How to effectively remove excess fluid from the body. Medications to remove excess fluid from the body. Common causes of excess water in the body

Excess fluid in the body can lead to excess weight and swelling. So-called “bags” may appear under the eyes from time to time. Also, a large amount of water may indicate any chronic diseases. It is unpleasant for any woman to see a sagging belly, a swollen face or swelling in the legs in the mirror. Therefore, we will figure out how to remove fluid from the body. You can quickly remove fluid from the body in different ways, and we will talk about the most effective methods.

Water is the basis of life. But its excess is harmful to the body

According to doctors, young people, who usually lead an active lifestyle and do not suffer from health problems, should not experience swelling. If they are present, this does not necessarily indicate that the person is sick, but very often such a phenomenon makes it known about predisposition to various diseases. Therefore, as soon as they were noticed swelling, contact us immediately seek help from a specialist to find out the reason for their appearance.

U female representatives swelling may occur due to irregular menstrual cycle, and this is bound to cause concern. Or if a person at work is forced to constantly move or sit on the contrary, then the main load goes to the legs, swelling will appear, and soon this will become normal. This should absolutely not be allowed.

Most people believe that if the body cannot remove excess fluid on its own, then you need to drink less water. But this is a big misconception, unless, of course, these words were spoken by a doctor after a complete examination of the body.

Some people start taking diuretics for the same purpose. But no such remedy can know how much water in the body is excess and how much is needed for the organs to function normally.

In this way a person provides for himself lack of water in the body , which further leads to serious consequences .

How to remove fluid from the body quickly without resorting to drug treatment

To begin with, you need to take into account what less person uses salt, all the better. If a large amount of it enters the body, then it promotes fluid retention and a substance such as potassium, which is necessary for the heart, is neutralized. Try to add less salt to the foods you eat. Instead of salt, you can add herbs; it is tasty and healthy at the same time.

You can eliminate a worrying problem with the help of vegetables, you just need regularly use nettle, sorrel, celery, horseradish, beets etc.

Alcohol retains fluid in the body , so if possible, avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages.

You can do it sometimes fasting days, for example watermelon or kefir.

Go to the sauna, take baths with pine decoction .

Herbal infusions will help

Herbal decoctions are an effective means of removing fluid from the body.

If you are wondering how to remove fluid from the body quickly and without taking pharmaceutical drugs, then decoctions and infusions of various herbs will come to the rescue:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried apple peel into 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for 15 minutes. Drink this decoction half a glass 5-6 times a day.

  2. Pour 2 teaspoons of bear ears into a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes and leave for half an hour. Drink 5-6 times before eating.

  3. Bring a glass of water to a boil, pour 2 teaspoons of birch leaves into it, let it sit for half an hour, then strain this broth and add a pinch of baking soda to it. Use this remedy 1 tablespoon every 4 hours.

  4. Pour 3 grams of avran into a glass of boiled water, let it sit for one and a half to two hours, and drink a tablespoon after eating food.

    Important! This remedy must be taken as directed and under the supervision of a doctor, as this herb has toxic properties.

  5. Pour 2 tablespoons of rose hips into a glass of boiled water, leave for half an hour, then drink for 7 days, 3-4 times a day.

A special diet that eliminates fluid from the body

It was also developed special diet , which allows both quickly remove excess fluid from the body , so eliminate harmful toxins and even lose extra pounds . This diet must be followed in a week. First, they empty their intestines with an enema, and then they consume kefir daily, adding certain foods to their menu in addition to it.

Sample menu:

  1. First day- We use only kefir.
  2. Second day- add 5 pieces of boiled potatoes to it.
  3. The third day— in addition to kefir, we eat 200 grams of boiled fish.
  4. Fourth day - combine the consumption of kefir with boiled lean meat in the amount of 200 grams.
  5. Fifth day— We eat only vegetables and fruits all day, excluding grapes and bananas.
  6. Sixth day- We only use kefir.
  7. Seventh day - drink clean water without any additives.

After using such a diet, you don’t need to immediately pounce on food and eat everything that catches your eye. It is advisable to start eating right and always follow this principle.

To make it easier to cope with the task, stimulate yourself with the fact that it will help stay young, healthy and beautiful for many years .

