Changes in hormone levels during exercise. How physical activity affects hormones. Dark and light sides of the force

The adrenal medulla is one of the first to respond to physical activity. This is manifested by a sharp increase in the secretion of catecholamines - adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones are involved in the regulation of the activity of the heart, respiratory system, mobilization of energy resources by enhancing glycogenolysis and glycolysis (due to the activation of key enzymes of glycogenolysis and glycolysis by catecholamines, in the skeletal muscles and heart the release of glucose into the blood from the liver and its transport to myocardial cells and muscles increases ), oxidative processes. This suggests that adrenaline and norepinephrine stimulate the active participation of a number of functional systems in ensuring physical work.

In athletes, increased secretion of catecholamines is also observed in the pre-race period as a psycho-emotional reaction to the anticipation of competition. To some extent, this is useful arousal, which is similar to warming up, but with excessive arousal or a long wait for the start, the onset of reaction exhaustion may occur and the desired effect will not occur at the time of start.

The formation of effective long-term adaptation of the body's hormonal system is associated with an increase in its power and efficiency. An increase in the power of this system is associated with hypertrophy of the adrenal medulla and an increase in the reserves of catecholamines in them, hypertrophy of the adrenal cortex, including the zona fasciculata, which secretes glucocorticoids. An increase in catecholamine reserves leads to their mobilization during short-term explosive loads and prevents their depletion during long-term loads. By increasing the ability of the adrenal cortex to synthesize corticosteroids, their high level in the blood is ensured during long-term stress and this increases the performance of athletes.

During long-term hard work, a significant role in providing muscle contractions with energy is played by hormones that take part in the regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism: insulin, glucagon and somatotropin.

There is a certain hierarchy in the endocrine system. The highest level is represented by the hypothalamus, the part of the brain where hormones are produced that control the work of the pituitary gland. Pituitary hormones control the activity of the peripheral glands. Along with this direct connection, there is also a feedback effect, which manifests itself in the inhibitory effect of excessive concentrations of hormones from the peripheral glands on the functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The pituitary gland can be called an intermediate link between the regulatory centers of the nervous system and the peripheral endocrine glands.

The pituitary gland or lower medullary appendage is an endocrine gland that plays a leading role in hormonal regulation. The pituitary gland is located on the lower surface of the brain in the pituitary fossa of the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone. The sella turcica is covered with a process of the dura mater of the brain - the diaphragm of the sella, with a hole in the center through which the pituitary gland is connected to the infundibulum of the hypothalamus of the diencephalon, through which the pituitary gland is connected to the gray tubercle. On the sides the pituitary gland is surrounded by cavernous sinuses. The pituitary gland belongs to the central organs of the endocrine system and to the diencephalon.

The pituitary gland consists of two lobes that are different in structure and origin: the anterior one - the adenohypophysis (accounts for 70 - 80% of the mass of the pituitary gland) and the posterior one - the neurohypophysis. Together with the neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland forms the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which controls the activity of the peripheral endocrine glands.

The adenohypophysis consists of epithelial crossbars, between which sinusoidal capillaries are located. Among the cells of this lobe there are larger ones - chromophilic adenocytes, and small ones - chromophobe adenocytes. The narrow intermediate part is formed by multilayered epithelium, among the cells of which formations appear that resemble vesicles - pseudofollicles. Through the vessels of the infundibulum, neurohormones of the hypothalamus enter the adenohypophysis. It consists of the anterior (distal) part, the intermediate part (sometimes called the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland) and the tuberal part.

The connection between the hypothalamus and the adenohypophysis is carried out by a special circulatory system, which transports stimulating and inhibitory hormones secreted by the hypothalamus to the anterior part of the pituitary gland. Physical activity is a significant stimulus that increases the intensity of the release of all hormones by the adenohypophysis.

The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes six hormones, which can be divided into two groups: a) effector hormones (affect metabolic processes and regulate the growth and development of the body), and b) tropic hormones (regulate the secretion of other endocrine glands).

