History of hookah: interesting facts. What is a hookah and which is better? The origin of the word hookah

Hookah(also called Shisha, Huka, Nargila) is a device for smoking special tobacco mixtures with filtration and cooling of vapor through liquid. The homeland of hookah is India; it is widespread in the countries of the Middle East. In Russia, hookah is extremely popular due to the Russians’ love for everything interesting and new.

Many people wonder about the dangers of hookah. Let's say right away that medical research does not deny the harm of a hookah, but claims that its harm is not comparable to a pack of cigarettes, as various narrow-minded authors write about it. The main thing is to observe moderation and not smoke hookah too often.

There is also an opinion that hookah is always used for drug use. No, that's not true. Rest assured, most hookah establishments use special hookah tobacco that is absolutely legal and legal. Those who use hookah drugs are deeply despised by true hookah lovers around the world. Also, hookah is not addictive, with very rare exceptions.

If you do not have sufficient knowledge about preparing hookah, then it’s better to first go to a good hookah establishment, talk to the hookah man, he will tell you in detail what and how to do correctly. Some popular establishments hold special master classes on a regular basis. You can also use a lot of materials on the Internet, but in addition to useful advice, there are also bad ones.

If you are going buy a hookah for home, then immediately decide for what purpose you need it. Don’t be fooled by external beauty if a hookah becomes more than an element of your interior for you. The main thing is smoking properties, practicality and tightness. Also pay attention to the material used to make the hookah; the most popular and suitable is stainless steel.

In recent years, hookah has become an element of modern culture. This is the reason for the appearance of a large number of beautiful and expensive designer hookahs. They not only smoke pleasantly, but also have an unusual appearance.

In connection with the advent of anti-tobacco laws, more and more alternatives to the classic hookah began to appear - electronic hookahs, hookahs with steam stones or nicotine-free mixtures. They imitate the effect of a classic hookah, but are still far from what is desired.

What is a hookah? This smoking device today can be found at almost any party and ordered in many cafes and bars. But not everyone, even experienced smokers, knows where the hookah came from and what history and traditions it carries. In this article we will tell the history of its invention, the structure of the classic device, and also figure out what a real hookah should be like and how useful or harmful it is to get carried away with it.

History of hookah

There are quite a lot of disputes about where, by whom and for what purpose the hookah was invented. Most agreed that this smoking device originally appeared in India and then spread to the West.

There are also versions according to which other nations had something similar to a hookah in their history. The devices could look different, the materials used were also different, but the principle of smoking through it was the same. Who first came up with the idea of ​​​​making a hookah and why is now hard to find, but, in any case, many people liked the invention.

The first hookahs looked significantly different from the devices that people use now. They were made from whatever was at hand: often the hookah flask was made from a coconut shell, the shaft from a piece of wood, and a hollow reed served as a hose.

Naturally, there were many variations. Where coconuts did not grow, other objects, such as pumpkins, acted as flasks. In fact, even today a smoking device can be assembled from whatever is at hand. We wrote about this with our own hands.

Hookah is not the only name for this smoking device. In other countries you can find words such as nargile, shisha, lula, chillim, jajir and so on. The name nargile can often be heard in Turkey, Greece, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and other countries. Translated, this means “coconut,” which is a reference to the first devices that were made from its shell. In any case, at all times and in all countries, the nargile has been a smoking device that allows you to filter and cool the smoke.

In Russia, hookah gained popularity mainly in the 90s of the 20th century, when people began to go on holiday to Egypt and Turkey en masse. There, many tried smoking nargile, appreciated all its advantages and brought smoking devices home. Over time, it became a popular means of leisure for Russians and even a kind of hobby.

How does a hookah work?

The structure of a traditional nargile is quite simple. The main parts are:

  • flask (vessel with liquid);
  • mine;
  • bowl for tobacco (chilim);
  • hose.

Modern hookahs are most often made of copper, brass, and stainless steel. Hoses are often made of silicone rubber. Of course, you can also find more expensive products using silver and gold, as well as designer homemade items made from clay, wood and other materials.

The smoking device must be sealed. When air is inhaled through the hose, a vacuum is created in the flask. The coals give off their heat to the tobacco, which begins to smolder. The resulting smoke passes through a shaft, which filters and cools it, and enters a flask with liquid. There, another stage of filtering and cooling of the smoke occurs, which finally reaches the smoker.

