Love stories of historical figures. Beauty secrets, fashion trends, women's stories, love, communication. The story of Odysseus and Penelope

Incredible facts

The lives of celebrities seem like the ultimate dream to us, and their love stories seem like an incredibly beautiful fairy tale.

However, even for the beautiful and famous, not everything is so smooth and cloudless.

Sometimes even the most beautiful love stories suddenly end and find a tragic ending.

Here are 10 celebrity love stories with unexpectedly sad endings:

The most tragic love stories

1. Simon Utley and Petra Nemkova

In a split second, a dream holiday turned into a nightmare for 25-year-old model Petra Nemkova and her 33-year-old lover, photographer Simon Utley.

At the end of 2004, the lovers went to one of the popular resorts in Thailand. The holiday promised to be fabulous.

When a deadly tsunami hit the island, thousands of human destinies were broken in an instant.

Petra saved herself from certain death by clinging to the branches of a palm tree. The model remained in the tree for eight agonizing hours before rescuers finally rescued her.

The girl suffered a fractured pelvis and many other injuries, but she survived, and her lover died...

Simon's body was found 6 months later near the place where the loving couple spent their vacation.

In memory of her deceased fiancé, Petra founded a foundation called The Happy Hearts Fund. This organization was engaged in helping victims of disasters in Haiti and the Philippines cope with the tragedies that befell them.

Michael Todd perhaps became famous for being the only husband of Elizabeth Taylor, whom she did not divorce. And this, indeed, was a feat.

After all, all 7 marriages of the famous actress ended in divorce. Marriage to Michael was the third for the Cleopatra star (she was married a total of eight times) and the third for Todd, a famous Hollywood producer.

Taylor was two years younger than Todd's son from his first marriage. However, the 23-year age difference did not stop the lovers. The relationship between Elizabeth and Michael was always in the spotlight and was surrounded by a lot of gossip and gossip.

6 months after the wedding, a daughter, Lisa, was born into the family.

Despite the negative attention from the tabloids, the couple seemed truly in love and sincere.

Many said that Elizabeth was never happier than when she was with Todd.

Their fairytale was cut short when, less than a year after their wedding in 1958, Todd's private plane, the Lucky Liz, crashed. The plane's engine failed and it exploded upon impact with the ground.

At the end of her life, Elizabeth called Michael “the love of her life,” along with her 5th (and 6th) husband, Richard Burton, and, of course, jewelry.

Celebrity tragedies

3. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

Yes, their relationship was tumultuous, and yes, the couple was notorious for both using illegal drugs.

In April 1994, the whole world was shocked by the news of the death of Kurt Cobain. The famous musician was found dead in his home. He died from gunshot wound to the head. The police confirmed the fact of suicide.

Kurt and Courtney met at a nightclub in 1990. They secretly married on a beach in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1992.

6 months after the wedding, daughter Frances Bian was born.

There are many versions regarding Kurt's death. Some claim it was murder. Others are convinced that Cobain committed suicide. But for what exact reason, no one knows.

At the time of his death, Kurt was only 27 years old. He was in his prime and at the zenith of his fame...

4. Carole Lombard and Clark Gable

Hollywood's "Golden Girl" Carole Lombard met her fate on the set of the 1932 film "A Difficult Man." Her partner in the role was the famous Clark Gable.

But it was only in 1939, seven long years after they met, that the couple connected. Clark and Carol's life seemed like a fairy-tale idyll.

They were madly in love, constantly surprising each other with unusual actions.

For example, after one of their quarrels, as a sign of reconciliation, Lombard sent her husband a pair of doves.

Unfortunately, just two years after their wedding, Carol died in a plane crash. She was flying to shoot an anti-fascist film. Her plane crashed, crashing into a mountain while climbing.

She was only 33 years old. Although Gable later married, those who knew him closely argued that the actor never recovered from the death of his wife. Without a doubt, Carol was the greatest love of his life.

To forget himself, Clark Gable went to the front as a simple private, despite the fact that his relatives and friends were against it.

At Clark's request, after his death he was buried next to Lombard in 1961.

5. Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski

At first glance, it seems Hollywood couldn't have written a better script: In 1964, a rising actress (Tate) meets a promising young director (Polanski).

And although the two didn’t immediately hit it off, Polanski tries her out in his film (“The Fearless Vampire Killers”).

They fell in love while in Italy, and on their return to London she moved into the director's house.

Four years later, Sharon and Roman were married and expecting a child.

Their love story could be called a fairy tale with a happy ending... However, a fateful combination of circumstances cut short this wonderful fairy tale.

Just two weeks before giving birth, Tate was brutally murdered by the criminal group known as the Charles Manson family. After being tied up at gunpoint, she was stabbed 16 times.

Sharon was only 26 years old...

6. Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed

The whirlwind romance between Diana Spencer and her boyfriend, the son of Egyptian billionaire Dodi Fayed, lasted just one short month.

In August 1997, the world was shocked by the news that the beloved princess and her new lover had died in a car accident while on vacation in Paris.

The lovers got into a terrible car accident. Dodi died instantly, but Diana was taken to the hospital with many injuries, where she died a few hours later.

Some sources report that the princess was pregnant at the time of her death, but this fact has not been officially confirmed.

Their fleeting romance remained a beautiful, but unfinished story of great love.

7. John and Jacqueline Kennedy

It was love at first sight. John Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier met at a mutual friend's party.

A year later in 1953, the couple married. Eight years later, Kennedy became President of the United States of America, and Jackie became the third young First Lady in history. She was only 31 years old.

The tragedy occurred 2 years after Kennedy was elected head of state. During a trip to Texas, he was shot several times in the head and neck in an open convertible.