The growth effect of GH on cartilage tissue is mediated by the hormone's effect on the liver. Under its influence, factors are formed in the liver, which are called growth factors or somatomedins. Under the influence of these peptide factors, the proliferative and synthetic activity of cartilage cells is stimulated (especially in the growth zone of long tubular bones). Growth hormone not only ensures muscle growth and hypertrophy, promoting the transport of amino acids into cells. It also has a direct metabolic effect on fat and carbohydrate metabolism. GH is involved in lipolysis and increases cell resistance to the pancreatic hormone insulin. The release of GH into the blood increases during deep sleep, after muscular exercise, during hypoglycemia and a number of other conditions. When performing aerobic work, the level of growth hormone in the body increases in proportion to the intensity and remains elevated for some time after completion of the work.

The other five hormones are adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), thierotropic hormone (TSH), prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

Thierotropic hormone stimulates the function of the thyroid gland, causes its enlargement, blood supply, proliferation of the epithelium and the release of its hormones into the blood.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the zona fasciculata and zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex, enhancing the formation of corresponding hormones (corticosteroids) in them. In addition, ACTH also has a direct effect on tissues and organs. It causes protein breakdown in the body and inhibits its synthesis, reducing the permeability of the capillary wall. Under its influence, the lymph nodes, spleen, and thyroid gland shrink, and the level of lymphocytes and eosinophils in the blood decreases. The secretion of ACTH by the pituitary gland increases when exposed to all extreme stimuli that cause a state of tension (stress) in the body.

Prolactin stimulates and supports milk production in the mammary glands. In the male body, it stimulates the growth and development of the prostate gland.

Gonadotropic hormones - follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are present in both men and women. FSH stimulates the development of eggs in the ovaries and sperm in the testes. LH in women stimulates the production of female sex hormones in the ovaries and the release of a mature egg from the ovaries, and in men the secretion of testosterone by the interstitial cells of the testes.

There is no doubt that bodybuilding has a positive effect on the health of the human body. With the help of strength training and a proper diet, we strengthen the heart and blood vessels, increase immunity, control body weight and speed up thought processes. However, there is another aspect that we often forget about - the close connection of the training process with the endocrine glands.

Endocrine system(from the Greek words “endo” - internal, and “krine” - to secrete or secrete) is represented by a class of chemical compounds that we used to call hormones. Invisible molecules play the role of messengers and transmit information from the endocrine glands to the internal organs, controlling many physiological processes. Of course, for the “hormonal” control of our body to be truly effective, strict control over the secretion of the hormones themselves is necessary.

The training process is an excellent tool that allows us to arbitrarily change the secretion of biologically active substances and the susceptibility of organs and tissues to the action of chemical messengers. Clinical trials have proven that exercise not only affects the level of hormones circulating in the blood, but also increases the number of receptors in target organs and increases their sensitivity to mediators.

In this article, we will talk about how the endocrine system controls our lives, and how playing sports affects its work. We will get acquainted with key hormones and the most important endocrine glands, and also find the thin thread that connects them with the training process.

Endocrine system

The endocrine glands synthesize and secrete hormones that, in close cooperation with the nervous and immune systems, influence internal organs and control their functional state, managing vital functions. Biologically active substances are released directly into the blood, the circulatory system carries them throughout the body and delivers them to those organs and tissues whose work depends on these hormones.

Specific membrane structures (hormone receptors) on the surface of cells and target organs have an affinity for certain hormones and snatch them from the bloodstream, allowing the messengers to selectively penetrate only the desired tissues (the system operates on the principle of a key and lock). Once at their destination, hormones realize their potential and radically change the direction of metabolic processes in cells.

Considering the almost unlimited capabilities of the endocrine control system, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of maintaining hormonal homeostasis. The secretion of many hormones is regulated by a negative feedback mechanism, which allows you to quickly switch between increasing and decreasing the production of biologically active substances. Increased secretion of the hormone leads to an increase in its concentration in the bloodstream, which, according to the feedback principle, inhibits its synthesis. Without such a mechanism, the work of the endocrine system would be impossible.