Nargile requires special tobacco, which is sold in hookah shops. It is soaked in aromatic syrup and also contains molasses, glycerin, preservatives, and just a little nicotine. This type of tobacco is called maasel. There are also experimenters who make their own tobacco, as well as those who use nargile to smoke weed.

Special coal for hookahs is also sold. Choosing good coal is an important matter, because a cheap product can easily ruin all the pleasure of smoking. Coals can be chemical or natural.

The flask can be filled with any liquid. Most often - water, milk or juice. Hookah using alcoholic drinks has also gained some popularity. We wrote earlier in our articles about the choice of liquid, as well as how to properly prepare and smoke narghile.


Today, hookah has almost completely lost its original characteristics. The materials used in production have changed, and elaborate designs have appeared to suit every taste. But the main thing is that the traditions and the special sacrament of the smoking process have disappeared. Today, narghile is mainstream. It can be found in almost any club or cafe, where people gather in large groups and smoke one device for everyone, without thinking about the ceremony.

Previously, in the East, hookah smoking was a meditative and also quite intimate process. Not every guest in the house was invited to smoke nargile together. Only close people, as well as important persons, were awarded this honor.

There should be no noise and fuss when smoking a hookah. This is often at odds with modern cafes and bars, where narghile is lit in the middle of a noisy party. Traditionally, narghile is smoked without haste, lying down or reclining, while enjoying pleasant conversations and relaxing music.

Also, Eastern people still treat modern aromatic tobacco with contempt, which sometimes does not even contain nicotine. Traditionally, it is customary to smoke pure tobacco, without various impurities (“tombak”).

The fashion for smoking hookah with alcohol also has nothing in common with traditional smoking in the East. In principle, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes should not be present during hookah smoking. While smoking narghile, it is customary to drink tea or coffee, as well as snack on fruits or dried fruits.

Hookah: benefit or harm?

Many often find advantages in hookah, considering it a useful alternative to cigarettes. After all, hookah tobacco contains little nicotine, so it does not cause addiction. Is it really?

Unfortunately, doctors make not very optimistic statements regarding the benefits of hookah smoking. Despite the low nicotine content, hookah smoke is still addictive and also harmful to the human body. In addition, cooled smoke penetrates deeper into the lungs, which makes the oriental smoking device a dangerous hobby.

Of course, if hookah smoking occurs rarely, in the mood and in good company, then the harm to health is minimal. However, you need to understand that daily addiction to narghile can turn into a dangerous habit, no better than regular cigarettes. There can be only one conclusion here - good in moderation.

Well, now you know much more about the hookah business. We hope that our article was useful and informative for you. And let every time smoking a hookah bring you pleasure and the opportunity to experience the unique atmosphere of the East!

In contact with

Agata Vasnetsova

Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.

A traditional oriental smoking device is the hookah. The smoke inhaled from it is filtered and cooled. The word itself is of Persian origin with Arabic roots. Smoking a hookah is a kind of philosophy, because it creates an atmosphere that immerses a person in the world of smells, thoughts and all kinds of ideas. Today, this exotic device has become popular all over the world.

Smoking hookah

Translated from Persian, hookah means “burning”, “boiling”. Fans of hookah smoking argue that it is important who the smokers are with, and not what the vessel is filled with. Compared to regular smoking, hookah tobacco vapors are cooled - ice is used for this purpose. The smoke enters the smoker's lungs through a pipe with a chibouk, first rising through the liquid. Other names for hookahs (common among residents of Eastern countries): shisha, chilim, bori, nargile.

As it became clear, a hookah is a kind of peace pipe that should unite people behind one action. The process of producing smoke - the charcoal transfers heat to the glycerin-soaked tobacco, which begins to burn, resulting in the release of aroma. Almost every package of modern tobacco contains syrup based on glycerin or honey. It is believed that it is better to use charcoal to produce smoke rather than tablet charcoal, because... the former does not add an unpleasant aroma.


The history of hookah goes back hundreds of years. There are several versions of the appearance of this device. Many believe that hookah originated in India, from where it eventually spread to many Muslim countries. The smoking apparatus was brought to Arab countries from Turkey. It is believed that the origin of the hookah originates from India, but initially the Indians used this device for pain relief. He looked different then, because... It was round in shape and made from coconuts.

Craftsmen of those times competed in art and skill, making this device from silver, copper, brass and even gold. Hookah became especially popular when the fashion for everything oriental began to spread. Some samples were complemented by hand painting. Over time, design options made from glass have appeared. In Europe, this device with a Persian name gained some popularity in the century before last. Although there is a version that the birthplace of hookah is Europe.

