The meaning of the phraseological unit goes out of its way. Go out of your way. Peeling for normal and mixed skin and all facial skin types

Author User deleted asked a question in the section Wedding, Marriage, Marriage

I do my best, but he doesn’t like it. What to do? and got the best answer

Answer from Olenka[newbie]
Don't go out of your way :)! If you want to be treated like a goddess, act like one! Let him do his best, and you praise him for it, and the more global the flattery, the faster he will believe (scientifically proven fact :)). Put yourself in his place: it is much more pleasant and honorable to SERVE a Goddess who is favorable to you than to accept offerings from a servant “creeping under you.” Please forgive me, I didn't mean to offend.
If you think that you are far from a goddess, you are COMPLETELY mistaken. Leave a profile somewhere on the Internet with your photo, and you will see for yourself that the whole world is at your feet! Just remember that goddesses don’t pay any attention to anyone and don’t reproduce in captivity :))!

Answer from Irinka[guru]
give a kick in the butt

Answer from MONARCHY[guru]
Is it worth trying so hard? why are you the one pleasing and not him? It feels like out of the two of you, only you love. if he doesn’t like a lot of things now, then later he will simply wipe his feet on you and you will be left with nothing.

Answer from Beloved[guru]
If the initial stage is registered, then everything will still wear out, fray, but you don’t need to crawl out of your skin, otherwise there will be no skin left. But if you just decided to try, then it’s not worth it and it will be worse to continue.

Answer from Anel Ah[active]
Find a reason why he doesn’t like it and don’t go out of your way. Didn’t you have fans who went out of their way, and you were disgusted by it.

Answer from Kate[guru]
in my opinion, when they go out of their way, for some reason they are least appreciated. .
no matter how trite, have more self-respect. .
disputes are inevitable. after all, two people with their own views on life... if they have feelings, they pass rather painlessly.
and the screams... Who is screaming? if it is, then it is a bad symptom. .
although the beginning of life can be quite painful, as they say, it is a period of grinding in. .
more love for yourself.. don’t please.. he’s not a master, is he? ?
look further... where the relationship will lead. .

Answer from YASHA!![guru]
forget it, then he’ll notice! the less attention the better! so maybe you already got it? We sometimes behave like “their mothers” - we are all trying to please, but they need to feel like MEN - they are the ones who must please!! and we should like it!!

Answer from Enchanted[guru]
Is it worth going out of your way?

Answer from R.A.[guru]
Burn your skin and turn into a princess

Answer from Yovetik Podochka[guru]
Stop flattery out of your skin. stay in it, is it bad for you “there”, why are you getting out of it?

Answer from Maxim Troshchenkov[guru]
get into the skin... a rubber doll for sexual pleasures if you turn it inside out, you get a rubber man...

Answer from Valentina Burko[guru]
Stop pleasing. He doesn't dislike what you do so much as he likes to be pleased.

Answer from Yoolnyshko[guru]
what are you doing? and what doesn't he like?
Maybe it's better for you to forget him completely since he doesn't pay attention to you

Answer from Just Sergey[newbie]
It can remain itself....


who what

Try your best, show diligence, do everything possible to achieve your goal.

What is meant is that person or group of persons, in case of personification - state, country and so on. (X) strives to achieve a goal, making excessive efforts. Spoken to disapproval. unformedX goes out of his way . Nominal part unism. In the role tale(usually in Ch. proposal, followed by add. proposal with the conjunction so that or with the particle only, as well as in design With opposes meaning like try your best, eh...). Order of component words unfixed

⊙ And one more thing: in opera there is virtually no stage rehearsal period. The director prepares sketches of individual episodes, but their synthesis, sculpting, final clarification of the form - everything happens only at the moment the scenery, costumes, choreography, and light appear. This cannot be done in two or three days, at least get out of your way. V. Mirzoev, The viewer has a myth and needs to work with it.- What am I talking about? - Rabinovich fussed. - Every decent target eats itself. You're crawling out of your skin to get to her, but just barely got there - lo and behold, it’s the other way around. A. Tertz, The trial is coming.

⊛ Others, younger ones, these same modernists, they bend over backwards to come up with something unusual. And I'm an artist. I write about what I see, nothing more. And this is real literature. G. Gazdanov, Princess Mary.

And in the music school there are children who are almost deaf. They play one note on the piano ten times. They bend over backwards to sing - and nothing. L. Gurchenko, My adult childhood.

And he is for them, no matter how got out of your way, was no longer one of us. O. Andreev, Hotel.

Sappers climbed out of their skin to slow down the enemy’s advance: they mined roads, salted wells, and blew up the coastal highway. S. Borzenko, El Alamein.

They demanded that Serpilin at least came out of my skin, and took Rooks by 24 hours! K. Simonov, Soldiers are not born.