Physical exercise

If a person is interested not only in how quickly you can remove excess fluid from your body, but also lose weight , to look nice, have tight skin and be healthy , then that's what they exist for physical exercise.

There are people who, for one reason or another, have no time to go to the gym. For them we will give charging example which can be carried out even at the workplace:

  • You need to lie on your back, raise your arms and legs up, and lie there for several minutes. Then start shaking them, increasing the pace. With the help of such movements, a certain vibration will be created, which can tone the vessels and cleanse them of stagnant blood.
  • If you don’t want to make such movements, then just throw your legs on the wall and stay in that position for half an hour.

Mandatory - fasting days

In addition to all of the above, doctors advise organizing fasting days . This will help both remove excess fluid from the body and various harmful substances. There are many types of this type of day, here are a few of them:

  1. Milk tea. Such a fasting day can be tolerated quite easily, without much discomfort, because milk and tea perfectly eliminate the feeling of hunger. To do this, boil 2 liters of milk, add 3 tablespoons of green tea to it and leave for half an hour. Drink only this decoction all day.
  2. Water. Refrain from food throughout the day; you are only allowed to drink plain water without additional additives, and there are no restrictions on the amount you drink.
  3. Watermelon. In addition to the fact that watermelon is generally useful to consume due to the large number of useful substances it contains, it will also help to quickly remove fluid from the body. How to properly drink watermelon juice? Mix the juice of this fruit with the juice of any other product (carrot, pumpkin, melon, apple, grape). If necessary, these juices can be diluted with plain water. We use it throughout the day.
  4. Fasting day on oatmeal. Everyone knows that oatmeal has many beneficial properties. It’s not for nothing that such porridge was called “porridge of beauty and health.” You just need to cook the oatmeal in water without adding sugar or salt to it. You are allowed to brighten up its taste with fruit or cinnamon. We eat only it all day.

Using a bath with baking soda and salt

If you take a bath like this, it's great relaxes the whole body , relieves fatigue and, of course, will help remove excess fluid from it . 2 hours before taking such a bath, refrain from food and drink. Pour into water 200 grams of soda And 300 grams of salt(preferably sea). You need to be in this water at least twenty minutes , at this time, for better effect, you can drink a cup of green tea. After this, wrap yourself in a warm blanket or blanket for half an hour. At the end, just rinse off in a warm shower.

A bath with baking soda and salt will help the body get rid of excess fluid.

We hope that with the help of our tips you will be able to remove fluid from your body as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Be healthy and take care of yourself, dear women!

Read the most popular article in the section:

So, why does excessive accumulation of water occur in internal organs and intercellular space?

Main reasons:

  1. Insufficient fluid intake. Maintaining the metabolic functions of the body and regulating the water-salt balance requires clean water. A healthy person needs from 1.5 to 3 liters per day.
  2. Impaired kidney function. When they fail to do their job, protein is excreted in the urine, and its lack leads to edema.
  3. Excess salt. In the heat or during active physical activity, a person loses moisture through sweat. And the body needs to remove excess sodium chloride. And for this you need water. When salt is abused, active storage occurs in order to use it as a solvent.
  4. Cardiovascular problems. Slow pumping of blood causes it to pool in the lower extremities, causing them to swell.
  5. Failure of the endocrine system. If the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, the production of a special substance that retains moisture increases.
  1. Allergic reaction. During inflammation, a specific area of ​​the body may swell, or maybe everywhere.
  2. Unbalanced diet. Metabolic disorders are also one of the reasons. In addition, increased consumption of carbohydrates leads to stagnant fluid. After all, 1 g of carbohydrates binds up to 4 g of water. Can you imagine what 2 pieces of cake can do every day?
  3. Insomnia or lack of sleep. When a person sleeps in an uncomfortable position, suffers from nightmares or is chronically sleep-deprived, a tired and “bruised” face awaits him in the morning.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle. Due to the contraction of muscle tissue, fluid flows through the lymphatic vessels. When leading a sedentary lifestyle, this process slows down greatly.

Moisture retention by tissues can be complex. And before you try to go on a special diet at home, you need to think about the reasons that caused it.