What does it consist of?

The question often arises about what is included in the modern version of this device? It consists of a flask for liquid, a tube with a mouthpiece, a shaft and a bowl intended for tobacco. Stainless metal, glass and silicone are used for manufacturing. The structure of a modern device looks like this: tobacco is placed in a bowl, and coals are placed above it. The tobacco in the container does not burn, but when it is blown with air at a temperature of about 200 degrees, the syrup evaporates. Due to this, hookah smoke is formed.

The mixture of water vapor, glycerin and essential oils needs to be cooled - this is the task of the metal mine. The solid material from which it is made absorbs a lot of heat. Final cooling and filtration of vapors occurs using a water filter. During cooling, the essential oils condense and form a thick but aromatic air suspension, which the smoker inhales through the hookah hose.

It turns out that the composition of the hookah is very simple. In this case, the flask with the shaft are the main elements of the device, which are selected to each other for practical and aesthetic reasons. Hoses and bowls are purchased separately, and the former need to be constantly changed. The bowl can also be changed, but purely for variety and at will. The following materials are used for its manufacture:

  • metal;
  • glass;
  • clay ceramics;
  • porcelain ceramics;
  • improvisation: vegetables, fruits, ice, etc.

The flask of the device is a water filter. In fact, you can even use a pumpkin or a plastic jar as it, and this will not affect the taste characteristics of the resulting vapors. Only the aesthetics of the device will suffer from this. As for manufacturing materials, the preferred choice is a glass flask, because... Due to the transparency of the material, it is easier to control the water level. The ceramic option can be beautiful, but it is fragile and inconvenient. There are even plastic and metal flasks - the former are short-lived.

There are a number of requirements for a hookah hose. It should be airtight and have no additional flavors. In addition, a quality product is long and flexible, but at the same time dense and elastic so that it does not bend and block the flow of smoke. The classic design is a hose with a metal frame. Under the influence of components of water vapor and smoke, it quickly oxidizes. An alternative to a metal frame is nylon winding. The most modern option is a silicone hose, which is easy to clean, especially since it is completely transparent.

To make it easier to work with hot coals, you need tongs. Almost all such products are equipped with a knitting needle - not everyone knows about this. There is no point in trying to pierce the foil with it; it is a convenient tool for loosening and stuffing tobacco, as well as piercing fruit. Yet the primary purpose of the knitting needle is to make holes in the crust that forms on the surface of the tobacco.

Smoking blends

The tobacco used for hookah differs from cigarette tobacco. Most mixtures are presented in the form of berry-fruit or spicy mixes. Unflavored tobacco blends still enjoy some popularity in Arab countries. Popular types of hookah tobacco:

  • Flavored muassel (muassil). Literally translated from Arabic it means “honey”. The name appeared due to the fact that honey was previously used in the manufacture of tobacco mixtures. In modern flavored types of mouassel, this component has been replaced with molasses (sugar syrup). The key element of the tobacco mixture is the flavoring agent, which gives the muassel the taste of various seasonings, fruits and other products.

  • Unflavored mouassel. The composition of this product is free of flavorings. The taste is determined by the tobacco leaf or a mixture of several types of tobacco. Sometimes this option is called “tasteless,” although this is not entirely true.

  • Tombak. It consists of several large sheets of tobacco. Before smoking, tombak must be soaked in water to remove the dense central vein. Then, without using a cup, the sheets are wrapped around the top of the device like a cigar. Coal is placed directly on the sheet. The main characteristics of this type are the strong taste of tobacco and high strength.

  • Zhurak. Finely ground tobacco, which is mixed with molasses and sometimes spices. The mixture is placed in a cup with a slide, and the coal is placed on top, without using foil for this. There is an option when the zhurak is laid without a slide - a large cup is used for this purpose.

To describe a tobacco mixture, several parameters are distinguished. One of them is cutting, which can be large, medium and small. In this case, the first promotes strong impregnation, but reduces heat resistance. There is also a characteristic of retting, which refers to the degree of moisture in the tobacco that is provided by molasses and flavoring. The strength of the mixture depends on the level of nicotine in the tobacco leaves. Syrups used for flavoring:

  • apple;
  • cinnamon;
  • menthol;
  • coffee;
  • watermelon, etc.

