat ... Horror is simple!

A noble person saved the animal, but did not attach it, in such a situation, of course, it is better to give the animal to the zoo on the terms of ownership than to keep the lynx on the balcony. But I still think that he did a noble deed!

By the way, we even make fur coats from dogs!
There is no limit to human cruelty and greed!

The catalog of our fur factory contains a huge range of outerwear for men and women. Fur coats and vests made of mink, arctic fox, fox, beaver, muskrat, raccoon, sable are offered in a wide variety of styles. True connoisseurs of original solutions, as well as fashionistas who are not afraid to become the object of admiring glances, of course, will be interested in a reed cat fur coat.

How to choose a fur coat from a reed cat

Those who want to buy a fur coat from a reed cat appeared in Russia not so long ago. In general, the first signs of a revived demand for this fur were noted about a decade ago in Europe and America. But today it can already be argued that a wild cat, or reed cat, is confidently among the leaders in the ranking of the most sought-after furs. And this is not surprising, because one quick glance is enough to understand: the sale of fur coats from a reed cat provides an opportunity to purchase an original outfit that can give an image of sophistication, sophistication and mystery. In the sun and even under artificial lighting, the cat's fur shimmers very beautifully, and its natural spotted ornament is magnificent without additional staining.

To prolong the joy of owning a luxurious fur coat, you need to show maximum concentration at the stage of choosing it. Evaluate the quality of the mezdra and fur, specify the technology by which the product was created, and do not forget that the reputation of the manufacturer and seller is of no small importance. Self-respecting fur factories and salons will not risk the positive opinion that has been formed over the years, and therefore there is no doubt that you are offered only high-quality fur coats made of first-class fur.

The price of a reed cat fur coat is justified by the wearability, aesthetics and comfort of the product. Compliance with simple recommendations for the care of any natural fur will allow you to extend the life of your pet.

Buying a reed cat fur coat in our online store

Reed cat fur coats in the MegaFurs online store catalog are presented in a wide range of sizes. Here you can buy classic fur coats, fitted short fur coats and elegant fur jackets for any figure. But if even with such an impressive choice you could not find a product to your refined taste, we will create a fur coat, fur jacket or sleeveless jacket for an individual order. To place an order in our store, contact a MegaFurs consultant!

Any fashionista with a decent budget can afford a fur coat made of rare fur with a unique pattern. Expensive unique fur of a reed cat from the cat family (lippy) has an original spotted pattern, always different on each skin. It looks so impressive that the product does not need accessories, coloring. Such an elegant fur coat always shows the high status and taste of its owner. In the sales catalogs of 2018 there are stylish women's and children's fur coats made of reed cat. Consider their advantages and fashionable styles.

There are interesting animals in the cat family, for example, leopard, ocelot, lynx, snow leopard, they also include jungle cat (feldhaus) or marsh lynx. This is a large predator up to 90 cm long, weighing about 10 kg, living near water bodies. Lippi live near lakes, rivers, in swampy lowlands, they love water, but not cold. The species is distributed in many parts of the world, but the number of individuals is becoming smaller, the animals are listed in the Red Book. They do not breed in captivity, so the fur of the animal is quite rare. Its color is associated with the environment.

Pros and cons of lippy fur

Important. The main advantage of the reed animal fur is beautiful spots scattered over the entire surface and creating a unique color.

What else is the fur of this marsh lynx valued for:

  • it is brilliant, with gentle tints;
  • lightweight, comfortable to wear;
  • there is a wind protection - it will not blow;
  • the pile is hygro - and breathable, without the greenhouse effect;
  • the fur is elastic, the pile is long and thick.

This fur has significant disadvantages:

  • in extreme cold, you won’t keep warm in such a fur coat, it’s better to wear it in the off-season or complement the ensemble with warm clothes;
  • easily wrinkled and quickly worn out at the edges;
  • for daily wear in any weather is unlikely to fit, it is better to wear it for going out.

Lippy fur is easy to dye, but usually products are sewn from fur with natural colors. The range of shades is mainly red-brown, gray-brown, olive.

Important. The quality and appearance of the fur varies greatly from season to season, being lighter, shorter and stiffer in summer. In winter, it is softer and longer, thicker and more valued.


Lippy fur is expensive, imported from other countries, so shortened models are in trend - short fur coats, jackets, coats are popular.

Which reed cat fur coats are in the 2018 catalogs from manufacturers and stores:

  • autolady, voluminous hood is in trend;
  • trapeze, fitted styles with a leather or suede belt, any length is acceptable;
  • classic fur coats to the middle of the knee, straight cut or slightly flared;
  • there are stylish fur coats made of reed cat, combined with silver fox, arctic fox, mink, raccoon. Most often, fur trim is used around the collar and on the cuffs, giving them volume and a chic look. Combined children's fur coats from reed cat are popular;
  • actual combination of fur with leather, suede, nubuck (special calfskin). They are used as separate elements or inserts in reed cat products.

Lippy fur coat

What to wear

To create a stylish look, a women's reed cat fur coat is perfect, and fashion accessories should be included in the kit. What to choose?

A few touches:

  • shortened models. Skinny trousers or jeans, ankle boots with a small heel, tight boots made of soft skin or suede;
  • autolady. Trousers or skirt in a classic cut, shoes or leather boots with medium heels. Bulk bag or large clutch, leather gloves;
  • long maxi coat. Evening stylish bow, leather gloves. Narrow boots or low ankle boots, a bag or a large clutch is selected to match the shoes;
  • combined models, with trim or inserts from other fur. You can focus on the bag and boots made of leather in brown, red, cherry tones.