Why bite your right cheek? What does it mean to bite your tongue, lip or cheek? Elimination of negative consequences

Many people prefer to know in advance about the events that are about to happen in their lives. This may be right, because very often it can play a huge role in the fate of not only the person himself, but also the lives of the people around him. That is why most of us are too superstitious, believe in omens and carefully follow them. This is probably right!

Many peoples have many different signs associated with their cheeks. Already in ancient times, people began to notice that many life events are connected with this part of the human body, and if interpreted in the correct form, this or that circumstance can be predicted a lot about your future!

So, let's look at a few signs regarding the accidental action of “biting your cheek.” It’s difficult to bite your cheek, but sometimes it happens, so our ancestors had several amazing beliefs, and in some cases even facts, about this!


  • If you bite your cheek while eating food, you know that in the near future some well-wisher will kiss you right on that cheek.
  • When talking with people, the person who bit his cheek should be on guard. At the moment, his interlocutors are plotting something bad against him. Therefore, in order to avoid incidental situations, it is better to remain silent for some time and literally “watch” your speech. By biting your cheek during a conversation, you can say something unnecessary, so much of what you wanted to communicate should not be said out loud. What you say may not only not please others, but will simply infuriate them, provoking a scandal or worse.
  • A person can bite their cheek while resting or sleeping. In this case, he needs to know that everything he plans to do in the near future should not be put into action. His efforts will be in vain, because they are doomed to failure in advance. Moreover, everything you have in mind is already known to someone, so you won’t be able to get the desired effect in any case. It's better to wait a while.
  • If your previously bitten cheek begins to itch, then soon you will have to cry. Please note that these can also be tears of joy.

It should also be noted that signs “work” only when certain actions occur randomly, and what you provoke yourself is unlikely to give the desired result, although knowing the signs and listening to them, you can prevent a lot from happening in your life.

If your crown itches, you will think about your loved ones. If you hit your little finger, you will lose money. The heat will rise to your ears - you will become an object of gossip... It seems that no matter what part of the body you name, there will definitely be a sign for it, and more than one! Even such a trifle as a bitten cheek, in the minds of lovers of superstitions, can carry with it news from the future. Of course, if you agree to consider it as a sign, and not an unfortunate accident.

Please note: a belief is considered valid only when trouble occurs for no apparent reason. That is, if you pounced on pizza after a week of strict hunger strike, blame your own haste for the bitten cheek and nothing more. But if you were leisurely having lunch, talking or even sleeping and managed to grab yourself from the inside with your own teeth, you can start fortune telling.

Traditionally it is believed that the right side foretells good events, and the left - bad. Sometimes signs go further and divide the prophecy like this:

  • the right side is good for the man, harmful for the woman;
  • the left side is for joy for a woman, for despondency for a man.

Which option is more trustworthy, decide for yourself.

A cheek bitten while eating is a reason to clean up and stock up on mint candies, because this sign promises the lucky one passionate kisses. True, sometimes a “lighter” version of it can happen - a kiss on the cheek, and specifically on the victim. Which is also nice.

If a person bites his cheek while talking:

  • The belief suggests taking a closer look at your interlocutor. There is a chance that at this very moment he is harboring nefarious plans, so pay closer attention to what comes out of your mouth. Like in a standard cop movie: “Anything you say can be used against you.”
  • Are you one hundred percent sure of the person you were talking to? Well, if it's as clear as glass, then it's your own fault. In this case, the injured cheek is considered a signal of a possible scandal, which could be provoked by a carelessly thrown word. The smartest thing to do is actually bite your tongue (or cheek) and remain silent for a while so as not to lose your friend. Especially when you know you have a tendency to get heated in arguments.

Some signs indicate: if you bite your cheek during a conversation, it means that you - wittingly or unwittingly - have already offended someone present, and he thought poorly of you.

The ability to remain silent at the right moment is a valuable skill, and signs have nothing to do with it

Did you wake up in the middle of the night with a pain in your mouth or discover a swelling on the inside of your cheek in the morning? Such an event is interpreted in different ways. Moreover, they give him two directly opposite explanations!

  • Very soon one of your cherished wishes will come true.
  • Postpone the execution of what you have planned for an indefinite period. Anyway, at the moment you will not be able to implement your plans. Ill-wishers have already become aware of them, and they will do everything possible to put a spoke in your wheels.