Sometimes a simple lifestyle change can work wonders! And if it’s not a matter of health problems, drying out the body won’t be difficult.
If you adhere to these principles, you can easily get in shape for an important event:

  1. Avoid drinking alcoholic and carbonated drinks and high-calorie foods.
  2. Drinking water. Every day at least 1.5-3 liters. But after 8 pm, reduce the amount of life-giving moisture, since the kidneys work worse. Changing the regime will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body.
  3. Cold and hot shower. Alternating dousing with jets of different temperatures improves blood circulation and helps relieve swelling.
  4. Visiting a bathhouse or sauna. Hot steam unclogs the pores and moisture has the opportunity to evaporate. Also, such health activities help remove toxins.
  5. Complex massage. Massaging all folds increases overall muscle tone, improves blood circulation, and also reduces the amount of cortisol in the blood, which contributes to fluid retention.
  6. Taking vitamins. Imagine, a deficiency of B vitamins and magnesium also creates our problem! Consuming them along with proper nutrition will help eliminate it.
  7. The right shoes. Wearing high-heeled shoes or tight boots contributes to the appearance of varicose veins.
  8. Movement. During sedentary work, take a break for 15 minutes and walk a little, stretch your muscles, and perform a set of simple exercises.

Video: “Super food to fight swelling. Protective Products:

In general, in order to get in shape, it is advisable to start at least a week before the expected event. Following a special diet will help not only control your weight and body fat when losing weight, but also forget about swelling.

Among the products that remove fluid, the leading ones are:

  • Melon;
  • cabbage;
  • watermelon;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • viburnum;
  • beans;
  • Rowan;
  • cranberry;
  • prunes;
  • celery:
  • parsley.

If this list is combined with protein foods: lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, kefir daily, amazing results await you! In addition to slightly drying your body, you will cleanse your intestines and feel light throughout your body.

What to do if you need to be in perfect shape every other day?

It happens that the situation requires radical measures. Let’s say that before a competition an athlete needs to lose a couple of kilograms in order to get into the desired weight category and show defined muscles. Or fit into a dress for a corporate evening at work. Removing the excess can help a person lose up to 3 kg in one day.

A regular hot bath will help greatly in this matter. Add 200g of soda and 500g of salt to it. Take no more than 20 minutes. Afterwards, wipe yourself dry and lie down in warm clothes under a blanket for 2 hours. Thanks to this, the body will sweat well. An alternative is to visit the sauna.

Active fitness or aerobics will also come in handy. Any intense type of physical activity promotes sweating. The more you sweat, the better. In addition, the muscles will tighten.

You can quickly remove excess moisture thanks to the following folk remedies:

  1. Dried apple peel. Add 2 tbsp to 250 ml of boiling water. peel. Let it brew. Drink as tea throughout the day. Reception up to 1/2 tbsp. infusion at a time.
  2. Bearberry decoction. Has a strong diuretic effect. 3 tsp crushed leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for half an hour. Take a spoon before meals.
  3. Herb tea. Mix lemon balm leaves, lingonberries, black currants and rose hips. Drink any time of the day.
  4. Birch. Unique tree. You can use both birch sap and its leaves.
    For infusion, you will need to add 1 tbsp to 250 ml of boiling water. leaves, let it brew. Take 2 to 4 times depending on the scale of the problem. Drink a cup of birch sap 3 times a day. It is not only effective, but also delicious.
  5. Parsley rhizome. Take a fresh root, chop it finely and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 10 hours. Take a spoonful all day.
  6. White bread and lemon balm. Bread crumb with finely chopped lemon balm leaves will help against swelling on the face. Apply the mixture to your eyelids and sit there for about 30 minutes.

Following all these simple tips will help normalize metabolic processes in the body and get rid of annoying swelling. The main thing is to approach the matter with full responsibility, because taking care of the body plays an important role.

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Fluid retention in the body can ruin anyone's mood. Especially during weight loss, when every gram counts. Edema masks weight loss and reduces motivation. Often the body accumulates fluid due to illness. Then the only way to get rid of swelling is to cure the disease. Quick methods for removing excess water give short-term results, but they are worth taking a closer look at if you are losing weight.

Well-known nutritionist and fitness expert Lyle MacDonald argues that weight loss is based on a mechanism that is tied not only to burning fat, but also to getting rid of water.