Effect of hookah

Some argue that the harm from such smoking is equal to using cigarettes, others say that all harmful substances are purified by the liquid used. To find out, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Hookah steam passes through the liquid, as a result of which it is partially cleaned and cooled.
  • While smoking a cigarette, paper begins to smolder, which contains harmful components. This does not happen when using the device.
  • Hookah smoke does not contain harmful metals. There is less carbon monoxide than in cigarettes, but it is there.

Nicotine makes it difficult for smokers to quit this addiction. It is believed that hookahs contain many times more of this substance than regular cigarettes, i.e. dependence arises in this case as well. Besides, water is not such a good filter, especially for smoke. WHO (World Health Organization) believes that hookah smoking is not a harmless alternative to cigarettes and poses serious potential health risks.

Inhaled vapors contain toxic substances that can lead to cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer and other diseases. The use of the device also causes harm to non-smoking members of the company. In addition, after smoking you may experience nausea, dizziness, severe weakness, rapid heartbeat or tachycardia - these are some of the signs of poisoning. In this case, the smoker, first of all, needs fresh air and the help of a doctor.

The released carbon monoxide attacks the nervous system. It was found that smoke passing through water increases the amount of carbon monoxide. This substance promotes the dilation of blood vessels and puts the smoker into a state that is similar to mild intoxication. The effect of this substance has not been fully studied, but it is considered harmful to humans.

Types of hookahs

Traditional instruments have become widespread: Indian and Egyptian. They have an attractive appearance that complements any interior. Some traditional nargile are made from pumpkin or bamboo - they are short-lived, but beautiful and have an oriental flair. Also, depending on the country of production, Turkish, Chinese, Syrian and other bori are distinguished.

Modern models are more practical. They are presented in standard shapes and sizes, but if desired, you can order a custom product. Depending on the size there are:

  • Mini hookahs. They differ in that a rigid pipe is used instead of a flexible hose. Sold complete with a small bag or suitcase.

  • Average. They have a height of about 65 cm. They are often stylized as antique, ideal for bars, cafes and other establishments.

  • Big ones. The height of such devices reaches 1 m or more. Rarely found on sale, they are supplied with a pair of tubes.

The country of origin plays an important role in the choice, especially since on the market there are not only Chinese or Egyptian and Indian products, but also Czech and German ones. Popular brands include:

  • Meduse. Czech-made instruments, the peculiarity of which is that their bowls are made of Bohemian glass using traditional Czech blowing technology. Such smoking devices have an original shape, similar to the body of a jellyfish. The only negative is the high cost.

  • Egeglas. High-quality glass models made in Germany. They are entirely made of glass (borosilicate). There are no metal parts in these devices. They are affordable, but are produced in limited quantities.

  • Khalil Mamoon. Egyptian-made smoking devices are considered one of the most popular. Each device undergoes careful control.

  • Elmas, Demirkan Nargile, El Nefes. Turkish cutlery, which is decorated with a branded cap and interesting painting based on motifs characteristic of Turkey. They are equipped with a glass flask and an original saucer. The outer part of the shaft is made of brass, and the inner part is made of copper. The main feature of Turkish products is considered to be a massive hose - marpuch. It can absorb odors and it is almost impossible to wash this element.

  • Kaya. Smoking vessels manufactured by a German company founded by the Turks. Equipped with high-quality handmade glass bowls. They have good traction due to the wide shaft.

What is the meaning of hookah

The main essence of hookah smoking is to unite people: guests, friends and relatives. The beauty of this process is the following: any method of hookah smoking that brings pleasure is considered correct. A person using a hookah for smoking is in no hurry. The tradition involves relaxing music, a peaceful atmosphere, abstract conversations and a small amount of wine (light). This process is significant in Middle Eastern countries, just like the tea ceremony in China. You can smoke hookah at home or in restaurants and special hookah bars.

Smoking rules

Hookah smoking in some Eastern countries is a real philosophy. The main conditions for this process to be enjoyable are calmness, leisurelyness, moderation, a relaxed body and mind. Depending on whether you smoke at home or in some bar, in pleasant company or alone, take a position that will be as comfortable and suitable for this procedure as possible. Basic rules for hookah smoking:

  • You cannot pass the mouthpiece from hand to hand to other people;
  • the device should be on a low table or on the floor;
  • you need to use only special tobacco mixtures;
  • hookah smoking is recommended on a full stomach;
  • after completing the process, the hose must be wrapped around the device;
  • do not criticize the smoking of others and do not impose your vision of this process on them.