If you think about it, the signs are not so mutually exclusive. Try to interpret them this way: now is really not the time to take on major tasks, so try to take a break from your work. Perhaps, as a reward, fate will meet you halfway, and something you have long desired will fall right into your hands without any extra effort on your part. But what if?

In all cases, pay attention to how the bitten cheek feels. Itching and tickling in the affected area foreshadow tears, and if the discomfort does not go away within two days, a visit to the doctor is required. You can laugh, but sometimes even such nonsense leads to infection.

By and large, a bitten cheek is not such a rare occurrence to worry about. The cause may be an incorrect bite, a crooked wisdom tooth, haste, thoughtfulness, or an exciting argument while eating. If a sign alarms you, rinse your face with holy water or wash your face under a regular running tap so that it takes away the troubles. This is good in all respects - cool water will constrict the blood vessels and reduce the flow of blood to the cheek, preventing tissue swelling. Better yet, choose your company more carefully, watch your words and don’t let everyone in on your plans. The chances of bad omens coming true will go down sharply.

If your crown itches, you will think about your loved ones. If you hit your little finger, you will lose money. The heat will rise to your ears - you will become an object of gossip... It seems that no matter what part of the body you name, there will definitely be a sign for it, and more than one! Even such a trifle as a bitten cheek, in the minds of lovers of superstitions, can carry with it news from the future. Of course, if you agree to consider it as a sign, and not an unfortunate accident.

Biting your cheek: what is this sign?

Please note: a belief is considered valid only when trouble occurs for no apparent reason. That is, if you pounced on pizza after a week of strict hunger strike, blame your own haste for the bitten cheek and nothing more. But if you were leisurely having lunch, talking or even sleeping and managed to grab yourself from the inside with your own teeth, you can start fortune telling.

Left or right from inside

Traditionally it is believed that the right side foretells good events, and the left - bad. Sometimes signs go further and divide the prophecy like this:

  • the right side is good for the man, harmful for the woman;
  • the left side is for joy for a woman, for despondency for a man.

Which option is more trustworthy, decide for yourself.

Why bite while eating, talking or sleeping

Did you bite yourself on the cheek? Get ready to kiss!

A cheek bitten while eating is a reason to clean up and stock up on mint candies, because this sign promises the lucky one passionate kisses. True, sometimes a “lighter” version of it can happen - a kiss on the cheek, and specifically on the victim. Which is also nice.

If a person bites his cheek while talking:

  • The belief suggests taking a closer look at your interlocutor. There is a chance that at this very moment he is harboring nefarious plans, so pay closer attention to what comes out of your mouth. Like in a standard cop movie: “Anything you say can be used against you.”
  • Are you one hundred percent sure of the person you were talking to? Well, if it's as clear as glass, then it's your own fault. In this case, the injured cheek is considered a signal of a possible scandal, which could be provoked by a carelessly thrown word. The smartest thing to do is actually bite your tongue (or cheek) and remain silent for a while so as not to lose your friend. Especially when you know you have a tendency to get heated in arguments.

Some signs indicate: if you bite your cheek during a conversation, it means that you - wittingly or unwittingly - have already offended someone present, and he thought poorly of you.

The ability to remain silent at the right moment is a valuable skill, and signs have nothing to do with it

Did you wake up in the middle of the night with a pain in your mouth or discover a swelling on the inside of your cheek in the morning? Such an event is interpreted in different ways. Moreover, they give him two directly opposite explanations!

  • Very soon one of your cherished wishes will come true.
  • Postpone the execution of what you have planned for an indefinite period. Anyway, at the moment you will not be able to implement your plans. Ill-wishers have already become aware of them, and they will do everything possible to put a spoke in your wheels.

If you think about it, the signs are not so mutually exclusive. Try to interpret them this way: now is really not the time to take on major tasks, so try to take a break from your work. Perhaps, as a reward, fate will meet you halfway, and something you have long desired will fall right into your hands without any extra effort on your part. But what if?

In all cases, pay attention to how the bitten cheek feels. Itching and tickling in the affected area foreshadow tears, and if the discomfort does not go away within two days, a visit to the doctor is required. You can laugh, but sometimes even such nonsense leads to infection.

By and large, a bitten cheek is not such a rare occurrence to worry about. The cause may be an incorrect bite, a crooked wisdom tooth, haste, thoughtfulness, or an exciting argument while eating. If a sign alarms you, rinse your face with holy water or wash your face under a regular running tap so that it takes away the troubles. This is good in all respects - cool water will constrict the blood vessels and reduce the flow of blood to the cheek, preventing tissue swelling. Better yet, choose your company more carefully, watch your words and don’t let everyone in on your plans. The chances of bad omens coming true will go down sharply.