And although Jackie married again a few years after the tragic death of her first husband, she could not forget him until her death.

Nobody could compare with him.

She admitted this in one of her interviews, when she was already old woman. She called the years spent in the White House the best of her life.

Tragedies of famous people

8. Pierce Brosnan and Cassandra Harris

When James Bond falls in love with someone, he marries and wants to spend the rest of his life with that girl.

In 1980, Pierce Brosnan met Cassandra Harris. They were born common child(Cassandra had two children from her first marriage).

After several years of cloudless happiness, the woman was diagnosed with cancer. Brosnan remained with his wife until the end, supporting her in everything.

He went through all the circles of hell with his beloved: several operations, an extensive course of chemotherapy. Treatment turned out to be ineffective. The disease won, and in 1991, at the age of 43, Cassandra died.

Brosnan shared that he continued to talk with his lover even after her death. But the tragedies associated with diseases did not end there.

A few years later, Cassandra’s daughter from her first marriage, Charlotte, was diagnosed with an identical disease.

Pierce Brosnan was next to his stepdaughter until the very end, holding her hand.

Louis XIV (1638–1715) - a great king, a great lover, a connoisseur and conqueror of women's hearts. He went down in history under the name of the Sun King, because in the court ballet he loved to personally perform the role of the Sun. During the reign of Louis XIV, France fell into terrible decline, both material and moral, but under him the glory of France as the center of the civilized world reached its highest peak. And in France they still remember the unselfish mistress of the Sun King, his favorite favorite, about whose self-forgetfulness there have been legends for several centuries.

Louise de La Vallière (1644–1710) was born into an impoverished noble family. She loved nature, animals and especially horses. Love for them became fatal for Louise: in childhood, having fallen from an obstinate mare, the girl broke her leg and remained lame for the rest of her life.

When Louise's sisters began dating young people, she sincerely believed that no young man could love her, a lame and ugly cripple. The girl spent all her time alone, was very shy and modest.

One of the most famous women of the 17th century, Queen Christina Augusta of Sweden, was born on December 8, 1626 in the family of King Gustav II and his wife, the kind and beautiful Maria Eleanor of Brandenburg. Immediately after her birth, the courtiers, hearing the unusually loud voice of the child and noticing the strong physique, ran to the king with the joyful news of the birth of their son. When Gustav was informed of the mistake a few minutes later, the king did not seem at all embarrassed. He fell in love with his daughter so much that he began raising her himself.

The queen was removed from the child, which, however, did not upset her. She dreamed so much about her son that she did not have any special feelings for little Christina. My father, on the contrary, was incredibly happy. He spent all his time with the girl, took little Christina with him to long trips around the country, took her hunting, taught her to ride and did not give her of great importance daughter's frequent falls and bruises. As a result of this, the girl forever remained lame and slightly lopsided, but all this did not bother the happy father at all.

When the Swedish king was killed in the Battle of Lützen in 1632, the question of a new monarch arose in Sweden, but no one seemed to even remember the king’s legal wife. The candidacy of the inconspicuous Maria Eleanor, who had never been interested in the political affairs of the country, was immediately rejected by the Senate and unanimously decided to appoint the young Christina Augusta as head of state. Before she came of age, Count Axel Gustafsson Oksinstern was appointed regent.

French philosopher, mathematician and physicist, Rene Descartes was born on March 31, 1596 in a small provincial French town. His father, a wealthy nobleman, gave the boy a good education, dreaming that his son would become a military man. When the young man turned twenty-one, he went to Holland, and in order to meet the hopes of his loving parent, he enlisted in the army, beginning a military career. It seemed that nothing could change his plans. However, a sudden meeting with the famous mathematics professor Beckman not only caused Rene to leave the army, but also turned his whole life upside down. Descartes left Holland and went on a trip to Europe, visiting the most famous cities, and a few years later he returned to his homeland. At the age of twenty-nine, Rene became a promising young philosopher, who was soon talked about in scientific circles and predicted to have a great future.

However, Descartes' views were largely disapproved, and, anticipating possible persecution, the young man left Paris and settled in a Dutch town, where he began seriously writing his known to the world works on philosophy. Rene Descartes spent about thirty years in a foreign country. At the same time, he founded his own school, which became known as Cartesian (from the Latin name “De Cartes” - Cartesius).

The famous French statesman Armand Jean du Plessis, better known as the Cardinal or Duke de Richelieu, nicknamed by his contemporaries the “Red Cardinal,” was born on September 9, 1585 near Paris. His life was surrounded by legends, secrets and incredible stories that haunted Richelieu until the end of his days.

Until the young man was twenty years old, Arman’s relatives prepared him for military career. However, fate decreed otherwise, and the future duke became a priest, donning the robe of a confessor in the spring of 1607. A few years later, he was presented to the royal court and so charmed the monarch with his brilliant knowledge, oratorical abilities and personal charm that the king awarded Richelieu the honorary Order of the Holy Spirit and made him his bishop. The future Duke was young, handsome and talented. He immediately made friends and made acquaintances with influential figures royal palace and charmed the court ladies with his refined manners, ability to speak beautifully and scatter the most sophisticated compliments. It is known that Richelieu, by the will of his parents, was married to a certain Rosalie de Rochenoir, but lived separately from his wife and maintained relations with her only through letters. Arman did not even think about living together with his wife - his wife was ugly, hunchbacked and so ugly in face that she did not evoke any feelings in her husband other than pity.

In the middle of the 16th century, the Great Mughal dynasty began its rule in the North of India, which was founded by the descendant of Tamerlane and Genghis Khan - Babur. The third to ascend the throne was his grandson Akbar Jalal-ad-din, who went down in history as Akbar the Great (1542–1605) - one of the wisest, patient and fair rulers of the world.