Fat cells are composed of glycerol and fatty acids. causes fatty acids to leave fat cells, allowing us to use them as energy (calorizer). Glycerol remains in the cell. It is this that attracts water, which temporarily fills the place of fatty acids. When water is removed from the cells, we can see a decrease in body weight and volume. It is stupid to wait only for a minus on the scales, but it is important to create the conditions to see this minus.

The problem with losing weight is that fluid retention is a constant companion to calorie restriction. The stricter the diet, the stronger the swelling. Some people who are losing weight may feel like... Therefore, the diet should be comfortable, and water must be removed in a timely manner.

Ways to remove excess water from the body

There are many quick methods to help cope with swelling. These are spa treatments, refeed, stress reduction, salt reduction, drinking regimen, and inclusion of foods with a diuretic effect in the diet.

Spa treatments and cosmetology

Spa treatments and cosmetology (sauna, LPG massage, etc.) - spas offer many procedures to get rid of accumulated water, and some of them can be done at home. Even doctors recommend that people suffering from swelling regularly take contrast showers and massage. However, the effect of spa treatments does not last long. If water retention was caused by improper drinking regimen, excess salt, chronic stress, kidney, heart, vascular diseases or hormonal disorders, then the fluid will return.


According to expert Martin Berkhahn, . He recommends doing 2-4 sets and 12-15 reps of each exercise beforehand to deplete muscle glycogen stores. For refeed, the expert recommends choosing starchy foods - bread, rice. On this day, it is necessary to reduce fat consumption, and calculate carbohydrates based on 4-6 g per kilogram.

Stress Reduction

Reducing stress - relaxation, walks in the fresh air and a favorite hobby help relieve the nervous system and reduce cortisol, the excess of which causes fluid retention. According to Martin Berkhan, do HIIT instead. The body perceives low-intensity cardio as an activity that does not require significant effort.

Reducing salt

Reduction - the daily salt requirement is 5 g per day, when most people eat 3-4 times more. Avoid salty snacks, canned food, salted cheese, sausages, processed foods, homemade pickles, salted fish, store-bought sauces - these products contain large amounts of salt. Don't add salt to your food at the table and pay attention to how much salt you add during cooking.

Normalization of the drinking regime - gradually go out and try to drink the same amount daily.

Including foods with a diuretic effect in the diet. Among them ,

Each of us has had to see our beautiful face swollen at least once in our lives. This usually happens in the morning. Closer to lunch, the swelling subsides, and the person promises himself never again to drink too much liquid at night. But not everyone and not always the problem of excess fluid in the body is so easily solved.

Excess weight and swelling

These two concepts are closely related to each other. Anyone who is losing weight will be extremely interested to know that 30% of their excess weight consists of excess fluid deposited in the cells. Therefore, any diet should begin with removing excess water from the body. If this is not done, it will be extremely difficult to evaluate the results of the diet. The average person is unlikely to distinguish fat on their body from edema. Without seeing the expected weight loss, those losing weight simply give up and give up all efforts to fight their weight.

Why does excess fluid accumulate in the body?

Most often, we ourselves are to blame for the appearance of puffiness, but there are also various health disorders in which the water we drink is not filtered through the kidneys, but settles in the cells of the body. The reasons for the accumulation of excess fluid are:

  • eating salty foods in large quantities;
  • abuse of sugary drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormone therapy;
  • poor kidney filtration.

In any case, if you have swelling, it means that your kidneys are not doing their job. Each body has an absolutely individual reaction to a particular amount of liquid drunk, so you should carefully monitor the consequences of water entering the body.

How to remove fluid from the body?

To remove edema from the body, you need to follow a drinking regime, i.e. drink. This statement may shock people who want to get rid of this problem, but, nevertheless, it is quite effective. Often, the body, which does not receive moisture in the volumes it needs, turns on the saving mode and is afraid to part with the existing liquid. To maintain vital functions, our body needs water. By drinking less than two liters per day, we are already causing disturbances in our water circulation process. The excess is formed not so much because of the liquid you drink, but because of the substances that come with it or during the day.

I drink a lot of fluids, but I still swell

The question is what kind of liquid are you using? Our cells need clean water; carbonated drinks and sweet juices only retain excess moisture. You need to drink plain water. Over time, the body will get used to a stable water balance and stop storing excess.