⊜ - You went all out, speaking at meetings, if only he would be made the head of the department, but, as it turned out, he did not need this at all. N. Dezhiev, In concert performance.

⊝ “You’re chasing a lazy person,” the father said without listening to the end. - I I'm crawling out of my skin, I work my back at night, trying to earn an extra penny, and you grab the deuces. P. Yakovlev, First student.

Stop yelling! I’m already with these statements I'm crawling out of my skin for you and your shop. I said I won’t sign, which means I won’t sign. V. Sorokin, Dumplings.

My eyes burned with administrative ardor. I was surrounded by students, from whom I was going to make geniuses in 24 hours. I went out of his way to get the paints and materials needed for the school. M. Chagall, My Life.

⊡ Opposition goes out of his way to prove b O/ greater closeness of kinship between Belarusians and Lithuanians than between half-blooded Belarusians and Russians. Russian Bulletin, 2000.

Our little town is arrogant, goes out of his way so that everything is like the big ones. V. Aksenov, Oranges from Morocco.

Isn’t this a scam: PEN Club goes out of his way, defending on all television screens not the writer Pasko, and proudly turns away from the most talented writer Eduard Limonov? LG, 2002.

It cannot be said that everything is clear in the complex background of this most vile affair at Dogger Bank. , but it’s clear why Germany and England went out of their way, in order to unnecessarily confuse the true state of affairs in the case at Dogger Bank. V. Pikul, Damned Dogger Bank.

Image phraseol. reflects the idea that has developed in archetypal forms of world awareness that leather and the body are one and the same ( Wed in some African languages ​​knhomo "body; skin"). Component phraseol. leather correlates with the anthropomorphic code of culture. Leather- one of the most myth-generating subjects. This is due to the fact that it is a direct cover that protects “one’s” self from “alien” encroachment on it. Hence the huge role skin in signs, treatment, customs-amulets, customs-rejection of “strangers” and so on. (Gura A.V. The symbolism of animals in the Slavic folk tradition. M., 1997. ) phraseol. formed by a zoomorphic-anthropomorphic metaphor, likening a person to a snake, capable of “getting out” of its skin. Image phraseol. read against the background of cultural attitudes, according to which a person must always remain himself, not sacrifice his appearance, his “form” for the sake of any goal; A person should not have goals for the sake of which he would change the divine plan. Wed with the biblical text: “And God said: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness” ( Life 1: 27). phraseol. generally acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​someone who makes excessive efforts to achieve a goal. S. V. Kabakova

2. Who [ in front of whom]

Trying too hard to achieve a goal; ingratiate, fawn.

What is meant is that person or group of persons ( X), not caring about his own dignity, tries to earn a favorable attitude towards his efforts from a stronger or more influential person, the public ( Y). Spoken to with disapproval or disdain. unformedX goes out of his way [before Y]. Nominal part unism. In the role tale Order of component words unfixed

⊛ -Who is he anyway? - asked Kiryukha. - What kind of bird? - Chernov? They appointed... - No, he’s a normal guy... but... It’s very noticeable that he wants to curry favor. Straight goes out of his way... He is always in a great mood, so cheerful, he always has a lot of all sorts of ideas in his head, one more crazy than the other, no matter what he undertakes, everything comes out of his head. And he constantly strives to show himself to his superiors, sometimes he will inadvertently look into the office, sometimes he will “accidentally” meet ... F. Neznansky, Sixth level. And as soon as Volodka Martsenyuk and Sasha Bobyr listen to him?.. It’s disgusting to watch how they bend over backwards, so that in the camp you can get into whatever commanders there are. M. Ioffe, One Night.

Well, I don’t know him, or what? He's the same leather will climb, just to please the bosses. ( Speech)

In what nightmare did director Alexander Marin dream that this serious, complex play [by English playwright Tom Stoppard] could be played as a genre comedy? Where did this truly destructive passion come from - to paint almost every word with thick comedic paint? No answer. Andrei Guskov (Professor Bernard Soloway), who was invited to the play, tries his best, crawls out of your skin, in order to make the audience laugh and justify his stardom.... The actor is temperamental beyond measure: he throws himself on his knees, his eyes sparkle, his white-toothed mouth predatorily demonstrates. No one can compare with him, but other actors also play incorrectly. Arcadia, 2003.

⊜ - I remember you then went out of his way, just to prove to yourself and others that you are not who you really are. Then you didn’t believe me that there is no greater joy and greater relief than when you finally stop pretending and agree to be yourself. ( Speech)

⊝ Usually not used

cultural commentary: Image phraseol. generally perceived against the background of the idea that behavior such as when bend over backwards before someone, unworthy of a person; Wed with an expression grovel before someone-l. cm. also a commentary on GOING OUT OF YOURSELF 1.. S. V. Kabakova

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - See the womb...