He glorified his rule with pious deeds, reconciled peoples and allowed all religious doctrines on the territory of the country. In addition, Akbar, who could neither read nor write, invited the best scientists and poets, artists and musicians from neighboring countries. People of different religions gathered around him, whom the wise emperor equally respected, believing that only the reconciliation of peoples would lead to the prosperity of the Mughal Empire. There were many legends about the wealth, peace and greatness of his country, and the rulers of other countries sought to get acquainted with the amazing leader of the Mughals.

The life story of the beautiful beauty Bianca Capello (1548–1587), who later became the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, gave rise to many legends and mysteries. It all started when the young Venetian Bianca met the handsome young man Pietro Bonaventuri and unexpectedly fell in love. A few days before, the young man heard about a beautiful girl, and a plan matured in his ambitious head - to seduce the beauty and marry her, receiving an impressive dowry for this. Resourceful Pietro bought bright red clothes, put on a luxurious velvet beret and went to meet the young signorina. Their meeting took place on the stairs of the church, from where the modest and innocent Bianca emerged. The gallant young man shook hands with her and introduced himself as one of the most famous lords who belonged to the old Florentine family of Salviatti.

A few days later, the cunning young man confessed his most ardent feelings to his beloved, and she, sincerely believing in love, listened to her new acquaintance, losing her head. Soon the girl realized that she was expecting a child. Signor Capello was furious and could not find a place for himself. He wanted to bring the insidious liar to justice and assembled a Council to imprison the depraved Pietro. However, while the trial was going on, the young lovers, having gotten married in a small village church, decided to escape. They reached Florence, where the groom's parents lived, and settled in a small house, far from prying eyes. There, the spoiled little aristocrat had to do the hardest work, despite the fact that she was carrying a child under her heart. The husband's parents did not particularly care about their daughter-in-law and often expressed their dissatisfaction, and even after the birth of their daughter, their attitude towards Bianca did not change.

The day July 8, 1545, when an heir was born to King Philip II (1527–1598), was one of the happiest for the Spanish people. And four days after the birth of the boy, the country plunged into mourning - the wife of the reigning monarch, Maria of Portugal, who gave the king a son, died.

Philip's joy gradually gave way to grief: the boy grew sickly and weak. WITH early age Carlos experienced epileptic seizures, hysterics and outbursts of anger were repeated too often, and the character of the young infanta was unbearable. And although many educators and teachers were assigned to him, they were never able to change the insolence, self-will and cruelty awakening in the young prince. They said that he loved to torture animals that his servants brought him from the hunt, and in this entertainment he found special pleasure. He loved to fight, and his slaps often fell on those close to him, who somehow failed to please the wayward heir. One of his contemporaries described Carlos this way: “The Prince of Asturias has unbearable arrogance and is loose in his morals, his reason is weak, he is capricious and stubborn...” One way or another, despite the bad character of the royal son, he still remained the only heir to the Spanish throne.

In the summer of 1558, the coronation of Elizabeth of England (1533–1603), the last of the Tudor dynasty, took place in London, becoming one of the most mysterious rulers in the history of the country, receiving the name “Virgin Queen,” whose life is still shrouded in legends and secrets. “I will prove to the world that in England there is a woman who knows how to act courageously,” the queen said after ascending to the English throne. Thus began the long reign of Great Elizabeth, which lasted more than forty years.

A woman with a strong-willed character, a masculine mentality, and a firm conviction in her principles, Elizabeth was deprived of the femininity and subtlety that so attracted men in other ladies. Short, awkward, red-haired, she was too afraid of beautiful women, bringing closer only ugly women, against whom she seemed quite attractive. Nevertheless, the queen had extraordinary abilities: she knew several foreign languages, was well read, was excellent at mathematics, was an excellent horsewoman and sang wonderfully.

The Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III Ivanovich, married to Solomonia Saburova, had no children for twenty long years. Desperate to have an heir, the prince, after consulting with close boyars, decided to imprison his wife in a monastery, tonsure her as a nun under the name Sophia and marry a young girl of healthy build, so that she would finally bring a son to the ruler of Moscow.

Of the several applicants who were brought to Vasily, he chose the daughter of the Lithuanian prince, the eighteen-year-old beauty Elena Glinskaya, who came from a humble family, but had a beautiful appearance and a magnificent figure. In addition, with her charm, sharp mind, ability to conduct casual conversations and education, Elena was able to conquer the prince and evoke the most reverent feelings in him.

Vasily's marriage to a beautiful Lithuanian woman took place in 1526. They said that he was so carried away by his young wife that, wanting to please her, he often broke the ancient tradition by shaving off his beard. The prince ordered the dull boyar clothes of those close to him to be replaced with colored caftans and bright dresses, and also, at the request of his wife, invited his wife’s relatives and friends to the court. Together with Elena's relatives, her close friend Elena Chelyadnina also came to the Moscow principality, then calling her brother Ivan Fedorovich Ovchina-Telepnev-Obolensky, who was distinguished by rare beauty and courage, was an excellent military man and an experienced connoisseur of women. A few months later there were already rumors that the visiting young man was passionately in love with Grand Duchess Elena, but the ruler of the Moscow principality did not seem to pay any attention to this.

He was called the “knight king”, “beautiful twilight king” and “recluse”, she was called the “blooming flower of beauty”, “Diana the huntress” and “sorceress”. She was almost twenty years older than him, but he loved her so devotedly and selflessly that neither bad rumors, nor strict morals, nor time could extinguish his heartfelt feeling for this amazing woman, about whom legends are still written.