Main endocrine glands:

  • Thyroid
  • Parathyroid glands
  • Adrenal glands
  • Pituitary
  • Pineal gland
  • Pancreas
  • Gonads (testes and ovaries)

In our body there are organs that are not endocrine glands, but at the same time secrete biologically active substances and have endocrine activity:

  • Hypothalamus
  • Thymus gland, or thymus
  • Stomach
  • Heart
  • Small intestine
  • Placenta

Despite the fact that the endocrine glands are scattered throughout the body and perform various functions, they are a single system, their functions are closely intertwined, and their influence on physiological processes is realized through similar mechanisms.

Three classes of hormones (classification of hormones by chemical structure)

  1. Amino acid derivatives. From the name of the class it follows that these hormones are formed as a result of modification of the structure of amino acid molecules, in particular. An example is adrenaline.
  2. Steroids. Prostaglandins, corticosteroids and sex hormones. From a chemical point of view, they belong to lipids; they are synthesized as a result of complex transformations of the cholesterol molecule.
  3. Peptide hormones. In the human body, this group of hormones is most widely represented. Peptides are short chains of amino acids; an example of a peptide hormone is insulin.

It is curious that almost all the hormones in our body are protein molecules or their derivatives. The exception is sex hormones and adrenal hormones, which are classified as steroids. It should be noted that the mechanism of action of steroids is realized through receptors located inside cells; this process is long and requires the synthesis of protein molecules. But hormones of a protein nature immediately interact with membrane receptors on the surface of cells, due to which their action is realized much faster.

The most important hormones whose secretion is affected by exercise:

  • Testosterone
  • A growth hormone
  • Estrogens
  • Thyroxine
  • Insulin
  • Adrenalin
  • Endorphins
  • Glucagon



Female sex hormones, in particular, their most active representative 17-beta-estradiol, help to use fat reserves as a source of fuel, elevate mood and improve emotional background, increase the intensity of basal metabolism and increase sexual desire (in women). You also probably know that in the female body the concentration of estrogen varies depending on the state of the reproductive system and the phase of the cycle, and with age, the secretion of sex hormones decreases and reaches a minimum at the onset of menopause.

Now let's see how exercise affects the secretion of estrogen? In clinical trials, it was proven that the concentration of female sex hormones in the blood of women aged 19 to 69 years increased markedly after both a 40-minute endurance workout and after training during which weight training exercises were performed. Moreover, high estrogen levels persisted for four hours after the training. (The experimental group was compared with the control group, whose representatives did not engage in sports). As we see, in the case of estrogens, we can control the hormonal profile with just one training program.


The synthesis of this hormone is entrusted to the follicular cells of the thyroid gland, and its main biological purpose is to increase the intensity of the basal metabolism and stimulate all metabolic processes without exception. It is for this reason that thyroxine plays such a prominent role in the fight against excess weight, and the release of thyroid hormones contributes to the burning of additional kilocalories in the body’s furnaces. In addition, weightlifters should take note that thyroxine is directly involved in the processes of physical growth and development.

During a training session, the secretion of thyroid hormones increases by 30%, and the increased level of thyroxine in the blood persists for five hours. The basal level of hormone secretion also increases during regular exercise, and the maximum effect can be achieved through intense, grueling training.


The transmitter of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is synthesized by the cells of the adrenal medulla, but we are more interested in its effect on physiological processes. Adrenaline is responsible for “extreme measures” and is one of the stress hormones: it increases the frequency and intensity of heart contractions, raises blood pressure and promotes the redistribution of blood flow in favor of actively working organs, which should receive oxygen and nutrients in the first place. Let us add that adrenaline and norepinephrine are catecholamines and are synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine.