How to quickly remove excess fluid

To begin with, it is better to determine the causes of excess fluid in the body. It is worth checking your kidneys for diseases that cause swelling. It would be a good idea to consult a doctor before attempting to remove fluid at home. A pregnant woman should also not experiment by taking diuretics not prescribed by a doctor.

Once you are sure that there are no diseases or pregnancy, you can begin treatment. The most effective remedies are the following products and preparations:

  • coffee;
  • green tea;
  • diuretic medications;
  • diuretic herbal mixture.

If the abuse of diuretics and other diuretic tablets is not very beneficial for the body, then drinking herbal or Chinese green tea is absolutely safe. Diuretic herbal teas are best for removing excess water from the body.

Diet for edema

Without nutritional correction, it will take a long time to wait for the swelling to disappear. If there is a lot of salt in your diet, then swelling will appear again, since any will only provide temporary relief.

Eating right is the only way out for constantly swelling people. You need to add fresh vegetables and protein to your menu. This will greatly facilitate the work of the kidneys. Cereals, especially rice, are also extremely useful for this problem.

To avoid waking up swollen in the morning, you should not drink a few hours before bedtime. At night, all systems are set to rest and cannot process large amounts of water. Drinking it during the day does not give such an effect and is more easily absorbed and processed by the kidneys.

It’s a good idea to give yourself one fasting day a week, using some kind of liquid-removing product. During this day, the kidneys and intestines will be a little cleared of toxins and will begin to work better.

Thanks to sports, many unnecessary toxins are removed along with sweat. It is better to carry out active fitness classes regularly, not allowing the intercellular fluid to stagnate.

It is quite possible to lose some excess weight by removing excess fluid from tissues, but you need to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. You should also not rush to extremes, since dehydration, like excess fluid, are equally harmful to humans.

Comment on the article “How to properly remove fluid from the body”

Moreover, liquids mainly include simple drinking cold water, juices. But any gynecologist and endocrinologist will tell you that weight gain after childbirth is caused by feeding and getting fat. I first thought about breastfeeding when I saw the coveted 2 stripes.

How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. I understand that this is all very individual, but how many people have had fluctuations in grams precisely because of edema? Yes, I have severe swelling after the injury...

How to properly remove fluid from the body. - CBC - general blood test - Blood biochemistry, - Blood for thyroid hormones, hormonal abnormalities, normal metabolism, and the person does not overeat, then the weight should return to normal after childbirth Are your legs and arms swollen?

How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. There may also be hidden swelling, you can drink cranberry or lingonberry juice, it removes swelling well. It’s better to talk to your doctor about weight and swelling.

Let's talk about swelling? Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Let's talk about swelling? Just don't hit me, I'm back with my weight. I have an apple-type figure, everything extra always goes to my sides and my stomach. 3 years ago, when I got fat to 68kg...

Symptoms of menopause in women: dry skin and excess weight. Menopause symptoms, treatment. My mother was generally prescribed Actovegin along with...menstruation, accompanied by water retention, bloating, swelling of the legs and fingers. Please advise what to drink during menopause (not hormones).

Section: Weight. Oh... how to lose weight, huh? Girls, I want to consult with you. I was in the residential complex again today, the doctor almost yelled at me for why, for the sake of an approving nod??? In my opinion, this is for the sake of your own health! It could also be swelling...

Section: LCD, maternity hospitals, courses, medical. centers (Well, I’m reporting on my problem of not wanting to go to the hospital (swelling, excess weight, blood pressure)). Although I followed almost all her recommendations: due to lack of fluid, the swelling disappeared and on a strict diet I lost almost a kilogram.

How to properly remove fluid from the body. Excess weight and swelling Why does excess fluid accumulate in the body? Try doing an enema, a fasting day and introducing kefir and oatmeal into your diet. Diet against edema. I once made a curd fasting...

Edema. Second and subsequent births. Maybe tell me what to use to relieve swelling (herbs are better, I don’t want pills yet). 4. Previously, I had to take Materna, for example, both before and during. The entire pregnancy flew by like a bird, no excess weight, swelling, problems...