Henry II Valois experienced difficult trials from an early age. He was only seven years old when his father was captured in 1525 and, in order to return to his homeland, exchanged himself for his own sons. Henry and his older brother spent four long years in captivity. When they were ransomed and returned from Spain to England, the young prince forever harbored a grudge against his father. From a once cheerful, good-natured boy, he turned into a withdrawn, taciturn young man. No one could evoke even a fleeting smile from the prince, and Francis I, concerned about his son’s mental health, asked Madame de Poitiers to take charge of his upbringing. “I will make him my knight,” she answered the king’s request.

The most famous painting by the great Raphael Santi (1483–1520) depicts the image of a young and very beautiful woman with huge black almond-shaped eyes. The prototype of the “Sistine Madonna” was Margarita Luti, the most powerful and desperate love of a beautiful genius.

Raphael Santi was born on April 6, 1483 in the family of the court poet and painter of the Dukes of Urbino, Giovanni Santi. The boy received his first drawing lessons from his father, but Giovanni died early. Raphael was eleven years old at the time. His mother died even earlier, and the boy was left in the care of his uncles - Bartolomeo and Simon Ciarla. For another five years, Raphael studied under the supervision of the new court painter of the Dukes of Urbino, Timoteo Viti, who passed on to him all the traditions of the Umbrian school of painting. Then in 1500 the young man moved to Perugia and began studying with one of the most famous artists of the High Renaissance, Perugino. The early period of Raphael’s work is called “Peruginian”. At the age of twenty, the painting genius painted the famous “Madonna Conestabile.” And between 1503 and 1504, by order of the Albizzini family, the artist created the altar image “The Betrothal of Mary” for the Church of San Francesco in the small town of Città di Castello, which completed the early period of his work. The great Raphael appeared to the world, whose masterpieces the whole world has been worshiping for a century now.

Alexander VI Borgia entered world history as the most depraved and immoral high priest among the immoral popes-patrons of the 16th century.

He was born in Spain and received the name Rodrigo at birth. His mother, named Joanna Borgia, was a depraved and frivolous person. It is believed that Joanna’s legal husband, knowing about his wife’s numerous infidelities, did not recognize the born son as his own, and soon left his wife altogether. So, instead of the surname Lensuoli, the boy received the surname Borgia, which became one of the most scandalous in history.

When he grew up, he left his native Spain and went to Rome, where his uncle held a high position at that time. At first, Rodrigo did not even think about becoming a clergyman, dreaming of a career as a lawyer or lawyer, and after some time he completely chose military service. The charming and witty young man had mistresses, many of whom were the spouses of the richest and most influential gentlemen in the capital. It was impossible to think about spiritual rank with such a way of life.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, we decided to remember the stories of the great novels of the 20th century - those that shocked the world and, to one degree or another, influenced modern society.

The most touching and passionate, happy and unhappy novels of famous people, stories of mutual love and ostentatious prosperity, marriages of people equal in their greatness and the most famous misalliances.

Wallis Simpson – Edward VIII of England

The story of the most famous misalliance in modern history received incredible resonance, as the English monarch Edward VIII (1894–1972) became the first and only king in English history to voluntarily abdicate the throne. The reason was a passionate love for a twice-divorced American woman.

It was not even a scandal - it seemed that the end of the world had come and the collapse of moral and ethical standards and foundations of secular society.

The heir to the world's premier monarchy was 36 years old when he met Mrs Wallis Simpson (1896–1986), née Warfield. The woman was married for the second time and lived in London with her husband, wealthy businessman Ernest Simpson.

Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson The fateful meeting took place in early November 1930, when the Simpsons were invited to a dinner party where the Prince of Wales was to be present. Legend has it that the English prince was enchanted at first sight, even though Wallis was not even a beauty. According to the stories of her contemporaries, she was an unremarkable person at first glance, but in her interactions she had an amazing charm.

Amazingly, the lovers did not hide their feelings even despite Edward’s status and Wallis’s marital status. They appeared together on the streets, social events and in restaurants. The royal family did not even think that this shameful hobby would last long. But when it became clear that the affair was dragging on, attempts were made to hide the details of the prince's relationship from the public.

In January 1936, King George V of England died, and Edward assumed the throne. At the same time, Wallis filed for divorce. About the legal union of Edward with an American woman The Royal Family, neither parliament wanted to hear. Edward was given a choice: either the throne or Wallis. His choice was clear: the price for love was the abdication of the English throne.

On December 10, 1936, Edward VIII made his famous speech to the people: “You all know the circumstances that forced me to abdicate the throne. But I want you to understand that in making this decision I have not forgotten my country and empire... But you must also believe that it is impossible for me to fulfill my duty as a king as I would like to, without help and support of the woman I love..."

The couple lived happily ever after, traveled, and wrote memoirs. Their family idyll lasted until 1972, when Edward died of cancer.

Vivien Leigh – Laurence Olivier

The most famous couple of British stage and film actors, Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier, challenged the puritanical England of the 30s when they stopped hiding their whirlwind romance. The difficulty of the situation was that both were married. The spouses did not give them a divorce, and the need to live in sin, deception and an atmosphere of general censure forced Vivien Leigh to give a frank interview to Times magazine, where she honestly outlined the details of her personal drama. The public unexpectedly met the public's favorites who were leaving for America - it was there that Vivienne won her right to play Scarlett O'Hara in the film adaptation of Gone with the Wind.

Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier were not just movie stars, but intellectual actors who achieved the status of great performers. Both shone in theater and cinema, and their love story unfolded on stage and in life - unlike most acting couples, they worked well together on camera and on stage. Thus, they played together in the film Fire Over England (1937) and the classic film version of Lady Hamilton (1941), where Lawrence played the role of Nelson and Vivien played Emma Hamilton. In addition, they were united by a huge number of joint theatrical works. Their tandem was recognized in their homeland as the most outstanding theatrical duet. Lawrence was called “the king of actors,” and Vivienne became a national treasure after receiving two Oscars for her roles as Scarlett in Gone with the Wind and Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire. Her international fame was gaining momentum. The image of the first world beauty and the main British actress, as well as a marriage that was called the happiest among acting unions - all this seemed like a dream come true for millions of viewers.

But there was no happy ending in this love story. The bright life of two wonderful actors was not so cloudless. As you know, Vivien was a woman of incredible inner strength, achieving what she wanted at any cost. All biographers vied with each other to tell how she twice made fateful promises to herself. For the first time - being an unknown actress who saw the famous Laurence Olivier. After the first meeting, Vivien decisively told everyone she knew that she would marry him. At the time it seemed pure madness. The second time she made a loud promise was on the eve of the filming of Gone with the Wind, when the most ambitious film casting in US history was gaining momentum. The first Hollywood beauties dreamed of playing Scarlett; no one believed in the success of the visiting Englishwoman. “Larry won’t play Rhett Butler, but I’ll play Scarlett!” – Vivien announced then.

They said that Vivienne was more practical in all matters than Larry, but, like a true woman, she created the impression that all decisions were made by her husband. A strong character, however, was also her problem - like many great actresses, she had an extremely flexible psyche. Each absence of her husband for filming could end in depression for her, and work on the role could result in attacks of obsession. Her genius, turning into whims and capricious attacks, began to irritate her husband.

After 17 years spent together, Lawrence left her, unable to withstand another attack of hysteria. She was already seriously ill. Many fans of the actress consider Olivier, first of all, not a brilliant actor, but a cowardly traitor - depression aggravated the course of the disease, and Vivien Leigh died of pulmonary tuberculosis in the summer of 1967 in her home in Iten Square in London.

Eva Duarte - Juan Peron Evita is a household name in Argentina and the most famous first lady of the twentieth century. The second wife of the 29th and 41st President Juan Peron, Eva Duarte was an example of an ideal communicator, diplomat and ideological inspirer of the first person of the state.

She was born into a poor family and devoted her whole life to fighting for a better life. Legend has it that the young actress and the colonel became lovers on the very first day they met. Peron, who initiated the military coup, might not have had so many ambitions if not for Eva, who made him believe that he would definitely become the head of government. Peron appeared openly with his young girlfriend, shocking the officers with his relationship with the actress.

After Peron's arrest, October 17, 1945 happened - this date went down in the history of Argentina as the day of “the liberation of Peron by the people.” 5 thousand workers and their families gathered in Buenos Aires's May Square in front of the presidential palace, demanding "the return of the colonel." After such support, Peron began to prepare for presidential elections, having previously married Eva, who immediately left her job in cinema and joined the headquarters of his closest assistants. Peron relied on feminist slogans, and therefore wanted a wife next to him, a presidential candidate, who personified the increased role of women in the modern world.

Love is a strange and complex feeling, sometimes (and more often!) alien to common sense, not recognizing the rules and opinions of others.

Love is a disease that affects the souls and hearts of people, regardless of who they are - mere mortals or stars. This disease often leads to misfortunes and tragedies and ruins human destinies. Love is an all-consuming passion without a trace; to experience it with your own eyes is great torment and suffering. And the ten love stories that we will talk about eloquently testify to this.

The most famous couple of British theater and film actors. The lovers went against public opinion, trampling on the Puritan laws of the country. They were both married, but this circumstance did not stop Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier from loving each other passionately, without looking back. In order not to live in deception, Vivien took a desperate step: in a frank interview with Times magazine, she honestly spoke about her personal drama. And the harsh public softened its anger with mercy: it forgave its favorites.

The marriage of Vivien and Lawrence was considered the happiest among acting unions. However, the ever-enthusiastic public was not allowed to know what was really happening in the star family. Vivienne literally idolized her husband, and every separation from him during filming ended in bouts of depression for her. Of course, this had a hard impact on family life. And one day Lawrence could not stand it: after 17 years of marriage, he left Vivien. By that time, Vivien was seriously ill, and separation from her loved one only accelerated the tragedy. The famous Scarlett died in the summer of 1967 from pulmonary tuberculosis. Until the end of her days, she continued to love only one person - Laurence Olivier...

They dreamed of living happily ever after in love and harmony. But fate decreed otherwise. Keanu and Jennifer have a difficult ordeal: a week before giving birth, while still in the womb, their daughter dies. Of course, it was incredibly difficult to survive. If Keanu still held on, withdrawn into himself, then Jennifer broke down. Trying to numb the pain of losing her daughter, she decided to find solace in alcohol and drugs. It all ended tragically: a year later, Jennifer dies in a car accident. Keanu still keeps the memory of his beloved woman in his heart, but he doesn’t tell anyone about it anywhere...