What other effects of adrenaline might be of interest to supporters of an active lifestyle? The hormone accelerates the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue and stimulates the use of fat reserves as an additional source of fuel. You should also note that under the influence of adrenaline, blood vessels selectively dilate and blood flow in the liver and skeletal muscles increases, which allows you to quickly supply working muscles with oxygen and helps to use them one hundred percent during sports!

Can we increase the adrenaline rush? No problem, you just need to increase the intensity of the training process to the limit, because the amount of adrenaline secreted by the adrenal medulla is directly proportional to the severity of training stress. The stronger the stress, the more adrenaline enters the bloodstream.


The endocrine pancreas is represented by the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, the beta cells of which synthesize insulin. The role of this hormone cannot be overestimated, because it is insulin that is responsible for reducing blood sugar levels, is involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and shows amino acids the direct path to muscle cells.

Almost all cells of the human body have insulin receptors on the outer surface of their cell membranes. The receptor is a protein molecule that is capable of binding insulin circulating in the blood; The receptor is formed by two alpha subunits and two beta subunits, united by a disulfide bond. Under the influence of insulin, other membrane receptors are activated, which snatch molecules from the bloodstream and direct them into cells.

What external factors increase insulin secretion? First of all, we must talk about food intake, because every time after eating a powerful release of insulin occurs in our body, which is accompanied by the accumulation of fat reserves in adipose tissue cells. Those who exploit this physiological mechanism too often experience a significant increase in body weight. In addition, a number of people may develop tissue and cell resistance to insulin - diabetes mellitus.

Of course, not all lovers of “haute cuisine” develop diabetes, and the severity of this disease is largely determined by its type. However, gluttony is guaranteed to lead to an increase in total body weight, and you can correct the situation and lose weight with daily strength training.

Exercising helps control blood sugar levels and avoids many problems. It has been experimentally proven that even ten minutes of aerobic exercise lowers insulin levels in the blood, and this effect increases as the duration of the training session increases. As for strength training, it increases tissue sensitivity to insulin even at rest, and this effect has been confirmed in clinical trials.


From a biochemical point of view, endorphins are peptide neurotransmitters consisting of 30 amino acid residues. This group of hormones is secreted by the pituitary gland and belongs to the class of endogenous opiates - substances that are released into the bloodstream in response to a pain signal and have the ability to relieve pain. Among other physiological effects of endorphins, we note the ability to suppress appetite, induce a state of euphoria, and relieve feelings of fear, anxiety and internal tension.

Does exercise affect the secretion of endorphins? The answer is yes. It has been proven that within 30 minutes of starting moderate or intense aerobic exercise, the level of endorphins in the blood increases five times compared to the resting state. Moreover, regular exercise (over several months) increases the sensitivity of tissues to endorphins.

This means that over a certain period of time you will receive a more powerful endocrine system response to the same physical activity. And we note that although long-term training in this regard seems preferable, the level of endorphin secretion is largely determined by the individual characteristics of the body.


Like insulin, glucagon is secreted by pancreatic cells and affects blood sugar levels. The difference is that this hormone has the diametrically opposite effect of insulin and increases the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream.

A little biochemistry. The glucagon molecule consists of 29 amino acid residues, and the hormone is synthesized in the alpha cells of the islets of Langerhans as a result of a complex chain of biochemical processes. First, a hormone precursor, the proglucagon protein, is formed, and then this protein molecule undergoes enzymatic hydrolysis (cleavage into shorter fragments) until the formation of a linear polypeptide chain, which has hormonal activity.

The physiological role of glucagon is realized through two mechanisms:

  1. When blood glucose levels decrease, glucagon secretion increases. The hormone enters the bloodstream, reaches liver cells, binds to specific receptors and initiates the processes of glycogen breakdown. The breakdown of glycogen results in the release of simple sugars, which are released into the bloodstream. As a result, blood sugar levels rise.
  2. The second mechanism of glucagon action is realized through the activation of gluconeogenesis processes in hepatocytes - the synthesis of glucose molecules from.