    History of words

  • - See GO IN HAND...

    History of words

  • - le/zu, le/zesh,...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - -zu, -zesh; climbed, climbed; climb and climb; imperfect 1. for what, into what. Climbing, climbing, ascending, penetrating somewhere. L. to the mountain. L. on a tree. L. out the window. At least get into the loop. 2...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

  • - I climb, I climb; d.n.v. no, he did. climb, past vr. climbed, climbed, imperfect. . 1. what. Climbing, clinging, climbing, climbing. Climb the mountain. Climb a tree...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - climb I nesov. nepereh. 1. Climb, grab with your hands or cling with your feet, climb somewhere. 2. Rise up with effort. 3. transfer decomposition Strive to occupy a higher social, official position...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - I’m climbing, you’re climbing; past lez, -la, -lo; led climb; nesov. 1. Grasping with your hands or clinging with your feet, climb up or go down. His little ones are frolicking all around him, climbing onto his lap...

    Small academic dictionary

  • - try hard, be diligent Wed. We are both similar in fate, If you take a broader look: We have been trying our best to keep up with the censorship. Nekrasov. Songs about free speech. Delivery boy...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Try to go out of your way, try hard, be diligent. Wed. We are both similar in fate, If you take a broader look: Throughout our time we have been crawling out of our skin to keep up with censorship. Nekrasov. Songs about free speech. Bellboy...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - GET YOURSELF OUT. Razg. Express Be diligent, try your best. Lukerya did her best to prepare dinner better, and outdid herself in inventing sauces and gravies that were extremely palatable...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - go out of your way Razg. More often than not. Try your best, be diligent. With noun with value faces: brother, employee... bending over backwards. Perevlesov sang; everyone listened with great attention...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - Razg. To try very hard, to be diligent in something. FSRY, 200; BTS, 148, 491; BMS 1998, 269; POS 14, 295; DP, 512; Glukhov 1988, 80...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings


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“I need to climb”

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“I need to climb” Arkhip Mikhailovich and Pavel Osipovich often flew to test aircraft. In the summer of 1960, there was unprecedented heat on the South Volga in Akhtubinsk. The concrete of the airfield was heating up like a furnace. In the shade, which is difficult to find there, it was about 40 degrees. From the hellish heat above

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Get into trouble

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Peeling for normal and mixed skin and all facial skin types

author Zhukova-Gladkova Maria

Peeling for normal and mixed skin and for all facial skin types Egg-lemon scrub for normal skin Ingredients: Egg shells (crushed) - 1 tbsp. l. Rice flour - 1 tbsp. l.Honey - 1 tbsp. l.Water - 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l. Preparation and use Mix everything

Egg-lemon scalp scrub (for dandruff and flaking skin)

From the book of 300 skin care recipes. Masks. Peeling. Lifting. Against wrinkles and acne. Against cellulite and scars author Zhukova-Gladkova Maria

Egg-lemon scalp scrub (for dandruff and flaking of the skin) Ingredients: Egg yolk - 1 pc. Coarse sea salt - 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l. Lavender oil - 3 drops. Cosmetic oils for the scalp. Preparation and use Mix all ingredients. Apply


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Chapter five. The main thing is not to be clever and not to get ahead! 5.1. Quieter than water, lower than the grass There are many in the world different types people with different characters, beliefs, different thinking. Therefore, approach everyone with the same yardstick and use the same techniques of persuasion with

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All dictionaries Ushakov's Dictionary Encyclopedia of Fashion and Clothing Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language Biblical Encyclopedia Arch. Nikifor Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova) Encyclopedia "Biology" encyclopedic Dictionary Ozhegov's Dictionary Efremova's Dictionary

Ushakov's Dictionary

leather, skin, wives

1. The outer cover of animal (sometimes plant) organisms. The skin was cracked from the cold. All the skin wrinkled. Snakes change their skin. Peel the skin from the apple.

2. The tanned animal skin, freed from wool. Suitcase made of pigskin. There is not enough leather for the soles. Shagreen leather.

Go out of your way ( decomposition) - try hard. “They are trying their best, but the cart is still moving.” Krylov. Frost on the skin - cm. freezing. Goose pimples - cm. goose Skin and bones ( decomposition) - about extreme thinness, about a very thin person. No skin, no face ( simple, vulg.) - about a very ugly person. Maiden skin - cm. deviy.

Encyclopedia of fashion and clothing

It is produced from the skins of animals: sheep, goats, deer, elk, pigs, calves, etc. According to their intended purpose, leather is divided into four classes: shoe, clothing and haberdashery, technical and saddlery (the last two classes are not used for making clothes. For more details, see . Shoe leather; Clothing and haberdashery leather).