Preparing the hookah

Preparing a device for hookah smoking at home will not take much time. Prepare the tobacco in advance, because... if it turns out to be a little damp, you will need to squeeze it out and wrap it tightly in a dry cloth. In order to be guaranteed to enjoy hookah smoking and not waste time replacing accessories, follow all stages of preparing the nargile:

  1. Before use, rinse all parts of the device with water, except the hose - it cannot be washed with water, just wipe with a towel and leave to air dry.
  2. Filling the vessel. For this purpose, use water, milk, juice or light wine. When pouring water, you can add a little lemon juice, which removes harmful smoke impurities well. To make the taste softer, you can add milk in a 1:1 ratio. For a relaxing effect, add a little wine to the liquid in a ratio of 1 to 3. Add ice if desired.
  3. Next, insert the shaft into the vessel of the device, lower it so that the rod is immersed in the liquid.
  4. Be sure to check the device for leaks. To do this, close the tobacco bowl with your hand and draw air through the tube. The latter will not pass provided that all connections are tight.
  5. Find the side hole on the shaft and connect the hose to it. After this, double check the fluid level and make sure that it does not come close to the tube connection, otherwise the water will damage it.
  6. Place the tobacco into the bowl using tongs. It is recommended to fill the bowl 2/3 full. To prevent the tobacco mixture from burning, use more foil - roll it into 4 layers.
  7. Secure the foil by tightly covering the cup of the device, and make several small holes in it.
  8. After filling the bowl, heat the coal and place it in the middle. To extend the hookah smoking process, place small coals in a circle.
  9. To avoid a metallic taste, place the mouthpiece on the pipe before lighting. Make the first puff small. You can completely smoke a hookah after 5-7 breaths.


In order for the device to last as long as possible, you need to be able to care for it. It is very important to discard the dressing from the bowl and discard the used liquid immediately after the process is complete. Next, proceed to rinsing the apparatus, after which thoroughly wipe the flask. The tube running through the entire device should be cleaned with a brush. After washing, wipe the hookah smoking device dry. It is advisable to store it disassembled or at least remove the hose from it.

How to choose a hookah

When choosing a hookah that will become the central attribute of a cozy party or dinner party, pay attention to the height of the nargile. The optimal option is 70-100 cm. To decorate a stylish interior, it is better to choose a large device. Make sure the metal part of the device is stable. You can check the quality of the assembly by trying to draw air through the tube with the tobacco bowl closed. If this is difficult to do, then the model is sealed properly. When disassembled, check for the presence of seals. The choice of dimensions also depends on the goals:

  • to decorate a stylish interior, choose a device more than 1.5 m high with 2-3 tubes, with crystal and gold plated;
  • for a large company, the height of the device should be 70-120 cm, decor is required;
  • If you smoke alone, then buy a regular hookah with a height of at least 50 cm, which is compact and portable.


Before ordering a stylish, beautiful and durable device, compare the cost of the models to determine the best option in terms of price-quality ratio. The final cost of the device depends on the design, material of manufacture, size and brand recognition. The price ranges from 3-4 to 15-20 thousand rubles. and higher:

Model name

Cost in Moscow (rubles)

Khalil Mamoon Trimetal

Khalil Mamoon Halazone


Meduse Cascada Mono

Kaya PN 480 Coated


At this time, exact data on the time of origin of the world's first hookah has not been found. But the history of hookah interests many people who are interested in smoking it.

In different regions of the world, hookah has different names:

  • Egypt - "shisha";
  • Persia - “narghil”;
  • Albania - “lulava”;
  • Spain - "cachimba";
  • Iran - “qalyan”;
  • Uzbekistan - “chillim”;
  • Africa - "dakka".

The popularity of smoking in this way is growing every day, but the question: “when did hookah appear” remains unanswered. But most modern scientists believe that the origin of hookah has clearly eastern roots.

Versions of the origin of hookah

At this time, there are many assumptions and disputes about where the tradition of smoking hookah came from. According to various versions, it is believed that it was invented in India. But there are other versions that contradict this fact. If you delve into history, you can find interesting facts about hookah.


According to Indian historians, hookah first appeared in India, where it began its rapid spread to the Far East, Africa and European countries. There are still many disputes that the birthplace of hookah is India.

Initially, it was used to relieve severe pain from injuries and fatal diseases, since in those days hashish was used instead of tobacco in combination with medicinal herbs. In order for the mixture to burn, the Indians used resin.