A group of scientists from the University of Montreal was able to prove that exercise increases the sensitivity of liver cells to glucagon. Effective training increases the affinity of hepatocytes for this hormone, which helps convert various nutrients into energy sources. Typically, glucagon secretion increases 30 minutes after the start of exercise as blood glucose levels decrease.


What conclusions can we draw from the proposed material? The endocrine glands and the hormones they produce form a complex, branched, multi-level structure, which is a solid foundation for all physiological processes. These invisible molecules are constantly in the shadows, simply doing their job while we are busy solving everyday problems.

The importance of the endocrine system cannot be overestimated; we are entirely dependent on the level of hormone production by the endocrine glands, and playing sports helps us influence these complex processes.

Wondering what happens in your body when you exercise? After all, post-workout muscle soreness and a sense of satisfaction don't just appear out of nowhere. Physical sensations and emotions arise from millions of chemical reactions that occur in your body.

Sport is pure pleasure

An example of compounds released during exercise are endorphins. These compounds are produced by the pituitary gland and make us feel happy while blocking pain receptors. Thanks to endorphins, we even forget about existing sores immediately after completion. intensive training. They also cause sports addiction, causing the so-called runner's euphoria.

Dopamine is a pleasure neurotransmitter. Numerous studies indicate its huge role in the process of obesity. When the number of dopamine receptors is low, people have to eat more food to achieve the desired level of satisfaction than people with a normal number of receptors. Thanks to regular exercise, the level of dopamine in the body increases, and, consequently, the feeling of hunger decreases.

Movement is a subtle silhouette

Estrogen plays a huge role in the process of losing weight - it is involved in “making” the decision about what to process into energy - carbohydrates or fats. The female body has much more estrogen, which promotes fat burning, while men lose carbohydrates. A decrease in the level of this hormone is one of the main reasons for weight gain during menopause.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Hormones play an extremely important role in the functioning of the human body. These substances stimulate the functioning of certain cells and systems of the body. Hormones are produced by endocrine glands and certain tissues. Of the wide range of hormones, anabolic and catabolic hormones are of particular importance.

Catabolism and anabolism

Catabolism is the process of metabolic breakdown of cells and tissues, as well as the decomposition of complex structures with the release of energy in the form of heat or in the form of adenosine triphosphate. The catabolic process is the fermentation of large molecules of saccharides, fats, proteins and phosphorus macroergs. Catabolic processes provide the release of large amounts of energy.

Anabolic processes are the opposite of catabolic ones. Anabolic processes mean the processes of creating cells and tissues, as well as substances necessary for the functioning of the body. Anabolic processes, unlike catabolic ones, are carried out only using adenosine triphosphate.

The course of regenerative processes and anabolism of muscle tissue largely depend on the level of growth hormone, insulin and testosterone in the blood plasma. These hormones provide anabolic processes activated by prohormones.

The effect of physical activity on hormone levels

Physical activity as such significantly increases the concentration of many hormones in the blood plasma and not only immediately at the time of exercise. From the beginning of the exercise (eg near maximum power), in the first 4-10 minutes the concentration of various hormones and metabolic products changes spontaneously. This period of production provokes a certain imbalance of regulatory factors.

However, certain features of these changes can still be traced. So, with the start of exercise, the concentration of lactic acid in the blood increases. And the concentration of glucose begins to change in inverse proportion to the concentration of lactic acid. As the exercise time increases, the level of somatropin in the blood increases. Other studies have shown that in older people (65-75 years old), after exercise on an exercise bike, testosterone levels increased by 40%, and the level of transport globulin, which protects produced testosterone from destruction, increased by 20%. Gerontology experts believe that it is the preservation of normal testosterone concentrations that ensures a cheerful, energetic state in old age and, probably, increases life expectancy. The secretion of hormones and their release into the blood during exercise can be represented as a cascade of reactions.