(Terminological dictionary of clothing. Orlenko L.V., 1996)

The art of leather dressing has been known since ancient times. IN Ancient Greece Shoes were made from it. Already in the 8th century. BC. gloves were sometimes made from it, but mainly the skin was used for furs for transporting oils and wine. The joints of the leather panels were glued together with resin and tar, and the ends were tied with loops. To preserve a specific taste, wines are still “tarred” in Greece. Leather was used to make blowing bellows, bags, belts, stirrups, saddles, harnesses for horses harnessed to chariots, etc. In the 18th century Both shoes, hats, and pants were made from leather (see, for example, Leggings). Over time, leather was used more and more; the first motorists and aviators were in leather from head to toe Since the 70s. 20th century Leather is becoming a common material for men's and women's weekend wear.

(Encyclopedia of fashion. Andreeva R., 1997)

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Leather (over there) climb- try my best

Skin and bones- about an extremely thin, emaciated person

No skin, no face who simple- about an ugly, thin person

Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikephoros

(Ex 26:14, Job 2:4, Matt 3:4). Leather and its products were in great use among the Jews. The skin was used to make clothes, sandals, and aprons. Subsequently, parchment for writing was made from the skins. Leathers were especially well processed in ancient Egypt. Of course, the Israelis also borrowed this art from the Egyptians.

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)

Leather (over there) climb (decomposition) - try hard.

They bend over backwards - but the cart still doesn’t move. Krylov.

Frost on the skin(plucks, tears, runs; decomposition) - about the feeling of cold.

Horror sent chills down my spine.

Goose pimples- human skin covered with small pimples due to cold or nervous excitement.

Skin and bones (decomposition) - about extreme thinness, about a very thin person.

Her face was pale and very thin - skin and bones.

No skin, no face (vernacular, vulg.) - about a very ugly person.

Well, he has a girlfriend - not a cameo, not a face.

Encyclopedia "Biology"

(skin), the covering of the body of vertebrates and humans. Protects the body from damage, penetration of foreign substances and microorganisms, releases water and metabolic products, participates in respiration, receptor and secretory activity, and in higher animals and humans – in thermoregulation. The skin has 3 layers: epidermis, skin proper (dermis) and subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin. In vertebrates, it does not have a cuticle, consists of a lower germinal, or malpighian, layer, which retains the ability to form new layers of cells throughout life, and an upper layer, which is exfoliated in the form of small “dandruff”, in patches (in seals) or entirely (in seals). snake). In the cells of the epidermis, a keratin protein is formed, which gradually displaces the cytoplasm and nucleus, which leads to the appearance of a stratum corneum, the derivatives of which are the scales and shields of reptiles, beak, feathers, wool, hair, claws, nails, leathery calluses, papillary patterns, horns. The epidermis of fish and amphibians is rich in mucus, sometimes poisonous, glands, the secretions of which facilitate movement in water and on land, disinfect the skin and even protect against predators, for example. in dart frogs. At the border of the epidermis and dermis there are cells that produce the skin pigment - melanin, which gives the skin a certain color and protects the body from exposure to ultraviolet rays. The skin itself, or dermis, consists of fibrous connective tissue, permeated blood vessels, nerve endings, various receptors (tactile, thermal, cold, pain, and in fish also taste), skin glands (sweat, sebaceous, odorous and mammary). Derivatives of the dermis are the scales of fish and the integumentary bones of all vertebrates, for example. turtles. Subcutaneous tissue consists of very loose fibrous tissue in which fat is deposited. It is especially developed in aquatic mammals: whales, seals, as well as in hibernating animals. In amphibians, the skin is bare, devoid of any hard formations, but is capable of keratinization, for example. at the toads. The skin of reptiles is largely covered with horny scales (in lizards and snakes) or scutes (in crocodiles and turtles), but remains permeable to water, for example. In crocodiles, up to 75% of water loss occurs through the skin. Lizards, turtles and young crocodiles have a few skin glands; snakes have their rudiments. The skin of birds is covered with feathers growing in certain areas - pterilia; of the glands there is only the coccygeal gland, which is well developed in waterfowl. Richest in multicellular sweat and sebaceous glands, forming specific glandular fields and organs, the skin of mammals. Square skin an adult averages 1.5–2 m" (depending on gender and height). The thickness of the skin (dermis) ranges from 0.5 to 5 mm, the thickness subcutaneous tissue– from 2 mm (on the head) to 10 cm or more (on the buttocks). Keeping the skin clean ensures its normal physiological activity and prevents the occurrence of skin diseases (see personal hygiene). To maintain skin in good condition, it is also necessary to maintain hygiene of clothes and shoes. Varied skin diseases treated by dermatologists.