The smoking apparatus was made from coconut, the fruit of the Narcil palm tree, which grows in India. It was thanks to the palm tree from which the smoking apparatus was made that it got its name - “Narghile”. The inner part of the fruit was removed and two holes were created in the shell, a tube was inserted into one of them, and the herbal mixture itself was placed inside the nut. This is the earliest version of a smoking device, which over time was modernized and modified by the Indian people.

Subsequently, the culture of hookah smoking reached Egypt, where the people contributed to the modification of the unit. It was not made from the palm fruit, but from a pumpkin, which was first completely cleaned from the inside. Despite the fact that the hookah was no longer made from walnut, the same name was used.

But the main change was made by the Persians, who were delighted with the new invention - hookahs. They began to make the flask not from fruits, but from clay and other materials, and replaced the straw with a hose made of snake skin, which was more flexible and durable. The hose was given the name marpic (Greek “snake ball”).

At the same time, the discovery of tobacco was made, and the Persians began to experiment with it. To get better results from their experiments, they continued to modernize the smoking apparatus. A tray made of bronze was created, which was attached above the flask and was intended for the tobacco product.

Many years have passed since those times and smoking narghile has become a persistent tradition in these countries.


According to the results of a study conducted at the beginning of the 20th century by L. Wiener, it was found that the American Indians used not only pipes for smoking, as is commonly thought, but also devices similar to hookahs.

The scientist discovered that long before the appearance of narghile in other countries, the American people used pumpkin for smoking. The device was made simply: a pumpkin was scraped out and tobacco was placed in its cavity, after which two holes were made, through one of them people inhaled smoke, and through the other oxygen penetrated into the cavity, which supported the smoldering process of tobacco. In appearance, such a smoking unit is somewhat reminiscent of a calabash for mate tea, also invented by the Indians who lived in the territory of modern Mexico.

According to Wiener, the tradition of smoking hookah reached Africa precisely from America, several centuries before the arrival of Europeans on the lands of the Indians.


In Turkey, the appearance of hookah contributed to the development of new traditions. After its appearance, people began to open hookah bars, which were accessible to all segments of the population, but in the 17th century the Sultan decided that the people
he wastes time spent in the hookah bar pointlessly and created an order to close the establishments. But soon, hookah smoking establishments once again opened their doors to smokers. The art of creating hookahs improved and soon specialized institutions for the manufacture of smoking apparatus appeared.

Over time, the appearance of the hookah changed: now it was made not from clay, as in Persia, but from metals and crystal. A mouthpiece made of high-grade stone or wood was attached to the hose.

Skilled craftsmen made smoking devices that were decorated with elaborate carvings, but unfortunately such models were only available to noblemen. Commoners used ordinary models without any extras.


Unlike other countries, Russia does not insist that the popular smoking device was invented on its lands. This new tradition was brought by foreigners. According to Russian scientists, hookah first appeared together with the inhabitants of Egypt and Turkey.

Previous traditions and the original type of hookah have sunk into the past; modernized devices and new types of tobacco simply had to appear in their place, but still the ritual itself remained unchanged.

Smoking traditions in different countries

There are a great many traditions of hookah smoking. He played a special role in the culture of the Far East. Smoking was considered not just a traditional ritual, but rather an established way of life for every person, since the Eastern people are very principled about observing traditions. Here are a few of these traditions:

Ancient traditions have been replaced by modern ones, which allow us to observe not only the ethics of smoking, but also the rules of hygiene and fire safety. When smoking, it is not recommended to pass the hookah from hand to hand. In order for another person to take the hookah, you need to place it on the surface.When smoking a hookah, it is not recommended to light cigarettes from coals. And in general, smoking cigars or cigarettes during a hookah ceremony is considered bad form.When smoking in a group, it is recommended to use disposable mouthpieces.The hookah should not be located high, it is better to place it on the floor.Do not use tobacco products not intended for for smoking through a hookah. If a person decides to experiment, there is a possibility of burning his throat.

Hookah smoking has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years. More and more cozy hookah bars are opening, where you can pleasantly while away time with friends and indulge in a relaxing oriental holiday. Hookah does not require haste or fuss. This type of smoking sometimes lasts for long hours, which fly unnoticed in a leisurely conversation among the comfort imbued with the spirit of the ancient East.

Hookah is not just a tribute to capricious fashion. This is a real science, a whole branch of traditional life. The history of hookah is rooted in the deepest past. It is imbued with legends and interesting facts. And several countries at once claim the title of “homeland of the hookah vessel.” Let's take a tour of distant times.

Hookah is famous for its ancient history; several countries lay claim to its creation.