The novel of the great opera singer and the richest man in the world can be called a story of passionate love and humiliation. Aristotle first saw Mary at a ball in Venice. He invited the singer and her husband on his yacht “Christina” - a legendary symbol of luxury of that time. Aristotle was shocked by Mary's magnificent beauty. (Let's say that the diva at that time had lost 30 kilograms and was in excellent physical shape.) The romance between them was like a typhoon. Captivated by passion, Mary and Aristotle did not pay attention to anyone. Meneghini, Callas's husband, found himself in a stupid position. He, however, was ready to forgive this affair and return her to the family, but it was too late. Aristotle and Mary did not even think of parting: all-consuming love overshadowed their minds. However, some time passed, passions gradually subsided, Aristotle became fed up and showed himself in “all his glory.” He behaved rudely and cruelly towards Maria. Mary, blinded by love, endured everything steadfastly and sacrificially. And then fate dealt her a terrible blow: Aristotle unexpectedly married Jacqueline Kennedy, the widow of the American president. Maria, who had lost her voice by that time, imprisoned herself within the walls of her house. Even Aristotle's later repentance for his actions did not reduce her suffering.

...When Onassis was dying in a Paris hospital, Maria Callas was next to him. And Jacqueline was in New York. Upon learning of her husband's death, she ordered herself a collection of mourning dresses from Valentino...

The whole world watched the stormy romance of these stars with admiration. The love of Elizabeth and Richard was reminiscent of the passions described in the most famous work of F.M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov". Feelings on the verge of losing your mind, unpredictable actions. Madly in love with each other, they seemed to have forgotten about the existence of the family, about the opinion of Hollywood society, which clearly did not like the behavior of the actors. Before meeting Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton was married to actress Sybil Wallace and had a couple of children. And Elizabeth was in another marriage with singer Eddie Fisher. And it all started with the filming of the film “Cleopatra,” in which Taylor played the Egyptian queen, and her partner was Barton. Ironically, he got the role of Mark Antony, madly in love with Cleopatra and accepting death for her sake.

It was as if they were deliberately burning in a crazy fire of love: quarrels, partings, fights. After each scandal, Richard Burton gave Elizabeth diamonds as a sign of reconciliation. He was a man of broad soul, generous and at the same time incredibly temperamental and aggressive. Elizabeth was his match. And it couldn’t go on like this for long: two bears would never get along in the same den. After two divorces and two remarriages, they eventually separated for good. And a terrible blow for Elizabeth was the news of the death of Richard Burton (by that time the star already had new husband). She suddenly realized that she, in fact, had never had a closer and more beloved man...

This love story still amazes everyone with its tragedy and hopelessness. It would seem that the ideal romance of European stars promised a happy fate. But things were different. By and large, this love story could be called a story of human meanness, when high and deep feelings become a bargaining chip to achieve one’s goal.

Romy and Alain were completely different people. She is a sophisticated aristocrat, educated, intelligent, one of the best actresses in world cinema. He comes from the lower classes, one might say, a street child, with rude (as Romy’s friends testified then) manners, a cynical fellow with a pretty appearance. Now it is difficult to say for what reason the brilliant beauty fell in love with such an odious person. However, Romy Schneider was so consumed by passion that she did not pay any attention to Alain Delon’s shortcomings. Meanwhile, he, accepting her sacrificial love, humiliated Romi at every step, openly laughed at the principles of a woman who was used to living openly and honestly. True, Delon’s painful pride did not allow him to admit one thing: as a future star, he was “blinded” by a loving woman, and thanks to her connections, he entered the world of high cinema. Soon they part: tolerating Alain’s betrayal, a rude and cynical attitude towards himself, often reaching the point of assault, was already beyond all Romi’s strength.

But several years will pass when Delon suddenly “remembers” Schneider. And again this will be connected with mercantile interests: Alain’s career experienced a crisis, failures began to haunt him. But, being a man from the bottom, he has a tenacious grip in order to regain his place in the sun at the expense of someone. At his insistence, the director invites Romy Schneider to play the role of a partner in the film “Swimming Pool”. And thanks to Romy’s talent and her luxurious beauty, the film gained worldwide fame. And then he disappeared from her life again.

Until the end of her days, Romy continued to love this man, deliberately ruining her talent and career. She died at 44 from a heart attack.

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt

Seven years of living together with her loved one seemed like a real paradise for Jennifer, which was destroyed by the assertive, strong-willed, knowledgeable Hollywood “predator” – Angelina Jolie.

And Aniston had to, with pain in her heart, with poorly hidden resentment, give up her place in the family “hut” to another woman. And the strong, courageous Brad, as he looks in the films he played, did not at all resist the charms of Lara Croft. And soon he walked down the aisle with her. They say that he even became a vegetarian, forever forgetting about the meat that Aniston cooked.

And no matter how strong Jennifer was from the mental blow inflicted, no, no, and sadness and longing for the old days slipped into her behavior, when she loved and adored only one person - Brad Pitt. This is probably the reason why she is still unlucky in her personal life: she has not yet met a man to whom she would become attached with all her heart and soul.

Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner

Frank worshiped Ava like a goddess. She is one of the brightest stars of Hollywood, possessed unprecedented beauty and some kind of magnetic, bewitching, all-consuming power that no man could resist. Many called their stormy romance a “bullfight of love.” Ava, spoiled by the attention of Hollywood bosses and rich fans, literally played with Frank’s fate and tested his strength. And the most popular singer of the century followed on her heels, forgetting about family and children. Everyone could see that Sinatra seemed to be seized by a love fever, in the attacks of which he wrote the best songs dedicated to Ava. He was oppressed by constant jealousy, and even from this devouring feeling he lost his voice. One day he almost committed suicide when he learned that Ava had started another affair with a bullfighter. The flighty beauty stopped him, firmly promising to return to him.

Such obsession in relationships did its job: they finally got married. However, living together turned out to be real torture, consisting of constant mutual reproaches of infidelity and attacks of jealousy. Both Frank and Ava somehow did not notice that, figuratively speaking, they had burned all the bridges to retreat. They quietly and quietly divorced. And it was a little funny, even sad, to know that even after the divorce they secretly met and continued to love each other.