  1. go out of your way

    From skin <�WON> CLIMB skin

  2. go out of your way

    see >> try, be diligent

    Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  3. go out of your way

    From skin <�WON> CLIMB. Razg. Express Be diligent, try your best. Lukerya from skin

    Fedorov's Phraseological Dictionary
  4. climb

    "I'm in a loop climb, but she’s funny!” Griboyedov. climb from skin over there- cm. over there. climb on the wall - see wall
    CLIMB, climb, climb; ·d.n.v. no, he did. climb, past vr. climbed, climbed, unsure. (cf. climb).
    for what. Climbing, clinging, climbing, climbing. climb on mountain. climb on the tree
    | into what. Climbing, clinging, penetrating, getting into something. climb into the breach in the wall. climb to the hut.
    boots climbs right onto the seat.
    | To interfere, to intervene in something (simple vulg.). climb

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  5. climb

    I nesov. nepereh.
    1. Climb, grab with your hands or cling with your feet, climb somewhere.
    3. Crawling (about fabric, skin and so on.).
    IV Nesov. nepereh. decomposition
    1. To fit successfully, to fit into something.
    2. transfer To put on something; fit.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  6. climb

    owls get in - get down
    climb- get out (see)
    climb - climb out (see)
    Get in
    and climbed into their bunkers only when the shelling began. V. Subbotin. Breakthrough.

  7. climb

    in the throat (in the mouth). There is absolutely no desire to eat anything. From skin (over there) climb(cm. Leather). Not climb
    Razg. Creep (about fabric, skin). Rotted fabric crawls under your hands.
    climb into a bottle. Be angry
    CLIMB I climb, I climb; climb; lez, -la, -lo; nsv.
    1. Grasping with your hands or clinging with your feet, climb
    V skin. The drill couldn't go any deeper. // Fit, fit into something. The books didn't fit into the briefcase
    to be offended when there is no reason for it. climb in the eyes (on the eyes). Try to be visible

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  8. climb

    CLIMB, zu, zesh; climbed, climbed; climb and (colloquial) climb; nesov.
    1. for what, into what. Climbing
    The shirt is coming apart at the seams.
    climb to someone's eyes (colloquial disapproval) to try to be seen, noticed
    attention. climb in front of the boss.
    climb forward (colloquial) to behave too actively, to become active. Don't get ahead of yourself, what do you need more than anyone else?

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  9. climb

    1. climb
    2. climbing

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  10. climb

    climb, and she's funny! Griboyedov.
    climb from skin over there(colloquial) - try very hard.
    From skin are climbing over there
    At least) in a loop climb to whom (colloquial) - about difficult circumstances, a hopeless situation.
    I'm in a loop
    but the cart still doesn’t move. Krylov.
    climb on the wall (colloquial) - transl. go into a frenzy, into extreme
    He almost climbed the wall after that.
    (Not) climb in your pocket for a word - be resourceful
    during conversation
    This guy won't put his words in his pocket.
    climb into the soul (owl. to get into and climb into) someone

    Volkova's Phraseological Dictionary
  11. get out of your way

    With candles lit, he played checkers with his orderly and climbed out of his skin over there from rage, seeing that the Tatar was beating him (V. Pikul. Bayazet).

    Fedorov's Phraseological Dictionary
  12. climb
  13. climb

    climb, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing

    Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  14. climb

    climb, climbing, climbing; past climbed, climbed

  15. climb

    absolutely no desire to eat anything.
    - no soap in the shower climb
    - from skin (over there) climb
    @ Not climb behind the word
    I. Goncharov, Oblomov.
    [Grigory Prokhorych] ordered Zhilin to take binoculars, climb to the mast. L. Sobolev
    or under something, and also to get out of there.
    climb from under the sofa.

    Both climb under the table, scream, squeal
    Enter, enter.
    - The [line] got caught!
    - he said and winced ---. - Have to climb in water. Chekhov
    inside something
    climb in the closet for a book. climb in the box.

    [Baba] just bowed and reached into her bosom

    Small academic dictionary
  16. climb

    Obsesslav. Same root as climb, Latvian. lẽzêt “to move slowly”, Old Norse. lágr "low", lie down. climb literally - “to move while lying down.”

    Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  17. climb

    Doesn't go into his pocket for words, skin climb, on the wall climb, Not climb to the head

    Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  18. won

    won1, -y (den. units)
    won2, particle (simple and region to over there)

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  19. stench

    stench and. vernacular
    Bad, unpleasant odor; stench.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  20. over there

    I. – adv. “away, outside”, here outside, dial. Wonky" over there", Sevsk., Ukrainian Vonka " over there", etc.
    glory V'n, other Indian local p.un. h. vánē “in the forest” similar to lit. laũkan "away, over there", laukè
    "outside", winnen vin. p.un. h. "weather", similar to ltsh. ârā" over there, out", lit. óras "air
    "without", d.-v.-n. āno, new-century-n. ohne "without".
    II. - decree adv., Russian dial vωn, Ukrainian He " over there

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  21. stench

    STINK and. disgusting, disgusting smell; stink and. church smell, smell in general, but more aroma, odor
    nice. stink, emit stench, emit a bad odor, stink. Don't touch it, it doesn't stink. Vony
    church publishing stink, fragrant, fragrant, fragrant. Smelly, fetid, stinking; stinky

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  22. WON

    1. In 1884-1905 - den. A unit of Korea equal to 100 jeon and 500 punam.
    2. Since 1947 - date. unit of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, equal to 100 chon.
    3. In 1946 - 53 and since 1962 - days. unit South Korea, equal to 100 chon.

    Philatelic Dictionary
  23. there you go

    unknown, unpleasant, etc.). “It’s been a long time since I dined, and my kitchen is low, very nasty...” - “ Vaughn it
    assistance. - Did he ask you?... Vaughn how!... Eh, a head - two ears! Well, what kind of assistance can you provide?.. (V. Bogomolov. Ivan).

    Fedorov's Phraseological Dictionary
  24. over there

    see >> leave
    see also -> outstanding from the series over there to stand out from the crowd over there, get out of line over there, from hands over there, from hands over there Badly

    Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  25. there you go

    sentence, number of synonyms: 7 over there it's like 5 over there what is it 5 over there that 4 that's like 5 like 37 amazing 128 ek 6

  26. that's it

    adverb, number of synonyms: 4 over there like 7 over there it's like 5 over there is that 5 amazing 128

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  27. crawl out of your skin (guts)

    From skin are climbing over there, but the cart still doesn’t move.
    Krylov. Swan, Pike and Cancer.
    Wed. What are you doing, Zhuzhu, in case
    we climbed out of our skin,
    To keep up with the censorship.
    Nekrasov. Songs about free speech. Delivery boy.
    Meanwhile I'm from skin I'm tearing up in vain.
    Krylov. Two dogs.
    See it like a squirrel in a wheel.
    See losing your temper.
    See case.
    See censor.

    Mikhelson's Phraseological Dictionary
  28. over there

    over there climb(cm. Leather). Out of hand over there(bad, bad) (see Hand). From the series over there(outgoing) (see Row). And spirit
    from memory) over there. * Out of sight - out of heart over there(Last.). Whoever remembers the old will have an eye over there.
    ◊ From skin
    1. WON Razg.
    I. adv.
    1. Outward, beyond the limits of something; away. Take things out over there. rush
    from the room over there. Kick out over there.
    2. in function. tale Delete, forget; withdraw, forget. Out of my mind (out of my head)
    soul) over there. Suddenly, suddenly someone died.
    II. intl. Expresses an order, a demand immediately

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  29. there you go

    over there How
    Part I decomposition
    Used to enhance the degree of action or symptom.
    II int. decomposition
    over there What! that's how! over there it's like! that's what!

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  30. that's it

    over there that intl. decomposition
    An exclamation expressing amazement, surprise, admiration and corresponding in meaning to the words: over there How! that's how! that's what! over there what is it!

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  31. stench


    Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  32. that's it

    my yes I... - Yes over there what is it! (Nekrasov. Peasant children). - The Germans stole his mother, places
    I can’t find it... Here you’ll end up in the river. - Vaughn What is it!.. He’s sad, poor fellow,” the elderly fighter sighed knowingly (V. Bogomolov. Ivan).

    Fedorov's Phraseological Dictionary
  33. won

    VONA1 (simple).
    1. places adv. Same as won2 (in 1 value).
    2. particle. Here1 (in 3 digits), there2 (in 2 digits). V. what he wanted! V. I baked so much!
    3. intl. Expression of surprise in meaning what is it like?
    VONA2, s, zh. Currency unit In Korea.

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  34. stench

    STINK, and, w. (colloquial). Disgusting smell, stench.
    | took away stench, and, well (simple).

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  35. stench

    see >> smell, stench
    Publish stench

    Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  36. that one

    adverb, number of synonyms: 8 see what 8 in what 13 that's what 8 look what 8 look what 9 amazing 128 what 13 what 12

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  37. stinky

    adj., number of synonyms: 2 external 33 external 16

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  38. Stink

    Stink, belch, diarrhea, resolve, waste. In the history of the Russian literary language
    for example, Russians: stench, stink, stinking, skunk and Church Slavonic: incense, fragrant (cf.

    Historical and etymological dictionary
  39. voy

    Cm. over there

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  40. stink

    Smell, smoking, aroma.

    Concise Church Slavonic Dictionary
  41. Won

    Monetary unit of the DPRK. Introduced in December 1947 to replace the circulating yen of the Korean Bank. Divided into 100 chon. At the rate of the State Bank of the USSR (January 1971) 100 V. = 74 rubles. 93 kop. (1 rub. = 1.33 V.).