Physical tension as stress provokes the release of liberins in brain structures, which, in turn, trigger the production of tropins by the pituitary gland. Pathways penetrate through the blood into the endocrine glands, where hormones are secreted.


Catabolism is due to the presence in the blood of many factors involved in the release of energy. One of these factors is cortisol. This hormone helps with stress. However, too high a level of cortisol is undesirable: the breakdown of muscle cells begins, and the delivery of amino acids to them is disrupted. It is absolutely clear that under such conditions, when proteins enter the body, they will not be able to take part in anabolism, but will either be intensively excreted in the urine or converted by the liver into glucose. Another negative role of cortisol is manifested in its effect on saccharide metabolism during the rest period after exercise, when the athlete wants to quickly regain strength. Cortisol inhibits the accumulation of glycogen in muscle tissue. Unfortunately, cortisol is produced in the human body during strenuous exercise. Intense training and high physical activity are all stressful. Cortisol plays one of the main roles during stress.

The catabolic effect of cortisol can be eliminated with the use of anabolic steroids. But this method is extremely harmful to health. The side effects are so dangerous that the athlete should find other effective anabolic steroids that are legal and do not cause side effects. The body receiving a large amount of saccharides as a result of the anabolic activity of insulin also favors rapid recovery. It turned out that in this case, the effect is achieved by inhibiting cortisol activity. The concentration of insulin is inversely proportional to the concentration of cortisol in the blood.


Insulin is a polypeptide hormone and is essential in connecting energy supply pathways. Insulin anabolism affects muscle, fatty tissue and liver. Insulin stimulates the formation of glycogen, aliphatic acids and proteins. Insulin also accelerates glycolysis. The mechanism of insulin anabolism itself consists of accelerating the entry of glucose and free amino acids into cells. However, the processes of glycogen formation, activated by insulin, provoke a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood (the main symptom of hypoglycemia). Insulin slows down catabolism in the body, incl. decomposition of glycogen and neutral fat.

Somatomedin S

Accelerating anabolism in the body, what most bodybuilders want, is possible without the use of doping agents such as anabolic steroids. One of the most important agents that activates protein production is the prohormone - somatomedin C. Experts say that the formation of this substance is stimulated by somatotropin and occurs in the liver and muscle tissue. The production of somatomedin C depends to a certain extent on the amount of amino acids received by the body.

Hormones and muscle recovery after exercise

Hormones with anabolic effects after exercise serve another purpose. As a result of research, it was found that during physical activity, muscle fibers are damaged. Under a microscope, on specially prepared samples of muscle tissue, you can see frequent tears and complete ruptures of muscle fibers. There are several factors for such a destructive load effect. The first hypotheses of experts were associated with the destructive effect of catabolic hormones. Later, the destructive effects of free oxidizing agents were also substantiated.

The endocrine system controls all types of metabolism and, depending on the situation, can activate the body's reserve forces. It also controls recovery after heavy physical exercise. Moreover, the reactions of hormonal systems differ greatly in accordance with the degree of load (high or moderate power). With a moderate intensity load and long training, the level of growth hormone and cortisol increases, the level of insulin decreases and the level of triiodothyronine increases. A high-power load is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of growth hormone, cortisol, insulin and T3. Growth hormone and cortisol determine the development of special performance, and therefore an increase in their concentration during different training cycles is accompanied by an improvement in the athlete’s athletic performance.

As a result of many studies, L.V. Kostin and other specialists found that professional ultra-distance runners at rest have low or normal concentrations of growth hormone. However, during a marathon race, the level of growth hormone in the blood increases greatly, which ensures high performance for a long time.

Growth hormone (somatotropin) is a hormone (average blood level - 0-6 ng/ml) responsible for anabolism in the body (growth, development, weight gain in the body and various organs). In the adult body, the effect of growth hormone on growth functions is largely lost, but on anabolic functions (protein formation, saccharide and fat metabolism) remains. This is the reason for the ban on growth hormone as a doping.