Then, much later, Frank will have no end to beautiful, famous women. But, according to his bitter admission, not one of them will even remotely resemble Ava - the first and last true love...

Perhaps Paul McCartney is still biting himself. It was he who sent John Lennon to an exhibition of avant-garde painting by the unknown Japanese woman Yoko. Lennon, who does not understand such art, called everything he saw dregs. This attitude towards her “brainchild” greatly outraged the ambitious artist and touched her heart. And soon John was attacked by a frantic and impetuous Japanese woman, who fell head over heels in love with the famous musician and singer. Yoko sat for hours at Lennon’s house, guarded his every exit, and constantly called him. Yoko bombarded the musician with threatening letters and abused the family of the member of the world-famous quartet in every possible way. And one day John suddenly discovered that he was not indifferent to a persistent Japanese woman. Lennon felt a spiritual kinship with Yoko. It turned out that they had the same interests in life and the same views on modern society, which they mutually despised and did not like. Love, like a carousel, spun John and Yoko in a crazy whirlwind. They spent all their time together, never being separated for a minute. And, apparently, Lennon’s all-consuming passion for Yoko was the reason that the famous quartet soon broke up. But John didn’t want to know anything, he was blinded by love and lived literally in one breath, enjoying the presence of the woman he loved. Until the fan's fatal shot...

Marion Cotillard and Julien Rassam

Marillon is one of the charming actresses of world cinema, an Oscar winner who has dreamed of beautiful, tender love all her life. Intelligent, kind, a smart girl I read novels telling about a high feeling for which people sometimes sacrifice themselves, performing noble deeds. And soon she met the prince of her destiny - Julien Rassam. True, Marion’s acquaintances and friends warned her that this love would not bring anything good. Julien was a talented actor, but suffered mental disorders and craving for drugs. With her sacrificial love, Marion tried to save her loved one and revive his interest in life. It was all in vain. Julien, who was suicidal, jumped out of the window right before her eyes. He did not die, but became crippled and confined to a wheelchair. And again, Marion carefully and tenderly looks after her beloved, secretly hoping and believing that a miracle will happen - and everything will change for the better. However, subsequent events showed that this would not happen: two years later, Julien committed suicide...

His death shocked Marillon so much that for a long time she avoided situations that even slightly resembled family happiness.

Moritz Stiller and Greta Garbo

She was a sweet, curvy girl. And Moritz, like the Greek sculptor Pygmalion, had to “sculpt” her into a slender beauty - the future Northern Princess, about whom all of Europe would speak with delight and admiration. Greta became the dream of the famous director Moritz Stiller, with whom he was hopelessly in love. And when she ascends to the Hollywood Olympus, it will suddenly become unnecessary neither to Hollywood nor to Garbo. Moritz will return to his homeland, Sweden, to die in a few months with a photograph of Greta in his hands...

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov are one of the brightest examples of a strong family and a successful creative tandem. Agree, in Russian show business almost every day there is news about betrayals, divorces and scandalous antics of stars. But nothing can be said about this couple - they love each other no matter what!

The artists met long before they started dating. At that moment they were dating other people, but they were able to build warm friendly relations. Alexey and Yulia often invited each other to their concerts, and afterwards they organized friendly parties. No one could have imagined that such good friends would one day become husband and wife! But the artists fell in love with each other, so it was useless to resist feelings and soon all the fans learned that they were connected not only by friendship, but also by a romantic relationship!

But despite the whirlwind romance and declarations of tender love, Alexey was in no hurry to propose to his beloved. According to Chumakov, he always appreciated “unpredictability” in love. And we believe him - who would have predicted that one day good friends would become a couple? And Yulia very calmly told me that the stamp in the passport does not play any role. Fans of the artists were eagerly awaiting good news and details about the wedding, but the singers simply enjoyed their relationship and built their home. But in the spring of 2014, a miracle happened - Alexey and Yulia tied the knot in Spain. Since then, they have been tirelessly proving: love exists and you definitely have to fight for it!


The Union of Artists became an example to follow: they did not invent unusual stories for themselves, did not try to advertise their love for the sake of a career, but simply enjoyed each other’s company and built their lives. Now Yulia and Alexey are one of the most strong couples Russian show business: both have successful careers, and very soon their joint film “I’ll Get Married Urgently” will be released, where they play the main roles - Zhenya and Stas.

According to the plot, Zhenya (Yulia Kovalchuk) is a magazine editor who really wants to get a promotion. She has everything for this, except for one thing - the family audience needs a family leader. Therefore, she had a new task - to get married urgently! And Stas (Alexei Chumakov), a society photographer, decides to help his friend, because he has so many eligible suitors in his file that could be ideal for the role of a spouse. True, Zhenya understands that she cannot take such a step and marry for convenience, and Stas discovers that he is head over heels in love with the ambitious beauty. The film “I’ll Get Married Urgently” can be seen in cinemas across the country from December 31, 2015.

David and Victoria Beckham

The future spouses met at a time when both were at the peak of their popularity: Victoria was a member of the cult group Spice Girls, and David at that time was playing for the Manchester United football club and was fighting to get into the England national team. According to the Beckhams, a spark ran between them from the first minute of meeting, although David had already seen the “spice” on TV and dreamed of meeting in person.

One of the most wonderful moments in the lives of lovers was the news of Victoria's pregnancy. This news was incredibly happy, but at the same time shocking, because the doctors unanimously stated that Victoria would never be able to have children. As life has shown, the couple were able to give birth to not one, but four children: three boys - Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz - and the youngest girl, Harper Seven.