An antique smoking device is a special device whose design allows the smoke to be filtered and cooled, which is subsequently inhaled by the smoker. The filter at the vessel is a tube (shaft), on its walls condensation occurs of numerous impurities included in the smoking mass.

What does a modern hookah consist of and what does it look like?

Having a vessel filled with liquid also helps with filtering. Passing through it, tobacco smoke leaves about 40-45% of harmful substances there. Compared to cigarettes, using a hookah is much safer. Since it does not have carcinogenic tars, and the absence of nicotine in the smoking mixture makes smoking easy and enjoyable.

Experts say that you can smoke a hookah device no more than 4 times a week without harm to your health.

The main versions of the birth of the hookah

In modern times, there are a large number of all kinds of assumptions that are shrouded in a heated debate about where the birthplace of hookah is. Traditionally, India is considered the ancestor of the Eastern smoking tale. But historians also provide some other versions that contradict this belief.

Indian origin version

According to the firm belief of Indian historians and archaeologists, those who invented the hookah lived in this mystical country. From the Indian regions, the smoking vessel began its triumphal march across the planet - first conquering the Far East, and then African and European states.

In India, hookah was originally used as a therapeutic procedure. With its help, healers relieved those suffering from unbearable pain due to wounds and illnesses.

In those distant times, hookahs were filled with hashish mixed with various medicinal herbs and aromatic spices. Tree resin was used for ignition. Ancient Hindus used the fruit of the Narcil palm to make a smoking vessel.. This plant species grows only in India. That is why the hookah received one of its common names - Narghile.

What does a traditional Indian hookah look like?

The manufacturing process went through the following stages:

  1. The entire inside of the coconut was removed.
  2. A couple of holes were made in the shell.
  3. A hollow reed was placed in one hole.
  4. The smoking mass was placed inside the coconut.

This original version of the narghile design has been modernized and improved over time. When the hookah reached its fame and became popular among the ancient Egyptians, its appearance was supplemented with new modifications. Instead of coconut, the Egyptians perfectly adapted pumpkin, which was first carefully cleaned of the insides.

But the main and significant ancient hookah designers were the peoples of Persia. They successfully mastered the manufacture of a smoking vessel from baked clay (porcelain), and instead of reeds they used a long hose made from the skin of a snake, which gave it elasticity and the necessary flexibility.

The hookah hose got its name in Persia. They began to call it marpic (which translated means “tangle of snakes”).

By the way, it was at that very time that people became acquainted with tobacco. And the Persians began to actively experiment with it. To get the best effect from their favorite activity, they tirelessly continued to modernize the vessel. Soon the hookah acquired a separate bronze tray where the smoking mixture was placed. It was attached above the flask.

African theory

The founders of this version were the researchers of the African continent Alfred Dunhill and Philip Altbach. During archaeological excavations, they found that the smoking vessel had been used since ancient times by the tribes of South Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe). True, the water pipe used by the tribes was only a distant prototype of a modern smoking vessel.

African water pipe

Researchers also found that many tribes used another type of nargile - earthen. That is, a large pit was used as a flask, which the Africans coated with clay from the inside. Such hookahs were usually smoked by all members of the tribe at once.

American version

At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous American linguist Les Wiener found that the American aborigines, the Indians, used some devices for smoking that were very similar to the nargile. The scientist proved that many years before the appearance of the Indian nargile, the Indians used pumpkin as a smoking vessel. We used it as follows:

  1. The pumpkin was well cleaned from the inside.
  2. Then we made a couple of holes.
  3. Smoking tobacco was placed in the cavity.
  4. Through one hole, people inhaled fragrant vapor, and through the second, oxygen penetrated into the body.

Antique American Indian Tribal Hookah

The incoming air contributed to the process of slow smoldering of the smoking mass. In purely external terms, this device was similar to the calabaza known to many tea lovers (it is used to make Mate tea). This gave the right to believe that the place where the hookah was invented was located in America.

History of Turkey

When narghile appeared in this sunny country, it marked the beginning of new unique traditions. The Turks began to actively open hookah bars, which at first were available to everyone who wanted to relax with a pleasant procedure. But the 17th century made its own adjustments. The then ruling vizier, Halal Pasha, was concerned that his people were spending too much time on empty entertainment and ordered the closure of hookah bars.

But the Turks did not support the ban for long and soon the hookah bars hospitably opened their doors again. Hookah art was rapidly improving, and soon shops producing amazing smoking vessels appeared.