Another important adaptation hormone is cortisol, which is responsible for saccharide and protein metabolism. Cortisol controls performance through a catabolic process that supplies the liver with glycogen and ketogenic amino acids. Together with the catabolic process (stopping protein production in lymphoid and connective tissues), the concentration of glucose in the athlete’s blood plasma is maintained at a sufficient level. This hormone is also prohibited as a doping.

Insulin controls the concentration of glucose and its movement across the membranes of muscle and other cells. Normal insulin levels are 5-20 mcd/ml. Lack of insulin reduces performance due to a decrease in the amount of glucose delivered to the cells.

Insulin release is stimulated by high-power exercise, which ensures high permeability of cell membranes to glucose (glycolysis is stimulated). Efficiency is achieved through saccharide metabolism.

With moderate exercise intensity, insulin levels drop, which leads to a transition from saccharide metabolism to lipid metabolism, which is so in demand during prolonged physical activity, when glycogen reserves are partially used up.

The thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine control basal metabolism, oxygen consumption, and oxidative phosphorylation. The main control of metabolism (approx. 75%) is due to triiodothyronine. Changes in the level of thyroid hormones determine the limit of a person’s performance and endurance (an imbalance occurs between oxygen production and phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria of muscle cells slows down, and adenosine triphosphate resynthesis slows down).

Studies of ultra-distance runners have demonstrated a link between performance and the ratio of growth hormone to cortisol. Examination of the endocrine system of a particular athlete allows us to determine his capabilities and readiness to withstand physical activity with the best performance.

Another significant aspect of predicting special performance is identifying the ability of the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol in response to irritation with adrenocorticotropic hormone. Increased cortisol production indicates the athlete's ability to perform optimally.

Sports performance of different sexes significantly depends on testosterone. This hormone determines aggression, temperament and determination when performing a task.


Hormonal drugs (testosterone and its variations, anabolic steroids, growth hormone, corticotropin, gonadotropin hormone, erythropoietin) artificially increase human performance, and are therefore considered doping and prohibited for use in competitions and training. Often, the use of hormones goes against a healthy lifestyle and can ultimately lead to serious pathologies.

Sports and testosterone are directly related to each other - it is no coincidence that scientists have been studying the effect of the hormone on muscle mass for almost 80 years. Every athlete who strives for new heights in his business, sooner or later comes to the question of how to increase natural testosterone. But in order to assess how much the sex hormone influences success in sports, it is important to understand the mechanism of action of testosterone and how the level of the hormone changes during training.

How does exercise affect testosterone levels?

Back in 1938, a series of experiments on animals - rats, guinea pigs, mice - began, which demonstrated an interesting fact. Castration of males of all these mammals caused a decrease in skeletal muscle strength, due to a decrease in the biosynthesis of a special protein. But at the same time, testosterone replacement therapy helped eliminate these negative consequences.

These experiments made it possible to study the connection between the male sex hormone and athletic endurance, as well as to develop special hormonal drugs that enhance physical strength and provoke the growth of muscle mass.

Testosterone levels are not constant. The percentage of the hormone in the blood is highest in the morning; in the evening it gradually drops. But a variety of situations can cause a testosterone surge in the male body, and playing sports is one of them.

Testosterone during training increases already during training - depending on the type of exercise and the individual characteristics of a man, it can jump by 15-40% or even higher. The highest level is directly during exercise and after its completion; within an hour the hormone begins to return to its original state.

The reason for this hormonal surge is nerve impulses that go straight from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland and force the gland to secrete testosterone - in the testicles and adrenal cortex.

The body’s hormonal response during sports (that is, the amount of “increased” testosterone) depends on 4 main factors:

  1. The number of muscles that are involved in the work.
  2. Intensity and duration of training.
  3. The correct ratio of the number of approaches to exercises and rest between them.
  4. Initial physical training and experience in sports training.