But not everything was smooth in the life of the couple: in 2002, the Beckhams’ happy marriage was threatened due to David’s affair with his assistant Rebecca Luz. Beckham himself swore that this was not true, but only Luss’s imagination. It seemed that the scandal would inevitably lead to divorce, but Victoria’s wisdom and trust helped the family get out of this crisis and start their lives anew. “David swore that he was innocent of anything, I believe him!” - Victoria said, stepping on the throat of not only her pride, but also giving a worthy rebuff to all envious people. After this story, Beckham made a second marriage proposal to the woman he loved, and the couple again took the oath of fidelity and said “Yes” to each other. At the same time, treasured tattoos appeared on the hands of David and Victoria, which translated from Latin mean the phrase “All over again.”

Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde

Stephen Hawking is an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, founder and director of the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge and the most famous popularizer of science. The love story of Hawking and Jane Wilde is a truly powerful, pure, frank love that proved to the whole world that feelings can overcome everything, even the most terrible disease.

Stephen and Jane's relationship began shortly before the still unknown young man was diagnosed with terrible diagnosis- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which led to paralysis. But Jane was not afraid of her lover’s illness, and in 1965 the couple got married. No one knew how much time was allotted for the lovers, because according to doctors’ forecasts, Hawking would not have lived even a few years. But love and life prevailed over the doctor's opinion: Jane and Stephen lived together for 25 years until 1995, when they announced their divorce. During this time, the couple had three children - a daughter and two sons.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

The love of Kate and William is one of the most enviable stories that the whole world watches every day. And not in vain, because from the very beginning the couple attracted attention not only with royal gestures, but also with disagreements, separations and agonizing anticipation.

Kate and William met at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. The prince first saw his future wife in 2002 at a charity fashion show where young Kate participated. After meeting, the couple began to actively travel together, and the press was already talking about a possible marriage, although the lovers themselves called their relationship “friendly.”

Since then, the couple has been plagued by difficulties and separations: reasonable Kate really wanted to create a strong union, but her lover was in no hurry to propose marriage, motivating his actions by the fact that he wanted to maintain his bachelor status until he was 30 years old. Unable to wait any longer, in 2007 the girl decided to break up with the prince, but the separation did not last long: that same year, William returned his beloved and invited her to live at his residence. However, the prince proposed to Kate only three years later, in October 2010, while on vacation in Kenya. The couple already had two children in their marriage: George Alexander Louis and Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

The most talked about and beloved acting couple, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, got married in 2014, but the road to the altar turned out to be long and difficult for the lovers. At the time of their acquaintance, both actors, to put it mildly, disliked each other: Brad considered his partner in the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” arrogant and capricious, and Jolie spoke of him as an arrogant and unpleasant man. But over time, the colleagues found a common language and even more - fell in love with each other. These feelings became a real sensation for the media and a great joy for Pitt and Jolie, but for one person the news about the actors’ romance was shocking and painful: Brad Pitt’s wife, Jennifer Aniston, turned out to be the third wheel. Without waiting for the official divorce of Pitt and Aniston, the lovers' relationship became open and news of Jolie's first pregnancy appeared.

The long-awaited daughter, Shiloh Nouvel, became the first child in the Jolie-Pitt family. In total, there are six children in the family of actors - three natural and three adopted. During the history of their relationship, the couple experienced a lot - from a tsunami of passion to moments of crisis that almost led to a breakup. Brad Pitt was close to his beloved even when Angelina had a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer.

“My wife is sick. She was constantly nervous about problems at work, her personal life, her failures and problems with her children. She lost 15 kg and weighed about 40 at 35 years old. She became haggard, constantly cried and lashed out at everyone and everything. She slept poorly and fell asleep in the morning. Our relationship was on the brink. Her beauty began to disappear somewhere, bags appeared under her eyes, and she began to take little care of herself. She refused to appear in films. I lost hope and thought that we would soon get divorced... But then I decided to act. After all, I got the most beautiful woman on the ground. She is the ideal of more than half of men, and I am allowed to fall asleep next to her and hug her shoulders. I began to shower her with flowers, kisses and compliments. I enjoyed every minute. I praised her to my and our mutual friends. Believe it or not, she blossomed. She became even better than before. I didn't even know she could love like that. And I understood one thing: a woman is a reflection of a man. If you love her madly, she will become him,” Brad Pitt once said. And, probably, every woman will agree that despite all the difficulties and obstacles, there is nothing in the world that can interfere with real feelings.

Tina Karol and Evgeniy Ogir

The short but sincere love story of singer Tina Karol and her producer Evgeny Ogir began with the artist’s creative crisis: at that moment she was looking for a new producer, but found her love. Evgeniy himself recalled their first meeting with humor: “I remember that I was doing some current work. You were in a completely crazy suit with a beret.”

The creative tandem of Evgeniy and Tina immediately bore fruit - a new album, an international tour. Happiness in work was followed by happiness in love - in January 2008 the couple registered their relationship, and in June a wedding followed in the Holy Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Despite the fact that the lovers diligently hid their feelings from the eyes of journalists, true love was visible. Many colleagues who had the opportunity to see the spouses work together were sincerely admired by the power of emotions that Tina and Evgeniy emitted.

Unfortunately, the couple's happiness was short-lived: Evgeniy was given a terrible diagnosis - stomach cancer. He fought the disease for 1.5 years, outstanding doctors from Israel and Germany took on the treatment, but they failed to emerge victorious in this battle. Ogier did not live to see his marriage anniversary with Karol for several months.

“No matter how crazy it may sound, cancer is the most humane disease, because you have time to say all the words of love and gratitude to the person, give him all your tenderness. And you have time to hear the words and thoughts that he wants to tell you. That,