The hookah owes its modern design to the Turks

When figuring out who invented the hookah device in the form in which it is used now, the palm should be given to the Turks. Turkish residents first began to make nargile from metal using crystal. And to make the mouthpiece they began to use high-quality wood or stone. For especially noble hookah makers, vessels were made, richly decorated with ornaments and ornate inscriptions.

None of the modern scientists, historians and archaeologists can determine exactly when the hookah appeared and where exactly. But the fact that this smoking vessel changed a person’s life can be said unequivocally. Since his birth, humanity has found a new type of recreation, saturated with magical aromas and the enchanting atmosphere of the mysterious east.

History of the name

The hookah device, which has conquered the whole world, has many different names. It is interesting that the word “hookah”, which is familiar to our average citizen, is not at all common in other countries. The smoking vessel is called differently in different parts of civilization:

  • Iran: galin;
  • Egypt: shisha;
  • Africa: Dhaka;
  • Iraq: narghile;
  • Türkiye: nardil;
  • Uzbekistan: chilim;
  • Syria: narguile;
  • Spain: cacimba;
  • America and India: hookah;
  • Albania and Bosnia: lula or lulava.

Hookah vessels were filled with various types of tobacco. The richest and most noble people mixed hashish and fruit molasses into the smoking mixture and diluted the mixture with aromatic oils and various exotic fruits. Commoners used plain black tobacco called Tambak. Nargile was lit using ordinary charcoal. Foil and other devices for ignition began to be used in modern times.

The real homeland of hookah has never been established

Smoking mixture

Over the course of history, the smoking mixture has also undergone changes. The first innovations were introduced by representatives of the Arabian Peninsula. They began to add various types of juices and aromatic additives to the water they used. The Arabians also used alcohol as a flavoring agent. But the Russians have introduced the tradition of cooking narghile with fruit. The following were especially popular among hookah lovers:

  • apple;
  • a pineapple;
  • citrus.

But in the Muslim world, fruit hookahs are not at all popular. Another innovation was the invention of a nicotine-free hookah mixture. This was a consequence of large-scale campaigns to combat tobacco addiction carried out everywhere. Nowadays you can find smoking mixtures made from beets, tea, various herbs, and tobacco substitutes.

Curious traditions of hookah smoking

Residents of eastern countries were simply obliged, according to the laws of hospitality, to offer every guest who came to their home to share a narghile with the owner. If a person refused the ritual, it was equivalent to disrespect.

There is a known case when a hookah almost led to an armed conflict between Turkey and France. In 1842, the French ambassador at a reception at the Turkish embassy was not invited to try narghile. France considered this gesture offensive.

Of course, now this tradition is viewed much calmer and more peacefully. Hookah has acquired a lot of interesting traditions, especially in eastern countries. In such regions, rituals are treated with great reverence and respect. Here are just a few interesting foundations:

  1. Only the man, the head of the family, had the right to light a hookah. If a hookah party was held in any establishment, only the owner lit the vessel.
  2. When receiving guests, the head of the house lit the nargile as a sign of respect and respect for the guest. Refusal to nargille in this case was taken as a sign of disrespect for all family members.
  3. According to tradition, residents of the ancient East smoked hookah after sunset. In their opinion, the silence of the night and cool air made it possible to experience all the nuances of a hookah relaxation.
  4. In some regions, when smoking nargile for a long time and leisurely, it was customary to play chess and drink fragrant tea.
  5. The consumption of alcoholic beverages during the hookah relaxation procedure was strictly prohibited and severely punished by law.
  6. If narghile was smoked using apple cider vinegar, the smoker would traditionally snack on the smoke with a juicy apple.

Modern hookah

But the ancient culture has been replaced by the present time. Modernity no longer requires impeccable and strict implementation of accepted traditions. Unfortunately, in a number of modern urban hookah bars, fire safety and personal hygiene rules are not observed at all. Some rules can help you stay healthy. Such as:

  • use of disposable mouthpieces when smoking nargile;
  • It is better not to install the hookah on a high surface; it should be on the floor, which helps to better clean the evaporation.
  • You should not experiment and use products and substances for hookah smoking that are not suitable for this.

The first types of narghile, in comparison with modern sophisticated models, are not as durable and attractive. But it was the ancient flasks made of pumpkin, coconut, and baked clay that became the ancestor of the unique and ancient art and tradition of many peoples.

Most of the ancient hookah devices are precious artifacts and are kept in museums. Well, modern hookah continues to proudly march around the planet, rapidly increasing the number of its fans.