    Big Soviet encyclopedia
  42. over there

    over there

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  43. stench

    stench, -And

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  44. Won

    Currency unit of Korea.

    Numismatist's Dictionary
  45. stench

    Fragrant - smelly
    Aksinya suddenly caught the languid and sweet aroma of lily of the valley
    Sholokhov. Quiet Don.
    Stupefying stench long unventilated room... took my breath away
    Bakhmetyev. At the threshold.
    A decaying stench oozed from the fiord and from the ditch, mixing under the roof with stink dirty

    Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language
  46. over there

    quantitative characteristic, measure, degree. V. you are so strong. V. how many books.
    Vaughn(it) that (colloquial) the same as that's what it is.

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  47. over there

    WON, won, voy, vonoiko, vonoichko, yarosl. bonfire; Vonde, Vondi Yarosl. lower vondeka perm. wonotka
    here, here, here. Won what he made up. Our guys are coming to Vonoiko. Give me the axe, vondeka, vonody! That- won't gets married, that is won't beret
    I wouldn't have known, but that's the one for me won't said. || Locations: away, outside of, away from, outside. I went out over there
    left, walked away, left, left the room, home. He over there looks unreliable. Not to the house, but over there looks
    If only I could get away soon over there. Know the honor of the soldier: warmed up and over there. Lives like over there looks. Neither over there

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  48. stink

    Cm. stench

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  49. stinky

    1. over there
    2. stench

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  1. go out of your way

    Razg. to do one's utmost, to lay oneself out, to go all out; to bend over backwards idioms.

  2. climb

    climb from skin over there

    climb into the pit - descender a una fosa
    3) decomposition (enter, join
    meterse, entrar vi
    climb into the water - meterse en el agua
    climb in the bath - meterse en el baño
    4) decompression

    Large Russian-Spanish Dictionary
  3. climb Russian-Turkish dictionary
  4. climb

    pieces ∙ climb from skin over there decomposition - to go all out, to bend over backwards not climb behind the word
    for a fight; where are you going? rude where do you think* are you going?; ~ over there from skin lay* oneself out
    Impossible. - climb; Sovereign - climb direction climb 1) (on someone/sth.; on someone/sth.
    climb (up, on to) climb on the wall - to climb up the wall 2) (into sth.; under sth.; crawl
    hand) get(into); thrust the hand (into) climb into the water 4) (to someone; to bother, pester) thrust

    Complete Russian-English dictionary
  5. climb

    get in

    Russian-Hungarian dictionary
  6. climb

    Paraga, -panda;
    climb for trouble - -jipalia makaa transl.

    Russian-Swahili dictionary
  7. climb

    verb imperfect like what to do?; nepereh.
    Dietary form: climb, climb

    Russian-Ukrainian dictionary
  8. climb

    1) (top) grimper vi
    2) (inside) entrer vi (ê)

    Russian-French dictionary
  9. climb Russian-Dutch dictionary
  10. climb

    1) (climb) klettern vi (s)
    2) (crawl) kriechen vi (s)
    3) decomposition (interfere) sich einmischen (in smb. in A)
    4) (about hair) ausfallen vi (s)

    Russian-German dictionary
  11. climb

    Cpat se
    drát se
    hrabat se
    michat se
    strkat nos
    tlačit se

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  12. climb Russian-Polish dictionary
  13. climb

    imperf; ks fit in

    Russian-Finnish dictionary
  14. climb

    1) (to rise, to ascend) çıqmaq, tırmaşıp çıqmaq
    climb on a tree - terekke çıqmaq
    2) (enter

    Russian-Crimean Tatar dictionary
  15. climb

    Lipti (a, o)
    lįsti (lenda, lindo)
    kopti (ia, ė)

    Russian-Lithuanian dictionary
  16. climb

    Get out, get out, climb from skin over there- sa skura leztsi (vyluzvazza) he doesn’t reach into his pocket for a word
    yon kishen is at a loss for words climb on the eyes - look at the eyes climb on the rampage - go on the rampage climb
    on the wall - climb onto the wall climb mind your own business - don't bother me - don't bother me on the right - at the throat
    don’t climb into the noose, don’t even climb into the heel climb in the head - climb into the head climb eyes climb into the soul - eyes climb into the soul - eyes climb onto the forehead

    Russian-Belarusian dictionary
  17. climb

    1) (climb) arrampicarsi, salire
    climb on a tree - salire sull "albero
    2) (lower) scendere
    3) (penetrate) entrare, penetrare, insinuarsi, introdursi
    climb through the window - entrare dalla finestra
    penetrate with hand) ficcare la mano
    climb in your pocket - ficcare la mano in tasca
    6) (intervene
    intromettersi, interferire, ficcare il naso, immischiarsi
    climb into a fight - immischiarsi nella rissa
    don't interfere
    molestare, importunare, seccare
    climb with questions - importunare con domande
    climb with advice - importunare con i consigli