Excess weight and hospital. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. There is no external edema and has never been observed. But the weight changes are not very clear to me. Although what is fundamentally incomprehensible here is that there is a more active week, running around at work, etc., then I lose weight...

How to properly remove fluid from the body. Excess weight and swelling. Why does excess fluid accumulate in the body? Where to begin? I drink a lot of fluids, but I still swell.

How to remove excess fluid from the body? They told me to sit on tea with honey and lemon for a day. Marvelon was not recommended to me. They said it would be harmful to my young nulliparous body. So I chose from Novinet and something else.

But as for excess weight due to edema, etc., increased blood pressure due to excess weight, etc., these are already serious matters, and this matter cannot be left to chance. And doctors here should monitor and give reasonable recommendations.

Kefir and swelling. Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. Kefir and swelling. Girls, I noticed a strange thing here... I don’t have any obvious edema, my face swells a little and that’s all, but going to the toilet is torture - it always seems like I have less than I drank...

How to properly remove fluid from the body. How to quickly remove excess fluid. Diet for removing fluid from the body. Over time, the body will get used to a stable water balance and will stop storing, well, I don’t know, I’m happy with rosin...

How to properly remove fluid from the body. And if the swelling remains in place a few days after the birth of the baby, then this is either excess weight, not swelling, or the cause of this swelling is not pregnancy at all.

How to properly remove fluid from the body. Diet for removing fluid from the body. Each of us has had to see our beautiful face swollen at least once in our lives. The average person is unlikely to distinguish fat on their body from edema.

How to properly remove fluid from the body. Closer to lunch, the swelling subsides, and the person promises himself never again to drink too much liquid at night. How to quickly remove excess fluid. To begin with, it is better to determine the causes of excess moisture.

In no case should you think that excess water is necessarily a consequence of drinking juices, tea or plain water. The nature of puffiness may turn out to be completely different; you need to fight it without completely abandoning the “tea ceremonies”.

What leads to water retention in the body

Edema can be a consequence of varying degrees of disturbances in the functioning of human systems or individual organs. The healthy option would be to see a doctor, and depending on the nature of the fluid retention, you can choose a method to get rid of the problem.

The root of excess fluid may lie in disruption of the normal functioning of organs and systems of the body:

Irregularities in a woman's menstrual cycle;

Problems with the kidneys, heart and other organs;

And also in an incorrect diet or lifestyle:

1. Lack of water. Water substitutes (tea, juice, coffee, etc.) are not able to remove waste and toxins sufficiently. The body needs water in its pure form, otherwise it will “out of fright” accumulate it unnecessarily.

2. Diuretic drinks. This point echoes the previous one. Alcohol, carbonated and combined drinks too actively remove the moisture the body needs, and swelling is its protective reaction.

3. Salt. In excess, it is one of the main reasons for water retention in the body. In response to food that is too salty, the body accumulates water to minimize the harm of salt and eliminate it.

4. Excessively active or sedentary work. With the first option, swelling of the legs cannot be avoided, and the consequence of the second is often a slow metabolism. This is a step towards the appearance of edema.

If the cause of fluid retention is a specific diet or lifestyle, you need to make an effort and reconsider your outlook on life.

Getting rid of bad habits

Clean water is what the body requires. One and a half liters of clean water per day will help you meet your daily fluid needs correctly.

Minimum salt. There is no need to completely stop eating salt right away. The body does not forgive sudden changes. But a gradual reduction in the daily dose of white seasoning will definitely have a positive effect on health.

Acceleration of metabolism. Find a few minutes for vigorous exercise. Move after work and during breaks if the working day involves staying in one position for a long time.

“Unloading” the body. Choose a day or two to de-load to relieve swelling. You can use different water diets for this (kefir, pumpkin juice).

Eating healthy foods. Oatmeal (without sugar, with water), foods high in carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, etc.) help remove fluid and prevent swelling.

What to avoid if you want to get rid of excess fluid:

There is no need to try to reduce the amount of clean water;

Drink weight loss teas with a diuretic effect.

The effect of diuretic tea is short-lived. After stopping use, the swelling will return. As for a thoughtless reduction in the amount of clean water, it will become a signal for the body about the need for a supply, which will again lead you to the start of the fight against excess water.