Testosterone in bodybuilding

Sports doctors and trainers convince: in order to maximize the level of natural sex hormone, it is important to choose special exercises for testosterone. And for this you need to build your training program according to the following principles:

  • Choose exercises that involve several muscle groups (and not just specific exercises from the “how to pump up triceps” series).
  • Give preference to multi-joint exercises (“base”): squats, deadlifts and presses.
  • Focus on strength training. They stimulate the release of testosterone much more than other exercises, such as endurance exercise.
  • Include various elements in the program, including flexibility exercises, cardio exercises, etc. This will not only balance out hormonal levels, but also improve overall health.
  • The duration of classes should be at least 40-60 minutes, rest between approaches - 1-2 minutes.

What happens in the body during sports

Testosterone circulates in the blood in 3 forms: slightly bound and unbound, and only the first two have biological activity (that is, the ability to influence the body).

During sports, the level of the sex hormone in the blood jumps sharply, and biologically active testosterone takes on its daily work with even greater effort.

Receptors sensitive to testosterone (androgen) are found in a variety of tissues and organs - kidneys, nerves, prostate, skeletal muscles, adipose tissue. By the way, today doctors consider adipose tissue to be an active endocrine organ that plays a huge role in the metabolism of hormones, including testosterone.

By binding to the androgen receptor, the testosterone molecule enters the cell and soon moves to the cell nucleus. The “testosterone + receptor” complex intensively performs all testosterone functions (androgenic and metabolic), then the free receptor is selected from the nucleus to the cell surface to again find a ready-to-use testosterone molecule.

The release of testosterone during sports training has three main effects:

  1. In skeletal muscle cells, the hormone stimulates the synthesis of proteins of contractile muscle fibers - actin and myosin. This ensures endurance and rapid muscle growth.
  2. In adipose tissue, testosterone enhances the lipolytic ability of cells, that is, it activates the breakdown of unnecessary fat.
  3. In kidney cells, the hormone stimulates the production of red blood cells, which are a kind of hormonal conductors. This allows testosterone to quickly reach receptors in different parts of the body.

How to Boost Testosterone with Supplements and Steroids

Testosterone and muscles are directly dependent on each other. To build muscle mass, increase endurance, and recover faster after grueling exercise, it is necessary to maintain hormonal levels. There are several options for this.

Proper nutrition is the main key to high testosterone. Unsaturated omega fatty acids (nuts, fish, vegetable oil), zinc, calcium, vitamins C, E, B, etc. There are also special products that increase male testosterone:

  • eggs;
  • beef;
  • legumes;
  • milk (whole);
  • almond;
  • broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

To increase testosterone, sports nutrition should include proteins (shakes, bars).

This drug is taken in courses of 8-10 weeks; combined courses are also used. The steroid ensures the growth of muscle mass, strength, pumping (spectacular relief muscles), enhances recovery processes, and helps to avoid physical discomfort during physical overload.

However, rapid weight gain is largely achieved due to the accumulation of fluid in the body, and after administration the effect disappears (rebound phenomenon).

How testosterone levels help you achieve success in sports

Powerful physical strength, strong muscles, the will to win - all these are signs of high testosterone and the qualities of a real athlete. However, here we are not talking about the level of testosterone itself, but about the effect of the hormone on the body.

Scientists have been studying the question of exactly how much testosterone levels in the blood affect sports victories. Recently, another experiment was conducted by specialists from Emory University (Georgia, USA).

Scientists tested saliva for testosterone from professional runners three times during the marathon: before warming up, after the athletes warmed up, and at the finish line. The level of the hormone in all runners grew steadily even before the warm-up, after reaching the finish line it simply went off scale, but... did not have any effect on the victory. The marathon runner with the highest testosterone was generally one of the last to arrive.

But American scientists do not at all claim that testosterone has no effect on athletic achievements. On the contrary, it improves physical fitness, allows you to build muscle mass, creates the necessary competitive spirit in a man, and strengthens the will to win. And as a result, it helps to become the first.