    Russian-Italian dictionary
  18. climb

    what's in the throat (in the mouth) boğazından getmir; istaham yoxdur; from skin (over there) climb bax leather; Not climb behind the word
    Nesov. 1. çıxmaq, dırmaşmaq; climb on the tree ağaca dırmaşmaq (çıxmaq); climb through the window pəncərəyə
    çıxmaq; 2. soxulmaq, girmək; 3. qarışmaq, baş qoşmaq; climb into someone else's business başqasının işinə qarışmaq (baş
    başıma olmur; climb in the eyes (on the eyes) gözə girmək, özünü gözə soxmaq; climb in the head beyninə girmək
    başından çıxmamaq; climb into whose soul ürəyinə girmək; climb on the wall bərk hirslənmək; doesn't fit

    Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary
  19. climb

    procurar alcançar, meter-se; (spread - rollback, etc.) desfiar-se; rasgar-se

    - climb on the eyes
    - climb in a bottle
    - Not climb for a word in your pocket

    Russian-Portuguese dictionary
  20. climb

    1. käsipidi minema
    2. kätt pistma
    3. laskuma
    4. peale käima
    5. tikkuma
    7. tungima
    8. tükkima
    9. tüütama

    Russian-Estonian dictionary
  21. climb

    shoes don't fit me - no me entran los zapatos

    climb from skin over there- echar toda el agua al molino
    escalar vt, encaramarse (up); descender (cont.) vt (down)
    climb on a tree - subirse a un árbol
    climb through a wall, a fence - escalar un muro, una valla
    climb into the pit - descender a una fosa
    climb through the window - meterse (entrar, saltar) por la ventana
    3) decomposition (enter, join
    meterse, entrar vi
    climb into the water - meterse en el agua
    climb in the bath - meterse en el baño
    4) decompression

    Russian-Spanish dictionary
  22. over there

    ¤ over there That! - away!
    ¤ over there go there - he go there
    ¤ over there(it) what! -- he from, axis ( won't
    get away
    ¤ over there from here - get the stars
    ¤ from the mind of the head, memory over there- flew out of my head from memory

    Russian-Ukrainian dictionary

Hi all.

Hello everyone.

By the way, have you ever thought that the skin is the same organ of the human body, like the brain, stomach, heart and everything else? At the same time, the skin is the largest, heaviest and most functionally diverse organ.

By the way, have you ever thought about the fact that the skin is the same organ of the human body as the brain, stomach, heart and everything else? At the same time, the skin is the largest, heaviest and most functionally diverse organ.

On this occasion, I propose to talk about skin, or more precisely, about one Russian expression with its participation. Let's start with examples:

On this occasion I propose to talk about the skin, or rather, about a Russian expression with where skin “participates”. Let's start with the examples:

It's always like this you go out of your way to do the best, but it turns out as always.

It’s always like that, you get out of your skin to do the best, but it ends up as always.

He has such a character, as soon as you forbid him something, he will come out of his skin to do it yourself.

That's the way he is, should you prohibit something to him, he will get out of his skin to do it.

As can be seen from the examples, go out of your way means “to try very hard.” Sometimes instead of “skin” they use “skin” and the phrase sounds like get out of your way.

As you can see from the examples, “go out of your way” means “to try hard”. Sometimes instead of “skin” we use “skin” and the phrase sounds like “get out of your skin.”

Another expression with a similar meaning is smash yourself into a piece of cake. “Lepyoshka” is a flat baked product. And “to hurt yourself” means to break.

Another expression with a similar meaning is “to smash oneself into a flat cake”. “Lepeshka” is a flat bakery product. And to “get hurt” means “to smash oneself”.

Yes you are even if you hurt yourself into a piece of cake, you can’t change anything.

Even if you lay yourself out, you won’t be able to change anything.

I suggest you pay attention to one more phrase used today. Usually it sounds like you want the best, but it turns out as always. It is used very often as an expression of disappointment and dissatisfaction with the results of what has been done.

I offer you to pay some attention to one more phrase used today. Usually it sounds like “You want it as better but it ends up as always.” It’s very often used as an expression of frustration and dissatisfaction with the results of what has been done.

I think we can finish for today. I wish you that everything works out for you in the best possible way, easily and without stress, and that no come out of your skin, nor break into pieces You didn’t have any need. 🙂

I think, you can finish for today. I wish you that all you do ends up in the best possible way, easily and without strain, and that you would never need to get out of your skin or smash yourself into a flat cake. 🙂

See you soon, bye everyone!

See you soon, bye everybody!