Every day many events happen to a person, to which he does not attach much importance. One of them is cheek biting, which often occurs while eating or having an enthusiastic conversation with an interlocutor. But folk wisdom says that, in addition to pain, this “unfortunate accident” also brings some information about the future. Simply put, there are several signs about this. Only practice can show how true they are!


So, what can you expect in the future if you bite your cheek? The prediction directly depends on the circumstances under which this happened:

  • If this happens while a person is eating, then he will soon be kissed. And precisely on the cheek that was damaged by the teeth. Whether it will be a friendly kiss or something more will become known very soon!
  • But if your cheek was bitten during a conversation with someone, then you should be wary. This is a warning that the interlocutor is up to something bad. In this case, it is recommended to either politely interrupt the conversation and leave, or carefully analyze your words so as not to blurt out too much. All information that the enemy receives can be used by him in insidious plans.
  • If the cheek is bitten while sleeping, then the fulfillment of your cherished desires and long-standing dreams will have to be postponed indefinitely. Unfortunately, they are not destined to come true in the near future, since they have already become known to many. And dreams and plans, according to another superstition, should be carefully kept secret! And this rule cannot be ignored. By the way, this belief works even if the bite was simply a dream.
  • Sometimes this happens: yesterday my cheek was bitten and hurt, but today it started to itch somehow strangely and unpleasantly. This phenomenon can prepare a person for tears. Soon he will have to cry for some reason. But there is no need to be frightened in advance and spoil your mood with panicky anticipation if the itching at the site of the bite begins to bother you, because superstition does not specify what kind of tears there will be: bitterness or joy.
  • Thus, to a person who believes in omens and is interested in the meaning of even the most insignificant events, they can tell a lot. If the cheek was accidentally bitten, you should observe the further course of life - probably what is happening will largely agree with popular superstitions. This will help you prepare for important events and better understand your destiny.

Every day many events happen to us, many of which go unnoticed. Our ancestors tried to notice even little things, and over time their knowledge turned into signs. Folk wisdom will help to explain even such annoying troubles as biting cheeks, tongue and lips.

There are a lot of signs that are associated with different parts of the body. So, itchy fingers or other parts of the body can warn of various events that will happen soon. Experts on the site recommend getting acquainted with the interpretation of signs associated with biting lips, cheeks and tongue while eating. They will help prepare for future events and warn of danger.

Bite your lip

  • Accidentally biting a cube while eating, according to the sign, promises quick kisses.
  • Biting the very edge of the lip means an unpleasant conversation with loved ones or receiving bad news from them.
  • Biting your lower lip while eating means being afraid to change your life and make a serious decision, thereby missing the chance to achieve new successes.
  • If your upper lip is bitten during a dinner party, then bad news will soon arrive.

Bite your cheek

  • Legend has it that anyone who bites their left cheek while eating will soon have a meeting with a loved one and a kiss on that cheek.
  • Biting your right cheek promises troubles that will come from your immediate environment. It is possible that among friends and acquaintances there is an ill-wisher who is up to something.
  • Biting your cheek while eating, while thinking about your cherished desire, means trouble and the fact that the desire will not come true in the near future. According to legend, you need to think about your desires, but in such a way that it does not distract a person from basic matters.
  • Biting your cheek, which then hurts for a long time, indicates imminent tears. If the next day she begins to itch, then the tears will be due to resentment towards a loved one.
  • Another sign says that biting your cheek while eating is a sign of quick changes in life. They can be both bad and positive, and signs of fate will indicate this.

Bite your tongue

  • Biting your tongue while eating indicates that you will soon have an unpleasant conversation with someone in the household.
  • Another sign says that the one who bites his tongue will soon have to hurry up so as not to be late for an important meeting.
  • Biting your tongue during breakfast warns that intrigues are being woven behind your back.
  • According to another belief, biting your tongue while eating may indicate that a person is too greedy and his plans will not come true.
  • Another interpretation of this sign is to keep your mouth shut and not talk about your plans. For those who are verbose, ill-wishers may “confuse the cards.”

Often, warnings of this kind help to avoid trouble, so it’s worth paying attention to the annoying nuisance. Also, our ancestors knew exactly how to avoid problems that promised bad omens. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

20.05.2019 07:11

Many signs are associated with the animal world and insects. Our ancestors paid attention to various events...